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the Herald Local Newt The Weather:

Fair SUMI ttUd taday witfe ca|

win SECTION "1MWU SUMMIT.K., >AY,MAY?f, Ifif •attred as SKSO* daw Matter at ta« $4 A VIA* • CINTS at Summit, tf. *, ~ " rivers 6iv«i Morss Declares is in Candidacy for Zone Change for Housing Board |e Check-up Prosecutor Job Project Fought by Neighbors persons, who were U- Col. H. .Russell Mora, of 59 Ho- ic- violation* bj» Summit bert avenue, fir* assistaat County Decision on & proposed zoning change which vvould were fined if -Magte- < prosecutor, this week issued a permit multiple dwellings in a on^fan^ly. ifflne was jKMt- llbert H. Blermajj in traf- statement that he is aeeking ap- poned until June JL7 by Common Council Tuesday night pointment to the prosecutor', job after more than 100 East Summit residents appeared to While, 43 other violators now being filled in a hold-over ! express disapproval.. luminous by State Inspectors capacity by Edward Cohn. Tlie property involved, requir- onducted a spot check on •auks Open on Thursday ing change by ordinance, is lo- candidacy brings con- I in front of the high school cated at Broad and Morris streets. fusion into the picture, for the Evening, Stores Closed Broad street, were It Is the alte selected by the Sub- name of Nelson H. Stamler, deputy standard Housing Board for the attorney general who ia acting as Because- of the Memorial Day erection of low-income housing tding to PatroJma* Fred* special prosecutor of Bergen holiday next Friday, May SO, units which would consist of eight J. Fleming, court clerk, the County gambling, is prominently Summit banks will conduct their of violations In th* spot evening banking hour* on Thurs 2-family duplex units. The esti- Ben. Malcolm & Forbes mentioned as being the recipient 1/ mated cost of the project is , V:« the lack of driver's or the post. day from 9 to 8 pjn. instead of Tor registration in possea- the usual Friday evening. Retail Persistent rumors indicate that ber offena» Mdttde* iww store*, however, will not be Petitions objecting to the con- of the «Ute driving with open either «v«nlnc next week- templated plan* of the Housing Prove of Mauler on this coming I istale: tags, improper ntuf- All store*, bank* and public Board were signed, by 285 peVaons, Tuesday. However, it la also not abiding by th« rules buildings win be closed on Mem- Harry SUverateln, Millburn .at- known that Senator Kenneth C Foe conditional licenses. orial Day. ' torney, representing a faction of Hand ia not supporting Stamler on th« complaint of Pa- For Governor the. area, declared that the pro- although reports state that Free- Plan* are being made tor the M. A. fbrmiehella were: posal "was tgainat the • philoso- holder Albert J; Benninger ia a annual observance la honor of of New Ptevidce, phy of ioning." In GOP Primary backer of Stamler. the city's war dead and organ- $8; T. F. Osm«r Mill- isations Interested In partici- He maintained that the city has I#p«tding, *1O; R. Fein of State Senator Malcolm 8. Forbes Morss stated that "due to defi- pating In a special program to sections which provide for multiple jrth, speeding, $10; a Galenas of Far. Hills, Somerset, will be a- nite changes in the situation I be conducted. Friday ana re- houiing and that ^classification ark. speeding, $10; J. Tum- have authorized my friends to sub- quested to call Dr. Murray. Row ot[~m sjwall arnount of property in candidate' for Governor in the l [ Linden, speeding, $13. Republican Primary next April, mit my qualification* to the Gov- of American Legion Post, 198, ''l"""*S"''' fi'''I'H he announced today at. a press ernor, Senator Hand and GOP chairman of the Memorial Day tion of zoning philosophy and Backman of New Provt- County chairman Charles Beards- committee. law." . Itrai fined *W on a caratesB luncheon at his home,in Far HilLs. If nominated and elected, ley for appointment as prose- > charge issued by Patrolman He stressed that zoning laws the Senator, who ia associate pub- cutor." •"'"•"•"' SEALING IT UP—1 I S. Kenyan, president ot Saturday morning. Th« capsule will be opened in were mads to lessen congestion In ice Fiwiegan. Alex Rose! | the Overlook Hospital I of trustees, and Arthur lisher of Forbes Magazine of Busi- Morss, who i» active in Sum-, 25 years from now. The placing of the stone cli- streets, lessen fire and other dam- Morrb avenue was fined \V. Smith, director, weal me metal "time capsule" Poughk'psie Police ness, would be 34 when he took rni.t fraternal and civic circles, has maxed the program which began at the High School ages, and to promote health and the complaint of JPatrol- containing community porwaits Of the towns served auditorium where Dr, Mason W. Gross, provost of office, the youngest Governor in been for a long time considered a morals. Ho aaid that by adding by the hospital which w«flj compiled by school stu- Rutgers University, was the principal speaker. (Chell the history of New Jersey. for the past 16 families—four to,the average persona were fined on ' the cornerstone laying ceremony held last Frantwn), Hab Suspect in The Forbes announcement, 11 ever since Conn's term officially family—traffic congestion would fcinti lodged W Patrolman be increased, as would fire and (Smith- They were: Frank months before, the Primary, is also terminated in April, 1951. Cohn the earliest official gubernatorial has been serving in a holdover other damages, end certainly it , of 19 Gate* avenue, »peed- Suburban Robberiesj would not promote better health entry In the memory of state po- capacity since then. Conn's status I John Daiy of St/iten Intend, 'Angels'Wanted for Comerjtone of A former waiter at the Hotel and living facilities. litical leaders. The Senator de- at present is obscure but he to be- I a red light, $8, and Harry Suburban who has been sought by clared he was starting early so ing mentioned as a strong con- Mr. Sllverstein's references to local police for questioning in two that he could "conduct a vigorous tender for the appointment to the N. 1 Symphony New Hospital areas zoned for multiple hous- ration, $5. robberies at the hotel last fall In campaign that will State Board of Tax Appeals, at { ing: include the area of Kent Place Charka O. which $3,500 was taken, i» being f Curry and touch every single community In present unfilled. boulevard starting at Norwood feoth of Morris Plains. Building Laid held under $25,000 bail by Pough- avenue snd going .west to High New Jersey." Forbes said that be^ add«d in bis statement Children's Concert fined $19 each on charges of Overlook Hospital last Saturday lieepeie, N. "ST., police pending the street. •. Also on Morris avenue 'tween, now and the November elec- that he would not conduct a pub- The group planning the_ owning ; trucks loaded to spill. morning celebrated the laying of arrival of extradition papers from from the Boulevard to Bedford tion in alt his bell-ringing and lic campaign for the office rk Answering Mr. SHverfteln's as- dience of friends of the hospital and County Detective Frank L sertions, Philip ii. Trowbrldge, a (ok to Head GOP candidate, "and just add a Moras U a gt&tKtte of Prince- N. Donohut, Valley yiwk from the surrounding communi- Bruggy went.to-Rhinebeck, N. Y., mernber of the city Planning postscript to the effect that I ton Univrgity and Columbia Law tp further plans for sec- J hope they will keep me in mpd Aors or "angel*" for the.. ties nerved by the Lhstttutloa* The. 3*am LBoai&-.dself4t(4 &. hoai Wqp l» pretiMtnt ot PtasMic cereltaony* took place at the "new 23, formerly of the ?-be no heavy undue concentration y Fund Drive at the Primary next April!" It was decided to ask cooper- '•• Valley Chapter of Summit, Son* building following a brief program Bronx, KaraiseJty was taken Into Forbes waa elected to the Sen- ation of Summit's public and prl- i on the, land. He aald that of American Revolution. He us at Summit High School auditorium custody at Rhlnebeck by New ateIajt....KoYerebe_r._.by.;J^_.;fre«tv va&eschpbM in distributing, through same standards of 2,500 feet per lit Area reaemJcolone! In^^ti during which Dr. Maaon W. Grose, York State Trooper* who had family would b» - maintained in eet majority ever recorded in Som- tne children, 3,000 bulletins ask- *78th Reserve Infantry .•provost' of Rutgera University, been notified by Summit that he this area aa in any similar area •it S. Hiekotc, of 15 Nor-, i erBet County after a doorbell ing parents and other- friends of spoke. might come there. He was known in Summit. j c Republican nominee j r|ngfng. campaign that upset in the fine music to bark the concerts Children from eleven communi- to have relatives in that area. be Board of Chosen Frcp- j prfmarv the organization incum- financially in advance so that Describing the eastern section ties deposited "portraits" of their Papers were found among hla ef- ; tt, Ms been named Summit i t,cnt. Last November he took the High School (Continued on pa tickets can be sold to all children WINS MEDAL—Carol Lauer, Sum- |?er providence chairman of ; i j j organizing tho New Jcr- towns in a specially constructed fects showing that he was* a tor- pat n at minimum cost. Each sponsor is mit High School senior, ranked 195? fund y Lists 5-Week asked to contribute $5 which en- first among New Jersey and hind the cornerstone and sealed jral Pslsy LeaglW of Union i i j the campaign along Summit t police announced last" cnrr r( on titleti him to four tickets, two Pennsylvania student* who par- in the wall. The cajwule will re- |y. Mr. Hicktit'S "appoint- ' jth fonw>r Gov. Walter E. Edge October 4 that -Karatoeky had One-Side Parking W each for two separate concerts, ticipated in the senior division of main bur ied.v for 23 yea rs accord ing been Identified by another hotel announced y eater day and Essex County Chairman Summer Session dates of which are to be announced the Baird Memorial Latin contest to plans of the hospital authorities. employee aa one of the; four men *Ko!d<|r Albert J. Beitningcr, George Bwker without any state Summer classes for High School later. • . . . • held at Washington Square Col- The portraits "• covered a wide who robbed the hotel twice in an On Maple Street butitSlmide, county chairman organigation eupport until the students requiring extra, work The concerts, under the direction lege of New, York University in variety of subjects Including de- 11-day period. New York police drlvr, Driscoll endonsempnt three weeks will again be held thi^ year, theJ j jy^ Samuel Antek, one of March. The results were made o scriptions of public buildings, attempted to locate him at his Hkkoh.Miecee'da J..Jerome before ihe Primary. Two months B{WlrtJ of Education announced' | America's foremost cbndiictors, known this week and Miss Lauer school"life; libraries «irid history. Bronx address but discovered that Protested tit SS2 iSp'rj'ngfleld AVehUfe, ago hp flew to Park for a lengthy' Tucsdny. njght at its regular rne«t- jW}iJ bft held in Summit High School waa awarded, a silver. medal for One item wan a history ofTThe . | A proposed banning of parking [W that campaign, that last ^iUG?ncreLE»«^(.^.':p^q|6|i^.»pJ)i7';i» ff(S; at a public bearln^..oC.lCoffltmijB, ttv* most»controversial issue of ihp A. Bohne, vice- mphMflied that the system and aconsistent advocate, the New Jersey Sym- 'various reasons- have fallen I coln School; Billy Sigler, Brayton; has a record of previous arrests field avenue which Maple crosses. «f thr cerebral -patoicd arc of "greater state «id to education. phony U'~krnon-profif "dTgsniialtan hind in their work but have com- ot hc John Hudgins, Rooeevelt; Carol in New York. He wa^ -fir** em- He 'ts «• rnpTObw- of the- &nate. with "many * musicians do- 8t pleted the tlmr requlreroeaU. Gives $100 Award \VMhington; Grant Dor- ployed by the hotel in September, [ birth rate, of any year in Education Committee Institutions nating their irervlc&s, an*' because instruction, will be offered in wart, Jefferson and Harvey Alex- west' corner at the jonetlon «f U» ^lf}' ma recorded In 1951, and Agencies-Committw, Veterans the musicians" union may also co- ; ov mathematics .English. foreign ander, Franklin. two'streets and the removal of an- 'er three million babies Affniw, Public Safety. Aviation* operate financially, it is hoped To Summit Girl and was rehired in May of that in thr United States. Sum- languages, science, history. The these concerts may be brought to From New Providence Borough tame year and fired on June 20, other meter on Maple sttreet which Military and Naval Affairs Com- Tonl p. Cooper, daughter of Mr. |.V«»f f'rovidence and the ro- fee charge la $20 for one course Summit at unusual "bargain" were Gus Bittrlch, Kenneth Swart- la situated close to the entrance mittee, find the Senate Oonntltu- and Mrs. Jack Cooper of 11 Iris 1951. p of tfte county have and J35 for two courses. No out and ChrLstena Towne. Berkeley to the municipal parking lot Thlt, tion Legislation Committee on Tax prices provided enough local spon- road, has been jnamed by the F> roceived their share. course will be offered unless a sorship is secured. However, since Heights was represented by Nancy Park Board to Give Mr. Griffin said, hr believed would the Revision. ii scholarship committee of Junior eliminate & great dea.1 of the con- incidence of chiWren minimum of five students are the auditorium holds juat 1,000 Manner and Nancy Howard, Before entering the State Sen- Achievement, Inc. as winner of Golfing Refunds gestion. cerebral palsy horn birth enrolled. people, a limited number of Other communities placing ma- ate, Forbes served on the Ber- This year, the Board stated, if the Horace Moses acholarshlp. terial in the capsule included Mill- ly proportional to the 1 The Union- ©ountjK Park Com- Jacob Jlantel, also a lawyer with nardwille Borough Council, and tickets can be sold. Therefore It Ton), who is in the senior class u. -this mean* that our there is sufficient enrollment burn, Madison, Chatham, Cran- mission will make refunds to 228 offices located on the street, stated was voted this year as "New Jer- Is asked that those wishing to be at Summit High, School, served ['Continued on page U) non-credit course in typing will on the sponsors' list send their ford, Union, Springfield, Mountain- member* of the Galloping Hill that eliminating parking on one sey Young Man of the Year" by be given. The purpose is to pro- as assistant secretary of the Able aide and Chatham Township. aide of Maple street vvould not re- 3) checks immediately to Louise S. Golf Club, holders of season tick- (Continued on page vide the opportunity for those Products, Inc., a Junior Achieve- Praises "Big Three" ets for play at the course, at the lieve the city's parking problem. Hankin, treasurer, 18 Dogwood ment project which manufactured students not taking typing dur- At the High School auditorium rate of 21 cents per day, it was an- Pointing out that the proposed to drive, Summit. and sold hand lotion and which ing the regular academic year to part of tho ceremony, Theodore 8. nounced today by a commlaaion non-parking area is in "one short 33 Summit Men Listed was sponsored by Ciba Pharma- Camp Fund acquire some knowledge of typing A letter Is also being sent to Kenyon, president' of the hospital spokesman. Use of the course has block, half of which parking- la H ceutical' Products, Inc. • *rald camp Fond la Jolnt- NN«w York'Who's Who for their personal use. service organizations such aa the board of' trustees, p'aid' tribute to4 been curtailed because of a striktk e I prohibited In front of the A&P mH b e Family s«rv- The school i# not limited to Optimist Club, Lions. Rotary, Kl- The scholarship will give Ton! the "Big Three" of John R, Mont- (Continued on pace 7) The 1952 edition of "Who's Who of maintenance workers. and tkl« paper Summit High School students. wanis, The Old Guard and others, 1100 to be applied to the tuition gomery, Ridley Watta and John summer In New York," a compilation of Others may attend if recommen- asking their sponsorship either on fee at the college of her choice W, White, all of Short Hills, for nt for underprlvl- leading men and women In New ded by their principal*. The main an individual basis or on a more and carries the possibility of re- thole efforts In making tho new *»>•« and girls «f Summit. York City and New York State, requirement is that the student extensive scale. Member* of the newal, It is one of several award- building a reality. All are former Locaf Woman's Glass Called group are alao securing sponsors ed by the National Association Include* the names of 33 Summit have sufficient background Jn trustees and Mr. Montgomery is a the Summit Herald, personally and rVport that the re- and Is baaed on job performance, former president of the board. residents. The 12th edition of the the desired subject to enable him Checta ahould to profit by the intensive review sponse is most' gratifying. interest, teamwork and leadership (Continued on page 3) 'Finest Collection in U. $.' annual directory WAS published offered during the summer term. All sponsorship for the concerts (Continued on page 28) George McKearin of Hooaick g, the; speaker said. At the end AH thL» month, Student* in doubt to their (Continued on page 3) Author, and Editor- to Falls, N. Y., considered an out- of the day the craftsmen would] l»"bllcly acknowledged ' Local resident* Jlfltedm?: Baker, status are advised to consuU with Stverol Openings In standing authority on early Amer- use up th» leftover glass by Wow* •'flut by Albert Lundy; Belts, Rome Abel; the principal. Student* regularly HtroW ro PuWlth on Speak at Mreilde Forum ican glass, In addressing mem- ing more decorative pieces ,f«r Burgess, Newton A.; Burke. Dan- attending Summit High School Police Deportment Arthur Goodfriend, wartime edi- ber* of the antiques department their own uue. This account* (or iel; Burke, Jameit B.; Burns. Rob- may only take two subjects but Wednesday Next Week Police Chief Edwnrel K. Egan tor of thn P«ria edition of the of the Fortnightly Club last week the many one-of-a-kind pieces in Stars and Stripes, and author of called the gieas collection of Mrs. existence' today. Mr. McKearitt ert M.; Clarke, Beverly I*; David- student* from other school* will B«cattM» ot th# Memorial Day ye«terday announced that there to It* eon- the recent beat-seller "Th«* Only Karl Keller of Beacon road "the showed a bottle Into which an son, William A.; Dudley. Horrter be guided by the recommendation holiday n«xt Friday. May SO, the are some openings in the depart- War W« Seek" will apeak Sun: finest private collection in the 1856 coin had been blown, thus Walter, Early. Erncet R.; Ed- of the principal of ththe schoochool ftommlt Herald will publish on ment 'and application!) can 'be ob- day at the Flresld« Forum of First country today." establishing Its age. i|t»'«s warda, CharlesMundy, Jr.;Encher, from which he «ome* Wednesday, May ». Inatead of tained at headquarters at anytime. The department Is on a 40-hour Baptist Church at 7 p. m. "|t Is a rare privilege for all of U'.M Q. Edward; Fletcher. Harvey; the fUdtomary Thumdsy, • He dbcussed the blue, green, week. "Mr. Goodfriend hn.i been serv- us to view at dose range such Hel#fng, Raymond A.; Herb, This «dvaiKH» In the publica- amber and amethyst glass made Summit to §• Host ing the State Department recent- priceless examples of early Ameri- Charles O.J Howard, J. Campnen, tion dat* makea It wmetm*r f«r Applicant* must be between 21 at Manheltn, *•»., by th« 8t»is;el ly," according to Allan R t>e- can craftsmanship," he (told the Kenyon, Theodore To Education Group all edlt»rlal suid advertising and 30, with deduction* for time (Continued on page 38) vpnnry, forum rhnlrmsn, "and 85 members of the club preaent. Limfesloy, Nathan A Union County Workshop on copy to fee submitted no later spent in the Armed Forced and ; leaved shortly on a mission to The meeting was held at Mr*. Uewellyn. Frederick Britton; Education. at which about 150 than » p. m. Monday, May M- residents of Summit for at leant Europe. We count ourselves fortu- Keller> home and the speaker Loudon. David 8.; O«v»r. J#*n teach#rs, administrator* «nd lay The deadline for photograph* two year*. Physical. exama will On Inside Page* Redman; JP.r»M, Cb«rl« V; Pel- be given and a written examina- nate to have him In Summit" centered his talk around the Sum- persona are expected to attend, will fee Saturday noun. mit woman's collection. let, WHIInm W.I Prie«t, A. J. Qua- will be held In Summit for three Hi* cooperation tl publicity tion ll scheduled for late fall. How- A supper for the young, « With this recently developed epileptic* ...-.• "/• • , ...... pointed out that it cost* the tax- aeapoliB and lhter»«tioijally known mJcrotcop*, upon which Dr. Becker A complete report by Ifira. Ckrl insurance executive. The change, ii working, it is paasihie to obtain payer* many thousands of dollar* M. Anderson, Mrs. David Ludlow to give «n epileptic custodial care will go into effect June 2. NOW magnifications of a million times and Mrs. T- D. Clougn wJU be pre- and Meolution* of about tea atom for the duration of hi* life. It Under the »**" program, Mr. sented to toe Leagues Board of U much cheaper, &• well at more Gerhard will assume resporwibilny diameter*. The surface structure Director*. of metal* to reveeled by variation* humane and intelligent, they fcv-the.direction of the new depart^ IS RUG in the number of electron* which The visit to tht instituUoas is atremd, to rehabilitate' the pa- mcJit, which will include ordinary are pulled out by high electric part of a tour, arranged by tht tient to that he can return t& underwriting- and »s»u« divwioiui field*. The pvewnce of a •m»U New Jersey Association for Men the community as a functioning and the new indlvidueJ slckne» number; of foreign atom* can aJbo tal Health and the New Jereey member. and accident underwriting diyuiion. I CLEANING be eeen. Hence the forces that League of Women Voter* There are U00 patienU at Skill- He Drill continue hk iftgponiiibiljty hold atom* to •urfaces can be The report Includes the follow raan, S0$ of whom Ve under tjw for the debit policy* and ordinary studied, *an important etep in Ing information about these stale age of 18. There are only 89,*^ policy departmenta. catalyni*. institutions: tendsnu on a «hjft to iupervi*e Mr. Gerhard who joined Pru- TIME..... thii group. dential in IMP** an,M*Jstant ac« The meeting wlH begin at 8:16. Meaio Park, which haa been Only careful, SAFE cleaning can bring out a operating for two yean, atudtea, A program to teach children to tuary; la a native of Eeadlng, Pa. ON THIS Rag's original beauty and add to the life of your 1,700 patltnU a year. The patients walk, talk, and feed and Attm and aigraduate of the Unlver^ty Five From Siimmlf Drawn of Pennsyyanie; from which he re» rtig*. ' " ;,,'•. •• •• ' are referred »y the atate's adult thtmjel-ye* wai lUrted .at tlklll- BRAND The bojae of BEDROSIAN has earned Its rep- Ht County Jury Duty and juvenile court* when a Ju4 mtn eeyeral ye»re ago. It waa dis- celved hla B. 8- degree in l»l*. He utation for SAFE and thorough Cleaning by giving suspeftt* the offender ta aaffarlng oontlnued laet year becau#« of held vsriftuM actuarial positionji iridividual and meticulous care to every floor cov- Of the 128 persons" omlled for from snuotlofteJ dlsordere. . lack of peraofljiel. with life insurance eompanlea and NEW ering entrusted to us. petit jury duty from the county The institution has aeomumoda- Overcrowding at flklllman I* an- #tete Ineurtrtce departmenU. *" live are from this city. They «r« tl0M iot & CJ^UJMHI f^a, ^^% other handicap with many of the He organized the actuarial dlvir . PRICES MODERATE Florenct B. Smith, 35 Lanejfyto II, who reside tiara and are old buildingi described u "lire slon of the New Jersey State ln» MODEL road; Joseph A. Peeea, 41-A *W«4 for a maximum period «l tt«p»." . surance Department, which previ- ! CALL SUMMIT 6-0500-0501 Orchard street; John D. Ovens, M Ihret HiOnths. AduiU are dlaf Group therapy hai relieved the ously had engaged actuaries on X Overlook road; MM. Tere»a It, nosed .ln,, _l|i:f;j,ro«it»|r«|liji|„.^fflNirl' per»on*lity ptoblem» of m»i»y 4t a consulting ba*U. H* I* a ITell&w fitff uriil©r ltt Morrl* avenue, and naent tht institution who could not ad- of the Society of Actn&rl™. He Alonto P. Burnett, 10 plvialoa Of the children, boya outnum- jut at home. If the treatment left the New Jereey State Insur- ItOADiOOM ORIENTALS avenue. ber firis three to one. But, ao- wu extended, the authorities ance Department to become aaio- Admiral The drawing wai before Walter cordlng to ths authortUes, the cklm, it could.greatly reduce the elate actuary in 1B32, and later be* CAftTfTlN* RUGS ., ftOMISTIC* L, Httfleld, county judge, by Alts girls' problem are usually the number of patient*. came a vice president. 428 Spri^fWd Ave Summlr, N. J. Canjpbell, •herl'tf, and 3. Car- most difficult Aa a reault et study According to the atari, adequate roll Dbktt, jury commlaeloner. at Mealo Fs-rit, many psychotic aoeiai tervice perionnel could ma- Cancer Fund Gets $5,400 children are dUoovtred and re- tiat ^he family, «chool, and em- ferred ta msatal hospitals rather ployer to understand the epilep- Of $6,000 Goal for City than rsfoms/Uve inaUUitlona. Uc. Th« community would not Summit's 1952 Cancer Fund Othmra are referred to mantel hy- ehun him and try to hide him drive U within sight of iu giene eilniot for lurU»er therapy away when it became clear that $6000 with 15400 being contrib- ISioi specialist as a preventive to ^ hU Jllne** could be controlled by uted to date It WM announced this Handicaps mentioned by the au- modern drugs. wenk by Mrs. Harry P. Lawrence, thorities Include; Ne*4 for in- "There should be no more stig- chairman of voluntary Hervlees. in long- distance created etatc funde to allow for ma attached to epilepsy than At a tea given last week at additional psychiatrists and there la to tubercutosli or dia- the home of Mr*. Hans Silarx ot It's Lofer mush needed recreational worker. betes, both of which occur fre- Edgcwood rcKid, chairman ot edu- Pointing out the need for the rec- quently," the euthoritiea state. cation, for the volunteers who Than reational worker, the authorities conducted personal solicitation at '•If a program of rehabilitation "•»• • . state, "Children arc much leal de- and and research in addition* to cus- the Strond theatre during the Think structive whan ocaupied during the. drive, Mrs. Lawrence reported *• focal moving, todial care were given adequate hour* they are not being studied.' financial lupport by New Jersey that the 14-night theatre appeal packing, storage cititena," the authorities said, "the netted S1&2.80. She expressed her problem of epHepjy could be al- appreciation to L. W, Buchblnder leviated as other health problems and John Smolen, manager of have been." the theatre, and to the volunteer UMMIT EXPRESSCOMPANYA Summit Lumber Co., Inc. workers. • Those donating their time for Railroad Avenue A Dependable Source Former Resident this phase of the appeal were Mrs. Sltarz, chairman; Mrs. 8. G. SUMMIT 6-0315 Promoted by Tremblkl, Mrs. F. Kerr, Mr*. G, Paulson, Mrs. H. Van Winkle, Chamberlin Co. Mrs. G. McCarthy. MM. O. D. Lumber and Building Material g£herltr'K.' Bett*, former Sum- ifet Teeiflent, has been promoted 255 Broad Sr. Summit 4-0525 to the position of general ealea MID-CENTURV »LiMimict . N*. i M ma cammtrt manager of Chamberlin Company of Amerioa, Detroit, Mich-, It wu announced this week. •ROYAL MASTERS Mr* Betta end their ton, mvioui noon $«•« dwrles, are still at their G!en- r.n elde avenue home. They will join FULL met Mr. Brtta at Detroit in July. A daughter, Margaret, It attending Rarkr College, ParkviHf, Mo, TIRES 'Mr. Betta will euperviac ex- ROYAL panded programs In sales rrwdi- 9! power procurement, salea planning UJJIJ and development of new sales methods and sales aide. EASY TERMS affiliated with the Central Preabyterlan Church, & member OTTO SCHMIDT, M 179 of R A. F., V. F. W., the Ameri- NO MIO0IN "IXTRAS" oan Legion, and U. S. Jtf. C. re- Inc. A checking accouni- TK» •niri»s oa 302-Ortrpod s*: MODElfloMU the Veil* School of Businww, Summit EXTRA Newark, and for several years your checkbook stubs will show you the why, gave ealee Instruction for the Vet- WHOLESALE — RETAIL eran* Administration. * Now you nredn't mlu • minute1 of the ih»pir»uo», whon, and how much not only of your ex- thrills and excitement M our nexl pit-sicltnt i» wm inatrd! Now—at a price that resperi*' y*w *>*&&* ptnttt but of your ...a whopping $70 aaving over previous niod>l.» I 5 »u get ail the, 4^ the sensational new 16" Preildenlial. >!o

Wt Kav» botK Regular Checking Account! and Budgtt Chttking Accounts. Coma In and find out which typt fits your nettk ~~ ~7

• / FRONTS AS LOW AS $lf0 • NO DOWN PAYMENT W hews look ilka New

< • i ttfttt Iviurlout eNKVKK FADES OR SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY" MBX1M PAINTING °» •*•* ,„„, V ESXAiHISHED *11.9.1 ./ • fw»l blllt. Mtinttr SWD COUPON Thm Lfntttr Since ]'J2H ItM OHAILS 1XPUMATION DajMflt Inwrtnet UNION, MIDOllttH Cer»«ritlen System tiro's**!** if, mM*nm,,n. n i PERMA-5T0NE '•'' -* issns1^ «^ •• si» :\ ":-U\ * COMMONWEALTH WATER CO- THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. MAY 22.1952 Robert H. Beain^ and Mr* C. Yf. Halllgan are chairman. Other ewa. that the new building will ueaa munities." League, Red Czoas, Convalescent naitte. chairmen are: Fi , to VM After it* completion." Mr. Watts and Mr. Parsons were Committee and others w*r» alao from P*t* nance Summit Man New Hospital Mrs. Montagu Hankinr Ticket* Citlnj Mr,' White's experience lauded for the "mountainous thanked by Mr. Ktnytm for their (Continued from Page 1> task" of successfully raising the Interest and help la the of the Surn- Mrs. William Staplin; Programs] in construction, Mr, Kenyon ea- Mrs. John Wti^ang.' The entire funds for the new wilding. "Upon ame* League of Endorsed for preased appreciation for his guid- them-- rested the failure or success grpup y, headw'/by MM.--Freder- ilr. Kenyon also cited jfeobert W, ^.aago B. Meyer Pardons, who worked fritil Mr, ance in plans, for the building, of the whole venture," Mr. Ken- ick B. Uewdiyn, with Mrs. Mark Watts OB the fund drive, and signing of contracts and super- yon said. N, Donahue co-chairman. Al«=o on VFW State Post AHTHOHYHMIA Arthur W. Smith, director ©£ the vision of early construction. "HU Mri. Dean H. TravLt, past preal- nieel the committee are Mrs. Roberta Edwin A. Baldwin of Canoe fobbing Jhwm^h MtmmdM t iresident of Brayton hospital. qutet but indomitable strength, dent of the Women* Auxiliary, vM. Re«d and Mrs A. J. Bartho- Brook parkway, wai endowed PU7IOMNO • BEATCtti te added to the pufc* : In referring to Mr. Montgomery, wisdom and determination, he and Mrs. C. HartJey Berry," present ttHEKT MKTAL WOSK ' lomew. this wegk In hU candidacy for the •?e, of wWcb M|*. post of i.tate junior'vice com- Mr. Kenyon stated "to him more said, are reflected \n the sturdy presidt-nt, members of the Aux- 7 Chcstout Avesne mander of 'the Veterans of For* than any nan among us we owebuilding that we ar« dedicating iliary and Twigs, nurse alumnae Summit e i g n Warn. Endorsem*nt was a great debt of gratitude for alltoday to the service of these com- of the hospital. Junior Service ftv«4R to Mr. Baldwin, commander \\KLI.\ HILL of the Union County Council, VFW, by Beacon Hill Part No. 190, the Fifth District of New Jersey, (jerli homes for sale. Erected on large well VFW, and the Union County Council. Reaped plot*, 0 rooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage. Mr. Baldwin, who aerwd In both World Wan, has bean active in WONDERFUL interior of homes decorated by interior dec- the Beacon Hill post since Us or- Hug* McDonald 8tarSL Architect Daniel Washington !*• -..; ,,_„.„_..._ ganization and hasheld, at tine time or another, every office. He also has served as Union County Phone SUMMIT 64010 — Any Broker Council's senior and Junior vice Israel War Vet commander and inspector of the Fifth District, last year, he re- tired as special agent in charge To Address UJA of the New jfersey office of the United States Treasury Depart- ment Intelligence Unit CLOSING OUT ALL Fund Dinner Here A natlvs of New Jersey, Mr. Hugh McDonald, young Ameri- Baldwin worked hit way through can fighter for^ Jewish freedom Princeton University, graduating «nd veteran of Israel'* war of In- Phi Beta Kappa. His college ca- EARLY SPWNG HATS reer wai interrupeted in 1917 dependence, will 4Peak at a din- when he served U mon^is in ner on Wednesday, May 28, at 7 France. Recalled to active duty, in p.m., at the Young Wonaen'3 World War 2, he «erved over four yeaw with the American FUth J GREAT REDUCTIONS ,Christian Association, 282 Morris and the British Eight armies. He avenue, in behalf of the United was discharged a major. Jaw^UApnML...GampftigAt which. JOW OS a|i seeks to raise funds for Israel's consolidation, overseas rehabilita- tion and relief, and refugee ad- Forbes to Run justment In the United States. (Comtlnued from Page 1) SIKIRBW HAT BAR Mr. McDonald, a non-Jew, vol- the State Junior Chamber of II Summit Avenue Summit, N. J> unteered in the struggle for Jew- Commerce. ish Independence in 1947. Aa a Born in Englewood. in 1919. he seernan. cooperating with the is the won of B. C. Forbea, pub- Haganah, Israel's d«fense army? liartef of Forbes Magazine of Busi- he helped bring homeless * Jews ness. He Joined the family pub- from Europe to Palestine, and lishing firm eg associate publish- later In its combat forces saw ac- er after receiving a disability dis- SESSIONS tion against the Arab invadcre. charge from the Army In IMS Mr. McDonald served aa a crew During the war, Mr. Forbes member of the "illegal" refugee served as a machine-gun sergeant Day Camp .«hip. "Hatikvah," which ran thewith the 84th Infantry Division [COEDUCATIONAL British blockade of the Holy and saw action in Franc**, Bel- . 7 weeks—June 30 to Aug. 15 gium, Holland and Germany. He c four son or daughter {Pre-Camp Week—June 23 to 27 Land. In the course of numerous trips'he helped transport 1,500 dis- was awarded the Bronxe Star by for next term. , JGIRLS and BOYS 6-12 yrs.old General Boiling after the Batttle placed Jewa to Israel. Captured on I— June 25 to Aug. 15 Y Separate Camps of Aachen; Hi^h School Subjects one of the«e voyages by the ^ Swimming Instruction, Arts and Before joining the Army, Mr. f Credits. Advance Credits. British authorities, Mr. McDonald J Crafts, Games, Sports, Hikes. wa.i jailed and imprisoned on Forbes was publisher of two Sciences, YNature Study. Personal Guidance. Cyprus for three months. weekly newepaperp in Lancaster, History, etc ^ Remedial Reading Ohio. The Fairfield Time* and the Later, , the Ca 11 f o r nIa-born BiiMwtiai Reading V Grade School tutoring optional. Lancaster Tribune. He started "blockade runner" wa» smuggled work on the journals, two days IHY mU IINDIIGARTEN CAMP beginning JUNE 2 out of • prison, and reaching after he was graduated from Ljy 9 or 11 weeks. Girls and Boys. 2 to 6 years old. Palestine; underwent training with Princeton In 1941. , O Jdnrzen |to}:JOdiiif. Registered Nurse. Trained Teachers. th<; Palmaeh, .crack offensive arm Sehator Forbes marred the for- rPUy—ihythBU—W»ter Ptajr—Individual Needs Studied. of, the Israeli army. mer koberta R. Laidlaw of En- HAVE NOTICE — A beautifully eon- trived bra and wonderful shining re- EarallOHnti now bcinc itttntd. Ktfmn feUir , Mre. Oscar Rozett and Jacob glewoodin 1948, and they have Lc?vine are co-chairmen for the three sons, Malcolm, Jr., 8, Rob- arrange your proportion! ss Jantxen JOHANNA — YoaTl l«r»« dm trim rtCMOM n« PrMf««t ««mw WIST ORANOI, N. J. ran only do ... slimming, accentuat- \M4ttuM»JtT 6 y»#fi eli: Pboitt OR 3-4444. ^// others OR 2-3300. Summit Division of the United ert Laidlaw, 3, and Christopher action fit of thi» sleek Utds Janttcn Jewish Appeal. Charles. I. ing, as you like it. Bra is a founda- •ide-piped to match, yo«r tion ivpe, adroitly collared, shrewdly tee shirt. 2-buMon extension band tucked ... clatticized »i«le-ihirrin« hugs the waiit. Handy flap pocket promotes the lithe long look , . . mng loles your coin* and iipttiek. Fine back zipper conlrols.Uie hlp«. Jantien'* Sanforised and Meteerised Cotton patented free-rldlng inner>p«nty for Cshardlne. 7 •mart fasKolor Auo$. •wim freedom . . . plus elasticised 10-20. «lrap* for *houldrr-ea*e. In JanUen» Sun Taffela . . . tinug-moldlng Lato» , with Acetate. .32-40, 5fore Houn: TEE SHIRT « • . elssile roand neck with a non-ttreteh band, full eat In Daily 9 to 6 — Friday 9 to 9 lentth and width. All-combed, two- ply cotton yarn. 9 striking 3-c«k>r BONDER GIRL — Superb Nylon Taf- combinaiionj. S-M-L. Just look at theM feta by Janlien, light as a stamp, quick to dry, marvelous at slimming Colorful . Coolweight here, enhancing' there. Vertical shir- ring creates a lovely long line . . .. comfortable Stay-Bra draws eurvei lo» JANT1EN ACCESSORIES •ttit you. ' Note the JanUen-patrnt^d free-riding Innei-panty for real swim- Sandals -. ... . • 1.49 CELTIC SPORT COAT ming . . . auxiliary Jtrap to remove „',.«•• tr^.vt Jiii ii*.,r*XMivrii^,*~t.. •&<£ HUOGER HACKS ;,wb.eji,,,you.,;.._i,an.,, ?i»t^ryinf ^ :Nyloa- Swim Caps;- •...• 1.25 Wi the lowury look1 woven with niprrnuative .Latoit • • • 11 »un-bright colon. 3240. Sports Brief .. . 2M -, of fine linen

f 'y r -^•atasyi.»nyiy^

A, T- "i' - v

• PA-,, t ^ », t *-j.>tf»A )-»J'fwHtft 1C,^*J4Jf .p... eafft and! waistband . .. fallen! and beautlfolly tailored in 3 color duos. . m^^mM:^Msmmjm

PEDAl. PUSHERS—Action kmgtn f«r hlk> ing—biking. Many fabrics and colon. Front _ 2.98

GIRL TALK —High style for- the pop- •iekle trade... smart side-chirrinc and a popnbir qusrter^klrt, done in Jant> %t & ** ten's Laravel, a rich blend of Acetate. Lastex and Cotton. Strap la adjustable for fr*e*n

For Boy* »nd Oirh Sites 1 I»S 1.15

Tn»y fl»vtr trtodt"

ccatl Th»yHr«0»n»" w»n yw ,.. •xponOon •t'i a m v,, Jook In «gl«»wtl9»rt »P°<> - **** ** «»•«lwilv» bknd of qwlHy rayon, owfatt «»d cotton lab* ft« to fit you with •xetft ft Sloro Ho«m: with .h, took and lu.tr. of fln«» Hntn. «•«!»•» wHnWt*- Itofn pmhhn tationd and nropofften ifyW * .V Dally V to 6 T-ilor^teflattsr naturol body lint In hond.om. .wncdo«. w!th ru0fltd ro-M*otemm* ««|»J«* «* *•* * ^ f<* briglit IMW look «f.casual tk*»«W, mt*j» " / «»t KKW with a pair of our proportion iryltd Available in a broad ronfl* «f llgMw««Hl f 4 THE SUMMIT HgftALP, THURSDAY, MAY 13, t»S2 meets at "Memorial Field; Younf Up»ala CoU«ge. Calvary tpijcopal Church The Community Church Adult PeUowsbip Supper party; 7 liolu of Nttugmtuek, Studio of B*». EL F. Francis Unitarian p,m.. FlH|iide Forum; Senior High Sunday — »:«« ».m^ CAursit CHURCH DIRECTORY Fellowship meets with the fo»un»r it-hcxjl; 11 ant, Worship; VIM Jules A. Wolin 1:96 P-m., Young Adult Fellowship p.m., The Luther Lea«ut will Today—10 a.m.. Holy Commun- Rav. «/•«* T*app _.._C leave for New York aty to vtalt ion. meets at th« home of Ekw Rid- Will le Open ings, 1» Cr^icent-avthue. the True Light Lutheran CttttVab Central Church SQ5 Summit avenue; 8:30 ; Central Club. Tomorrow — 1 p.m., Calvary in Chinatown.- Service Chapter. » > Tuesday—10 a.m., Tuesday Guild. I Communion Sunday Monday—10 a.m., Ali-tkiy ^ew- Wednesday 2 pM'., Morn* »nct pm, The U V. BtMeJiman, O.D. Sunday—Sam, Holy Commun- gn>upa. ««rr^a, "Th* Book of *' Morning, May 25th ing; 7:80 p.m., %»y Sk-outa. 1 Essea Association meeting. Harold V. Mante Tuesday _ 1:80 p.m.. Parish ion; io a.m., Choir rehearsal; 11 Seven Mount-iln*;" a termoa about ? 9:30 to 12:00 the »ible. . Maple St. and Morris Guild, speaker, Mrs. William Wy- a.m., Church school; Mooting prayer and aermon by the rector; \V,---*:;8 pjn.. IteUftous Phone For Appointment sham. s , . t John's Lutheran Church Today—1:30 pjn. Church Guild j Wednesday — 2:30 p.m., Lois 7 p.m., Young People's Fellow- Education OcwnjaiUee meeting In B«T. W. S, HinmsMi. First Church of Christ Sci Community House. { SUmmit G-0087 at 12 Tip Top way,* 3:15 p.m. Boy t«ague; 8 p.m., Senior high teach- chip. IS DeFprest Avenu. in choir; 8 p.m., Adult motet choir. ers" meeting. t2 SriflM A J Monday—T;50 p.m., Boy Scouts; The M«triodi*t Church A Mranoli of The Mother Church, The «. 447 Springfield Avenue Sunday — 9:30 and 11 a.m., 3:15 p.m., Vestry meeting; Sunday-* 30 a.m., Bible School; Church school; worship and ser- ia »o»ton, MfeMs (Strand Theatre Bldg.) Summit Gospel Halt Tuesday ~S:30 a.m., May break ' II Hssil 1:10 ind 10.«a.m, Wowhlp; Con Open Friday Kt*nlng mon, "Hope Thou ia God"; «:30 Summit avenue fast of Woman's Auxiliary; 10:30 i>,m., High School Fellowship at firmation 'and . conimunlon* Ser- and Walnut Street am., Annual meeting of Women's Bev. Nennaa sleLeaa aon, "Individual Wii" Today—i p.m., Prayer and Biblt Auxiliary; 8:80 p.m., Couplet Club. study. „ • ' • Thursday — T »«., Junior High First Ev. Lutheran Church Christian Science Reading Wednesday —10 a.m., Church Sunday'—.8:45 a.m., Sunday Boys' ard OlrLi' Choir practict; K«r. Harry S. tarUoa OPIMTO THi FUBlfC school; li .am., Lord's supper; World Service committee; I p.m. Chapel Choir iraetloei • p»»-» 311 Morris Avenue 7:30 p.m., Oc-gpel service with Ed* Boys' choir; 8 p.m., Drama Guild. Sanctuary Ctooir practice. 3*0 SPRlNOFJBLp AVEKt?»; gar Chambers, speaker. Fridaj -f, p-SL. Couples' C4ub — Saturday — * P»» New York Open daily 10;00 to 4M eKcept Sundays urA N,P. Mathodlst Church Conference Lutheran Brot h< r - P'ririny Pv^ing. 7:30 to »:» and after'«|... \ "Night $t. lConfu*ipn.'' Conveners, Rev. Reee* tV BIB hood meeting at Upsaln College, big; Literature on Cartellui $eimct may ^ St. Luke's Ret*. Episcopal Un. O. boMgku Mac Alpine. Cast Orange; 6:30 p.m., N. J Rev. Harry A. Aufiero or purchased. ' ' • Today—11 em, business men's Sunday — •;«* am^ Church" District Brotherhood,'banquet at Today — S p.m., Ascension Day luncheon; 3:30 p.m, Junior choir school; Adutt Bible class; 11 evak, service wth celebration of Holy rehearsal; I p.m, Senior choir. Worsii;p: Sermoa: 'ChriaUan San- Communion and address by the ity • 1W3"; Junior Choir practice; Our funeral Tionw it 309 Springfield Avenue Sunday _•— 0;t5 am,, Church, 'rector"''. . "•''". '"", -——- .-• school; 11 am.. Worship; 7 p.m., ttffviecreeejton of church sdbool Sunday — 9:30 a. m., Sunday Youth Fellowship. nursery and kindergarten; 7 p.m.. Every service, regardless of cost Junior High Youth Fellowship; school; 11 am., Morning prayer Monday — Finance section of and sermon. , Senior High Youth Fellowship: is comphtt in every respect building commute will meet. Section of Officers; I p.**, Ywag Tuesday—Conference for Young Adults. Presbyterian Church Adults at "Simpson Grace Church, .._ Haw PravMene* Monday—2:K> pjn., Brpwnlee; I Jersey City; Bishop Bromley Ox- p.m, Congregational sweiinf. P. Burroughs & Son stev. Mofcar* A. nant, speaker. . Tuesday—7:90 p.m., Boy Soouts; Today—12:30 p.m., Women's As- Wednesday—9 a.m., annual con« •Meeting conducted by "Flaniiat Funeral Home ference at Jersey City; S p.m'4 sociation luncheon,/ served by Arrow patrol. . Established 1820 * ** Circle 4 with Misa Harriet M. Building Commitjtte meeUng at church. . Wednesday — Newark Annual Badley, as' chairman; Devotions Conference, May 28 through' June 309 Springfield Avenue • Summit 6-0259 will tie led by Mm. Alfred" Irvinfr :17"'*W'ioir¥ne''a4"'l:i6('iaim,' 'It" Preiion A. Burrough* Robert b. Kohr John Daridton, Jr. A talk on 'Two Winters with Summit Jewiih Center Simpson Grace Methodist Church Washington in Morristown." . will Kent PUot Blvd. tmt Morrk Jersey City.- '*'. be given by Melvin Weig; All BabM Mumi OtnkM women of the church and com- munity are Invited, 8:15 p.m., Today — *;» p.m., Hebrew First Baprlrt Church WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW Adult choir, rehearsal. school; 1:80 p.m., Adult education. Etw. David tL BarawaO, DA THE WAY TO GAIN MORE PEACE Tunorrow. — 7:5S p.m., tight David HL BMsm Tomorrow — 8:15 pm, Square candlas; 1:49 p.m., Servica; Otieg New Engiead •* ftpringfieM ftf* AND HARMONY IN YOUR DAILY LIFE dance given by the Union Village fihabbet following. Then Come to Church young people for the jun- Saturday—10:30 a.m., Children's ior-hl and senlor-hi students of services. Sunday ..f t;40 a-m^—Cbuw* ..,.-, :'u A FREE LECTURE echooi, primary through adult LOANS the local council of churches to Sunday—lO •-m, Sunday school. entitled be held in the church annex Monday — 3:80 p.m., Hebrew claates; 10:« am., Junior Choir rehearja]; 11 a.m., Nursery, Wn- "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE- Saturday—Z to 5 p,m.,- Fashion school; 8:30 p.m., Siatcrhood meet- in*. dergarten and creative activity pe- WAY OF LIFE HARMONIOUS" show and tea sponsored by Circle riod; Worship' and sermon "Com- 81 at the parlih house. Wednesday—3:30 p.m., Hebrew •••• - > -•' • by . ' . rades in Eden" by Dr. BarnweU; RICHARD KNOX LEI, C.S. Sunday — B:45 a.m. Church school. "' •.;::'..-.•-:—"- . '.-• school; 11 a.m., Community-Good p.m.. Junior High Fellowship of London, England Neighbor Suaday Ih the church; A service of recognition for those Temple Sinai BERNARDS HIGH SCHOOL. OLCOTT AVENUI Jewish engaged in community service; •* Comswaity Chunk SUNDAY AFTIRNOON, MAY 25 AT 3:30 Sermon, "A Goodly Heritage and sad WaMron RRST CHURCH Of CHRIST, SCIENTIST a • Great Tomorrow'';: Nursery RATES Bernardsvlllt, New Jtrsey In parish house. Tomorrow—3:45 p.m., Bar Miu- Monday—7:30 p.m., Explorers' vah end confirmation instruction Mr. iee is « member or the Basra of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The first Church of Christ Scientist, In Boston, MM, Post No, 63. at Community Church; 8:30 p.m, Tuesday—2:30 p.m., Brownies; Sabbath Eve services conducted by 3:30 p.m., Girl.Scouts. Rabbi .William JClORer; Sermon by Wednesday — 3:20 p.m., Junior guest spea&er, Dr. Jacob Trapp; Topic, "My Debt to a Great Jewiao Choir rehearsal In parish house; 1 8:15 p.m-t Session meets in pariah Scholar. ' bouse. 3unday—io a.m., Rellgiou* school within the means of all... at YWGA; 7:80 p.BL, Caolr rehear- This traditionally reeognitsd terviee is svsilsble to Oakti Memorial Church sal. ell, even le those in the nest modest circumstance*. Methodist 1M Morris Avenoo SMITH AND SMITH BAT. Philip a Walters. Jr. Why pay mSre than CUNHAt D1H.ICT0HS " v Today—« p.m.. Choir rehearsal. A* OvMsmtfliif tVWc* -Wlthl* fh« Mto*, «/ Alt'. Sunday — 8:43 a.m., Sunday 415 Morris Avenue school; 11 a.m., worship; recogni- oil.iow 3-2121 Spfiogfwld, N. i. tion and Installation of officers of Mlllbum 6-4282 the WSCS; 7 p.m., Youth Fellow- the Citizens Trust . i psrkirfg on prsmitts) ship. Monday—Sunday school board dinner meetirig honoring retiring Company ral|s? officers.

••i*,E--v Mairimonial Y .' Insaranee

h '.'

When two people enter into the lioly bonds of matrimony, they art motivated by love and a faith that through love the Obstacles of life will be met and conquered. Each one is post' m YEARS CF •essed with courage that enables them to break their family ties and to pioneer a new life together. ROCKET After the honeymoon^ the estabttshment of a home li the CNOIME first essential and, while fires seldom happen, each bride ^F prises TOhighl y 4>erweddfnri>)f«t|^ protect them by fire insurance and often by burglary insur- ance. For a further protection of the bride and the continuity The pioneer rocket builder, with greoter ex- of the home, the groom usually carries life and accident perlence and mort Imprtnlvt reiulti than ony insurance. '. other American organisation In the field, of f era challenging tatnpf imagination While it Is an exercise of good judgment to thus provide ond ability. 9 for the unexpected and for misfortunes that seldom happen, ^ »hion« with top r«« ian't it far more important to insure the continuity of the wards In 'and potlHori. Unuiual, wedding vowa,"Till Death Do Ue Part?" Since 23% of mar- Interesting a whh th« opportun* rlages end In divorce, every couple should seek peace, har- You Repay try to do mony and a continuous married life that will guarantee a Yen Sl«n e]nd expand your MECHANICAL INGINIHtS happy home free from tho heartaches that so often end in You Receive in 12 MenrMy m Nete ewntal ^" 1H#IS Induitry. Degree and 2-8 jr». experience in divorce. Installments ffer any of the following t •••»••«• Thermodynamics $157.92 Hydraulics The insurance policy thst will eafeguard the marriage $14.00 $168.00 Machine Design vows doesn't coat a cent, In fact, it will «ave money, give 282.00 Pressure Vessels the family better health, longer life, greater joy, happiness 25.00 300.00 Valves and Controls and prosperity, ft has been proven In millions of homes that $13.00 INSTRUMINTAL ENGINEERS where the bride and groom overcome the temptation to use 45.00 840.00 E. E. or M. K. background addictive* and keep their home free from all liquor, tobacco, coffee, tea, colas, chocolate and other drugs, they not only RESEARCH CHEMISTS 1 Insure a happy and successful marriage but their children Degree and 2-5 years experience In and grandchildren will be stronger, more robust and prosper- NOTE* $2,800 Physical-Organic Chemistry ous than if the parents and grandparents wasted their sub- Term$ up to 24 Month*. RESEARCH PHYSICISTS stance In riotous living, spending their time and money for Degree and 2-S yrs. experience In an> the non-essential, peace destroying handicaps. of the following: Thermodynamics / Optics Every bride and groom should be sufficiently In love Fluid Control , with each other to willingly adopt this better way of Hf0 Electronics l that will guarantee the establishment of a horn© and family on a firm and lasting foundation. Try It. You owe it to THEORETICAL PHYSICIST yourself, your family, your Country and to all those who look Head department. Background to you for leadership to do It. in eaemlNtry, thermodynamics, and mathematics Supervisory ability. 1 ' W flewarrf for nam0 „„ »/ « sHvorcfff rousts Apply Employment Supervisor during ,luir mmrrttd H/# ffam in* *.«* »/ «ff addict! fi. Member PwlereJ Reserve HOWARD B. DlSHOP.

vnncSSSjBHDBr.^D^BBSBr^^^^^^^^^^^ * VV4 -IUS 0W •ssMsMijiii\y TsffMsMf ilJI'W' "V-i'' Human Engineering Foundation 30-32 MAPLE STREit i SUMMIT 6*3300 il>^iKBsW*Mlil[ fflBaSiiir^'»?».jifr. >T J * , ' SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. MAY 12, It SI JURCHK Churchmen fo Dr. Jacob Trapp Rosary Society Christian Science Talk -hurch of CHrlit Mark Publication Effects New Officers Tuesday Open to Public To Address Mrs. Iona BreinarniMt waa elect- Use of spiritual power to bio ed president of St. Teresa's Rotary out evil; according to the te*ctai«Mp BIG SAVINGS - BUY NOW Of Revised Bible Temple Sinai Society succeeding Mr*. AJoyaitu ot Chrbtkin Science, will be the f ^The publication of the Revised rmon7of mm'* Tl p Sinai, Rtforai Jewish Duffy at « recent meeting »nd topiv of * kcture by Herwclt«I P. ««d more Pandwd Version Bible, on whici Congregation o( the Summit art*, Holy Hour. More than 17S women Nunn in Suirunit Jiigli School Au- •eboiara have been workiag »i id that life * «>: committee. ,'J of Martin Buber. Dr. Trapp will wnhin me,'blew W* Thi» service, one of about 3 000! retiring officers w*j presented with chase of ONE New Royal Quiet Deluxe Portable, or ONE new Standard review thi> writings of Dr. Buber, a Bible as a token of apprecia- " M03:1) / «. to be held in.the United States and who is regarded by many as the Scotty Say: Office Typewriter, or ONE New Adding Machine, Fully Guaranteed ~~ from the Canada, will be under the aus- tion. ' of 4he Bible most distinguished thinker in A new banner, designed and J8aMy Terms Arranged — No Moaey Down — Trftdes accepted plcea of the Christian Education. present-day Judaism. Dr. Buber, Saw At Uo*t Pepartment f the Council. I made by Mrs. Nfeilje Dunn, was o editor, teacher and .writer, was blessed and presented to the So- SUMMIT TYP£WRITiR SERVICE tet*s "0 blew our God, MM. YV.. Thornton Head, chair- professor of Comparative Religion ciety. (tKW frost Strand «ilt) end make the voice of man of the Christian Education in Frakfort University in Ger- « Skirts be heard: WUtch Drvilon; Rev Philip g. Waiters, 5 Woodland Aye. • Summit, N. J. many prior to the war. Since 1938, Former Missionary FREK r i fclwirtnan of the Ministerial Divi- he h«a been a member of th« staff WrBtT REPAIRS — SALES _ RENTALS — SUPTtlK our feet to be sion, and Mr, Barr will comprise of the Hebrew University in Jeru- To Speak Her© 10 lbs. only $1.W mi" Xlitt No«-n»fotl»hlt Cert»ie»te IIii not MdteinabU f«rr »i»ik «M U* the conjmjttee to choose a speak- salem. Mrs. William Wysham, foftticr 10c est. Add! Skirt •WW rc4e«uibl4bl e onlly att tthh e abovb e ttenet . Only »•>»- Ctrtifteu* U ** U OfaOf r e»jnret JuaJ « 3030, iMi >.oo rrelativf passage U» the er tor the occasion. A number of Temple Sinai extends the usual miesionary to PersiBi will be the 10c ea. AddT Lk. Science textbook, prominent elergy and educators welcome to any who wish to at- giiest speaker at the meeting of CORBY'S JUK! Health with Key to throughout the country have of- tend, whether Jewish or not. A the Qhurch Guild of Central Pres- ENTERPRISE LAUNDRY Lures' by Mary Baker fered their services for this na- leecpUon will follow the service byterian Church on Tutsday at A 4> I *!*o be read: "Rigljtly tionwide event. .* at Community House. 1:30 p.m. in the parish-house. Summit 4-1009 XJ, instead of poMejwlng f material form,-man- 1 d of all 'tOig perpetual in His own ty harmony, and im- • imparts and perpetu- feeie qualities in man— i Mind, not matter.".

rions will be broadcast. ledulc WJUS arranged by a lork City area 'broadcasting V» l.n cooperation with the Television Department Presbyterian Church, U-S-A., (ch Clayton T. Grlswold of avenue; is executive SHINING -assembly conference on ~v?m held Tuesday and lay. The opening worship • • prnmunion followed by the of' a' moderator will be day at 10 a.m. Glenn 'Moore of 5 Primrose rill conduct a "Building *v ?* program tonight. Among ttrams are "And Now To- ff," the premiere showing of can't huFt their fitlonal Missions film; Dr. Buttrick's «ermon at the Missions session on Mon- asbestos^ backs! jid "Presbyterian Panorama" v^5 * *J I'diaon Square Garden on Silt Stainl«u/St*c) r•'•••' ' • V IWomen'e Day program will lid tomorrow «t Riverside I5xf9" B, New York. For tomotrow'a 2-Gal. ft «nd the one scheduled 3.75 13x19" iadison Square Garden, the 8 x 19" has hired busses to trans- Renuiit, dl purpost, odorless. The safe Frank Moore and liome cicaiicr that has no odor before, .during or Put hot j>ots on its surface . . . -pill boiling water. nth Brown are In charge Your A'fis.to-mat pad protects precious stove. and_ IPortation arrangements. after cleaning! Safe for finest silks—heavy work !_^__,^.J_ 59c. table Xops* And they're so attractive you'll use ruff English to thcn/c\ery\vticrc in your kitchen. We've sizes to •ss Youth Group fit/your rangiei* * «inR,"("cabinet5. kitchen tables. ruff English, superihtend- the Junior Department of eleservicc and mail orders filled on 3.OI, more. P r c 'by I c r i a n Church »n3 n practicing lawyer in •m- ;..v t=^- . •••-'% *ting of the Westminster Wp on Sunday aLfit30rp;m;: tM. home of Dr. and Mw. Golding of 305 Sununtt af-

[fWt...TO.wlcw!t1?r,, Mr.'

charter 0[ the devotions.

ItSCIIfTWH SWVrCI. fi Cuff R«t« *PrtRitiM« Hit. J'immH. N t.

Sale Rtg j 2.49

hieIl K|^, u,ter-re,^nt pohsl, m 30 nun- s. Works perfectly o/tile, vvoud, and linoleum. ule

C 12-qt. Sanette step-on can Easy-Off Oven Cleaner • <* 69 :"<•:. ,/V, Hust-rrsistant galvanized stcrl insert 5* 50 ea^y to lust r«f» ltmi, let soak 24 hours, then wipe off. STING'S A GIFTS wash clean. No need to touch the can—cushioned For porcelain enamel, steel and iron surfaces. h to you from lid raises with convenient side f«»>t '"pedal. Cay Doeft wonderful 'job on liard-to-get-at — spot* Nfcfohfeori kitchen colors: rod, white, yellow enamel. on broiler, grates, inside oven, 16 oz. jar, 98c.

1 E^adcra X / iMi M 3.01 ovtr. 1 -OMiB WAGCMN OPIN A 1UDGCT ACCOUNT AT lAM'S. No down p«ymMt «-810B V M te to pay tW b^tawt *" • ' . THI SUMMIT HEEALD THURSDAY, MAY 22, lfS2 the oookt «f hk daughter, Ifn. condemn* million* of people In »:S0 a-m, la tat Robert D. Brouga ft Happen* Here, Ton LETTERS Union, Essex and other counties Funeral Horn., m p*Ur Bori*, in l^w Tack at (Continuing Th« Summit Frtu iuM Ksnw'flwaati • tent studies is by which Summit about every 10 minute* We have enjoyed heavenly peace Pnt>lllb*d by tb» Summit PubiUtung Co. «t*rj TXKUMlay not long ago polled national authorities on during the day time and roar over here in Union County aince the »t 3] B»f.k Strwt. Summit, New Jertej. taot«r«4 t» our sleep all night In summer We elasa matter October 5 1883 at th* po»t cffle* closing of th« Newark Airport. N. J., under net ol March 3 l*7» O»M< as* \ the subject and discovered, to the probable cannot talk on our porches against Tm *ure you wijl try for an in- *.. DI Bra E Forbes and Carl S. Huleu. surprise of nobody, that juvenile delinquency the thunder of planet. junction to continue thl* peace. ;\"orman S. GarU ...... ,,. JBiiur is on the rise in this country, And now the scientist* tell us Your* very sincerely, Qaa.trice K. Arthur Advertising Maaaa*r this bedlam Is to b« 30 times more FRANK FINNEY Carl S. Hulett But, the Times states, history does reveal nerve-shattering- when jeta, com* Society for tht Prevention of that delinquency rises in time of war and eco- Into use. Have we taxpayer* acre Good Will Toward Mea It h marnMtly requetttd tkmt itmmu 1m nomic prosperity, so the present trend is, in in Union County nothing to say Box its. Summit b« lubmilted at early in tkm memk m about the use of the air ov»r our Copy to: Edward Conn toil a sense, normal. /(rr- 5 p.nu Tm**i*r •***• heads? Prosecutor, Union County What from Thurtday'i itmm. . So many of these studies on delinquency Wtip gave ' the airplane com- Eliwftetb," N: - J.'- • . ' ' .. | All Ultert to the editor mm$ .fet'. panies the right to fly over our fail to tike into account that the information . 'V iU * WiJrf homes and endanger our lives and is based upon figures. Juvenile delinquency wreck our nerve* T Who own* the DEATHS $ All Departments i* a matter of getting arrested. For instance, , H ptt liar in *dT»nc« air over our head*? . • Sslvstvra Zottf* .,_,--..-^- • Back c 18 ma the- boy or girl in a well-to-do family may The deed* to our real eitate Salvators Zottl of 9 Cedar street Do We Do become as anti-social or destructive as a poor five us ownership of the "land died May U at hi* home. Mr. boy but as long as his parents pay for his clear down. Why don't said Zotti was born la Italy M years THLRSDAT. HAT O, deed* «ive ua the ownership of the ago end had lived hers (or 4t vandalism/send him off to a psychiatrist for air clear up to the heavens? yean Go Gingerly on Green guidance or put him in a school specializing If they do, why don't we, the Mr. Zotti is survived by his wife, With You* in problem children he is not likely tp be- property owners of Union Coun- Mrs. Victoria Zottl; a son, An- In a warning to motorist* and pedestrians, come a delinquent in police records and thus ty, get an injunction against any thony S. Zottl, stationed with the f plane flying over Union County? Army st Alantic Qty, and a sister prompted by recent Intersection accidents in another "case" in a national survey or study. This would atop all flying over in Italy. which the aggrieved driver wmmlkttdtiamA For this reason delinquency is often con- thi* county and end> the danger from falling plane*. It would aJso The funeral was from the Mc- he had the green light in his favor, an automo- sidered mainly a slum problem because many Nam&ra Funeral Home, Summit of the parents in slum areas do not have the «top,the peril of Insanity from the bile club points oujt: ~ '*" raging noise overhead, avenus, on Saturday «t 9 a.m^ 1. The 'green' traffic signal Is permissive money, time or knowledge to cope effectively thence to St. Teresa's Church ' / ,• ' ssHsssHssVHHssHsHssHssssssi If we property owner* don't where, at 0:30 a high mass of only. It is mandatory to I top on the; red, •< with the *T>ad" boy or girl. Consequently,own the air over Union County, requiem was celebrated. Burial but the green merely gives permission to j large cities become tabulated as centers of maybe we oan get an Injunction was in the parish cemetery. again*t the danger to our lives proceed. The driver or walker must decide j juvenile delinquency. . . • for Himself whether;irisi'lafe to do so. * } To some'"extent,"'of course, delinquency 4rom noise. There are law* to HI •••.L. • • I .. XJ••• • ..- T•••• Y' ^.- > ? stop ordinary noise and nuisance. ML off to a racing start, often without regard to \ relatively free of delinquents, road; three nephews, Joseph Boak, roar that I propose to destroy a 3rd, of the Beekman road address; like t • « and profitable for you. pedestrians or vehicular traffic just clearing But such is not the case. The suburbs great industry. Robert I. Boak of Basking Ridge; the Intersection. This is not only poor driv-fhave their youthful window breakers, car But what good is an''Industry David G. Boak of Arlington, Va, ing but dangerous driving. The driver's first ] stealers, hubcap thefts and illegal drivers that endangers the lives, nerves and a sister, Mrs. Ethel C. Baker duty is to assure safety, which he obviously las well as the cities. Some towns in this area and sanity of millions of people of Brooklyn. FOUNDED 1914 here in New Jersey? Indeed It Services were held Monday at cannot do if he regards the green light as a \ have felt it necessary to invoke a curfew law command to proceed regardless of conditions. in order to keep the youngsters off the existing at the intersection. The same rule | streets late at night snd thus cut down on holds good for the pedestrian. 11 is small I malicious mischief such as damaging shrubs, HILL CITY SAVINGS comfort for a person to know he "had the 1 deflating auto tires and stoning windows, INVESTMENT SECURITIES green light" if accident results from careless j Last year another tuburban town in this gen- or arbitrary exercise of pedestrian privileges, j eral area had to ban teen-agers from the local AND LOAN ASSOCIATIOIsr Commonsense driving aaid waUcbig will aid movie because of the great amount of dam*

materially in the national campaign for ac- •g* done to seat upholstery and in public W. L Canady & Co.„'•! , Inc. cident reduction^ rooms. . ~ • 40 Beecbwaod R«ad X. Paul Emert ; t Juvenile delinquency is not, as so many Sonaalt Manager e Danger of Disunity thtak, a city problem. It is a condition that Summlft Mo§t Convenient Place to Save As the battle for Republican nomination begins in the home, regardless of the loca- tion, and must he generally treated in the „ of a presidential candidate rolls from one rtat* borne, which has meant that society to date 'to another one becomes increasingly aware of has not found a sure-fire way to get at it. * the danger of disunity within the ranks of the _ GOP. Not long ago this same subject was Current Comment . viewed with alarm by the Worcester (If ass.) • Get Time to Bead a Book

^Telegram. In looking at the pre-primary bat- (Pasadena Star-News) , " ' ' '; • ;"' •; tie in that state the piper pointed out that You'd have time to read, if you would: ; the backers of General Eisenhower and Sea* Eliminate all unnecessary use of the tele- 2ator Taft in their eagerness to support their phone. "..'•. - -- -7 —— riavorites were showing a growing amount Use the radio and television only for the Zpi internecine bickering. •sty best programs. Why waste time on ><; ' This, of course, is dangerous. Anybody something you don't really want to see or i.wlth a shred of patriotism ought to realise hear? wthat the nation need* a complete change— Spend leas time watching the neighbors. tch means a change of party. No Demo- Head while you eat lunch, I know a fam- , no matter how pure and persistent, can ily of five adults who serve aU lunches on j that Organization of the assortment of trays; each takes hit own tray and his book fidangerous top officials it now harbors. There and finds his own reading nook. Their din- JlJcomes a time when housecleaning by any of ner is, as it should be, family eonveraation SShtL family will noi jdg, One must briog a time, made more interesting by what has t corps of outsiders into the home and give been read. '.';. :"; :"'-vi "/" ••""•; '".'•" --.-•-- • •;them freedom to sweep and even rebuild. Read during that much-needed afternoon Yet we know Eisenhower supporters who «st Keep books within reach of your bed announce that Taft is a «»*yow f|yoritjyoriJS!.chMre chi , A bbookk on, your. officf e that if nominated they won't work for him, desk will not take any more minutes than ~Just the other day we heard a rabid Taft fan the more usual distractions. ^declare that if "Ike" is nominated he will not Dating waits In the kitchen, use the daily -Vote for him. meditation type of book, or poems, or any LIKE FATHER...UKE SON ?."> The Summit Herald distinctly prefers j book of short excerpts. iJSisenhower to Taft. It feels this way be- Try reading one heavy and one light book The growth of a bank, or any other bu.ineM ""cause it is confident that the prime fact of at the same time—light for your tired hours, \ this fall lies in the need for a complete change heavy for your fresh time. re very happy tnd proud |hit cll,lome , ;'at Washington* We also feel sure that Eisen- Start the rest of your family reading by | pbower can win far easier than Taft. In snort* eaposmg them to carefully chosen books of h.ve done .11 their banking with u, for year. , |ear is to clean house at Washington—not the children's bedtime. it makes utlry all the harder/ ' 7by a mild change in the White House and a ,**hope that a decent Democrat will spank or Take a book shopping. When tired or frus- to give them the kind of wrrkt trated, find a comfortable chair and experi- /fire the crooks and incompetents but by a .. •• i U..I k«p. our older cU.,.mera comillg ^ Radical change. That means the election of ence a complete change of thought for a half :*^a Republican candadate, whoever he is. Etsea- hour. You and the shopping will both profit libower certainly can be elected. We think that Read on the bus. You let too many peo- i*aft can too; but we prefer the personality ple anyway. rhose strength is with the independents and Keep a book in the car pocket to read at fed>up Democrats. This strength has been every watting moment. It ii shocking to real- it* the accumulated time , that chauffeur- clearly demonstrated. AND TRUST COMPLY A' We can not happily contemplate a cleft mothers waste. tvere enough to prevent the eventual work- Take your book to the beauty shop or the # ** SUMMIT ™ Ing together of Taft and Eisenhower forces barber shop. Pull down the curtain of your into a single group. If a cleft develop* so j miad *f«m«t surrounding chit-chat. leep that neither faction will consider re-; On trips carry your books In a small bag a•••--••••t in the final ballot- s we wil-l- have a nom- f with your maps, always accessible. 'OUNOIO tin a compromise candidate, weaker Cut up the Sunday book review page Into either of the chief aspirants. In this one, two. or three column strips; fold, keep "else the victory, which now seems a sure ia your purse, Easy to handle at your lunch thing, may prove impossible. or coffee time, no nutter whtn you eat. THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, MAY 11. If81 iingPtan h*d considered «JI angles went on record protecting: the pro- makiag 1U deci«ioa which posed change. Driven answered the students' question* Goomrigian, Winifred Ludlow, Bntmueitinued from Psj» e *mama obtaWag the Services for concerning the violations. DoaSeaic* Ourboae, N*mcy Kerr ,

- •• ' • '.-•••'. • * Other local atudente who re- alder the matter" and further "to ceived certificates of merit were: lations. ghre the residents additional time Bob Aldrich, Jim McHatei, Le- Hia father to vke president of by to acquaint themselves with the nora Vispoli, L*nny Sulouff, June 'ipUJ: you can have more proposed plan." the Training Within Industry Valter, Sherman Van Valkenburgh, Foundation of 382 Springfield Councilman Carl H. Forsberg Christine Hawley, Bill CiardieUa, avenue and is a former personnel Oanny Luch, BUI Wllkes, Susan beautiful, lustrous hair with our HERSCHEL P. -NJJNN, C. S. B. suggested that a group, of about director for the Weetern Electric ten residents meet with represen- Noel, Peter DeLucca, Barbara Co. During World War II he of Portland, Oregon tatives of the Housing Commit- Paul, Bob Ransom end Andy served as a special industrial re- tee for discussion, i He added that Harding. lations consultant for the govern- ha and Councilman Ggden D. ment and with ChanninyD. Dooley, MemSer of the~Board of Lectureship of ' In" acknowledgment of the ~po«- Gensemer also would be. present. ters,' Rlayor -

We stake our reputation on the fact thai you can't find This Week's Super Special! a man who's bought a wed CADILLAC 1950 "60" SpecW, Heefwood 4 Dr. Sedan, French Grey, Equipped with car from us and ISN'T SAT- hydramaHe, radio, wirh rear speaker, WIEDI That's because we hearer, automatic windows, lit Ilka now throughout. Sold with 90 day now car guarantee our cars, and warranty. LIVE UP TO THE WAR- RANTY! Come in and tell SPERCO MOTORS CO. us your needs. 491 MqrrJ. Ave. Su. 6-1700

'50 CADILLAC 4 Door 1 ALL CARS YIS Fkcrwood Sedan. Hydra* BETTER matte, Radio & PAY AS WELL UNDER rrsTRUE Htatvr. WWt» BUYS W«i Tlw -:•;.T.~ SALES SERVICE CHUNG! 34 MONTHS TO FAY FO* •50 CHCVROLET ReeHine. T»dor S*d«i. YOU RIDE BETTER •51 "Term» To Suit A HEW OR The Buyer" Radiot Heor«f CARS Fleetline, 4 Door, Power '50 NASH 4 Door Super Slide, Radio & Heater, 50 , S—'d, Statesman S*dan SIf WILSON MOTORS, Int. l\l II of" 1A Very Beautiful Cer. Llifce 24 P«y For A Radio * Heaftr 4 Door f New, ', 326 Morris Ave. Summit 6-1400 Used , 1M« T47 BUICK, •49 1UICK 4 Door Sapor •r %F •. ^nr • 1,. '•91" Club stdsn, Rocket H BUICK •'• •""Eiiftlity"'lta«O"*-"Jleit«V"ltjr-- • 1948 DvDuLf custom club coupe, radio and ..... 4^5^- - ••••• '48 Dynaftow. • •"•''. jt dramatic, Low Mileage, Vety Clean, Fully Wamnteed. ' Rodioand Heater 1947 FORD Whit* Walls . 4 Door Sedan, grey, one heater. Clean interior, motor expertly tuned up SUtlon Waf»a, 1946 Super Four Door • . ' * •so FORD; rcyi., Eicelknt Bay *4f CHRYSLER Royal Club OLDSMOBILE, 1948 owner, very clean, has to' and ready, sparkling light green finish, white $7*5 Conp«, Radio & Sedan. Radio and "S«", t cylinder, 4 door wdan. be »een. wall tires, one owner. $365 Down—Balance up 2 Door Heater. Ruid Drive Radio it Heater, Hjdramatlc, 50 FORD, Conv. Cpe., Two Tone Green, Excellent to 18 months. •4t CHIVROUT FMHiw Hearer. 'Low Mileage. Condition, One Owner Car. '47 DE SOTO Radio and Heater T»dor Sedan, $' • Good * Clean, Economical 1950 FORD Transportation. 4 Door Sedan, Radio & , Bwmtlfltf Radio & Hearer 50 STUDEIAKER. Btstk' Excellent Condition. Heater, Slip Coven, Color 1947 OLDSMOBILE 74 < poor s*.. Champion Clb.Cp*. •41 PONTIAC 4 Door OLDSMOBILE, If47 Medium Blue, Fluid Drive. S129S Srreamlliief Sedon, Radio Model "««", 4 Door Sedan, dark blue. HydramaHe, radio and Heater. Ex- This ear it spotless, drive 48 STUDEBAKER, t> Heoter. "~ Sparkling Gray, Hydramatic, ceptionally clean throughout, good rubber, low Commander, Cpe., Hydramatic .. Heater, Interior, Mechanical if. 1941 PIYMOOTH $ 00 Condition Perfect. Etceptlon- mikogo, ceiling price $1158, OUR PRICE $895. Radio and Heater •47 OLDSMOBILE "•" 4 a)ly Clean 19« car, Guaran- , BesBUhil, »re- 795 teed. '49 FORD '49 MERCURY, Conv. Door Sedan. Radio and $380 Heater. Hydramatic. 2 Door Sedan, Clean. 1946 CHEVROLET 2 Door Sedan, Fleet, Cpe., Block SpecialHill $QJC DE SOTO. 1147 IVrim C'nn Be Arrnnjceil Custom 4 Door Sedan, Fully master. Equipped, top condition throughout. '49 MERCURY, 2 Door Week Only ..... #t«l > Equipped, Original Black ALL CARS PRICED rinlih, Like New, Mechanlcalr A-1 mechanically, good rubber. $259 DOWN, '47 DODGE, Bus. Cpe. 1950 DOD^f Every Car ly Perfect, Muit Be Been To UNDER CEILING CALL SU. 6-8093 Bt Appreciated. Fully Guaran- $38.09 month. itol Fully Guaranteed teed. "IJeng Terms If Deaired" and malty other* to $1595 cnoos« from Come In Or Cull For A 1946 PONTI AC, St roam liner 4 Door Sedan Demonstration!

"Term* Arranged" See "••'_••'•' : Deluxe. Light grey, radio and heater. Unblem- John L. Dietche Open Evening! Until 9 P. M. JAMES GORMAN ACT NOW! Mon. thru Frl. ished upholstery, no dents, nearly new tires. Motors can vs to » SPERCO INC. l Baldwin Motors Motors Co., Drive this one before deciding on any car. SHOWROOM} S«mmlr Dc Soto-Plymouth $295 Down, $44.14 monthly. *- franklin PUe*. Summit PAUL L WERNER Open »*«•. ' - • 375 Broad St., Summit INC. »ptn »ally • to • r.M. galea-service rrW Til | r.M, MEYER-WERNER "Autnorlied Cadlllat-OldinioWIt YES SIM We're MWty froud Of Our Otto SchfnMt« Jr. MOTOR CO. Befort Buying Your tlie« Cxr, Dealer" 298 Irood Sr. oinii Big Selection Of Better "Good Wilt CAR LOT: SI 7 SpHna.fWd1 Avenue TKRM8 A TRADES to n#ct 4f 1 Morris A»e. s s SU 6-3344 " Main Mrt*t, MadUon «r»*fy eonaltloa. SII. 4-1700 Model USED CARS. O Dslly I to • *.m. S.mmltM342-3 Mii ••sm • ff S THf SUMMtrHEttAlP, THUitSPAY. MAY it (Borough Council and the Board of education), MUMon (clerk of NEW fROVIDINCI Lincoln School Scout Paper Drive State Gets Boro Plan for ! the Council and Wie'Board of Bd* ! Batcman (Borough; »u- Summit To fte Held Sunday V Field Doy Set Dr. Johnson, County «u- $380,000 School Fund Vote of BchooU ;at»o ac- For Wednesday Boroufh—Troop «| will Borough-A request for exten- unusually, thorough preparation of « kwal Board. ITie y their Spring paper drive Sunday, Rcjure^ Borough Dty will be held sion of credit by. the School Dis- aksd the'clear manner in hearing was conducted by Mr, May tS, starting at 1 pin. sftrwy trict and Borough of New "Provi- was pirsentcd. ' KHpatritk of the office of the as* in Lincoln School next Wednes- fttreet In the borough will be which . NrytLWtoi, Etfiter patlKularly pleased io-ob- ' *«ta"' CoAmissloaer of Bduea- day. Trie annual Parent • Teacher canvassed, and residents are dfiice has been made to State He was , Association •ponsored event will requested to put their patera at officials in Trenton. 'At trforms* serve that the 8o*r4 of UOXL follow the same pattern a* in for- heating in the offices of tile State Mirron the curb to facilitate the tion bad looked ahead to the Herdd to PuWUh pi mer yeafa, except tb#t even more ef the drive. Department of JSdueation on Wed- more dUtant future when three League Formed than the 1,500 jwnsewn* who attend- Resident* who have too many nesday, May 14, the Board qf Ed- or even four neighborhood ele- Wexlrmday Next Wetk "tnerlo» ed it lw*. year are expected this ucation requested approval oj a mentery schools rol3*t be required paper* to put at the curb are Because «f tlw Memorial Day year, proposal to be placed befo*«*the in the Borough; while at the same To Study Loca/ Prob/eirts asked U» eaJI Melville Hawiey, aoUu»y next Friday, Mmy ft, Borough—The formation of a problem and thui provide * basis Athletic event* will be held In Summit f-lMT-R, wha wtt «- votera in tht form of a referen- tim* tt was pianainf for imme- the rooming and luncheon will be dum. It ui proposed to flaauct the diate construction **th Sesdb^Uty. the Summit Herald will publish New Providence Borough Citiren*' for intelligent evaluation. He indi- range for the trucks to pick them en Wednesday, May SS, Instead served from booth* on the f:eld up. project through the sale of bonds to adapt its plans to future cir- League to study «nd r&c^mmend cated th«t the Citizens' League ef tite customary Thursday, aetiwi on problem* of local inter- from 11.W a.m. until 1 p.m. Most Otariea 8uMiv»n, director »f in a principal amount of^fSSO.OtSD. cumstances. would not conflict with any es- This advance in the puMiea- est wu voted by a group of fifty of the food i* donated, and thi» Scout activities, is chairman of During the hearing the. Board The reflttest for extension of borough residents at a meeting tablished civic association* whose year hot spaghetti, Italian style, tfca drive. Proceeds from the belore tbe Uon date niakes it neeeswary for SUPCOVBJ presented factual information e*»- credit «w «•«** «° mS editorial aad advertising Monday evening in the Memorial interests a-fe more localized will be added to the usual nitnu of sal* of the papers will be used! Board of tposj Cwrerament be- ceruing school enrollment* today copy to submitted no later than Library. Murray Welch, who served as hot dogs, .various salads, ice cream, for the camping fund. fore • dedsioa can be rendered. to and as anticipated during the next 3 p. ui. Monday, May SI The The objective* of the CStiaeM' temporary chairman said the punch, milk and coffee, decade. It Wffi »Hown that 1» and A maximum of 110 days is allowed League were pointed to as the, en- group would co-operate with and In the afternoon, each claas will under laws of the State for nec- deadline - for photographs will Webster Nominated as perhaps 20 additional clasMOomi be Saturday noon. couragement of a greater interest offer assistance to borough offi- present a dance or drill, and the would be needed by 1958. Refer- essary action to •* tak«i-«0 days CURTAINS I cial* in the study of local prob- day will end with the annual base- President of Lions The cooperation of- publicity i n local government, the promo- ence was made to the November, eacri witt the jpommlattoait vol tion of civic improvement. in the lem*. "Also," he co'nttnued, -*tne ball fame between Lincoln School Borough—Officer* Of the LJoru* Education and tlw C3«BiBi»sk>iwr rbiurnuui of organisations and group would assist our officials in Club will be elected at the June l»5i, report of the Lay Commit- others is earnestly requested borough, and the study end re- and Columbia School, starting at tee, with particular reference to of Ucal Government However, SUMMIT commendatioiw of solutions to is- guaglog public opinion." S meeting of the organisation. Tfa» for next week's Issue. Please its statistical section. Other in- the hope was expressed that the sues ©f local interest. The group Following a discussion of the Edward Lieder, physical train* slate i Include*:*'Robert Webstar preparation had "seen cjreful submit copy as early In the agreed that the organisation purposes of the organization, John ing instructor tt the school. i* in Sr., president; Frank Jeckel, 1st formation concerning 'Borough week as possible* finances and anticipated growth enough, a»d ttie uresentaUon of would have no affiliation with any Mi lier w«» appointed to head a charge of the field program, while vice-president; John Steele, iad "data complete enoagn. to justtfy established political party, and three-ma.n committee to draft a Sirs. Robert P. Clark li chairman vice-president; Walter Behr, 3rd in ratables also was presented. David Uidlow. school architect, concurrent speedy- action. Mr. membership will be open to any constitution. Members of M. nomi- of the PTA program. ThU is the vice-president; Robert Webster Braunwartli, President, said the borough resident. nating committee for selection of biggest fund-raking event of the Jr, secretary; William Loeffler, presented a schematic plan for an imtjal construction within the Board sttil to holpeim that a ref- CHINA and CRYSTAL GIFTS In keynoting the m-eetwsg, Shfl- officers inc-Ude David Hutchlason, PTA, and money-collected is u^d treasurer; Anthony Mbhuk, lion erendum could be held before the limit* df'the credit extension be- don Sprague stated thaUne rapid, Douglas Bell, Mm. Sprague, Leo- to finance various programs dur- tamer; and Ernest McMane, tail last dayof June. to appropriate for. weddings growth of the borough had created nard Barrett, Walter Weber and ing the school y«»r. twister. ing sought and showed how flex- , are easy to choose at John Hlgrgins. ible planning would permit future Local officials present for the many problems and had highlight- ©1rector* for three years-will hearing in Trenton were Messrs. expansion to as many as 20 class- ed the need for art' unbiased citi- The next meeting of the group (Victor Johansson and Ruaael Braunwarth (president of .the rooms from an initial 10 or 12. zens group which would determine waa tentatively scheduled for the School Lists Bauer. Board of Education), Oobb (vice- The Melroses 527 Miiibum third,week in June. A One-story structure la visualised. the facts pertinent to any >°ca} president of n audit of th» ftn»nclal »ccounU of tht civic and service organisations Leroy, Jane Parker, Betty Shud, Borough of Kew Frorldence ha*. be«n made as required by statute. • have been invited to attend: Bor- and Fay Sfyephensoa. . The r»t>oa of audit eoruista of other exhibits which may be examined by »ny lnt»r««t« to take part In thii 'Community- 8O,64J.T» Good Neighbor Sunday." 42 Dad$ cnid Sons ot TOTAL UABXUTIBi, RE8SRVXS AMD SURPLUS M77,4S«.1J S313,088.83 Week-end Scout Camp Borough—Twenty-four boy* and ktMMARY COMPARATIVE ITATRMCNT OF OPERATION AND SURPLUS With Purchase Of A G-E FOOD FREEZER CVRKENT ACCOUNt 18 fathers attended the annual FOR THf YEAR* INDBD DBCEMBBJt SI, 1M1 AND DECKMBER SI, 1919 Father-Son carriporee held by. th« V«ar 1H1 Vear 1»M seven boy Scout Troops in this Surplus Appropriatepriated ...... I 44,000.00 $ 43.000,00 district. The affair was held at Current H*r«mi* Bssi*> IW.B0175 380.004:37 Camp Watohung, near Glen Gard- mt, _ ...... ISM.S07.75 $335,004.27 ner, Saturday and Sunday. Milton Anderson, publicity chairman, re- EXPENDITURES ' UBLE • PET SUPPLIES ported that thi* was the largest Appropriation* • Budget ....„ $141,584.94 $137.884 33 • H0R5EMEAT Local School TtK 1SJ.897.0O 120,402.19 group ever to sttend the cam- County Tu ...:;. ^- 3S.799.15 28.831.70 V. B, Government Inspected. ; ; • BIRDS BOARDED •• •. TOTAL'.... , i._t V. r..-~—.—.1330.081.09 Lincoln School Troop 63 took • TROPICAL FISH STTRPLU8 PROM OPIRATION -..«....IM.4JSM I 4TV»o7.7i three prize* for events held. They sal: Unexp#nd«« BUance Firor Tiara' s SAVINGS! • Parakeets for wdn first place for signalling; sec- AporoprUtlons 4,1*3.31 ; 811.M talking stock ond prlxe for lashing; and third Uaszpsnasd Btianea Vrlar T«tt»' • Singing canaries prise for firemaking, the latter UtDtUUM C»nc«Ued 8.0S8.U being accomplished by meant of ' $ 74.579^0 $ 48,517,80 CHATHAM Bedoet: A6«6UaM Uteelrabl* Osacelled See Us today and we'll showy PIT The boya did most of the cook- ' Ada*d to Surplus ftlTenut r«3.»47.98 $ 48.317.69 ing, and each troop participated Defetned Char«M In abote EjtptndlturM 18.147.41 2,63341 SHOP In skits around the camp fire Sat Surplus Rmnue Btlance, Jtnuar; 1st .. 79.876.OQ- • how to save on the purchase of Parkini In raar of •Bluing urday night. ' • I1M.B7138 •H StUkli* AfSSM ApprosrUted In Current Budgtt ... .. 44,000.00 U4 M«l« Slrvtt ' ' Jl»t „! siw.e7i.39 Bemigh of twi\a*ntt, H. 3. $ 7»,878.00 this beautiful lieu. ft. General CHatfcamv4.|735 ADVEnri8EMEMT rOR COAL The Board af Bdue»tton of th« X- RBC0MMPWDATI0N8 Borough of New Proridenct will re- 1. Thai con«lderatlon *H0UM b« |lvm to th» liquidation of the dsferrtd ceive bids for »pproxlm»t»Jy 36» tons school tax revenuo. • i. That appropriate action b« t*l«»B-br^hr »OTmrgirCoTrninrto~TreTeTnTIi3F Electee Food Freezer and spend or No. i aic* COAX t« beitUraMi the »tatu* ct V»K title liens llrtrt by name only in the tax tttl« lien (Jarini th« lMt-M aohwrt •-#*».-':• ^ register. RELAX Specification* ma* bt obtained from Thomia O. Musson, DUtrlct 3. That a bank account ha ntabllsbed for the deposit of all llceiuea, lets end Oltrk at hu off let In the, Bttrftutn and other lt*ma and retntttanOea made to the Treasurer perlodlc»Hy no money on food for weeks to Hall. New Ptovld*nc», N.J. The foratoinf summary combined statement* were prepared from the ii«s must to* submlttM on or be- r«p«tt of Humiliation el the Borough ot New Proridene*. Courtly or Union, for* Tuesday, June 10, 1181. st B P.M. for tht calendar ytu 1IS1. ThU report of examination was lUbmltted by ENJOY to Thwna* C. Mu*son, District Cl«rk, Benjamin Batemin, Reglsttrtd Municipal Aceountant. and will b* opsn«n in puww M a • THOIfAS CMt/SBON, Township Clerk. come. r»iuUr meetini ot th» Boar

A Wfcolly-Ownsd Subsldjary »f J Ptoaat ami m« free full « the feature of a supper BERKELEY HEIGHTS Into Light Pole At Work Again to be given by the Rosary Socletf SUBURBAN Berkeley Heights — Police «r« of the Little Flower Church on Sunday from 5 to S p. m. m the Stryl .L .WM, idftot-~ SM, *** Umsmmtily disrupted investigating- the death of a do* t owned by Mi*. Donald Bartow, of church hall. H*cdnc*da> mght in' the vi* MARKET Mountain avenue last w«ek, un- The affair is being conducted y Spriagfieid avenue and der circumstances similar to the under the chairmanship of M«. HELEN M. KADITUS, Prop. David Shively. Other nifc»Tibers are: Story, 9-Cfossroiiii we*t k street when a taxi deaths of seven other dogs in the 442 Springfield Ave. Fre« Delivtry Brig8s of neighborhood during the last few Mra. Charles Truppi, Mrs. &ai Del <«4t of control month*. Police have reported Duca, Mm. Jamea Qeruili and Mr*.- hool Building Proposed Harold Griffin, Pbo«« Surnmlf 6-2670. 6-2671 Property damage aB(| "progress" po the caset, but no StltcH 20-Acr* **riy June final ctatemtent has been made. Among the dishes to be served [en Snyder Avtnue Because of the urgency *nd s*ri- 3ngg«, wh© received a broken Th« deaths of tht Bevtin dog* wtre are veal and peppers; Italian aau- ousneas of the problem of provid- o«, m cat eyt and Jaeerations, due to fitry«hala* poLtoalnc , sage; baked L* Sagna ajndi egg- |»ele> Height* — After eon- ing adequate educational facility t«W police be waa dririisg « The vita! prgans of the Bartow's ! plant Parmesan. Ameriain dtabes on of numerous preliminary for the rapidly .increasing icbool *««« t o ILyons Hospital and dog «.re under autopsy now to I such as hot dog.*, baked beana, BUY HERE and potato salad alaa will be avail- s .with the Board of Edu- enrolment, every effort i» being was on bw return trip when the determine if the dog wa« poboned ftoor, elevation and site made to expedite th* building >w>- took place. Sergt Vito Results are expected to be made ' able. • j for « one-story school have gram so that the new building will «*o investigated, said known within a -week. .picted by E. T. Brown, be available for occupancy by Mt « culvert, bounced off Mr-. BarKvw said the three-year- Progress Nofed on AND SAVE! tember 1953, ENDS TRAININGUWaritie Pfc. ct. These plans have been • tree *nd then went 2S0 feet James A. Delia, »on of Mr. and old Gordon setter was a children's Library Site Purchase [t& by.the Board and archt- •*"«• » tavp to hit a phone pole Mrs. Vito Delia of 346 Washing- pet and wu rarely out of her Berkeley Heights—Preparations the Lay Committee and tht vehicle rested on its ton street, Berkeley Height*, has yard. to proceed wjiji j the purchaspe e of MtMt. A* era* into the pole Residents in the vicinity, near |0wn«hip Committee. Teach. Jersey Central completed his boot training at iCarmel Hall in Pialnfield avenue Columbia School presently brok* tb* pmmw UB# leaving the Parrls Island, 8. C, and promoted Free Acres, became alarmed about for tise as a. public library are be- TURKEYS ^viewing these'plans and will •*aa "iUowt powar for a short to his preaent rank. D*Ua cli- the situation about a month ago ing made by AlbertBierman, town- heir reaction* and comment*. 6ets Variance tiou. maxed his recruit training by and asked the Township Commit- ship attorney. A-eeaditteaal con- propped- school comprises Brtg-jr. iwaa given first aid by winning the Marine marksman tee to iavefltlf»*,-;. They said the tract, based on the title »ea.relt, kuwooms, two kindergarten • doctor who- removed flaw f rag- medal on the rifle range. He poieon was placed in 'hot dogs, has been jsigned, ahd final ap- c general purpose room. It To Zoning Law BB«I» from th# man's eye and fired a of 201 out of a pos- and they feared that children proval is expected shortly. elaae* the wound with ten atitenea. might be tempted to eat some. Tile Library Comoilttee ha* designed expressly from Berkeley Heights-Jersey Ce»- sible 250 points with a Garand ami educational stand- ^'«l«ta Mi taken to Over- rifle. selected Harry Maslow as architect III. tral Power and Ught Company took Hospital ia the Berkele/ to remodel the building, but the 49 , (or children In kindergarten was granted a variance to the •»*> fUacaa Squad ambulance. Township Committee has not had one to three. It will Iriff lew, permitting erection of Hand Receives [children from all section.* of charged bin with oare- time to approve the selection yet. three transformers in an A to&fi IM» drivia-j. (Ed. note: Approval expected at bwiuhip. Grade* four to eight by the Zoning Board at •meet- Local Talent children will be housed at Explanation of Township meeting May 21, last ing: Tuesday night" The variance night, too late for publication) FRYERS lc*ont Columbia School where Form was granted, however, on condi- . The total cost of "the. library, in- OR Itrial «rt*> home economies tion that the new transformers be Russia fighting Takes Charge of ymrmaium facilities for these Beardsley Letter cluding books and equipment, has Fresh placed 350 feet east of the pres- been set at 155,000. Comruittetnian are-available.. ent .transformers, and' must N What appeared to have all the On 20-Acre Tract DM Guard Meeting Arthur Manner' is- ht&d of the li- moved not later than May" 15,1654 On Two Fronts, indications -of a serious rift In brary committee. BROILERS uu- r-ite selected is at the »outb~ toe,. LoeaT talent took charge at the t a twenty-acre tract off Sny-* Old Guard on Tuesday at the County GrOF ranks wa* agpe-entry had asked the variance Until April healed last week when State Sena- Moss Air Raid Roosting venue which is Township 30, 1955,'after showing the, com- Rotarians ToW j YMCA, when Harry R. White gave property. It was earmarked mittee a lens*? from th« Lacka- While' *r an figntlnf to pre- a presentation of "Landscape tor Kenneth C. Hand and County Meeting Planned . ommunlty use, including wannn for the use of railroad our, American way of life, Fainting u a Hobby." He was in- Republican chairman Charles F. CHICKENS by the Planning and 2on- troduced by L. L. McDonald, pro- ' Berkeley Heights—A mass meet- property until that time. They •ave freedom and our standard of v Beardsley of Springfield eat down ing of air raid warden* and. divi- IrTTri mt ant the Town- gram chairman. SHccd stated that th* line* woaW be itrtBfc Hnaua ia sot only flirhting to talk over a letter sent to Gov- sion commander-of U.hk town-ship fommitlee ha* agreed to deed taken alonj- Central avenue in the on one bat on two fronts- military While insisting upon his status will he held-at Columbia School •tht Board of Education for as ari amateur, Mr. White demon- ernor Alfred E. Driscoll tersely BACON horou-rh to Berkeley Height*mid and* «ooROmic—and the latter is Monday at S p. m,f it was «rt- tw fdiool.' The school tract tar more Important to us, for if strated that he has gone upon be- informing the Governor, tnat added that by 1f>15 they expected yond that point as he discussed nouncwi thU weok by Jo-«ph Mut- irvlcd on the north and east to place the -ub-ntntlon near the we am defeated we will hare no Michael Kedy of Rahway would holland, director of civil defense. d also owned by the Township the fundamentals of landscape Murray Hill railroad station The front. Dr. Norman M. Guy of Drew be the "ofllclal representative In Mr. iMulholland will outline to pubtlc purposes by University, stated at the Rotary painting. plans for the balance of the year latter sub-station would be to Must Choose Suitable Subject Trenton," Committee. provide power for industries. meet^-f on Monday. and Floyd Fredericks, repr*Mmt- Ave. Tract _ Tlie speaker perfaced his re- Beardsley denied that the letter ing the Township Fire Department Au-tln C. Fort, division auper- t CaplKaHsm, be said, according to mark* by saying that the first had any implications of supplant- school will be a short dis- intendent of the Northern Division ' and Rescue Squads, will "address" ,'rom Mountain avenue. And CXr! Marx,, carries' its own de- step is to choose a suitable sub- ing the Senator as titular head of LAMB of Jersey Central, and Gordon P. ftttuction if given full sway. Eng- the meeting qn ''fire control on diateiy'"'adjacent the Stony ject—one which appeals to the the Union County Republicans at the part of the householder." He Mundrnnr, ensrinper for the com- land, the apeaker Mid, U in a bad painter and seems to have artistic Trenton and gain new power for pany, stated that "we admit there economic condition, and he is dis- aU*o will epcak briefly on firat nnt • Mto possibilities; he must first visual- the county chairman but was in- aid. The March of Time film, 'The tour ma pa together with lo- «r«« some facts, but we do not turbed about the great national ise the outstanding forms such as tended merely »s a letter of intro- ftrcrf Roait acknowledge a violation." debt of the United States. He «aid Cttlsen Fireman," will be shown. studica by the architect have trees, rocks, bodies of water and, duction for Kealy. Mri. Marie Bryan, chief warden, Gl Under the 1037 zoning laws, the the United States bad a debt of of course, buildings, if they be pre- ished that ' a single level property in question was assigned Beardsicy explained that his urges ail personnel to attend. can be erected on thb ISOOOOflOO.OOO during the last de- aent, not overlooking the smaller an A rating, but because the pre-*f«n and BOW it was five times objects, both far and near, taking duties as an executive with RCA rith a minimum of grading, would not allow him to apend as Some tribes of American traniformers were already there, i that amount, which meant $1,775 into consideration the matter of Indians ence believed there ia an provide clasorooma with they were permitted to continue,' much time at Trenton as needed lira natural illumination and for every roan, woman and child light and color. He must apprec- old woman in the moon making but not to b<> extended. j En the United States. iate that he should produce, on and inasmuch a» Kealy, who is an te play area for the chll- a basket and that tbe world wilt No Complain Filed [ the canvas, a two dimension sur- inspector for the Boxing Commis- be destroyed when the basket is The apeaker aaid we should be sion, was in Trenton often and Loin Townahlp Commt'teemen Tra' very careful of our free system face so as to give the illusion of completed. I* Centrally Located Hotley aiid Victor Dunk el, who i a three dimension landscape. He waa aLso tht elected vice-chairman selected after de> or there wou'd be a breakup from of the County Committee he would attended the - meeting:, charged f irithln. ]fie aaid that while in 1933' laid down four fundamentals to ron.-idcrHtion and inspection that Jersey Centra! had already j be considered, 1. e. linear per- act in Beardsley'- behalf when the ny possible tracts by the ore mUUon paid taxes. In 1953 MONTCLAIR L spective, aerial perspective, light occasion demanded. committed a violation within the ' M.51 per cent would pay. U. S. and Architect Studied Irfst year bv adding three trans- f and dark values and composition. Hand said he would reserve com- it to be the most de« fable Steel, he said, paid 152* per cent He offered, not a- exhibitions, but ACADEMY formers and three reiru'atora, but ! in Uuu* and had 7.02 per cent for ment on the "official representa- lb. many rtandoplnU. It 1* lo- Rudolph Cu^ntrier* chairman of j as a means to the clarification of tive" designation until he has a SUMMER SCHOOL ccntmlly in the community its own use. The speaker said that CHOPS th« wninforp It WBS passed, and had' erick C. Kentx, Sr., and Alfred W. in thr picture. Waxing a bit facet- OOP organisation. ious he told Qf a groun of Ameri- / to make a full and com- not objected «t th«t time. j Alesbtiry were j>re*fhlc4 certifi- Carbon Copies Sent p<«wntatlon of all the facts • Onlinnnce *rnrea*onaM«*' | cates for their 30 year* of mem- can ertl-U In Paris feeling that The letter went to Governor !! phases of the new school Hl« remarks drew a statempnt !.bership l|» tfce local club. Both they were being discriminated Driacoll, with carbon copies *ent «salnst In that they had difficulty cm to the cUlaens of the from Forf that It wa-n't ne«»-1 w-ere' charter .members, Tae""pre*V feo Senator Hand, Union County's snry because ''an unreasonable} entaUotu were made by Walter S. In gettlntrany of their pictures ac- four-member Assembly delegation tiship. A public - meeting - for cepted, played a trick on the au- riwv* now Is *chcdii)|ed for ordinance is void at any time there f •ecretar-r,. Mr, Eddy also and both members of the State i thorities by baeklHf up a cow to GOP committee In Union County] 7 NOTICE "~~- ' I- an obicction to it. and I fee!jprc,SPnted certificates to.Mr. a large canvaa, dipping her tall None of the recipients of the tet- that rutting property adjaccnt to j bury> rrank H- Pr*tt, Victor A. ln~a bucket of paint .and then NOTICE that Donuiiick l*axU a railroad In a residential rone j ^ Andrew Alvarez for ter was consulted by Beardsley hn *» applied to the Townahlp Bur er and pricking tha animal with a sharp .advance, and __the_ fact that the '.** of tlie Township of Bcrke«- I.- unreasonable," : I .ttCTditioe record*. stick so that, in waving her talf «l»Ut».'N. J.. for » Plenary H The. new, trar*f°rmer« will, in-i 'l*4tor« were introduced by Fred chairman sent them carbon copies V she splashed paint allJeVer th* ;*a» viewed < in nrnny quarter j as in Pl»inft-1d Avenue, Town- rroa^e the -Injitf 'from IS 000 volt* j g^^^j timber of the youth canvas and, by using different " T-y H«iBhu, N.J to 33-.000 volts, urc-oriffn-:' to Fort, i ^^^ ^ . *-- Craijt, R. moat undiplomatic, to quote, the . If any, should be made mmlttc( : cd colors, they produced a weird look* mildest term applied. *i*t"iV"iii writing to WHsm'C. who admitted that the additional p gmUh A, G^^]^ Millburn; "masterpiece" which, believe It or Tn*.; ^^#1,1; Ray Allen. Rob- nature seldom composed well, it their primary election campaign ing glory of Rcddi-wlp! You'll say they taste luice as formers hnd bern started by J-r- -jives the painter the opportunity contention that Bennlnger aims to rrt Parker, Howard F. Barrett. W. of ualnp hi- Ingenuity by moving be the county's political boss. luscious when served the Reddi-wip way!... Made n-y Central. «nd wi ordered of fresh, rich cream, R«ddi-wip whip j ««elf automat- Kelton pvanF. Madison; R. Mac- the elements around on his canvas Beardstey, In explaining the let- VAIJ.i;V SHOP s'opperl when residents com- Doufsild. Ik B. Welsh. icajlj- at the touch of a finger. The grandest lime-and- «. ». PHATT Plained, pending a public hear-, - ; --- •, ^ j^^i to suit his design, In which re- ter, said: « BNITUI a Assemblyman O. Clifford Thomas. tcred the Army In October 1950 Elsewhere Ifl tha county, the letter and joined the 45th Division In produced resentment, surprise and November, 19W. even Indifference, It wtu not clear In many po- litical circles what ReardMey hoped to accomplish by his letter. PAUL L WIRNiR, Proprlttor MOTH PROOFING A- Senator, Htnd has bmm and CALL MIMkd 2-0080 Mill It In the position of blocking MEYIR.WERN1R MOTOR CO. any appointment from panting th* 817 5>H»ifltW Aw.. Summit. N. J. lUmmlt MM3 •M4 Ukant-ri-i Senate if he ton't In favor of ib$ -M4 It-w Slmf , Ntw-A I, H. J. cholc* frtacnted. THE SUMMIT HERALD, (Ms *• Portic»lar,ia.e SEED rai Tht plan tor .thli houw *P*ci- New Drugs Protect Seeds MAY ftEP Proper Care of just like humani, Wrda differ on 'fles V tempered aardboard, a it is weather-proof; ajwajn tactea DU6T TO THE the type of home they want and 1U weather-resistant panel which Boy the hardboarA to the lumber fram- for From Infection in Soil Garden Took location, They like houses near Scouts and other bird lovers use ing, either with nail* or screws; the «irface w ^3* Ever feel iru*trated wJwn teat be a three-foot stretch with only sources of food and nest-building for constructing bird houses for juaterisl, safe from their enemies this material is v*ry smooth *nd row of pea« you planted so care* five plants* another foofc-ef heavy Money *» specie*. With light wood a» a hard; it wont split, splinter or stand, and the reat of the low-juM. Saves You and in a natural setting. Some fully In the family garden twgin When Spring cornea this year framework, the tempered hard- crack if properly applied. v popping through the ground? straggling', i '"-'•' birds like one type and location; board is used to create dry, attrac- are you going to be caught with Following are the floor area in For about two feet, thefte as Dig down and you'll find the pea others will accept only something tive homes for birds, They can be power equipment and gardening entire!}1 different inches, depth, entrance diameter thick as you expected, then may- seeds, tome with rotted spot* and tools that need a spring overhaul? painted any color: fit least two many with little ^proute that are Here are some generally-accept- coat* should be applied-* primer and feet above ground preferred According to the maintenance ex- by other common house-nesten, w curled end sickly looking. CXI MADE INTO j>erts, proper preventative main* ed specifications covering some of co SOLUTIONS reported by Popular MechanUa: ' You failed to recogni« that en- tenancy before the.garden equip- the voirtroon house-nestcrs: and finish coat made AND THE SEED , Chickadee~*t<; 8; 1%; S|e 15; emieatlay waiting In the damp Wld SOAKED IN THEM- ment leaves winter storage will The robin wants more of a shel- By noting the general specifica- soil to attack that, seeiTand the white breaited nuthatch—4x4; §t» lengthen the life and save many ter than a house, and he requires tions for the species which are 1 sprout it would put forth—enemies gardening headache*. a wide entrance and exit. His hoiwe-nesters. the average Boy 10; I -*; 13 to 80; tree #walk>w~- known *s fungi, or molde, which dwelling; should be fastened se- Seout or amateur handyman can 5x5; 8; 1%; 10 to 13; red-headed are found in varying abundance in Here are a few tips to cheek woodpecker-«xe; 10 to 12; J; 12 to on both motorized and hand equip* curely to a tree 8 to 15 feet above build various clever bird houses practically ell soil Commonly, ground. Floor area should be 6 and feeders. There are just a few 30; downy woodpecker—4x4; t to they are spoken of a* *«ed decay, ment. by g inches and the depth 8 inches. pointers to remember when using 10; lW; 10 to ao; BROAD | "damping off," seedling blight*, Check all cutting tools to make The«e are d«wU which can N pur- Bluebirds like a smaller home hardboard:, . to 12; 2%; 15 to 30. and root rot. chased in small container*. Tear sure they are sharpened. This with a floor of 25 square-inch area, These are seed end seedling dis- a corner off the ordinary seed include* all J.ypes of equipment, a depth of 8 inches, entrance'of lawn mowers and field mower .at- Krilium eases. They are usually most de- packet and dutftp in the amount Hi-si rich diameter and location on tachments for tractor equipment. New Soil Conditioner structive when Soil temperature of the chemical which is held on a pole elevated 6 to 10 .feet. . Improper Fills conditions ere not favorable for Bearings and lubrication points Wrens will become free renter* WEED and CRAB GRASS CONJi Order now, 5 lbs. $*.f 5 the large end of a toothpick. Shake should be greased and oiled before quick growth. Hot, dry soils aa well if the houses are mounted on low Available earty June the packet briskly, 3© the chemical you use the tractor for the new as cold, wet soil* may have the ««.i . I. i • ,u._L-Bole* or posts and located near $1 PER 1,000 Sfc FT. ' will completely coat aU the mm&». season. Thta also applies t*~tbcr~l" .. ' . , __. . May "Smother" same effect Germination kg flowed '. " . "• Ahrubbery. A square floor,fl 4 hvby t* For flower eeed*. use the chem- small wheeled equipment such as Applied Per Application down. Finally, when the aprout inches, is just right, and the depth FLAT GROWN ical called "Semesan." This may be the wheeled fertilizer carts and does break through the aeed coat, may vary from 6 to 10 incne's. Site Home Site Trees placed with the aeed in a can or trailers that are used with Planet 7 MINIMUM CHARGE, S5 ANNUAL FLOWER it is slow in its growth toward the of {he' opening is -»"; with no Jar and the container agitated for Jr. garden appliances. When your new home nears Includes labor and Chemical surface. This gives the enemy fun- three or four minute*, or the chem- perch on which bigger birds might PLANTS Owners of small outdoor power completion, make sure the final gi a longer time during which,they icalmay be dissolved in water keep Jenny or Johnny out, We U$fi Pttuf Bughouer Method Now Ready can attack the tiny plant appliances that have been stored A one-room house is not for thf grading operations are no threat and either seed* or bulb* soaked a over the winter should go over , CAy. MARKET 2-5J55 WEEKDAYS Frame Hardened This danger exists in the ca*e of specified time in this solution. purple martin, who likes a "hotel." to the existing trees on your prop- AJyssum JLobelia them to make sure they are in For martins you can build a four- SHORT HIUS7-3337 Ni9nft, Saturdays all the vegetables, and flowera too, With any of these products, be mire good working order. The follow- erty. Aster Marigold you like to grow. to follow manufacturer*' directions. family house according to a free like, most other living things, Calendula .Petunia ing preventative maintenance will, pteri fc«aed by'Misonite Corpora- Only within recent year* have prevent scarring cylinder walls if 1 .trees can be smothered by lafek.of Carnation Portula** i Spraying to,, protect your garden* tion, 111 ^'est Washington street, air to roots. And careless grading Scabioaa a group -of organic chemical*, they are dry from inactivity. Re- Chicago 2, 111. Mount it 16 to 50 ; Centaurea should begin before injector fung- move the spark plugs Irom the is one of the major reasons many Snapdragon mostly sulfur compound*, been feet above the ground on a pole, Oepme us damage is apparent. After the motor and pour a small amount fine specimens are lost,' according Bfc»ck» developed which could be used' a* away from buildings or tall trees.. s "overcoats'' fpr garden seed*. damage to done, it is too late. You of/ .light grade motor oil into the to the authority. Not all fills spread SOILOAM Verbena tiaiUardia can count oq. the- same enemies over the roots of established trees Larkspur Zinnia These are toxic to the fungi, yet cylinder opening. Replace spark harmless to the seed themselves. that attacked the garden last year. plug before starting the motor. collect sireh impurities as rust or are detrimental. Some,"«a when SOU. CONDITIONER 1 water. Be sure to strain gasoline roots are exposed, may even be Soiloam is a solution of a resin which chemically comb All Above, 60c do*. They throw up a "buffer wine" Annual poppie* should be sown Check rubber tlrea on tractors around the «eed and sprout, ward- and .other power appliances for by filtering it through a fine mesh beneficial. But, above all, It pays with clay permanently covertlng it to a fine porom $2.25 per flat where they are to grow, and their screen or fine cloth. Put the cloth the home owner to check on-the texture thereby preventing Making and subsequent ing off the enemy organisms In the seed may be broadcast whenever cuts, nicks and proper air pres- o# tne,sh filter in a funnel in; the kind .fj/tiill tjsed. of thesoll. " ,.:,•...... , -.. •• .. - soil and giving the plant a chance the soil cart be loosened an inch or sure. The proper air pressure U Ageraturo Nicotlana to develop>trong roota arid vigor- usually indicated by tfoe manu- gas tank which automatically fil- Mature trtes may succumb to • Converts da,y or poor soil* a Increase* Nlerembergia ao deep with a rake. They stand Gelosia ous top growth. facturer. ters and cleans the gasoline at as little as three or four inches Into a permanently looM • Check* erosion in ( y Petunia. Raffled freezing weather without injury. Only a tiny amount of these Teeth on garden cultivator at« the same time. of clay soil, which impacts easily porous material. seeding*, Dahlia, Dwarf Salvla tachments become worn. Check to Seasonal painting for all tools and. prevents «ir and moisture a Give* better drains^ i Salplglossis chemicals is needeed to coat the Savoy cabbage is a fine home * Prevents »oll infraction. seeds, In general, vegetable seeds garden vegetable. It i» not often see the. teeth are pointed. If they Including the tractor and acces- from reaching roots. On the other increase* water rrteafi^l All Above, 75c dot may be successfully treated with found in market* though its are too badly worn they should be sories will lengthen the life of the had, A shallow dressing of sand Convenient liquid form — dilute with water and spray. either of two chemicals sold under crinkled leaves have . a special replaced. When cultivator £eeth tools. Pick colors that will show loam top soil, will do no harm and 1 gallon treats 500 to 1000 tq. ft. Dilute with 20 to $2.50 per flat the name* "Araean" or "Sptrgon" flavor. are dully they cause a greater load Up and 11.se outdoor paint rather frequently will be helpful. Left of water for 2 to 3 inches of penetration. on your machine- Sharpened than iruioor paint. for only a few weeks, even si Apply to lawns, greens, fairways, flower shrub beds, etc. FLAT GROWN teeth make your gardening more Maintenance at the very bestin- temporary fill of clay can do se- Price per gallon. J9.Su—shipped, anywhere inUS. efficient and ease the operation njng of the season will lengthen rious damage. on larger quantities. " VEGETABLE PLANTS of your garden tractor. HOWE tlie"--service you will get from all .In many instances the home Between Xewark, Montclair, Morristown and New Bra»j Now Ready Gasoline comes in for some con- garden equipment, In many cases ..site is selected because it boasts wick we will apply it for you for $2.50 per gallon rxtrt W«J it will .save time in gardening be- Frame Hardened sideration too when you are ready one or mote beautiful mature use a special BUG-HOZZER method for application. Broccoli Celery to start the tractor for the first cause you will be" sure there will be tree*. Yet these are more sus- PLANT MARKET no breakdown during actual gar- Write m Call MA 2-S15S Brussels Sprouts Kohlrabi time in the Spring. When gasoline ceptible to environmental changes dening operations. Cabbage Lettuce 201 MAIN STREET ia stored in small quantities it can than younger ones. Cauliflower Parsley In the case where a heavy top ACCURATE TOOL COMPANY MADISON 6-0895 fill is absolutely necessary, a ma- 15 MANUFACTUKtS Ft. NEWARK, H.JIJ All Above, 50c doi. ture tree can be,saved by a spe- $2.25 per fiat OPEN SUNDAYS Call SU. 6-0073 cial aeration system. The need for and technical aspects of such TO FILL YOUR/COAL BIN an installation can best be ex- POTTED ROSE plained by a' qualified landscape BUSHES GERANIUMS NOW AT architect or tree expert, .. FORBES Hany New Varieties ANNUALS * Route 10 at Hanover Hybrid VINCA VINES LOW SPRING PRICES • KOPPERSCOKE ; CJpen Weekdayi and RHODODENDRONS W*F wiiiofR- scot.* t Sundays, 8:30 to 8:00 • TO* QUALITY £& videi oil lh« nufricnft needed for ; (Whippany 8-0375) Complete Line • Evergreens, many varieties lawn beauty. Economical—yw iw • FloweriBf Shrubi Scott's 1 1B pw 100 $qfi. F«ed 2500 iqft Morris Turnpike near • Shall* Trees OUR EASY BUDGET PLAN LAWN CARE 10,000 $q ft - $7.85. Mfflburn Ave., Millbum Consult Us On Landscaping LOW MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS • . Problems PRODUCTS Scsm. urn Open Weekday* 9 to 9 Cnokif* Wend of oil Saturdays, Sundays to 6 Red Leaf L W. BALDWIN CO. flratki. Makes the delwe (Millbum 6-4430) Alto Located At 218slttUUmrn Ave^Maplenood tun or jhode. Nut fe R. R. Station — Murray Hill J Ib-11.50 5Jba.-_! SUMMIT HARDWARE & PAIHT CO I 359 SpringfUW Avt. Summit,

• •' • rf jgEJHgisfl^aBWBrwlHMHsMt Y. ^F *WSfi(B(' -* J Garden equipment will last long- cr when you check It berore JU first uaage every season. Bearings and lubrication .pphjta on power \\\\V equipment should be oiled and greased before using.* Pouring Jl&ht grada oi luci .©H in^ - the cylinder opening of a garden trac- tor, as in the illustration, lubri- cates the cylinder walla after wln-

Mm Wwtrotvil or* iub|«c» M dims* l MM Wh». j^.-woK HTM DONO ROSES spainum «"OM Originally $1.50 to $2.95 2 BROS. NOWII 7f# Originally $!•* Nursery AZALEAS Formerly of Passaic Ave. •l~One of Nature'. Mint B««uUfa! and Eiotic M«J Chatham in* Plants. •*~In Bad and In Bloom. NOW LOCAHD •*Rd and ftnka. Springfield Ave. FLOWERING SHRUBS Don't mlw (h« blr Ulerttlon hit, "TOAST New Providence All Our High Quality or THE TOWN,'1 with Ed Sullivan, Sunday Bl 1:00 to 9:00 P.M. Station Wt'HS - B»fw««n LIvingiton Av«. and Originallgly y 998c to $1.95 — NOW!! 7* Channel t. Maple Street PERSIAN ULAO PINK HX)W QUINCE TRY THE 3-Y1AH WINNIR THAT See what that ''let'* go'* Forerunner Stirling SU 6-8184 OF SIMEON S does even for visibility, especially down front wsnmA SPIREA COME IN TODAY FOR YOUR "PRIZE-WINNING DRIVE" TOPPID Ml OTHIt GARS IN 1952 and over that right front fender. Discover how I 1NOWBALL OORAI MOWLOAS ECONOMY RUN Mercury engineers have driver-planned this MOOR ORAJfQE ear with future features like the builtout-from- »EAUtY BU Step up to the car that make* others look—and the-da»h Interceptor panel S ride—like years-ago models. Step out in the But most important, find, out what Mercury's ORRY-NO MAIL OR PHONE car that again won the Grand Sweepstakes new live-weight design-team/*! with a far* COME IARLY FOfc SEST SELECTIONS) Prize —the eat that bat taken first-in-elatt advanced Meppr

LONO IILAMD N«wirk. H*im>il>aJ JOHN L DI ETC HE MOTORS, INC Up To it n.inMim »ti •0-12 PUCI SUMMIT, N. J. "This gartftn o4nt*f ofwn fl Wwh«l*>» « ».m. to | p m

t. . ' • /*' reation Softball 11 Weather game* were ployed on TuifeJ ductloa by m. 6-2 acore, CSb* fwted Public Service No. l by night of la* reek. Local 46 cosily U-9, Celaneae defeating Bel! Lafag $ Crimp in b dtfeau-d tiw Summit Hardware by >' 4 20-S acore. ol Softboll a 10-5 a.-ore, in the other g«ne to r weatbtar condition* u taday Th pos t Ijr one night f?*? J » ' * o«i« defeated Root'j Um* shop by a. t.ported in the Oty 12-0 score. • ' •o:S£S3: »» i irs FKIEMM: |McH*ie, oo 0 Crfem* « i In the Summit Industrial Soft- |B tempo .C ,c* o 0 © >rr bull Uiguv, J. K. Smit defeated (grow*JJ . Jbrf , ee1 ci fto-aVcrttT'w o o e Wonderful Pulverizing by « 15-v ^ort. Pub,ic o l o v. P mu ei s o o Service No. ,1 defeUtd Air Re- B-B teuipv, pii| ,,,j In The World by toning*;, SOU t loing To tiappm lessee J— i" i"e »» n;; 4 15 9 0 0 i—10 IS 0 Post Of fit* (i*> Root1. Mm', 8. (•» .MeUllo, c 20 O'RUHCU Sb r b « J Anern, 3b t 0 (NL'tardi }b oeo SJorpneyMoroney, Ja 2 1I o Donto.. "c cf 0 0 0 Blnford, lit KereUl, rf ooft o 2 1 0 lurtow, c SOo o S Mehnltt. cf 0 2 0 nnkjeTFikt " fib 0 0 rf 0 0 0 Reynolds, p 0 0 0 R. Ahem, IB l i frn»bsr7« '919 20 11 0 . J3 « fr til Bun* by InnlmH; •:•. •- "•-:-• in* Offle* 112 5 11 0—13 • 0 Chartered «nd Supsrviwd by U. S. .'* Shop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 910 Palsy Fund Drive MARKETS -"V (Continued from Pfcte 1) burdeol jmd •* our respoiwlbility wjtt be grrater In 1952 before," Hi-, HlbKok Mr. -rilckok empbuliced that * cerebral polay U a condition, not a disease. "It Is not contagious nor U it Inherited. There b no known lot cereBral p^liy. It strike* all age groups, anywhere, at any time," he added. Funds sought by the league are to i maintain Jta clinic ....at' the Alexian Brothers Hospital, Eliza- beth, and the pre-achool and rec- reation center at Christopher Prime 4 Choice Pay for your home this easy way... Columbus School. intimate goal of the organiza- with a Summit Federal mortgage tion Is the establishment of a Grades Only Ib. $l.*iO,000 treatment,and education lo/in. Small monthly installments, center in Union County. Hie arranged to meet your individual league is the local affiliate of Any Size Piece the United Cerebral Palsy Asao- needs, cover interest, taxes and ciatlom. Inc. CHUCK ROAST 53 Bonetets reduce the principal steadily. A Four Area Women Cited Short Cut Ib. No Waste friendly, considerate service that's By Yets Administration 59 Chuck Roast 75^ helped thousands of families to Two Summit and two Berkeley Heights women were presented SWIFT PREiltiUM Hygrgifi Homy Br«d FmttHet< , ^ SEAFOOD VALVB debt-free home ownership. Let us with certificates last night which lib. cite them for thetr volunteer work I OLD CUTS cello, pkg. help you. ..now! at Lyons Veterans Hospital. Tney Prf-pickagcd—Tabkl* Rudy Sliced Bacon 55< Pork Liver . 35- were: Mrs. Elinor Hopkins, Mrs. Lean — PrB-diced Mm mi Ctoki Oily Siildren Liogan. both of Summit, BologBa . . k Shrimp Summit Federal and Sirs. Pauline Anderson, an& Asserted Loaf s . . Stewing Beef Mrs. Marguerite. Howarth, of ! Beef Short Ribs « Large | Berkeley Heights. The ceremony Ltncheei Meat «*^ Hi-fct HI-Hat Savings AND LOAN ASSN. j was held at the hospital. Cooked Salanl . • fqney Spr!uqfi«Id Avenu., The presentation was part of a Bctw««n Berdiirood RA. «nd Maple St nation-wide recognition by the Boiled Mm . . . Macaroni Salad ;: 29

o4 ox. bottle c* "Papa Size" pfui deposit" 35/ $ ' Wwhii—Criia frm LMII Farm jumbo Fran UMI Farm,: A A ^ | Pascal Celery •talk 16 oz. Fresh Radishes 2 ^-*- 9/ § Freshbake Bread loaf ^ | Crisp Ntrtfcwfttara I I Wineiap Applet Ib. 1 Red Breast Salmon toatkaraStar 'I'-- Bonito -w -•—•--—JnrCpppw-- Colortd Holdar A Iaaiitlfut Matit Comaiafa 'SatatMav: —— ••. Both WWi C«pp«r-Col»r«si*.:+.

OMarwiif 2tt oz. Deviled Ham . can 1* NntM't NIBLETS CORN Orange Wafers 9% oi.39 tall 12 oz. Evaporated Milk 2 cant .•:•••• Wide Kernel can 15 16 or. Big Holiday Savings Dog Food . . can 9 k t Diamond See how you save on what- Maxwell House Coffee .86' OleiargarlM . " * * Crystal Salt. . , »• -25/ Butttncatch, Choc., Pin*gppl« ever tires you need—with Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 .27' Statfaittis • , our blgg**t special in yon! HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Limited time onlyf Come Kitchen Garden Peas 2 :33hl« Development Co., linden. reasonable groun.da. • - ttv of the Siiminit Association for t;aa of » zncthgd for i Another exct-ption will be the L:quor Control at th* annual meet- the efficipacy "of processea using It Jtakes from 3,600 to 5,000 bees driver with a record of convic- ing held Uwt Krlday «t the YWCA *»••• h '-the. tMfdm4 #oJi«V jt«:hniqu* ea- to weigh a pound. fcecisJiy when applied to the roast. tion*' over the- years _wlik+r are *ore Mrs. H. A. (Jroyder,; Ernest" spread out ""in ~suc"h~manHeFin*r G. JJfaihack, Harry A. Marahall, 12 points are not accumulated in Mrs. rl.jW. Martln,*F. R. 6pie, Ills* Pocono Crest Camps CRIST any three year period, but whose Esther* D Reuher and John 8 CHICHAAAMI «W »OT» , consistent record of violations •. NAWAMMMIw UM^ KnJor • wonderful Vacation or Say re. • • - ' »« Season. 2009-ACTt »t»*t, indicates that he has not respond- i UW. Balanced Dtcgrun of »(wru Acre Eesort. 3Mo4*ro BoUlj. D»- MM. Croyder, Mr, Sayr«»«nd Mr, / »o4 cnaiUv* tetlvitr. BMtrUoecd ed to correction and most likely of »nd ewy CottMM with » Couuelon. PtwsieiMi; Chwea Eotel. All Beortj. L»k«- By never wilL Another txamplv i* " 6«vlc*i. t Wirk* »lt#—« MT<*lt» th« driver whose license has »S7». K. I". Otiricc, Butt* Ml*,tiTiun. Churehc* oearwr, li West 4!t>4 81. LO 1-1M*. «.T.O»«,llW.4t4«t.(" been revoked under the Point i. System and eventually restored.- Summit Live Poultry In this Instance, a subsequent Uw ft Or*utd Poultry Of All conviction, regardless of whether fre$h CHAPTERS NO. 43 and NO. 69 another 12 points have been ac- cumulated, will be grounds for CALL SUMMIT 6-1562 another proposal to revoke. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS The Attorney General made it clear that the Point System will Of In no way conflict with the power of magistrates to revoke licenses. MADISON - CHATHAM - MILLIURN - SUMMIT Carrying the corrective pro- - . PRESENT .%' cess further, JMr. . parsons Mtid that when the revocation period ends and the..repeater's- name THE SKYLINER MALE QUARTET restored to Ihe .driver roils, be ELKS' BIRTHDAY PABTIT-Officere of SumKnlt exalted ruler; Paul L.'$ Werner, general chairman will be given a red-colored Lodge of Elks, J246, who were in charge of the and Joan Rillo. StandiAg, left to right, are Herbert validated license. This cer- 41st anniversary celebration of 4he local lodge held Brennan, James Flood, Robert T. Reynolds, past tificate will have »pace on the last Wednesday evening. Abot*^,seated, left to right, ruler; Theodore Van Dike, Patrick Kelly and Joseph back for the holder's past rec- are James R. Cucco,- Hoas I^oyle,' entertainment Zeigner. (Chell Frantztri). ord of violations. chairman; William Evans, Thomas Brennan, Jr., | '*'The validated "lire/Me will be issued to the repeater in. accord- ance with the following schedull: R. C. Wilson Dinner Host If revocation was ordered To Mt. Hermon Alumni State to Lift License of Chronic by magistrate J year. If there is another con*.- New Jersey alumni of the viclion of record within Mount Hermon School, Mount three years in addition to - rznoiCitass:; were gtieats of R. Traffic Violator by Point System "The traffic law, ylolaUon re- FolnU the original magistrate'* Cade Wilson of Dalkelth, Spring- peater is on the way out !n New field avenue, at a dinner last J?ri« Driving, or permitting an- .revocation j years. day evening at BaltusroL About Jersey. His capacity to drive other to drive, while under License restored under properly having been put to a«r» t.System ., 3 yeari. 100 alumni attended. - "". : the influence of alcohol or ious question, he faces the pros- Mr. WiLson, a member of the druK«> 13 pect of becoming a full time Involvement in fatal accident At the SUMMIT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Claas of 1888, was the first «P- pedestrian." pllc&nt'for admission to the e^hool. (if held responsible) 12 Kent Place Leaving scene of accident .. 8 WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 28 at 8:30 p.m. Among those attending were With this, prelude, Attorney General Theodore ' D. Parsons, Beckless driving , • Headmaster Rubendah] and Alum- ADMISSION $1.50 head of the State Department of Exceeding speed limit 4 School Slates ni Secretary Leslie WhiU. Law «nd Public Safety, yester- Other violations (excluding day announced details of a Point parking) ..,. S System, effective July 1, which If 3 convictions within 18 Two Concerts he believes will rid the street* month period—add ....).., 3 The first of the traditional The Happy Cabby spring atep ainga at Kent Place '••('• and highways of that segment of Explaining the manner in which j the driver population whose rec- the Point System will operate, School will be held tomorrow at' . >vr-^%* V • ._ ^ ords of arrests for violations of Mr. Parsons said that all traffic 7;30 p. m. on the outdoor stage the common sense rules of the and motor vehicle law violation on the Norwood avenue campus. road make them undesirable convictions ere reportefl by" the This will b» followed by the sea- company for the great majority magistrates to the Division of son's final Glee Club concert of well-intentioned, law-respecting Motor Vehicles. These reports which will be presented In Over 160,000 long dlsfanc« colls are being vehicle operators. constitute the driver record fitti Phraner Gymnasium. every day by operators like Miss June Clark of The point System', which was which mak(>s possible the flagging Classes of the Middle and Up- New Jersey. That's 3 tiroca as many as 10 years ago!' developed and will be adminis- of .repeaters. per Schools and the faculty ser- enade the senior class in the step- making these calls? Just about everyone! And in addiimi tered J^jAc^g pirejCtor__WiUiam Other States to Aid sing. In turn the seniors salute Btepped-up business and pearsonal calls ... j. bearden, of the Division of The driver^ record is not con- TAxi 1 Motor Vehicles, sets up a scale the school in song. Alumnae, par- fined exclusively to violations ents and friends are Invited. CAB ;_:j of points and point values for committed within the State. Un- certain law violations, exclusive der an agreement between the Miss Ellen Richter, supervisor of as— Carl Fischer's of parking. An ' accumulation of States and Canadian Provinces, the music department, will direct 12 points within a three-year reports of convictions are made the Glee dub. Mrs. Ralph E. SPRING PIANO SALE period makes the repeater subject to the roficU'tit State of the viola Plumley will be piano accompanist. j to a hearing before the Director tor and these convictions will also The program is as follows; Drastic Reductions! Glee Club • "To Ifce Nemtpaptat Office plea*e — anil HURRY!" I on a rule to show cause why his be weighed against the driver as Ctrl Fischer - Baldwin '- Acroxonle Waters Ripple and Flow; Cn-ch- Hamllton.lvFn & Pond • Pools I driving privilege should not be if the violation had occurred in fTlien the unexpected h«ppeni and YOU need transportation In a X revoked. At the. time of license oslvakian Folksong. hurry — there is Jart one tiling to do — call HILL CITY RADIO USED AND REBUILT New Jersey. Stelnway» . Knabfs - Web«rs • restoration, a further corrective Solo: Judith Houck; arranged by CAB — Juad keep jour nerve* iteaajr, There will be exceptions to th and many other fine name pianos will be invoked in the form of a Deems Taylor. Point System. For example, a I validated license of . different Glee Club single violation, while not carry- HILL CITY RADIO CABS color and containing a complete Ifl Wood Embowered '.Veath 16S W. 57th STREET, N. \. C ing the necesary 12 points in it • "A Progrmih* Cab Service" "Across from Carnegie Hall record of his operating derelic- Aiure Skies; Brahms. self, may be of such serious natur PLaza 7-1027 tions. No, There Is No Bearing with CoU SUMMIT 6-1230 or 6-6722 A(cnti for Mluhall Eatey as to'warrant revocation. The* These Spiteful Neighbors; Brahma The point schedule is as follows: casei, if not already, revoked b> Triple Trio • • . Love Will Find Out the way- English Folk Tune. Have You Seen But a White Lily Grow; Tune circa James I, He Shall Feed His Flock; Handel Glee Club-Selections from "Porgy and Bess" Oh, I Can't Sit Down; Gershwin. Summertime; Gershwin. Triple Trio—Negro Spirituals. her > 1J' ? »« Wttlc Wheel A«TurR- tof? In Sly Heart. .Who B.ullttheiAi-k ;.. Sometime*-1 Feel Like a Mother- Servicemen like Pvt. Albert Pooh of East Meado*. less Child. On Canaan Shore. ' York, are calling the folk* back homo from Ne Members of the Glee Club from gireat military campg at the rate of 180,000 calls a Summit^re,Rrcr Susan. Arm- «•• official military calls are ttear all-time |>eaks, too. Al«-»| strong, Penelope Bcnsley, jjary Louise Brown, Kate Burke, Nadfc Burn*, Helen Crawford, Mary Cum- wings, Betsey Hilyard, Barbara Jano Hodges. Jane Holt, poHy L°thm*n> Barbaia McCabe, Pa- tricia MacDonald, Marian Lynn Pyle, Marilyn Rippie, EUcn stiles and Beverly Welsh: . ,On Tuesday, May 27l at 2 p m controls of end-sway and 19§* BUICK the middle arid upper school piano # «nd voice puplU wH, preflent TV side-roll and vertical LOCAL DSLIVEMED PMICCM recital in the music building au- You can sw ng it if you try "throw"-for X-bracing ditorium. The teachers are Misa SPECIAL ht M —. , the frame and V-bracing 5? ^ "P'l in rAVE you, by any chance, 1 liei-e s one of these lively the torque-tube keeMor a total $2266:13 vited * L been casting eyes at a lovelies waiting for you to of 15 ride-engineering features, MODEL „ — on the ck, and promising yourself come in and try it. their selections a-fe: B Jean Anno Cummlng 7* that someday you will take the SUPER uet (or two pianoa, Big Step and have one all your car wam>t $2635.16 Riviera tvalan Margaret Plumley own? " MODEt $2 It>8 a price. P The Zoo; Scott. Sonata |n n "»jor for two p|anoa; MoMrt Let us whisper something to 5Xervalve-in-neadnhil/Y. lou coulMd pay ROADMASTER Janet Smith yoa. The "big step" isn't big at $300 to $400 more, for a car $3381.83 Solfc&ietto; Bnch ut Mvtaw Janet Haworth all. that doesn't match its horse* ** **** fact remains that MODEL 76t power. when you check the price pf a .. ! I" B flat; Chopin. We know that's true, because u OpHwiol tqulpmenl, oce«$»ori«i, ilala and SPECIAL Polonalno In A major; such a high percentage of pres-* Get fhft f«.i n( n,,« n B »"ck against the local tax«i. If any. additional. Pricai may vary H 80 Called ilightly In ad|o1nlng communillet dv« to ihlf>- ent Buick owners traded in a Dr ve» that let. J^? rST " ping chorf|»». All pritoi >ub|«cl to Security it th« watchword at (kfcnw car tagged as belonging in "the without notic*. M«iy Quten Tomorrow Curtias-Wright, produce™ of «|nmfl engines and I** low-priced field." A May Queen will be *elC Hundreda of ejefro Long Distance calls doily prevent p«wjjl SSS52 and crowed tomorrow night tion bottlomcka, npood up jwothietkn; WP O891110 "" ' Sure is true W52 P ttM mght security! So why not set your sights on cuts down on upkeep costs, by And brother, will that make ^ f t ° protecting the engine, the rear by the Junior High £S. this star performer? pf th^ YWCA. end, and even the tires, from progr»rri geU under-wav «> y not enjoy big-car comfort driving Strains. Equipment, acctssoms, trim and models --big-car power-big-car pres- Get the f«I oJ. ride that co* tige for your moneyP : a million dollars and more for mt on other S0mt. BUICK Staffs your call

-••- - "-'"»»i attached straight through- SUMMIT BUICK CO. Morton A*hman, who WJ|| d the flrl whose flow^ hmrl t; ••-72 Franklin Place, Summit, N. J. SU. 6-OS1X he same m.mber will then hi NIW J1RSIY iILL - J- f Hughl«tt to T1LIPH6NI COMPANY in chargo of £ THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 22,19JS2 1$ g Talks you contact m prc*p«Uv« Naw Zealand sheep tort Large specie* of bamboo souse-" ig PTAio Exams Scheduled Brides Should Get er.' ' . . ' i Herald to Publish on every person. I times grow to be 120 feet bigh. *• Htld by Boro 3. If you chanfe your nam* by Wedimdoy N«xt Election at nmrrlage, divorce, or for j$ay otbcf Community Cliest For State Trooper Names Changed for reason, you should notify ths So- *f the cial Security Administration and hoUday ««ixt Friday, M»r M. th« Summit UonUd «UI pubHsit an 1902-B Cor th» have them change your naaM on g Owtrtl Jobs Now Open Wednewiay, May M, ttmtemi »f Social Security tht-ir record* oi dinner wj!l beCommittee of the New Providence the customary liittrwtoy. ;Written^ competitive 'ciuumLna- Leonard F. Sivvil, manager of -tun Schwl Wed* Boroufh Comniunity Campaign * If, at any time, you love your Thb advance la the publica- tiona for 100 state trooper job* tb« EUiabeth office «C the Social are now being jlnwn up by the card or your card becomes worn tion date makes It ne«>ssary m«nnb*r»-of the organisation, ac- ale ischedultd for May 23 and 24, Seeurity Administraticn, yesterday it wa* announced thk week by beyond recognition, you should a*• for aU editorial and advertising cording to Alien W. Roberts, reaiaded girls who have roceatiy w;il 'IH. followed by a Ruajsell A. Snogk, state police sup- ply for « duplicate of the original copy to be submitted no lat«r chalrm&n ot the publicity commit- married or are plajnninf to marry ,,;,)£ during which tht erintendent, number assigned to you. than 8 p. m. Monday, May t& Um, .•'.••• that thtir new names must be put ,,,!,, will come up for The Elisabeth office of the So- The deadline for ph«*t«gr»pi>» For the convenience of appli- on social security carder. Tb« so- At a recent meeting, Gus Bit- cial Security Administration, lo- will be Saturday noon. canU. the examinations will be" cial security nuuob*r remains the treasurer, reported a bal- cated at 1X43 East Jersey Street, ie The cooperation of publicity . pW- held Friday, May'23, at 7:3o""p. m. a*, int. *ace en hand of'|681.S(, to be dl*-! open Monday through Friday, 8:30 chairman of organisation* and other lifc- Ind Sttturday, May 24 at 10 a. in. Pointing out that study next year at the University GompUu command... plu§ the most effortless driving you're ere* j> i.f, -safety n«dff. I'ar- physical »«|efeeta; betwetn' S'S" and \r by-lawa «ad present recommen- 2.-If vwi are going to Work for jof San Marcos. Liipa, feru. A known! That's what CM Hydraulic Storing* In the new "Rociet" i«- .-v't'-'l ,l>y qu'^t'on- 8'4" in.height; weixht between 180 the flrfit time and have never had. I !ea\'« of absence for, the next dation in regarcj to the number of and 228 pounds. Educational re- 0Id»mobile means to VOM/ To'psrk, to turn, to take * nharp curve— I, rl)'i!F tliat thrif children a social *efurisy account oerd, you academic year was voted for him persona on the Central Commit- •tactlttf kfun .with GM Hydraulic! See your dealer and try it today! • >l, tht danf«r HUirtmenU are nlgtt jchool gradu- should itiakc application (Or theat Tu««day's meeting of th* col- tee, Grant RaiMChar, chairman, ation or the equivalent, number at your nearest social «• lege's board of trustees in Cran- if' and William BraUnwarth, The , Additional information may be head W the PJaa- 1 furity office. Jf you oan't go to a foird. ^ " ; ——— III YOU! MIAIIIT OLDIMOIItl DUtll 1 " ' budget review cotttntltttt in- •Obtained"" fMla ally fttSte Police i iviiuUrc will discuss the social security office, make appii- A. Clifford . Bernard, Summit, cludes Qua Blttrich, chain, in, •tftation or by writing the per- ,.(ls of ths school and oation at your nearest post office. was re-elected the board's secre- SPERCO MOTORS CO.. INC. m Jay Ebel and Robert Qenlg. j •ottnel section, State Police head- You should have your social se- tary and Mrs. Reed Hyde was re 411 MORRIS AVBNUE . SUMMIT 4-1700 -tho' ii>minittcc"s quarter*, Trenton 7, N. J. * Gjif Scoutt to Hold curity amount number card «rb«n. named a for three years. Op*n Wt4nttiay and Friday —. Etening$ I!mil P P. M. gr:«s,,y wiil\ reveal plans y Fair to be held In Award Court June 14 Berkeley Ilfiifhtw—Girlv Scouts' |is>*o( coul mine tncchanl- of Ihi* community will conduct i*' Amrrifan mlhier can a court of awards on June 14 at 4 p.m. at Columbia School, it was County Model . Rbout as much coal In a -Jiipancsa miner pro- announced last week at a meet- Iri A month.' ing of tht community committee Plane Contest held nt the home of Mr* L. R. Union County's model alrplsnt Seinfeld, Twin Falls road. contest, with free trips to cbBJ- The recent Girl fieout cookie pete in an international meet in sale conducted in the Township Detroit as extra awards for area wia declared an outstanding «uc- contestants, will take place from ects by Htt. Benjamin Van In*1 to T p.m. Sunday. June 15, in wegen, chairman. She reported Warinanc? Park, Elizabeth. that 2,202 box«* of cookies' had Announcement of preliminary bten toll compared to 1,M8 boxes plans for the meet was made by In kurt y«ar'« «alc. Robert C. Crane, "editor of the I Elizabeth Daily Journal, and Ray- The following committees were appointed;, • mond D. Matthews, Hillside, Fresh Killed Fancy Long Island Mrs. lUyinomj W'eAtherby, MM. chairman of Union County Ply- Samuel Church., Mrs. Donald mouth dealers, the Elizabeth MoNair, and Mr«. Rudolph Guen- Daily Journal • and Plymouth finance; 'In. Van Inwf*z<«n. dealers arc co-sponsors of the Marlon M«yer« and Mr«-event. Serving with Mr. Matthews on DUCKLINGS 29 Arthur Manner, nominating. • the Plymouth dealer's committee READY-FOR-THE-OVEN bRAWN DUCKLINGS — 1b.39«— AN EQUAL VALUE! Mrs. Church, community chair- ar«^ Charles Betr, Union, end man, announced that additional Paul H. Werner, .Summit. registrations at Camp Columbia- Competition for handsome tro- Woodland day camp are avail- phies in each'class is open to all 7-inch «t Columbia School. .model plane enthusiasts, but-for lbs Union County fliers under 21 cut years old. the main attraction \cmRIe beef BIs suprem e toROASr quality, flavor and tenlernessT . S*«fcU-TrIni removes much surplus fat. Madonna R».EI»c»«d Borough — Alexander Mudon- will be two free trips to the n» Of the borough has been nom- Detroit meet. Selections for this IAMB CHOPS 99ffe| inated to «uccced,ihSmsclf on the award are on the basis of out- board of dlrciori of the Union standing performance throughout Cottage Hams IMOKIO ik 79c Midget Bologna 69c County Retail tlquor D«l«r» As- the county meet. A Union County lfc ibclalion. The] term Is for <%#representative last year was Beef Liver 85c Haddock Fillets rBO.t» ,M1V 43c •^rtar. Ejections are held each Larry Scaring, 12 Lowell avenue, AICO Summit. [ ' Bacon ItlCtB 2 Pollock FUfeto'-AfcSsr £ 33c June. notn Township Plans .Stewing Lamb Swordfish Steaks l. 49c Mtmoriol Day Rites jCaiicy Berkeley Height!* —Tentative TERMITES plans for observance Of Memorial I, Day and the Fourth of July are 82-ox. are flying again. Watch expected to be announced at a deA Bottle for "Swari»3>r of "Flying meeting, of the Recreation Com- MOTTS ints" which come with mittee next Monday night, An- Spring, shed their wings, thony G. Castellano, recreation chairman, announced this wec.k. Franco American disappear. These 7 Prepared Cans He said he expects.that the usual SPAGHETTI wood destroying insects laying of a wreath of geraniums cause much damage to In the park opposite the station pen 35c pot** Vaii property. Buildings not will be carried out w| usual by •ftfl protected during cC pricefora simple eicterminators. Ey- The residuary estate Is in trust 1b. 6-01. 6ry job is uuperviged by for the lifetime of Mnrie J. Mc- cans Sterling Salt Donough, Widow, 4 Webster ave- ly trained,j licensed nvie, who will receive the income; American Cheese Ik. Dixie Garden Sliced Morton's Salt niter her death, .ahc will designate tTAitt inriB IG'SZ neer. ; beneficiaries of one half and one CHEESE FOOD Liverwurst •-•«. c»» Glendale Club t-n. i.o»' lOot, We are a New Jersey or- half will be shared by testators Strawberries CNOIBWOOD st-ven children. Deviled Ham ganisation,; employing Mild Cheese n. Baby Kew Jersey residents, and y Ehler's Coffee Ib. wo have served New Jer- Blue Cheese LA CBOI property owners suc- Broccoli Chop Suey OIN>CM r»f. sraiAD is. ower •**»«oo« Wispride Caulifl Soy Sauce t.A CHOT reputation in Birdsdye Peas n tutfurpassed. CDmmETlTS Velveeta Cracker Jack ?£ 1 French Fries Wvalues them all Thousiinds of references Borden's Griiyere Sour Balls 25c tn available in New Jer- EXAMS AHEAD! Strawberries cnAmm m.n. „»». lor roominess, uy~mt in Mine distant Cottage Cheese ntr Protex 4-^ 35c atate Our work is GUAK- Lemonad VANIt »nort «nd, «iiic« 14 S"» we f«*l Facial Tissues *,:?*, 25c ANIBBD FOR 5 YEARS you o«ght to start In now and m coirifort, safety, without additional charge you g .-a one-yeir guarantee in really tnm to get n*>od Red Heart 4mi »••• visibility. Stop in In each exam. So, 13ti-M. worthless. ntudy hard and Cadet Dog Food 3 29c May and see the For Information or Free (In your rK>»t . . • Apple-Fitted Charge Inspection! and Advice— that'll nil y 0« PABSONS Sl-M. Clothes Pins 25c to pi*** Ammonia SCO1C BMtla CALL .1. . with Blu-WWte 52BODGE the K M» hl|* Coffee Cake 39 Cat Food "Tfirtr* 9c""a. 14c thnt you will be Virginia Ut TreatI Yes Facial Tissues ar buy of the year! TERMITE a credit to your family. Sweetheart Soap B%4 TV set.will. Wax Paper 22c BUREAU p the perform- Special thta week-end! ance te«t If Jou ^'f Know You? Paper Napkins I provide It with mvwon any time It needs »tt«itlon. For Enriched WhiU Paper Cups 9c "'«' I'lvmauth Best" CONTROL I th» kind ©f fwrvicB that will keep your receiver operating Plastic Spoons % *y» better, lonner. call on Bread t lio I Schmidt, Jr., Inc. nomxk mere* 8l«*t W|th our Open Fridays Until 9 P. M. Telp your stt will be WP"»«* CHntnut ft-UM on y»w premise*. Ph«w »«»- Springfield Ave. and South St. New Providence Summit *.14fc5 , mil B-W70. 49-51 Maple St. Summit 14 THI SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. MAYjM!» UBGAJL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMJCJVT LEGAL. ADVERTTSiEMKNT LEGAL Atwianr ^masun Cwiaell M U» CJW «rf.*»um- nut for a Ciub Ue«n«e for the prmn- Gilion. CHS Clerk of Sttaaalt, ». answer tat NOTICE OF INTENTION way. New York 12. »,T, 7.500 »ii»ret, NOTICK S» ftituatwl at 14T. Morris Avenue. on or b*f art _ Vw plui. uiool BOAd, Pu«er»iFiU.«, K. I. TAKK NOTICE tbat V. »aiiah aad tn d«f»uit 1 Ktog & Company « o CHy BiLak William H. Tajiox. Director, 373 TAKI JtOTXCE the Graasa Caioa Fs-mie-rs Trust Companj-, 22 WUliauui Klmwytid Drlvt, Or*ss*. New Jttttf. SOB.. Q*» apj>li»d t« tn«' GoaHB The aaaMss'ef tilt offlctw of Uaui will be mads n Company, trading as (s.o Trade Name), Street. New York 15, N.Y.. J0.510 Sally T. BetuoD, Diractor. 4»3 Mais Couacli of ttt» City of Summit for *, Club a*a tS»e offieet tSsty *U1 M- the Court shall ha* fcppited tf> the Common Council Street. Orange, New jersey, Pleaary Bjtfiil DUtrt&uUon Ucoua* ten •pccUreljr ar<> • • '• _ . ,vm covmr er NEW JEKSEY, just ©I me City oi Summit.'N. J, for & shares, $% plus. nremUc* itttuafed at 1 BatJtWood Wm. P. McDouald Corporation. 214 Harry A. Taylor M.tt*l J,«*pi> Zptt^ ptt*id*ni. 88 " Park CsMNCWY DIVISION, The. object of Mid suit U to obtain Plenary Retail DUti-.bution license for KOad. Summit. N •» . . Aveaus, Jerry fella. ric«'P«arf•> Warloa E. Taylo* •< . 4.67*% '. a judgment at 4l«or«« Iwtww said 4S,1"9 #h«r«s, 1% ply*. Harry A. Taylor. 3r- 8.87% Officers: Thoiiia*'BAU»h, ptettdestt, Park Avenue; Pat Dr^eo. c«MTe*pjQ«Ua Pia»a, recordiui *ec«- B» virtue of *a Order of th? Bu- ! L. T, Shield, 'Saddle Hiw, N." J., Kcjit Place BouleTwd. Summit. N. J.; tary, It '"CtidweU •' • AveBtie:• Fraak• ilat L»iiting p. ghleld, Climnut Ridge SaUy T. B«asoa , 8.67'i Nrili* Balisb kiourscagc. Mcr«tary, TT pertor Court of mm J«W, ?*£?*!. Road,. Saddle River, NJ, t,Q83 Kb«.res. OOjecUous, If any, s&ouid tw mad* laarUa. trtajurer, 2? Raltuarol Ro»4: Division made on tbt Mad day 01 Attormy for Ftatatlif W H, Prei». Short HHi*, K. J.. Viee- er Kent Place Boulovard. Bummlt, M 4. 0. 3. Poll, controller. »2 Orchard 358 SprtDgfleld A»«nU« P.-esleient. lr DlVi*l . ' ..„ Lmmediately ha writing to William K. Ail atocka lieid by afrove offlc*r» April, 1952, la • «»»• wb*r«U» Virginia Stoker k BrowD.'SO Broad St.. Sew Qil«uo, Pity Clerk of SIUOBUI. K 4 : Gauoa Is plaiatiK. and you are de- Sumqalt. K«w J H J. Da*wn. Kia««>wocKl, «, J._ Vice- Objection. If acy, fciiould b* Sta4c ' *The' eaw«* of the trusties of tula tendaut. you are bweby requested to 1 t. 11 » Pr- sldetit. York A, N.Y.. 79.272 sliarts. 13';r plus. Dated: liay U, US2. UnmediAteiy lu wiittog to WlUtaat 8. CiU'O -a;*: *alce».l8Jiella, 2" Baltuwol O. MLtburn, Eaglewood. I», J., Vsc#- Wertheirn & Conipaii}", 120 Broad- 8TJBUHBAN HOJ ii, SYSTEM . Gilson. City Clerk of Summit. N J Road, Jica DeKunzio. !*S Morrii Av«- re&et way. New York, N Y. 13.196 «b»re», S'S 510 Springfield Avenue plus. Summit, Mew - •>«*•* i Duted-. May a, 1»4S liue, Michael Mortaruio. 129 Broad L. C. W*dmpntf, Sew JfiUcsrd, N J., Objections, if an;, should be made (Sigued) 8. BAL16M * 8ON. Street. ^Hiitii 111111 iiujuiniy iiuHiiuiuHiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitisiiiwi mHtiwMiiiifiiiiiiHiiiiniil PiPea4 w»> 2a, M atay 23. 2» Objection* if *oy, thoald b* mans) J C. Butler. Qiec RWJI. H. J, lmraedi*tely in writing; t« WUlUtn R, Oiieon, City Clerk of Sununit, N. J. NOTICB KOTICE Immediate!! to wrttlBg to William B. Treasurer. - .... Dited: Msy 22. 19SJ. OlUon Ci!y Clert of Sttmmlt, W, 1. L. W. Howler. Bldgewood, N J Sec- TAKS NOTICE tau O Barry CuUis, TAX* NOTICK taat Abraban Sha- Dated: Hay 32- XSSZ retary. (Signed) . . . tr»dlug as Cullla Pleu»ry of the City of Summit, N J^ for a ITAUAN-AUEHICAN CIVIC YES ITS TRUE/ Agsj. SecretiUT. .„ .. -M«y_--8g;-'-g» Ret»H DtetrtbutioLv tlceits* lor prem- Plenary H«latl DtattlbuUoa Uc*as« for PS&EBATION of SutEJHit, JJ.-3*.-- L J LjacJl. Rldgewood, M. J, As*t. KOTICE ! ~~- " is«s at No, 458 Springfield jtveau* premise* situated ai 24 Union VU 22. 24 Treasurer. TAKE NOTICE tbst Tta* Or«t At- Summit* N. J. Summit, W. J DIRECTORS lantic and Pacific T«* Companv b»s Objecvlons, if auy. sbould be mad* Objectiotxi. if any. should be mad* NOTICE Louis Green. 44 W. ?7tSl St., N.Y.C, applied to the Musor and Council of Immedlateiy in writing to WUUam H. immtdiately la wriUng to WUllam K. TAKE.MOnr/tCC.tbat tn« EJti dub ,N, Y , Director, City of Siimmli for » Pteiuiry Retail GiWon, City Clerk of Summit, M J. Ollaoo, City Clerk »f Summit, «-J ha* applied to the Director of Aleo- < 34 MONTHS TO PAY FOR YOUR Irving Kehu, Belle Harbor, LI. NY., Distribution License/ for premises Dated: May 32, 1952. hollc Bt-Trrag.e Control, lf»«0 Broad Director bated: May 22. 1951. Street. N*»'srfc, Kl J.. for s Club Ray Marti*. Oyster Bay, L.I, NT, situated at 40 Mapla Street, Sitmialt, Std G. JEUBSY CUI.118 ttUgued) ABRAHAM SUAPUtO License for preini*** *itu»tid at 40 Director. N.jr, • , • ••' '"" ' Mar . n. » • Maple Street, Summit. N. J. L. P. Shield, Saddle River, NJ.. Di- OMten NOTICE The officer* oX the Cluo art: rector. .<•• R. W. Burger, PrealdeM, 59 Locu«V ,. . NOXICE TAKE NOTICE that Viuceaao lao- Tbokna* Breanie, Jr., president, 52 T. J 8Stan»i»»n, 141 B 143 St.. Nepon- Avenue, New Roch«l!i, «. Y > TAKE KOTIC2 that Artaur CUrUtUn aella. TIAUX Iaan«j]a, Catberice De Divi»ioa Avenue; HerWrt Brtnn, 1952 DESOTD or PLYMOlf stt. N.TT]D»rt««. ' ' O C. Adam*. Vie* Prrsldtnt, Cam- aomnisea, trading ut Hlli Clt) Win* Foe, Joaepa DtPo*. tt Baltuarol place, treasurer 14 Russell Place; Thtodor* bridge Road, Ardmort, Pa. and Liquor, h«j applied to the Com* trading as Iannellas Market, bas ap- V. Van Drke. **cm*ry, iU Monis John 8. Rsstcfe, Bldgwood, KJ;, W. M Byrnes. Vice, President, i moo Council of th» City of Summit Director. • ••••'• • .... . '- • -.•• . plied to the Common CouucU of tie Arenue. all of Suiftmit," K. J, The of- • •- .• :. • '-.AT.' .;. ' T. C, Bl*tt«. Qlm Rldge^ a-T-. Di- Dolma Road, Scars^ale. NY,, . for a Pieuary Retail DUtnbutioo City cf Summit, N.J., for a Plenary aka contlitute the board ot rector. ' * • G. L, .Hartford, Treasurer. 3 Creat- license for. premise* situuud at Z# ftetsil Distribution* Uc'tiM* for prem- H. 3. D»»ern. RMfcewood, JtJ.. Dl- moit Ros.d. Moatc':»lr; V J. Jiaple street. Summit, St. J. i*e* located at No 41 Park Avtuue, jo, -if "soy,' should be made J. D. fhrgott, A**t< Trea»v»rer, Po- Objections. 1* *Ufl should be mad* JAMES GORMAN, Inc. CtQf • • Summit. K«w Jersey. • Immediately in writing to / th» Di- O. M&llniro, tofltwood, K J. Di- cono Road, Denvil!.! M,J. immediately la wrtt'ng to WllUam K. Objections, if any, sbouM be m*4e Ttctor of Alcoholic B«T*rag« Control. T. P. Stover. Secretary, ISO HelghU OiUcm, City Cltrk rf Summit, N. J. immediately Jn wriUag to William K, 1M0 Broad Street. Newark, M, 4, I. Clark Msuealy, If«« Hocheils, Road, Rldgewood, H J, * 0ated: May 21, ISM. Dated: May 11. 1932. -j* K.T., Dtrtetor. . Foregoing const)rutes the Board of (Rndj Otlaon, City Clerk of Summit, 8. J. " i CAPITAL STOCKHOLDERS (Sld ' Dated: May 23, 1»J2. (8if»*d> .^, Directors together with th» following: ARTHUR CHH19TIAN UOMMSEV (Signed) ELKS CLCB OF SCrMMTT. . Of 1«* OR MORE SHARKS J. M. Toolin. . Hotel Whlttler, 414 May 22, » May 12. 29. PREFERRED STOCK Burns Drive, Detroit. Mich. VINCENZO IANNBLLA. THESE TERMS AVAILABLE TO Edith Stephens Chayea, 1M West R. M Smith. 1343 San Marco Blvd., FRA.SK lANNELTA, KOTICB CATHERINE DEFOK. LICENSES TRANSFER , St., White Plain*; K.T, 'UU shares. Jacksonville, Fla. TAKE NOTICE that Ralph Oros* JOSEPH DKPOBL ic^ trittift. • R., L, ,,n«, *Bd U*lng Gross. -iMrtiHane trwiinjr «s mmM ' " ' ' Etoninttk-"*; Doiiirilei',"'li' Wall "St.',"' Pittsburgh, P*. Brookdaie Dairy and Del'catessen. baa • ' New York J, M.Y., 1.8*7. shatte, 2% D B. Austin. 1046 Franklin Avenue, applied to the Comnion Council of tbe NOTICE TAKB NOTICE that 8. Rallsh to Son ,'.' plus. " , River Forest. 111. City of Summit, • N S ,• for a plenary bw applied to tbe Common Council ? L M. Cazayoux, Copley Plaza Hotel, TAKE NOTICE tbat Anthony Man Hitehlns & Company, e o State Retail Distribution Licenw for prem- Pediclni. trading as Pedtetnl's R«t- of the City of Summit. H. J., tot a Street Trust Company. Boston. U&&- Breton. Mass. t • ises No. 441 Springfield Aveaue, Sum- permit to transfer their Plenary Re- IONS! tyaurant aud Tavern, ha* applied to ; aaehuse't'ts, H.0O0 shares': V% phi*. . W, P. l*ath. kenllworth Lake*. mtt, N.x • •• • '••••.•' tail Distribution license (store 1 bev- Marlton. S. J. tbe Commoa CouncU of tbe City «t Wm. P. McDonald Corporation, 2U Objections. If any should be made Summit for a Plenary Retail Con- erage btutnesi from tht nortti aide or Professional Building. Lakeland. Flor- E. L. Rfj'noliis, ? Prospect Hill Ave., Immediately in wrlUttg_to William R. premitcs known as S23 Morris Avenue, 'lfla. 8.036 sham. 7*i plus. Summit. N.J. • . • - sumption license 'ur tbe premises at to all 0; the ground floor of 322 Mor- 1 Oilfion, City Cltrk of Summit, N.J. 527 MurrLs avenue. Summit, N.J. National Union Fire Insurance Com- H B. Georpe. 4. * TUtdalt Road. Dated: May 23, 19S2. Objectlous. if any, saould be made ris Avenue. Summit, N J. ' pany, pJ J»»tli«burgh,. Pfjmsjjyanla. 139 ! .Scar&asle,,. N..Y... ,.,,...... ,. d) RALPH OSOS8. immediately in writing to WUtiam 8. TJve.offic/srs of,..8, BalUh. in Son *re ' untwnilty Place. Pittsburgh 13. Penn- Stockholders holding more than one IRVlNQ GROSS, Thoiins Bjilsh, president. <7 Kent sylvania, 2.000 shares, V* pHw. per cent at the stock—The Great At- GlUon, City Clerk of Summit, «-J Place BoiUerard. Summit. N. J.. Sam- Parrtih & Company. '40-Wai!'St., lantic and PacUlc Tea Company of Partners,, trading as Dated: May 22, 1952. . Act Fast!I Act Today, Lipt< uel Billih, treaaurer, '"• Kent place New T«» 5, KX.Jl.^M-sliare*. 1^ America. 430 Lexington A.renue. New Brookddle Dairy and • (Signed) ANTHONY J. PEDICIML May 22. 29 • ... Boulerard, Sunnrr.lt, ». J... Nellie Ballth plus. •' " • •'•' York, New York., . May'22, 29 Itouraeade, secrettry, 77 Kent PUc» Stryker * Brown. 50 Bro&d St.. New Objections, if any, thovild be mad* NOTICE , Bou!eT»rd. Summit. N. J. All stocks York 4, NX., '14'174 «haxes. 12<~, plus. immedlatfly In writing to William B," >OT1CE TAKE NOTICE that Jamea Jo*epK held br above officers. Werthrttn & Company, 120 Broad- Oiison, citv c'erk of Summit, N. J. TAKE NOTICE that Oreste Olm- Coyle, trading a* park View Hotel, OM, Objections. M any. should be made way. Ntw Tort. NX. 4.37J sfc&rea 3T« D»t«>d: May J2, 1952. fcroni, trading M Spring Lake Tafern. applied to tbe Common Council 01 Immediately la writing to "William H. Number of Cars Available THE OREAT ATLANTIC &. PACIFIC htus applied to tbe. Common Council tbe City of Summit for a Plenary Re- COMMOK STOCK TEA CO. of tbe City of Summit for a Plenary tail Consumption license for proa- Dotninlek <|c JJominlc*. 14 Wall St.. i T. O. Box 214, ,New York J, - KX, 19,771 sharta. 3% ; Retail Consumption license for prem- IMS situated *t 21 Union. Place, Sum- ; Newark J. New Jersey ises at the Junction of Morris and mit. N.J. jrius. May 22,, 29 Doutrlaas fi Company. 140 Broitdway. Springfield avenue*. Summit, N. J. Objection*, if any. should be made Kew Tork. K.Y,. 11.000 share. \r, plus. Objections, If any, ahould be made Immediately in writing to William R. Life NOTICE immediately in wrlttag to William K. Oilson, City Clerk of Summit. 21. J. Ri'xhltxs *c CotnpanT. f'o State TAKE NOTICE thit Suburban Hotel Street Trust Company. Boston, Mass., Qilson. City Clerk of Summit. N J. Dated: May 22, 1992. System hu applied to tbe Board of Dated: May 23, 1952. (Sttned) JAMES JOSEPH OOTLE. Begins 10,300 shares, 1^- plus. Alcoholic Beverage Control of Sum- May 22. 39 • - JAMES GORMAN, Inc. Jacquith tmiancnt-typ<» lustre proved atwoluwly Summit for a Plenary Retail Distribu- dle Avenue, Summit, New Jersey. non-ilippery. And whatloveliurM it brincsl tion license for premises at 430 Spring- Objections, It any. should be madi CLEANERS field avenue, Summit, 1» J. immediately tn writing to William R. £vea old worn furnitura afa!or« OlUon; City Clerk of Summit, N. J. lika new with limtio W11>£-ON. . Objections, If any, should be made Immediately in writing to William R. Dated: May 22, 1S53 At iiardwara storas, dapartsMet (Signed) DENNIS CRIMMIN8. It UNION PLACE •tores. Wo. OlUon, City Clerk of Summit, N. J. ' Dated: May 23, 1952, May 12, 29 | OERARD J. BURSTEIN, SUMMIT MUS WIPE.ON Trading ts B. Bursteln's Cut NOTICE plastic Rate Drwj Stor#. TAKE NOTICE that the Italian- May 22, 39 American Cine Federation of Sum-

INA DESOTO TO Off! Niw Totk tod Year's Most TJirilling Demonstration! More Power on Regular Gas! In tad get t new thrill... from Try America'* finest No-Shift Driving the performance of mithty Fire Dome' ... iuper-Mfe Power Brake*... Oriflow V-8orf«moiuPowenniuterSixI Shock Abwrben that "awaUow" bump*! YOII1A M AMAZID with DeSoWp Putl YOU WONT WANT to Kttle for any buying area Power Steering. Parking is aa $my.:..,*• thing leu . . . once you've made the dialing a phone. The safest of all I De Soto "5-MUe-Trial."Stop in todayl trom Trertfon encircle, tbt hifh- «t income sTurket Jrt the iwtion—in artt with • \ Population ol nkrly 48 j million people, with tn FIRE DOME ettimited iiKooit »v«r- «g« of $5,134 per ftmUy. Atjd • ntw buic Keel pliiM to this *m . . , Plui **w mctrch phots..,

PVBLicS JAMES GORMAN Inc. ST. m Optn Ev«nin9i IN 9 SUMMIT 4-3344 *\ PubHt Service belietes in New •I lOTO.fITMOUTM 0««Un .r«,..( «tOUCHO MARX ••t Tw»f llff" •«»»r «Ni«fc •• kttfc ••41* ftftt) Tel«vUI»n,,.NIC »*twarks> THE SUMMIT HIRAlP, THURSDAY, MAY U, ttlt Et-U LEGAL ADVBSXESEMBNT LXOAL L&GAL aids, research work *ad biai<«a| j tha eiock fl» UWUMBO* «oaaf cod* development* coaductad by throuCh tb« N»U«ul Bcmrd. * Caatral A*«W Kertb from atctlemcst to tfa VSJOZm_ Count* point of bcftnalB* runatng Caurt. Probata DtoUtox oa To thence (1> Sorts 44 dtgrtta U mln- tht »th day ot M»r. «aat. atea Wast 3Qo» fMt to tea* oT tha " ~ "; April tttla, UtKL John A. NeaWot 37 Templar Public Sorvlce EUctric and Oaa 8U1OOT TRUST COMPACT. Way, chief engineer of the National M, th*ne«£ ru&utng p»ny and Unds of Bete Pi, national engineering: honor «« to * point of rrank Sharp South 44 degrees M minute* •ociety, la ceremoaie» held by Maa- dedication thert- %le* Kaaf 515.29 feet to a point Katt 572.87 ftet to tha aforementioned L n *out,h*ily "o* of land* of center lice of Springfield A»«out; McbuMtts Delta chapter of the f it 4»twt*r«ra BK IT ORDAINED BY THK COM th« Board ©! Education of the city thence (4) along the center line of fraternity at Tuft* -Oollege, Med- ot Buounit,' theaet (3) South 89 Sprtngfteld Avenue North 47 degrees COMPLETE 0 13 su inml 59 ralcutat East 3*0 feat; ,thtB«iir «Mt*rly front Cosictastics* Artaut to ford, Umtm. ?™ * °' ^ cnT° JTS^ - * &«>» »lon» tht •tlU along tb« stntar lift* 5-.Iviuv- Pi L. ±Z* cm o. tbcrc- PROTECTION curving towards the Itft along the New Ptt>vi4*am, also kaowa M SO. af . •- . He haa hpd a long and prominent arc ol a cur*« ths Radlu* of wWeti 1737 6prlBgfl»id Avenu*. Maw FrovU BE IT OROAIS tO BY TBS COMMON career in tie field of fire protection la £24.23 feet a distance of 26J,«7 Iwt dttic», N, J. COUNCIL to a point ol tangent, and thence Therw is due approximately f6,(05,- o* fas crrr.or.suaiurr:- engineering, having nerved with the ...in 3 simple steps-. • 46) South S3 degrees 26 minutes Wat 84 with interest from April 3, 195*. 1. That that pmtl .«'%,"• ,?"- . 'Sgi; . DOCKET NO, M-3H4-M rtuiBXug tii*i>c* <:i KortJj Mr. Ne&le'ha* been chief engineer BEGINNINO at a point in the TO: ALVIN J. BRATZ, CJlO kBOWB M 83 degrees 42 teAs-nz westerly line of Warwick Eoad as the ALVIN T. BRATZ: -wc-ond* of the National Board of Fire name la-now established diatant liiert- East 11 HI Um to k in?uring phin to give you ilir By virtue of an order of the Su- .- said, westerly . aide E&e «f • Underwriter* «inoe March, 193*0, in ln aouthcrly 400 ft. me&aured from the perior Court trf Hew Jersey, Chancery Avenue; thence M southerly Une of Blackburn Road, Division, made on the 24th day of charge of all the fire protection M c $ I i n iUJ r^ iic f p r otcctuin from thence running (1) North B8 d«- ly aide line of i>outi> OPENS YOU* EYES! April, 1SS2, in a cause wherein Dorothy 14 degree* 42 3S survey* of citiea, engineering stand- gr«M 13 minutes West parallel wlta J. Hint* u plaintiff and you are de- West M.8» teti to * f^sas- tbenee Blackburn Road 4S0.01 ft to a point; fendant, you are hereby required to (3) South I* defrna «t who m»y bt ~in't»re«te SoutbjKjv asAt Hoc of Dated: Hay M. 1982, I CCNTKOL. -ksture mc\ho<\ STtATIOH Of OH 13 mltiutea Etut parallel with the will be rendered against you M the Coastmuin* kiruu*. theac* i4.l WILLIAM It. GIL8ON, first eourae »bove dascribed 450,01 ft. along. .tht soutmwiy me*- tn* ot • . City Cl*rk Court shall think equitable and Just. Constftnttoe Avtnu* NocTh 4b d#- of i<«?epinjf .your-insur .1 fii*4' to a point in the WMUily Una of War- The object of said suit is to obtain a Msr n •-. -.-.-. ... , '"" 4 wick. Eon d hfrrelnbtlor* described and judgment of divorce between the aalfl grees 39 miautt* » Srt^p^U Ifprt thefice;(*) Tterth V U*gr»es C* plaintiff and you. - ..,..;,.- * .... M .94 Jsft.. 19 .. .ttHS.. JW*!«I,.. ft . progr«ini'afvtdys up to djit , CE FIEE OHIATKM mlnutea KMt along th* »«lti westerly Dated! April «5, 1952. Of BEGINNIHU. Une of Warwick'Road 50 It. to the HUO«H» and MAt be, and the earn* is hereby **rat*d point er place Of BEO1NNIHO, By: JOHN L. HUO and all piiWtc ttfltbs and laMntt be, and tht Mint art hereby fa«»ted- ... The partner acting for the therein r«unin.« U(*n an; itottea- and all public rtghti and taterert firm Attorneys of. Plaintiff, tloti of said UucU be *cd. the Mice therein, resulting from any dedieatloti Dorothy J. Srati, 18 Uaple are hereby, rtle*4*4 asd «rtim««lBhe4 . of said landa b« and the aame are Street. Summit, N»W Jersey. 2. ThU ordlnsrirt »a»L? Ufc« «#c*t hereby released and extinguished. May 1, I, 15, 32 im'medlattliE In t&t sa«SBi«r iHWKStbea ; . by. law, , •- ' *j • ' ><• ?} l'rf'f.rfvvdr*d ^OfU^'H'tumii,- N J 1. Jhli ordinance shall take eBMt NOTICE Of HBTTLKMBNT I I, WILLIAM B. OttJKMt. Otj Ciwk immediately in the manner preacrtbtd : of the City of Summit, *» feet^bj- certf* NOTICS J» KWIBBT QIVBI*. That i fyth»t the (Qt«|atBC->OKiUaalMa. -..*«. VWxiAM'R dILSON, City Clerk the fmar account of the subaortber, j introduced fo» flwt w*«!lmj at a iva~u- of th» Olty of Summit, do hereby certi- Tusts*./ under the last Will and lar meeting- of th* CcsiMBOB Oo«acil fy that the foregoing Ordinance wa« Testament Of MARTHA A. ttOMtlS. hfia on T\i«tS»y «tt&ut<. Slsy *9. KM. Intreduetd «or firtt reading at a regu- deceased) will be audited and etattd and thst i»l'l OnJin*nc» wtU be tub- lar meeting of tha Common Council by the Surrogate, and reported tor mttte4 for coMiil*i*»ioa ami Soti h«ld on Tuesday evening, May JOth. (settlement to the Union County pRssage at the neat res^f!** mteltfit oi 1952 and that said Ordinance will be Court, Probate XMrlaion, on Thuraday, I the Common; coanetl .to b* iwM on aubmltted for consideration and final the 5th day of June, next, at 10 A.lf. Tuesday e»«nl«»g, June 3. 1ISI. ai.. the pattaft at tht next restulaf [nMtinf Dated: May 5th, 1982. City Hail, at *M •"ctoc*. fO.S.T.1 of thi Common Council tff^b? MM fia lUafUtT TROfeT COMPANY, on TUMflay e»enlnf. June Ira, 19BI, of BummitBU , N. JJ. at the City Hall, at 8:30 D'd expenilve service etlU. IIUI Dsttd; May 1st, 1933. Thomas P. Crane, ete., «t w., «•• THE NATIONAL NEWARK & lEANTBU ON FUKL MICTKK ASSEMBLY, tiffs, vs. Helen t. Eastman, et el., ESSEX BANKING COMPANY You'll find More sensible and helpful ideas in one visit to the 1952 Home Building Ex- OF NEWARK. Action Execution—For Sale ot CHANALIS. LYNCH & MALONBT, •ft* "Only Oil BunMrt «*Wi I* K0T criticeJof dirt, w«t«r «€ i Mortgaged Premises. Atty's,, ; hibits it U. & BUILDING PRODUCTS CO., Berkeley Heights, N. J., than in weeks of By rtrtut of tat abott-atated wilt I Clinton Bt., Newark 9, N.J.1 •ludft which form In futl tank* end llnej. Needi no ilHtf j of tweutlon to me dlredttd I Ihtll May », M, a». Junt »—O a w 4 w searching elsewhere. expose tot sale by publle tsndu*. la j-requlret lltertllf NO.service. V the Dlttrtct Court Room, In the NOTICB OF SETTLEM«N* [the nunufacturer fuartnteee the functional part* of thli Court House, in the City of Elizabeth, NOTICE 18 HXRSBT QIVtN, That Here, under one roof, U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. fcurntr for t and 10 jre«ra. / WBOVlSDAY, tfHB UTH DAT OF. the final account of the subscriber, JUNE AD. 1952 Executrix ot the last Will and Testa-, in co-operation with leading manufacturera present an al two O'clock in tht afternoon of ment of ELMA O. IXJOBLB, deeea«e line of Hindi conveyed day, the 29th day of May next, at 10 fort, ^undisturbed and take all the time you like in se- by Helen L. Eastman to Fr*d J. Miles. et M.; thence (3) nlons the dividing Dated: April 23rd 1»S2. lecting suitable plans. line created by the »for«s»ld con- AX AN EDOAB BOLE3. veyance South 44 degreea 24 minutes The Marine Midland Trust Company UF TO 30 MONTHS TO PAY! Ess? W0.28 feet to the center Une ot ot New York, Springfield Avenue; thence (4) along Executors. Here you will have the complete Plan Books of Better the same North 51 degrees S mlnutejs ARCHIBALD A. GULICK, Atty, Homes and Gardens, National and Weyerhaeuser Serv- eut 51.00 f«t more or less; and 15 Nassau St., Princeton, N. J. _ fEPHENS MILLER COi thence (5) still along the a»me North May 1, 8, 15, 22—o a w 4 w Fee: »?.» ices to choose from, including full color sketches and 51 degreea 54 minutes Ea*t 107.10 feet more or lew to She point and place NOTICE OF 8ETTLEMEN1 floor plans; all by nationally famous architects. Of -BEQINNINGv-•••- Offlrial Heating Consultant In This Area For Bet- •" MOTICB t8 IfflBEBY QIVEN. T*at ter Design* for living—The fading Home- Being Known u Lot 73, Block 1 on the 3rd Intermediate account of the the Tax Map Of the Borough of New subscriber. Substituted Trustee of the Building a home of your own is one of the greatest adventures of a lifetime. It is a fresh maker* Shew WVNJ-620 On Your Wu. trust under the last Will and Teata. BBUU»«: TRACT.' BRQ1N.NJSO at ,a ment of HABBIirr'BRE^ QQOOBZAj and exhilarating experience from its very concept ion as a drt am or idea to the superlative point in the conter line of Spring deceased, will be audited aifdrtate* It field Avenue therein distant 534.10 by the Surrogate, and reported tor thrill of actual residence—and to make every step of'the way easier for you is the funda- feet Southwesterly from tthe tenter mental policy of U. 8. BUILDING PRODUCTS (0. _:,.,Xi;;;.-•.,,:.:.•...:,;...., -Just in Time for the BOLIDAY-WEEKEND" TH.S SPRING TONIC These are five important steps to take in building your own home. 1. Plans. 2. Location. WILL GET YOUR CAR 3, Financing:. 4 Contracting. 5. Choosing materials and equipment — and our services JwelpIuOOfiii Jn J^kkiK^acli itep*; _ FOR THIS WEATHER DRIVING!

IMPORTANT THAT THIS BE DONE NOW! U' COMPUTE LUIRICATION MOTOR TUNI-UP COOLING SYST1M Q| Lubricate eJuwii AND IGNITION CHECK D Drain antl-frMM On Our Sun iiltntMI* An«ljn«r D Huih thn radiator P Changv to aumroer grade mot"' »" 0 Add the ruat Inhibitor O Change lube In trammlaalon CTTefit oompraaaion • Tighten boat oottMttlwi • OhMge lube In lllffenfctial n aian and adjuit apark phiti. • Check taakata for U*** [replace If rteeet»*ry • Repack rear tprinf • 0 Oean all gai line* D Check oil filter and report SAFiTY CHICK t) Check carburetor float level ,.LJ Till ateerlnf gear houilng Illustrating D I»»peot ateering m«cl»anJ»m Q Clean and refill carburetor air filter D Check wheel alignment rj Lubricate itarter How Our fkm 0 Inspect brake lining and ttpott • Adjurt carburjetor O Lubricate generator Service Con rH f heck brake fluid ' O Scope distributor Help D Check an tlrea O Cheok battery, add water D Chuck liearillgliU and fociw' Q Check generator charging rate ,g^(i battery terminal* Any of Iheac Extertora may be need with the one baste''floor plan anowa ftalowt 11 Replace all bur^vd otkt bulb* • Inspect and adjust fan belt Q Inspect wlndthleld w4per, re • Biamlne and repack front wheel ! O Tune motor blades if neeeaaary hearings • Tent horn * New Homes constructed with materials and equipment supplied by U. S. Building Products, Co. provide comforts, KITCHEN :WNW0 w lafcoril Cl«bri convenience and economics unthought of in Homes built eanti, »nt dof» «•* 10 to 20 years ago. w I 8 CYL C0h trkliM^• ®5?o parti Jf Sla- •Mr-for addltienal wftrk. Here in one location you will find all the Lumber and other LIVINQ Materials and Equipment for Building, Modernizing or Re- •JOOM pairing your Home—A service that saves you both time and money and assures you of a more Beautiful Home.

iK » PiYMOUTH5, lH^ U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. IJ MB*:it AXD MJL KIM0S OV BI Meyer • Werner Motor Co. 700 SPRIN AVI. BERKELEY HEIGHTS "Only a Short Distance from the Center ot Summit" SUMMIT M342 S17 SPRIW8FIEIP AYE. . .-/ HtroM to FutBsli wi tion Board PROCLAMATION Junior High NfxtWttk >ppy of Fiandert Beoauaa «f «w Manwrlal Day „*«* adopted! as America*! flower of remembrance to sym- Students Report to hoUday next Friday, May to, Approves Staff bolize the sacrifices apdcjty her honored dead in the great the Summit Hvrald wffl fObUak conflicts for- peace; an4> Educators'Group en Wednesday, May ft, fan lead Replacements Eleven Summit Junior High of the ciutomary Thyraday. Whereas .The Bale of poppies by the Veterans of for- Tbis advano* In tb« fwMiea. Appointments of three staff re- eign Ware of *n» United States and the American Legion School *tudenU,.*meJMfeera o| the has be«n authorial by act of Congress, and is personau> j h grade social studies ci*s- Uon date maka« It neoeaaary f«r pjaeeraeats to the Summit School iii* been authorised by act of Co #event all editorial ami adveitialng ' ' *es, made reports before a group *y*tem was approved by the Board copy to be submitted »• later endorsed by the President; and , of 100 educators from the United of Education at iu m.eer-Sea- Thopaaa H. Powers has been ap- of poppies, in Summit; on May 23rd.and 24th; and I do sonal conclusions, Announcement made Monday by ior High School, received her A, B. '.pointed •trustee of Setoa Hall earnestly urge all dtiwsw to contribute generously to this Tb^« student_s were: the National Production Authority from Montelair Teachers Coliese, University. Tlie announcement Brown Alumni of the allocation of steel and other MontcWr, in 1M«. worthy cause and thereby evidence our desire to honor snumteph. eFrann Eberhartk Gage,. JOdrMcCann,. was atade by Archbishop Walal at building material for a 118 million In •print, I960. *h* attended the the memories of America's hero dead by helping the hvmg. Samuel Nuckols, Roger Penning- the annual meeting of the trus- r r chopping center to be constructed SchocJl .l?^ f* °* tees last Thursday on the campus Elect Summit . PERCTV AL M. BLAND ton, Robert 3nyder, Joan Stranad, in South Orange. Msgr. Powers Mayor Joan ThleJbar and Arthur White. by. the "Canoe Brook Plata Corp." mera of 1951 ud MM *»* attended iat of the symphony, wa# narrator Mrs.. Phyllis CoptVand, social does not neccswurily mean that Trenton State- Teacher* College is the son of Henry 3. Powers of Man President 56 Oakland place and the late Music Program and "answer man." studies teacher, accompanied them. work will soon commence on the taking Jibraiy science. ; - , •• Charles D. Kenney of 31 Lavina Th« program is designed to teach She is a member of a Columbia Her experience include* fiv* Mrs. Power*. Msgr. Powers, rec- Prudential property on Morrk tor of Immaculate Conception Court was elected president of the For Children the. fundamental* of great music Teachers College group composed four Cfe«« month* a» Mbrary a*«*taat at Turnpike, it was learaed by the Seminary in Darlington, wtaa Lackawanna Brown Club at a and to introduce the characteristie of international educators, who UHC Mantelatr Teachers Colle*e during meeting held at the Hotel Subur- works of great composers. are studying under the leadership Herald thU week. 1846-4?, a year 'M substitute teach- graduatei from Seton Hall in 1923 Introduced an* cm Maxtb 12 observed his .sil- ban last Thursday At that same Little Symphony Mr. QuinWn declared that he twu,of "'Dr. John" TeWskburg of the According to a Prudential QMio& Society opened its program for OKLV MUlburn; Bli»n#eld and Sont- ver .tmanisarf in the priesthood. meeting the club's scholarship found that whenever cHildren, c#n Columbia faculty. Their course Is spokesman, several person* have He was raised to a Papal cham- waa presented to John P. Milbauer children last week at the Lincoln feel they are an important 'jwftt of entitled "Foundation* of interna- from time to time sought to take clair Academy.- From December, School in thia city and at a Mor- IMS, to January. 19W, ifae was berlain with the rank of Very of Millbum, a student at Del bar* a program it intensifies both their tional Education." '' over the huge tract on a lease ristown and Harding Township enjoyment and understanding of The youngsters were ipeationed CUSTOM MA0E04& with the Board of Education li- Reverend Monsignor in 1948 by ton School Mendham. The award bails and it to thought that the Pope Psms XII- The university schools. muaic For thia reason the chil- by members of the ejiuoators' brary, Newark. From February, represents four yean* full tuition request to the NPA for building 1950, to the present, she was itin- conferred an honorary degree of More than 400 children *in the dren are encouraged to participate group in a general perioa follow- material waa made by one of these at Brown. three schools participated as violin* actively in every phase of .the pro- erant librarian, Board of Educa- doctor o! laws on Msgr. Powers ing the reports. .. : • persons. ..,.,,.,..-.-._ •:••->- .•.-•-..- KARL BIND! ...laat.Jaaa. - - --• - - pther offic*ra of the -alumni or- 1'waUwd,? ''raa^ >*alk«& •»•«* d Anthony Heyerstein of Short frn,rNe: linden present plans, the pro- Horses were domesticated as ganization elected include John whistled." The o«llo and baas com- Hit is, said by Prudential to be one •0 Mia* Berpnw.no, will be a teach- Applegate, Madison, vice presi- peted in a race for the lowest note, gram will be resumed in the early early as 5000 B.C. according to er at Brayton School. She waa DoSotf Dealer Offers the Encyclopedia Britannlca. of those seeking a lease, arrange- dent; ,. Walter Koebig, Chatham, Gerlad Quinlen, flutist andsolo- tali.-.' •••-••;• ••'••.- .,..,...•;.'• graduated from Columbia High Cars for Test Drive secretary; Irving- Patenson, Jr., School Maplewood, and win be A program has just been Morris Plain*, assistant secretary; graduated from BuckneJl Univer- Theodore Montigel, Chatham, sity with a B. S. def ree thif ye*r. launched by James Gorman, Inc., JUPs Fomotts "Super-Right" Quafity She ha* had experience as a stu- 3S8 Broad street. Summit, to show trea»urer; Harold Crogran, Chatr dent teacher, the people of this community the ham, assistant treasurer, and Ray- very latest Jn automotive engi- mond Weatherby, Berkeley neering developments, Mr. Gor-Heights, John Kreitler, Short Pingry Student* man calls this new program the Hills. Lawrence Howell, Edward In Talent Show "5 Mile Trial* and he reports that Pietrusxa, both of Morrlstown, .Students of Ptngryia nlddle and it U ei:s?ed at getting the reac- trustees, tipper school combined their skills tions of drivers to. the' new De Mtlbauer, the scholarship win- Friday to put on « talent dhow.' So to fire dope 8 and powermaster ner, wiU enroll as a pre-medlcal Among the features were two skits, six. ; .••''• student. He attended grade school music by a hillbilly band, and Introduced to the public a short at Millbum and graduates this aonga by the Glee Club. time ago, the new De Soto fire June from Deltoarton where he is Local students participating In dome 8 feature* 160-horsepower vice president of bis class, presi- fire dome V-8 engine, full power dent of the Student Organisation the show were: Clark Wawen. ww M IlkJUm. iMIirt (Ha# ajMf steering, fluid-torque drive, power and a member of the varsity foot- WW e nwWmw ^n*W warp- wVfj a * • master of ceremonies, of 143 Canoe ban team for the laat three years. "Cu^romee" k a word that is used Brook parkway; William Water- brakes, aad a host of other out- son, 5s Whittredge road; Jonathan standing engineering innovations. Dr. Samuel Arnold, provost at rather loosely. To A&P, it means ttmku Murphy, 23 Edgemont avenue; The De Soto powermaster six,^ Brown, reported on college activi- just one thing — you must be com- known as "The car that lets you 1 Smoked Pork Butts * 69« Owen Shea, 16 Minor Hill road; ties. Hostesses for the evening pletely satisfied with any Uem you Robert Rettlg, Oountryaid*; Jona- drive without shitting," is a run- were Mrs. George ft. Decker of our in our store$, or your money k than Searka, 29 Edgensont ave- ning mate of the fire dome 8. this city, Mre. Kenney, Mrs. uu( be refunded promptly and Ml Steaks "^ «• 69<' ~ » 79« JIM Men nue; Robert Jewett, 1» Norwood In order to give the public an Howell and Mr*. Pietrusxa of Mor cheerfully, without question. Plate B6sf f'«^ .»e»«»a«a « Ched-0-B»l avenue; Peter. Van Leigbt, A3 opportunity to drive these new ristown, Mrs. George Dinkle, Ma- This it just one more safeguard iX CRIfSf FO0I De Sotoa and experience their ad- Woodtaad eysmie; Craig I MsCOel- plewoodt Mrs. Mosea- Croaaley, to maintain the confidence or our x-anced performance at first hand, MlSKBl DCUI Frwh or romcd land, 49 Norwood avenue; War- PteinfieJd; Mrs. J. W. Freeman customers and the reputation for James Gorman, Inc., De Soto- and Mrs. Frederick Baumand of ren Kiraber, 60 Wjldwood lane, value we've built ever 92 yean of twk Shoilders•-•*-£** •42e *Hallbrt Steaks . •lid Robert CSarlt, "14 Edgewood Pfym>• 2|t **Anm n rran Trial* Rupert Lewis, of this city, past with anything you buy, he** rare to Th« *? Mile Trial" course covers president of Watchung Area wt it right! Large Eggs many kinds of traffic and high- Council, Boy Scouts of America, QOBTOm UtAflONS DVT. This iV<*k-En libby's k haw*t been ;1 N't hftfw, itrtaatf far '52-rW picked. So pkk plentyl Siappy of Pippin Roll -^ or mm UHl h fbt W»+k» Mil H IWd't (to ihmdi out m* it$ ktwtr. 35« font qMfityb«m IkriUn mm M09*r with Interior coatfort. A««, tMnMfh fti ktavty Mhc 29t klfMn A«r«'t krvf ffrvfifrfil tar, Hii* enly ***timt **r -Hi" wmrm- w u*m«, Pitatees Frtnth ii3»l •tr««a«r dHntls wlffc « tturrfltr K-bw tmm: •recwM Seetrt Greet Beans QriMPeM . . 2^,35. ple Juice ™**- 2 ffed Olives

... •«(y rord affwt Quality Foods pwy MMUnotl ! mf ferd effort II dMtwmrt m Nabisco Assortment ret* fw»«r... enly rVd offwi e 11CM».». CreMifTMMttSMp^ii* c««pMrip M V-tt «iH«iHt aa 101101*.|»* . hlgb^MtprMl - *m». iMMricfhM Si* ... Mr, Nr« ellsft NH*. "•He Orhw, torn**** mni C»wr«iiH«>«t| Ceeked MKJTMI 2 '"•*••

^ j_^^^ ^H^^I^KjH^^d^^^l^^ I i datfk aJM^^Ma^HMH|a%A LARGE Jane Parker l«<>m WtrWIBmmMmmtWm tiaWIWf «• jl^lTsm Wi Mi HWPOW „ !« UUAUrim VWMTAMI AngelFoa

'.life* UuM Starch * ^ Itfll ywr grcstssl 3175 IN thi MeircnoMtan ir" 21 Milt Teas tar ax < •> ^018t FRESH PRODUCE Deae-«eid ealy at AiP —<• the fmert all-par. VlnflWw *" clswilnf hsMt | ot NR J J J WITH CONFIDENCE AT A«P Marvel Bread pott thortenhig money Y can baf. Yet k eeitt tai *•! Cleafter . 2—25t l< lf •nrpriiln|rf little. ^iotter,LS timyiiii|it«4c> ' Niagara Lawdry Starch 11 if. luf White Bread |C| STILL ONLY W COFFEE Suf 30c 57, mm 'A%f IW will itetf VMI 4,; i t * f - ••» ^WW IWRr ^^«w Kn yVfl WtK/fm WKt^f 1NMH immmm liff DILLON MOTORS, INC ll

  • Easy on Budget Parents' How to Save Time, Money and Energy by Kitchen Planning Residence for Less End Tables Can Money Aim of Problems More families are' remodeling available through many dealer* or refrigerator. Ranges with More and more families are turn- Since they do not require paint- their kitchens thU year than ever and department stores., Trained lighted pushbuttons and auto- ing to rnodernUation for the an- ing for preservation, they keep Be Made at Home before. This in a logical place to By DONALD M. MAYNARD There'* little strain on the fam- personnel w|ll "build" your ideas matic oven and timing controls swer to their housing problems. sidewall maintenance coats to « start home modernisation ainoe into a scale model kitchen with will speed your work. They cost New Ideas and modern materials, minjimum. Savings in upkeep will ily^ budget if the home craft*, the' homemaker's workshop man make* « handy, roomy1 pair miniature appliances and you,can from $350 to $500, have one or remodeling specialists report, make pay fortbii type of. Improvement. should be one of the m«*t efficient two ovens. If you have a small of end tables himself. They may make as many chances as you it easy today for the owner of an A few structural changes fre- 1* wish that he might attend church and pleasant room* in the house. wish until you settle on a plan kitchen, you may want an apart- be handsome, functional and cogi- old house to increase its comfort, quently wiH take years from the , come to me with more regularly than he doe*. Let A new kitchen has many auto- ment size range with a full size modiou*—even a bit exotic, if de- that best flits your needs. This convenience, beauty and value. looks of an old house. Judged by rift- about Incidents me warn you against nagging him matic devices that will free yon oven and four surface units, at a sired. For example, consider those method permits ^ou to see your Modernized homes, they point today's standards, many older res- *tin»« m*-'_ about going to church. Don't keep from manual chorea such an dish- price of about $200. made by Donald Hanauer of Van kitchen as it will look, long before out, frequently offer advantages idences are over-ornate. Remov- fwhiihTie haa on telling .hjm how embarrassed washing and there is a wide price Nuy», Calif. workmen start the actual Job. You - should have cabinet stor- not found In newly built houses. ing false eaves and "gingerbread" he haa made up en- you are to go alone. Keeping after range in the coat of equipment, age for pots and pans, baking him about church attendance puts You can acquire a fine kitchen They contain much more space will bring out simple lines more b»«lf. I do not punish The extra touch that makes hi* but all of It can be bought out of piece by piece* Jf necessjr,y. Au- dishes, and condiments at your him on the defensive and is. not tablea distinctive wa« the attach: than do new homes of comparable* in keeping with today's standards. that -tUm la budget. The modern all-electric thorities suggest that you select cooking center. Adjacent counter cost, they often are 16ca\ed in well Color can wo^k wonders in ex- he i« really likely to create in him a desire to "*ment of strips of bamboo, verti- space is also important.- - • attend. kitchen has a life of at least 15 the most needed appliance first, established neighborhoods and they terior modernization. Roofs can about something and cally at either *ide.. There they years, and it can be financed over then add the others liter. Trained have landscaping features that take not only enhance the appearance Refrigerators come in many be made to appear lower if re- f._ ta ©ompeaatft. f»* If your pastor U an understand- a SO-month period. kitchen planners also show you sizes- (md styles, from four cubic years to develop. shingled In dark shades, while about which he may ing person, talk to him about your but serve to hide some of the how to make preparations for the The first step In modernisation j keeping the walls light. Too much But what i» it wish that somehow the men of interior construction. gradual addition of your other color in "the trim around, eaves, the church might get Interested in Mr.- Hanauer's end tablea are is to check the building for struc- in thei course of appliances which will give you an tural defects. If any are found, • doors and windows u.stmlly.has a child realise the your husband. If there is a men's on the big aide, but folks who efficient work center. „ distracting effect. A simple color '•-•.,» -»« they should be remedied, Then the tens and Sknow that club, perhaps he can join that end duplicate them, of course, Should Many Choose. Dishwa&her plan, accenting the horisohtal enjoy the fellowship they have to- consider the Mee oLJbe--room, ih$ work of rehabilitation can, begin. [north far more than th* jMany families choose an auto- lines, generally is most effective. ^ .'made Jir telling gether. Perhaps there ia a couples sofa and other ffmUhings, His Many dilapidated appearing The addition of a picture window 1 matic dishwasher as the center club that you can join. Havi; arc 22 inches wide, 30 inches deep houses can be made to look like or the enlargement of small win- How does personal ln- for their new kitchen. This ap- new by covering the exterior with i an ideal? friends in for evenings of fellow- and 20 inctoi^high^ ^ dows will give a modern fee'ling. ship and games- if he like* games! pliance ajone will save you eight modern sldewall materials. Among |ty in which you are hand» It's amazing how simple It La to hours a week. You can^ select A. gobd-looking roof will bring Plsn activities that you enjoy to- make piece* of furniture like the the most popular for frame houses jfituation shows that you from models which are combined are siding shingles. Besides giv- out the full beauty of a well mod- |i insight into child nature gether. Don't let the care of your end table* Through careful-work- ernized home. Roofing * materials baby take all of your time. with' sinks, or machines that fit ing the home a greatly Improved | development. It is tragic manship, the finished articles under a counter top. Those which appearance, they provide Increased should be- selected for durability with le«a insight What I am trying to say Is that Oome upvto the manufactured pro- load from the front like an oven protection against weather and and tire-safety as welt as .appear- i have, punish small chil- you must learn to' accept your duct in both appearance and sta- are . recommended because they flre. - ance. .,.«r *kagger&tion» or husband as he ia an$ try ...to. keep bility, .••, utKJ4I« •lf«-4> the top-free'for addetieowJiv Other opporlynlfelea- fos^rnadern*' |into phantasy. Everything your home life as happy and in- Following orthodox construction, The U-shape kitchen la Ideal ter surface. "• Sftflftir AKthgles "can', be applied^ over old wood siding or. stucco. iziUion will 'be found Inside. An i have done may be heart- teresting as possible. As you do Mr. Hanauer formed a- framework for larger homes and lends A good, dishwasher ranges In The L-ehape plan is suitable f up-to-date kitchen, with new this, it U quite likely that gradu- Itself to plans which include .for either the medium sue or They^arV unharmed church.- be Inspected and cleaned at least «,. ...p,tCr., our hu.iband be primarily whisk broom In a useful thing to of 'your washer. It may be thai recommending application proce- vented from turning coiow by qualities and be thank- keep in the glove compartment you have used too much soap or rubbing as eoon aa possible with dure*. For a fully satisfactory job, 1 of your car. Not «nl>v . la. Jt .». ,thatin ecupe.typejLOf mnchihkJMiW sweet oil.,and, .then apirita of tuc- the' manufacturer's • instructions handy way to keep the upholstery have used a sudsing detergent pentine. Dusting this moistened y Tate, do hot hesitate to should always* be followed. clean (and nice for a quick when the manufacturer haa rec^ surface with flesh-colored powder know how much you «p- ommended a cleanser which glvea hi brush-off when you arrive at will finish the work. m, even (hough you do Room Dividers your destination) but a "whisk no eudsing or slight sudsing. An- Because of the, attention given •broom J» excellent for removing other trouble occurs when the ma- , to.tailoring detftilsJ.m<»dfrnrS.tiled. Vorroalon from the automobile chine w supposed to go Into the Hwrry Hazard upholstered pieces in a featured batten'. FM, apply a solution spin and doesn't. If this happens CESSPOOL collection in thr new International made with 1 tablespoon of bak- to you, check the load to make You can be forced line are suitable for use as room MADE-AT-HOME furniture can be handsome and reasonable In cost. ing soda to 1 quart of water. aure that it is evenly distributed CLEANING into severe financial dividers and for other arrange- TnJu UI nentraltie the acldV An amateur craftsman built end tables, like the one shown above, of mentis' wf«w the -backs- and sides W by .. coniih6rt Mitertttlii—lumber and bamboor Finished to-mateftth& roan* Buildlnff' Repairing diiiicuUies, everv-bank- of the furniture, are exposed. loosen the corrosion, and when _ jjofjg Alfderson! "extension decor and other furnishings, the end tables are decorative and'useful, ruptcy, through your dry, can easily be whisked off home management specialist at too. The smooth-surfaced wood requires no sanding:, and It takes any CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC liability for accidents to Rutgers University, say* that many applied finish, such as paint, lacquer, enamel or wlpc-on-and-off tints. TANKS CLEANED. BUILT others. Chair-Arm Board complaints come from bomemak- Ordinary tools were used to create this handicraft project. AND REPAIRED Be smart, advises R. A. Michalski crs who are using an automatic For Writing Letters machine for the first time, Insist- CRANE A BULLDOZER Harry Hazard, famous Builder For those who like to be crtm Into one load, the results can be with the mechanism of your ma- SERVICE • danger detector, by get- ing that their clothes are not chine." the N. J. State Universi- : Chatham 4-0833 General Contractor fortable while typing, writing e, !et- •lean. a bit off-color. Also, the machine ting $10,000 worth of should be filled to the level WJC- ty specialist warna. "That's a job Truck* for Hire protection for only tcr, reading or doing other type* of "Unfortunately, an automatic for the service man, but just be ALTERATIONS — R1PAIRS handwork, there's a chair-arm washing machine Is not a magic ommended in the Instruction book $10.00 from: *«»tie Rtstoratlons by the manufacturer. And again, sure your machine really isn't REMODELING board, which Is simply a variation piece of equipment," Mm. Ander- working properly before you call \ e*«n and Attic Fan of the common lopboard. Have <*>n says- "It {b Just as necessary check the detergent—either the •oap or the syndet (synthetic de- him." Holmes Agency *• Roofing 121 West End Avenut your lumber company cut one from to pre-trcat heavy «oils and stains CARL GULICK tergent) you are using. In some « piece of quarter-inch pressed for washing in an automatic ma- Morrltfown 4-2082 Real Estate—Insurance • Summit chine as It Is in a conventional types of hard water, cleaner SANT BROTHERS wood to fit acrosa the arms of a Built-to-Order Itrnordivnt* 8-2082 Established UM washer. Cuffs and collars on washing* result >f a water soft- 45 Maple St. Summit 4-1342 Builder* SUmmit 6-1897 comfortable chair. Edges should ener Is used. Or It may be you be beveled lightly. Either leave the shirt* need scrubbing just the ""•"•ret St., Chatham same. Coffee stall* must be are using a soap intended for deli- Houses Gaining board unfinished or apply a wipe- cate laundry, such as nylon hose, More homes are being bullt-to- on, wipe-off coat of thinned paint. taken from table Ilnena>, and hoavlly-flolled spota on the chil- delicate blouses and lingerie. Per- order these days than ever before. Rubber Sponge dren's clothing should be haps you need what Is known as According to government statistics, Trees Can Starve In The A rubber sponge Is excellent for scrubbed just as their Daddy's a 'heavy-duty* or 'built' deter- the trend today Is deflnnely to- cleaning lint, fuss, or hair from shirts have N to ie treated. gent to get the results you want. word construction of larger single woolen clothing. First, moisten the "It the entire load of laundry "If none of these suggestions family homes averaging $16,500 or Midst Of Plenty! NEW COLONIAL HOUSE In not BO bright and dean am you settles your problem, don't tinker sponge with water, and then better. nqueeie dry before using. think It should be, check the tem- perature of the water delivered to Damaged or Diseased Foliage On High Spot Overlooking the machine. You wlM fet best results If the water Is hot, for cot- Means That Trees Are Being Authorized tlon. 'Hot water,' to mosk manu- The Mountains facturers, means 180-140 degrees Package -INSURANCE - Protection DeprivedOf Their Food Making F. depending on the machine. Or, Floor: Living room, flwpkiet, dlnifig'l. tor*) BENDIX If the washer la overloaded or you dot policies, written In America's strongest stock Imantnce Organs. and lavatory. 2nd Boor: Tlirt* U have put too many large pieces organisation* offer yon complete protection OH al% line* of Keep your valuable tree* vital by protecting the leaves at AC Htofi Sale* and Service automobile, bonding, accident and alckneM, life, liability. this critical growing period. Complete, modern spraying, and bath. ©«• C- Your Btndix t« • valuabU burgtary and robbery, fire and Inland marine Insurance. misting and dusting services at reasonable rates. Your Inquiry Is Invited. . Why no* qW» H LAKRY MAY CONSULT US TODAY twrvti and THE FELLSWAY ui chick !• Roofing ft Siding SPENCER M. MABEN Dapero Tree Experts Inc. Contractor 22 l*«chw Notify and MM.blossoms, native azaleas and pink 10. The double ring ceremony took will make their first stop at the.inclement. . Harry T. Brown, all of Westfleld. and purple tulips. "An arrange- place at SL Palrkki Church* Chat- Wallace House. This building Election of offlttM* tot thai coat- Award* w»r* mad* at each of th« ham, with Rev. William Loorwy served m General Washington's ing two years and a decWoH pna- ment for a bookcase in a men's headquarter* during t»e winter of horns* with * trl-color given for study" by Mrs. Twombly used an officiating. A reception wu held cerning the pr*po*aUo raJitlfce tli« but arrangtmtnt of the whol* 1778-79. While bis army wa* sta- dues for' next year are other Im- old bronze Chinese tea caddy with at the American Legion horn* at tioned nearby at Camp Middle- •how. . .•;_•• portant items of busln*M oa the red geraniums relieved by begonia Chatham. brook, the general planned the Prises were fiven affoliwa: leaves as foliage. agenda. Brief reports el 1T»A Tournament The bride, given in marriage by Indian campaign which ultimately handled during the part year will At Mr*. Reeves' home: first, The displays at Mra. Ward's her father, had Mi** Marie DeRosa •ubdued the foreea of the Six house: first, MM. J. Kingsjey Liv- be presented, and the **«* *•>• Mr*. Latter A. Cron«; «cond,"ilri. as maid of honor. The bride's sia- Nation*. * , ' committee will hav* anna «a- • John M. Reeve*; third, Mra. a ingston; second, Mrs. John *G. Mac- ter, Carol Ann, was junior brides- nouncemeats. All memhera arc re- Whit* How.ard Daly; honorable mention, Kechnle; third, Mrs. John M. Cur- Wallace House contain! a vat- maid. Neil Tracy served as best luable collect ion of Revolutionary quested "to be present, if oaly torf Mra. J. R. Wbitlock. MM. Crone'* tis, and honorable mention, Mrs. man for hw brother. Another $9.95 arrangement called for "a pair of MacKeehnie. Placed on a piano including the Iron part of the afternoon. brother, Keith Tracy, and the Chest which accompanied Wash- VSUKS for either tide of mantel or against a mural of spring woods, bride's brother, Thomas Tyrone, Mrs. Darwin £• gland, nomine* medium tablet" She used white ington on all his campaign*. Mri. Livingston's large, ground, were ushers. Mrs. Donald Aadftreea Tmey Across the street may be seen the for president, head* the alai* of opaque glaa* with delicate green shallow tray of silvered copper new oEfieers to be submitted by handlai in & gray-green room. A gown of Jmported suites or- old Dutch parsonage, built in 1731 held deep and medium yellow aza- gandy trimmed with eyelet em- and housing a collection of an- the 'nominating eammitte* el Materials used were pink 'stock, leas and pale.^ yellow tulips with which Mrs. Harry E. WUaoa 1* white aocki purple tulips, and white broidery was worn'by the bride. A Todays Tea Will tique*. • * young green oak leaves, green pearl crown held her illusion veil ! chairman and Mr*. William BL tu)ips, with bridal wreath em foli- beech leaves and andromeda for Rocky age. For the second price arrange- and she' carried lilies of the valley Aid National \ at the Beirien which was foliage. This arrangement also won and orchids. Mrs. Clifford A, Oakky. aftd Mm ment for a "bride's table," Mrs. the . tri-color. Mra MacKechnie's known as the "Rockingham." This Mr. end Mrs, Tracy are grad- YWCA Program lovely farmhouse served ae George John-W.Curtaing ham art aefirijfcg. Reeve* laid a cover of wh^te or-second prlee arrangement ' used Additional offices to be flBtdan d ganaa, and in a silver and glass uates of Summit High School; Mm. The national support tea of the Washington's headquarters in 1783 dark and pale pink carnations in a Tracy Is employed with Gibe Phar- while the Continental Congreae those proposed for the posltkww epergne arranged white eweetpeae, small, old china bowl. The mantel YWCA will be held this afternoon are vtce-preMdent, Mra:. Joha ft. liles of the valley and sweetheart maceutical Products Corp. Mr. was in session at Prjiioeton. Here 9tom flowers selected by Mrs. Curtis Tracy is employed with the Newat the home of Mra. Roas Tut tie, he wrote hb famous farewelfad- Tennsnt; second recordiasj roses with amilax for foliage. The were pink and white dogwood and 76 Hill Crest avenue, at 3 O'clock. tary, Mm Nicholas bride's cake was bordered tfitb the Jersey National Cuard, WestfleW. dreas to the Army. Original wall- crabapple blossoms. The honorable After a two week, wedding tour The speakers will be Ml«j Mary paper may *tiU be aim in some of ii same materials and bows of cake mention arrangement by - Mrs. of Canada the couple will live at Proal Lindke and Mis* Mary Parry. the rooms which contain old furni- sfnf d f. Tice com.pl eninti arrangement tor a dining professional studies. While there s Well Attended born May 15. CREATIVE ARTS NURSERY 6R( room, In an old glaas stem vase, devoted to square and contra Club Has Final Party ^ she was active in campus actlvi- More than 100' member* of the To Mr. and Mrs. Weld on Ballagh contain** talisman roses, bronte dances which are well known in The Couple* Club of St Teresa's ^ Happy day* for little folks at ies as secretary of Uhr^reahman this part of the country, and Newcomers Club Attended the May of 30 Edgewood, avenue, New ball, member of tb« Women's Ath- luncheon held Monday at Baltusrol Providence, a daughter, born May Church held their final spring 15 Franklin Place, Summit everyone la Invited to join the dnnc<;..,on Saturday night, at the letic Association, Phyllis Wheatly dancers. Qolf Club. May basket* of flower* 16. • • • Literary Society, and m» * ma- centered each luncheon table and recreation hall. Music was furn- jorette in the Hampton Band. For each of the 11 new members Lshed by the Rhytfameera. SUMMIR 5ESSION: JUNI 30rh fo AUGUST] the past year Mlaa, Smith has been Nature Club Plans Trip Summit Woman Elected to A spring flower aetUBf waa (ar- identified by the miniature May faretfaner mmy b* nwd* t* uiit Indirlditol Mt41 affiliating at gt Philip Hospital, To Tuclcertown Saturday baskets worn on h#r lapel. National Sumhine Board ranged by the chairmen. Mr and Medical ©Ulea* of* Virginia, at The Summit Nature Club will A ^complete IraveWn* Jklt was Mrs. E. G. CoSandrea, ajaisted by Miss Lynn Gooding of Oak Ridge Mr; atfd Mrs." B«ncIvei»|«7"'Slr.' fatJalannetiM edl Summit 4-OVOI at 4.3M4-H Richmond, where she ia receiving sponsor *n «ll-d*y trip to Tucker- won by Mra. Arthur Hays. Mr* avenue, who was the official rep- her clinical and surgical training .a* ton and Holgati on Saturday leav- John Hewitt received a tow-pillow and Mr*. Fr*td Fleming, Mr, and ing Summit at S:«8 a. in. Those nMtntative ef the Summit Chapter Mrs. Leo O'Connel, Mr. and Mra. a nurse. as the second door prise. The rest to th» annual meeting of th* tJnl- ALICE BRUNDA6E MARSH, Director interested may call J, B. Hkwley of the afternoon was devoted to Thomas Luddy, and Mr. and Mr*. flNI PA MRS In October Mis* Bmith will tnter for information. \ veraai Sunshine Society at NewThomaa Brennan, Jr. Brooklyn State Hospital and later cards. Haven, Conn, Tuesday, was re- Summit, H New York Visiting Nuns Aasocia- " Cted as third vice-president of tlon to receive further specialized the national organization. The Young People Arrange training. Upon completion of her luncheon meeting was held at the Saturday Night Dance affiliations she will return to New Haven Country 'Club. The CYO and,Sodality will spon- Hampton to receive her bachelor Other member* of the !oc«so]r a spring dance Saturday of science degree In nursing. y chapter wito attended the meet- nini g att S t TTerwa* auditorium ing were Mrs. N. O. Schaefer. Mr.C Music will be furnished byy the O. Elmore Schultr, Mr«. W. T. "Hli"Holidad y DDreamers," from Dates until 12. MAY Richmontl and Mrs, W. C. Wlttke! ft, Thursday-- Spaghetti supper at Rootevelt Story League to flStudy Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. Alewander Micon* \ PTA. ' Playground Stories Beacon Hill Branch Farm and of Waverly place, Madison an- Garden Association luncheon Mis* Anne Reeves of the Morris- nounco the birth of * daughter. = and meeting at Calvary parish town Public library will talk be- Alnxw. on April. 27. Mrs. Micone !§ house. 19 noon. fore the Summit Story Leagw W the former Mis* Barbara Jane 15 8 pm at YMCA -iiwvul talk en meeting Monday at the horn* of Mack of Madison. ;;| Eftg'iftnd; Fr*rtc« and HolMfia1 - Mrs. Bljanjf..,.j|..A.,Rijjbft'Fli'.•••is-- Nor-' hips 1:30 to 4 p,m., Bykota Club par* wood avenue. The speaker's topic \\ ty dt YWOA, ... - will be> "Playground StQric5."Thc REPAIR SERVICE s tttp'm planning __ 8 to 10 p.m. Junior Hottess meet- tlm* l» 1:45 p.m. , yourwedding ing at YWCA. Pearls Rettrung I"Bj*fg p.nii Prot© Qub election FranMin >TA Plans Engraving this of officers at YWCA. It le/ecffog your paper Plating 28, Friday™ Annual Meeting Monday Cry**«!i pJH 6:45 a,m4 Summit Nature Chrb. ^ « ii.f4,;.«a»uf4J&; J&eUnr.U ...- .of.,.of.,. ,rhfr swimsuit field trip to Tuckertpn and Hoi- makUA School PTA will be held Immediately Jlfltftdyi^ 3 g Crone'f F/(j# Popm 2 to B p.m^ Flower ahow of Gar- porti, election of officers, CARLANS s Yo¥'ve never worn den department at Fortnightly busines* and a social hour on the ,a#^ada.-.---Re^re»iMnent»""-"wtft"'-|)c" Crnb"lioaaer~ • -'• ~ ••"" •erved by MM. Orvllle Petty nnd OpenFrt.Eves.tOtr.lt. name and watermark of 7:30 to 10 p.m. Junior High Can- SHADES, teen at YWCA. her committee. «49 Springfield Are. 8a S-14M with such tliurc. Crane «nd the oounsel of our 26, Monday- Story League at IS Norwood A completely new stationary department are avenue, "Playground Stories," FLEMINGTON FUR CO. 1:45 p.m. yaar guides to the correct 8:15 p.m. Franklin PTA. Open Doily to 9 P.M. sun-struck gold Summit 4-2191 cal chairman, Mm. H. G. Kenagy, 24-HOUR SERVICE «rtfkata«Bla 30 Manor HJU road. wetillic cotton, ODOCOOOCJOCXXXDOOOOCxsooocy n.n HERE COMES THE BRIDE IA-WR CLEANING * who want* her now home to raflajct hwr o4» !m. factory f.tm!* I*1**1 fhi 'ndlvid»«l »n*«rtit« of her naw life. She knowi that in th» colUctfon of e decor- WINDOW ator in* will find home furniihfngi of unique dli- tlnctlon. 35 MAPLE STREET ,-iaffl? STUDIOS • INTERIORS • enuro null 121 Mtllb'urn Ayenua Short Hills 7-2440 rLXMINOI SfNffaafliltf OO o. oc oooc »F Hm kmf$fkm* foctofy-to-Yow fmt Sank* «.•• THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, MAY 22,1»S2 ulcy." or Comedy, to Be Presented P«g> IB Bride 1$ on Canada Honeymoon j Alta L Blitz r$. L J. Ridley • Senior High PTA cordinj aecretary; Mr* A. P. Seil- Elects Officers er, corresponding secretary; R, L Dwiwa Qulli of Cklwary orlfiaal production. Proving * The Se«k>r Higa Parent-Teach- LincLsley Shepherd, treasurer; Mra. i;i) to planning to ptemnt that Is Bride of Is Married to 'j f the Twenties, , cr Association elected Stephen Willis M- Pott, parent director, and uhr - Freaee Theater in the l . - Thursday through Satur- of that year. Anthony Stanley , Ran#o«a president .at «' meeting Mfa Irene Hiti and Alton J, Cast, ( v : Jmc is, 1», 20 and 21.'Tht The' set .for the ... 'The marriage .of .Miss Alta Lu- The ' nferrkfe of • Mm. Lm J ; held recently. teacher directors. ,'d i*y pef fornwiK* will-- "be c-iiUe Blitz, daughter •of' Mr. and Ridley of 2'"Oakland piace to Fred- *'" Other .officers electe'd"were': MM'. Followtrig ' the'' buiihesa sesaion i X. H McGiffln,"first vice-president; the group attended the annual !„' ^ a benefit for the youth Pkce of work from the drawijf- lira John D. Blitz.of 11 More- erick J. Ri'bt»acfa' of Ssimmit took n- service and it under board-, of Sim ion Gukuneriaa of «A-'J. Bartholomew, sceooud vice- spring concert held at Ihe high home place, and Anthony Martin pl&ee Friday at t p.m. as the of Mrs. Rufm Spraigftdd avenue. Th« colon of ; Mrs. Vernon Carrkr.'re- school; home o! the bride, with' Rev. Har- th« background are muted, with Staaley, mm of Mr. and Mra. lo- ,,„ of the play was begun areas yf glass brick and star white btpta M Stanley of Unioa, took old F. Mantt of Central Pi«»by- ag0 by B. Edward Zorlan, w«Ui providing the perfect foil place Saturday at the tC«thodist terian Church offi^latiog. place has been taken by for views of the beautiful saJ&ta Church. The ceremony, performed The coujii* waj attended by M.* BRIDES • WEDDINGS • PARTIES! Paul R Tlkon, president of which can be seen through pictur* at 4:30 p.m. by Rev. Dr. Haxry M. Frank X). King of SuouB.r. m&4 tke "drama Oviild, It will be pro- windows. Fred Sifcler.iocat artist, Professional Singing Done For: Churches, by Mrs. John S. Tennant Taylor ^of Ka*t Orange, «u fol- is painting the backdrop scenes v bride's son, J«y L. RicUey. Mr. «u.i Weddings, Parties, etc. by Metropolitan Opera ••*' Margaret Ste«le u rejporosble for lowed by a reception at Hotel Mrs, RibbtLCh art at. Cowan, Jr., Un. Rev. Paul Anthony Foley perform- Participants, who, must be mem- turquoise embroidered net, fash- imasium and auditorium. Fortnightly Club will hold a Flow- Robert VV* Cumming, and Mm. THESE •MANUFACTURERS. HUT YOU WILL FIND ed the double-ring ceremony ioned with ckp #leeves, full gather- ilrf. Patrick Romano of Orange, er show in their clubhouse tomor- bers of the . garden department, Richard H. Marshall, all of Sum- THE FIRM NAME STAMPED IN EVERY PAIR. which was followed by a home re- ed net skirts, and buttoned Jack- row from J to 9 p.m. A small j may register with Mra. Ivan Shaf- mit, and Mrs. Alan C. Mathiasea [iring president, received a ail- ception. . , ets. They wore garlanda of tur- f platter as a token of apprecia- Mrs. John A. Kevins was her admisiion will be charged which fer, \ii Summit avenue, telephone of New Providence. \\i\ quoise flowent with matching veils Class officers for grades sac, Choose From Sizes 4 to 10, Widths AAAA to C for her years of service to sister's matron of honor. Brides- will include refreshments. ' Any Summit 6-0925-M, who is in charge and carried red roses and rubrum seven and eight will assist the club. At the close of themaid* were the bridegroom's lis- profits will be used to purchase lilies. The junior bridesmaid \^es Not Every Sixe iit Every Style of the classes. mothers. Among' the Socal girls tting the school (acuity joined tcr, Miss Barbara Bratsch, and the flower containers for use in the in a frock of pale pink, taffeta and are; Helen Tyson, president of members" for tea. bride's sister, Miss Joaane Herme* clubhouse. Members of the com- n«t, with a garland of pale pink seventh grade; Judy Miller, sev- I •;; Mr, Nevlns was best man and To Give Piano Recital flowers for a hat, and carried a mittee will entertain the three enth grade vice president: Diana N ;:( sh Arthur Clarkoon and James Con- judgea at the Hotel Suburban for Robert E. KnowHon? son of Mr. miniature bouquet, The mother of froy uihered. the bride was attired in green* Hodges, sixth grade 'president: €,!.,. • • DELIA'S *•"•» °p luncheon preceding the show. and Mrs. Douglas A, Knowlton of FOOTWEAR The bride is on the nursing staff blue iridescent organza with a land Margaret Plumley, sixth grade 135 Parsonage Hill road. Short treasurer. ; 346 Springfield Ave. of St...Vincent's Hospital, Umt- The opening event of the fall matching hat. The bridegroom's 354 Springfield Ave. Summit, N. J. »:; clair. Mr. Bratoch » with Seher- season will be a field trip to New Hills, will present a piano recital mother was in light blue chiffon Summit 6-8396 ing Corp., Bloomfield. New York Botanical Gardens in this Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at the Marriage Annonunced conjunction -with the American Mr. and Mrs. Frederick TV Law- , ..'Between Beechwood Koad and Summit Avenue Henrietta M. Heath studio, 12 home department The trip will be hat. . ren«e of 39 Edgewood road an- opposite S. 11. Kreus Co. Couples Club made by bus and will be an allLorraine road. Following a wedding trip to nounce the marriage of their BM*. day picnic affair. Detail? of the A former resident of Summit, Canada the couple will make their Gladys M. Ward, to Albion C, home at Red Bank. The bride Stor* Ilouri>: 9 A. M. to G P. M. — Open Friday "111 9 I". M. ! ! Plans "Night trip will be given ln the October heils a student «t Millburn Junior Buckley of 160 Summit avenue on "Portal" but prospective members chose a beige faille ooat drc&swith Friday, May 16, at Clay Bank. Va. *************************** High School and has won seven IIIIHUHIIMU Of Confusion are urged to register now or. dur- black accents for her traveling en- semble. The May dinner, meeting of th« the summer. awards at Griffin Muaic Founda- Method tot Church Couple* Club, There is **tIU room in the post- tion auditions; Mrs. Stanley Is e • graduate . of Summit High' School. Mr. Stan- which will be held tomorrow eve- ley, a graduate of Union High ning at the parish home at .7 p.SV,... School «*itd Newark-"College of En- A •will be followed by "A Night of gineering, is an e,I«ctronics engi- Confusion," according to mysterious neer. leakages from "usually reliable eourcos." Lincoln YMCA to Hold While the committee is not re- CARPET SALE lMtaing: definite information con- S Parents' Forum Tonight cerning the evening's program, its ! The Youth Work Department of members are promising "a lively .. ' '.. Reg.*- SAXJB I the Lincoln YMCA will conduct time and chuckles for all." Dinner I its first parents" forum tonlgh^ Green Twiat ...... 180.00 96.00 prices aerve as straws In the wind, at 8:30 p. nt. in the auditorium. as the men will pay $1-52 and the iZxZn" Grey Twist ...... 279.00 1W.0O The, program will present two films entitled. "Preface to a Life," women get a slight bargain at 12x8*3w Grey Wilton .'...fi 110.00 \ 18.00 $1.48. Newcomers. and non-mem- and "Over Dependency," followed bers ore invited. by a discussion period. Robert Mack, executive secretary of the 'SS-OO Beige Wilton ..... 188.00 Y., will conduct the du«cusslon. Proto Clufc to Elect - ;Grey Twist ...... M5.60 352.90 j parents of YM boys, and tliose in- Officers Tonight terested in child guidance are. In- U'xS'lO" ' Rose Beige Twist 163.00 95.00 The Proto Club of the YWCA i vited. will hold Itfi election of officers to- "God and Man at Yale" night at 8:15 p.m. at the YW. 12'xl' Light Green Twist 67.00 S9.00 The club recently held «. talent Catholic Topic Tonight 12's7'2" Green tone on tone 156^00 08.00 party with Mrs. Thomas Chy Wil- 12'x8' Grey Twist1 V. 108.00 H9.90 i Aidinf? Mm. Chegwidden were Mrs! cussed this evening by Rev. John George Campbell and Mrs. B. Her- J. Cassels, S.TLI.M.S. Father bert Carlson. ; Caiseis is^ Head of the department Rose Twist 49fl.O0 15'x28"6" of sacred eloquence and associate 15'xl6"8" Grey Sculptured ..279.00 198.00 professor of English literature at Immaculate Conceptfon Seminary, Grey Twist ...... 622.00 372.00 Darlington. ; Thi> will conclude the current series of discussions presented in Grey Wilton -.*... 674.00 371.00 ther~audttoriuin of St. Teresas Grey Sculptured .. 360.00 mon Church under the "sponsorship of the Confraternity of Christian Grey Sculptured -.. 410.00 330.00 Doctrine. The meeting wi\\ begin (tlil* suit promptly m»y be Kee rienfe time is fast approaching! in the May Irood never tastes as good as when Rose Beige Twist 810,00 Herald to Publish on UftllP Of aervH out of doors. When you Grey Wilton 558.00 Wednesday Next Weok Charm.) plan fun outside, include sand- Rose Twist 185.00 R,-).O0 wiches and hamburgers made with Because of the Memorial Day Trost's superior baked goods. holiday nest Friday, May 89, tiSe Summit Herald win puMI«ili Short lwir h'nwrtly stylod-doc* Grey Twist 318.00 IS^OO '«, much for a gal. The DcSant« 15xll'H" on Wednesday, Slay 88. Instead Beauty Salon spccialta* In the 15'xir4" Grey' Tw 1st 3O4.O0 171.09 of the customary Thursday. Tbls advance In the jwbUca- latest hftirstyllns ^nd permanent*. 12.00 Rose Sculptured .. 27.00 tlon date make* It necessary for Mr. DeSantls gives permanent* to ^ all editorial and advertising adit any purse, YOU*.. espy to be submitted no later Your picnic" lunches and sup- Grey Sculptured .. 37.00 17.00 than tp.ii), Monday, May 3*. t 1 exquisitely figured. pers are only as good « J^ *. Red Twist 39.00 1G.O0 The deadline for photofwpha grcdicnts. Hill city if will be Saturday noon. Grey Twist 58.00 U3.00 dutifully formwl," >, has quality home-cooked c«W 27"xl«'9" The cooperation of publicity end salads. Always shop 1»» rtialrman of organisation* »•<* wonderfully flittered ' for the best foods. other* is earnestly requeated lew 27"x2«'9" Grey Twist 90.00 SI.M in l next week's Itwue. Pleaae sttlmil* his princess swim suit Does daughter's dolly need Green Sculptured / 1900 X.00 isopy a» early In the w*tik W possible. ty Par-Form. Designed ty fit 1 you perfectly because 12'x50' Brown Sculptured 21.95S.Y, ROBERT J. FLAHERTY doll probkma, 306 Springfield ««• j Green Twist .... 15,93S.Y". il lives and takes. pr*t«ntt I ^ * * 33 Un. Yd. Brown Twust ... 6.95L.T. ln il w\My t ^* Mustered Ustex faille ' clean nig «t ajtsurex wi h «.rv«r. ln«t IS-out •*»"[' SEI OUR MANY NlW SPRING PATTIRNS. < contrist piping and jcnklna. proprirtor, has b«n w- tahlbhml In Summit 5 ye*™- WNiST QUALITY AMD LOWIST PRICES detachable shoulder straps. Phone Summit B-M77 or atop in mlt wnUC Si«»: 32 to 31. $10.98 today nt »» fi»m A ' IN YEARS! you were on* of the »00 \ > who received • n'ce airrH from the Vamtion Club «f Invest or* Savings & L#«« (W»'- L.UIIKEIET Visit Our Hardware Dept. ,» contlniif In th«^ new dab StDtotthew ha on thfl receiving tnd »«*•» h 'Nit Passion SUMMIT HARDWARE & PAINT CO. H You w»l »» taking tnm<- ?»«»«"«• | Nmr ih« CfmiaMmr MHMbtini than «VPF thpno jforieou" «Prlfl* I Avt. Oratorio , When requiring fl'mfo r lhe tu«k> 359 Sprinqfitld Ave. SUmmitWttU -> "wi Fridtw or developing, tely t to • I'M. Short HINt 7-2575 Stay it •III I P. M. Ro|«r» rhnrmacy. Roi«» prompt 10 THI SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, MAY 22, I9S2 ——Wl mpliiaiii mm" ™" Nancy C. Dodson ne honored at Is On Florida Honeymoon Ensign R. H. Purdy Honor Pntit Attaj Charles Joseph O'Neille Marries of the Completes Plans James Dillon, president of St. knight Carol Mary Walsh at Nuptial Mass Is Engaged to Terete.** Confraternity, announces torium Mitt Carol Mary VV'aUii. daugh- carried orchids and itephanotu Bishops Daughter For June Bridal ter Of Mr, and Alt*. AnibroBt* J. with lilj.e» of the yallfy. Th« Rt. R*v. Norman B. Nasa, b n Welsh of G*rfie4d pla.ce, Sou t.h Ail attendant* were gowned Friday, June ».._&•* ** Bishop of Maiwsftdiueett*, and Mr*. Orange, became the- bri-de of chosen..fcjr M»'Nancy .Carolyn FAR BROOK SCHOOL alike In r*In.b"ow h«« «ilk or- fimeh of Boston, announce the eti- Charles Joseph ONeiHe, son of gmnsa, ballerina length, mad« bai- f*fem<-nt of thdr daughter, fclaxF Dodson, daughter of Mrs. I. *"• SUMMER DAY CAMP Mr, and Mrs. Philip A. O'Neille of ter styje with Mtoles. and wore half- *nne Maiiry N«sh, to Ensign Rob- Dodsoa of Hillside avenue, for her It 14 Druid Hill' road, at a ceremony 1 wedding to Robert Thomas Op«, followed by a nuptial maoa at Our haU of pink tulle. The honor at* ert Hydt Purdy, U.S.N., '«on of BOYS AND GIRLS •3 to 13 Lady of Sorrow* Church, South tend&nt carried pink gardenia* Mr, and Mr* John H. Purdy of son of .J. R. Opi« of Union and Swimminf, riding, dramatics, sport*, hik« Orange, Saturday morning. Rev, and the bridesmaid* had bouquet* 7 Dunndn of 1947-48. At pres- MRS. WINIFRED MOORE, Director Given in marriafe by her father, bia High School and Berkeley hVHurfcy of PWnfleld, and Mta» ent she ii aaMitant* in cotjrsee at SHORT HILLS T-30S0 or SHOHIT HILLS the bride wag attended by her Secretarial School. Mr. O'Neille J« 8e,l!y Yergtr of Canton, O., cou- y»« Harvard School ol Btuinest tLn ol the bride. Mrs. William bister, Mra. Edward Bjf&n of Chat- an alumnus of Peddie School and Snow of Palo Alto, C*M, twin He-' ham, as matron of honor. Brides- attended Rutgers University. He 18th Camp Season, June 23 to August IS maids IncludedHh* bride'i cousin, BJn»ign Purdy was' gradu«t«d •ter oftht bride, will be matron U a graduate of General Motors Mil* Betty Noll, Mias 8u«uuie from Yale in the cks# of IMl, of honor. Mr. Snow will serve as Register Now Also For Fall School Term Institute, Flint, Mich., and Is as- and i» at present attached to the best nwui. JU»hftr» will laclude O"Hearn and. Mrs. William Bark- Nursery, Elementary, Junior High horn, ail of South Orange, and sociated with Motorieawe Corp., U.S.8. Cross, . ba^ed *t Newport, ArfStapp. MJT. Hurley, Rev. Rob- ett Kim« of MadUon, «nd the Mn. Peter O'Neille of Scotch Hartford, Conn: Rhode Island. bride's brother, James M. Dodeon. Wains, sister-in-law of the bride- Mr. and Mra. O'Neille, who axe groom. (Thomas O'Neille was hU Frankjin School Slates The JMTUH wlH be given in »ar- brother'* best man. Ushering were wedding trip to Florida by Annual Field Day riag* by-her uncle, Leiter F. plane, will Jive at 194 Dauntless Yarger of C*M«, O. the bridegroom's three brothers, Franklin School will hold Its Philip A. O'NeJUe, Jr.,?of Glen lane, Hartford. Mr. Yarftr wUI^be host *t th« annual field day on Satarday, June rehearsal dlan«r at the New Rock', Norris L. O'Neille of Chat- 7 starting at 1:30 p.m., it tu an- ham, and Peter O'Neille of Scotch Hejapehlre House on the Thui»- Plan Benefit Bridge nounced yesterday. day eyeninf befocB the wedding. Plains; Lloyd Curtia of 2S New "More than.300 children »nd 400 The England avenue, Charles Henaler Mrs. Richard A'. Markey and her co-chairman, Mrs. H.'F. Mouquin, parents «re expected to attend. of Shrewsbury and Charles Bow- The highli«hu of the day will be ley of Orange ; . ..\'.... '? , ••"*• art in. cha.rge. .pf, a brjc\ge. to., be - For Bridal Shower* held a*t'the Chantielet o« Monday father-aon and mother-daughter The bride wore a gown of white Tack Room aa a' benefit for. Mother Mary aoftball games. Other. acUvitres nylon tulle made prince*! style Magdalene, founder of the Carmel- will Include H poiato relay race, COCKTAIL and trimmed with lace applique. ite convents a t N e w Brunswick marble and spoon relay racer «n^ Her three-tiered fingertip veil waa and Morriistown. Other, • Summit Mr*. Charles Joseph O*NeUle several contests involving hat*, SANDWICHES Idetd for trimmed v*ith eeed pearls and she women on the committed are Mrs. t'JAit; Stephen•' typn'a, "'lira.' WUliam M "• """'" Biutneu Men', ; Gibbs Training * Sharp, Mra. Louis Dos Pasao3,< pw 100 Mrs. Henry Gu*mer^MIW* William • PERSONALS Spread with him, ihrtmp, tuna, Gathering*. Near Home Kopp and Mrs. Otto Bennke. Hjtnon, plmlenlo, cream an4 Mr. and Mm. Robert A. Ward hi# 25th eervlce anniversary with rotqucfort cht**f- Outitiodlna pro<»i- and 100 signed up for the din- (tonal tacmarUI utiit' and son, Robert, have returned to the Company. Mr. Becker, who Is ner on Saturday. in* at Kjtharin* Cnbbi their home at 79 New England VIENNISI 4 .SO in MootcUU. Ooc «nd Two 'k t«t I DO YOU commercial manager of the Sum- Mr. and Mrs, Horace Tantum. . for hiah «cbool tnti torb ar«lu avenue after a Vis^ of several COOKIES Ib. X •it*. »peci»l Count fur weeks at Cocoanut Isle, Fort Lau- mit and Morrlatown offices, wa« *J pitxt* •- F«tf Ckialua, wrii« •• - - - Jr., and children, Todd and Barba- DRINK derdale, Fla ' presented with a wrist watch at a ra, will move from 112 Canoe Call Millburn 6-0228 dinner held in the Audubon Room Brook parkway on May JfT to their To Order From Mora Than You Want To? Mrs. H. N. Card, Mi« Dorothy of the Hotel Suburban on Wednes- Brune and Mrs. Archibald Murray newly purchased hom« at Towson, day of la*t week. attended the State Women's Re- Md. Mr. Tantum has been super- HOTEL SiUAi 33 Plymoulh S!;ert «0 2 2010 ALCOHOLICS MELLIE WEISS MQNTCLAIR publican Club meeting at As bury Mrs. Wlnslow T. Richmond of intendent of the Methodist Sun- U TAYLOR ST., MIIXBURN 570 5PHINGFJELD AVL, SUMMIT SU. 4*3011 j Ate In N*» tMk. CWcato, *»tjn. l»i«»io»rie» ANONYMOUS Park last Thursday. Gov. • Alfred Ashland road, regent of Beacon day School since coming to Sum- Opp. Washington School E. Drlscoll and" Herbert A. Phil- Fire Chapter, Daughters ot the mit .several years ago. Mr. and American Revolution, will drive to DOOC brick, author of "I L«d Three Mrs, G. Norwood League of 102 >oooooc Lives" were speakers. . Princeton on Monday to attend a r Solving The Problems Of Even Canoe Brook parkway were host** Moir Difficult Hair.. . See Mr. Michael luncheon and meeting of the state ; or Mr. Joseph; Hair Stylists Miss Nancy C. Dodson' was guc«t board, etate chairmen and chapter Saturday everting at -a party in of honor, at a shower given last regentj to be held at the Nassau honor of the Tantums. On Tues- Shop Tavern. week at the home of Mrs. Charles day evening of this week Mrs. Kooa, Westfidd, by Mrs. Koos' daughter, Mrs. Charles D. Stapp On Monday Mn?. Edwin Flor- Paul M. Bearer of 96 Canoe Brook Kresge • Newark Friday and Mrs. Richard M. Hurley. The ance of Pine Grove avenue will parkway k. trlcla Bonn and Miss Betty Gryte w1!l entertain tomorrow evening TM5IRwerlron haa all the turc* VouVe .....HeeJ-eai_KUeAU..al...Hot£LJ^ab»Ji Thi» won»lw-worVinp little hand ^«f Long-Wand-a«4-MlBi-Peygy • vacwnn t4p»uer iiirlcal for *1air», - urban were; Mr; and Mm Maurice ^ Pobr'df Maplewood gave a luneh- quests at their home, 68 Pine the hand without gripping; Pancake Dial ia fitrnilurt. autoinobil« - and kitchen shower' T6\ the Kavanougrh of New Haven, Conn.; eaay to Mt and read—no raoretcorchedfin- lk Grove avenue. &n\ Actually fun to u*tt t«et "IlN«w Y6rk £**i ^eek. Mr. and.Mrs. Daniel ORoMneon quick work crfhundreila of Rowland. Pa.:.Mr. «nd Mrg. -H: Thursday evening Mrj». Robert M t *•;•• Alliwm H. H«?srn enter- ofrleantng join. light- W. Pease of BeJJevue, Pitbibup(fh, Hyer of Manley court entertained talnrd at tea at her home, 25 Tulip weight; long cord; eaar. *ARTSGHOOL treOt for PA.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brewer trip handle; hrvuh in at a miscellaneous shower in Miss !* wpmbem of the execu- tive board of the international re- of ColumbiM. Ohio; Mr. and Mm. $13.95 INSTRUCTION , Joyner's honor. On Saturday she David W. Morrla of Long Branch, will be the guest of Mrs. Homer lations department of the Fort- Per Beginners and Advanced Mr, and Mrs. N. W. Oimbert, Mr. Baker, Mrs, RUKSCH Royer and nightly Club following a buslnem *27.95 Students, fn Oil*, Water Colors and MM. K. C. Glmbcrt and young Mrs. Lyle Reynolds of Weatficld. meeting. Value! and Pastels. Alto Portraits, Glorious Hams «MI of Norfolk; Va. - Mrs. Calvin Knauss of Middle Mcmbcra of thev^ummit Nature Value! Clutr who attended: the weekend Mr. arid Mrs. R, A Kenzct tar- Way, Countryside, hiis returned merly of Summit who have taken '.:B.STANLEY after visiting her daughter, Nancy, Tomy Botanical Club nature con- Beautiful Clofhes 1 ference held at Manor Farm iHotel, permanent residence at Hotel Sub- ALEXANDER FAUNHAM a student at' Buekjneli University, urban left Friday for Havertown, Lewisburg, Pa. / • Sparta, Included Dr. and Mrs. George W*. Rawton, Mr. and Mrs. Pa. where they will visit Col. Instruction In painting will con- Joseph B. KnowJan. e • *•*IIMIM| tinue throughout the summer, Unusual Gifts Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Walter O. Druhl Albert Dlllman, D*Arcy North- •••••1 i*6u may enroll now for after- and children, Jcannle and Jona- wood, Mra, Fletcher P. Thornton, MM. Frank Ponzlo of 12(5 Bal-, neon or evening ctaMes. Al»o than, left Summit last Week to Mrs. C. Birch Stoner, Mim Joan- tiwrol road flew Sunday to Bristol, c!as» for Junior* nn Monday Modern Furniture make their home at Charter. Vt. nette Mlddlebrook, David Fablea. Va., to attend the.graduation next They had lived at 10 Glen Oaks Mis* Loin Wenman, Jame» Q. The n,w«, noo afternoons between 4 and 8. Monday of nor daughter Ann «t Cleaner Model 20 avenue. Hawley, Mm. J. R. Whltlock, M|. Intermont College. Ann'w aunt, Direction: Mr. and Mrs. Edwmrd C. Hughes, find Mn. Richard C. Mead, Mrs. Mrs. Benedict Gambino of 19 Hen- Barton P. Turnbull and Mrs. C. A. tug., rurniabme.. rnlnr Route 10 Jr., of 212 Oak Ridge avenue will ry street, will leave by car today 999.93. SILBERSHER'S, INC. entertain Friday In honor of Mr. Miller. for Bristol. The three women will / mile west of 202 and Mrs. T. Herbert Henderson $M Mlllkurn Av*. Mlliburn I-15SI Mr. and Mra. George Diskln of roturn together on Thuraday, May of Beech Spring drive who will NBW MJIIburn Pott Office 25 Mountain avenue are spending 29. On Sunday, June 1, Mr. and leave Summit for Mt. Lebanon, Pa. a spring vacation at Honey Place. Mra. Pomlo wlil give a graduation party In honor of tholr daughter. Arthur B. Becker of 38 Harvey Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. drive waa honored by friends and Mr. and Mm. Lincoln H. Wil- Several members of the Board New aasockteji from the various offices Taak Cleax* Model SI hM.««c «••'• * liams of McMane avenue, Berke- of Education and of the secreta- of the Public Service Electric & ley Height*, will entertain a group rial staff wore ho#ta et a luncheon Perfectly Gas Company on the occasion of of friend, at their home Saturday at the new Tack Room at Hotel t*» rlleaa —. ... evening following the performance Suburban yeoterday In honor of TOUCU DIHT! GOOD-LOOKING GLASSES of "Dear Ruth" by the Stony HIM three secretaries who are leaving. Studio of Players. They »re Mr* Wllkird Bjoratad, ASK YOUR EYE PHYSICIAN Mra, Salvador DeBlame and Mkw Members of the Murray HIU Robin Itanfcln. tr. Umllml tlmm onty. Uurry! Act noxtt Jules A. Wolin Camera Club of Bell Lab*, Mur- rey Hill, will entertain Monday WIN Be Opra evening at dinner In the Silver 5UMMH ANIMAL Room of H»tel Suburban for the WELFARE LEAGUE, WE ANN Communion Sunday three men who will judgt> the °MNCE THAT WE ARE NOW ABLE Morning. May 25Hi color nlklt) show the Club will " l TO hold at tho Bell Labi following FOUNDJ 9:30 to 12:00 the dinner. W. Starr Buytfam to • »""**• Phone For Appointment president'of the Camera Club and sore Charlet IJ. Mektsner Is chairman KIND HOMKi WAIVTKD tNSKCTIONCAtLSU.4-*450 SUnutiit 0-0087 of the color elide section. • mpnih* Mt, ftpartd remalr. nrt T*rrl*r. 447 SprlngfSold Avenue The University of Michigan will f month; ola, Mala, r«rt fmas.1* / (Strand ThMlrr HMf.> hold IUI convention m Hotel Sub- Op*n Fridy Bl urban Friday and Saturday, with SiiniinfiI, t-M4* 80 reglettrwj for the Friday m*«t- THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. MAY it. mi 21 GirlScout Glee men To Graduate Magna Cum Laude I William B. Ed gar bia University School of General rw Preparatory SchooJ, New Club Concludes Studie* Lebanon, N. Tw attended William* lolled Books The College IFf Mr. Edgar, a graduate Of Dar- College before entering the Navy. [utumn Sale Year with Party Th« ni»Girli Scouc? t __ » Corner ..; Patricia Hammond Announcement has been made Co! .g,. Club Book Salt I* Air r«n» BMMT tMtt Kmneth W. Cowell, the mMnbtrt by Dr. and Mr* John Wilkea Ham- and th«r mother* by Mr* J_ r Robert Gannon, son of Mr. and mond, of Oxford, N. H., formerly boulevard, and her Mn. John F. Gannon, Jr., of K«at [Piace Skile», the Glee Club dlrt-aor at ' of Riverdaie, the Bronx, NY.of n u* Mrs, James I* Wat- her home, H Myrtk- pla<« boulevard, who Is a sopho- the engagement of thc»ir daughter, more at Ohio University, was W* Patricia South worth, to VViiliam (vent Place boulevard. Wednesday. "Mrs.- Donald Mar lay . cently initiated Into the Squad- executive director of th» Girl Belknap Edgar, *on of Dr. and lhU, vicinity who has ron Air Force honorary society. Scouts, and "Mrs. George Sawyer, Mrs. Malcolm S. ' Edgar of 160 b(S.t music, phonograph Robert Is a cadet equadrea com* Bellevue avenue. president of the Council, were m&nder in th* Mr Fores Basic d prints and pictures also guests. Mi&s Hammond, an alumna of R- O. T. C. unit at toe univer- the Rivcrilale Country Sihool for t0 the Ml* may call Girl Scout* receiving oerfect at- sity. u tendance prltes for the year were GirlMK ako attended Colby Junior omit 6-6T83 or «-3W18-M, Jean Sawyer, Leslie atulU Mary College, She is with the National geftiont» be made to Wins Band Promotion Council of the Young Men'* Chris- ! Reirner, Betty Wellbrodf, Jette Peter Yanotta ef US Orchard donation* - Jacobsen. Neacy McDowell and tian; .;iy*ati#tion. The prospective street, has been promoted to the bride ii also attending the Colum- J »nie c onunitt&e Phyllis Roberts. cadet, rank of . corporal In the Group miuldanship badge* were Seton Hall University Reserve Calvary Church to file were awarded to Jean Sawder, Etta Officers Training Corps band. Montouri, Leslie BtuJtt, Sarah Form Couples Group . ed last tall and suggest Ridings, Mary Relmer. Nancy In BwskneU Art Shew A committee of Cajvary Church 18 OBADUATES-James A. Stahr of routf* in *•» B" * Walsh. Barbara. Parsons, Arlene CAMMDATE-Mls* Elizabeth F. Miss Nancy Ann Knauss of members will hold a meeting Tues- Duslek, * " f Mr, and Summit, is> showing two picture* 1 Broad street graduated May 6 the annual meeting magna cum laude from Delias day 'at 8:30 .p. m, at the parish this afternoon. Cap- Skerritt Mnu^u S^IMI' a""*" Frederick T. 0«t*» of » Manor in the annual student art exhibit house to discuii the formation of at Bucknelt University. They are Theological Seminary', Dallas, Tex- looaing as. He received the master of a couples group. All interested £££*.£s ,£* ,52- m~ orz*,~ — "Majde" and "Friends." couples are Invited to attend. FarreU, Betty Mauger, «—•'"" I-*"*** '« **• tachetor «f art» neology degree, representing fodr but those who did the * j degree Miss Knauss la the daughter of The first affair will be an elec- ler, Jo Peterson, Betty ears of studies beyond college, [last fall ihould get them annual commencement on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A. Knauss of tion eve supper dance on October Jette Jacobsen, Nanqy McDowell, day. June t. Mis* Cates, who Countryside. A sophomore at the in the fields of theology, Bible, any case. Greek, Hebrew and related eub- 17. Irene Kuhn, Bueie Parker, Dorothy majored In English at Wellesky, University, she Is ^nrolled in the Committee members include: Mr. Spurgeon, Mary Lou •»•• Blanken, of the Lexington science c'oiirse. JecU Mr. Stahr i« a graduate of Forssllon, PhyUto Roberts, Summit High School, Class of and 'Mrs. Alfred Parker, Mr. and Annual Reunion High School, Lexington, Mass. Mrs. John HamnnHt, Mr. and Mrs, Virginia Sherman, Mary 1944, and Rutgers University Col- Aai yeans of college In EndJcott play E. M. May, &fr. and Mrs. J. R. men attended the Frosch and Susan' Davis, • Cast in 'the supporting role of lege of. Engineering, Class of K>1 alumni reunion Requirements which were fui- «he was fire chief for her dorm- 1948. He is the &on of Mrs. John Higglns, Mr. and Mrs: T.-W- Alli- itory, a reporter for the Mrs. Montgomery in the Endfcott son, Mr. and Mra. Kirk BdUcr, Mr. \ts held Saturday, they Players and Delta pal Omega pres- M. Stahr. Ijlliam Tucker, 180 Suna- and Mrs. I). J. I^L'Knight. Mr. nnd entation of.'The Heiress" was &rs. Philip Kafferty, Mr. and |ue; . WendelfS. McKown, Miss Janice Fasold of Summit. A nitiated into Kansaa Gamma Mra. K. E. I'innull, Mr. and Mrs. lynv>uth road; Edwin E. freshnjan at Endicott Junior Col- chapter of Phi Delta Theta fra- F.- •• Kennedy;' Mr;and Mr* -OrvHle r., New Providence; Dr. iebe, Beverly, Mass., where she ernity at Kansas State College Petty, and Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Lenci, 244 Gakridge ftv- was covered by. is a secretarial major. Miss where he is a freshman in me- F. Francis, John A. McManus, 12 caroling at Fair Oaks; to Fasold is the daughter of Mr. chanical engineering. He has been and Mrs. George Fasold of Beek- music • for a dramatlsatioi on the varsity track team this land avenue, will receive the 3 of many styles was done at" the Juliette Seoson man terrace. spring as a member of relay Bachelor of Arta degree at Wash- party; to know some musle by + \\A/*±t I I Oted by Princeton BOTO eams placing first or second In ington College, Sunday, June 1. and colors composer and to write a sketch of j Vf ittl L(l/ICfl60/l several meets of the Big Seven kDORA William F. Close of 91 Black- Two Win Scholarship* his life; to know and practice Beacon Fire Chajpter of DAR Conference In the middle west. 3:95 to 6.45 IRE5TAURANT song leading, concert manners and burn road, a student at Princeton Robert S, Kern and William R. to- "know the International Girl met the the home of M_rs. Harry University, was one of ten under- York, both of Summit, have been ftekiay*— Alt Ymur graduates cited at the annual Heads Newman Club (Except Sat.) Scout song. The Glee Club also A. Marshal!. MDeBiry place on selected recipients of Henry Rut- ROTC program. He was awarded George J. Hatem, «on- of Mr. gers scholarships awarded each provided music for the Girl Scout -Thursday, for its annual meeting a Reserve Officers' Association and Mrs. Nelson Hatem, 28 Gates Council dinner. year to outstanding Juniors in the heon —11:30 to 2 and election of offleera. Luncheon citation based upon Scholastic- /rtreet, a freshman at Rochester College of Arts and Sciences. Institute of Technology, has been tr — 5:30 to 7:30 "The Silo" Now wa» served by the members of the achievement and aptitude for serv- Both are majoring In economics board under the chairmanship of ice. lectod president of the Newman and under terms of the grants will dub for the coming »chool year. [days and Holidays Open on Route 10 Mra, Joseph Strjuud. Reports of Close Is a midshipman in tbe bu fre-ed from two formal courses 12:30 to 6:30 The newly-opened ."Silo" on Naval ROTC unit Hatem la enrolled In the de- each semester in order to do in- the year's activities and accom- partment of publishing and print- I Except During route 10 west of 203, features dependent work. A thesis and a country things rliliowii Mrs. Aldo M. De Belli* librarian, ditions, social life, extra-curricular fussed? petition ia open to all Catholic and the board of directors con- T, T. Bell, Jr., 60 Oakland place, Brooches a junior at Lehlgh University, will activities, and religious heritage. School students in the Archdiocese sisting of Mrs. John C. Brodsky. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Newark and the bishop's gold Mrs. Frank A. Milne, Mrs. Wil- attend a six-week ROTC summer Rings camp at Fort Belvolr, Va., begjn- Herman D. Wielboldt, 18 kaurel mcdfll is awarded to the out- bur Seymour, and Mrs. Harry A. venue, Mis>3 Wleboldt'U a junior ning June 21. [Costume Jewelry standing student. Sutton. , •...;'.' nrolicd in the liberal arts course The other boys are: Jamea'TcMta Officiate were appointed to rep- Upon graduation from Lehlgh t Bucknell. She has been a dor- of Madison, Edward Wiles of resent the chapter at the Over- University in June, 1953, Cadet mitory representative for the Union, Arthur Sullivan of New look Hospital cornerstone-laying Bell will be eligible for a commis- Christian Association, and l.s a jene Jung York, and Thomaa Arnold of cceremonies, , the Memorial Day sion as a second lieutenant in member of the Women's Glee cleaning's easy! It* & Jtuelry Repairing Miami - Brach, Fla. Their teachers ceremonies, and the 4 tb-of. July the Officer Reserve Corps. Club. are: Edward T.. Sullivan. Rev. «chwood Read, Summit celebration ..committee. Win* Master's Degree Charles A. Fox, and Rev, John J. Made ROTC Corporal Summit ••UM ^ James A. Stahr, son of Mr. and use the only ammonia that Giarln, . Mrs. 'John M. Stahr, 31 Broad Allen S. Hunt, son of Dr. and Knows Secret of Mra. Franklin I*" Hunt of 81 gives you billows erf suds street, received the Mister of without soap andjW/ Carefree Dancing TneoTogsTitTn'.MT.d'egTO Woodland avenue, has been pro- the dirt away. Dallas (Texas) Theological Sem- moted to corporal in the • Army Be sure to inary and Graduate School of ROTC at Texas Christian Univer- elty. Theology in Commencement ex-' erclses Tuesday, May §. A graduate student majoring In psychology at the . University,, he Stahr was graduated from Dal* a member of the Herpetolofy ing las Seminary with high.honors. ,

    To Enter SwarttUnor* * Brother* to Graduate ammonia Miss Jefrle Butfln, of Canoe Bruce Renton Wyckoff and Gar- PARSONS AMMONIA COMPANY Brook Parkway, has been notified ret H. Wyckoff, sons of Mr, and * N«w Y*rk, N. V. by the Committee on Admissions Mrs. H. N. Wyckoff, 6fl New Eng- OM tHl IOARDWALK of Swarthmore College of her ATLANTIC CITY man In September. Jerrle will graduate from St Mary's Hall, WOODY .". . . The Builder'* Friend Burlington, N. J., early in June. Is Elected President Miss Betty Ballah of\77 Kent PROOMCT Of ALL- Place boulevard was elected presi- dent of Mu Kappa Ifcu, marketing WWK/WWIT, CUTIT, NAIL IT, honorary society, at New York IT, 6Uie IT, PAINT IT/ •No ifd to go on a dht University. She was also elected Whether you sre IT or 70 Arthur ' SET IT AT thh yar-w'll probably «forve Murray expert Helen Millet ca» secretary of the Management Club tetch you the «crrt of *ny daw*-.. and publicity chairman of the Re- to d•atb with th* 5-way and in ju« one leiion! It really iMbst tailing Club. Miss Ballah will enter etiy "The New Arthur Murray Wsy. her senior year next semester. u.5.BuiiDii*e PRODUCTS ca proltilon *votffft So come in to the iiudio todar.or Is Initiated phone. Newark, J0« Hslsey 8l., William Gerald Sartorlut, son QMALITY MArket S-5151. Fi« Oranire, 44 Brick of Mr. and Mrs. William Sartorius, Church Plan, Ornnge J-J900. 6 Glen Oaks avenue, was recently Storaq* Rattt Send everything — overcoats, Furs—2% of your own val- uation, minimum charge f-2. ladies' coats, winter suits, Cloth garments— $50. valua- fur pieces, fur coats and wool tion, minimum charge $1.50. Thli Include* insurance blanket*. •gainst all haxards. COMPRESSION HURRICANE ENGINE PHONE: SUMMIT 6-3100

    gets more power from regular p* FINEST SELECT OAK FLOORING

    • and up to B5 mil™ per gaHon ^h merdrive 25 ptr tq. ft. HALF CALIOM S5» •« IT TODAY U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. Mala Office and Plant D 0WN PAYMINT-UP TO U MOMTH5 TO MT Id CRIAM 700 Springfield Avt. Berk.ky HelqhH. N. J. Chatham Road tow S*«lt«t OmoUr tm a Telephone:, Summit 6-3355 Storti In Summit, Charlwm. Madison, IIRVINGTON WILLYS vorl»«y "Only A F Minnie* From Tht Cenler Of Summit" (Fornttrly MaplmoaA WlltrO Prompt CM and Delivery Service Avt., IrvlNtM - K- 4"?!!P 9 AM m 9 TM — I . Nga tt . _ _ ••" '' -•' """... THEE SUMMISUyMtfT^AJSTrilORSDAYT BEJMMJJHURSO^. MA^Y 22. igSg, ;... . ;.-„ ..f.."!/.;.:?U^.U..^-...-,-;- .,-••"—^— High School Preserves Unbeaten Conference Sk

    another run In the fourth to Ryan, Hilltoppers Virtually stole second, advanced to third Trophies Given of Dim on « passed'bait.'coming home ©a by Defeating Caldwell Willis Young's overthrow. Caldr Of Girls'Bowling Making up for the beatings administered by the d well scored a single run .in the Chiefs in basketball during the past season, Summit mixth vrtien with one out Willis" Bowlers on the Ke« Joha*too ( Young- walked, Hoag Young team lit the OirU* City Bowliag ; continued the undefeated Suburban Conference record by scratched an infield hit to tend defeating the Caldwell "Chiefs" at the Memorial Field dia- his namesake to second, advanced mond Monday afternoon, the score 3-1. It was a hurling to third on « wild pitch, scoring day at a dinner held at Bod'* duel withJohnny MacDapieJa beat- on Jeek Bradley1* long single to Ranch House, Convent, for being f the top tt-Hra in the League, The j lug RUM Bower*, MaeDaniela al- were for extra bases. center. rol'w} * lowing five hits, Bower* allowing This victory virtually eews up banquet closed the twelfth mtmoa '. but four. Summit scored first in the eec- of the Leaf u*?^ which is «*pon*ore*- &» Ryan, 3b 0 3 0'Stev'ason. cf 2 0 Dorothy Hall, Alma Hellqttkt, Ridley, fcs 2 0 l'a>ilacOregor 1 0 Margery Painter and Carmei Ba*lt«r, lb, p 3 0 0 DUIy, 2b : 3 0 MTD'nlels, p 3 0 U : Petraicaro. • - High average: Dorothy Hal, I«, 21 S 4 29 1 I first .place; &k>ta Mcfiimie, !*£, •>. •Struck out lor Stevenson In 7tli. stvond; Ellen HeUqukt 140. third. Caldwetl _ _ ' 5 0_0 Nl tt^-1 Suijunit " 0 2 0 10 0 i—3 a glove 1 orirou Umplrt*—Freseia. Klass. to. Im;n . Error*—Ridley, vf. Young. B&&C* on Balls—WscDanleU 3; Bowers 5. Struck Summit to Face Out—MacDanieU 11; Bowers 0. Double cow-: Play~"P«t.riic(;o, .Giles. 8i0ten ..pases—, Ryan, Barker^ Bower^Earned run*— ©IRL BOWLING CHAMPS—Members of the Ken j dent. L^ft to rrght are Mra. Kerrigan, Captain B hide.* Wide.wrUt itrap. Full Summit 2, Caldwell I,I>ft on Base— Roselle in GKT 8umm|t 5, Caldwell 6. Hits off—Mac- Johnston Sport Shop bowling team, winners in the Koplin, Mary Bonnell, Grace Guzzardi and Claire leather lining. Full dosed ball DaJntelB 5 In *even Innings. Bowens 4 Oity Girl** Bowling League, receive their champion Denslinger. Hope McKelligett, fifth member of the In *U Inning*. Runs Ibatt.ed In—Bar- ship trophy from Mrs. Irene Kerrigan, league prcsi team, was not present. (Chell Frantzen) i Baseball Game tl*p. Finger tips leather-Weed. ker, MscDanlels, "Bradley.. Winning »-. I^j plscher—MacDanlela (3-1). tance between bases is 78 feet j Summit, Rahway, Roaelle Park and the pitchers mound isv57 feet and Linden are the standard $10.75 toed Princeton Grads SPORT RAMBLINGS from itome plat?. bearers for Union County In the Those who witnessed la«t Sat- twentieth Annual Greater NewHrh { uT^J Stage 24-lnning Thriller by Baseball Tournanient which geU'i- Bro*es , _ Fathers outlasted sons at the urday night's TV broadcast from Ft 1: ED HOFFERT, Sports Editor Dexter Park marvelled on the under way this week. The defend- I £? J*l -^ Modal 1»*-Authen tic, Princeton family picnic at New ing champion is Linden High I ttm. Hiiw '£-* , playing ability of the gals, the 3 School who nipp«d Jefferson High ] s£^ .^r'r^ gio design.. A great value at Vernon last Saturday, according to hurling was outstanding, as (they nX Ey ED HOFFEKT, Sports Editor in aa Ail-Union County final last " ~ nctually throw curves, drops and v£-c!.-:^ $6.25 StandLsh F. ^ledlna of Morrbtown, A month ago we reported that the C-0 TWO Fire June. president of the Prlneeten dub sliders. The bats are regulation Included with either gVove-'The Equipment Co. softball teain,had withdrawn from the fast The invitation tournament cham- \ of Northwestern New Jersey. and the rul*\s are similar to those Thrilling $tory ol Joe DiMaggio" New Jersey State softball league and would no longer at- by their big league brothers, jpionship winner is generally More than 150 local area Princ«- con- book. tempt intersectional promotions against top notch soft- Summlt sport fans arc urged to sidered the baseball champion of toniana watched^ as teen-age sons ball attractions that might be traveling through the East. view this television attraction on the' entire state, only teams with dominated the softball field at The State League opened last ,- ~ —:—^-rr —.—: :— Saturday night. outstanding records are tendered John G. Gaston il's Willow Brook wetk without a Summit entry, this the league. The'league b recog- invitations. THepatring* are made HAN At«NJN1 joe DiMaggio Official Au- Farm In the morning. being the first time In seven years nised fw the top softball league in 5 YEARS AGO TODAY up with no thought of class that a Summit entry in the League Summit Softball League gets un- groupings, aGroup IV team could tographed Bue Ball After lunch, however, the fa- the rcust., one of last year's mem- had not answered the bell. • bers rmohMl the quarter finals of der way with doubleheader at be playing a Group I team, with ther* staged a^!4-inning game that Thursday night, Jer#ey Washington School Field, large Group II and Group III teams in NUMKIS $1.45 rolled up the afternoon with a Gity "Mt Carmete", New Jersey crowd sees Summit Diner di

    * . .. .,.. .iMih _J§ON«I • ;• _ »**•***««**••*** ,('*«'- «•« tmtnmit A«i»5 23a-M« Bro»rt AIIVIIM IS1M. re £ RBX> Trlmalawn Power mower, wttb " • - -• ^ j if iio snawer *11 M*. -*"*^* TUW, couniiT »Uao*ph*f». * TRAINEES aaow plow. tJaod one season, Sum- WILLIAMS ' "* —"^^STiiiiiSSb i U to MaAHoa" «r to Otoath^m 4 mlt 8-1588. " MR. WILLIAMS milea to Summit. #» <#gttt» «uw««l. {3-Paper Classified Combination) For production work. OR WIHDOW CLEANING & "^ Rent tm a moath. MadlMw tj&m Many company beaeflu CARRIAGE, T«eter Babt, ear WAXINO, CALL SOMMIT 6-Qm. bed and s«at. gate, play pen, ma- v r •_._.,. , , ~—-— "— .--™-— — ( fcett* l»vifVV"**» * ** "* a-ROOM ternity dre*w* else 12, msaon )ius. BEES removed by expert Day or ni£it ] published »3». Thorpe. MINIMUM CHARGE 10 WORDS $1.00 Apply MUlbum 6-lStt. '__ electric Kear ' k Witt Ordet BERKELEY CiiRLS 28" Bicycle, portable electric MH*b*r«-Sbor1 Hill. sewing machine, kitchen sink bowl service with all Its and chrome faucet a«t. Millbura 8- PA»TM CHEMICAL CORP. It48 after 8 Tree Service. 4-4300 4-1200 i«rtd. TtocM rooTOJi ajai Summit Avenue UATVtlMSa and box aprlng, 3/4 «lw, second floor, a«*C (Ktmoilt SUM Berkeley Heights, N. J. teR* . Steady Work ton, etc. Advance. Butterlck, and P. O. Box 193 Summit I> King Street. Montetow» 4-3CB»L do at home. Special attention paid APAKTMEWTS K>» KEWT to colors, buttons and accuracy of Simplicity patterns; Vogue . and Dry Cleaning Store count. We pick-up and deliver. Modes Royal** Pattern Service Open WANTED—Hou»e to paint. C.B. MOrrCLAIR'S NEWEST Summit <-e*6j. evenings to 10 P.M. , White Jr A: CO. Palnter/iand Dec- STENOGRAPHER fttOniatown 4.1718 orator, IS Edgar Street, Summit 44 UNION STREET ,\i BOOMS, «m •»« mm* 10 boar week * good pay sorteaad poreh, eentHJ. ad«« 3-R, riee ettimatei. Deluxe 1-3-4 room (pirtmenu la M receptionist or gesural office as- Aldctney Milk Bara on Route 10. en- brand new amall building, home Ike Available July 1st or Uth.^o* No Experience Nece«*ry trance on Littleton road (Route 2021 ibere, eonveiplent to everything. Summit Herald. ' sistant, typing also. MAdlson tt, Mo. 73 bus atop 100 feet away, Mor- PIANO tuning Mid **p»trln«. Rebuild- 0287-J. ris Plains • • • Whiu ooly. Good P»y ing & Helluistiittg. Harold Heuer. bath. Cold- Iw»tet Ml B. L. Schlosser LIQHT la unary and curtain* done at 6 Summit «>J r4a. Short Houn JUKE box. plaje J4 records. Best offer. i uyionvtii* J: **} Open for inspection dally U to 8 pn>. my home, summit 8-3183. 8-J792-R. FOR artistic 'tuning call MUlburn S»turday« and 8und*ys 1 to i pin- 3 LAROK u&furatahed ro^tni »ad bath Working CondiUoiu Summit SOmmlt «-3M0 VETERAN desires interior, exterior Pl»no Serflce. C Werth, »8 Mlllburn i for light aousekeepInK la_wtv»te Good Opportunities painting .and decorating work. Mill- 10 WOOD frame .~.~—. . Avenue, South Orange 3-2184. ' C. E. & E". T. SHIPMAN, burn 6-l754*J, storm windows. Various sizes, 2 com- - Rererences ' r*4UU«ar^ Summit bination doors. Phone Summit 8- ... . • RealtQrs . KENT PLACE graduate seeking po*l- SMMalnSt.. ' ( OR. 5-0100 ••••eottt-W;'' ••'••..*•" Small M«nuf«cturlB» Plant TTPIBT-clerk, central office work, at 0972-M j, Lacquering Hon dor aummer, either office or STJBLBT beautiful furhUbed; apart- HlOt LA»OE BOOM K« OMB ?»< least one nu'i experie&ee, 3J hour apparel shop. Phone Summit 6-4804. PROVINCIAL, decorative stdneware pie Silver, brass, and household articles j Summit Area week.- Call Stbamjt C-8111 for de- pans, tart pa'na and aalad or baking ment 2 bedrooms, very reasonable, Fuinlahlnjs and t»:t WIDOW, SO, genteel, active, ambition*, mold*. In oven proof stoneware. Xx~ MADISON GALLERIES \ for liimmtr months, sunimlt •• de*lred., in tail*: ~^"-- .^r*"- ••- RIVER '«OAO. SUUMIT unquufttlonable background wKbea tra large ash Wayi and other china 280 Main St. Madison 6-2907 M3S-U. • poiltlon with discriminating per«on glftware* to iportlng deslgni. Avail- Box 512, c'o Summit Herald YOunfal r LADY where the heed 1* for light house- able at the factory seconds inop. keeping, cooking, companionship, Contemporary Ceramloa, . 32 Wat- : for jeneral homemaker. Also espenencad' chunK AT*-. Chalham, Open Mon- BerUc* --. w»«t, maniwcrlpu. Request tunlly" day thru Saturday >»af p.m. " cl*rtoal positions for etperteaeed'of treatment. Prefer shore area or ineupcztenced workers. Oood atarttng \ ' Automobile Agency tummer reeort |25 weekly. Box 9S9, GIRL'S bicycle. 14", $10; boy's bi- salary and semi-annual Increases Knowledge of typing neceasary Summit Herald. cycle, 26", Mr 27" lawn, mower, |7. with'excellent opportunity for ad- All la good condition. Chatham 4- . vancersent. Five day we*k. Short ....,-"'' ••• WRITE •- DENTAL- nurse, long experience, wishes 6852. I hours. Very plea&ant working fjjpn-i p»rt time Work. Available Saturday 1 Bos MI, Summit Berald * afternoon, Wettnrtaay ana/or eve- 2 8CHW1NN girl * bicycles, 24" and M". dltlont. Apply in person to First State quaJlfioatlooa and refereacw, etalnleaa ateel sink, 64" double. All 13-A-GILLEiTl National Bank 4; Trust Company. ning*. Summit vicinity, BUmmit 6- excellent condition. Short Hllla 1- Summit, N.J. jgja «3o JM PRIVATE SALE. Cap* Cod bunmlow. CAPABLE woman who can derate euf- 3871-M. " 3 year* old. Fl»t floor hs* uvtog SOMETHING Dill neient time to call on 8 women WOMAN, .colored, wlahea day work or OARAOE doors, 2 pair, each 8 feet . JUST FOR YOU room, dlnrtte, kitchen, 2 bedrooms Jk Horn* %&<& ifi incoait fm ] dally. Unusual buslnew. Write Box 10—after dinner S days. $35, car- square. Summit 6-6480-M. ' New Multiple Usflng No. 813 and tile bath. ExpatutaB attle par* at Gillette wt-.h »-uch« | CLERK-' Ml. Summit Herald. taie. Ssperienced. Blgelow 8-9*30. COLONIAL, Ut flctor living room, din- tlally completed. Plaster walls, full apartment. Livtnj .room ZXCDLLE-ST opportunity tor capable BABY scale. 14. Toy*. Oil painting* beamed etiUag • iit<5Uc« is REPINED lady wants baby sitting, day U. each. Summit 6-im-R. ing toom, den, kitchen with dinette, haicmtiu. oil heat, lot 6,000 aq. t%. glxl *eeWag ateadf employment. IMMEDIATE openings tor women be- or night. MUlburn 6-0644. ARTISTIC screened porch, 2nd floor i nice bed- SO. 6-8778-W: window, dinlt;i roosi, tr.tia Must be good at Hgurea. ConTent- tween 45-60 years of as* Avon Prod- 24x4 FEET high wire fence on a 2«4 rooms, tiled bath, 3rd floor, tpace for 1 bedroom, tiled &»•&, «j •at to all tranapodtatlon. Excellent ucta hat among Its leading earners MAN to do housework, wax floors, (rame auitable for yard pen, »10; Is the word for this builder occupied car gu-aft. '-»-•— thampoo rugs, wash woodwork. Have 2 bedrooms, oil steam heat. 3 car working condition*, many benefit*. women of your age. Write: and I also oven: brick for outside fire- Colonial home located In Murray mil. garage, full Insulation, tax «230. Ask- Birgaln at VA.m rrootor & Gamble. 311 Springfield own equipment. James ,DavU, Un- MUST SELL ahaU tell you why. R. , Marr&nca. lonvUle 2-2771-J. ' #. " place, some white procelaln face; ing »n,joo. Ate, Summit or call Mr. Hill. Sum- 183 Speedwell Ave.,. Morrlstown. 14 ton chain boUt, »li. Summit «- First floor includes a 14x25 living ALSO F. H. BOCK0\m mit 6-800O. HIGH SCHOOL graduate, available 0440-R. Cute little 4-room cotUie on one acre. Basking Ridge. K.J. Itltli room, large dining, room, panelled den, LOVEUr COLONIAL COTTAGE, on PYtilt trees, chicken houses, fenced. I DO YOU NEED MOJJfeY? June S, full time work, any type. lot 100x400, apple orchard, 2 car OOTJPTJES. coolu-butlen, general 1 WINDOW frame complete and •torm kitchen, full bath and open porch. Quiet location, Summit vicinity. Only Work 2 hours dally'and earn $2 per Short Hills 7-4828-M. sash. 32x68. Summit 6-3843-M. garage. 1st noor, large living room with mald»—cooking. Gardener*, care- hour. Hours at your own conveni- •13,600. taken. Nvwmark'a Agency. 19 King SENT PLACE graduate entering Smith Second floor has four bedrooms and fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bath, •-'. i1 .-;i - • J ACRES ence. Write P. O. Box «13. Morrls- thU tall, would like position caring MOVING. Open house rummage sale. screened porch. 2nd floor 2 large Street. Morrtrtown 43TO9 ' town. Friday and Saturday, )Iay 23 and two baths. ,. l-M-year'.old h»od hem b»c»| for children at ahore during aum- bedrooms, and lavatory. New stenm oil OBRIG, Realtor home built in 'Mt 3 3PBXVATI Secretary, full aad part time. mer. Telephone Summit 6-4804. 24. 10 am to 4 p.m. S Robin Hood Low taxes and |u air conditioned heat. IT'S A HONBY AT-417,000. 21 Maple SreeStreett , Summit. N. J. Road, Summit. ' Summit .4-043S . 6S«« baths, with expiiMjon .,_, OH Summit 6-3051. HELP WANTED MALE heat. •..'"' Si bedrooma »od osth, L:v.r.j roc 3 OARAOE doors, with glass •cottons. OBRIG, Realtor With flrepUcf. Surprteisi aa WAITRESS, part time. Apply In Call Summit 4-3810. Priced to sell at 137.500. 21 Maple Street Summit, N.J. viciHrrr cranntM. i min «iU tj DLW.j . pexaan Marten's Confectionery Store. COLLEGE GIRL Klce clean, small house on a large lot, SIDING MECHANICS STJmmlt 6-0435 -: MM excellent Detghbprhcod. Perf*ct condi- polntment only.- Ast'.^i pi Summit. wishes position as companion PISHDRMEN Um:.b»lt pickerel and W. A. McKAMAEA - RSAU trout shinera lit the Sprlngbouae, CALL ME tion, Priced right at Sli.JOO. BERKARRSVILLE OrTlCI to apply Johna-MaavUle asbestoa 90 River Road. Summit 8-0*24. See Any SUMMIT Realtor W. A, McKAUARA, Ratltor Steady work Summit 6-MSO.7B6A . IS BERNARDS I Oood pay for children at summer honie. 18—MUSICAL EMBTBtntKNTS I have a business lot, WilM at the B*. 8-1888 «i»K'j;< corner of Plain .Street ft River Road. LABORATORY Call for appolDtment Summit- For the opportunity of a Blzabeth J-7484. STBINWAT Spinet, 4 years old. 5 MONTCLAIR HOME INSULATION CO. year guarantee. Practice piano, lifetime call A GOLD MINE 3 Beechwood Road RENT FREE SUMMIT 8-U74.R Summit 8-3830 •100.: Spinet, »2»3. Dowe. SUm- ASSEMBLERS mtt 6-7498. SUMMIT 8-1S02 Z-fsmily in exc»!l*rrt location. 1*» floor t RO03E\"E.T «.. EMPLOVMtNT AGENCIES Tec—your t&xet, heat and utilities paid bu 5 rooms, ttl« bath and lavatory, DRIVERS for high Uft coal trucks, FISCHER Baby Grand, made by for sou, plus, jour own 6. room, apan- plus 4 room office suite and latstoryV I Corner 'tknith PsiHw.cs lii»I : Easvx and Union County, .steady INDD8TBIA1. and doraeatlc help avail- Knabe. Sacrifice for quick sale. tnent and income besides lu this triable for a home-Industry M" at prc- "MoiitclMrK RMT ism apartment! tn2dl| STGINWAT Orand EbonlBed, rebuilt, located In the center of Summit. Two A small name in Eases Road section, bath, separate entrance. Celling- rtnt . Outlets. Jfo pretjeuev espe- 421 Bates Street. Mlilburu, Mlllburn car garage, automstic -heat and easy 1120 a month. Ut Boor, no wiling. elevators: 2-leiel - rienee required. . «^»17 repined, reetrung, case wflnlshed. CenteFTJill colonial with first floor LABORATORY and hardware reptated. 5 year guar- nuklntentnce den opening on terrace, Thrte bed- BuiintM coning poeslblr In future, Manai'r on Beoe&t high school gradu- antee, t'l" looks and plays like Easy living and a money maker too: rooms, two baths, sun porch, second, C*il Mor.'.'-Iilr ;•; • aXea with good eyesight. ASSISTANT FOR SALE new. Summit 6-7498. & real value at *n.m Call Robert Built. 1923. An expensively Un die sped yt^i^yw^^^ neight preferred j 1—ANTIQUES li—BIBDS A rrrs 8. Stafford. tere with extra «hare of charm and OBRIG, Realtor M0RDOCH-F.MRCHIU) 3' 3". beaut?. Call for an appointment now, 22 Maple Street 8umrr.lt. N, 24 LsckawanQS PIiu. High School Graduate ' ws.ooo. . . •«'•'.• for posttloa in HO08EHOLD goods and antiques, P0PPIES. male & female, white. whHe THE STAFFORD AGENCY Summit 8-043S M Chemical Reaearch laboratory. including dough box, pine table, and brown. Special care, reasonable. AFFfcT m FBRSOW BOORS 3 PJM. chairs, water bench, sleigh bed, etc. Bummlt fl-636J-B. Realtors HOLMES AGENCY, Realtocaiior i VOKOAT TBKOVO* SATUBDAT Oood Working Condition* 0*11 CKstham 4-3875-W for ap- DACHSHTJND sck. and tun, 40 Beeetawood Road . patotment. ...: — ~~~ PRINCETON K 1- OOUJ9CT CALLS > ' Many company benefit!. A.K:crRH BTJmmlt «- 45 Maple Street Summit e-1343 Chlnge 708O-B BUT direct from owner and »»ipui-ii» home, 3 tw!f«.r good grade school. 3 bedroom*. lack yard. JIT.SCO. Writ* BERKELEY TWO girls' bloyciw 3»" and 28". Oood sired. Privately bred for disposition 2-car garage, gas beat. |ii,5O0. Bum- when you can »te»J this alc-roorrt hwise condition. Call South Orange 2- and temperament. Chatham 4-3012. mlt 6-6«43-R. ARTISTRY tor tlfl.SOO. Neat and sw«et sad ready Starring & Top Salaries CHEMICAL CORP. M33. A-i workmansnlp aad materUla for liappy Hrlnj. In » nul»t.* 6»en phowr piiinfleld 4-OJ55 Summit Avenue 3, TBN-OALLON tanks, complete with were blended when the netfhborhood where the chUditft e*n FOR THESE POSITIONS troplcii l\»h, greens. $12. Short Hllla Scandinavian builder- enjoy unerowded. proirreaalee Jtffer- SEASHORE 7-387B-M, f Berkeley Heights, N. J. TUB ROBIN SOOlTeHOP. t TaflOf MURALS occupant constructed this son School. Call Mrs. Koflman, WERE INCREASED ON Tel. Summit 6-4185 Street. Ulllburn, $tOM used clotnlng beautiful Colonial In I»J1 3HORK ACRKS on BAHXEMtJl of better Qtialit* for every memfw SWVICES OFTUEO In the basement are a feature In Located In Murray HUl, THE STAFFORD AGENCY —N'EW WATERrROT COTMBJ APRIL 21, 1952 of the family. Hours 10 to i. ototed this 3 bedroom, 3 full baths, center hall vine living room U 14*23. 88x100' lot. 2 b«-«» KABrt MONET la your spare time, Plorut. J Stjrre Street. Summit, NJ. SWISS OtANT PAkSllS: VEOETABLB STJinmlt 8-8093 first floor. 3 bedrooms on second floor, pnc« u i37;5oo •larical work, limi* arranged to suit. PLANTS READY MOW. ANNUAL Carpenter • alterations T repair* dressing' room, three full baths, every CLARENCE P: LONG wanna. ' • __4" Box D. aprtagaald Sun. ATJTO body repair man wanted with PLANTS RBADT. NOW. - - modern convenience, large plot. A ROBERT E. DIETZ C0> GEORGE OSSMANN true value at MJ.OOO. BUTLER AGENCY MAI* for Ught housework, five days experience. Oood wawe. vacation Summit HUU Florist -••; &SON , REALTORS paid. John Fato, 4M ifcrrU Avenue, 4» AihwoO* AT*. Bumrnit «-1077 CAXnNTBT 7 Beechwood Roatt StTmrnit 4-81S3 333 Springfield Are, Summit we«k. MUlburn *4309>J. Summit 6-205J. Remodeling. Itepttrtng, Cabinet Work ERNEST VETUSCHI, JlaerMtloo Rooms and Bat* .. picker* wanted on or Addttiou Builder June 8. Mlllburc 8-1380. FtntMITTTRD for 4 rooms. Living room, M STJ, 8-0491 or any broker. lOOYEARSOLLT dining room, 9 bedrooms. Reason- HODl PSfc, full-time preferred. able. SDmmlt 0-4277-W. LOOTS HKLLTJ8O IT'S LIKE A SATURDAY EVENINO aood cook. AdulU. Box T. Springfield MEN WANTED Carpentry—Alterations POST COVER MOVING. MUST SELL, break-front Docfor-pentist CAPE COD OEii Stm. Cabinet work. Free etlmatea Lovely grounds and shrubbery Include ! •eeretary, living room, bedroom, and ' Summit 8-3979. . TALL OAKS/SBCTION B1W cn» products for Extra Cash. STEADY WORK dining room furniture, etc. Summit OFFICE AND a »J-ye«r-old Holly Tree. 4 bedrooms — Write-fhntter Mfg. Oo, Wea«rtr«e^ ,,..ft»U3»*W,. -v ,,-.,.,.,,,»r., 24-A—MUSSBMAKDiO •and w t>*th: 1st «c«f, living rocw j be,th with fireplace, dining room, modern oa 1st flow, »bed.WM bath on temi Blag.. Muncie. Indiana. Chemical Production DRBSSMAXntO and alterations at Beautiful North Bide—strategic corner MOVING. For quick »a», bedroom, —ample parking, convenient to Short kitchen *nd den. Pull cellar, new hot 2nd. Sui>erb cdndltlcm, BMII0I5NTIAL XABH extra cash addressing postal* Shift Bonus. Holidays. Qroup Ins. "living room and kitchen furlture. home or In' private borne*. UNIon- water gas heating, Franklin School ipeetlon appoimment Mlllburn Ave Hosp. & Surgical Benefits 2-81t». Hllla—home' under construction—»lt.- area. If you like the R»rly American if home. Write Lowell., Press; Co.; Refrigerator, etc. Summit 8-2745, 500 Caoh — pre-regulatlon mortgage. h8JH Jlurjcle. Indiana. DRESSMAKER, sll kinds of altera- farm type home THIS IS ton YOU MAHOGANY pie Vttist table and Center hall, large closets. 20(13 master Asking *22,M0, R. T. STRdllteNGER Apply Reheis Company mohogmy cocfcuil table. $25 each. tions. Hand shortening and rellnlng. bedroom And bath. 3 other ample bed- for laundry and cleaning, Rr&sonable prices. Chatham - 4- two day* weekly. References required. Bummlt 4-4171 rooma and bath, spacious living room, Healfcor-•-'- 4849-It, .< • witn fireplace, dining room with con- OBRIG, Realtor 12 Beechwood Rd. day,-*™. BtJ. " Short HUU 7-3817. . Snyder Avenue GOODS necting porch, breakfast area in WA—BOCSKCLEANINO ; 21 M»ple 8tr*et • Summit, N. J RBOSPTIOKtST and secretary 1" small SLIGHTLY used gas stove in good kitchen. 25x25 office space, can be in- Summit 8-0435 -»»8 active Real Estate office. .Personal- Berkeley Heights, N. J. condition. 130. It. M. Collins, 8r. 12 J. MOORMAN. Home cleaning. Kttch- corporated at this stage of construe 3e2_KBro*d. ^ . Itr Important. Salary dependent on Bank Street, Summit , eua and Batitnerito waxed Stores tion. September 1st occupancy. R. O. MODEt, ttOME and factorlni. UNlonvllie 2-0M3-B. Irvine, 9 W. Prospect, Mount Vernon, Tel. Summit 6-7110 ONES year old O. E. refrigerator. 7 cu. N. X. Tel. Mt. VeTnon 8-3481. UNUSUAL SUMMIT yjcomif . C»pe Cod t&B&ground". The *Rlchl»nd Co. 41 OABPKNIWQ Maple St. Summit 8-7010. ft. perfect condition 4150. Seven BEAUTIFUL 10 rooms, 3 baths, pne- BRICK RANCH HOME piece bedroom set. black walnut LANDSCAPE OAAOKKEft. put in tlcally new home In Summit. Rea- Mpt. 47x24 on iimnMtlon, tered * TRUCK DRIVER linliih twin beds, m. Wing chair forerr hall, U ft. Htt»g Ud 4OUMI lawns. tr«e> work, fair prices. Mill- sonable. L. Weeks, Broker. Call Everything perfect — no detail lure window. WOMEN ! and recently upholstered 130. summit «• burn 8-4228-R. Summit 8-2278-M ate* with picture •w»»4ow', Br»- 2 bedrooms 8414. place, bookda»«f. ttreMpnett kJM>»- Telephone: Short Hllla 7-31M Large corner lot. mature oaks YARDMEN. O. E. refrigerator, standard size. «- *n. 3 good sl«» bedrooms, plinty With Pleasant Speaking client condition, 94 Short mils Ave- Tr»D/•«>» » * Voice to do survey work tandstaplng and Gardening and kitchen. 3 npnc ou» beflroonu * Fi * t » n»«tlon. Decor*t«d STEPHENS-MILLER CO. MODERN Roper gas range, price *S0. Kesr Summit. A most unusual' home tile ba.tr*. built In 2-c«T ,%$?T^m throughout in good tM*». Full at home. ! Summit 6-0029 Call Short Hllla 7-2SS6. LANDSCAPING and diivewkys, walks In lovely COUNTRYSIDE. Brick con- windows, screened porch isTsbo i^ *>*»«"»»nt, alf eofidltloned oil »e«t, and patios. E. A. Magllaro, Oeneral struction With, slate roof, situated on spect with BE. * HO Houstm B..T Part-time — $1 per hour. I AUTO m«;hanlc, excellent working WE8T1NOHOU8E Laundromat, needs thoroughly'tamiUted. Attached J- Contractor. South Orange 2-8374. large wooded plot. Living room 118x27), toj. 360 Sprmgneld"!AT" TuS'mmmH O"- car garagf, • I conditions, good pay. 5-day week. some repair. Short HUU 7-3117^ ultra-modern kitchen (elect dish 8464. eves, Summit 8-388J " ° Call TOPSOIL: Fine light loam. FreeTof Prettr setting on nHtlf *en Insurance benefit*. Apply James BEFRIOERATORr*Weetingnouse, 8 cu, washer), 2 master bedrooms. 1 tiled ; Gorman. Inc., 298 Broad street, stones, roots and- debris. Complete bathtf, pine panelled library, large plot. Fins community, •hort drive i Summit. ft., recent model, like new. make Of- soil test available. 'Soli sample upon from town. The rel M«3fV8M*» MRS. PERRINE fer. Mlllburn 6-0743. toreened porch, all on one floor.Two - requant. Donald Pyle, Contractor. car att. gar. neighborhood of fine NEW LISTING Friday between 10 and 12 a.m. Mlllington. N. J. Phone MUllngton HATB it BOH, Realtors MAHOOANT bed and spring, dining home*. An exceptional offering under v at Whippany 8-1048 room set, clothes closet, 2 bridge 7-O6M. 149,000. • i Here U that hard to find bre.wsr * H1!?..ft * JPL»lnl|eW 8-1W7 lamps, single bed hair mattress 42 EXPERTS at new lawns, shrubbery, room Colonial with tile bath and u«" MEN WANTED Inches wide. Summit 6-013J-M. tory in an attractive woodid VV ember Multiple Ustln» Service transpUnting, trimming, etc. BUm-MOUNTAIN, WHITMORE Jutt ouUtd* Summit; Dead.«nd STOW, good condition. Reasonable. mit'8-1902 or S874-B. wcelleat nelghborh^ .tone ^o WHY Call after 5 p.m. Bummlt B-4174-J. and Transferred owner ukinjf 125,000 No Experience Required OE-NERAI, landscapMm — Lawns cut MOVING to smaller home, urtitui^ and maintained, tree work, gardens, Dignified and Gut© Good Opportunity for new Uwna and driveways, flu- JOHNSON, Realtors rugs, household goods, dishes, etc. 83 Summit Are. BU. 8-1404 THE RICHLAND CO. COMMUTE? Advancement - for isle. Summit 8-6Z37, call R«tur- stone, patios, curbs and sidewalk* day, 37 Valleyvlew Ave., Summit. made. J. 8 c u d e r I, Mlllington Realtors Employee Benefits 7-0370-W-l, A.B.C. WR1NOKR WMherTfood con- 41 Maple Strert gqmm|1 8.7O)O kitch.n *1f.?°mi' »ba«h. Itviiur mm, WORK IN SUMMIT dition, 125. Bummlt 8-0440-B. SUBURBAN OAttDEMS INVESTMENT SECURITY kiMhen, attic spse*. tmU Iniulated, & Bhruba Stenographer-Typist Also Harflls " KELV1NATOR. 6 cu. ft., all porcelain, In OLEH OAKS Bmlon Small Monitor Switchboard. KEUFFEt & ESSER CO perfect , running condition, $80, FOR rent—PoWer saw. l-man unit, Sparkling white Colonial, brick and PIME OROVB AVENUE Chatham 4-S58S. 30" saw. ilS per day. Stumpp A shingle, 7 rooms, 3 tile baths and lava- Walter, MUlburn. L. A. B. CORP. 31 Willow St. •—H1SCRLLANB0U* tory, 2-oar garage, ptnelled game room OBRIG, Realtor Chatham, N. J. APPOLITO'8 Landscaping Material!, gas heat. Liberal financing. n 31 rnlon Plaoa Bummlt. W. J. TEA wtgona, Oriental rugs, fir* •oreeM, also granite blocks, 98 Main street, L andiron «et», bedroom-dlnlny room Springfield. Call Mlllburn 8-1271 R. T. STROMENGER / ' .'wnMBLX woman, 1st floor, plain DRIVER seta, desks, crystal «tiandellera, or ldt V-. ' ' booking, assist with children. Sleep ZiperleDCfd rnfrlgfrator, gas range, lamp*, clocks, PLOW1NO done evenlnn, during the Realtor In 845 per week.^Stuninit 6-7244. Part time silver tea sets, etc Madison Oal- w««k, Saturday and Sunday morn- 23 Beechwood Rd. day-eve. 8U 8-4024 BOUBKWORKBR — plain cook. neat, Mornings preferred lerlM, »80 MainJ»reejjltodjson,jt 9. lng*. Bummlt efliaaR food recent referenees Important. Summit 8-8090 CLASSIFIED Large bouse, other help. Oood salary Opp. New Prov. Bit Station JALOUSIES & WINDOWS COUNTRYSIDE Summit Aluminum * glass Jalouslti, Porch A E!l£2!iL-. •wmmit «. OOBTODtAH - JAHITOR Breeteway enclonures. Hunter combina- JO8IPH RtTDwi. Mason. Oontraetor, Countryside I* m reaidentlal rmn- _ DY wanted for specialty shop, APPLICATIONS are being considered tion storm and screen windows, mem*, brick, sidewalk*. All type munlty of unusual b**uty and eharm. HIL,L TOP ESTATE eelllnt conditions, and pay. Fash- for full time, part time or tumnorary (general Bronee triple slide wlndoWtf and •onerete work. Summit 8-1181-J. HotnM built to salt your requlremtnU 209 ftPRIHaF|B,D AVi- BRING ion Stor*. 431 Springfield Avenue. Custodian or JanHor, at lh« Moun- —fJS.OOO or more depending on aUe— Thl* bwutlful •pllt level riAinni •creerui, Cnllfornla R*fiwood window* E, HAUCHELLI—MUMMI coniraotor — of the bMt ^f nVTa«Wi>%n.' tatnatde School, oa Route. *W, Moun- A: acrMrui, Free eatlmaiea, all kinds tlone* • nrloka - stoops etc. embody In* utmflet.ln modern »b- talnaidi. H. J, 8M Mr. CnnrUs J. polntfnertts Descriptive booklet nvaii- Cnunty of Unfon, n hll 5 PART.TfME l^ p m cttnital HOWS COMFORT PRODUCTS CO. Call Summit 8-3JM. *^ bath*, porch and J c «ooklng. Mght laundry. Wada«, Sup«»UinR Principal. BUmmit 8-1873 abl* ort request. Countryside adjoins lM kl Mht l Summit. Summit «-*m TOTJNO man for position of mettf UNDERWOOD typewriter, used. Lay- hftol. and churchJrpri RESULTS OltU/ or Woman to help with 2 chll- reader. Must br high school grad. Ing hen*. Rhode Island red Mid Paper SsrutM. Interior and and «m and housework, Pleasant home, Apply Public 8#rvTet »e«trie * English Leghorn ehteken*. U extfrtor work. Reasonable. Pretf W. W. DREWRY, Buildcf to 8 W>. DO. Summit Oaa Co., 341 Springfield Ave. Bum* months. Reajoatbl*. Chatham fleper. I Springfield Avenue. Spring. Off We: Telephones; BYSTRAK BROS 14 oat i-TOOO. 4-1713, field. H.J. Mlflbujm 8-M34J. 400 Mountain Ave. Summit 8-0QU-J1S8 *•" "«a i THI SUMMIT HtHAtP. THURSDAY. MAY II. |f|S Classified accepted «.t Middl»bw* Ctel- •BlvitU* iCMttni to MiMMt M*» wet and the Comity Fbj»i«ua, were Movie Time Table received aad order«J flied. . Rentals W the drainage r^t qfwu'Tiwt i VoUovlut r»»oJuHon» were totro- ::0O, *#$, 7;JO. WilS, African Quow, Moih*r •on, Robert M. Miller, dellae*ted on a eertaln map, rel» duced:-. ' •-•,-' SUMMn 220, iM. l:V>, ll » MllU clS«?l»o Jr.; .enlwied In the Xavy 4a Uv# M tu« cftMtniMtoa af a torUtae C»Ulug 2.45, 5:50. 665 African (1) — frcetioiaer &*u*r fet RyW Qu«#U, 1:00. 4:05. 7:10, 10:15. May 16, rot um oa- Caraegl* Aveau* at • point M6 Hunlu l four ps»o|jn«l 22,'-».-AfWeaB JuiSiw; S • and t» stationed BlMi \m %t B»4 DMa«at. vm 27 38. Chicago CaUlng; 2.45, $:50, JJi, MttMI t Bld Cnt roll call uQanlmuuMy adosiwt. Jf 8:30. Hay U &frtc«i Quetn, 3: African OU««« IM, 4 01, 7.10, 1C1S.' floor. FbW Herllcb for JN* iM, Um, Bctfvcjtfr* 81rn# th» SCRAP MFTAJ. i %AS. ill, »:2S. M»y it ~ BRADFORD ; ^ H»t. ftctluia (it varfouj., RefiJVt«Muta, « 3 56. 7:00, lC:il). [Jelycdert fjrrt > Mt flpi| 00 TQU call ii»iii5ro"ou«ly adopted. Boll J.ilJ, g:|0. mf Si *t .. May 22. Mawyittg- Kind U'.OO 2:00 (JFtld Hi-rllpt! for Vu P«i#lon. 3:10. 7:^0, 8:45. t£»Y $$ 5:00, 7:55, 10:55. Purple Heart Dl&ry, for r«»t ceatw of county Tiewiim. awWug th»t h* omntitiM, «*iUtuf lurUi ih» liuiu »JT. —preWwldtr Herltch for Hni«nc« May ii. 23. Atomic City. 2:00, i.ii- Mlllburn. Ten famiiUssi or-morj. JohiLi • Uuavllle Corp.. f utloting Cotunuliec, fcittlioriieiug the VUKJU Aaron Slick from Pumpkin Creek, 3:36, PBOCTOB'S , copy of a letter which trwy cent to County Tru»i Oo u> pay to %Um lB|ie- 7.00, .10:11. May Si. Atomic City, 4 43, May 81 12. it, ST. Macao,- 12:15, 3:58, Rc*ld«ntl«J PropcTtiei the Ulddle#»k CoutHy'^ewerage Au- 5:41, |:34. 11:11. Pace That Thi-ill* tJipxlty, explaining Its present posi- htMtspon 8ap.klug Co aruount due on 1.00. Aaron Slick (ruin Puiuifklii A. Near WNMOM. 626 MUtburn Avenue Park Bond touijoiu, Mo. 17. aod 18'. Cretk. 3:00, «:JS, 10.00. May 25 St. 11:12 1:55. 4.38, 7:21, 10:08. May 24. tion with respect to the proposed dated AiiguM IS, 1881. and ciiarg« fiKUCl* OlUtot Story. 2:00, 4 30. TM. Macao, 11:00. 1:40, 4:23, 7.06 »:53 (Short HitU ?-«IO or {WrHan Valley Trunk Sower. w«us «<• 12:38. Pace That Thrills. 12:33. 3:20. feircd to Bridge Committee. to thth « CountCt y off UnioUi n CCoupon Ac-' »:40 Juniie Jlm'» Forbidden Laud, •v?ri!ngs short Hilte T-8i68 cuuut at tbe l/bioa County Truet Co., 3 20 S:55, *:3S. M»y M, 27. St. F»-«n- 6:03, 8:46. 11:33. May 25 Macao, 1:00, ! WOIX HOMES FOI «MT County Clerk, enclosing copy of wn« an lull call uunuiUiOUbly c»» Olio«t Story. 3:10, 7:00, »:4fl. Jungle 3:32. 6:04. 8:36, 11:04.-Pact Thjt Thrilk, Oalb of Office ol F. Edward Bier- 2:29, 5:01, 7:33. 10:01, w USUAL ADVkllTISEMENT Freeholder BtnniBger »t thi* time Jim's Forbidden kawi,. J.w, B:io. VACATIOH tueiupfel as m Member of the Union tumdm « motion for t ttniem of flv* ,„ cottfcfet . Oounly Board of. Taxation. MILLBURN ORANGE ^ rToinnif County Treasurer, advising of two uiinutM which was KrMitid. MACAO #*c«pt blank*t* tu UNI0N COUNT* HOARD lett coupon* *ua recouuuendluu that On reconvening joil ctUl ol*<;w«d all jMI1XBUBN EMBASSY - ..-'••"•' ,,tlc for Mfttet «* two ^?Jl **EEHOLpKR» REOU. a- resolution b% drawn authorizing member* pri#*iit. May 2J M«.r« Maru !;40 I; M 10:051 May 22. Lady Posaesaed 3:10, U:4i. i beaUtlftll Otm '-'- MKKTINU HELD—May |, l»S2. thi Union County Trust Company, Frcttttiider Betintngtr «t- tblc time On Dangerous Clround'. 3:00.. 8.45 M»y I'll Nev.r Forget You, 1:35. 7:00. lOstO. » • • wiltt have tbe amount of deposit ther« moved that the resolution presented U. 24, 3S US With • B$ng In MyMay 23. 24, 25. 26 Bend of River •*• A^ ETHEL AU.ISTON. OUrk 0* some tlm* ago by Prtcholdw B*n- Heart, 1:40, 8:40 Return of Trxan, sine* August IS.. l»51, to pay th*iiinv>r nertaliiluc to tb« appointment Hoodlum Empire. May 27 28. Soine- the Board. £ll!!«b*thport Banking Compauy thin 3:00. 7:00. 10:10 -May If, 38. African thliiK to Live For Adv. Ca^t. Fabian. lor rent »t Regular meeting of the Board o* amount aud charge same to the County of Us. Junes C. Toinasulo to Aitlntniit Queen; 1:40, «:S5, 10:00. Here C'omt PALACE iioeen yreeholdera of Union Count* of Uulon Coupon account it thi County Supervisor of Road* b« re- KeUone, 3:00, 8:50. « held »t the Court Hoi**, Ellz»- Union County Trust Company, wu moved frdta tile table. Tl.l» motion May 23, 26, 27, 28. 29. My 5U Con- • H>1J? J • on Th^adfty, Uijr g, IBM referred to' Finance ComnUltee and wug duly «ecpnd»d by Freehotdnr MADISON victs, 3:04, 7:00, 10:18. Love U Better »t 1:30 p.m. . Herlich aad on roll call utiitilmouily Than Evt-r, 1:43 8:57. May 24, 15. My County Attorney. «wrle4. • •• MAJDIPON Six Convicts, 1:00. 4:18, 7:36. 10:58, Director Dudley presiding. Roll cftll May 22, 23. Song in My Heart, 7 0S, LOST tnowed all members present '«•" Boro of New Providence, enclosing Resolution by Prteh&lder Bennlager j tov« 1» Better Than Ever, 2:57, B:l5i ftr copy of a letter written to the Sheriff, 9:20. May 24. BOOK'In My Heart, 2:88. 9:33 Minute oti the meeting of April ?«, that Jainei C. Toinasula be npivoliitcd | 4:50, 7;00, 8:20. May M. Blnfing'in i 8Ur»mU commending the Sheriff and his. of fl- as AMUtant County Supervisor ot 1952. wsre on motion of Freeholder eers for their work during the recent %i the Rain. 2:45, 5.00, 7:10, 9:20, Maj H«ructa, duly cecondM by Freeholder RoadM for a U rm of tl»fr« yt«t(» from • 26. Singink In the.Ruin. 7.25. 0:30. May May 23 Call'Of tlie WUd, 3:13, 7.00, "CAPE COP strike at the Bell Telephone Labora- k< d that an arneiidmi'iu bo made to j 7:08, 10:!2. Fury at Furnace Crei-k, USfft CAtS KM SALT roll call unanimously •ctopted VIAIMK amount forwarded ta\ State. thu resolution, | UNION 1:30, 5:40. 8:44. Mutiny on the Pollowint commuulciitltfnjs were re- Twp. or Berkeley Hetg>ht«, enclosing Resolution by Frteholder Bfiinlugw Black Hawk. 2.58. May 25. Cat Cr.>«'p«. OAOIULAC 1M9. s*rt«T7SwiSrS^; ceived and orderttf /UM:— resolution, taking the County to ex- for Road Committee, modifying the ONION 1:15, 3:33 5:55, 8:15. 10:35. She Wo!f Thing In The World rlw umcuane. i automatic transnile- 8wt« Highway Dtjft., idvljilng that tend, without cost to the Township, previous reoolutiou to tbe extent that May 22, 23. Bend In the River, 1:20, oM>ondoA. 2:34. 4:54 7:44. 9:34. Mav 26. 7:00, 0:53. Here Come the Nelaoixs. 2:j4, Cat- Creeps 2:53. 8:01. 10:?l. She. Wolf, MM. custom deluxt equipment, the OomtnUtlon»r »ppro»*d of making the present storm sewer -from th« the ««lary..b« changed to |8;OO0O0 per ,n, July and * — ehaulfeur-anvtn. cle»n Inclde »n«i payment to Union County in tht corner of Springfield Avenue and annum. ThU rwolutton wan oh roll 8:40. May 24, Snow Whit* and 1 of London, 1:52, 7:00, 9:5H), tans' «-•«». Dwarfs, 2:S0, 7:10, !0:00. rie»h »hd Is Going To Happen out $)M{0. E. Kroncke, U« WesttleW amount of •9«,66».50, was . r»f erred to Summit Avenue «ast to a point 7S call unanimously adopted. Fury, 1:10, 8:45 May 25. Snow Whttt AT*., Wt*t|i»Id, Ro&d Commltee. feet beyond the Poet.Office property, freeholder Bauer *t this tlmp pre- and 7 Dwarf*. 12:30. 3:30, 7;», 10'00. [LQTSFOtS/MJ Twp. of MUlslde. requesting this no that the curb may be constructed Mttted a cornmubtcation from the Fleeh and Fury, 3:00, IM. «:4S. Ma» Former Resident to Study Board to, use lbs efforts In behalf by the Township, was referred to Road County. Supervisor of Road* recoiti- 26. Quo VnrtU 1:50 5:l(|, 8:50. May 37, plIX£TTB CENTER . ,.. ,«T. the munlcipaUty to obtain and .Couunit|ee., .-. * , ..... •..-- v • {. . •-. • -mt;ncilaK Mr. Junn C- Tornasulo {of Abroad; Brother in Navy. hoiUMK, pared ro*do. secure' i hiore equitable distribution the pmltrbn of Aaaictant Couiitj 8(t- - i City of HHlnfUld. acknowledging; of line* and penalties collected by our letter of April 18tli, having to do perviaor of Honda. CRAWFORD Arthur Coatcs Miller, son of the municipalities for motor vehicle with the question of allotment at On 'motion of fWholder Benrslnger, RBPHIOeaiATOR 7'i cu ft fe offenses, was referred to the Commu- duly te*oiid 3 rooo» ! no uppers, reasonable. MR'JT AND FINEST IN NEW JERSFY [3-4845. - * EASTERN * gm Cory- CharlH* ISE OR APT. WANTfD MIUIUKM, N. I. Sun. thru Wed. VK TUU •-• room h«UM or ffonk Carrl iest tit dHlt»bl« loealHr tor MAILORDERS ' n. RIOTOUS J Call Strmtttit «4l»«R D T» *Ch«ptr ly UNION MORRIS Box Offide Open Dally 10 A. M. KOUN JV — N1.4K I14 Eves. (K«C» Bun.) I.JO I CARS FORIALI RIVE IN THEATRES Mats. Htd-Hat. 2:30 fVDEBAKEB. blade, good con- rrl., Kit. May rrl., sit. May » - 24 Heater. tlr«. Summit •- Kirk DOUGLAS - In Tech. Gene Kelly • Debbie Rtynoldt A. E. Hoffman, San Lorenzo, Calif., i - "THI lid TRIES" 1 writes, "My Nash Rambler Station J3H Statesman. Super 4-door ••SINGIN IN THE RAIN" OPENS NEXT MONDAY j. Orlglnsl owner. 1«M than 2.- atto Ftaturette-Sport Cartoon Technicolor Another Recent B'way Smash Wagon covered 34,000 miles in six !!!«. WUl escrtflce »t lea» than !-;•*•• Marts Sunday «iw»..TM:lt.1"Bl«le* Cowboy, iui«" Hard'months, averaging belli? thtiit I prlcf. Absolutely like new. I Summit 6-4M0. Khelley Winters - Retle D»rll 8t*n« Sunday 25 miles to the gallon, carrying DllLAC. model 82, 4 door »edan, "PHONE CALL JUDY IIOl.LIDAY loads up to 750 pounds aU'over my Jetely equipped,1 ececutlTe'a car. "THI MARRYING KINO" I (wllent condition. 1J.W0 mUea. FROM A STRANGER" territory." * Bumrnlt 8-8224-B. Plus — Stooges-Sport-Cartoon alio Tech. "Care of The Outlaws" oirriftr~~lS>» Bulck Blvieri, FREE PLAYGROUNDS itrtan. metaJHc gray ftnteh. taMtCtAM if pro'ector. All accessories. coTera. $1950. EUMbeth 2- IDmlflT MnNKT ' station wafon, EVERYTHING FOR lit) jBurmnlt 6-»»7-j;' WfnfRWTll coupe, good tires ey YOUR GARDEN r r«a!o. Would make good hot J» Short HUb 7-3407. BooW h)r Gnit* Abbott NEXT ATTRACTION •AC, 1H9 tonvertlbJe. RAH. »lu»le ky Frmnk Stewart Oranur Ttrps, prKate owwer. WT9S. iftjr «;J0 pm. Mlllburn g-gOgt^ KTARRINO Trtrr niRCH • Roiia a sfd»n. A-I motor, TirkcU Hrew'a - Newark • Barn's "SCARAMOUCHE paint. Entering •ftrtfc*. flMKp It's a real double-duty Stacnn&ble, BUB&BUt t-MU<4l. DIKEtTORY Ipnv • •• ' this Nash^Raiftbfcr Station W§[goa . 1947. Suiw. eonTWUM*. HV SERVICE • Wntit Ivtrgrttni , hiwimlto, r» —a luxury family sedan, designed * htater on« ftwn«*t tood «Wi; BOUGHT AND SOLD ANDRUW A. BtcNAMABA especially for to4ay's crowded i- $950 CAU BO. e-W»un«U • Howtrlng Shrub. Springfield Ave. Summit «V3f00 r Funeral Strvlc* 1. Sl R.Q35T a/W »• traffic conditions. At u>e drof».of a Summit (;onvertm!«. (Bt>p«r> tl Summit Avenu* NOW thru SATV. MAY 24 1c Wndows, gpOt U«ht. BWCJl teat, it instantly converts to aheavy perfect Clean ln»td» »ad out- Summit «-0»W Anniuds 8-rsai-M after I P tn. duty all-steel station wagon vjfth a "APPLIANCES BEAD* TO BIOOM aoLrr j:ot»T«rtibl*. Iw Secdi, 6%-fobt platrormtMt casir|fiauls LAUNDRY, radio, heater. Phone Summit if FUEL COil POTTED ROSE BU8HE3 AWARD WINNER man-size loads. < ^j. tl Sunamlt Avenue Mots IN ALL THE BEST 333-238 Broad Street for "Best Actor" H coupe, rum!»l« Summit «-l00O - VARIETIES Wives think it's wonderftjlftl, too t new rubber. Body M»& motor, radio and h«*t*r.BTEPHENS-MiLLBRCO. Summit 6-mi . « Ch»th»m 4.3l*I-W. est custom tailoring. Economy? 38 Russell Place •edan, ex- ~—MA^N OONTBA'6iOR8 BOGART Sumrnit «-0029 SOUTH MOUNTAIN NURSERIES The Nash Rambler holds ijie all- v dence WM. J MATTBO Are., New pro > time record in the Mobilga* Run p.m. Alterations, All Kind, of Masonry LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS % IHEHI8HTIUT Mlllburn Avt. ft Vaux Hall Rd,, Mlllburn Ml. 4-1330 MVEKTUW . with 31.05 miles per gallon I * . , TO 75 Elm Street Summit 0-0833 OF THEM AW ] . OPEN SUNDAYS See our beautiful Rambler dis- for rour uaed furnltw* " JOSEPH ~DE LUCA «•• rtlnr. book*. *rle-a-brae. 3M p Brick iinandd CemenCementt Work. Patch- play. Choose the model you^wajtrt, iff*, wocka of art. «|0. • ,- ' Summit 6-S800 ng or Any Kind of Mason Work. ORar/s AtJOTtOH BOOM* m convertibles, hardtop scilanJ, sta- » SUMMIT A ^f^* ** tion wagons—all completely cus- rt. Summit fry attic ite Rabbit was worried- In 1|aehnlMri«r tom equipped—even radio and *',hl»iie«t~ca»h orteia fofTnf- General Carpentry, EASTERN FUEL COMPANY Weather Eye at no extra cost. * Anuquw, chin*, rtlwr. Wrte-a- "I'm ever so hurried- • p»lntlnUW. niw. T«wt •*«• Irons* 283-288 Broad Street Sun.-MeR. May 21-2* Come ii| today or phone us—you Summit Summit i-OOOf I fear I am going to be late! 4 « CUFT0MJWIW don't have to buy—Just "MV1CMJBNT So mufch shopping to do to C wprinirt piano,. 8pln*rSpine*t or * C?0. «DS"LO 8APIO 1'»»» CJrarul 8t»t» m*k«, »»«*• I am quite in a stfe mimb«r. Box K3. Summit 428 SprlnffltM Avenue „„„.,,„ PMWng A«M, Ro*' Tun., May 27 tun.. EASTERN WBL COMPANY THI PtNIIT Of OM nm VfMI 318 Morrli Avtnut .•;'i!" ' 6-0441 3tS-St9 Broad Street Summit ROMRT 1. FLAHIRTY'S IMI AMBAMAtOK . TMI tTATItMAN Hood dtelnwajf or Summit «-000» PI«H« manUon M* Hooiwo ' TNIIAMI1M Mt. jBumtnU Hgf»ld: LARRY MAY i.. - —>B. brt«/*-tor»c, •«- 85 Maple Street (Rear) iljj^""*! «ioel», #w Phone Su- «&5B2 Magnificent Art LEOHHTE MOTORS Bach'9 Oratorio 311.311 taNNl $t. **n29*' "'"•Mi1** wwiiSii" Roofing & Biding Specialist. For products or services i Y"f»ir«. madam «r •!)< Daniel ». Ooufhlln Common or rare - If Summit } *i»h«i to^SfitniSauM, 17 Walnut SU Bmrolt People io serve you Fair nnd Square." THBRIVBUL

    FOUND AaTB , ..tw .iKniKif i •••••••••••

    0i " l*Hut notiw |ooi»J »•••• Summit •-0° THI SUMMIT HftALD. iffiJJSSAY. MAY2». IW

    turned out in great quantities in stiU be found in aati^ut "Raton TunneJ every eort of item for the table. today. * Jr. Achievement Graduation Dates Large numbers of these in hun- Foilcnrinc the meeting; «t which in Charge. Mm (Continued from Fag* 1) ( dreds of different pattern* Mr* Arthur Attetmry presided. Mrs. Rayaood Wator pound displayed la Junior Achievement Pre-Holiday Sale work •* w*U M ii *choUrtlc Set for Grades achiaveiacnC Announcement of the award was And High School made by l£iu Margaret Uttlefleld, Graduation exercises at Summit WOMEN'S SHOES sa«ttni>er of the scholarship com- High School will be h»ld ia the mlttes at the buffet supper held auditorium on June IT at 1:1* foe* for member* of th* Junior Roberts vA Reed, superintendent Achievement unit and their ad- of school*, announced last nignt la visor* in the Clba cafeteria on a schedule of the closing' events 20% off Tuesday, May 30. of both the Hifh School, Junior A£ the (upper, an Achievement High School «a4 elementary award, In recognition of their effi- school*. _, cient and intelligent management, Tne High School annual Gen- Latest Spring Styles in Blue, Red, Green, Black & was presented to th* Able Prod- eral Organisation assembly wV Brown. Medium and High Heels. Broken Sices. uct*, lac. HJ well as special cite* tioni to the Cfha executive* who be held on June 19 end on June served M Junior Achievement 30 closing exercise* will be con- advisors. They include Miss Ruth' ducted for the Junior High SchooL Hornsey eutd Ralph Sayrc of Sum- Ftaal closing ajeembllee at mit; F. B. Arents of Short HHk. Franklin School will take nleoe CASUALS and U H. Zahn of Mountainside. June 12 and an June IS at W«en- ingtoa School and Roosevelt Prior to the supper, the stu- School. The Lincoln SkhooJ, aj. Formerly to 10.95 deJita and other guests were tak- •embly will be on June 16 and Jef> OB * toror of the Ciba' plant Guests included, A. J. Bartholo- ftrson School on June 17. mew, .principal of Summit High Events scheduled for tit* final School, J. O. Shuttleaworth, guid- weeks of school are aa follow*: Now ance director at Summit High -Senior data banquet, May School, *ad J. Kenneth Rodin, ex- (today) 6:4ft p.m.; -Lincoln Softool ecutive director of Junior Achieve- open tiottse, May 38, 7:30 ment In Union bounty. Franklin iPTA annual meeting, May », t.lA p.m.; Brayten open UMMfT STOM OMIT houet, June J, 7 p.m.; Junior IN*. Ralph J. Bunch* to High open house for incoming Atn.; Roosevelt sixth grade swsnibJy, June IS, 10:46 e-nt; Jefferaon School play, AHM IS, S, ajn-; Washington cloalmr seHiWy, June U, 10:30 aja.; Un- «9&l closing assembly, June 1A, S p.m.; Jeffersoa eloelng party, June 17, l.-SO pm.; High School gradua- tion, June 17, «:16 p.m.; High School annual GO Assembly, Jam IS, SJ8 sjni.; Jtinlor.High ninth grade elosinsT «»tr«isea, June W, I'M p-au; Junior High fined as- sembly, June 30, «:30 a-m. Glass Called (Continued from Plage l) factory, and the difficult of*dls- tlnciiiehtng it from glase snade at McELGUNN'S the aanie tlnit In CNtto. He ebowed numerous examplee of lacy fiand- wkh gteas and described now STORE FOR MEN Botany "500" these were Ijjown into moMa In Two Complete Floor* A HORII OF ANOTHER COLOR! patterns classified mm geometric, Springwcave 7 arch and bftronue, and in a wide Cor. Springfield Ave., Mopb St. jtlm last category, pressed glass SiiirM771 Sunfrost ';';••'• i Of the 17th Century, WM also mentioned. Less rare than the r Biown flaw, these articles were PalmBeach i tTr HE money to operate and maintain t * X our New Jersey race courses is derived • I from thrte scuras-^tdmistionty concession! i and the pari-mutuel (or wagered) dollar. Qianees are youVe wondered what happens to the latter. Perhaps youVe already formed aa opinion. If it coincides with these facts —then yon deserve a hearty pat on the back—because you've taken a sound view of the thoroughbred sport and its wide benefits* and you've cone up with the right answer! CHRYSLEU SARATOGA 6-PASSENCER SED

    But letVtale a look at the pari-mutuel dollar, and-see-hoirmuch ofit goes into whose pocket... ;;;

    •If I

    THE- •w NEW JER15EY


    -^rH- - b o 08f 04t 6U 01/ ' NEW KIND »**

    With ita 180 HP V* engine, on 125^ mm Am WfiXfiOO m itaU mmg Imtt inch** of wheelbase; many people think less foot prm$um . . . and still sidp in the Saratoga is the best Chrysler car *nany feet leas than other cars can do. ofalL never felt. Anottw remit i. new long- The licensed Racing Associations of New term ^economy. If. an engine that Yes, behind Chrysler'* new enjrifl6 Jersey receive their source of revenue from We invite you to take the wheel and •carcely forms carbon depo.it at all. It fed what happens! There's a new sense you'll find a new kind of car. Won't you admissions and concessions. Since the estab- ^ta-Iesa heat and develop.!«, of easy power, of reserve power that rum other ««mea It wij brt «n and /«/ what we mean? lishment of pari-mutuel wagering in 194?, male driving a new experience. longer, and rtay ^ *—rlmlMatt4ar* m Crmt* Imperial. thoroughbred racing has developed as a strong eeMt,'es mky mm fywyikr. Inside the engine an reasons for this. financial asset to your state. Its revolutionary combustion chamber With Chryaler full-tune PowW Steer dftve&ope more of the power in each with ont-nfth the usual effort charge of fuel than other engines can •very mile, at every do. Ita construction is both more sturdy CHRYSLER tomes tte vaual control! and more efficient. THE FINEST CAR AMEtlCA HAS YET PBODLi Ki>

    PAUL L WERNER. Proprietor MEYER-WERNER MOTOR CO *«.», ', N. J.

    / •