CVC proudfy presents the magical CVC students spend Spring musical Pippin Friiday Break visiting Paris*s streets CVCPranRdoMe StaqrNfchebon plays diat induded The Bald Se^aito and T^e Lorofl in dw Latin Quarter. Art students Tbe IfighlaBd Playen of Oinch StairWriler had a field day in die Louvre and the Orsay Valley College wDl pieteot <!» mnacal IV museums. K^isic students had die oppcrtu- pfn April 7»?,\A,\S ax Ihe coB^ dieabe. While moat students went home or to nity to see live performances at such famous Apiil'9 is a matiaMS begiaoiiig « 2:00 pm. Daytana Beach for Spring Break, a ponp of stttdento from CVC cqoyed a week in Paris. churdics. as' Montmartre. .AB odm perfonnanoes will begin at 8.-00 The CVC productian 8tan;a<cast of 20 France. The trip, headed up by CVC profes• CVC students also discovered howcos- ihaip: ooO^ and oommunity actors and singers. sor of Htcnch Roman Zytawy. induded stu• mcqntitanPtsris really was. Shane Adkins. a /V/pAi, wiittcn by Stephen Sdnrartz Soren Bakken, a sopixanore at Clinch dents from several different areas of study: junior from Codmm. discovered dutt there wd RogcrlSnoa. follows dw life of die son Vdley CMegt. wiU phy die dde role. inchiding French, art and music. was no language barrier when it came to die of CaHricmapw. Pippin atttmpti to find PkqMation for die trip induded a dass of worid's oMest profession. *niiis prostitute ^diy fiist in war. thai as Marie Salyer rettms to CVC as a guest introductory French and French culture. propoationed me, but 1 couldn't understand director while Dr. Michael Donadian wiU « T h 18 a |ov„, finally as a Students were oriented to die Plsris Metro her. So she used some hand gestures to sdl muiic direct •» • levolndonaiy. however system and on some of die nghts they woiM hersdf. but 1 declined." real M- noHnng seems to bring see both as a groop and on their own. Besides the famous monuments and TUs cast is a real exan^ie of dte num• ample of him ulisf action, The group left Cincinnati on March 11 museums of Paris like dw Bffd Tower, die ber of talented people we have in das area." tkemun- The original and after a layover in Detroit, tbe group group ventured outside die dty to see die says Efonathan. a veteran music director bnded at die Acroport Charies de Oanlle just famous chateaux of die Loire River Valley andoondnctw. outside of Rvis. lliey were met by dieir tour Uke die chateau Oiandwurg. Hiere, students duectorStephanieLeOrand. MariaMeade.a saw die famous carriages that were buOt for Sdyer addi "We've tried to pot logedier junior from Coebum, was already taken in by die uncrowned Henri V. who never became an entertaining evening and. widi the help Rcnch men sayii^. Itcnch men are beauti- kiqg because of a military leader who left die of a great cast and crew.! dank Pippin is full They are truly ronumticl" . counny before die coup d'etat that would going to be a woddeifblly fun show.** The first day was by no means a day of have made Kim die monaidL Versailles, Broadway production rchnatioa After a few hours of relaxation, home of Lods XIV and a very famous treaty, Tickets for die production are $&00 for e n t e d of/^(pfiin wasaneoTdie the gnwp went on a walking tour diat in• was also a place visited by the group. The Ipeople longest naming shows adidls; $3.00 for students, and CVC stu- duded Rtcsident MittenuMT s'house. Place de group returned hack to CVC on March 20. we iMTe of fl^ j970'g. grigi- be adndued five will a valid IX>. la Coooonle. and dM Champs Elyseesi On IB this (Uncted by Bob For reservations; please call 679-l<i72. ottier days, the FBcnch Students cai^t some Paris, see pg. 5 area," Fi)8se.itslandB9iVcr- • a y s een.M a«ybiii^and Doodfaaa. Irene Ryan, her last roie. Ms. Ryan. bfOer known A'(' H'.V lo sudicnoes as Oiamiy fiom ntBtftrfy iritMUsr. dM after 8itfaii« a stroke while OOieOo comet to CVC onstage in dw role of BoOe. /'l^grand- area Plage3 CoillIlRMll Pa^c Beer ot ever? Spoils Real Sportt guyt and Page? Pg. 2 The Highland Cavalier The Highland Cavalier Pg.3 News Student responds to Wadel Create Mr. For LongBoiin& Adams lays out proposals for changing Honor Court system have their picture taken (for obvioiu Eraser Bfianl Classes, Try Tlus: ing jurisdictions Into dcademic and non-aca- this to 22 school days (4 school weeks). elected from each <tf the four dasses. There Letter to ihe editor- * Rasans)>to submit aipictUM of yourself Bite a pend eraser half Hairway ttvough the ckiss. when the Wesley Adams demicareas. The StudentDisdplinaiy Board A major addition to die System diat are a number of reasons behind this recom• to die OKQWJ/. Also, student ofganiza- way ttvough for Mr Erater piofessor letsyou go eut'tnttw hal for Honor SystemCmte Chair I WNdd Ulm to take Ob time to and die Rendence Hall Judicial Board, or the committee wiU propose, is die establish• mendation. One is that it is simply easier lo lions,if you have not at least a group shot Man's mouttx Ihen, using, o 5 minute brsolc MW>UIMyff rqdy to McUnda Wadd's edbnd in last Last semester, die SOA Senate cre• some combinaticm of the two, would adjudi• ment of a permanent student defender. The woric axNind die schedules of 8 people to set taken for the yearbook, oootact Sharon your pen, odd hb nose weck'sWjMMCoMiUer.ieganiiig be ated a committee for the pwpose of review• cate non-academic violations. The Honor cuncnt System provides for a permanent court dales. Secondly, by having all 8 Danids at the SEED (jealer. and eyes. WOM7Hii yeaifaook. Hnt of dl. Mi. Wadd was ing Ihe Honor System Constitution specifi• members of die Court sit on all die hearings, Hnally, I wodd like to address mouth reofly movesi Hey oonect when she stated that the 1993-94 Mr. Eraser Maawtyjt do cally, and bow to improve the Honor System it will inovide consistency to the Court in its the fnn&ig issue. I agree widi Ms. yearbook (white bride cover) would be yatNnkoriNsdass? on campus in general. The members of die dedsions. All dedsions on guilt, innooence Wadd diat the funding method can be bettn than the 1992-93 yeaibook (green committee are Honor Court Chainnan Scott and expulsion from the school must be unani• improved. I bdieve that the Qytpost cover). The 93-94 yeaibook is better, if Linton, SOA Vice Fkesideot and former Court mous. for nothing else than it did not have any does need to be subsidizied'by the activ• "All decisions on guilt, innocence and expulsion from the school Chainnan, Aaron Hmiey, Dr. Oary Juhan. There are a number of procedural pictures ofi skulls in Ihe toilet and dnndcen ity fund, bough perhaps at half its cur- Dr. Brian Wills, Scott Hovey, Rick Mullins, must be unanimous, "says Adams. changes proposed aiid many of diem pertain debauchery at dorm loom parties. Com- rentlevd. The activity f\nids would be Pay Attention and myself. Theconumlteehas met regulariy lo the Court's dections and vacancy niles. paredtothat, used toUre and Take NotesI this semester and will present its recom• The terms of justices elected in April will several pic• a fbotogra- HAAAHAHAHAHAMAAAHHAa mended draft of a new Honor System begin on June Isl, while freshmen justices tures of phertotake fmHEBSHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHA Constitution to die SOA Senate and die Honor would begin immediately after the election. Jessie. Ihe "The 1994-95 yearbook St uden t, HAHAHAHAMAAAA-^U(Uk)0. Court by April 5,1995, widi die recommen• Also, a minimum OPA of 23 and good sodd canine de• Faculty, Old Court will handle academic violations, such prosecutor diat is knowledgeable of die sys• dation diat a referendum on die pnqiosed standing would be required of the justices. partment promises to get back to stair photos as forgery Oying). cheating and stealing tem. However, an accused smdent often does constitution be held during the Spring dec- The court win be d)le to fUl any vacancies be chair, are a atnodiaige. (plagiarism). not have Ous knowledge. A permanent de• the standards set in the tions whidi are later this mondL a 2/3 vole radier dian by having a spedd welcome The funds Imagine Fellow Classmates Nakedl One of die problems the current fender would {Hovide an accused student dectioa Hiere should dso be adequate train• sight would also Beyond the atnictiual and proce• Honor System suffers from is diat it can widi an equaUy knowledgeable counsel. 70's and 80S", says Mf. S^llth^[Go to the blockbocBd and tdve problem 3T) g ing required for die Court be used to dural changes proposed, the commitlee has constimtionally take up to 42 scfaocd days ^ Finally, die other m^w stnicturd soi^ to give clearer philoaophy to die Honor school weeks) after an allied violation lakes duoge the committee will propose is reduc• This edito• Wesley Adams. ddray the System. One oT Dr.Juhan's goals for CVC is place and die bqinning of a hearing. The ing die size of the Court membenliqi form 16 rial is not to cost of pro• to revamp die student judicid system, divid- committee's recommendalioos would reduce (12 justices, 4 alternates) to 8 justices, 2 Honor Court, see pg. 5 say that the duction. 93-94 annual lives up to the excellent Hiose who wanted ayeaibodc could re• campusoaTbesdary,April25, tointerview yearbooks of the TO'sMd SOTs.
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