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1995-1996 Student Newspapers


College Voice Vol. 19 No. 6

Connecticut College

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News: 1-5 A&E: 6-7, 10-1'1 Sports: 14-16

Changes in the Jason Salter Women's Tennis Study Abroad breaks the social is victorious over Program, p. 2. norms, p. 6. Dartmouth, p. 16.

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Volume XIX, Number 6 Ad Fontes October 10, 1995 Reporter's notebook: Pope brings message of hope to New Yorkers

Central Park by the secret ser- abortion, family values and as- BYJENNY BARRON News Editor vice, only to realize that we sisted suicide, saying that every would be sitting less than 25 life is a gift from God. NEW YORK - The crowd stood feet from the Pope. . He asked those assembled to mesmerized, bathed in the or- As if planned to the moment, allow Jesus to enter their lives, angeglowofsunsetasPopeJohn the sun came up in Central Park and that to do that would be to Paul II's aging voice reverber- the next morning to the soaring give him "a Christmas present in ated throughout the field of St. notes of the Harlem Boys Choir October." Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, accompanied by Natalie Cole. And asHis Holiness reassured NY. Couples stood motionless Over one hundred thousand the crowd that they need not be with their arms around each people anxiously awaited the afraid to let God into their lives, other and children craned their Pontiff' s meseorvthe great la-w-n. there arose a chorus of "Silent necks to see the looming figure The area had been transformed. Night." Over 100,000 people be- of the Pontiff dominating the into a looming altar, flanked on gan singing the Pope's favorite giant ]umbotron screen at the both sides by two Jumbotron song as if on cue. head of the field. screens, which at this point were As people filed out of Central This awestnuckgroup of abou t displaying a countdown to the Park, there was a general sense five thousand were not able to arrival of His Holiness. . of awe in the air. People felt as if be in the Seminary for the Pope's When the popemobile finally they really had seen the repre- speech, but they were not disap- came into view, ajubuilant cheer sentative of Christ. Many com- pointed. In addition to seeing went up through the crowd. mented that they felt their reli- His Eminence on the life-size Manywerechanting, "John Paul gious faith was strengthened by screen, the crowd broke into Two, we love you." Even the just being in his presence. shouts of joy when the Pontiff usual cynicism of the press was One priest summed it up for paraded past in thepopemobile, replaced by reverence as His me. He said that when the Pope wav~g toathundering response Holiness passed just ten feet looks out into the crowd, every before his trio of military heli- from our platform. I thought person is given the feeling that copters began their ascent. for a moment about reaching- he is looking at them. The display makes you won- out to touch him, but was pretty Our own hardened news di- der what these people had done sure that the throngs of secret rector was convinced that His just to be there, just to get a service agents would shoot me Eminence had waved at him as As the Pope boarded the plane human difference. He appeals fleeting glimpse of the Pope. I on sight. the popemobile passed the me- for Baltimore before heading to what people have in com- myself had traveledoveranhour During his speech, John Paul dia platform. back to the Vatican, a member of mon. in a-taxi from Manhattan. I am II urged the intent listeners to Regardless of your religion, the Archdiocese of Newark told The Pope urged the crowd on sure we made it in time due to a remember that the ability to love and whether or not you agree His Holiness that the COIIl{llU- the great lawn to use their bit of divine intervention. Of is one of God's greatest gifts to with the Pontiff's views, it ishard nity would never be the same. similiarties to improve their course, offering the driver an humankind. He asked them to not to feel the religious aura that Nothing was more obvious lives, "...most important of all, additional fifteen-dollar tip keep in mind the needs of the surrounds Pope John Pa ul II. His throughout the Papal visit than only God's precious human be- didn't hurt either. homeless, the poor, the hungry, presence seems like no other's. His Holinesses' ability to touch ings are capable of loving. Love But, even this experience did and all who are sick. When he speaks, a hush falls over people's lives. This is a man ca- makes usseekwhatisgood; love not prepare me for day two. We The Pope also reaffirmed the the crowd; people strain to catch pable of bridging the gaps of makes us better persons." were led to the press platform in Catholic Church's stance on every word. Jewish students, faculty will no longer choose between classes and Yom Kippur such a" setting a precedent for cedent for other minorities and of the faculty, Chaplaincy Ad- the Day of Atonement, is the other religious groups, jeopar- that students should not be BY JENNY BARRON visory Council, including all holiest day on the Jewish calen- News Editor dar and is usually spent fasting dizing the non-sectarian status forced to make the choice be- three campus chaplains, and tween classes and services. and attending synagogue. of the college, and the possibil- several of the campuses' reli- They maintained tha t the Last Wednesday was the last It follows the holiday of Rosh ity that this would be seen as gious groups. time that Conn's Jewish faculty Hashana, the new year, and is a discriminatory against other re- proposal would go along with and students will have to choose It was sponsored by Jessica ligions. They suggested that the the college's policy to "respect Friedman, former chair of aca- time of reflection on the trans- between classes and Yom Kip- Holiday Policy outlined in the the right of all members of the demic affairs, John Biancur, gressions of the past year. In the pur services. Last year's pro- C-Book just needed to be community to observe reli- former presidential assoicate. past, Jewish students have com- posal that classes not be held on amended so that it was more gious holidays." and Alex Cote, current vice plained that they were being the highest holiday of the Jew- forced to choose between their respectful of those who chose to The proposal was passed by president. Also presented was a SGA in November by a vote of ish year will go into effect next religion and academics. miss classes on that day. year. _ petition with 1,020 signatures Butothersargued that the pro- 29-0-1. The Faculty ratified the in favor of having the day off. During the debate of the pro- The proposal was passed by posal some concerns were raised posal would set a positive pre- proposal in the Spring. SGA and received the support Yom Kippur, also known as October 10, 1995 Page 2 ealth in the '90s: Changes in the Study Move over ER, Abroad program to his one's for real take effect in Fall of '96 allows seven pre-med majors the same BY JASON SALTER abilities as the volunteers, but also al- to have the quality of education you Features Editor BYMICHELLE RONA Th'E would have here:' said Hybel. lows them to follow the patient into the Editor in Chief Though Hybel added that students Every week on the hit television show - emergency room to see the entire pro- WITH REPORTING BY KRIsTIN HElZ need not be overly concerned about their "ER:' the drama of an emergency room cess of patient care from pick up to TIlt Collegt Voice program. "If you want to go on a pro- is acted out. Now, through Connecticut release from the hospital. Through thi~ The Study abroad changes that have gram that hasn't already been approved, College's EMS program, students will internship, the students will receive ad- been discussed over the last year will don't worry. If you have good reasons, et the chance to live and experience ditional educatIOn outside of the class- take effect in the fall of1996. Manyof the the Study Abroad Committee may ap- ~ow the growing field of emergency room and the e~perience that medical new policies effect those currently in the prove it," said Hybel. medicine really works. The new EMS schools are looking for ". sophomore class. Finally all students must have a 3.2 program will expose both pre-med and "I'm excited about this program be- In reaction to the concerns of the stu- G.P.A. to go abroad. This is up from others interested in health programs to cause It helps us, the community and dent body Alex Hybel. dean of national what used tobea 2.7G.P.A."ldon'twant a variety of aspects of medicine. the students at the sa~e time," s~id and international you to panic Students will work through Lawrence John Gavin, the paramedic ondutywith studies, urged stu- butatthesame and Memorial Hospital in New Lon- Brett. .. dents not to listen time I don't don. Both the hospital and the college In order to volunteer for the driving, to rumors. "We are want you to are eager to begin with this new pro- students must ~~ve a valid dri~ers'Y-' like a village and think we are gram, a firstfor both. There isa separate cense and be willing to have their driv- in a village the not going to programforpre-medmajorswhicht~kes ing record checked. For the internship. worst thing you take this [3.2 them further in depth of the hospital students have to fill out an application can have is uni- G.P.A. require- and patient care. BrettGoldstein,aCon- and include their science grades fol- formed rumors," ment] seri- necticut College senior organized the lowed by an interview process, The said Dean Hybel. ously," said program and the internship forpre-med internship is full forthissemester, but if Hybel outlined Hybel. majors. all goes well, it will continue to grow the changes to Accordingto Brett works as an EMT for the L & M and improve and be available next se- study away and Hybel, 75 per- Paramedic Response Unit which is called mester. served to clear up cent of stu- in when a call requires advanced life Students interested in the EMS pro- misunderstand- dentscurrently support. the students will work with gram must know thatthere is the possi- ings in a meeting studying Brett and a paramedic to the extent of bility of some disturbing situations. last week. Effective abroad have a their training. . They are encouraged to step away or fall '96 financial aid 3.2 or higher. Usually, the students will have lim- wait in the truck if things become too will travel abroad. H y bel ited patient contact unless they are overwhelming for them. The college. wlll stressed that he trained EMTs. Through avcs, non pre- This program is the first of its kind for now charge the woutd rather med students will gain the experience both Connecticut College and L & M same comprehen- address ques- of driving the paramedic unit and wit- Hospital. Both pre-med and others in- sive fee for study tions and con- nessing what happens to a patient be- terested should inquire about the de- cerns than to a way and Conn. fore the patient arrives at the ER. tails at avcs. Instead of just watching have people Hybel explained File P/Jolo(The College Voice The internship is in its first semester it on television, why not see it in real that studeHts .. talking in dvine ! Alex Hyble, Dean of National and International and just started last week. The program life? stu ymg 111 more Studies misperception. expensive places. He said he like Japan will pay the same amount as would rather live with a major disagree- students going to a less expensive coun- ment based 'on facts than one on try like Mexico and the same amount as misperceptions. students who stay at Conn. Hybel indicated that the are looking to Go for it! . The study abroad program will receive expand in Africa and Asia. There will more examination and the quality of the not be any other significant changes to academic programs will be scrutinized. the study abroad policy in the near fu- All programs for study away must be ture. "And I suspect we are not going to Study abroad. approved by COlU1."We sought to en- have many more changes ...and that is to sure that wherever you go we expect you your benefit," said Hybel.

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October 10, 1995 The CoOele Voice Page 3 This Week President Gaudiani to speak at UN forum In SGA ... • form of this conference is that the chal- need to think about the role of con- Stacie French, parllementartan, announced BYMICHELLE RONAYNE lenge for our generation is learning to science in our choices. The forum is that thelaS!as;slllar changes met Editor in Chief dedicated to discussing the role that to di5CUSSthe issues invoked in any potential live together in a global society. It is now move. She said that they decided that there necessary that we expand our shared our values play in our choices. should eventually be a campus wide referee- The idea of a civil and global society, values beyond our community to our The speakers at this forum include dumon the subject, aftet: tf\reeoptions had been addressed as a theme for our community global neighbors. It is also the belief of H.E. Mr. Samuel R. Insanally, Ambas- isolated.l'renchsaid thot the group met cescn- by Claire Gaudiani, president of the col- sador Extrodinaire and Plenipoteniary, dB)' to take a tourolthellaraod Oasis. A proposal, co-sponsceed by Jesse ROberts, lege, has become an issue in the real Permanent Representative of Guyana publictelaijOosditedorandNidSmolansky,!- world as well. to the United Nations, and President Board chair give.the responsibilityof the vote The UN is dedicated to promoting the of the 48th Session of the General As- ofconfide"",l..-theHo"",andCia%overtothe Elec6onslloard w .. passed by the Assembly. values necessary for life in a global world. sembly, Dadi Prakashmani, Chief Ad- P.reYiously~the.votes were run by the l-Bcard. Inour college community, we have talked ministrative Head of the World Spiri- SmolaJ>sl< This forum is dedicated to increased consider how our behavior shapes the velop our world into a global commu- ~te~,~ndm,1tices'" in bathroom stalls tli be nity. dfec;:~v~;)9.\t::::?",:){ .':':' :::,:';. knowledge of the role of values and eth- world in which we live. The forum is ..::::<,:;: ME/? ::\ .:.;.:.:;'::)."',>,,:::,: .... ,k ics in an interdependent world. The plat- titled Conscience and Choice because we Theater department to perform Greek drama Iphegenia in Tauris and cohesive. The chorus in this produc- enable the Greek fleet to sail from Aulis at gets the credit he deserves. BYMICHELLE RONAYNE tion is, according to Miller phenomenal. the beginning of the ten year siege of The director, Day, was educated at the Editor in Chief The Greek chorus traditionaaly fades in Troy, was then transformed to become royal Academy of Dramatic Art and Most know the story of Euripide's an out but Miller belives that this ch.orus High Priestess of Artemis, at Tauris. She taught there as well. He also taught at the Agamemnon, it is usually required read- is very strong. isthenreunited with her brother, Orestes, LondonAcademy of Music and Dramatic This performance is done by Conn stu- and flees the temple which practices hu- Art, the Unive-rsity of Victoria. "B-riti.~\\ ing at some point in the life of a student. Co\u.mb1.a. the Na\iona\ '1b.eatel: Se-uoo\ dents and is one of the season's main man s.acritices, in ot"det"to t:etU.l:nto This weekend the college community will of Canada, Moptreal, Columbia Univer- stage pieces. The play is directed by Rich- Mycanea. be treated to the performance of another sity and Connecticut College. Day is a is The cast includes Elnily Miller as of Euripide's works, Iphigenia ill Tauris .. ard Digby Day, a British director who fellow- of the Society of Arts" an Iphegenia, Ben ~apJan as Orestes" Eric Does the idea of seeing a greek drama locally involved at the Eugene O'Neill Associate Royal Acade.rny of DranraHc Theater Center as the director of the Na- Purcevell as Pylades{ Geoff Hillback as make you scared? "Don't be scared ~at King Thoas, Tim Lee as The Herdman, Art and the director of the Drama League tional Theater Institute. of New York, as well as vice presid~ntof it's greek drama," said senior Eml1y Michael Noonas The Messenger, Christy "It was a relatively short rehearsal the Shaw Society. Miller, who plays Iphigenia, "The way White as Goddess Athena and Alex time ... the director had a clear vision. he Tickets for the performance are $3 for its done is really neat." was able to take a group of people who Farkas, Sara Barnett, Elizabeth Lee, Amy Is it really different to be in a Greek students, $5 for general admissions. had never done greek drama and some Verebay, and Jessica Rodgers as chorus drama as opposed to a modern produc- Please call 439-ARTS, for reservations who had never been on stage before and members. and more information. The performance tion? "It is not really different... except Miller also mentioned the phenomenal made a very cohesive cast," said Miller. dates are Thursday through Saturday, the diction has to be much clearer," said set by Bob Phillips and offered thanks to The story is ofIphigenia, the daughter October 12-14. Miller. of Agamemnon, who was sacrificed to Ed Chiburis, a person Miller feels never According to Miller, the cast is great

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October 10. 1995

Page 4

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October 10, 1995 Page 5

A professor who loves a challenge: David Lewis brings new energy to the physical chemistry department

so for 26 consecutive summers even BY EVAN COPPOLA Photography Editor though there was no demand or instruc- tion from the Colgate administration to "When Ifind something that Ican do doso. There was no requirement as far as to make it better; that is exciting," said class year nor were there course prereq- David Lewis, the newest member of the uisites for students interested in working chemistry department, and this attitude with him. All one needed to show was "a seems to touch every aspect of his life. genuine interest in physical chemistry He is clearly a man with a deep-rooted and;a desire to pursue it." said Lewis. He love of challenge and a strong commit- considers this the achievement of which ment to his work. he is most proud and plans to continue Lewis spent the past 26yearsatCoigate the program here at Conn. University as a physical chemistry pro- Lewis decided to leave Colgate after fessor. Lewis joined the Colgate faculty "twenty-six happy years," as he put it, immediately after receiving his PhD. in because he felt Connecticut College of- physical chemistry from Cornell where fered a better challenge. He said that he he minored inphysics and aerospace. He liked what Conn stands for: the trajec- knew he wanted to teach and saw a chal- tory of the school and especially the chal- lenge in the chemistry department at lenge to improve the physical chemistry Colgate. When Lewis arrived at Colgate, aspect of Conn's chemistry department, , ., . • £VIlIl CrIppofall'bJitography ~it"' the chemistry department had more re- which up until this point has been fo- David Wypwrehel"" to coutruct the Sukkah fa,·\ho jewish holiday of Su1l.kot. sources than it was using effectively and cused on inorganic and organic chemis- ,. Su1

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~.....:-.....:...... 1IIIIIIIIIi October 10, 1995 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT~ r::::: :1:::: :::r:: :::1:::::::1::: ::1:: ::::J In Devil in a Blue Dress, style, crime, and money make the world go 'round Ezekiel's motivation quickly blinds his Evan Cappola/Photography Editor BY MocE McKINNEY good sense and forces him to accept ajob TIlt College Voia from a man who won't even describe the Jason Salter scares away Mindy Erchull while breaking the social norms. line of work other than to say that he "... Does money make the world go' round? does favors for friends." Ultimately, In Tristar's Devil ill A Blue Dress it does. Ezekiel becomes ensnared in a very intri- Every twist and turn in the movie's plot cate web of deceit that runs the gamut of Shattering SO~!~!X~~!2!c~I~ is somehow connected to the power of contemporary crime: from hitmen to dirty BY JASONSALTER enough for me to shout "hello" to them, the almighty dollar. The moviegoermust cops, todirty politicians. All of this sounds The College VOIce they usually WInced.. or giggled In. sur- follow the path of money to solve the like the makings of a mystery of this film. Continuing with this year's theme of prise. detective mystery "What's the occasion?" several people DirectorCarl Franklin wroughtwithnarra- "human difference and diversity," Ide- successfully creates asked me. I resisted the temptation of tive flair and well- cided to test the limits of this theme. If the visual style of an saying that it was a long lived religious placed action se- we are such an accepting and open com- old detective film and and cultural tradition of my people to quences in the clas- munity here atCoIU1ecticutCollege, how the complexity of wear the ceremonial garb while chanting sic American tradi- would the students react to, say, a stu- dealing with various The Star Spangled Banner backwards in tion. Unfortunately, dent wearing an outfit that would make leads and ruses to find Spanish to a papier-mache sculpture of none of the discov- the fashion police tum away in disgust the answers. How- Donald Duck. Instead, I usually re- eries and revela tions while breaking every social norm he ever, the outcome is . sponded with a quirky smile and walked made by Ezekiel was raised to follow? never given the off. seemstohavetheim- To begin with, I changed my entire chance to sa tisfy due There were those who tried not to look, pact required to wardrobe, from head to toe. I started toa lackluster plot that but were really curious. These were the pique the viewer's with two different shoes and mis- seems to slowdown people I liked. They would shoot a quick interest. The charac- matched socks high enough to rival any when it should accel- look my way, look away immediately' ter of Daphne is in- - Scotsman. With aT-shirt tucked into my erate. and repeat this several times until I came troduced midway underwear, a tie appropriately deco- Devil ill A Blue Dress rated witha variety of fruits, a Hawaiian to harass them. They would quietly ex- .is based on a novel by Cou,tesy ofrris1ar Pictures through the film and cuse themselves and quickly gather up is the key to unlock- lei and a sunflower hat the outfit was Walter Musly, with their belongings and run in the opposite ing the mystery. She is initially estab- almost complete. Basically, I was the the screenplay adapted by Franklin. The Paris Fashion Show's worst nightmare. direction. I never knew 1 could be that cast includes Denzel Washington as the lished effectively as a seductress, but this The wardrobe was not perfect with- intimidating. ''Q'tCl\a'E.(::)'(\.~\:t2e.¥.\.e\. and. 'e-ruulet ~a\s soon fades \.£\ Un'\?O-rtance, Ieevmg the outan attitude to match. As humans, we At this time, I feel Ishould apologize to as Daphne, a sort of femme-fatale. The viewer somewhat unsatisfied. are raised with certain morals and val- the admissions office. I accidentally en- setting is Los Angeles in the summer of The visual style of the film and the 1948. Ezekiel is presented as a reformed blues/jazz-charged soundtrack are its ues passed on almost genencajjy, I de- countered a tour of perspective students character who has a shady past due to greatest strengths. The cast members as- cided to entirely disregard all of them. and their parents. As they passed, I heard .some unknown aIterca tion thattook place similate into the late 40s with great facil- We have an accepted volume at which the tour guide say something to the affect m Dallas. Ezekiel has just lost his job ity and complement the visual style. It is we speak; I chose to raise that a few of," that was not a typical Conn student." which brings forth the first appearance elear that the director tries to carry this decibels.- Personal space was thrown Maybe they'll apply anyway. of money as the motive that will ulti- through to the plot but the slower pace of' right out the window, along with any In this year of acceptance and tolerance mately guide the film. This need is imme- the middle section of the film comes off sense of tact or self-esteem. Anyone who ofthose differentfrom ourselves the Can diately intensified by the fact that the as merely slow rather than suspenseful came within earshot was fair game. necticutCollege students are kee~ingwith viewer is informed that Ezekiel is" one of or calculating. .' The reactions Ireceived were as mixed the theme qutte well. Even though it was the few colored men around here who Devil in A Blue Dress is now playing at as my clothing. There was one common a~ a~slgnment, it was surprisingly enter- o~ns his own house." Washington does Hoyt's Cinemas in Wa terford. reaction among the myriad of Conn stu- tammg. I recommend trying'this experi- a fine job of conveying the extra sense of dents I passed throughout the day; ev- ment to anyone in need of self amuse- pride that this fact instills inthe character eryone looked. Whether it was a short ment. The next time you see a student of Ezekiel, given the racial conditions of innocen~ an~ suspicious glance or a pro~ dr~ssed a little left of center and acting a the time. This pride serves as Ezekiel's longed,mtngued and curious stare they bif strange, accept it and be proud that he art in the film's mone formula. all looked. These were onlysurface'reac- or she is your peer. - Extra Income for '95

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~ ,,-•• r, as ce areec From A] i ;~ Oct. 23 - M~~k~ Pu~

=-=-=~~---....;..---- ..I October 10, 1995 Page 8 OPINIONS/EDITORIALS

An island in time THE COLLEGE VOICE

AprilODdI< Publisher

Mkhelle Ronayne Editor in Ollef

Alex-rider Todd Managmg Editor

Morgan Renun News Director

JeMy Barron Executive Producer

EDlTORIAI BOARD Jenny Barron News Editor

Yung KIm Features Editor

Damon Krieger A&E Editor

Rick Stratton Sports Editor

Sue Erb Associate Sports Editor

Cynthia Pizzuto Copy Editor

Lily Chin Copy Editor


Karine Toussaint Associate Managing Editor

Na\.han\o:e\ Uu.~b\n Design Editor by Jay [aroch and Matt "The Mailman" Malone Derrick WeelllS Design EdItor Letter to the Editor Evan Coppola Photography Editor Dean WoodBrooks and the SGA this week resumed their attack Sharon Miskovltz on freedom of speech, specifically toward hate graffiti: There are & Krtstan Lennon two components to the issue of bigoted graffiti on campus: vandal- Photgraphers ism and politics. The vandalism aspect of the graffiti is not remotely

Bl lSJNESS DEPARTMENT important to the SGA and administration, it's the politics of it. If this Jesse Roberts were not true, there would be a candlelight vigil and campus Advertising Manager bulletins posted every time someone defaces a bathroom or shat- iers a case of beer bottles. These are clearly bigger messes than Contributing Writers: Jason Salter, Britt immature wall scrawl. Wolft', Mike McKinney, Kristin Hell.. Schmoozing with Jay Christy White, Dana Lynn Curran, When you decide to escalate the punishment for what is really an Matthew Schupak, Doug Pierce act of petty vandalism purely by virtue of its implied content, you The Colleg~Voice is II non-profit student- and the Mailman produced newspaper. Editorial offices are assume the role of the brain police. You essentially sanction treating located in the Crozier-Williams Student people with institutional scorn solely because of their opinions. Center. Advertising schedules are available . This is the same lack of thinking from which the Spanish inquisition upon request. Letters to theVoice will be Fay's World, Fay's World, and Nazism were justified. published Oil SUbjects of interest to the community. The deadline for all letters is When we deny a person equal protection for expression of any Thursday illS p.m. for the following week's issue. Because of the volume of mail and creed, we are no longer just. Instead we become fascistsheH-bent on !her considerations, we ceneot guarantee the Partytime, Excellent!!! controlling the minds of our community through threa ts of punish- publication of any submission. We reserve the right 10 edit for clarity and length. All ment. This approach is best seen today in Yugoslavia where it is the You've been there. If you Would you care to accompany rubmissions musr be typed. doUble-spaced, source of enormous amounts of suffering. The direction that the SIgned. lind jn<:lude a lelepbone number for haven't, you know someone me, to Chez Fay and retrieve campus speech code is heading stinks of a sickness that threatens verification. Opinions expressed in the who has. Let us layout the all- some tasty frozen treats?" Your EdItorial are those of the College Voice the intellectual foundation of this college and the natural rights of too familiar scene for you. "lisblOg Group; those expressed elsewbere friends just laugh. They live for students, faculty, staff and administrators alike. in the paper lire tbe opinions of the writers You've taken a nap, gone to the moments like these. and do not nece:S5arily renecr the views of I found Dean WoodBrooks' and Dean Ferran's statements to be A.c., sprayed some hate graffiti "No.thanks," they reply. "Why this paper. the voice of this disease. Specifically, when WoodBrooks said that in the 24-hour room of the li- don't you run along now, geek- "We're not in the real world" and that "Hopef4lly the real world is Office (203) 439-2812 brary, or gone to some bizarre boy."You'rescrewed. You walk Fax (203) 439-2843 lecture entitled Finger-traps, Fire- looking to higher education as a model" as justifications for deny- down the stairs, legs weak with ing our rights to free speech that we have off campus. FouDded 1916 drills, and Flattening Students anticipation,swipe the card (our First, our world at Connecticut as real as anyone else's. With Tanks- Why China? What- sincerest thanks to all of those David SleWart (founder) We have the opportunity to expand our minds, take classes, and FemandoJuan EJpueJas.Asenjo. (Publisher ever you did is immaterial. The who perform this task. We, along &; interact such that we might mold the rest of the world into our 1986-1988 fact of the matter is, you've re- with Mr. Fay, share with you the President. Fund) collective or individual visions of perfection. To say that this BrianField(Publ~ber Emeritus) turned to your room to find that joy of card-SWiping) and enter distinction in lifestyle puts us on a different plane of existence from Jeffrey S. Berman (Publishef Emeritus) aU of your friends are already into a world where Chef Boy- Jon RIVliJnl:n (Publisher Emeritus) the rest of the world would be elitist, and ultimately absurd. Sarah Huntley (Publisher EmerituS) back from dinner. You're starv- Ar-Dee meets Tony the Tiger in Furthermore, tosay that our community isn't real is logically to also IndiaHom:.~ Emeritus) ing. You're going to Harris, bad a culinary coup d'etat that is Jen LeV~{EqMr'lif...~r&perilUSl say that no semi-isolated community is real unto itself either. Aly M'KllI~~ :U:,""~riIUJ} enough when accompanied by both nutritionally bankrupt and Advocates of anthropology and proponents of multiculturalism Cop~l!Jt~ '. , ¥ ..... oke friends, but now you're going, loaded with BHT (to preseve Publ· ..J'l-J· ..,~ should be horrified at the mere implication of this. Do the size and I!jIlUJB ..•• ,•• ' alone. freshness). You take your place II---=Tb:-:i-'w-;-'c4""",:t.4i:;;·;~ ._. i£m,Yl i

Continued from previous page, fair portion of responsibility for The administration would their mouth as at Conn), we be- right and duty to be Aristotle. realize that this is also the world it. It is this Widespread damage have you believe that the graffiti come more of a dogmatic mis- What we are is what we think; of Connecticut College, because that the administration chooses is like violence. If your identity sionary school and less of a lib- this is a condition of flux and they will it to be so through their to impose on us that is the justi- and security rely entirely on eral arts college. hopefully gradual improve- speech policy. fication for their infringement universal acceptance of your Still worse, we tum out people ment. Secondly, if the world indeed of our freedom of speech. In es- ethnicity, gender, religion, or less able to recognize and logi- This is the founding premise chose to follow our example, al- sence they make a big mess that sexual orientation you're in cally refute bad ideas. Itis better of a college: we should all be coholism would double and fas- they force us to pay for with our trouble. First, you'll never be to understand a bad idea than to dedicated scholars who study cism would .destroy the last civil rights. happy in this world without ly- just label it a wrong simply be- and have discourses on ideas of stronghold of the free world. It Let's take a moment and con- ing to yourself or ignoring the cause someone else says it is and all kinds such that we can reach is certainly true that we have an sider the nature of this so-called world. Second, you are incapable will punish you if you say it. We our own conclusions. The SGA easier lifestyle than the average damage caused by such graffiti of attaining the level of abstrac- don't come to understand any- and the administration have world citizen, our food is made fora moment. You'd have to be tionofself necessary to deal with thing without confronting it on made a mockery of this prin- for us, and many of us don't dead and from Mars to not know petty name-calling. Third, a rational level. ciple. Have you all forgotten have to work except at scholas- that intolerant ideas exist, but people by nature have the right The beauty of our system is what happened here 219 years tics to get here. Why then do we we decided we wish to expunge to think poorly of you for any that it was impartial and allowed ago? A ton of people fought and relyso much on chemical escap- such ideas from our so called reason they choose. Itis immoral, for the peaceful interaction of all died for our right to be free be- ism when clearly the average "isolated world." If this were unnatural, and ultimately im- people and ideas. When the ad- cause they believed in the natu- American suffers more and truly the goal of the SGA and the possible to regulate thought. ministration ofConnecticut Col- ral rights of individuals. If you works harder than we do ?Is this administration, Hitler's Mein If people are really that weak lege took a political stand and decide to throw the Billof Rights anexampleofourtranscendence Kampf, The Autobiography of here, homosexuals should not bought the PC agenda a few out the window for people you that the rest of the world would Malcom X, Sartre's Being and be allowed to read The Bible or years ago, it polarized what was don't like, you may soon find benefit from emulating? Nothingness, The Bible, The The Qur'an because they view once harmoniously impartial. yourself the enemy of those who The argument for the neces- Qur'an, and a myriad of other their lifestyle as unnatural or sin- Today you either conform to choose who is right and wrong. sity of speech regulation is basi- works which espouse intolerant ful. Women should also avoid what they try to force you be- When that happens, the Ameri- cally that hate speech hurts the attitudes should be banned en- Judeo-Christian religious texts, lieve in orientation, or you are can Revolution will have failed whole community through in- tirely from our curriculum and Sartre, Freud, and virtually any against what they misunder- and any hope man has of collec- timidation and therefore should library because they could po- history class beca use they detail stand to be tolerance and are tively transcending our carnal be regulated. Let's think of how tentially create "an atmosphere the views of patriarchy. Whites thus culturally insensitive, To instinct to not reason will be lost the whole community mechani- that is hostile and threatening" shouldn't read Malcom X be- express ideas that deny their perhaps for centuries to come. cally gets these intolerant mes- to quote Dean Ferrari. cause he speaks of the white conspicuously vague and irra- So in conclusion, the SGA, sages for a moment. The alleged If we can deal with intoler- devil. Clearly none of us are as tional standards of correctness Dean Woodbrooks, and Dean damage to the community is ance in our courses brought to meek and timid as Dean Ferrari is a crime as per the "C" Book. Ferrari may be in denial of the actually done by the adminis- us by the revered sages of the assumes we are. It is hypocriti- Threats of violence are a dif- reality of human rights and rea- tration when it effectively gives past or even by God as some cal toban intolerant speech with- ferent issue that are in the realm son; in addition, more than half c the racist graffiti a voice so loud believe, why is it unacceptable out banning intolerant books. of the criminal like yelling" fire" the student body actively tries that everyone who checks their for a student to speak in a simi- Finally, speech codes are in- in a crowded theater. It is im- to avoid it every Thursday voice mail has no choice but to lar way? Do dead tyrants and consistent with the principles portant to understand that through Sunday night at insti- hear it.The campus propaganda philosophers have more rights and conduct of a college corn- threats are not what the admin- tutiona\ ShC \undec\ dt:u~~in'bs machine is thus the willing pub- than we do? Why is a racial slur munity, As soon as we decide as istration and SGA are interested called keggers and 'the TNE. A in controlling, They are speak- few of us refuse to conform to lishing tool of any outspoken in a book by Trevor Roper ac- aninsti~ution thatanidea isright ceptable in the library but one or wrong, we remove the "lib- ing of ideas and denying your the architecture of a system that bigot. dght to express them without seeks to destroy itself. I vow to on the wall next to it on the shelf erty" from the liberal arts. Our Remember that it's the con- retribution. keep reminding you that you is a crime? (I define a crime as an community used to be about tent, not the form, of the hate I think prejudicial thinking is are ruining the brilliance upon act that elicits punishment from being open to any idea and message that is objectionable. It disgusting and personally will which the collegiate system and those in powec.) Do we think \ studying them critically with the follows that most of the damage have nothing to do with it. On our country as a whole are that graffiti artist is arnore effec- aim of making up your own that the graffiti is alleged to cause the other hand, boneheads have founded. tive proponent of bad ideas than mind. To the extent to which we comes into being by choice of the right and duty to be the most influential writers in close our eyes and ears to disso- the administration, and there- nant voices, (or forcibly shut boneheads like Aristotle had the Randall Smith '97 fore it should carry with it its history? . BEYOND THE HILL suspicions, but when lrwesti- that captivated the nation for grasses, obliterated powdery Clinton may send' However, Senate Majority dunes and cut new water chan- gated, these suspicions did not Leader and Republican presi- over a year. nels through once solid islands. relate to the Unabomber case. dential front-runner Bob Dole But the Simpson camp has de- troops to Bosnia Opal's death toll climbed toat The FBI was called to check said tha t Clintonhas yetta make nied the rumors. out some equipment found in On a related note, Saturday least twenty-one on Sunday. The President Clinton is prepared a convincing argument for the the suspect's van in a parking night thousands of people pro- storm's destruction has been to send peacekeeping troops to move. lot. testing domestic violence at- assessed at $1.8 billion. Officials Bosnia with or without Congres- NATO would like to have the Last month, the New York tended a torch-lit vigil at the said they expected it would be sional approval. Clinton said force in place by the beginning Times and the Washington Post crime scene to remember Nicole months before anyone was al- that he did not want to turn his of December to avoid a winter lowed to live in the hardest hit published the lengthy anti-tech- move but some Western offi- Brown and Ronald Goldman. back on a NATO leadership re- areas. nology manifesto of the bomber. sponsibility. cials f~arthat no agreement will He had promised that if the Hurricane Opal White House Chief of Staff be reached in time. Unabomber still on document was printed he would LeonPanetta'said that it was the strikes Florida coast stop his attacks. administration's view that such Where is OJ? the loose The FBI task force to investi- an action would be within the Officials say that Hurricane gate the Unabomberhas recently President's authority. Panetta OJSimpson's whereabouts are Opal may have changed the Officials say that a man ar- been concentrating its search in said that it would be "incred- currently a mystery. Recent re- shape of the Florida Gulf coast rested on Sunday on a traffic the Chicago area, where they ible" if the United States failed ports say that the recently forever. Opal flattened spectacu- violation is not the unabomber. believe he was raised and edu- to accept leadership in the aquitted celebrity is headed. to lar dunes, scouring beaches of The FBI task force had been cated before moving to Califor- organization's enforcement of a the Caribbean to marry girl- sand and leading officals and called to question the man, but nia, possible Bosnian peace accord, friend Paula Barbieri. The same residents alike to wonder about ruled him out as the elusive se- after having led the way toward report says that Simpson will the legitimacy of lif~on the coast. rial killer. ending the 42-month-old con- return to attend a Nation of Is- This is the third costliest hur- The man will be charged with flict. lam-led rally of black men in ricane in US history, trampling unlawful use of weapons and All reports compiled by The President has continually Washington. hundreds of beachfront homes traffic violations relating to his Jenny Barron, News promised that he will send up to California licence place. _Simpson has been avoiding with its 12S-mph winds and ten Editor as of Sunday night 25,000 troops as part of a NATO the press since he returned tohis foot wall of water. White House Chief of Staff force for a limited time. He said Los Angeles estate last Tuesday The fierce winds and water Leon Panetta says that the from Reuters Wire reports that he would only do so with' after being aquitted in the tnal ripped up delicate seashore Evanston man did raise some Congressional consultation- October 10, 1995 Page 10 Curnutte & Maher; a Buddha-belly or a Quadruped? .1f- sion faded away after a few min- BY BRITT WOLFF utes of conversation with Maher . TIle College Voice His kindness and genuine inter- est in music lit his face up like a Curnutte & Maher's perfor- child's on Christmas morning. mance last Saturday evening Maher eagerly answered all my was unforgettable! The band questions and then some. When had a unique sound that was asked about his style of music well received by the crowd of and its place in the "big picture" Conn students, Coast Guard ca- of music, '1 think I would con- Curnutte & Maher played in the 1962 Room in Cro on Saturday night, dets, and the friends and family sider our music to be lumped in of the band who were in atten- there with modem "American Fade Away" from dance. In the 1962 room, round form radio stations typically we formed in 1991. I'm very ex- record a live album at a small the album Cracker Jack~ were tables with multi-colored table play our songs, they are the sta- . cited," said Maher. theater inSouthCarolina. We're about tough issues: a longtime cloths and candles had been set tions that tend to playa bit of Steve Curnutte, the other half even going to take a picture of girlfriend that left behind much up. The "hospital-like" decor everything," said Maher. of the band, finally strolled over the crowd for our album cover," was transformed intoa comfort- One of the band's favorite to the table to see what was go- said Curnette. to sing about. able lounge complete with light things about the music industry ing on; I noticed he was easily The Curnutte & Maher show People tapped their fingers as conversation, beverages, and of is playing live shows. "Playing distracted as he headed over to was fantastic! They comfort- the only country song of the course, the music of Curnutte & at clubs and colleges is great. where we were talking. ably played for two hours with night was played. The crowd Maher. Most acoustic bands enjoy live Curnutte is an extremely smiles on their faces the whole shouted multiple "yee haws" Iran to my9:30 interview with shows because sometimes in the friendly guy who likes to chat time. The majority of the songs that put smiles on the faces of the band holding my note pad studio their styles don't always regardless of the subject. This had deep seeded meanings that the band members. in one hand and pen in the other. come off right. We [Cumulle & observation was later backed up were diligently explained before If you missed the Curnulle On the way, I ran into a group of Maher] enjoy playing live at col- during the band's ten minute each song was performed. The and Maher show last Saturday proud family members who leges because college students break between sets when explanations brought the band night, you missed a great per- were offering dirt on their prodi- are more responsive to acoustic Curnulle combed the crowd ask- closer to the audience and en- formance by two all around nice gies which I gladly accepted. music," said Maher. ing viewers what they thought hanced the "cozy-lounge" feel- guys who are in the music busi- Maher told me that this con- of the show. Curnutte sat down ing.,Curnutte and Maher joked ness to have fun and meet new In the 1962 room, I first ran certwas special because his rela- and talked about the new album around when theywereexplain- people. Curnutte and Maher's into Matt Maher who was fold- tives were present. "Ya know, that the group planned to record. ing the song that spoke of their new disk, Cracker.Jack~ can be ing shirts branded with the it'sfunnybutmyfamilyhasonly "Around January we're relieving break-ups with girl- found inrecord stores;you won't ~rouQ'S \O'bo. M'Y neLVOUS ten- seen us cectorma few times since \Curn.utte &. Maher1 going to. friends. Other songs, .such as regret buying a copy! October 10. 1995 1'IIe CoD.,. Voke Page 11

The College Voice Now through November 10 Saturday. October 14 Art Exhibit featuring: "White" Tom Savage, Jill Siosburg- Connecticut College Film Society Media Group Ackerman, and Anne Connell Oliva Hall, Cummings Arts Center Connecticut College 8pm& 11 pm Cummings Arts Gallery is looking to fill the Mon.-Fri. 9-5 & Sat. 1-4 following open positions:

October 10 - 22 Sunday, October 15 "Jeckyll & Hyde" "Red" Advertising Reps A New Musical Thriller Connecticut College Film Society Schubert Theater, New Haven, cr. Oliva Hall, Cummings Arts Center Earn some moneyl : 8 pm CALL 1-800-955-5566 8 pm& 11 pm For more info call Jesse at x2813. Wednesday, October 11 Monday. October 16 Poetry: William Mntthews A Student Colloquium: Visual Arts & Connecticut College Theater in the Early Soviet Period Ernst Common Room Connecticut College, Bill Hall 308 Associate Editors 8pm 2:30 pm -4 pm 'Si. ~llkincis {id Truth. October 12, 13, & 14 Saturday, October 21 lphigenia in Tauris by Euripides Eastern Connecticut Symphony Connecticut College "The Classical Style" Palmer Auditorium Garde Theater, New London, CT 8 pm CALL 439-ARTS 8 pm CALL 443-2876

Friday, October 13 Please send requests to appear in "Blue" the A&E WATCHDOG to: Connecticut College Film Society The College Voice, A&E Editor Oliva Hall, Cummings Arts Center Box 4970 270 Mohegan Avenue 8pm& 11 pm New London, CT. 06320 a f

October 10, /995 Page 12 THE CAMEL PAGE

Jill Jackson's HOLLYWOOD

Hollywood ... The Tom Cruise is about to ~oast TWC? sup~rstars. After "To pie For," Nicole Kidman's populanty and. asking pnce per pic is soaring. In this black com~dy abou; a weather girl wh0;vould do anything to make it to the big time, she s gorgeou~ and she s GOOD. She has a body and legs "to die for," and her acting has never been Do you remember being sixteen, getting your license and tasting freedom better. if for the first time in your life? Of course you do. For some of you l,t wa~ only And that other Tom, name of Selleck, couldn't be happier over WI e a year or two ago - but it has been five yea~ for me. A long time ill the [illie Mack's career. She recently played a role in "Frasier~" the episode relatively short lifespan of a 21-year-old. Lately, I have been yearning to go back to the more carefree days of to air in November, and she's auditioning for a musical in England. If adolescence, back when every decision I made did not seem to have so m~ny she gets it, the Sellecks pick up daughter Hannah an~ mov~ ~ag and consequences. When going out with your friends meant no~ .really telh~g baggage to Britain for the "run of the play." After all, this ISJillie s home your parents what you were up to andfeeling like you were gettmg away With and they will be among family and friends. .. . something ... it turns out they knew all along. . I dunno what to say about "Showgirls." My mouth IS.still hanging I have been feeling very frustrated lately, almost angry In fact, and I have been wondering why. This weekend, I finally escaped from this caII\pus for . open and most everything that could be said has been Said and resaid: the first time in a long time and went h~me with my friend and, b~heve It or Ws definitely a porno film. It's NC-17 rated. It's not too well act.ed. not, roommate, Sue (we now share a hairdryer) - avid fans of this column There are no big-star names. BUT it's making bil.lions at the box office. may recall that last year we were next-door neighbors who borrowed each So, if you're squeamish and embarrassed by nudity and sex, stay away. other's stuff all the time. Living together has made for easier access to each other's belongings. If that's your bag and you're curious, get out your ID and go. . . Do you remember when you looked forward to the end of the week just as Seems to be the "in thing" for big names to play bits WIth no billing. an excuse to go to a good party? I know, most of you are shaking your heads In "Too Wong Foo, ... Love Julie Newmar," Robin Williams has a short and saymg, "Hey, we stilt do." 1just remember it being more fun and sneaky scene with no name in the credits. Ditto Jim Belushi and Dan Aykroyd when \ "Wass\:xteen. Most\)' 'oecaose 1 c.ou\d \ounge. around haU the day on in Saturday before doing something else fun. . . in "Canadian Bacon." And "To Die For," George Segal is on screen Wen on this trip this weekend, I started toreaJly think: back to sixteen. S.ure, with Nicole Kidman for several minutes. No billing whatsoever. They Ihad a Jotoffreedom FrOInresponsibility and thought that I knew everything. must be doing it for love. It sure can't be for money. / I thought my parents would never respect my decisions, that I would never BITS' N' PIECES: Aside to Jennifer T. of Tulsa, Okla.: You betcha be understood and hadn't even really given college a thought other than to know that I was going. there's something going on between Barbra and Jon Voight. Didn't you At sixteen, I wanted to do everything ... most of all I wanted to be an adult see him with her at the Emmys and that kiss he gave her when she won? and have my ideas respected by others. My father would always say, "Don't ... Madam to the Stars Heidi Fleiss makes her motion-picture debut in wish your life away." He would explain that I would have a lot of time to be "The Doom Generation" for Trimark Pictures. No, Josephine. She an adult so I should enjoy being a kid while I could. At sixteen, fun was being as crazy as you could with your friends and not doesn't playa Madam; she plays a liquor store clerk????? ... inadvert- going to sleep until you just couldn't stay awake anymore. ently tuned in on the "George Hamilton-Alana Stewart Show." That Don't get me wrong - I am not saying that five years has taken youth from day, Ruf'aul was the guest and the half hour really romped. George me- I just find that I need more than two hours of sleep ... try eight. I am not and Alana may not have made it as a married couple but it looks as if saying that being with my friends isn't fun. It is just different. Instead of being their show will ... I feel as if I'm treading on the flag when I say it. Yes, wild and crazy I would rather have coffee with a close friend. If I am going to have a party, then I want it to be small and casuaL Happiness, I have learned I think JFK, Jr. is a very handsome young man, but for me, he doesn't from some very wise people, comes in pure, honest moments. Perfect isn't have that little bit of magic had by both his mom and dad that made possible and who would want that anyway? them more than just "ordinary people" ... "I Dream of Jeannie's" This weekend, Sue and I went to Maryland to see her family and her Barbara Eden packed the Long Beach Civic when she appeared in "A boyfriend Mike. We also had tickets to a Nine Inch Nails/David Bowie K. concert... why, yes that is why I was thinking so much about being sixteen- Sassy Musical Cocktail." She slosed this past ... Aside toKerry of We were late, but noone ever flinched-there were no complaints, the sign that Ocala, Fla.: Elizabeth Berkley plays Nomi in "Showgirls." This is her we have gotten older because going to a concert at sixteen meant going with first starring role in a picture, but you can bet it won't be her last. If she a bunch of other 16-year-olds- Itwas still a pure moment of unadulterated fun doesn't make it in legit films, she can become a porno queen ... Morgan and the concert was fantastic. I felt sixteen- particularly when we were Freeman is a superb actor and I love Brad Pitt, but I skipped their waiting in the parking lot. Instead of sitting bored for the hour that it took us to get out of the parking lot- we turned up the music and danced to 80s music. "Seven" when Iheard about all the violence ... Ecologist Ed Begley.Ir, Thanks to Sue and her boyfriend Mike, I got to remember what it was like drives an electric car ... Producer Ross Hunter loved Ann Tyler's to have stress free, carefree fun. I got a taste of what I felt like at sixteen- "Ladder ofY ears." Said ifhe were still making pies, he would do it with without having to go back there. After all, sixteen wasn't all it was cracked up Sally Field in the role of the mother and wife who at 40somethin<>walks . 0 to be. I am glad I can remember that now, and realize that I am not out on her family to make a new life ... Aside to Crace F. of Tupelo, losing anything by being faced with my emerging adulthood. I am gaining a lot. When 1 was sixteen, I always thought that being adult would mean doing Miss.: Yup.There is a Mrs. Andy Garcia. Her name is Marlvi and they adult things. So at the end of my journey home yesterday I was quite happy are very much in love. When Andy recently received his star on the to be met by one of my best friends and getting to have dinner. Hollywood Boulevard Walk of Fame, she was right there applauding I would much rather be faced with the responsibilities of adulthood than go wildly. Sorry for you. Happy for them .... From what I hear, Nat back to the confusing though carefree days of adolescence. As April said Hawthorne may be spinning around wherever he is. Producers have about friends- the good ones are in it for the long haul and so they are in your soul. I agree - and so are the memories of carefree days and awkwardness and toye~ more than somewhat with "The Scarlet Letter:' by giving the the pain of becoming an adult and the fears and the love. It is the human Demi Moore starrer a happier ending. Incidentally, Lillian Gish starred condition- we fear the future and new situations. Yet, we can remember our in the original back in 1926, following the book from" A" to Z. adolescence and reach into our souls and find the 16-year-old when we need to. It is a leap offaith to make any decisions in life and we do it with little bits @1995by King Features SYQd. of ourselves hidden deep inside our souls.

. Ji • •, > ...... ' October 10,1995 Page 13 THE CAMEL PAGE

Top 0 the Charts Top 10 Movies Top 10 Singles (cont.) ,

10. Braveheart 5. The Rembrandts - "I'll Be 9. Angus There For You" 8. 'The Usual Suspects 4. Prince - "I Hate U" 7. Hackers 3. Sophia B. Hawkins - "As I 6. Unstung Heroes Lay Me Down" 5. Dangerous Minds 2. Janet Jackson - "Runaway" 4. Clockers 1. Mariah Carey - "Fantasy" 3. To Wong Foo. Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar! Top 10 R&B Soul Weekly Horoscopes 2. Showgirls 1. Seven 10. Brandy - by Andy Goheen "Brokenhearted" 9. Gerald and Eddie Levert, LIBRA(9/23-10/22): DUE TO THE INFLUENCE OF THAMES RIVERBOTIOM COBALT 20 Top 20 Video Rentals Sr. - " Already Missing You" 8. Brian McKnight - "On The UPON THE ELECTROMAGNETIC PARTICLES OPERATING IN YOUR SIGN LOCALLY, YOUR 20.Heavyweights Down Low" LOVELIFE WILL BEGIN TO SAG UNLESS YOU CONSOLE THE RIVER SPIRITS WITH A 19. Man of the House 7. AZ - "Sugar Hill" 1\\. The Hunted. 6. Solo -"Heaven' COPIOUS DISPLAY OF WIND POWERED OCEANGOING TRANSPORTATION IN YOUR ROOM. 17. Nell 5. Groove Theory - "Tell Me" Scorpio(l0/23-n/21): Your star field now, aJIow trouble to Now, you get a chance to relax, 16. I.Q. 4. Deborah Cox - and enjoy the Pax Astrologica "Sentimentel" spirit is drawing you toward pass over you like water off a 15. Federal Hill duck's back. that has been declared Cosmos- 14. Pulp Fiction 3. Janet Jackson - "Runaway" expressing your creative ener- Wide for your sign. For now, gies. Answering it with a dis- 2. Prince - "I Hate U" you enjoy the company of 13. The Brady Bunch play of monklike humility by Pisces(2I19-3/20): Thanks to 1. Mariah Carey - "Fantasy" friends, and peace of mind in 12. Dumb and Dumber shaving your head, piercing your association with those pos- which to do your work. 11. Billy Madison parts of your body other than sessing Aquarian virtues, your your ears with earrings, and be- fortunes, flying in the face of 10. Disclosure Top 10 C&W Singles Cancer(6/21-7/22): Your for- ginning a radical artistic move- potent stellar fluxes, are turning 9. Boys on the Side tunes are linked with those of ment epistemologically equiva- this week!Theyaid you bybring- 10. Travis Tritt - "Sometimes O.J. Simpson. You ~re released, 8. A Goofy Movie lent to the inchoate yearnings of ing the cosmic forces into re- now, from a period of confine- 7. Circle of Friends She Forgets" pre-Jungian dadaism becomes alignment. It will be as if fetters fall away from you, and your ment during which the stellar 6. Nobody's Fool 9. Tim McGraw - "I Like It,I you. work, lovelife and friends will wheels ofjustice turned over the 5. Hideaway Love It" worthiness of actions you took Saggitarius(l1l22-12121):Aca- all begin to improve as if in a 4. The Quick and the Dead 8. Blackhawk - "I'm Not in the past. The muses found dream! StrongEnough To Say No" demically, your world quiv- you unwarranting of punish- 3. Just Cause ers with.the uncertainty ofmany ment. However, future actions 2. Kiss of Death 7. Wade Hayes - "Don't works in progress. Romantically Aries(3/21-4119):Themystical will becloselywa tched, asmany 1. Outbreak Stop" and platonically, ambivalence circle of the ages comes around forces remain unsatisfied. 6. Faith Hill- "Let's Go To dogs your relations with cur- this week,as youinheritthegood karma that fellow Aries, Will- Top 10 Singles Vegas" rent and prospective lovers and Leo(7/23-8/22): This is inter- friends ... Will things go well? iam Wallace, was unable to col- 5. Patty Loveless - "Halfway lect.Royalty willfallin lovewith esting. You are entering a time Will they go poorly? Read the of individual fortune. In order 10. Take That - "Back For Down" horoscopes in the next issue for you this week, and you will be able to settle into a good rela- to divine the shape of the com- Good" . 4. Garth Brooks - "She's the exciting conclusions. tionship. Also, those who fol- ingweek, you must claspinyour 9. Groove Theory - ;'Tell Every Woman" hand a 1974quarter, minted in Capricom(12122-1I19):If you low you will success!ully pro- Me" 3. John Berry - "I Think tect you from an ill fate at the Denver. Flip it. Heads: Your are disappointed because love 8. Natalie Merchant - About It All The Time" hands of the British. lovelifewill begin seething with didn't find you last week at 4:32 lust and salivary savoir faire. "Carnival" 2. Tracey Lawrence - "If the PM, or at all, don't point the Taurus(4/2o-5I20):Unpredict- Tails:You'llbe the one who gets 7. Del Amitri - "Roll To World Had a Front Porch" finger at me. TheOlin telescope ably, one of the minor stars in the little pink plastic toy in the Me" 1. Collin Raye - "One Boy, allows my calculations unprec- box ofcereal at breakfast. edented accuracy. Your watch your constellation, invisible to 6. Michael Jackson - "You One Girl" the naked eye, has gone super- is slow. Lucky for you, positive AIe Not Alone" ©199S KING FEATURES SYND. nova. Please do not be alarmed. Virgo(8I23-9/22):Evil spirits, energies continue to buoy you driven from the lives of those and provide you with hope Nothing in all the ancient codexes deals with such a con- Sagittarius who followed my against the inexplicable vicissi- TUNE INTO VOICE tingency. However, .while I instructions last week, are drawn tudes of technological failure. struggle to derive new equations toyou. You must create a potion for this, I assure you that your out of 1.00L of 6.0 M HCl, 20 Aquarius(1/20-2118): If you RADIO NEWS fortune remains under control. baked, mashed garliccloves,and were able to follow my train of 0.3Lsoured milk, and leave it in thought in last week's horo- Gemini(5/21-6/20): whew! an open flask atop your CD Mon., Wed., Fri., 5:30 - scope, then it is only because You just barely made it out of player; as It repeats Vanilla Ice you possess the superior intui- last week. Thank your razor- all week long. This is the only tive powers of the Aquarian 6:00 pm, 91.1 FM sharp senses and the keen ad- way to "remain safe. ubermensch. These divine gifts, vice of your trusty astrologer. and the powers aligning in your October ~O, 1995 The CoDe,. Voice Page 14 A tie, a victory, and a loss drop Connecticut College out of the top ten in ECAC standings beaten them." in this veryphysicalco~test, but unfortu- :"t:~ The next match-up against Salve Regina nately the sconng didn t compensate and BYDANA LYNN CURRAN n,e CoUtgt Voice was an uncontested victory, 3-0. Fresh- left the team with their third NESCAC manKim_AnHemandezscoredonegoal, loss. assisted by freshman Rebecca Appleby. Offensively, junior Betsy Woods has This two week stretch has proved to Rebecca Appleby also scored with an lead the team thus far with three goals be difficullfor the women's soccer team, assist from Hernandez. Sophomore Sara and one assist, followed closely by Sara who tied UMass-Dartmouth in over- Feinberg scored the remaining goal, as- FeinIJerg with three goals and Kim-An time on Wednesday, September 27; sis ted by Justine Oppenheim. Neither of Hernandez with two goals, two assists. defeated Salve Regina at Harvestlest on the opponents were NESCAC competi- Defensively,goalieHollyDoylehasbeen Saturday, September 30; and lost to tors, but the victory helped bring the an oUistanding contributor. In seven NESCAC rivals Wesleyan on Saturday. These games bring their current record team's record to .500 at 3-3-1. games, Doyle has had six goals against 54 On Saturday, Conn traveled to saves, a90%save average. An average of to 3-4-1, which drops Conn out of the Wesleyan for a disappointing loss, 2-1. lessthanonegoalpergame,.78, is scored top ten in ECAC standings. The UMass-Dartmouth game tested Tara Sorensen scored the lone goal for on Doyle. In the game against w'esleyan, Conn in the final 30 seconds of the game, Doyle saved a crucial penalty kick. The the team's stamina, ending in a O-D tie with an assist from Senior Meg Gaillard. key now is to take advantage of the team's after overtime. Senior Tara Sorensen contends that The loss was especially frustrating, offensive potential to relieve some of the the team needs to "increase scoring and Sorensen commented, because "now we pressure on Doyle. have a losing record, and our season is This week, women's soccer faces Clark· take advantage of our shots on goal to Rick Stratton/Sports Editor take the pressure off of the defense and beginning to come to a close. It is sad to University at home on Wednesday and goalkeeper, junior Holly Doyle. UMass think of all ofthe talent we have and all of Bowdoin in Maine on Saturday after- Women's soccer misses the ECAC top ten is an average team, we should have the possibilities." Conn outshot Wesleyan noon. THE VOICE SCORECARD

I \" CONN SPORTS: Men'S Soccer: Field Hockey: Women's Soccer: Women's Tennis: Conn 3 Clark 2_ Wesleyan 3 Conn 2 Wesleyan 2 Conn 1 Bowdoin 9 Conn 0 / Conn 1 Wesleyan 0 Trinity 1 Conn 0 Bates 5 Conn 4 Winter club sports display Cross Country AMERICAN CONFERENCE , Women At Trinity Invite changes: Women's hockey 1.Trinity 50 points ~ If6.M Yi. L I Sunday's Results The women's hockey team continues on their bid to be a 2. Quinnipiac 58 points Miami 1 4 0 Lost to Indianapolis full-fledged varsity sport this season. Next year the team will 3.CGA 74 points Buffalo 4 1 0 BeatJets 6. Conn 153 points Indianapolis 2 2 0 }Ol~ a conference with many established teams including Men New England 1 3 0 Late Maine, Wesleyan, Amherst, and Williams. 1. Trinity 58 points N.Y. Jets 1 5 0 Lost to Buffalo .. So th~s season is an. important one. Also there are some 2. Conn 61 points CENTRAL mterestmg changes. Most notably, the team will be hiring a 3. Springfield 82 • leveland 3 3 real coach (not a student) before the coming season. Individual 0 Lost to Detroit Pittsburg 3 3 0 Lost to Jacksonville AIs_o~th~ women will' be increasing their ice time by 1. Matt Santo, Conn Cinncinati 2 3 0 Dye pra~hcmg ~ th~ mornin?s. ?bviously, the team is becoming 3. Zandy Mangold, Conn Houston '2 4 0 Lost to Minnesota 14. Aaron Klienberg, Conn Jacksonville 2 3 a Beat Pittsburg ded1Ca~ed. ,We re stepping It up," said senior captain Sakina King. ;Ve re looking stronger, practicing more, and we Auto Racing couldn t be more psyched!" NASCAR Winston Cup Yi.E5I Oakland Tyson Holly Farms 400 5 1 0 Beat Seattle Kansas City 4 1. 1 0 Monday San Diego 3 2 0 Monday Men's club hockey 2. Seattle 2 3 0 Lost to Oakland 3. Unkown Denver 2 3 0 Late The men's club hockey team is also eyeing some 4. Unkown , changes. Led by Presidenis Tim Damon and Jordan 5. Unkown NATIONAL CONFERENCE KOCl~, the team is making a move to a three- or four- 32. team mtrasquad league. fA5I Standings "We're going to have a draft and everything" said I.EhM Yi. 1. I Sunday's Resylts Dam "It' . ' 1 3 Races Remain Dallas 5 1 0 BeatGreen Bay on. s gomg to be real cool." The teams will be 1. Jeff Gordon Philadelphia 3 3 0 BeatWashington made up of students, faculty, and staff, and will be 2. Dale Earnhardt Washington 2 4 0 Lost to Philly playing each other weekly starting in October. Giants 3. 2 4 0 BeatArizona Arizona 1 5 0 Lost to Giants 4. Mark Martin Sports Quiz 5. host of he 1976 Winter Olym- 1. What is the first instruc- pics, but then refused the CENTRAL tion runners receive by the honor? Green Bay 3 2 0 Lost to Da lias Chicago 3 2 0 BeatCarolina starter of a race? Minnesota 3 2 0 Beat Houston 5. What do you call a young Tampa Bay 4 2 a BeatCinndnatti 2. What two baseball play- female race horse? Detroit 2 3 0 Beat Cleveland ers comprise the battery? Sports Quiz Answers Yi.E5I 3. What three components 1. "On your marks"; 2. the St. Louis 4 1 0 Bye make up baseball's Triple catcher and pitcher;. 3. RBI's, san Francisco 4 I 0 Dye Atlanta 4 1 0 Bye Crown? batting average, and HR's; 4. Carolina 0 6 a Lost to Chicago Denver; 5. a filly. • New Orleans 0 5 0 Bye 4. What city was chosen as ©1995byKingFeaturesSynd. 1 i October 10, 1995 Page 15 Sophomore finishes in record time: 1M UPO ATE: Uncle Charlie's Defense Preserves the Lead In a 14-13Nail-Bitter. Men's Cross Country continued their rampage with a BY TOM RvAN stomping of Girls In The.Jlathroom. }a AlsistmrllM Dir«lor }arach (2 TDs), Chris Demming, Perkins, and Pete Bergstrom aIIsrored . With 3:13 left to play in regulation, the contest, team comes in second at Rednecks chose to go for the two point Essence of Birthbag picked up two bi conversion and the win. They came up wins this week, lopping Rednecks a short. With a one point lead, Uncle Margie'S Buttocks both by the 0 Charlies proceeded to run out the clock 2l-(). Mark Driscoll, Simon Levine, the Trinity Invitational and escaped with a 14-13 win. Adam Dylan D. Peler all had two 'IDs on Bunting led Uncle Charlie's offense scor- week. Derek Hasson picked up a ing a touchdown and setting up Mark pass in each of the contests. BY RICK STRA ITON record. Mangold finished close behind, TIesh with a 18 yard pass for the other In 6-A-Side action, The Wet Edge a Sports Editor in third place, with a time of 28 minutes, marker. Chris Macleod scored both TDs Guster battled to a 2-2 tie. Aaron Demai even. for the Rednecks. Collin Keeney(3sacks) netted both goals for the Wet Edge While you, the reader, were calmly Trinity beat Conn by only a few points and}ayGolub(IlNTand 2 sacks) led the Curran Ford and Justin Burke respond sleeping or busily eating a delicious meal to win their own invitational and deny Rednecks defense. for Guster with singletons. In their sec • in Harris (in other words, being lazy)' the Camels their first team victory of the In a battle of two unbeaten teams, ond game of the week, The Wet Ed some members of this fine college com- season. Omansiek's Marauders dropped Victor padded their stats in a 7-{) spanking 0 munity were busy at work. No, not the "Matt just ran the race of his life," said 21-14. Marauder QB Sean Fine had an- Ruebli. Jesse Evans (1 goal, 4 assists) mailroom staff, the men's cross country coach Jim Butler. "He had a greatweekof other stellar outing wilh 3 TO passes. Mark Driscoll (2,1), Aaron Demaio (2,1) team. training. This is the first time both one Mike Kelly, Matt Kelly, and Gian BrianCough!in(l, I),and KenMeyer(I,O And work they did. Paced by sopho- and two runners, Matt and Zandy, ha ve Giordanoall caught TO passes from Fine. all scored for the Edge. more Matt Santo and senior Zandy been healthy." Defensive tackle Vin Talamo had a sack Serial Killers also ran up the score 0 Mangold, these Camels-finished in sec- Butler also noted the performance of and a key fumble recovery in the contest. Ruebli to the tune of 6-0. Doug Clau ond at the Trinity Invitational this past the rest of the team, particularly sopho- Victor'squarterbackT.J.Greenconnected (2,0), David Troth (1,1), Jason Salter ( Saturday in beautiful Hartford, Connecti- more Jonah Davis, running for the first withJeffGassand Alex Katz for their two goal), Harry Sinouris (1 goal), and Sia cut. time at the in the fourth position, 'IDs. Yuen Lan (1 goal) all found the back 0 Individually, Santo continued to dis- "Jonah Davis ran very, very well," cited Pool Hand Lukes extended its win- the net, play his fine running ability and outdis- Butler. "He caught a few runners down ning streak to four with a 21-I4winover The Buds notched their third winofth tanced the pack to win the invite with a the stretch. Let me tell you, it just been a CC Crushers. The Crushers jumped out season with a 2'() win over the Crot time of 27 minutes, two seconds. It was 'pleasure coaching this team, all eleven of to an early lead and led 14.() going into Goblins. Brent Debonis dished off his best finish of the season and the meet them." the hall. Mike Deplacldo connected with beauty to Hagen Maroney whoslamme zach Smith for both TDs. Pool Hand it home for the first goal of the contest Lukes battled back in the second half as Debonis got one of his own on the assis Akida Bailey contributed in two TDs, from Hiran Kuru. Dirty Rotten Scoun throwing one and running another. Tim drels downed Serial Killers 5-1. Sea Knaver caught touehdowh passes f·rom Oyesiku "-I'd Ja.Jl1ieChisholm each net Dave and AI's Totally BaUey;o.nd Chris Davis. )' oung, Gure ~two$lor D}\S. Biased Football Column may be the last time that Dave and 57,000 -, of his closest friends attend a ball game. R BY DAVE KElTNER The world really is going down the toi- AND ALEX KATZ TIle College Voice let. . We would rather not talk about the E Friday night kicked our asses. Dave Patriots, but we would like to add our Take the Syracuse Advantage! feelslike seventy-five bucks and change, voices to the multitude of protests about last week's game. Atlanta obviously C and Al feels like change. He'll wear his Internships hair down tonight. Did you catch that employs the OJ Dream Team to stand on Extensive Professional their sideline and influence the referees. play on words? Did anyone elsesee the y & Liberal Arts Courses tall sailing ships cruising the sound last Even admitting that Cris Collinsworth night? Al claims that he did. It'snotth~t is a drooling idiot, he made a valid point • Dave doesn't want to believe AI, but If when he confirmed that the pass inter- EUROPE • AFRICA • ASIA ference call on CB Maurice Hurst was C anyone should have been seeing things, the worst call he had ever seen. it was Dave. Scholarships & Grants To get back on track, why does it take Once again, we have nothing to say about last week's other games. Even if L so long to get a tuna-melt at Cro? Last we had watched them, we wouldn't Division of International Programs Abroad weekend, Al ventured to the student Syracuse University. 1198 Euclid Avenue center at halftime in the Patriots game. have anything nice to say. Rumor has it that the Cowboys lost; we are happy E Syracuse, NY 13244-4170 He had tuna on the mind, and he could taste that Mountain Dew. Much to his about that. We still maintain our undy- 1-800-235-3472 • [email protected] chagrin (SAT word), the order has not ing contempt for the Dolphins. If you are a reader and a fan of an NFC team, yet been called. That is why Al hasn't 1996 we're real sorry. You'll get no run and been in class for a while. Ifanyone thinks Trek & Fisher Bicycles that we are encouraging the staff to hurry like it. This week's first pick comes from up on it, they are right. Now in Stock Marshall first floor, home of the girls Before discussing last week's riveting who'll drink anytime, anyplace, any- games, and this week's exciting Reeular Sall: where. They pick the Giants by seven, rnatchups, we would like to say a few and have been inquiring about Curran $300 $265 words about the "Backdoor" Yankees Trek 800 Ford all week. Johnny "Royale" Melillo, and the Boston "We'll forever disap- who owns the only automatic Jeep made $480 point you" Red Sox. First, there's Mo. Trek 930 $550 in 1983, and likes to sprinkle a little salt Vaughn. He sucks more than a Seventh on his foot before he sticks it in his $600 $540 Avenue whore. Mo struck out more of- Fisher Aquila mouth, picks the Patriots by two and a ten in the last week than Jeff Cass. How- half. Gambling is one thing we'll take ever, Jeff gets good marks. MVP?· Bite his word on. Technology has rubbed off 15% Discount for Conn. Students me. Jose Canstrikeout. The Yankees on us: we no longer write the article by on parts, accessories and clothing have instilled in Dave a new hope for the hand, and we have E-MaiL You can human race. At this rate he will arrive at with college 10. write to us, but don't expect a reply, as total consciousness sometime inNovem- neither of us knows how to use ~e ber. So he's got that going for him, which damn thing. We will leave you With is nice. The behavior of the fans at Yan- WAYFARER bicycle Julius Caeser's a~t~al last words, kee stadium during Wednesday nighfs "Semper ubi sub ubi. 120 ocean ave. new london, ct. 06320 game was inexcusable, nonetheless. ThIS (203) 443-8250 October 10. /995 .. Page 16 SPORTS Women's Cross Country finishes sixth at the Trinity Invitational - last year's results. At the same MAlTHEW SoruPAK Invitational, Marsh finished 17ltColltgt Voice with a time over five minutes ------faster and finished 67 places On Saturday, the women's higher. Schultz had a time of cross country team participated 21:50,anexcellentimprovement in the Trinity College Invite- on last year's time of 25:34. She tional. This annual five-kilome- also finished 54 places higher, ter race was held at Wickham and broke into the top 30 over- Parkin Hartford, and it included a total of ten colleges. The host, al~ammy Wilcox, from the Trinity College, finished first, CoastGuardAcademy,finished eightpointsaheadofQuinrlipiac first in the Trinity Invitational College. Connecticut College, with a time of 18:37. She was though finishing sixth overall, followed by Gretchen Wagner, . Rick Strattoll/Sports Editor had a number of great perfor- also from the Coast Guard, with Brian Diamond in action earlier this season. mances. ,a time of 18:52. According to Meghan Clay, the team s cap- clay, 'Wilcox and Wagnerwere tam and number-one runn~r, probably the strongest runners Men's soccer on par for nationals had the best time for the Camels. at the Invitational." Despite the ' f sophomore Mohammed Diagne Her time of 19:43 was thirteen ood finishes by Wilcox and have six gamesI ert, ft th ree 0 which are tough," commented recieved his second yellow card seconds faster than herhme last t\,a ner, the Coast Guard fin- BY RICK STRA rrore year, and It placed her fourth ished third overall. . Sports Editor senior captain Chris Quercia. "If of the game, this time for a high overall. Latoya Marsh was the Following the Trinity Invita- we can get through Williams, kick, and the team had to playa next Conn runner to cross .t~e tional, Conn's overall record Onceagaina Conn sports team Wheaton, and Bates with atleast man down for the second half of finish line, as s~e posted a time nowstandsat35-27,anda record is flirting with being the school's atwo-and-one record, then we'd overtime. of 21:28, at 22nd place overall. of 2-7 in NESCAC. The team first team to be sent to the NCAA have a good shot." So Wesleyan had a nice op- Sherri Schultz, Maya Falck, and will run in the "BowdoinCollege post season tournament. This A good deal of such optimism portunity, but Conn's defense remained solid and secured the \..i53oHolowesko a\\ had strong lrwltat\ona\ th\s weekend. This time the men's soccer team is on is last Saturday's big win against caces as.'-"le\\. . wi.\\ give the Camels an oppor- track to claim one of the spots in westeyen. Conn traveled over 1-0 win for the Camels. "The Clay was very pleased With .. th . NESCAC to MiddJetown, Connecticut for game was a team effort," said . th T.. tunity to improve err- the Division III NationaJs. me reem's showrng er e nn- d Here's the scenarro for the a match against the 5-1 Cardi- Quercia. "People came off the fly InviratfonaJ, and said, Hit r~oI1 .• , seemed as though everyone had onn s women s cross cou~- team to be eligible for the post rials, and forsupremacy in Con- bench and played really well. a great race. Wickham Park is try doesn't ra~eat ho~~ un~ll season: first and foremost, Conn necticut. We just wore them down." not a East course; and we al! stil! the NESCAC finals, which will must win all or close to all of the Play was tight and through Quercia noted the play of senior managed to finish with very be held on October 28. If they rest of their games. Then, with a both halves and' by the end of Derek Crump as an example. good times." continue with their strong per- post season configuration that the game, the teams found them- _"The Crump kid played some Latoya Marsh and Sherri formances, the .Can:e~s should seems as screwy as the new pro selves lied at zero. About half- serious minutes [on Saturday] Schultz had the most noticeable have an excellent finish to an baseball playoff format, Conn way through overtime, things and really played hard," improvements in comparison to already stellar season. would be put in a New York, finally got interesting. First, The next hurtle for theCamels New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode freshman Jonah Fontela, con- comes this Wednesday at home Island conference, of which they tinuing his stellar play, picked versus Albertus Magnus. are undefeated, and could be offan errant Wesleyan defender Albertus is not known for their Tennis team posts a strong selected. clear and it spun into the goal to soccer prowess, but now every Fairly confusing for a team put COIUlahead. game is important for them so Homecoming victory and that had such a shaky start. "We Then, to make things difficult, come down and yell loud. positive," said Yeary. "Theteam , """{~~. r: needs to realize the effective- ~~~::;e~~~h~d~:in~~~~..Jt.'~,i~T",' reverses trend of tough losses ness of practice is related to the 7-2 victory, prompting effectiveness of a match." freshman Jaime Viola to BY Doue PIERCE one of these matches, against Despite the team's losing exclaim, "We played phe- TIlt College Voice Trinity, did Yeary feel that the record, there have been many nomenally."Coach Yeary .. team was "overmatched." "They positives this year. The team is added, "This is the win The women's tennis team con- [Trinity] are one olthe strongest livery cohesive and fun to work we've been looking for." tinues to work through its way teams we've had to play," said with," states Yeary. The doubles The team was strong all through a difficult schedule, and Yeary. team of Robin Mancuso and around, with the doubles although they have suffered The close losses to Salve SharynMiskovitz has been play- teams doing exception- some tough losses, Coach Sheryl Regina and Springfield may ing well, and freshman Jaime ally well, winning three Yeary's outlook for the team is have adversely affected the Viola has been one of the teams matches for the first time still positive. "We're a good team's confidence. As Coach bright spots. all season. team. We just need a win to re- Yeary said of losing close Co-captain Beth Fried contin- The match also at- mind us that we know how to matches, "What happens is you ues to play "tough, close tracted one of the team's win." begin to doubt yourself. We need matches," and the team in gen- larger crowds, which In recent weeks the team has to work hard. We're in a hole." eral is "very capable ofwinning," Coach Yeary claims is dropped close decisions to Trin- According to the Coach, the assures Coach Yeary helpful in maintaining '-- ~~-"--'--'__'--"''__' ---' ity, Salve Regina, and Spring- solution to the confidence prob- Coach Yeary's sentiments team confidence. "The Rick Stratton!Sporls Editor field, all "tough matches," in the lem is hard work in practice. rang true on Saturday's home- fans were great," said Beth Fried helps Conn to a win against words of Coach Yeary. In only "We need a hard practice to feel coming match versus Umass- Viola. Darmouth. Athlete of the Week

This week's award goes to one other than sophomore Matt Santo. This number one runner on the cross country team blew away the field at the Trinity Invitational and set a new meet record. Mr. Santo's efforts place a warm, fuzzy feeling the hearts of every ~ \.... Voice employee.