-.•#• • the Herald Local Newt The Weather: Fair SUMI ttUd taday witfe ca| win SECTION "1MWU SUMMIT.K., >AY,MAY?f, Ifif •attred as SKSO* daw Matter at ta« $4 A VIA* • CINTS at Summit, tf. *, ~ " rivers 6iv«i Morss Declares is in Candidacy for Zone Change for Housing Board |e Check-up Prosecutor Job Project Fought by Neighbors persons, who were U- Col. H. .Russell Mora, of 59 Ho- ic- violation* bj» Summit bert avenue, fir* assistaat County Decision on & proposed zoning change which vvould were fined if -Magte- m< prosecutor, this week issued a permit multiple dwellings in a on^fan^ly. ifflne was jKMt- llbert H. Blermajj in traf- statement that he is aeeking ap- poned until June JL7 by Common Council Tuesday night pointment to the prosecutor', job after more than 100 East Summit residents appeared to While, 43 other violators now being filled in a hold-over ! express disapproval.. luminous by State Inspectors capacity by Edward Cohn. Tlie property involved, requir- onducted a spot check on •auks Open on Thursday ing change by ordinance, is lo- candidacy brings con- I in front of the high school cated at Broad and Morris streets. fusion into the picture, for the Evening, Stores Closed Broad street, were It Is the alte selected by the Sub- name of Nelson H. Stamler, deputy standard Housing Board for the attorney general who ia acting as Because- of the Memorial Day erection of low-income housing tding to PatroJma* Fred* special prosecutor of Bergen holiday next Friday, May SO, units which would consist of eight J. Fleming, court clerk, the County gambling, is prominently Summit banks will conduct their of violations In th* spot evening banking hour* on Thurs 2-family duplex units. The esti- Ben. Malcolm & Forbes mentioned as being the recipient 1/ mated cost of the project is , V:« the lack of driver's or the post. day from 9 to 8 pjn. instead of Tor registration in possea- the usual Friday evening. Retail Persistent rumors indicate that ber offena» Mdttde* iww store*, however, will not be Petitions objecting to the con- of the «Ute driving with open either «v«nlnc next week- templated plan* of the Housing Prove of Mauler on this coming I istale: tags, improper ntuf- All store*, bank* and public Board were signed, by 285 peVaons, Tuesday. However, it la also not abiding by th« rules buildings win be closed on Mem- Harry SUverateln, Millburn .at- known that Senator Kenneth C Foe conditional licenses. orial Day. ' torney, representing a faction of Hand ia not supporting Stamler on th« complaint of Pa- For Governor the. area, declared that the pro- although reports state that Free- Plan* are being made tor the M. A. fbrmiehella were: posal "was tgainat the • philoso- holder Albert J; Benninger ia a annual observance la honor of of New Ptevid<jh>ce, phy of ioning." In GOP Primary backer of Stamler. the city's war dead and organ- $8; T. F. Osm«r Mill- isations Interested In partici- He maintained that the city has I#p«tding, *1O; R. Fein of State Senator Malcolm 8. Forbes Morss stated that "due to defi- pating In a special program to sections which provide for multiple jrth, speeding, $10; a Galenas of Far. Hills, Somerset, will be a- nite changes in the situation I be conducted. Friday ana re- houiing and that ^classification ark. speeding, $10; J. Tum- have authorized my friends to sub- quested to call Dr. Murray. Row ot[~m sjwall arnount of property in candidate' for Governor in the l [ Linden, speeding, $13. Republican Primary next April, mit my qualification* to the Gov- of American Legion Post, 198, ''l"""*S"''' fi'''I'H he announced today at. a press ernor, Senator Hand and GOP chairman of the Memorial Day tion of zoning philosophy and Backman of New Provt- County chairman Charles Beards- committee. law." . Itrai fined *W on a caratesB luncheon at his home,in Far HilLs. If nominated and elected, ley for appointment as prose- > charge issued by Patrolman He stressed that zoning laws the Senator, who ia associate pub- cutor." •"'"•"•"' SEALING IT UP—1 I S. Kenyan, president ot Saturday morning. Th« capsule will be opened in were mads to lessen congestion In ice Fiwiegan. Alex Rose! | the Overlook Hospital I of trustees, and Arthur lisher of Forbes Magazine of Busi- Morss, who i» active in Sum-, 25 years from now. The placing of the stone cli- streets, lessen fire and other dam- Morrb avenue was fined \V. Smith, director, weal me metal "time capsule" Poughk'psie Police ness, would be 34 when he took rni.t fraternal and civic circles, has maxed the program which began at the High School ages, and to promote health and the complaint of JPatrol- containing community porwaits Of the towns served auditorium where Dr, Mason W. Gross, provost of office, the youngest Governor in been for a long time considered a morals. Ho aaid that by adding by the hospital which w«flj compiled by school stu- Rutgers University, was the principal speaker. (Chell the history of New Jersey. for the past 16 families—four to,the average persona were fined on ' the cornerstone laying ceremony held last Frantwn), Hab Suspect in The Forbes announcement, 11 ever since Conn's term officially family—traffic congestion would fcinti lodged W Patrolman be increased, as would fire and (Smith- They were: Frank months before, the Primary, is also terminated in April, 1951. Cohn the earliest official gubernatorial has been serving in a holdover other damages, end certainly it , of 19 Gate* avenue, »peed- Suburban Robberiesj would not promote better health entry In the memory of state po- capacity since then. Conn's status I John Daiy of St/iten Intend, 'Angels'Wanted for Comerjtone of A former waiter at the Hotel and living facilities. litical leaders. The Senator de- at present is obscure but he to be- I a red light, $8, and Harry Suburban who has been sought by clared he was starting early so ing mentioned as a strong con- Mr. Sllverstein's references to local police for questioning in two that he could "conduct a vigorous tender for the appointment to the N. 1 Symphony New Hospital areas zoned for multiple hous- ration, $5. robberies at the hotel last fall In campaign that will State Board of Tax Appeals, at { ing: include the area of Kent Place Charka O. which $3,500 was taken, i» being f Curry and touch every single community In present unfilled. boulevard starting at Norwood feoth of Morris Plains. Building Laid held under $25,000 bail by Pough- avenue snd going .west to High New Jersey." Forbes said that be^ add«d in bis statement Children's Concert fined $19 each on charges of Overlook Hospital last Saturday lieepeie, N. "ST., police pending the street. •. Also on Morris avenue 'tween, now and the November elec- that he would not conduct a pub- The group planning the_ owning ; trucks loaded to spill. morning celebrated the laying of arrival of extradition papers from from the Boulevard to Bedford tion in alt his bell-ringing and lic campaign for the office <usd New Jersey Symphony "MiMic for Summit. eposchce he would lay major stress Fun" concert* for fehildreo mrt the cornerstone of its new $2,000,- road. ' had made no move except to noti- 000 addition before a large au- Detective Sergeant John Sayre on the national, state and local fy Senator Hand and the Governor, May 13 at the home of Mrs. |4>rk Answering Mr. SHverfteln's as- dience of friends of the hospital and County Detective Frank L sertions, Philip ii. Trowbrldge, a (ok to Head GOP candidate, "and just add a Moras U a gt&tKtte of Prince- N. Donohut, Valley yiwk from the surrounding communi- Bruggy went.to-Rhinebeck, N. Y., mernber of the city Planning postscript to the effect that I ton Univrgity and Columbia Law tp further plans for sec- J hope they will keep me in mpd Aors or "angel*" for the.. ties nerved by the Lhstttutloa* The. 3*am LBoai&-.dself4t(4 &. hoai Wqp l» pretiMtnt ot PtasMic cereltaony* took place at the "new 23, formerly of the ?-be no heavy undue concentration y Fund Drive at the Primary next April!" It was decided to ask cooper- '•• Valley Chapter of Summit, Son* building following a brief program Bronx, KaraiseJty was taken Into Forbes waa elected to the Sen- ation of Summit's public and prl- i on the, land. He aald that of American Revolution. He us at Summit High School auditorium custody at Rhlnebeck by New ateIajt....KoYerebe_r._.by.;J^_.;fre«tv va&eschpbM in distributing, through same standards of 2,500 feet per lit Area reaemJcolone! In^^ti during which Dr. Maaon W. Grose, York State Trooper* who had family would b» - maintained in eet majority ever recorded in Som- tne children, 3,000 bulletins ask- *78th Reserve Infantry .•provost' of Rutgera University, been notified by Summit that he this area aa in any similar area •it S. Hiekotc, of 15 Nor-, i erBet County after a doorbell ing parents and other- friends of spoke. might come there. He was known in Summit. j c Republican nominee j r|ngfng. campaign that upset in the fine music to bark the concerts Children from eleven communi- to have relatives in that area. be Board of Chosen Frcp- j prfmarv the organization incum- financially in advance so that Describing the eastern section ties deposited "portraits" of their Papers were found among hla ef- ; tt, Ms been named Summit i t,cnt.
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