2021 Leader Application

NOTICE: Jamboree leadership requires a serious time and financial commitment. Please review the requirements prior to submitting your application.

Leader Requirements:

• Serve or has served as a /Crew leader (Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor or equivalent youth leader with direct youth contact) for at least one year during the three-year period 2018 to 2021.

• Complete Youth Protection Training within the 12-months before the Jamboree.

• Recommend Wood Badge training by July 1, 2020.

• Participate in a Jamboree Scoutmaster/Crew Advisor Training for the Heart of America Council National Jamboree Committee.

• Commit to recruit and retain a full 36- member troop/crew for the Jamboree.

• Strongly, encourage prospective junior leaders to attend National Youth Leadership Training/On Belay/Kodiak.

• Commit to attend the entire Jamboree and pre-Jamboree tour. Dates to be determined. (Applications not accepted for leaders who cannot commit to the entire Jamboree and pre- Jamboree tour.)

• Commit to hold Jamboree troop/crew meetings on a regular basis.

• Act as the adult advisor for one patrol in the Jamboree troop.

• Be able to serve as a role model of physical fitness with your BMI in line with the national standards.

• Complete Jamboree Leader Application and return it to the Heart of America Council, 10210 Holmes Rd, Kansas City, MO 64131.

• Complete an interview with the Heart of America Council National Jamboree Committee.

• Be approved and formally invited to serve by the Heart of America Council National Jamboree


• Be approved by the Heart of America Council Scout Executive (Scoutmasters/Crew Advisors).

• Agree to pay the Council Jamboree fee.

4/15/2019 2021 Jamboree Leader Application

Last Name:

First Name:

Middle Initial: Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): / /

Name Tag:

Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip:

Phone Numbers: Home: ( ) Work: ( ) Cell: ( ) Fax: ( )

E-mail Address:

District: Unit #:

Current Leadership Position:

Are you currently registered in the HEART OF AMERICA COUNCIL? Yes No

Scouting Experience:

Have you attended a Boy Scout National Jamboree as an adult? Yes No Have you attended a Boy Scout National Jamboree as a youth? Yes No

If yes, in which year(s)?

Why do you want to attend the 2021 Boy Scout National Scout Jamboree?

Have you completed Wood Badge? Yes No Please indicate the course number and date you received your Wood Badge beads:

Please list other Scout training you have completed:

Reference (non-family): Name: Relationship: Phone #: ( ) Name: Relationship: Phone #: ( ) Name: Relationship: Phone #: ( )

If chosen I agree I am able to attend the Jamboree and help recruit 36 youth.

Signature 4/15/2019