# ‘ BATUKDAT', MAT 4 ,194f T h « W w t h w ATtrat* DBfly CiroiUtkm For at 11. M. WaattMT t4<(a} xwi&^ iSIanri;^0t^r lEpgnlng l|gralb Far «ha Maatk at April. ItM Mostly eloofly wtth 1 . 1 A- ttgiit skowars aai nttk c CapUln Schendel had trained, for Center Church 9,058 tamperatura taalght; shipment to its owner. When he OiieHt Director Mcnbcr of tto Am tH gaaerally fair aad llttls made the call he found no one at About Town Heard Along Main Street' home. He went around to the rear Family Week ' BvroM of Manchester^A City o f ViUqM^tlharm of the house to see if he could lo­ Horseback Riding I fapiti f ot th« Children ot cate the captain and Innocently tk And on Some ofMancheater*$ Side Streets, Too (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENIS ilary Sodality of St. James a are found himself facing a pack of V IS) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAT, MAY 8, 1948 ^c^ated to meet in the those big German Shepherds, He To Start on Sunday and VOL. LXV., NO. 184 •hurch Sunday a f t e m ^ at ^ niavt Hansen o f the C h am ber-fo r the tea. The hot tea from above started to make a run for it but Continu^^ Until Moth­ 'For Your Heailth I’clock to practice for the crowm- figured he couldn't make his truck M ereiis. AU Sodallsts Who g..K . 1 »■' c o lu m n via thj^ Open Ponim in an- saucer. _____ . ahead of the dogs so he opened the er's Dav h o r s e s t o r e n t a n d f o r s a l e ire planning: to attend the Motter nearest convenient door. *11160 he Only Few May Eat and Live ISi*^^fhter •ocinl Bwer to "“f ”n election On* of The Herald s staff mem- that pmdal c^ vote o following a found himself faclng^still another The ’ Center Congregational Ifav 14. should contact Miss tiicBv •a \ t>fh*n f*lavt Oera n»n OCCH tuaiuwinu m •rather »wiswa 736 NORTH MAIN ST., BUCKLAND British Loan Seen Coal Miners’ Strike Officeraf ould bC legal, w hen ^ procedure on, making his group of dogs. church is observing the week from 31oHa Dellafera not la^r ^ an officor^^’ould br legal.! nniHuiMl nrocedure on m By this time he was sweating Jpa Sunday. Tickets for the social brought his reply ^ w J way home afternoons, we arc told May 5 to May 12 as Family Week. as much as he had ever.Jh the During this week special emphasis alll he sold at the rehe*«mi. ropfhs-he said I , by one of his neighbors. It seems write but don t forget to ^ tUert is a tavern i|t the vicln- war. He barricaded himself in a will be placed on the tlirlattan D^srby room, but h^ remained ; y name.” jty of his domicile. Nearly every home. Families are asked to come Start of Program The Ptnes Civic Association will there until ('apt^fi Schendel r e -, So we ll take the Chamber afternoon when approaching this and sit together during the morn­ Enters Sixth Week; meet at the YhICA on Monday ^ turned home and resMied the GI. 1 ing services both Sundays. Liters- 1 Bin* at 8 o’clock. Progress wiP ^ tccutive at his word and com- particularparticular taverntavern hehe makesmakes hishis m ent'orthV c. of C. bulletin mail way to the rear of the building He was assirf-ed that the dogs ^ ture for use. in the, home will be reported on Improving thc/^ark- would not have harmed him, but. on display iii the~vestlbule both! lets in their section of the townwiwii cd to nicmDcriimembers thisinm week. For the. eviaenviyevidently bvso wi«tthat nche won’t have to Menacing field for convenience of Chamber members p,gg the front door. Frank wasn’t taking any chances. 1 days. I and providing a playi If he gets sny more assignments ■ On Mother’s Day, May ?2, a the boys of the nelf' ! who. mav___ _ base their YuiailirJUlbusiness Oilon 'TkairAThere is ntlfsone ikVrAlexception. He cour- ccrtaln dates, anniversaries, holl- ageously walks past the tavern’s like that one Frank thinks he may j family supper will be held in the Idle Above 710,000 re-enlist because it’s a lot safer in ^ church at 5 p.m. A simple meal WASTE PAPER /N o . 1 of the aSyBdsvs nand iiu soo\» on the —bulletin ; carries front door and someUmes even Colorado Senator Crit- Fire Depart a calendar of.... the ___month.'_aw •....twiiinwpointing I drops^ ___ t.. in—on...M the afternoon of -pay the Army. will be served and a collection ‘ Three Survive taken to help defray the expense, __ ____ 3:40 yesterday out these particular dates. day. The Herald man'a route has i icia^ Proposal aa The bulletin this week eairles aroused the interest o f -hts-i»eigh- j The latest type of a money pool, Mrs. C. D. Makepeace is in charge ' ii^raM n i b extinguish a gi-ass of the supper and Mrs. Earl Doeb- I Administration Lead­ fire in t ^ woods to the north of the calendar for May. Glancing bor and he has been wondering' in town was revealed 1 In Vain Break Soviet Trading Freach Hold | “ JSiimonf rl i ” night. It concerned the firebug O. I-Oring Bur\«ell ener is in charge of the dining l^tnwcM drive. through we learn that May 10 is the reason for it. When we told him ers Waiting Impatienl/ the Confederate Memorial Day in what day the pay checks were Is­ who has been terrorising North room. COLLECTION Imponance of sued he seemed to understand when End residents for over a month. G. Loring Burwell. director of Following the supper a short System Facts Spies Chief "Z* North and South Carolina. Now it entertainment will be provided-by ly for Break in De­ For Freedom is ihtecesUng to know those lit­ he found it coincided with the one Seems that someone thought up the well known MendelaSohn Male ^ • I Fuel in Daily Lives; /I day when our man w’ent home the a bright idea of capitalising on the the Church ' School Department. bate for Showdown THE WORD tle things, but we wonder just Chorus of Waterbury, Conn>. who Mrs. A. W. Astley will lead group MONDAY, MAY 6 During War Steel Plam opera- how the knowledge of Confederate front way. firebug. So he ruled out a chart will bring his far-famed musical Being Sought and marked in the hours, 24 in all. singing with songs for all agea FBI Moves Into Alca* Memorial Day in the Carolina.^ group to Manchester for a Joint The program will be over at 7 p.m. Washington, ^May 6.— (JP) ______ , > —:— tionn This Week Arc ||0>ir.l.llil: can be of any possible assistance Now that the Selectmen have and also the half hours. In ail IN THE NORTHEAST SECTION traz to Collect Evi­ recommended the appropriation of there were 48 lines and room for concert with the Beethoven Glee for the sake of the younger mem;» — Senator Edwin C. Johnson Slated Lower I'haii at to Chamber members in Manches­ bers of the congregation. No Satisfactory Replies Up to 50 o f De Wav- ter, Conn, $8,500 for additional trucks ahd 48 names. Club in High School Hall, Mon­ (D., Colo.),-criticized the pro­ dence; Five Dead anc fin in g da»eriba» Eahc person was charged four Reservations can be made at the Help the Hospital — Help Local Industrr’^y Continuing Any PoHat in 1932 We also note that the Chamber workers for the town garbage de­ day evening. May 6. is one of the posed ^,750,00o,000 British Yet Received from rin*s Secret Service partment, the biggest hurdle will bits to take a chance. The sheet church office and should be in by 15 Wounded in Battle our modtm funeral horM. bulletin waxes political this week Diia 10 iBKc ■ . best known chorua diriectors In Friday. May 10. To Save Paper. The Need Has Not Diminished! ' loan toiday as the beginning have____ to be mett wnan.iwi. ^and if,. the was sold within s few hours. Times united States, Moscow on Exclusive Officers Have Been Bulletin! and carries a commentary money is approved in the special ____ .iir> ckt miner and .. : „ The plans Tor Family Week have of a lending program that relationship between the White were given on a slip of paper ana He has directed the Mendels­ San Francisco, May 6.—(JP)— town meeting tonight. after each one was sold, the name j been made by the Commission on Pacts With Neighbors Placed Under Arrest Washington, May 6.—-(/P) House and the bo^s on Capitol sohn Chonis in over 900 concerts Religion'and the Home, consisting may bring “ the end of a great The FBI moved into Alcatras to­ u r k e 01 During the war, when big war of the person was placed in the in all parts of the East. He is and good experiment in de­ — Fresh developments In the Hill. In case you didn’t get a copy wages were being paid by the war of Mrs. Clifford O. Simpson, Mrs. day to collect evidence against of the bulletin or overlooked the line opposite the time on the chart- president of the Atlantic Confer­ Earl Doebner, Mrs.
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