CVC proudfy presents the magical CVC students spend Spring musical Pippin Friiday Break visiting Paris*s streets

CVCPranRdoMe StaqrNfchebon plays diat induded The Bald Se^aito and T^e Lorofl in dw Latin Quarter. Art students Tbe IfighlaBd Playen of Oinch StairWriler had a field day in die Louvre and the Orsay Valley College wDl pieteot . la Coooonle. and dM Champs Elyseesi On IB this (Uncted by Bob For reservations; please call 679-l

CoillIlRMll Pa^c

Beer ot ever?


Real Sportt guyt and


Pg. 2 The Highland Cavalier The Highland Cavalier Pg.3

News Student responds to Wadel Create Mr. For LongBoiin& Adams lays out proposals for changing Honor Court system have their picture taken (for obvioiu Eraser Bfianl Classes, Try Tlus: ing jurisdictions Into dcademic and non-aca- this to 22 school days (4 school weeks). elected from each to submit aipictUM of yourself Bite a pend eraser half Hairway ttvough the ckiss. when the Wesley Adams demicareas. The StudentDisdplinaiy Board A major addition to die System diat are a number of reasons behind this recom• to die OKQWJ/. Also, student ofganiza- way ttvough for Mr Erater piofessor letsyou go eut'tnttw hal for Honor SystemCmte Chair I WNdd Ulm to take Ob time to and die Rendence Hall Judicial Board, or the committee wiU propose, is die establish• mendation. One is that it is simply easier lo lions,if you have not at least a group shot Man's mouttx Ihen, using, o 5 minute brsolc MW>UIMyff rqdy toMcUnd a Wadd's edbnd in last Last semester, die SOA Senate cre• some combinaticm of the two, would adjudi• ment of a permanent student defender. The woric axNind die schedules of 8 people to set taken for the yearbook, oootact Sharon your pen, odd hb nose weck'sWjMMCoMiUer.ieganiiig be ated a committee for the pwpose of review• cate non-academic violations. The Honor cuncnt System provides for a permanent court dales. Secondly, by having all 8 Danids at the SEED (jealer. and eyes. WOM7Hii yeaifaook. Hnt of dl. Mi. Wadd was ing Ihe Honor System Constitution specifi• members of die Court sit on all die hearings, Hnally, I wodd like to address mouth reofly movesi Hey oonect when she stated that the 1993-94 Mr. Eraser Maawtyjt do cally, and bow to improve the Honor System it will inovide consistency to the Court in its the fnn&ig issue. I agree widi Ms. yearbook (white bride cover) would be yatNnkoriNsdass? on campus in general. The members of die dedsions. All dedsions on guilt, innooence Wadd diat the funding method can be bettn than the 1992-93 yeaibook (green committee are Honor Court Chainnan Scott and expulsion from the school must be unani• improved. I bdieve that the Qytpost cover). The 93-94 yeaibook is better, if Linton, SOA Vice Fkesideot and former Court mous. for nothing else than it did not have any does need to be subsidizied'by the activ• "All decisions on guilt, innocence and expulsion from the school Chainnan, Aaron Hmiey, Dr. Oary Juhan. There are a number of procedural pictures ofi skulls in Ihe toilet and dnndcen ity fund, bough perhaps at half its cur- Dr. Brian Wills, Scott Hovey, Rick Mullins, must be unanimous, "says Adams. changes proposed aiid many of diem pertain debauchery at dorm loom parties. Com- rentlevd. The activity f\nids would be Pay Attention and myself. Theconumlteehas met regulariy lo the Court's dections and vacancy niles. paredtothat, used toUre and Take NotesI this semester and will present its recom• The terms of justices elected in April will several pic• a fbotogra- HAAAHAHAHAHAMAAAHHAa mended draft of a new Honor System begin on June Isl, while freshmen justices tures of phertotake fmHEBSHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHA Constitution to die SOA Senate and die Honor would begin immediately after the election. Jessie. Ihe "The 1994-95 yearbook St uden t, HAHAHAHAMAAAA-^U(Uk)0. Court by April 5,1995, widi die recommen• Also, a minimum OPA of 23 and good sodd canine de• Faculty, Old Court will handle academic violations, such prosecutor diat is knowledgeable of die sys• dation diat a referendum on die pnqiosed standing would be required of the justices. partment promises to get back to stair photos as forgery Oying). cheating and stealing tem. However, an accused smdent often does constitution be held during the Spring dec- The court win be d)le to fUl any vacancies be chair, are a atnodiaige. (plagiarism). not have Ous knowledge. A permanent de• the standards set in the tions whidi are later this mondL a 2/3 vole radier dian by having a spedd welcome The funds Imagine Fellow Classmates Nakedl One of die problems the current fender would {Hovide an accused student dectioa Hiere should dso be adequate train• sight would also Beyond the atnictiual and proce• Honor System suffers from is diat it can widi an equaUy knowledgeable counsel. 70's and 80S", says Mf. S^llth^[Go to the blockbocBd and tdve problem 3T) g ing required for die Court be used to dural changes proposed, the commitlee has constimtionally take up to 42 scfaocd days ^ Finally, die other m^w stnicturd soi^ to give clearer philoaophy to die Honor school weeks) after an allied violation lakes duoge the committee will propose is reduc• This edito• Wesley Adams. ddray the System. One oT Dr.Juhan's goals for CVC is place and die bqinning of a hearing. The ing die size of the Court membenliqi form 16 rial is not to cost of pro• to revamp die student judicid system, divid- committee's recommendalioos would reduce (12 justices, 4 alternates) to 8 justices, 2 Honor Court, see pg. 5 say that the duction. . 93-94 annual lives up to the excellent Hiose who wanted ayeaibodc could re• campusoaTbesdary,April25, tointerview yearbooks of the TO'sMd SOTs. How• serve one for a fee. candidates in a fuU-time pontion as the Shakespeare tragedy Othello ever, I believe it was an excdlent eflioft Of course, the Outpost 'wno t Education Director. This person is icspon-

for a staff of three or four. Last week's the only area diat recdvesactivit y money able for the homework and tutoring pro- gnms dedfaig widi students grades K-12. Cavalier staff was five times that I diat cmdd be used moie effldeiidy. I !!!!!\VA1^NI^•C;!!!!!!!! to be |M*esented in "Wise County seriously doubt that Ms. Wadd could know dat itBHlgMandCavalleiitB more ANY MAJOR MAY AITLY. Also; fe- production there are both Made and wUte ||MoybehcMaKlouitoiomQmol»iliideolii| mdes and minorities are encouraged to CVC Press Release have done as wdl as Tim Roop in putting oojaes printed than fne ever taken by die COMING sow- CAKEQt^AIR IN peofrie who are radste. ap|dy. Come by or call the Career Services toghcther a yeaibook with that size staff. students, except maybe during die KINGSPORT- The Acting Company's new pro• The Acting Conqiany produc• Center (3284)126) before A|»il 20; to ngn- The 1994-95 yeaibook prom• QLBSA-Oiristian morality dd»te last Student takes offense to Nicholson's IS YCimRESUME READY? duction of Shakespeare's tragedy tion of OTHELLO." Meiropulos continued, upfcraninierview. ises toge t hack to the smdaids set in die year. These untaken copies are simply OTHELLO WiU play in dw J J. Kdly Ifi^ "does not focus soldy on dw lacid aqwcts of WsandaVs. Mmssa CtaipbeU, Kalhy destined for die recycling bia This is comments about "Grunge" Ttosday. April 13. is die big

There have been ssvend quesOonB bnxighl to my attention about the SQA Reflecting on Ihe trip. Dr. Z^awy said.' budget and ihe allocations d funds that are pn»Med to organizalkm Due to I was fanpRssedwit h our group. Theywoe these recent Inqulras lleel that it Is impoitantlo set the record straight before this a coopcnlive gioup and daring-group. For year% SQA admlnlstrallon ends. I itoostongly befleve that students have the exaaq)le. some ttndcnls got lost on dieir right to know how thelrmoney ls.being spent. Any student wanting to see specific way 10 eat dinna bol liad an adventure in expenditures Is encouraged to come by the SQA office, where an extensive Isl anodierlTeacfaicslauranL Oivcn die IxeV' Wll be.posted outside the door. If you have anyquestidns, ptoase feel free to ity of die ti^. die students did leam a lot' come by and ask me. I am your Treasurer, «id I serve the students. The follow• Some swtuderts Uke Shane Adldns said,{ ing Is a breakdown ol allocatkxis for organlzalkins that request funds: IMsisgpeatl I want to g9 back as soon as tHe^^gearoKtagelimins poasililel''iride odicn like Maila Meade l|es, I ivoubC support an area on strictOp enjorrad. Me. mgsdlf and mg fiUl. said. nMs is a lot dUfcrent fimm Soudtwest campus uihich would aOotv the Vfaginia. It was a really nioe trip and I am consumption of ofcohoC. ^ad Ikst I went, bat I do not have a boning 1. Alpha Delta Chi Sorority $2,000 desire 10 relnnL* 2. Hendrix Society $1,500 Students, faculty, and friends diat weal Sean Wasem 3. HistoiyftPMloiophy $1,200 Cole Spencer Carson Hale $1,150 fnm CVC inctade: Suzanne Hubbard, 4. bttenutional Chib Shane Adkins. Kcidi Bishkm. Damaa Car $1,060 5. Society for Creative Anadironinns ler. Heidi Coffin. Jontfer Dixon. Amy $1,050 6. Pi Lambda Phi Ftaysier, Angela Oiay, April Hoosicr. San• 7. PiKiq)paPfai $ 950 dra Hutttcf. Siiraniie Jackson, Suzanne 8. (OghlanderAasociatkm $ 755 Masters. MarilynMaxwdl. BiU Maxwell, 9. Phi Sigma Sigma $ 750 Maria Meade. Sanh Filkenton. Phillip 10. Psychology Ckib $ 675 Shdion, Hannah Shiss, Melissa Stacy. 11. Kq)pa Sigma $ 685 Slephnie Ward. Brian Wills. Elizabedi 12. Residence Lift Council $ 650 Wins. Christy Wolfe. Roman Zylawy. and $ 475 13. Pi Beta Lambda DoealdAshby. 14. MuhiCuhure Alliance $ 256 phu additional expenses pending For an cfdnse students who missed dns trip, Amelia Harris is in die process of pining togedier a trip to Vienna. Austria for next spring, if you are interested, please contact her as soon as poMiUe. The Highland Cavalier Pg. 7 Pg. 6 The HIgMand Cavalier CVC Sporte The real sports prognosticators answer the question: Collage "What do you think of the end of the baseball strike?"

CYC students check out the voDeyball tournament last week. In the last few weeks the GarjrCoUlBS Stacy Nickolson Patrick RalBCB NcUHopwood vrarmer weather has brought out CVC students FlayBirillllll The birds are dniping, the trees are green• Whooppeel Look nliat finaUy decided to Well, the day we finally waited for never m droves. Last week a On Aiail 25ili. Ibe Mi^ Le^ Basebdl ing up. die smell of hot peamits, and die cradc grace us widi it^ presoence. "Kfaior League arrived because, the replaoemeni players are rapidly assembled volley• leason will begun and nobody in America is crf'abaL The baseball strike is over? Sayit basdiall' is here. The owners and players never going toge t to play. Unfottunatdy, die amidpatiiig opening day more Iban me. isnt true! finally got their heads out of dieir keisters. strike has ended and all die greasy scuzzballs ball tournament had no Theie bas been lalk that Ibe fans of die The day dler die longest strike in sports - Wdl I figured das would bqipen once die called professionals are beading back onto trouble drawmg plenty of greatest spoft in the worid are going lo boy• history, I began contemplating how die 0*8 union and die owners got everytlung setded die field. cott baseball.'Not go to any basddl gamea! would win die World Series, but dien it oc- between diem. Lets kwk at what die two sides I'd prefer tose e die players mdi die heart peo|rie. This wedc's cold Yeab.ri^ll curedlome: Baseball is reidly in bad shqie. accomplished in 7 1/2 mondis. play dian die players widi the fat wallets. weather duHildn't stay A baseball game at die stadium is die MLB lacks both a oommissiciier and a Uh?Nodiing. Since die owners and play• These punkolas ruined what could have been closest dung lo heaven diat die sports Tan can coUecdve bargaimng agreement 1 hate to ers didnH get anydong out of tUs strike maybe die greatest year for basdiall ever, and for k>ng and summer is r^ht expetiencewidiout being deadi say it, but baseball mqr strike agon al die end diefMsdid. what, a few more doUats. A group photo of the students who went to Paris last break, around the comer. Besides, peqgle don't go to die games of the year. Let^see, got no World Series, no chance "Oh but we dont want tob e Mmiied in how necessarily for die game; die fan goes to die I hirte die idea of a shortened season be• at watching a possible Triide Crown by Jeff miidi we can make," the players cried. Oh ADX hardat work Imt Vridmy. ballpatk to en^ die occasion, which doen'l cause we wont get lo see a dwee way race for Bqgwdl. no diance at seeing a .400hitter by BOO HOO! I would have been glad to pay always include the action on die field. die home tun record like OrifTey. Williams, Tony Owyim, and no chance at witnessing to watch replacements play. The most diese Sure, baseball could strike at any lime. and Thomas or Owynn's run for .400. Base-, I^rank Thomas, Matt Willims or Ken Griffey guys were worried about is whether or not There has been no agreement of any land ball is buill iqion die plays of diese great Jr. breaking the homenm record. their dream would end lomonow. between playcts and nunagemcoL They just individual efforts. Weil dial seems fair, after all, who are Lately, players have been saying how infonnally agreed to go back to wofk. Basdnll has a lot 10 prove in a short time. diese guys playing ball for? Certainly, not for Sony they are to die fans they disaf^minted Tbe sports fan of today needs lo realize, The strike has made most fans indtfTerent to diefansi Pferish die diought! last year. Ifs tooba d diese same oompassiaii- and I need to realizedii s mysdf, dial baseball the game. Young fans see die players as I for one was anxious to see "iqriacemem ate players weren't diinking about die fans is a business; maybe more of a busioess dian greedy and overbearing. boll' these guys were going to bring us die then. At that point I guess dollar signs were any odier sport in todays wgrid of inflatted Tbe integrity of die game is al4tak& l ody triKst form of baseball we would have seea more important than filled stadium seats. salaries and egos. hope diere will be baseball in October dus AU Oh.weUI Atleast wecanseedie •red- I doni doubt pec^e will turn oitf to see All I know is diat the boys of summer are year. H^, I am a big Orioles fan! Lets go mqor leaguers till next August when diey baseball again but remember, history is badcandlloveillllll Orioles. BABYI decide to strike agaia doomed to rqieat itsdfl Gordon wins his third race at Bristol raceway |C¥C golf team laden with Seniors City 500, was responsible for The tern p^ttdpAttMl'iii-^dact iooma Scott LHtoB bringing out the first caution pmrlefMmlgim Staff Writer nieote dds nason. Tfm matches were s flag. The yellow came out as BtairWritw Hneasde iUi teaitod. 'Hie 'mai^ werea Earnhardt attempted to pass Jeff toolc the check• This year's CVC Oolf Team Awdd be nncasdeGaui«tyCh4»,tM VSSltCC.mi Gordon during lap 117. ered flag Sunday at the Food City rary suecessfdl. Fttst year ooodi Jimmy W, Bam noito in later April. consecutive win for Chevrdet. When the green flag fell, Rusty kMvls (Sr.), add one iwderrlftBsman. Josh The Cava hope to didlMge powei SSMONEVSS $$MONEy$$ SSMONEVSS The race began with Marie Wallace took coimnand of the lead boose Ttiscultimtt for die tide. Martin seting the pace for the and reamined in the lead for a With SIGI PLUS computerized career planning you can WHO: StodmttivHfenRiKWiiMdfCnnaRMMki sdnof li DM molrad. entire field. Gordon started sec• good part of the race. The day's (k>rdon, not cmly because he The battle for the 1995 Win• find out Icey facts on hundreds of professions. You can feaefkMcWtUMUyliJ ond, but was content to ride the major crash began by Ted seized his third virtory of the ston Cup Championship inten- Mtisgrave tnunplng Jc^ An- check salaries and empl^nnent opportunities, find out the WHAT: S«minitrwwksiiidy|l»eartltMrcdtnrwiDrkSlt*rPM^ shotgun position until almost season, but this was his first win sifed with the 25th place finish haUway tlurough the race. dretd in turn three. at a short track. of points leader . skills you need. You can even get samples of different kinds HOUh CeM*rtitoiyHic««imlatlMOfficia(SliiMna*KMMea«r This set up a chain reacdon of The top five points leaders Mm Ana tt. IMS An eariy charge to the front The remaining top five fin• of resumes to write. See what's waitii^g for you out there. was made by and Rusty wrecks among other drivers Just ishers were as follows: Rusty Wal• are as follows: Dale Earnhardt Stop in at your coulvelor's offke now. Wallace^ and. con• l)ehind Musgrave and Andretd. lace, , Bobby Ha• 948, Steriing Mariin 931, Mark tinued to swty} the lead back and Kyle Petty, who made a strong milton, and . Chev• Martin 795, Jdf Gordtm 794, and forth until the first caution came charge to the front in the eariy rolet cUnched its sbcth NASCAR 789. The NAS• CAR series resumes its sched• COMPUTERIZED out. going, had to retire at lap 276 Vyflnston Cup victory and extended SSMONEVSS SSMONEVSS SSMONEVSS Dale Earnhardt thie seven time after trying to breakdown the its lead over Ford in the race ftn- ule next Sunday at North CAREER PLANNING Wllkesboro with the nmning NASCAR Champion and defend- wall hi turn two. the Manufacturer's Champitm- of the Tyson-Holly Farms 400. (i\iblidwr, Insert counselor^ hig cham^on of last year's Food It was a spedaPday for Jeff ship. office number here)

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