

Knowledge of Politics and Society 2008


FINNISH SOCIAL SCIENCE DATA ARCHIVE The bibliographic citation for this codebook: Knowledge of Politics and Society 2008 [codebook]. Finnish Social Science Data Archive [pro- ducer and distributor], 2018.

This codebook has been generated from the version 3.0 (19.7.2018) of the data.

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$ Koodikirjoitin.py v36 @ 2020-03-05 10:26:06.698000 $ To the reader

This codebook is part of the data FSD2499 archived at the FSD (Finnish Social Science Data Archive).The dataset has been described in as much detail as possible in Finnish and English. Variable frequencies, variable and value labels, and missing values have been checked. If neces- sary, the data have been anonymised. The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication. The bibliographic citation suggested by the archive:

Elo, Kimmo (University of ) & Rapeli, Lauri (University of Turku): Knowl- edge of Politics and Society 2008 [dataset]. Version 3.0 (2018-07-19). Finnish So- cial Science Data Archive [distributor]. http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2499

The user shall notify the archive of all publications where she or he has used the data. The original data creators and the archive bear no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the reuse of the data. The codebook contains information on data content, structure and data collection, and includes a list of publications wholly or in part based on the data, according to publication informa- tion received by the FSD. The second part of the codebook contains information on variables: question texts, response options, and frequencies. The third part contains indexes. Variable distributions presented in this codebook have been generated from the SPSS files. Dis- tribution tables present variable values, frequencies (n), frequency percentages (%), and valid percentages (v. %) which take into account missing data. All distributions are unweighted. If the data contain weight variables, these will be found at the end of the variables list. In some cases frequency distributions have been substituted by descriptive statistics. Categorised responses to open-ended questions are not always included in the codebook. Distributions may contain missing data. The note "System missing (SYSMIS)" refers to missing observations (e.g. a re- spondent has not answered all questions) whereas "Missing (User missing)" refers to data the user has defined as missing. For example, the user may decide to code answer alternatives ’don’t want to say’ or ’can’t say’ as missing data. The codebook may contain attached files, the most common one being the questionnaire.


1 Study description 1 1.1 Titles ...... 1 1.2 Subject description ...... 1 1.3 Structure and collection of the data ...... 3 1.4 Use of data ...... 4

2 Variables 7

3 Indexes 155 3.1 Variables in the order of occurrence ...... 155 3.2 Variables in alphabetical order ...... 172

A Questionnaire in Finnish 189


Chapter 1

Study description

1.1 Titles

Titles and data version: Knowledge of Politics and Society 2008 Titles and data version in Finnish: Yhteiskuntatutkimus 2008 This codebook has been generated from the version 3.0 (19.7.2018) of the data.

1.2 Subject description

Authoring entity

Elo, Kimmo (University of Turku. Department of Political Science) Rapeli, Lauri (University of Turku. Department of Political Science)

Copyright statement for the data

In accordance with the agreement between FSD and the depositor.


Elo, Kimmo (University of Turku. Department of Political Science)

Date of deposit


1 1. Study description


Internet use; mass media use; political awareness; political interest; political participation; po- litical systems; voting

Topic Classification

Fields of Science Classification: Social sciences Other Classification: , political systems and organisations; Political behaviour and attitudes

Series description

The data belong to the series:

Individual datasets

Individual datasets that do not belong to any series.


The survey charted political knowledge of the , focusing on basic political concepts, the political systems of and the EU, and Finnish national economy. Opinions on politics and were also surveyed. The data were collected as part of the research project "Knowledge of Politics in International Comparison 2007-2010" at the University of Turku. The same questions were presented in other surveys conducted by the project: FSD2343 Knowledge of Politics and Society 2008: Turku Region Upper Secondary Schools 2007-2008 and FSD2344 Knowledge of Politics and Society 2008: Turku Region Vocational Institutions 2007-2008. The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Education and Culture provided funding for the project. First, opinions on politics were charted. The respondents were asked how interested they were in politics, how much information they had received from various sources (e.g. from educa- tional institutes at different levels, friends, home) to understand social and political issues, how close they felt to specific political parties or civic/voluntary organisations and on what grounds they made their party/candidate choice in elections. Further questions covered the perceived importance of voting in different elections, the respondent’s political and civic participation and participation methods. The respondents also rated how important they held a number of sources to be for obtaining political and social information (e.g. television, radio, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, events, contacts with decision-makers, personal communication). Tele- vision, radio, newspaper and Internet use was charted as well as reasons for using the Internet. Next, political knowledge and knowledge of the Finnish political system were studied. The respondents were asked to assess the level of their own political and social knowledge. A num- ber of questions explored knowledge on what the concepts of politics, democracy and politi- cal left and right entail. The respondents also graded the functionality of Finnish democracy and placed themselves on the left-right axis. Further questions investigated factual knowledge

2 1.3. Structure and collection of the data on Finnish , proportional electoral system, electoral districts, functions of political parties, functions and powers of Parliament and the Prime Minister, parties represented in the coalition government and Parliament, elections, national incomes policy negotiations, etc. Knowledge on EU issues was charted by asking the respondents when Finland had become a member state, which countries were members in the EU or belonged to the euro zone, powers of the EU, to which EU institution representatives were elected by direct vote, how many votes Finland had in the Council of Ministers, how many members Finland had in the European Parliament, what were powers of the Parliament and the length of the electoral period. Knowledge on Finnish national economy was explored through questions on local taxation, state budget, impact of inflation on purchasing power, and state income tax. The categorised variables ending in letter l contain the distributions of correct answers to ques- tions examining the respondents’ knowledge. Background variables included the respondent’s gender, year of birth, municipality of residence, education, field of study if had university edu- cation, marital status, number of children, type of neighbourhood, economic activity and occu- pational status, type of employer, annual gross income of the household, and mother tongue.

1.3 Structure and collection of the data

Country: Finland Geographic coverage: Finland Analysis or observation unit type: Individual Universe: Finnish citizens aged 18 or over living in Finland, excluding the Åland Islands Collection date: February 2008 – March 2008 Data collector(s): Taloustutkimus Mode of data collection: Face-to-face interview Type of research instrument: Structured questionnaire Time period covered: 2008 Time method of the data collection: Cross-section Number of variables and cases: The data contain 345 variables and 1020 cases. Sampling procedure: Probability: Stratified Quota sampling based on age, gender and municipality of residence. Interviews were conducted by using the starting point method. Five interviews were conducted from each randomly selected starting address.

3 1. Study description

1.4 Use of data

Related publications

Elo, Kimmo (2009). Asking Factual Knowledge Questions. Reliability in Web-based, Passive Sampling Surveys. Social Science Computer Review OnlineFirst, published on August 20, 2009. doi:10.1177/0894439309339306 Elo, Kimmo (2009). Kiinnostuksesta se kaikki lähtee... Havaintoja äänestysikää lähestyvien nuorten politiikkatietämyksestä. Kasvatus 40(1), 36-48. Elo, Kimmo (2009). Poliittinen tietämys ja puolueiden tulevaisuus. Teoksessa: Puolueiden tule- vaisuus (toim. Rauli Mickelsson), 65-95. : Oikeusministeriö. - (Oikeusministeriön julka- isuja 2009: 6) Elo, Kimmo & Rapeli, Lauri (2008). Suomalaisten politiikkatietämys. Helsinki: Edita Prima. Oikeusministeriön julkaisuja 2008:6. Elo, Kimmo & Rapeli, Lauri (2010). Determinants of Political Knowledge: The Effects of the Media on Knowledge and Information. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 20(1), 133-146. DOI: 10.1080/17457280903450799 Rapeli, Lauri (2010). Politiikkatietämyksen ajallinen vaihtelu Suomessa. Politiikka, 52(2), 133- 139. Rapeli, Lauri (2010). Tietääkö kansa? Kansalaisten politiikkatietämys teoreettisessa ja empi- irisessä tarkastelussa. Turku: Turun yliopisto. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja C;296. Rapeli, Lauri (2014). Eduskunta ja kansalaismielipide. Teoksessa: Eduskunta. Kansanvaltaa puolueiden ja hallituksen ehdoilla (toim. Raunio, Tapio & Wiberg, Matti), 51-65. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. Tolonen, Emilia (2011). Mikä motivoi liittoon?. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Valtio-opin pro gradu-tutkielma. urn:nbn:fi:uta-1-22422 Updated list of publications in the study description at


Related studies

FSD2343 Knowledge of Politics and Society 2008: Turku Region Upper Secondary Schools 2007-2008 FSD2344 Knowledge of Politics and Society 2008: Turku Region Vocational Institutions 2007- 2008

Related material

Elo, Kimmo & Rapeli, Lauri (2008). Suomalaisten politiikkatietämys. Helsinki: Edita Prima. Oikeusministeriön julkaisuja 2008:6.

4 1.4. Use of data

Rapeli, Lauri (2010). Tietääkö kansa? Kansalaisten politiikkatietämys teoreettisessa ja empi- irisessä tarkastelussa. Turku: Turun yliopisto. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja C;296.

Location of the data collection

Finnish Social Science Data Archive


There are no weight variables in the data.


The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.


Chapter 2


[FSD_NO] FSD study number


FSD study number

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 2499.00 maximum 2499.00 mean 2499.00 standard deviation 0.00

[FSD_VR] FSD edition number


FSD edition number

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 3.00 maximum 3.00 mean 3.00 standard deviation 0.00

7 2. Variables

[FSD_ID] FSD case id


FSD case id

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 1.00 maximum 1020.00 mean 510.50 standard deviation 294.59

[TT1] The respondent’s gender


The respondent’s gender


label value n % v. % Male 1 515 50.5 50.5 Female 2 505 49.5 49.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT2] The respondent’s year of birth


The respondent’s year of birth

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 1917.00 maximum 1990.00 mean 1959.04 standard deviation 17.75

8 TT4

[TT3] The respondent’s municipality of residence


The respondent’s municipality of residence

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 6.00 maximum 980.00 mean 410.05 standard deviation 299.30

[TT4] The respondent’s education or the education level the respondent’s full-time study aims at


The respondent’s education or the education level the respondent’s full-time study aims at


label value n % v. % Primary education 1 188 18.4 18.4 Lower secondary education 2 100 9.8 9.8 Upper secondary education (vocational) 3 261 25.6 25.6 General upper secondary education (no vocational ed- 4 65 6.4 6.4 ucation) Vocational college (post-secondary) 5 158 15.5 15.5 Upper vocational degree, university of applied sci- 6 94 9.2 9.2 ences / polytechnic degree Lower academic degree (Bachelor’s) 7 39 3.8 3.8 Higher academic degree (Master’s) 8 99 9.7 9.7 Licentiate or doctoral degree 9 15 1.5 1.5 Other education 10 1 0.1 0.1 Can’t say 104 0 0.0 0.0 1020 100.0 100.0

9 2. Variables

[TT5] If you have a higher education degree, which of the following did you study as your major subject?


If you have a higher education degree, which of the following did you study as your major subject?


label value n % v. % Humanities/Arts 1 34 3.3 22.2 Law 2 3 0.3 2.0 Economics 3 12 1.2 7.8 Social sciences 4 25 2.5 16.3 Medicine 5 11 1.1 7.2 Natural sciences 6 23 2.3 15.0 Engineering 7 18 1.8 11.8 Educational science (including teacher education) 8 17 1.7 11.1 None of the above 9 10 1.0 6.5 System missing (SYSMIS) . 867 85.0 – 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT6] The respondent’s marital status


The respondent’s marital status


label value n % v. % Single, never married 1 230 22.5 22.5 Married or in registered partnership 2 433 42.5 42.5 Cohabiting 3 143 14.0 14.0 Divorced or separated 4 138 13.5 13.5 Widowed 5 75 7.4 7.4 Other 6 1 0.1 0.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT7] Are there children in your household?


Are there children in your household?

10 TT7B2


label value n % v. % No 1 718 70.4 70.4 Yes 2 302 29.6 29.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT7B1] How many children live in your household?


How many children live in your household?


label value n % v. % 1 113 11.1 37.4 2 127 12.5 42.1 3 39 3.8 12.9 4 12 1.2 4.0 5 4 0.4 1.3 7 2 0.2 0.7 8 1 0.1 0.3 9 1 0.1 0.3 Didn’t respond 104 3 0.3 1.0 System missing (SYSMIS) . 718 70.4 – 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT7B2] How many of the children are under 18 years old?


How many of the children are under 18 years old?


label value n % v. % 1 119 11.7 39.4 2 117 11.5 38.7 3 33 3.2 10.9 4 11 1.1 3.6 5 5 0.5 1.7

(continued on next page)

11 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % 7 1 0.1 0.3 8 1 0.1 0.3 9 1 0.1 0.3 Didn’t respond 104 14 1.4 4.6 System missing (SYSMIS) . 718 70.4 – 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT8] Type of neighbourhood where the respondent lives


Type of neighbourhood where the respondent lives


label value n % v. % City centre 1 193 18.9 18.9 City/town suburb 2 533 52.3 52.3 Municipal centre or population centre in a rural area 3 209 20.5 20.5 Sparsely populated rural area 4 85 8.3 8.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT9] The respondent’s economic activity and occupational status


The respondent’s economic activity and occupational status


label value n % v. % Higher managerial employee 1 18 1.8 1.8 Lower managerial/professional employee 2 97 9.5 9.5 Intermediate level employee 3 101 9.9 9.9 Worker 4 223 21.9 21.9 Farmer 5 9 0.9 0.9 Entrepreneur, self-employed, own account worker 6 52 5.1 5.1 Student 7 90 8.8 8.8 I take care of children/home/family members 8 36 3.5 3.5

(continued on next page)

12 TT11

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Unemployed/laid off 9 56 5.5 5.5 Pensioner/retired 10 332 32.5 32.5 Other 11 6 0.6 0.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT10] The respondent’s employer type


The respondent’s employer type


label value n % v. % Municipality/municipal federation 1 126 12.4 12.4 Municipal company/utility 2 7 0.7 0.7 Government/state/other public employer 3 63 6.2 6.2 So called third sector (e.g. non-profit organisation) 4 17 1.7 1.7 Own company/self-employed 5 56 5.5 5.5 Company 6 256 25.1 25.1 Not in employment 7 463 45.4 45.4 Other 8 32 3.1 3.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT11] The total gross annual income of the household


The total gross annual income of the household


label value n % v. % Under 10,000 euros 1 117 11.5 11.5 10,001 - 20,000 euros 2 184 18.0 18.0 20,001 - 30,000 euros 3 194 19.0 19.0 30,001 - 40,000 euros 4 153 15.0 15.0 40,001 - 55,000 euros 5 117 11.5 11.5 55,001 - 65,000 euros 6 84 8.2 8.2

(continued on next page)

13 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % 65,001 - 75,000 euros 7 39 3.8 3.8 75,001 - 85,000 euros 8 24 2.4 2.4 85,001 - 95,000 euros 9 12 1.2 1.2 95,001 - 110,000 euros 10 21 2.1 2.1 Over 110,000 euros 11 11 1.1 1.1 Didn’t respond 104 64 6.3 6.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT12] Mother tongue


Mother tongue


label value n % v. % Finnish 1 993 97.4 97.4 Swedish 2 19 1.9 1.9 Other 3 8 0.8 0.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT13] How interested are you in politics?


How interested are you in politics?


label value n % v. % Very interested 1 124 12.2 12.2 Fairly interested 2 481 47.2 47.2 Only slightly interested 3 302 29.6 29.6 Not at all interested 4 113 11.1 11.1 Can’t say 104 0 0.0 0.0 1020 100.0 100.0

14 TT14_2

[TT14_1] How much knowledge would you say you have gained about so- cial and political matters: In primary and lower secondary school


How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In primary and lower secondary school


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 8 0.8 0.8 Very good 1 22 2.2 2.2 Good 2 193 18.9 18.9 Average 3 462 45.3 45.3 Weak 4 260 25.5 25.5 None 5 67 6.6 6.6 No experience 6 8 0.8 0.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT14_2] How much knowledge would you say you have gained about so- cial and political matters: In general upper secondary school (high school)


How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In general upper secondary school (high school)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 17 1.7 1.7 Very good 1 26 2.5 2.5 Good 2 179 17.5 17.5 Average 3 156 15.3 15.3 Weak 4 38 3.7 3.7 None 5 33 3.2 3.2 No experience 6 571 56.0 56.0 1020 100.0 100.0

15 2. Variables

[TT14_3] How much knowledge would you say you have gained about so- cial and political matters: In vocational upper secondary school / university of applied sciences (polytechnic)


How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In vocational upper secondary school / university of applied sciences (polytechnic)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 12 1.2 1.2 Very good 1 27 2.6 2.6 Good 2 131 12.8 12.8 Average 3 175 17.2 17.2 Weak 4 123 12.1 12.1 None 5 72 7.1 7.1 No experience 6 480 47.1 47.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT14_4] How much knowledge would you say you have gained about so- cial and political matters: In university


How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In university


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 20 2.0 2.0 Very good 1 29 2.8 2.8 Good 2 56 5.5 5.5 Average 3 50 4.9 4.9 Weak 4 44 4.3 4.3 None 5 43 4.2 4.2 No experience 6 778 76.3 76.3 1020 100.0 100.0

16 TT14_6

[TT14_5] How much knowledge would you say you have gained about so- cial and political matters: At home


How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: At home


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 3 0.3 0.3 Very good 1 63 6.2 6.2 Good 2 278 27.3 27.3 Average 3 368 36.1 36.1 Weak 4 221 21.7 21.7 None 5 72 7.1 7.1 No experience 6 15 1.5 1.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT14_6] How much knowledge would you say you have gained about so- cial and political matters: Among friends and/or acquaintances


How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: Among friends and/or acquaintances


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 4 0.4 0.4 Very good 1 42 4.1 4.1 Good 2 238 23.3 23.3 Average 3 408 40.0 40.0 Weak 4 242 23.7 23.7 None 5 81 7.9 7.9 No experience 6 5 0.5 0.5 1020 100.0 100.0

17 2. Variables

[TT14_7] How much knowledge would you say you have gained about so- cial and political matters: From self-study


How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: From self-study


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 7 0.7 0.7 Very good 1 76 7.5 7.5 Good 2 276 27.1 27.1 Average 3 316 31.0 31.0 Weak 4 161 15.8 15.8 None 5 115 11.3 11.3 No experience 6 69 6.8 6.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT15_1] How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: (KOK)


How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: National Coalition Party (KOK)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 10 1.0 1.0 Very close 1 47 4.6 4.6 Close 2 164 16.1 16.1 Neither distant nor close 3 295 28.9 28.9 Distant 4 329 32.3 32.3 Very distant 5 175 17.2 17.2 1020 100.0 100.0

18 TT15_4

[TT15_2] How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)


How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 12 1.2 1.2 Very close 1 43 4.2 4.2 Close 2 210 20.6 20.6 Neither distant nor close 3 328 32.2 32.2 Distant 4 308 30.2 30.2 Very distant 5 119 11.7 11.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT15_3] How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: of Finland (KESK)


How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 12 1.2 1.2 Very close 1 38 3.7 3.7 Close 2 187 18.3 18.3 Neither distant nor close 3 370 36.3 36.3 Distant 4 294 28.8 28.8 Very distant 5 119 11.7 11.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT15_4] How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: True Finns (PS)


How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: True Finns (PS)

19 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 18 1.8 1.8 Very close 1 15 1.5 1.5 Close 2 85 8.3 8.3 Neither distant nor close 3 259 25.4 25.4 Distant 4 367 36.0 36.0 Very distant 5 276 27.1 27.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT15_5] How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP)


How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 14 1.4 1.4 Very close 1 5 0.5 0.5 Close 2 42 4.1 4.1 Neither distant nor close 3 176 17.3 17.3 Distant 4 354 34.7 34.7 Very distant 5 429 42.1 42.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT15_6] How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Christian Democrats (KD)


How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Christian Democrats (KD)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 14 1.4 1.4

(continued on next page) 20 TT15_8

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very close 1 11 1.1 1.1 Close 2 77 7.5 7.5 Neither distant nor close 3 231 22.6 22.6 Distant 4 373 36.6 36.6 Very distant 5 314 30.8 30.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT15_7] How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: (VIHR)


How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Green League (VIHR)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 13 1.3 1.3 Very close 1 30 2.9 2.9 Close 2 210 20.6 20.6 Neither distant nor close 3 290 28.4 28.4 Distant 4 296 29.0 29.0 Very distant 5 181 17.7 17.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT15_8] How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: (VAS)


How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Left Alliance (VAS)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 14 1.4 1.4 Very close 1 24 2.4 2.4 Close 2 95 9.3 9.3

(continued on next page)

21 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Neither distant nor close 3 239 23.4 23.4 Distant 4 351 34.4 34.4 Very distant 5 297 29.1 29.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT16_1] How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Amnesty International


How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Amnesty International


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 3 0.3 0.3 Very close 1 33 3.2 3.2 Close 2 206 20.2 20.2 Neither distant nor close 3 284 27.8 27.8 Distant 4 193 18.9 18.9 Very distant 5 110 10.8 10.8 I don’t know about the organisation’s activities 6 191 18.7 18.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT16_2] How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Greenpeace


How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Greenpeace


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 4 0.4 0.4 Very close 1 17 1.7 1.7 Close 2 154 15.1 15.1

(continued on next page)

22 TT16_4

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Neither distant nor close 3 333 32.6 32.6 Distant 4 257 25.2 25.2 Very distant 5 168 16.5 16.5 I don’t know about the organisation’s activities 6 87 8.5 8.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT16_3] How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: ATTAC


How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: ATTAC


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 7 0.7 0.7 Very close 1 5 0.5 0.5 Close 2 16 1.6 1.6 Neither distant nor close 3 70 6.9 6.9 Distant 4 136 13.3 13.3 Very distant 5 136 13.3 13.3 I don’t know about the organisation’s activities 6 650 63.7 63.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT16_4] How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Friends of the Earth


How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Friends of the Earth


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 7 0.7 0.7 Very close 1 2 0.2 0.2

(continued on next page)

23 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Close 2 43 4.2 4.2 Neither distant nor close 3 128 12.5 12.5 Distant 4 142 13.9 13.9 Very distant 5 115 11.3 11.3 I don’t know about the organisation’s activities 6 583 57.2 57.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT16_5] How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Transparency International


How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Transparency International


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 4 0.4 0.4 Very close 1 3 0.3 0.3 Close 2 17 1.7 1.7 Neither distant nor close 3 51 5.0 5.0 Distant 4 63 6.2 6.2 Very distant 5 72 7.1 7.1 I don’t know about the organisation’s activities 6 810 79.4 79.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT16_6] How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Committee of 100 in Finland


How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Committee of 100 in Finland


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 4 0.4 0.4

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24 TT16_8

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very close 1 2 0.2 0.2 Close 2 14 1.4 1.4 Neither distant nor close 3 61 6.0 6.0 Distant 4 143 14.0 14.0 Very distant 5 166 16.3 16.3 I don’t know about the organisation’s activities 6 630 61.8 61.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT16_7] How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Oikeutta eläimille (’Justice for An- imals’)


How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Oikeutta eläimille (’Justice for Animals’)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 5 0.5 0.5 Very close 1 34 3.3 3.3 Close 2 195 19.1 19.1 Neither distant nor close 3 260 25.5 25.5 Distant 4 200 19.6 19.6 Very distant 5 182 17.8 17.8 I don’t know about the organisation’s activities 6 144 14.1 14.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT16_8] How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Finnish Association for Nature Conservation


How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Finnish Association for Nature Conservation


25 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 4 0.4 0.4 Very close 1 61 6.0 6.0 Close 2 383 37.5 37.5 Neither distant nor close 3 329 32.3 32.3 Distant 4 141 13.8 13.8 Very distant 5 58 5.7 5.7 I don’t know about the organisation’s activities 6 44 4.3 4.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT17A] In which of the following elections do you consider it very impor- tant for you to vote: Municipal elections


In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: Municipal elections


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 355 34.8 34.8 Mentioned 1 665 65.2 65.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT17B] In which of the following elections do you consider it very impor- tant for you to vote: Parliamentary elections


In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: Parlia- mentary elections


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 266 26.1 26.1 Mentioned 1 754 73.9 73.9 1020 100.0 100.0

26 TT17E

[TT17C] In which of the following elections do you consider it very impor- tant for you to vote: Presidential elections


In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: Presidential elections


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 367 36.0 36.0 Mentioned 1 653 64.0 64.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT17D] In which of the following elections do you consider it very impor- tant for you to vote: European Parliament elections


In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: European Parliament elections


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 753 73.8 73.8 Mentioned 1 267 26.2 26.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT17E] In which of the following elections do you consider it very impor- tant for you to vote: I don’t consider voting important


In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: I don’t consider voting important


27 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 951 93.2 93.2 Mentioned 1 69 6.8 6.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT18] Which of the following best describes the way you decide on the party and/or candidate you vote for?


Which of the following best describes the way you decide on the party and/or candidate you vote for?


label value n % v. % I always vote for a candidate of one particular party 1 263 25.8 27.7 I vote for the party/candidate that seems the best in 2 309 30.3 32.5 my opinion I find out about the opinions of parties/candidates on 3 322 31.6 33.9 things important to me and I vote for the most suitable candidate I use an online candidate selector to find me a suitable 4 51 5.0 5.4 candidate Can’t say 104 6 0.6 0.6 System missing (SYSMIS) . 69 6.8 – 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT19_1] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Writing a letter to the editor


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Writing a letter to the editor


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 4 0.4 0.4 Very meaningful 1 93 9.1 9.1 Meaningful 2 273 26.8 26.8

(continued on next page)

28 TT19_3

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Somewhat meaningful 3 331 32.5 32.5 Not at all meaningful 4 319 31.3 31.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT19_2] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in a demonstration


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in a demonstration


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 2 0.2 0.2 Very meaningful 1 27 2.6 2.6 Meaningful 2 73 7.2 7.2 Somewhat meaningful 3 238 23.3 23.3 Not at all meaningful 4 680 66.7 66.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT19_3] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Voting in elections


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Voting in elections


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 3 0.3 0.3 Very meaningful 1 537 52.6 52.6 Meaningful 2 315 30.9 30.9 Somewhat meaningful 3 123 12.1 12.1 Not at all meaningful 4 42 4.1 4.1 1020 100.0 100.0

29 2. Variables

[TT19_4] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in the activities of a politi- cal party or a political organisation


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in the activities of a political party or a political organisation


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 9 0.9 0.9 Very meaningful 1 40 3.9 3.9 Meaningful 2 157 15.4 15.4 Somewhat meaningful 3 310 30.4 30.4 Not at all meaningful 4 504 49.4 49.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT19_5] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participation in the activities of a non- political organisation or association


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participation in the activities of a non-political organisation or association


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 7 0.7 0.7 Very meaningful 1 122 12.0 12.0 Meaningful 2 320 31.4 31.4 Somewhat meaningful 3 313 30.7 30.7 Not at all meaningful 4 258 25.3 25.3 1020 100.0 100.0

30 TT19_8

[TT19_6] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Protest voting


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Protest voting


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 14 1.4 1.4 Very meaningful 1 25 2.5 2.5 Meaningful 2 81 7.9 7.9 Somewhat meaningful 3 189 18.5 18.5 Not at all meaningful 4 711 69.7 69.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT19_7] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Contacting a decision-maker (e.g. a politi- cian, public servant)


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Contacting a decision-maker (e.g. a politician, public servant)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 8 0.8 0.8 Very meaningful 1 111 10.9 10.9 Meaningful 2 284 27.8 27.8 Somewhat meaningful 3 337 33.0 33.0 Not at all meaningful 4 280 27.5 27.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT19_8] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Citizen activism (e.g. boycotts, squatting)


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Citizen activism (e.g. boycotts, squatting)

31 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 7 0.7 0.7 Very meaningful 1 30 2.9 2.9 Meaningful 2 121 11.9 11.9 Somewhat meaningful 3 254 24.9 24.9 Not at all meaningful 4 608 59.6 59.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT19_9] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in an election campaign


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in an election campaign


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 12 1.2 1.2 Very meaningful 1 37 3.6 3.6 Meaningful 2 131 12.8 12.8 Somewhat meaningful 3 296 29.0 29.0 Not at all meaningful 4 544 53.3 53.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT19_10] Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participation on the Internet (e.g. online petitions, polls, discussions)


Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participation on the Internet (e.g. online petitions, polls, discussions)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 22 2.2 2.2

(continued on next page)

32 TT20_2

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very meaningful 1 74 7.3 7.3 Meaningful 2 221 21.7 21.7 Somewhat meaningful 3 291 28.5 28.5 Not at all meaningful 4 412 40.4 40.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_1] How actively do you participate in the activities of the follow- ing non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A producer or business organisation


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A producer or business organisation


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 3 0.3 0.3 Very actively 1 8 0.8 0.8 Actively 2 27 2.6 2.6 Occasionally 3 91 8.9 8.9 I don’t participate in the activities 4 891 87.4 87.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_2] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A trade union or professional organisation


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A trade union or professional organisation


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 2 0.2 0.2

(continued on next page)

33 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very actively 1 32 3.1 3.1 Actively 2 89 8.7 8.7 Occasionally 3 302 29.6 29.6 I don’t participate in the activities 4 595 58.3 58.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_3] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A village or neigh- bourhood association


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A village or neighbourhood association


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 2 0.2 0.2 Very actively 1 8 0.8 0.8 Actively 2 29 2.8 2.8 Occasionally 3 175 17.2 17.2 I don’t participate in the activities 4 806 79.0 79.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_4] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A tenants’/residents’ association


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A tenants’/residents’ association


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 3 0.3 0.3

(continued on next page)

34 TT20_6

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very actively 1 26 2.5 2.5 Actively 2 74 7.3 7.3 Occasionally 3 169 16.6 16.6 I don’t participate in the activities 4 748 73.3 73.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_5] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A sports or fitness club/organisation


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A sports or fitness club/organisation


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 1 0.1 0.1 Very actively 1 62 6.1 6.1 Actively 2 140 13.7 13.7 Occasionally 3 209 20.5 20.5 I don’t participate in the activities 4 608 59.6 59.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_6] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A culture associa- tion


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A culture association


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 2 0.2 0.2

(continued on next page)

35 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very actively 1 22 2.2 2.2 Actively 2 71 7.0 7.0 Occasionally 3 173 17.0 17.0 I don’t participate in the activities 4 752 73.7 73.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_7] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A youth or student organisation


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A youth or student organisation


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 0 0.0 0.0 Very actively 1 17 1.7 1.7 Actively 2 26 2.5 2.5 Occasionally 3 118 11.6 11.6 I don’t participate in the activities 4 859 84.2 84.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_8] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: An association/organisation related to national defence


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: An association/organisation related to national defence


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 2 0.2 0.2

(continued on next page)

36 TT20_10

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very actively 1 15 1.5 1.5 Actively 2 30 2.9 2.9 Occasionally 3 84 8.2 8.2 I don’t participate in the activities 4 889 87.2 87.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_9] How actively do you participate in the activities of the follow- ing non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A pensioners’ association


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A pensioners’ association


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 2 0.2 0.2 Very actively 1 11 1.1 1.1 Actively 2 57 5.6 5.6 Occasionally 3 90 8.8 8.8 I don’t participate in the activities 4 860 84.3 84.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_10] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: An environmental organisation


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: An environmental organisation


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 4 0.4 0.4

(continued on next page)

37 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very actively 1 5 0.5 0.5 Actively 2 23 2.3 2.3 Occasionally 3 112 11.0 11.0 I don’t participate in the activities 4 876 85.9 85.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_11] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A volunteer organ- isation (e.g. Red Cross, Mannerheim League for Child Welfare)


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A volunteer organisation (e.g. Red Cross, Mannerheim League for Child Welfare)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 2 0.2 0.2 Very actively 1 27 2.6 2.6 Actively 2 79 7.7 7.7 Occasionally 3 253 24.8 24.8 I don’t participate in the activities 4 659 64.6 64.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_12] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A political organi- sation or party


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A political organisation or party


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 5 0.5 0.5

(continued on next page) 38 TT20_14

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very actively 1 21 2.1 2.1 Actively 2 33 3.2 3.2 Occasionally 3 102 10.0 10.0 I don’t participate in the activities 4 859 84.2 84.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_13] How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: A parents’ associ- ation (school, day care etc.)


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A parents’ association (school, day care etc.)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 6 0.6 0.6 Very actively 1 10 1.0 1.0 Actively 2 25 2.5 2.5 Occasionally 3 101 9.9 9.9 I don’t participate in the activities 4 878 86.1 86.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT20_14] How actively do you participate in the activities of the follow- ing non-governmental/civic organisations and associations: Other organi- sation/association


How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: Other organisation/association


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 5 0.5 0.5

(continued on next page)

39 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Very actively 1 34 3.3 3.3 Actively 2 112 11.0 11.0 Occasionally 3 168 16.5 16.5 I don’t participate in the activities 4 701 68.7 68.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_1] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A producer or business organisation


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A producer or business organisation


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 12 1.2 1.2 A way to spend leisure time 1 10 1.0 1.0 Civic participation / own conviction 2 30 2.9 2.9 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 45 4.4 4.4 etc.) Other reason 4 16 1.6 1.6 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 907 88.9 88.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_2] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A trade union or professional organisation


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A trade union or professional organisation


40 TT21_4

label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 9 0.9 0.9 A way to spend leisure time 1 29 2.8 2.8 Civic participation / own conviction 2 97 9.5 9.5 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 212 20.8 20.8 etc.) Other reason 4 36 3.5 3.5 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 637 62.5 62.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_3] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A village or neighbourhood association


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A village or neighbourhood association


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 9 0.9 0.9 A way to spend leisure time 1 30 2.9 2.9 Civic participation / own conviction 2 71 7.0 7.0 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 46 4.5 4.5 etc.) Other reason 4 30 2.9 2.9 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 834 81.8 81.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_4] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A tenants’/residents’ association


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A tenants’/residents’ asso- ciation


41 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 13 1.3 1.3 A way to spend leisure time 1 32 3.1 3.1 Civic participation / own conviction 2 76 7.5 7.5 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 85 8.3 8.3 etc.) Other reason 4 44 4.3 4.3 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 770 75.5 75.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_5] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A youth or student organisation


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A youth or student organi- sation


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 8 0.8 0.8 A way to spend leisure time 1 41 4.0 4.0 Civic participation / own conviction 2 29 2.8 2.8 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 44 4.3 4.3 etc.) Other reason 4 19 1.9 1.9 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 879 86.2 86.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_6] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: An association/organisation related to national defence


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: An association/organisation related to national defence


42 TT21_8

label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 12 1.2 1.2 A way to spend leisure time 1 11 1.1 1.1 Civic participation / own conviction 2 55 5.4 5.4 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 13 1.3 1.3 etc.) Other reason 4 20 2.0 2.0 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 909 89.1 89.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_7] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A pensioners’ association


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A pensioners’ association


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 12 1.2 1.2 A way to spend leisure time 1 56 5.5 5.5 Civic participation / own conviction 2 25 2.5 2.5 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 33 3.2 3.2 etc.) Other reason 4 18 1.8 1.8 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 876 85.9 85.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_8] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: An environmental organisation


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: An environmental organisation


43 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 12 1.2 1.2 A way to spend leisure time 1 8 0.8 0.8 Civic participation / own conviction 2 96 9.4 9.4 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 7 0.7 0.7 etc.) Other reason 4 22 2.2 2.2 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 875 85.8 85.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_9] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A political organisation or party


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A political organisation or party


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 8 0.8 0.8 A way to spend leisure time 1 6 0.6 0.6 Civic participation / own conviction 2 122 12.0 12.0 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 19 1.9 1.9 etc.) Other reason 4 14 1.4 1.4 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 851 83.4 83.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT21_10] If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A parents’ association (school, day care etc.)


If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A parents’ association (school, day care etc.)


44 TT23_1

label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 8 0.8 0.8 A way to spend leisure time 1 8 0.8 0.8 Civic participation / own conviction 2 34 3.3 3.3 Personal advantage (networks, career advancement 3 37 3.6 3.6 etc.) Other reason 4 39 3.8 3.8 Doesn’t participate in the activities 5 894 87.6 87.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT22] What is the number of associations you are a member of?


What is the number of associations you are a member of?


label value n % v. % 0 291 28.5 28.5 1 287 28.1 28.1 2 178 17.5 17.5 3 116 11.4 11.4 4 69 6.8 6.8 5 37 3.6 3.6 6 15 1.5 1.5 7 7 0.7 0.7 8 4 0.4 0.4 10 3 0.3 0.3 12 3 0.3 0.3 20 1 0.1 0.1 25 1 0.1 0.1 Can’t say 1004 8 0.8 0.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT23_1] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Television


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Television


45 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 0 0.0 0.0 Very important 1 292 28.6 28.6 Important 2 438 42.9 42.9 Fairly important 3 210 20.6 20.6 Not at all important 4 80 7.8 7.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT23_2] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: National or local newspapers


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: National or local newspapers


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 1 0.1 0.1 Very important 1 339 33.2 33.2 Important 2 434 42.5 42.5 Fairly important 3 202 19.8 19.8 Not at all important 4 44 4.3 4.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT23_3] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Tabloid news- papers


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Tabloid newspapers


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 0 0.0 0.0 Very important 1 59 5.8 5.8

(continued on next page)

46 TT23_5

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Important 2 150 14.7 14.7 Fairly important 3 301 29.5 29.5 Not at all important 4 510 50.0 50.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT23_4] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Radio


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Radio


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 0 0.0 0.0 Very important 1 152 14.9 14.9 Important 2 364 35.7 35.7 Fairly important 3 309 30.3 30.3 Not at all important 4 195 19.1 19.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT23_5] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Magazines


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Magazines


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 1 0.1 0.1 Very important 1 62 6.1 6.1 Important 2 235 23.0 23.0 Fairly important 3 415 40.7 40.7 Not at all important 4 307 30.1 30.1

(continued on next page)

47 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT23_6] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Professional magazines and literature


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Professional magazines and literature


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 7 0.7 0.7 Very important 1 115 11.3 11.3 Important 2 302 29.6 29.6 Fairly important 3 304 29.8 29.8 Not at all important 4 292 28.6 28.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT23_7] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Internet


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Internet


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 6 0.6 0.6 Very important 1 193 18.9 18.9 Important 2 277 27.2 27.2 Fairly important 3 202 19.8 19.8 Not at all important 4 342 33.5 33.5 1020 100.0 100.0

48 TT23_9

[TT23_8] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Participation in the activities of an organisation or a political party


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Participation in the activities of an organisation or a political party


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 6 0.6 0.6 Very important 1 37 3.6 3.6 Important 2 138 13.5 13.5 Fairly important 3 260 25.5 25.5 Not at all important 4 579 56.8 56.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT23_9] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Events organ- ised by authorities, organisations, educational institutions etc.


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Events organised by authorities, organisations, educational institutions etc.


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 8 0.8 0.8 Very important 1 42 4.1 4.1 Important 2 189 18.5 18.5 Fairly important 3 351 34.4 34.4 Not at all important 4 430 42.2 42.2 1020 100.0 100.0

49 2. Variables

[TT23_10] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Information portals/forums (e.g. Information, municipal information services)


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Information portals/forums (e.g. Europe Information, municipal information services)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 16 1.6 1.6 Very important 1 13 1.3 1.3 Important 2 162 15.9 15.9 Fairly important 3 333 32.6 32.6 Not at all important 4 496 48.6 48.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT23_11] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Contacting a decision-maker (a politician, public servant etc.)


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Contacting a decision-maker (a politician, public servant etc.)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 8 0.8 0.8 Very important 1 48 4.7 4.7 Important 2 178 17.5 17.5 Fairly important 3 320 31.4 31.4 Not at all important 4 466 45.7 45.7 1020 100.0 100.0

50 TT24_2

[TT23_12] How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on current social and political issues: Conversations with friends, family, acquaintances and/or colleagues etc.


How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Conversations with friends, family, acquaintances and/or col- leagues etc.


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 3 0.3 0.3 Very important 1 219 21.5 21.5 Important 2 368 36.1 36.1 Fairly important 3 341 33.4 33.4 Not at all important 4 89 8.7 8.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT24_1] How often do you usually follow politics on television?


How often do you usually follow politics on television?


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 2 0.2 0.2 Daily 1 531 52.1 52.1 2-6 times a week 2 229 22.5 22.5 Once a week or a few times a month 3 134 13.1 13.1 Once a month 4 72 7.1 7.1 Never 5 52 5.1 5.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT24_2] How often do you usually follow politics on the radio?


How often do you usually follow politics on the radio?

51 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 7 0.7 0.7 Daily 1 347 34.0 34.0 2-6 times a week 2 198 19.4 19.4 Once a week or a few times a month 3 174 17.1 17.1 Once a month 4 123 12.1 12.1 Never 5 171 16.8 16.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT25_1] How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Local news


How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Local news


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 1 0.1 0.1 Daily 1 638 62.5 62.5 2-6 times a week 2 226 22.2 22.2 Once a week or a few times a month 3 91 8.9 8.9 Once a month 4 40 3.9 3.9 Never 5 24 2.4 2.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT25_2] How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: National news


How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: National news


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 1 0.1 0.1 Daily 1 704 69.0 69.0

(continued on next page)

52 TT25_4

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % 2-6 times a week 2 186 18.2 18.2 Once a week or a few times a month 3 72 7.1 7.1 Once a month 4 39 3.8 3.8 Never 5 18 1.8 1.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT25_3] How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: World news


How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: World news


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 1 0.1 0.1 Daily 1 598 58.6 58.6 2-6 times a week 2 227 22.3 22.3 Once a week or a few times a month 3 107 10.5 10.5 Once a month 4 47 4.6 4.6 Never 5 40 3.9 3.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT25_4] How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Business news


How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Business news


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 3 0.3 0.3 Daily 1 310 30.4 30.4 2-6 times a week 2 231 22.6 22.6 Once a week or a few times a month 3 176 17.3 17.3 Once a month 4 145 14.2 14.2

(continued on next page)

53 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Never 5 155 15.2 15.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT25_5] How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Editorials and columns


How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Editorials and columns


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 3 0.3 0.3 Daily 1 327 32.1 32.1 2-6 times a week 2 275 27.0 27.0 Once a week or a few times a month 3 197 19.3 19.3 Once a month 4 127 12.5 12.5 Never 5 91 8.9 8.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT25_6] How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Expert columns (guest columns etc.)


How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Expert columns (guest columns etc.)


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 7 0.7 0.7 Daily 1 181 17.7 17.7 2-6 times a week 2 270 26.5 26.5 Once a week or a few times a month 3 274 26.9 26.9 Once a month 4 155 15.2 15.2 Never 5 133 13.0 13.0 1020 100.0 100.0

54 TT26_1_1

[TT25_7] How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Letters to the editor


How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Letters to the editor


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 3 0.3 0.3 Daily 1 337 33.0 33.0 2-6 times a week 2 290 28.4 28.4 Once a week or a few times a month 3 205 20.1 20.1 Once a month 4 115 11.3 11.3 Never 5 70 6.9 6.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT26_1_1] On average, how much time per day do you spend: Watching television (hours)


On average, how much time per day do you spend: Watching television (hours)


label value n % v. % 0 118 11.6 11.6 1 256 25.1 25.1 2 261 25.6 25.6 3 192 18.8 18.8 4 96 9.4 9.4 5 49 4.8 4.8 6 23 2.3 2.3 7 9 0.9 0.9 8 5 0.5 0.5 9 2 0.2 0.2 10 6 0.6 0.6 12 2 0.2 0.2 13 1 0.1 0.1 Can’t say 1004 0 0.0 0.0 1020 100.0 100.0

55 2. Variables

[TT26_1_2] How much time per day do you usually spend: Watching tele- vision (minutes)


How much time per day do you usually spend: Watching television (minutes)


label value n % v. % 0 627 61.5 61.5 3 1 0.1 0.1 5 21 2.1 2.1 10 8 0.8 0.8 15 7 0.7 0.7 20 5 0.5 0.5 30 314 30.8 30.8 40 3 0.3 0.3 45 9 0.9 0.9 50 3 0.3 0.3 55 1 0.1 0.1 60 1 0.1 0.1 65 1 0.1 0.1 120 3 0.3 0.3 180 5 0.5 0.5 200 1 0.1 0.1 240 5 0.5 0.5 300 2 0.2 0.2 360 2 0.2 0.2 Can’t say 1004 1 0.1 0.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT26_2_1] How much time per day do you usually spend: Listening to the radio (hours)


How much time per day do you usually spend: Listening to the radio (hours)


label value n % v. % 0 451 44.2 44.2

(continued on next page)

56 TT26_2_2

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % 1 206 20.2 20.2 2 129 12.6 12.6 3 64 6.3 6.3 4 43 4.2 4.2 5 37 3.6 3.6 6 30 2.9 2.9 7 5 0.5 0.5 8 19 1.9 1.9 9 1 0.1 0.1 10 15 1.5 1.5 11 2 0.2 0.2 12 3 0.3 0.3 15 1 0.1 0.1 24 1 0.1 0.1 30 1 0.1 0.1 Can’t say 1004 12 1.2 1.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT26_2_2] How much time per day do you usually spend: Listening to the radio (minutes)


How much time per day do you usually spend: Listening to the radio (minutes)


label value n % v. % 0 638 62.5 62.5 3 2 0.2 0.2 5 19 1.9 1.9 10 14 1.4 1.4 15 22 2.2 2.2 20 11 1.1 1.1 22 1 0.1 0.1 25 2 0.2 0.2 30 275 27.0 27.0 35 2 0.2 0.2 40 3 0.3 0.3 45 2 0.2 0.2 50 1 0.1 0.1

(continued on next page)

57 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % 55 1 0.1 0.1 60 2 0.2 0.2 99 1 0.1 0.1 120 1 0.1 0.1 180 7 0.7 0.7 300 2 0.2 0.2 360 1 0.1 0.1 600 1 0.1 0.1 Can’t say 1004 12 1.2 1.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT26_3_1] How much time per day do you usually spend: Reading news- papers (hours)


How much time per day do you usually spend: Reading newspapers (hours)


label value n % v. % 0 476 46.7 46.7 1 420 41.2 41.2 2 92 9.0 9.0 3 17 1.7 1.7 4 5 0.5 0.5 6 1 0.1 0.1 10 1 0.1 0.1 30 4 0.4 0.4 Can’t say 1004 4 0.4 0.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT26_3_2] How much time per day do you usually spend: Reading news- papers (minutes)


How much time per day do you usually spend: Reading newspapers (minutes)


58 TT26_4_1

label value n % v. % 0 430 42.2 42.2 3 2 0.2 0.2 5 34 3.3 3.3 10 28 2.7 2.7 12 1 0.1 0.1 15 29 2.8 2.8 20 15 1.5 1.5 30 443 43.4 43.4 35 2 0.2 0.2 40 5 0.5 0.5 45 15 1.5 1.5 60 10 1.0 1.0 90 1 0.1 0.1 120 1 0.1 0.1 Can’t say 1004 4 0.4 0.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT26_4_1] How much time per day do you usually spend: Using the In- ternet (hours)


How much time per day do you usually spend: Using the Internet (hours)


label value n % v. % 0 574 56.3 56.3 1 223 21.9 21.9 2 103 10.1 10.1 3 47 4.6 4.6 4 26 2.5 2.5 5 15 1.5 1.5 6 9 0.9 0.9 7 3 0.3 0.3 8 5 0.5 0.5 10 3 0.3 0.3 16 1 0.1 0.1 Can’t say 1004 11 1.1 1.1 1020 100.0 100.0

59 2. Variables

[TT26_4_2] How much time per day do you usually spend: Using the In- ternet (minutes)


How much time per day do you usually spend: Using the Internet (minutes)


label value n % v. % 0 651 63.8 63.8 1 1 0.1 0.1 2 1 0.1 0.1 5 15 1.5 1.5 9 3 0.3 0.3 10 15 1.5 1.5 15 26 2.5 2.5 20 4 0.4 0.4 25 1 0.1 0.1 30 276 27.1 27.1 35 2 0.2 0.2 39 1 0.1 0.1 40 1 0.1 0.1 45 4 0.4 0.4 50 1 0.1 0.1 60 1 0.1 0.1 120 1 0.1 0.1 180 2 0.2 0.2 309 1 0.1 0.1 480 1 0.1 0.1 Can’t say 1004 12 1.2 1.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27A] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Information seeking related to work, studies etc.


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Infor- mation seeking related to work, studies etc.


60 TT27D

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 619 60.7 60.7 Mentioned 1 401 39.3 39.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27B] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Information retrieval related to hobbies or leisure time


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Infor- mation retrieval related to hobbies or leisure time


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 663 65.0 65.0 Mentioned 1 357 35.0 35.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27C] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Work-related contacts (e.g. clients, colleagues)


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Work- related contacts (e.g. clients, colleagues)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 838 82.2 82.2 Mentioned 1 182 17.8 17.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27D] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Contact with friends or acquaintances through email


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Contact with friends or acquaintances through email

61 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 656 64.3 64.3 Mentioned 1 364 35.7 35.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27E] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Taking care of everyday tasks (paying bills, reserving trips, making purchases etc.)


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Taking care of everyday tasks (paying bills, reserving trips, making purchases etc.)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 537 52.6 52.6 Mentioned 1 483 47.4 47.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27F] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Discussions on discussion boards, forums etc. (chat, IRC etc.)


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Dis- cussions on discussion boards, forums etc. (chat, IRC etc.)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 956 93.7 93.7 Mentioned 1 64 6.3 6.3 1020 100.0 100.0

62 TT27I

[TT27G] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Following current affairs


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Fol- lowing current affairs


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 812 79.6 79.6 Mentioned 1 208 20.4 20.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27H] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Downloading music, videos etc. on your computer


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Down- loading music, videos etc. on your computer


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 972 95.3 95.3 Mentioned 1 48 4.7 4.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27I] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Playing online games


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Playing online games


63 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 986 96.7 96.7 Mentioned 1 34 3.3 3.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27J] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: I don’t use the Internet


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: I don’t use the Internet


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 745 73.0 73.0 Mentioned 1 275 27.0 27.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[TT27K] Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Can’t say


Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 1016 99.6 99.6 Mentioned 1 4 0.4 0.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y1] How much would you say you know about politics and public affairs?


How much would you say you know about politics and public affairs?


64 Y2_2

label value n % v. % A very great deal 1 59 5.8 5.8 A great deal 2 172 16.9 16.9 A fair amount 3 405 39.7 39.7 Not very much 4 308 30.2 30.2 Very little 5 72 7.1 7.1 Can’t say 6 4 0.4 0.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y2_1] Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the fol- lowing statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is only about seeking personal gain


Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is only about seeking personal gain


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 16 1.6 1.6 Corresponds very well 1 105 10.3 10.3 Corresponds fairly well 2 274 26.9 26.9 Corresponds fairly poorly 3 430 42.2 42.2 Corresponds very poorly 4 195 19.1 19.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y2_2] Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the fol- lowing statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is a public activity


Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is a public activity


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 10 1.0 1.0

(continued on next page)

65 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Corresponds very well 1 454 44.5 44.5 Corresponds fairly well 2 432 42.4 42.4 Corresponds fairly poorly 3 103 10.1 10.1 Corresponds very poorly 4 21 2.1 2.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y2_3] Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the follow- ing statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is about working for the common good and making collective decisions


Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is about working for the common good and making collective decisions


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 9 0.9 0.9 Corresponds very well 1 436 42.7 42.7 Corresponds fairly well 2 438 42.9 42.9 Corresponds fairly poorly 3 116 11.4 11.4 Corresponds very poorly 4 21 2.1 2.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y2_4] Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the follow- ing statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is competition for power


Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is competition for power


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 12 1.2 1.2

(continued on next page) 66 Y2_6

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Corresponds very well 1 361 35.4 35.4 Corresponds fairly well 2 466 45.7 45.7 Corresponds fairly poorly 3 142 13.9 13.9 Corresponds very poorly 4 39 3.8 3.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y2_5] Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the follow- ing statements correspond to your view of politics: Influencing the content of politics requires participation


Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Influencing the content of politics requires participation


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 17 1.7 1.7 Corresponds very well 1 386 37.8 37.8 Corresponds fairly well 2 448 43.9 43.9 Corresponds fairly poorly 3 140 13.7 13.7 Corresponds very poorly 4 29 2.8 2.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y2_6] Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the fol- lowing statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is conflict resolution


Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is conflict resolution


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 25 2.5 2.5

(continued on next page)

67 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Corresponds very well 1 163 16.0 16.0 Corresponds fairly well 2 549 53.8 53.8 Corresponds fairly poorly 3 237 23.2 23.2 Corresponds very poorly 4 46 4.5 4.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y2_7] Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the follow- ing statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics does not affect the lives of ordinary people


Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics does not affect the lives of ordinary people


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 10 1.0 1.0 Corresponds very well 1 54 5.3 5.3 Corresponds fairly well 2 174 17.1 17.1 Corresponds fairly poorly 3 416 40.8 40.8 Corresponds very poorly 4 366 35.9 35.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y2_8] Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the fol- lowing statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics sets the rules of the community/society


Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics sets the rules of the community/society


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 33 3.2 3.2

(continued on next page)

68 Y4A

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Corresponds very well 1 243 23.8 23.8 Corresponds fairly well 2 579 56.8 56.8 Corresponds fairly poorly 3 147 14.4 14.4 Corresponds very poorly 4 18 1.8 1.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y3] What is your attitude towards the concept of democracy?


What is your attitude towards the concept of democracy?


label value n % v. % Very positive 1 358 35.1 35.1 Positive 2 469 46.0 46.0 Neither positive nor negative 3 160 15.7 15.7 Negative 4 14 1.4 1.4 Very negative 5 5 0.5 0.5 Can’t say 104 14 1.4 1.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4A] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Citizens’ right to participate and influence the develop- ment of the society and their environment


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Citi- zens’ right to participate and influence the development of the society and their environment


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 225 22.1 22.1 Mentioned 1 795 77.9 77.9 1020 100.0 100.0

69 2. Variables

[Y4B] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: The duty of those in power to assess different views equally


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: The duty of those in power to assess different views equally


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 629 61.7 61.7 Mentioned 1 391 38.3 38.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4C] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: High tax rate


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: High tax rate


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 956 93.7 93.7 Mentioned 1 64 6.3 6.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4D] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Respecting the


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Re- specting the rule of law


70 Y4G

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 505 49.5 49.5 Mentioned 1 515 50.5 50.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4E] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Free education and health care


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free education and health care


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 568 55.7 55.7 Mentioned 1 452 44.3 44.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4F] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Equality between men and women


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Equality between men and women


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 403 39.5 39.5 Mentioned 1 617 60.5 60.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4G] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Free competition for power between political parties


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free competition for power between political parties

71 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 692 67.8 67.8 Mentioned 1 328 32.2 32.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4H] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: The ability of citizens to replace their political leaders


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: The ability of citizens to replace their political leaders


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 487 47.7 47.7 Mentioned 1 533 52.3 52.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4I] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Majority rule


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Majority rule


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 560 54.9 54.9 Mentioned 1 460 45.1 45.1 1020 100.0 100.0

72 Y4L

[Y4J] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Political opposition’s freedom to act


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Political opposition’s freedom to act


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 640 62.7 62.7 Mentioned 1 380 37.3 37.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4K] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: The goal of full employment


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: The goal of full employment


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 791 77.5 77.5 Mentioned 1 229 22.5 22.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4L] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Free, equal and secret elections


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free, equal and secret elections


73 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 648 63.5 63.5 Mentioned 1 372 36.5 36.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4M] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Even income distribution


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Even income distribution


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 809 79.3 79.3 Mentioned 1 211 20.7 20.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4N] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: Freedom of opinion


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Freedom of opinion


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 308 30.2 30.2 Mentioned 1 712 69.8 69.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y4O] Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the con- cept of democracy: None of the above


Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: None of the above

74 Y6_1_1


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 993 97.4 97.4 Mentioned 1 27 2.6 2.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y5] If you assess democracy in Finland based on the criteria you asso- ciate with democracy, what grade would you give the state of democracy in Finland at the moment? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)


If you assess democracy in Finland based on the criteria you associate with democracy, what grade would you give the state of democracy in Finland at the moment? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest)


label value n % v. % 4 21 2.1 2.1 5 49 4.8 4.8 6 109 10.7 10.7 7 332 32.5 32.5 8 360 35.3 35.3 9 119 11.7 11.7 10 13 1.3 1.3 Can’t say 104 17 1.7 1.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_1_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: With the left


(continued on next page)

75 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. %

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 904 88.6 88.6 Mentioned 1 116 11.4 11.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_1_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 158 15.5 15.5 Mentioned 1 862 84.5 84.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_1_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 926 90.8 90.8 Mentioned 1 94 9.2 9.2 1020 100.0 100.0

76 Y6_2_3

[Y6_2_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: With the left


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 270 26.5 26.5 Mentioned 1 750 73.5 73.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_2_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 625 61.3 61.3 Mentioned 1 395 38.7 38.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_2_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: Can’t say


77 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 895 87.7 87.7 Mentioned 1 125 12.3 12.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_3_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Working class: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Working class: With the left


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 148 14.5 14.5 Mentioned 1 872 85.5 85.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_3_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Working class: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Working class: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 898 88.0 88.0 Mentioned 1 122 12.0 12.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_3_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Working class: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Working class: Can’t say

78 Y6_4_2


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 940 92.2 92.2 Mentioned 1 80 7.8 7.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_4_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: With the left


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 851 83.4 83.4 Mentioned 1 169 16.6 16.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_4_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 181 17.7 17.7 Mentioned 1 839 82.3 82.3 1020 100.0 100.0

79 2. Variables

[Y6_4_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 883 86.6 86.6 Mentioned 1 137 13.4 13.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_5_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: With the left


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 453 44.4 44.4 Mentioned 1 567 55.6 55.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_5_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: With the right


80 Y6_6_1

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 519 50.9 50.9 Mentioned 1 501 49.1 49.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_5_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 852 83.5 83.5 Mentioned 1 168 16.5 16.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_6_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: With the left


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 751 73.6 73.6 Mentioned 1 269 26.4 26.4 1020 100.0 100.0

81 2. Variables

[Y6_6_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 297 29.1 29.1 Mentioned 1 723 70.9 70.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_6_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 824 80.8 80.8 Mentioned 1 196 19.2 19.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_7_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: With the left


82 Y6_7_3

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 878 86.1 86.1 Mentioned 1 142 13.9 13.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_7_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 173 17.0 17.0 Mentioned 1 847 83.0 83.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_7_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 918 90.0 90.0 Mentioned 1 102 10.0 10.0 1020 100.0 100.0

83 2. Variables

[Y6_8_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: With the left


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 746 73.1 73.1 Mentioned 1 274 26.9 26.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_8_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 320 31.4 31.4 Mentioned 1 700 68.6 68.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_8_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: Can’t say


84 Y6_9_2

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 826 81.0 81.0 Mentioned 1 194 19.0 19.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_9_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: With the left


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 792 77.6 77.6 Mentioned 1 228 22.4 22.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_9_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 168 16.5 16.5 Mentioned 1 852 83.5 83.5 1020 100.0 100.0

85 2. Variables

[Y6_9_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 922 90.4 90.4 Mentioned 1 98 9.6 9.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_10_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: With the left


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 898 88.0 88.0 Mentioned 1 122 12.0 12.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_10_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: With the right


86 Y6_11_1

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 144 14.1 14.1 Mentioned 1 876 85.9 85.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_10_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 923 90.5 90.5 Mentioned 1 97 9.5 9.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_11_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: With the left


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 223 21.9 21.9 Mentioned 1 797 78.1 78.1 1020 100.0 100.0

87 2. Variables

[Y6_11_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 788 77.3 77.3 Mentioned 1 232 22.7 22.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_11_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the follow- ing do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 898 88.0 88.0 Mentioned 1 122 12.0 12.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_12_1] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: With the left


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: With the left


88 Y6_12_3

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 425 41.7 41.7 Mentioned 1 595 58.3 58.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_12_2] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: With the right


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: With the right


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 394 38.6 38.6 Mentioned 1 626 61.4 61.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[Y6_12_3] In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the fol- lowing do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: Can’t say


In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 847 83.0 83.0 Mentioned 1 173 17.0 17.0 1020 100.0 100.0

89 2. Variables

[Y7] Where would you place yourself on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is far political left and 10 far political right?


Where would you place yourself on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is far political left and 10 far political right?


label value n % v. % Political left 0 9 0.9 0.9 1 12 1.2 1.2 2 33 3.2 3.2 3 82 8.0 8.0 4 113 11.1 11.1 5 283 27.7 27.7 6 122 12.0 12.0 7 155 15.2 15.2 8 122 12.0 12.0 9 37 3.6 3.6 Political right 10 11 1.1 1.1 Can’t say 104 41 4.0 4.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[S1] The basis of our country’s political system is the constitution. Where are the Powers of the State vested in Finland according to the Constitution?


The basis of our country’s political system is the constitution. Where are the Powers of the State vested in Finland according to the Constitution?


label value n % v. % In the judiciary 1 71 7.0 7.0 In the people 2 562 55.1 55.1 In the President 3 53 5.2 5.2 In the Government 4 302 29.6 29.6 Can’t say 104 32 3.1 3.1 1020 100.0 100.0

90 S2B

[S1L] The basis of our country’s political system is the constitution. Where are the Powers of the State vested in Finland according to the Constitution? (categorised)


The basis of our country’s political system is the constitution. Where are the Powers of the State vested in Finland according to the Constitution? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 458 44.9 44.9 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 562 55.1 55.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S2A] In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of pro- portional representation: One candidate is chosen from each constituency


In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: One candidate is chosen from each constituency


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 946 92.7 92.7 Mentioned 1 74 7.3 7.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[S2B] In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representa- tion is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Multi-party system


In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Multi-party system

91 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 564 55.3 55.3 Mentioned 1 456 44.7 44.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S2BL] In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representa- tion is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Multi-party system (categorised, correct an- swer 1/2)


In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Multi-party system (categorised, correct answer 1/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 564 55.3 55.3 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 456 44.7 44.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S2C] In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representa- tion is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Two-party system


In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Two-party system


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 1014 99.4 99.4 Mentioned 1 6 0.6 0.6 1020 100.0 100.0

92 S2DL

[S2D] In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representa- tion is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Several candidates are chosen from each con- stituency


In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Several candidates are chosen from each constituency


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 375 36.8 36.8 Mentioned 1 645 63.2 63.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[S2DL] In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representa- tion is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Several candidates are chosen from each con- stituency (cat. correct answer 2/2)


In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Several candidates are chosen from each constituency (cat. correct answer 2/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 375 36.8 36.8 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 645 63.2 63.2 1020 100.0 100.0

93 2. Variables

[S2E] In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representa- tion is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Can’t say


In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 924 90.6 90.6 Mentioned 1 96 9.4 9.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[S3] What is meant by the term electoral division (constituencies)?


What is meant by the term electoral division (constituencies)?


label value n % v. % The distribution of votes cast in the elections by re- 1 150 14.7 14.7 gion The distribution of election candidates by region 2 299 29.3 29.3 The distribution of people who voted for a certain can- 3 67 6.6 6.6 didate by region The distribution of seats by region 4 397 38.9 38.9 Can’t say 104 107 10.5 10.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S3L] What is meant by the term electoral division (constituencies)? (cate- gorised)


What is meant by the term electoral division (constituencies)? (categorised)


94 S4_2

label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 623 61.1 61.1 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 397 38.9 38.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[S4_1] Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Maintenance of public discourse


Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Maintenance of public discourse


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 17 1.7 1.7 Very important 1 249 24.4 24.4 Important 2 480 47.1 47.1 Fairly important 3 238 23.3 23.3 Not at all important 4 36 3.5 3.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S4_2] Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Recruitment of political leaders


Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Recruitment of political leaders


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 67 6.6 6.6 Very important 1 90 8.8 8.8 Important 2 314 30.8 30.8 Fairly important 3 355 34.8 34.8 Not at all important 4 194 19.0 19.0 1020 100.0 100.0

95 2. Variables

[S4_3] Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Supporting multicul- turalism


Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Supporting multiculturalism


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 38 3.7 3.7 Very important 1 130 12.7 12.7 Important 2 336 32.9 32.9 Fairly important 3 378 37.1 37.1 Not at all important 4 138 13.5 13.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S4_4] Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Reviewing and recon- ciling differing interests in society


Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Reviewing and reconciling differing interests in society


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 39 3.8 3.8 Very important 1 235 23.0 23.0 Important 2 476 46.7 46.7 Fairly important 3 238 23.3 23.3 Not at all important 4 32 3.1 3.1 1020 100.0 100.0

96 S4_6

[S4_5] Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Nomination of candi- dates for elections


Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Nomination of candidates for elections


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 29 2.8 2.8 Very important 1 215 21.1 21.1 Important 2 469 46.0 46.0 Fairly important 3 264 25.9 25.9 Not at all important 4 43 4.2 4.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[S4_6] Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Responsibility for the well-being of citizens


Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Responsibility for the well-being of citizens


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 16 1.6 1.6 Very important 1 491 48.1 48.1 Important 2 387 37.9 37.9 Fairly important 3 101 9.9 9.9 Not at all important 4 25 2.5 2.5 1020 100.0 100.0

97 2. Variables

[S4_7] Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Improving the citizens’ level of education and culture


Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Improving the citizens’ level of education and culture


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 22 2.2 2.2 Very important 1 273 26.8 26.8 Important 2 420 41.2 41.2 Fairly important 3 229 22.5 22.5 Not at all important 4 76 7.5 7.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S4_8] Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Responsibility for the balanced development of the whole society


Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Responsibility for the balanced development of the whole society


label value n % v. % Can’t say 0 20 2.0 2.0 Very important 1 456 44.7 44.7 Important 2 412 40.4 40.4 Fairly important 3 111 10.9 10.9 Not at all important 4 21 2.1 2.1 1020 100.0 100.0

98 S6

[S5] Political decisions are also made in municipalities in Finland. Which political decision-maker is elected by the residents of a municipality in mu- nicipal elections?


Political decisions are also made in municipalities in Finland. Which political decision-maker is elected by the residents of a municipality in municipal elections?


label value n % v. % Municipal executive board 1 118 11.6 11.6 Municipal manager 2 38 3.7 3.7 Municipal council 3 811 79.5 79.5 State Provincial Office 4 7 0.7 0.7 Can’t say 104 46 4.5 4.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S5L] Political decisions are also made in municipalities in Finland. Which political decision-maker is elected by the residents of a municipality in mu- nicipal elections? (categorised)


Political decisions are also made in municipalities in Finland. Which political decision-maker is elected by the residents of a municipality in municipal elections? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 209 20.5 20.5 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 811 79.5 79.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S6] Who is, at the moment, the municipal/town manager of your current municipality of residence? (open-ended)


Who is, at the moment, the municipal/town manager of your current municipality of residence? (open-ended)

99 2. Variables

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 1004.00 maximum 3000.00 mean 2377.72 standard deviation 925.03

[S6L] Who is, at the moment, the municipal/town manager of your current municipality of residence? (categorised open-ended)


Who is, at the moment, the municipal/town manager of your current municipality of residence? (categorised open-ended)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 463 45.4 45.4 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 557 54.6 54.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S7] At the moment, which party is the largest party by seats in the munic- ipal/city council of your current municipality of residence? (open-ended)


At the moment, which party is the largest party by seats in the municipal/city council of your current municipality of residence? (open-ended)


label value n % v. % National Coalition Party (KOK) 1 211 20.7 20.7 Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) 2 274 26.9 26.9 Centre Party of Finland (KESK) 3 288 28.2 28.2 True Finns (PS) 4 0 0.0 0.0 Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) 5 19 1.9 1.9 Christian Democrats (KD) 6 1 0.1 0.1

(continued on next page)

100 S8

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Green League (VIHR) 7 3 0.3 0.3 Left Alliance (VAS) 8 3 0.3 0.3 Other 9 4 0.4 0.4 Can’t say 104 217 21.3 21.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[S7L] At the moment, which party is the largest party by seats in the mu- nicipal/city council of your current municipality of residence? (categorised open-ended)


At the moment, which party is the largest party by seats in the municipal/city council of your current municipality of residence? (categorised open-ended)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 438 42.9 42.9 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 582 57.1 57.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S8] How often are municipal elections held in Finland?


How often are municipal elections held in Finland?


label value n % v. % Every other year 1 60 5.9 5.9 Every third year 2 56 5.5 5.5 Every fourth year 3 814 79.8 79.8 Every fifth year 4 13 1.3 1.3 Can’t say 104 77 7.5 7.5 1020 100.0 100.0

101 2. Variables

[S8L] How often are municipal elections held in Finland? (categorised)


How often are municipal elections held in Finland? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 206 20.2 20.2 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 814 79.8 79.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[S9] Which political decision-maker is directly elected by the citizens in parliamentary ?


Which political decision-maker is directly elected by the citizens in parliamentary elections in Finland?


label value n % v. % The Government 1 42 4.1 4.1 The Prime Minister 2 35 3.4 3.4 The President 3 250 24.5 24.5 The Parliament 4 636 62.4 62.4 Can’t say 104 57 5.6 5.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S9L] Which political decision-maker is directly elected by the citizens in parliamentary elections in Finland? (categorised)


Which political decision-maker is directly elected by the citizens in parliamentary elections in Finland? (categorised)


102 S10_2

label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 384 37.6 37.6 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 636 62.4 62.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[S10_1] Who is currently the Prime Minister of Finland? (open-ended)


Who is currently the Prime Minister of Finland? (open-ended)


label value n % v. % 1 958 93.9 93.9 Other 2 10 1.0 1.0 Can’t say 104 52 5.1 5.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S10_1L] Who is currently the Prime Minister of Finland? (categorised open-ended)


Who is currently the Prime Minister of Finland? (categorised open-ended)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 62 6.1 6.1 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 958 93.9 93.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[S10_2] Which party does the current Prime Minister of Finland repre- sent? (open-ended)


Which party does the current Prime Minister of Finland represent? (open-ended)


103 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Centre Party of Finland (KESK) 1 862 84.5 84.5 Independent 2 0 0.0 0.0 Other 3 70 6.9 6.9 Can’t say 104 88 8.6 8.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S10_2L] Which party does the current Prime Minister of Finland repre- sent? (categorised open-ended)


Which party does the current Prime Minister of Finland represent? (categorised open-ended)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 158 15.5 15.5 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 862 84.5 84.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S11A] Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Directing foreign policy


Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Di- recting foreign policy


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 766 75.1 75.1 Mentioned 1 254 24.9 24.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[S11B] Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Enactment of laws


Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: En- actment of laws

104 S11C


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 106 10.4 10.4 Mentioned 1 914 89.6 89.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S11BL] Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament accord- ing to the Constitution: Enactment of laws (categorised, correct answer 1/2)


Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: En- actment of laws (categorised, correct answer 1/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 106 10.4 10.4 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 914 89.6 89.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S11C] Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: National preparation of the decisions to be made in the (EU)


Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Na- tional preparation of the decisions to be made in the European Union (EU)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 633 62.1 62.1 Mentioned 1 387 37.9 37.9 1020 100.0 100.0

105 2. Variables

[S11D] Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Decision-making on state finances


Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Decision- making on state finances


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 334 32.7 32.7 Mentioned 1 686 67.3 67.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[S11DL] Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament accord- ing to the Constitution: Decision-making on state finances (categorised, correct answer 2/2)


Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Decision- making on state finances (categorised, correct answer 2/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 334 32.7 32.7 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 686 67.3 67.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[S11E] Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Can’t say


Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Can’t say


106 S12B

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 991 97.2 97.2 Mentioned 1 29 2.8 2.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12A] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: National Coalition Party (KOK)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: National Coalition Party (KOK)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 86 8.4 8.4 Mentioned 1 934 91.6 91.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12AL] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: National Coalition Party (KOK) (categorised, correct an- swer 1/4)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: National Coalition Party (KOK) (categorised, correct answer 1/4)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 86 8.4 8.4 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 934 91.6 91.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12B] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Social Demo- cratic Party of Finland (SDP)

107 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 745 73.0 73.0 Mentioned 1 275 27.0 27.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12C] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Centre Party of Finland (KESK)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 68 6.7 6.7 Mentioned 1 952 93.3 93.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12CL] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Centre Party of Finland (KESK) (categorised, correct an- swer 2/4)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Centre Party of Finland (KESK) (categorised, correct answer 2/4)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 68 6.7 6.7 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 952 93.3 93.3 1020 100.0 100.0

108 S12EL

[S12D] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: True Finns (PS)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: True Finns (PS)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 923 90.5 90.5 Mentioned 1 97 9.5 9.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12E] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 407 39.9 39.9 Mentioned 1 613 60.1 60.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12EL] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) (categorised, correct answer 3/4)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) (categorised, correct answer 3/4)


109 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 407 39.9 39.9 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 613 60.1 60.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12F] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Christian Democrats (KD)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Christian Democrats (KD)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 817 80.1 80.1 Mentioned 1 203 19.9 19.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12G] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Green League (VIHR)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Green League (VIHR)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 309 30.3 30.3 Mentioned 1 711 69.7 69.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12GL] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Green League (VIHR) (categorised, correct answer 4/4)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Green League (VIHR) (categorised, correct answer 4/4)

110 S13


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 309 30.3 30.3 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 711 69.7 69.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12H] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Left Alliance (VAS)


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Left Alliance (VAS)


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 881 86.4 86.4 Mentioned 1 139 13.6 13.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S12I] Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Can’t say


Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 984 96.5 96.5 Mentioned 1 36 3.5 3.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S13] How often, at minimum, must parliamentary elections be held in Fin- land?


How often, at minimum, must parliamentary elections be held in Finland?

111 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Every three years 1 43 4.2 4.2 Every four years 2 878 86.1 86.1 Every five years 3 17 1.7 1.7 Every six years 4 46 4.5 4.5 Can’t say 104 36 3.5 3.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S13L] How often, at minimum, must parliamentary elections be held in Finland? (categorised)


How often, at minimum, must parliamentary elections be held in Finland? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 142 13.9 13.9 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 878 86.1 86.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S14_1] When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (year)


When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (year)

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 2008.00 maximum 10004.00 mean 3491.63 standard deviation 3107.30

112 S14_2L

[S14_1L] When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (year) (cate- gorised)


When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (year) (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 611 59.9 59.9 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 409 40.1 40.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S14_2] When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (month)


When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (month)


label value n % v. % January 1 21 2.1 2.1 February 2 95 9.3 9.3 March 3 485 47.5 47.5 April 4 50 4.9 4.9 May 5 10 1.0 1.0 June 6 2 0.2 0.2 July 7 1 0.1 0.1 August 8 5 0.5 0.5 September 9 23 2.3 2.3 October 10 30 2.9 2.9 November 11 17 1.7 1.7 December 12 2 0.2 0.2 Can’t say 104 279 27.4 27.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[S14_2L] When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (month) (categorised)


When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (month) (categorised)

113 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 970 95.1 95.1 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 50 4.9 4.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[S15] The electoral system converts votes given in the elections into seats. In Finland, voters give their vote to the candidate of their choosing. What sort of influence does this vote given to a candidate have?


The electoral system converts votes given in the elections into seats. In Finland, voters give their vote to the candidate of their choosing. What sort of influence does this vote given to a candidate have?


label value n % v. % The number of votes received by each candidate is 1 188 18.4 18.4 counted and candidate with the most personal votes is elected The number of votes received by each candidate is 2 142 13.9 13.9 counted and seats are allocated in order based on the personal votes Comparative index is calculated for each candidate 3 491 48.1 48.1 based on votes received by party. Seats allocated based on the index Each party receives seats based on the proportion of 4 98 9.6 9.6 votes. Seats are filled in order of candidates on a list Can’t say 104 101 9.9 9.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[S15L] The electoral system converts votes given in the elections into seats. In Finland, voters give their vote to the candidate of their choosing. What sort of influence does this vote given to a candidate have? (categorised)


The electoral system converts votes given in the elections into seats. In Finland, voters give their vote to the candidate of their choosing. What sort of influence does this vote given to a candidate have? (categorised)

114 S17_1


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 529 51.9 51.9 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 491 48.1 48.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S16] How many members are there in the Parliament?


How many members are there in the Parliament?

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 2.00 maximum 1004.00 mean 292.56 standard deviation 263.53

[S16L] How many members are there in the Parliament? (categorised)


How many members are there in the Parliament? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 308 30.2 30.2 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 712 69.8 69.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[S17_1] Who currently acts as the Speaker of the Parliament? (open-ended)


Who currently acts as the Speaker of the Parliament? (open-ended)


115 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Sauli Niinistö 1 669 65.6 65.6 Other 2 96 9.4 9.4 Can’t say 104 255 25.0 25.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[S17_1L] Who currently acts as the Speaker of the Parliament? (categorised open-ended)


Who currently acts as the Speaker of the Parliament? (categorised open-ended)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 351 34.4 34.4 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 669 65.6 65.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S17_2] Which party does the Speaker of the Parliament represent? (open- ended)


Which party does the Speaker of the Parliament represent? (open-ended)


label value n % v. % National Coalition Party (KOK) 1 708 69.4 69.4 Independent 2 2 0.2 0.2 Other 3 91 8.9 8.9 Can’t say 104 219 21.5 21.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S17_2L] Which party does the Speaker of the Parliament represent? (cat- egorised open-ended)


Which party does the Speaker of the Parliament represent? (categorised open-ended)

116 S18_1L


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 312 30.6 30.6 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 708 69.4 69.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[S18_1] The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Largest


The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Largest


label value n % v. % National Coalition Party (KOK) 1 394 38.6 38.6 Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) 2 82 8.0 8.0 Centre Party of Finland (KESK) 3 511 50.1 50.1 True Finns (PS) 4 0 0.0 0.0 Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) 5 0 0.0 0.0 Christian Democrats (KD) 6 0 0.0 0.0 Green League (VIHR) 7 3 0.3 0.3 Left Alliance (VAS) 8 2 0.2 0.2 Can’t say 104 28 2.7 2.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S18_1L] The following list contains all the parties in the current Parlia- ment. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Largest (categorised)


The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Largest (categorised)


117 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 509 49.9 49.9 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 511 50.1 50.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S18_2] The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Second largest


The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Second largest


label value n % v. % National Coalition Party (KOK) 1 432 42.4 42.4 Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) 2 229 22.5 22.5 Centre Party of Finland (KESK) 3 315 30.9 30.9 True Finns (PS) 4 2 0.2 0.2 Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) 5 0 0.0 0.0 Christian Democrats (KD) 6 3 0.3 0.3 Green League (VIHR) 7 3 0.3 0.3 Left Alliance (VAS) 8 10 1.0 1.0 Can’t say 104 26 2.5 2.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S18_2L] The following list contains all the parties in the current Parlia- ment. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Second largest (categorised)


The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Second largest (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 588 57.6 57.6

(continued on next page)

118 S18_3L

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Correct answer given by the respondent 1 432 42.4 42.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[S18_3] The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Third largest


The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Third largest


label value n % v. % National Coalition Party (KOK) 1 145 14.2 14.2 Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) 2 619 60.7 60.7 Centre Party of Finland (KESK) 3 147 14.4 14.4 True Finns (PS) 4 3 0.3 0.3 Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) 5 14 1.4 1.4 Christian Democrats (KD) 6 3 0.3 0.3 Green League (VIHR) 7 24 2.4 2.4 Left Alliance (VAS) 8 33 3.2 3.2 Can’t say 104 32 3.1 3.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S18_3L] The following list contains all the parties in the current Parlia- ment. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Third largest (categorised)


The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Third largest (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 401 39.3 39.3

(continued on next page) 119 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Correct answer given by the respondent 1 619 60.7 60.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S18_4] The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Fourth largest


The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Fourth largest


label value n % v. % National Coalition Party (KOK) 1 7 0.7 0.7 Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) 2 22 2.2 2.2 Centre Party of Finland (KESK) 3 9 0.9 0.9 True Finns (PS) 4 23 2.3 2.3 Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) 5 99 9.7 9.7 Christian Democrats (KD) 6 63 6.2 6.2 Green League (VIHR) 7 394 38.6 38.6 Left Alliance (VAS) 8 341 33.4 33.4 Can’t say 104 62 6.1 6.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[S18_4L] The following list contains all the parties in the current Parlia- ment. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Fourth largest (categorised)


The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Fourth largest (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 679 66.6 66.6

(continued on next page) 120 S20A

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Correct answer given by the respondent 1 341 33.4 33.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[S19] The cooperation of which two parties has been termed ’red earth/clay’?


The cooperation of which two parties has been termed ’red earth/clay’?


label value n % v. % The Social Democratic Party and the National Coali- 1 134 13.1 13.1 tion Party The Social Democratic Party and the Centre Party 2 702 68.8 68.8 The Left Alliance and the Centre Party 3 72 7.1 7.1 The Left Alliance and the National Coalition Party 4 33 3.2 3.2 Can’t say 104 79 7.7 7.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S19L] The cooperation of which two parties has been termed ’red earth/clay’? (categorised)


The cooperation of which two parties has been termed ’red earth/clay’? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 318 31.2 31.2 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 702 68.8 68.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[S20A] According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Directing the activities of the Government


According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Directing the activities of the Government

121 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 270 26.5 26.5 Mentioned 1 750 73.5 73.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S20AL] According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Directing the activities of the Government (categorised, correct answer 1/2)


According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Directing the activities of the Government (categorised, correct answer 1/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 270 26.5 26.5 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 750 73.5 73.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S20B] According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Appointment of the highest officials


According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Appointment of the highest officials


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 915 89.7 89.7 Mentioned 1 105 10.3 10.3 1020 100.0 100.0

122 S20D

[S20C] According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Carrying out the duties of the President, when the President is prevented from doing so


According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Carrying out the duties of the President, when the President is prevented from doing so


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 309 30.3 30.3 Mentioned 1 711 69.7 69.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S20CL] According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Carrying out the duties of the President, when the President is prevented from doing so (categorised, correct answer 2/2)


According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Carrying out the duties of the President, when the President is prevented from doing so (cate- gorised, correct answer 2/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 309 30.3 30.3 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 711 69.7 69.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S20D] According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Appointment and dismissal of the Ministers


According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Appointment and dismissal of the Ministers

123 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 731 71.7 71.7 Mentioned 1 289 28.3 28.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[S20E] According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Can’t say


According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 982 96.3 96.3 Mentioned 1 38 3.7 3.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S21] Which political party did you vote for in the last parliamentary elec- tions?


Which political party did you vote for in the last parliamentary elections?


label value n % v. % National Coalition Party (KOK) 1 175 17.2 17.2 Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) 2 210 20.6 20.6 Centre Party of Finland (KESK) 3 200 19.6 19.6 True Finns (PS) 4 38 3.7 3.7 Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) 5 9 0.9 0.9 Christian Democrats (KD) 6 40 3.9 3.9 Green League (VIHR) 7 90 8.8 8.8 Left Alliance (VAS) 8 50 4.9 4.9 Other 9 19 1.9 1.9

(continued on next page)

124 S22L

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % Wasn’t of voting age 10 14 1.4 1.4 Didn’t vote 11 121 11.9 11.9 Don’t want to say 12 37 3.6 3.6 Can’t say 104 17 1.7 1.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S22] What is the main principle in the division of duties between the state and municipalities?


What is the main principle in the division of duties between the state and municipalities?


label value n % v. % Municipalities decide on all their matters on their own 1 138 13.5 13.5 Minister for Regional and Municipal Affairs directs 2 51 5.0 5.0 the activities of municipalities The State decides the basic tasks of municipalities, 3 665 65.2 65.2 which municipalities carry out The State Provincial Office decides the tasks of the 4 99 9.7 9.7 municipalities in its region Can’t say 104 67 6.6 6.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[S22L] What is the main principle in the division of duties between the state and municipalities? (categorised)


What is the main principle in the division of duties between the state and municipalities? (cate- gorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 355 34.8 34.8 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 665 65.2 65.2

(continued on next page)

125 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % 1020 100.0 100.0

[S23] Please name a party leader of one party in the Parliament (open- ended)


Please name a party leader of one party in the Parliament (open-ended)

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 1004.00 maximum 3000.00 mean 2682.99 standard deviation 729.92

[S23L] Please name a party leader of one party in the Parliament (cate- gorised open-ended)


Please name a party leader of one party in the Parliament (categorised open-ended)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 309 30.3 30.3 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 711 69.7 69.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S24] Finland follows the so-called principle of parliamentarism. Which of the following best describes this principle?


Finland follows the so-called principle of parliamentarism. Which of the following best de- scribes this principle?

126 S25


label value n % v. % The people elects the Parliament 1 459 45.0 45.0 A member of parliament must follow the will of the 2 81 7.9 7.9 voters in the decisions he/she makes The Government must have the confidence of Parlia- 3 393 38.5 38.5 ment The Government must have the confidence of Presi- 4 39 3.8 3.8 dent Can’t say 104 48 4.7 4.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[S24L] Finland follows the so-called principle of parliamentarism. Which of the following best describes this principle? (categorised)


Finland follows the so-called principle of parliamentarism. Which of the following best de- scribes this principle? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 627 61.5 61.5 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 393 38.5 38.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S25] Since the 1960s, so-called tripartite negotiations have taken place in Finland. Who are the main parties in these negotiations?


Since the 1960s, so-called tripartite negotiations have taken place in Finland. Who are the main parties in these negotiations?


label value n % v. % The President, the Prime Minister and the Minister of 1 208 20.4 20.4 Finance

(continued on next page)

127 2. Variables

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % The State, employers’ organisations and trade unions 2 672 65.9 65.9 / professional organisations Municipal managers, town managers and executive 3 25 2.5 2.5 directors of regional councils Finland, and Norway 4 13 1.3 1.3 Can’t say 104 102 10.0 10.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[S25L] Since the 1960s, so-called tripartite negotiations have taken place in Finland. Who are the main parties in these negotiations? (categorised)


Since the 1960s, so-called tripartite negotiations have taken place in Finland. Who are the main parties in these negotiations? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 348 34.1 34.1 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 672 65.9 65.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[S26] What is meant by the abbreviation TUPO?


What is meant by the abbreviation TUPO?


label value n % v. % Plans that aim for the abolition of income tax 1 20 2.0 2.0 An energy policy programme with an emphasis on 2 2 0.2 0.2 wind power Comprehensive incomes policy settlement / national 3 954 93.5 93.5 income policy agreement Income tax rate redress procedure 4 11 1.1 1.1 Can’t say 104 33 3.2 3.2

(continued on next page)

128 S27

(cont. from previous page)

label value n % v. % 1020 100.0 100.0

[S26L] What is meant by the abbreviation TUPO? (categorised)


What is meant by the abbreviation TUPO? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 66 6.5 6.5 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 954 93.5 93.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[S27] The Constitution of Finland regulates the conduct of Finnish foreign policy. Which of the following alternatives completes the definition given in the Constitution: ’The foreign policy of Finland is directed by...’


The Constitution of Finland regulates the conduct of Finnish foreign policy. Which of the fol- lowing alternatives completes the definition given in the Constitution: ’The foreign policy of Finland is directed by...’


label value n % v. % The President of the Republic, in co-operation with 1 422 41.4 41.4 the Minister for Foreign Affairs The President of the Republic, in co-operation with 2 361 35.4 35.4 the Government The Parliament, in co-operation with the Minister for 3 73 7.2 7.2 Foreign Affairs The Minister for Foreign Affairs 4 136 13.3 13.3 Can’t say 104 28 2.7 2.7 1020 100.0 100.0

129 2. Variables

[S27L] The Constitution of Finland regulates the conduct of Finnish for- eign policy. Which of the following alternatives completes the definition given in the Constitution: ’The foreign policy of Finland is directed by...’ (categorised)


The Constitution of Finland regulates the conduct of Finnish foreign policy. Which of the fol- lowing alternatives completes the definition given in the Constitution: ’The foreign policy of Finland is directed by...’ (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 659 64.6 64.6 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 361 35.4 35.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[S28] How long is the term of the President of the Republic?


How long is the term of the President of the Republic?


label value n % v. % Four years 1 125 12.3 12.3 Five years 2 14 1.4 1.4 Six years 3 858 84.1 84.1 Eight years 4 15 1.5 1.5 Can’t say 104 8 0.8 0.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[S28L] How long is the term of the President of the Republic? (categorised)


How long is the term of the President of the Republic? (categorised)


130 EU2_1_1

label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 162 15.9 15.9 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 858 84.1 84.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU1] Since what year has Finland been a member of the European Union?


Since what year has Finland been a member of the European Union?


label value n % v. % 2000 1 156 15.3 15.3 1995 2 751 73.6 73.6 1986 3 50 4.9 4.9 Finland is not a member of the EU 4 1 0.1 0.1 Can’t say 104 62 6.1 6.1 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU1L] Since what year has Finland been a member of the European Union? (categorised)


Since what year has Finland been a member of the European Union? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 269 26.4 26.4 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 751 73.6 73.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_1] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Poland


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Poland

131 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 333 32.6 32.6 Mentioned 1 687 67.4 67.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_1L] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Poland (categorised, correct answer 1/8)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Poland (categorised, correct answer 1/8)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 333 32.6 32.6 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 687 67.4 67.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_2] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Sweden


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Sweden


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 281 27.5 27.5 Mentioned 1 739 72.5 72.5 1020 100.0 100.0

132 EU2_1_3L

[EU2_1_2L] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Sweden (categorised, correct answer 2/8)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Sweden (categorised, correct answer 2/8)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 281 27.5 27.5 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 739 72.5 72.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_3] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Germany


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Germany


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 65 6.4 6.4 Mentioned 1 955 93.6 93.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_3L] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Germany (categorised, correct answer 3/8)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Germany (categorised, correct answer 3/8)


133 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 65 6.4 6.4 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 955 93.6 93.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_4] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Norway


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Norway


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 816 80.0 80.0 Mentioned 1 204 20.0 20.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_5] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Denmark


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Denmark


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 214 21.0 21.0 Mentioned 1 806 79.0 79.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_5L] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Denmark (categorised, correct answer 4/8)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Denmark (categorised, correct answer 4/8)

134 EU2_1_7


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 214 21.0 21.0 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 806 79.0 79.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_6] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU:


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Switzerland


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 741 72.6 72.6 Mentioned 1 279 27.4 27.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_7] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Italy


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Italy


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 148 14.5 14.5 Mentioned 1 872 85.5 85.5 1020 100.0 100.0

135 2. Variables

[EU2_1_7L] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Italy (categorised, correct answer 5/8)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Italy (categorised, correct answer 5/8)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 148 14.5 14.5 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 872 85.5 85.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_8] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Latvia


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Latvia


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 382 37.5 37.5 Mentioned 1 638 62.5 62.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_8L] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Latvia (categorised, correct answer 6/8)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Latvia (categorised, correct answer 6/8)


136 EU2_1_10

label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 382 37.5 37.5 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 638 62.5 62.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_9] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: The United Kingdom


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: The United Kingdom


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 232 22.7 22.7 Mentioned 1 788 77.3 77.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_9L] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: The United Kingdom (categorised, cor- rect answer 7/8)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: The United Kingdom (categorised, correct answer 7/8)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 232 22.7 22.7 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 788 77.3 77.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_10] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Estonia


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Estonia

137 2. Variables


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 149 14.6 14.6 Mentioned 1 871 85.4 85.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1__1] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Estonia (categorised, correct answer 8/8)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Estonia (categorised, correct answer 8/8)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 149 14.6 14.6 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 871 85.4 85.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_1_11] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: None


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: None


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 1016 99.6 99.6 Mentioned 1 4 0.4 0.4 1020 100.0 100.0

138 EU2_2_2

[EU2_1_12] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Can’t say


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 998 97.8 97.8 Mentioned 1 22 2.2 2.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_1] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Poland


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Poland


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 790 77.5 77.5 Mentioned 1 230 22.5 22.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_2] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Sweden


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Sweden


139 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 981 96.2 96.2 Mentioned 1 39 3.8 3.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_3] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Ger- many


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Germany


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 149 14.6 14.6 Mentioned 1 871 85.4 85.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_3L] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Ger- many (categorised, correct answer 1/2)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Germany (categorised, correct answer 1/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 149 14.6 14.6 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 871 85.4 85.4 1020 100.0 100.0

140 EU2_2_6

[EU2_2_4] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Norway


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Norway


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 939 92.1 92.1 Mentioned 1 81 7.9 7.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_5] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Den- mark


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Denmark


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 622 61.0 61.0 Mentioned 1 398 39.0 39.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_6] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Switzer- land


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Switzerland


141 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 849 83.2 83.2 Mentioned 1 171 16.8 16.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_7] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Italy


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Italy


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 248 24.3 24.3 Mentioned 1 772 75.7 75.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_7L] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Italy (categorised, correct answer 2/2)


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Italy (categorised, correct answer 2/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 248 24.3 24.3 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 772 75.7 75.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_8] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Latvia


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Latvia

142 EU2_2_10


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 861 84.4 84.4 Mentioned 1 159 15.6 15.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_9] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: The United Kingdom


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: The United Kingdom


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 874 85.7 85.7 Mentioned 1 146 14.3 14.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_10] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Estonia


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Estonia


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 769 75.4 75.4 Mentioned 1 251 24.6 24.6 1020 100.0 100.0

143 2. Variables

[EU2_2_11] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: None


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: None


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 1013 99.3 99.3 Mentioned 1 7 0.7 0.7 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU2_2_12] The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Can’t say


The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Can’t say


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 940 92.2 92.2 Mentioned 1 80 7.8 7.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU3A] In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Agricultural and fishing policy


In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Agricultural and fishing policy


144 EU3C

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 303 29.7 29.7 Mentioned 1 717 70.3 70.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU3AL] In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Agriculture and fishing policy (categorised, correct answer 1/2)


In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Agriculture and fishing policy (categorised, correct answer 1/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 303 29.7 29.7 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 717 70.3 70.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU3B] In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Educational and social policy


In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Educational and social policy


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 926 90.8 90.8 Mentioned 1 94 9.2 9.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU3C] In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Foreign and security policy


In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Foreign and security policy


145 2. Variables

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 832 81.6 81.6 Mentioned 1 188 18.4 18.4 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU3D] In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Economic policy


In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Economic policy


label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 600 58.8 58.8 Mentioned 1 420 41.2 41.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU3DL] In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Economic policy (categorised, correct answer 2/2)


In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Economic policy (categorised, correct answer 2/2)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 600 58.8 58.8 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 420 41.2 41.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU3E] In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Can’t say


In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Can’t say


146 EU4L

label value n % v. % Not mentioned 0 842 82.5 82.5 Mentioned 1 178 17.5 17.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU4] The selection of the representatives of which EU institution can you directly influence in the elections?


The selection of the representatives of which EU institution can you directly influence in the elections?


label value n % v. % The Commission 1 59 5.8 5.8 The Parliament 2 653 64.0 64.0 The European Council 3 55 5.4 5.4 The Council of the European Union (the Council of 4 70 6.9 6.9 Ministers) Can’t say 104 183 17.9 17.9 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU4L] The selection of the representatives of which EU institution can you directly influence in the elections? (categorised)


The selection of the representatives of which EU institution can you directly influence in the elections? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 367 36.0 36.0 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 653 64.0 64.0 1020 100.0 100.0

147 2. Variables

[EU5] The most important decisions of the EU are regulations and direc- tives. Which of the following corresponds to the definition of an EU regula- tion?


The most important decisions of the EU are regulations and directives. Which of the following corresponds to the definition of an EU regulation?


label value n % v. % A regulation is a non-binding recommendation to the 1 50 4.9 4.9 member states A regulation is directly applicable legislation in the 2 204 20.0 20.0 member states A regulation is binding on the member states, but the 3 584 57.3 57.3 national authorities are left the choice of form and methods A regulation defines the power relations of the EU in- 4 87 8.5 8.5 stitutions Can’t say 104 95 9.3 9.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU5L] The most important decisions of the EU are regulations and direc- tives. Which of the following corresponds to the definition of an EU regula- tion? (categorised)


The most important decisions of the EU are regulations and directives. Which of the following corresponds to the definition of an EU regulation? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 816 80.0 80.0 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 204 20.0 20.0 1020 100.0 100.0

148 EU7

[EU6] The total number of the votes of all member states in the Council of the European Union is 345. How many votes does Finland have?


The total number of the votes of all member states in the Council of the European Union is 345. How many votes does Finland have?


label value n % v. % 7 1 345 33.8 33.8 3 2 142 13.9 13.9 10 3 167 16.4 16.4 5 4 220 21.6 21.6 Can’t say 104 146 14.3 14.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU6L] The total number of the votes of all member states in the Council of the European Union is 345. How many votes does Finland have? (cate- gorised)


The total number of the votes of all member states in the Council of the European Union is 345. How many votes does Finland have? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 675 66.2 66.2 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 345 33.8 33.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU7] How many representatives - ’MEPs’ - does Finland currently have in the European Parliament?


How many representatives - ’MEPs’ - does Finland currently have in the European Parliament?


149 2. Variables

label value n % v. % 10 1 377 37.0 37.0 14 2 479 47.0 47.0 25 3 38 3.7 3.7 27 4 9 0.9 0.9 Can’t say 104 117 11.5 11.5 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU7L] How many representatives - ’MEPs’ - does Finland currently have in the European Parliament? (categorised)


How many representatives - ’MEPs’ - does Finland currently have in the European Parliament? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 541 53.0 53.0 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 479 47.0 47.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU8] How long is the term of the European Parliament?


How long is the term of the European Parliament?


label value n % v. % Three years 1 131 12.8 12.8 Four years 2 501 49.1 49.1 Five years 3 136 13.3 13.3 Six years 4 87 8.5 8.5 Can’t say 104 165 16.2 16.2 1020 100.0 100.0

[EU8L] How long is the term of the European Parliament? (categorised)


How long is the term of the European Parliament? (categorised)

150 TA2


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 884 86.7 86.7 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 136 13.3 13.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TA1] What is currently the municipal tax rate of your municipality of res- idence?


What is currently the municipal tax rate of your municipality of residence?

Descriptive statistics

statistic value number of valid cases 1020 minimum 1004.00 maximum 3000.00 mean 2420.77 standard deviation 906.33

[TA1L] What is currently the municipal tax rate of your municipality of residence? (categorised open-ended)


What is currently the municipal tax rate of your municipality of residence? (categorised open- ended)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 851 83.4 83.4 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 169 16.6 16.6 1020 100.0 100.0

[TA2] How much is Finland’s annual government spending?


How much is Finland’s annual government spending?

151 2. Variables


label value n % v. % 10-20 billion euros 1 20 2.0 2.0 40-50 billion euros 2 217 21.3 21.3 100-110 billion euros 3 435 42.6 42.6 250-260 billion euros 4 197 19.3 19.3 Can’t say 104 151 14.8 14.8 1020 100.0 100.0

[TA2L] How much is Finland’s annual government spending? (categorised)


How much is Finland’s annual government spending? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 803 78.7 78.7 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 217 21.3 21.3 1020 100.0 100.0

[TA3] Annual inflation is 3% and Virtanen’s income increases by 2%. How does this affect Virtanen’s purchasing power?


Annual inflation is 3% and Virtanen’s income increases by 2%. How does this affect Virtanen’s purchasing power?


label value n % v. % Virtanen’s purchasing power increases by 2% 1 81 7.9 7.9 Virtanen’s purchasing power decreases by 3% 2 107 10.5 10.5 Virtanen’s purchasing power increases by 5% 3 54 5.3 5.3 Virtanen’s purchasing power decreases by 1% 4 724 71.0 71.0 Can’t say 104 54 5.3 5.3 1020 100.0 100.0

152 TA4

[TA3L] Annual inflation is 3% and Virtanen’s income increases by 2%. How does this affect Virtanen’s purchasing power? (categorised)


Annual inflation is 3% and Virtanen’s income increases by 2%. How does this affect Virtanen’s purchasing power? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 296 29.0 29.0 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 724 71.0 71.0 1020 100.0 100.0

[TA4] In Finland, employees’ earned income is subject to income tax. Let’s assume that Virtanen earns 2,000 euros and Herranen 5,000 euros per month. Which of the following statements about Finnish income taxation do you think is closest to the truth?


In Finland, employees’ earned income is subject to income tax. Let’s assume that Virtanen earns 2,000 euros and Herranen 5,000 euros per month. Which of the following statements about Finnish income taxation do you think is closest to the truth?


label value n % v. % Virtanen and Herranen have equal tax rates 1 57 5.6 5.6 Virtanen’s tax rate is higher than Herranen’s 2 82 8.0 8.0 Herranen’s tax rate is higher than Virtanen’s 3 783 76.8 76.8 Virtanen doesn’t pay any income tax, only Herranen 4 51 5.0 5.0 pays it Can’t say 104 47 4.6 4.6 1020 100.0 100.0

153 2. Variables

[TA4L] In Finland, employees’ earned income is subject to income tax. Let’s assume that V. earns 2,000 euros and H. 5,000 euros per month. Which of the following statements about Finnish income taxation do you think is closest to the truth? (categorised)


In Finland, employees’ earned income is subject to income tax. Let’s assume that V. earns 2,000 euros and H. 5,000 euros per month. Which of the following statements about Finnish income taxation do you think is closest to the truth? (categorised)


label value n % v. % Incorrect answer given by the respondent 0 237 23.2 23.2 Correct answer given by the respondent 1 783 76.8 76.8 1020 100.0 100.0

154 Chapter 3


3.1 Variables in the order of occurrence

FSD study number [FSD_NO] ...... 7 FSD edition number [FSD_VR] ...... 7 FSD case id [FSD_ID] ...... 8 The respondent’s gender [TT1] ...... 8 The respondent’s year of birth [TT2] ...... 8 The respondent’s municipality of residence [TT3] ...... 9 The respondent’s education or the education level the respondent’s full-time study aims at [TT4] 9 If you have a higher education degree, which of the following did you study as your major subject? [TT5] ...... 10 The respondent’s marital status [TT6] ...... 10 Are there children in your household? [TT7] ...... 10 How many children live in your household? [TT7B1] ...... 11 How many of the children are under 18 years old? [TT7B2] ...... 11 Type of neighbourhood where the respondent lives [TT8] ...... 12 The respondent’s economic activity and occupational status [TT9] ...... 12 The respondent’s employer type [TT10] ...... 13 The total gross annual income of the household [TT11] ...... 13 Mother tongue [TT12] ...... 14 How interested are you in politics? [TT13] ...... 14 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In primary and lower secondary school [TT14_1] ...... 15 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In general upper secondary school (high school) [TT14_2] ...... 15

155 3. Indexes

How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In vocational upper secondary school / university of applied sciences (polytechnic) [TT14_3] . 16 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In university [TT14_4] ...... 16 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: At home [TT14_5] ...... 17 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: Among friends and/or acquaintances [TT14_6] ...... 17 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: From self-study [TT14_7] ...... 18 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: National Coalition Party (KOK) [TT15_1] ...... 18 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) [TT15_2] ...... 19 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Centre Party of Finland (KESK) [TT15_3] ...... 19 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: True Finns (PS) [TT15_4] ...... 19 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) [TT15_5] ...... 20 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Christian Democrats (KD) [TT15_6] ...... 20 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Green League (VIHR) [TT15_7] ...... 21 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Left Alliance (VAS) [TT15_8] ...... 21 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Amnesty International [TT16_1] ...... 22 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Greenpeace [TT16_2] ...... 22 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: ATTAC [TT16_3] ...... 23 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Friends of the Earth [TT16_4] ...... 23 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Transparency International [TT16_5] ...... 24 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Committee of 100 in Finland [TT16_6] ...... 24 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Oikeutta eläimille (’Justice for Animals’) [TT16_7] ...... 25

156 3.1. Variables in the order of occurrence

How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Finnish Association for Nature Conservation [TT16_8] ...... 25 In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: Municipal elections [TT17A] ...... 26 In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: Parlia- mentary elections [TT17B] ...... 26 In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: Presiden- tial elections [TT17C] ...... 27 In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: European Parliament elections [TT17D] ...... 27 In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: I don’t consider voting important [TT17E] ...... 27 Which of the following best describes the way you decide on the party and/or candidate you vote for? [TT18] ...... 28 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Writing a letter to the editor [TT19_1] ...... 28 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in a demonstration [TT19_2] ...... 29 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Voting in elections [TT19_3] ...... 29 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in the activities of a political party or a political organisation [TT19_4] ...... 30 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participation in the activities of a non-political organisation or association [TT19_5] ...... 30 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Protest voting [TT19_6] ...... 31 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Contacting a decision-maker (e.g. a politician, public servant) [TT19_7] ...... 31 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Citizen activism (e.g. boycotts, squatting) [TT19_8] ...... 31 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in an election campaign [TT19_9] ...... 32 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participation on the Internet (e.g. online petitions, polls, discussions) [TT19_10] ...... 32 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A producer or business organisation [TT20_1] ...... 33 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A trade union or professional organisation [TT20_2] ...... 33 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A village or neighbourhood association [TT20_3] ...... 34

157 3. Indexes

How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A tenants’/residents’ association [TT20_4] ...... 34 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A sports or fitness club/organisation [TT20_5] ...... 35 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A culture association [TT20_6] ...... 35 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A youth or student organisation [TT20_7] ...... 36 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: An association/organisation related to national defence [TT20_8] 36 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A pensioners’ association [TT20_9] ...... 37 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: An environmental organisation [TT20_10] ...... 37 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A volunteer organisation (e.g. Red Cross, Mannerheim League for Child Welfare) [TT20_11] ...... 38 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A political organisation or party [TT20_12] ...... 38 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A parents’ association (school, day care etc.) [TT20_13] . . . . . 39 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: Other organisation/association [TT20_14] ...... 39 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A producer or business organisation [TT21_1] ...... 40 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A trade union or professional organisation [TT21_2] ...... 40 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A village or neighbourhood association [TT21_3] ...... 41 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A tenants’/residents’ asso- ciation [TT21_4] ...... 41 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A youth or student organisation [TT21_5] ...... 42 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: An association/organisation related to national defence [TT21_6] ...... 42

158 3.1. Variables in the order of occurrence

If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A pensioners’ association [TT21_7] ...... 43 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: An environmental organisation [TT21_8] ...... 43 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A political organisation or party [TT21_9] ...... 44 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A parents’ association (school, day care etc.) [TT21_10] ...... 44 What is the number of associations you are a member of? [TT22] ...... 45 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Television [TT23_1] ...... 45 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: National or local newspapers [TT23_2] ...... 46 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Tabloid newspapers [TT23_3] ...... 46 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Radio [TT23_4] ...... 47 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Magazines [TT23_5] ...... 47 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Professional magazines and literature [TT23_6] ...... 48 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Internet [TT23_7] ...... 48 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Participation in the activities of an organisation or a political party [TT23_8] ...... 49 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Events organised by authorities, organisations, educational in- stitutions etc. [TT23_9] ...... 49 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Information portals/forums (e.g. Europe Information, municipal information services) [TT23_10] ...... 50 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Contacting a decision-maker (a politician, public servant etc.) [TT23_11] ...... 50 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Conversations with friends, family, acquaintances and/or col- leagues etc. [TT23_12] ...... 51

159 3. Indexes

How often do you usually follow politics on television? [TT24_1] ...... 51 How often do you usually follow politics on the radio? [TT24_2] ...... 51 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Local news [TT25_1] . . . . . 52 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: National news [TT25_2] . . 52 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: World news [TT25_3] . . . . 53 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Business news [TT25_4] . . 53 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Editorials and columns [TT25_5] 54 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Expert columns (guest columns etc.) [TT25_6] ...... 54 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Letters to the editor [TT25_7] 55 On average, how much time per day do you spend: Watching television (hours) [TT26_1_1] 55 How much time per day do you usually spend: Watching television (minutes) [TT26_1_2] . 56 How much time per day do you usually spend: Listening to the radio (hours) [TT26_2_1] . .56 How much time per day do you usually spend: Listening to the radio (minutes) [TT26_2_2] 57 How much time per day do you usually spend: Reading newspapers (hours) [TT26_3_1] . . 58 How much time per day do you usually spend: Reading newspapers (minutes) [TT26_3_2] 58 How much time per day do you usually spend: Using the Internet (hours) [TT26_4_1] . . . . . 59 How much time per day do you usually spend: Using the Internet (minutes) [TT26_4_2] . . .60 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Infor- mation seeking related to work, studies etc. [TT27A] ...... 60 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Infor- mation retrieval related to hobbies or leisure time [TT27B] ...... 61 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Work- related contacts (e.g. clients, colleagues) [TT27C] ...... 61 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Contact with friends or acquaintances through email [TT27D] ...... 61 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Taking care of everyday tasks (paying bills, reserving trips, making purchases etc.) [TT27E] ...... 62 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Discus- sions on discussion boards, forums etc. (chat, IRC etc.) [TT27F] ...... 62 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Follow- ing current affairs [TT27G] ...... 63 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Down- loading music, videos etc. on your computer [TT27H] ...... 63 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Playing online games [TT27I] ...... 63

160 3.1. Variables in the order of occurrence

Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: I don’t use the Internet [TT27J] ...... 64 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Can’t say [TT27K] ...... 64 How much would you say you know about politics and public affairs? [Y1] ...... 64 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is only about seeking personal gain [Y2_1] ...... 65 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is a public activity [Y2_2] ...... 65 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is about working for the common good and making collective decisions [Y2_3] ...... 66 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is competition for power [Y2_4] ...... 66 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Influencing the content of politics requires participation [Y2_5] . . . 67 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is conflict resolution [Y2_6] ...... 67 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics does not affect the lives of ordinary people [Y2_7] ...... 68 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics sets the rules of the community/society [Y2_8] ...... 68 What is your attitude towards the concept of democracy? [Y3] ...... 69 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Citi- zens’ right to participate and influence the development of the society and their environment [Y4A] ...... 69 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: The duty of those in power to assess different views equally [Y4B] ...... 70 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: High tax rate [Y4C] ...... 70 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Re- specting the rule of law [Y4D] ...... 70 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free education and health care [Y4E] ...... 71 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Equality between men and women [Y4F] ...... 71 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free competition for power between political parties [Y4G] ...... 71 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: The ability of citizens to replace their political leaders [Y4H] ...... 72

161 3. Indexes

Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Major- ity rule [Y4I] ...... 72 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Political opposition’s freedom to act [Y4J] ...... 73 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: The goal of full employment [Y4K] ...... 73 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free, equal and secret elections [Y4L] ...... 73 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Even income distribution [Y4M] ...... 74 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free- dom of opinion [Y4N] ...... 74 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: None of the above [Y4O] ...... 74 If you assess democracy in Finland based on the criteria you associate with democracy, what grade would you give the state of democracy in Finland at the moment? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest) [Y5] ...... 75 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: With the left [Y6_1_1] ...... 75 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: With the right [Y6_1_2] ...... 76 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: Can’t say [Y6_1_3] ...... 76 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: With the left [Y6_2_1] ...... 77 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: With the right [Y6_2_2] ...... 77 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: Can’t say [Y6_2_3] ...... 77 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Working class: With the left [Y6_3_1] ...... 78 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Working class: With the right [Y6_3_2] ...... 78 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Working class: Can’t say [Y6_3_3] ...... 78 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: With the left [Y6_4_1] ...... 79 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: With the right [Y6_4_2] ...... 79 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these

162 3.1. Variables in the order of occurrence concepts? Market economy: Can’t say [Y6_4_3] ...... 80 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: With the left [Y6_5_1] ...... 80 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: With the right [Y6_5_2] ...... 80 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: Can’t say [Y6_5_3] ...... 81 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: With the left [Y6_6_1] ...... 81 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: With the right [Y6_6_2] ...... 82 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: Can’t say [Y6_6_3] ...... 82 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: With the left [Y6_7_1] ...... 82 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: With the right [Y6_7_2] ...... 83 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: Can’t say [Y6_7_3] ...... 83 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: With the left [Y6_8_1] ...... 84 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: With the right [Y6_8_2] ...... 84 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: Can’t say [Y6_8_3] ...... 84 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: With the left [Y6_9_1] ...... 85 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: With the right [Y6_9_2] ...... 85 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: Can’t say [Y6_9_3] ...... 86 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: With the left [Y6_10_1] ...... 86 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: With the right [Y6_10_2] ...... 86 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: Can’t say [Y6_10_3] ...... 87 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: With the left [Y6_11_1] ...... 87 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these

163 3. Indexes concepts? Reduction of income inequality: With the right [Y6_11_2] ...... 88 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: Can’t say [Y6_11_3] ...... 88 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: With the left [Y6_12_1] ...... 88 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: With the right [Y6_12_2] ...... 89 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: Can’t say [Y6_12_3] ...... 89 Where would you place yourself on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is far political left and 10 far political right? [Y7] ...... 90 The basis of our country’s political system is the constitution. Where are the Powers of the State vested in Finland according to the Constitution? [S1] ...... 90 The basis of our country’s political system is the constitution. Where are the Powers of the State vested in Finland according to the Constitution? (categorised) [S1L] ...... 91 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: One candidate is chosen from each constituency [S2A] ...... 91 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Multi-party system [S2B] ...... 91 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Multi-party system (categorised, correct answer 1/2) [S2BL] ...... 92 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Two-party system [S2C] ...... 92 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Several candidates are chosen from each constituency [S2D] ...... 93 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Several candidates are chosen from each constituency (cat. correct answer 2/2) [S2DL] ...... 93 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Can’t say [S2E] 94 What is meant by the term electoral division (constituencies)? [S3] ...... 94 What is meant by the term electoral division (constituencies)? (categorised) [S3L] ...... 94 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Maintenance of public discourse [S4_1] ...... 95 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Recruitment of political leaders [S4_2] ...... 95

164 3.1. Variables in the order of occurrence

Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Supporting multiculturalism [S4_3] ...... 96 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Reviewing and reconciling differing interests in society [S4_4] . . . .96 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Nomination of candidates for elections [S4_5] ...... 97 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Responsibility for the well-being of citizens [S4_6] ...... 97 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Improving the citizens’ level of education and culture [S4_7] . . . . . 98 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Responsibility for the balanced development of the whole society [S4_8] ...... 98 Political decisions are also made in municipalities in Finland. Which political decision-maker is elected by the residents of a municipality in municipal elections? [S5] ...... 99 Political decisions are also made in municipalities in Finland. Which political decision-maker is elected by the residents of a municipality in municipal elections? (categorised) [S5L] . . . .99 Who is, at the moment, the municipal/town manager of your current municipality of residence? (open-ended) [S6] ...... 99 Who is, at the moment, the municipal/town manager of your current municipality of residence? (categorised open-ended) [S6L] ...... 100 At the moment, which party is the largest party by seats in the municipal/city council of your current municipality of residence? (open-ended) [S7] ...... 100 At the moment, which party is the largest party by seats in the municipal/city council of your current municipality of residence? (categorised open-ended) [S7L] ...... 101 How often are municipal elections held in Finland? [S8] ...... 101 How often are municipal elections held in Finland? (categorised) [S8L] ...... 102 Which political decision-maker is directly elected by the citizens in parliamentary elections in Finland? [S9] ...... 102 Which political decision-maker is directly elected by the citizens in parliamentary elections in Finland? (categorised) [S9L] ...... 102 Who is currently the Prime Minister of Finland? (open-ended) [S10_1] ...... 103 Who is currently the Prime Minister of Finland? (categorised open-ended) [S10_1L] . . . . . 103 Which party does the current Prime Minister of Finland represent? (open-ended) [S10_2] .103 Which party does the current Prime Minister of Finland represent? (categorised open-ended) [S10_2L] ...... 104 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Di- recting foreign policy [S11A] ...... 104 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: En-

165 3. Indexes actment of laws [S11B] ...... 104 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: En- actment of laws (categorised, correct answer 1/2) [S11BL] ...... 105 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Na- tional preparation of the decisions to be made in the European Union (EU) [S11C] ...... 105 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Decision- making on state finances [S11D] ...... 106 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Decision- making on state finances (categorised, correct answer 2/2) [S11DL] ...... 106 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Can’t say [S11E] ...... 106 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: National Coalition Party (KOK) [S12A] ...... 107 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: National Coalition Party (KOK) (categorised, correct answer 1/4) [S12AL] ...... 107 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Social Demo- cratic Party of Finland (SDP) [S12B] ...... 107 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Centre Party of Finland (KESK) [S12C] ...... 108 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Centre Party of Finland (KESK) (categorised, correct answer 2/4) [S12CL] ...... 108 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: True Finns (PS) [S12D] ...... 109 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) [S12E] ...... 109 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) (categorised, correct answer 3/4) [S12EL] ...... 109 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Christian Democrats (KD) [S12F] ...... 110 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Green League (VIHR) [S12G] ...... 110 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Green League (VIHR) (categorised, correct answer 4/4) [S12GL] ...... 110 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Left Alliance (VAS) [S12H] ...... 111 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Can’t say [S12I] ...... 111 How often, at minimum, must parliamentary elections be held in Finland? [S13] ...... 111 How often, at minimum, must parliamentary elections be held in Finland? (categorised) [S13L] 112

166 3.1. Variables in the order of occurrence

When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (year) [S14_1] ...... 112 When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (year) (categorised) [S14_1L] ...... 113 When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (month) [S14_2] ...... 113 When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (month) (categorised) [S14_2L] . . . . . 113 The electoral system converts votes given in the elections into seats. In Finland, voters give their vote to the candidate of their choosing. What sort of influence does this vote given to a candidate have? [S15] ...... 114 The electoral system converts votes given in the elections into seats. In Finland, voters give their vote to the candidate of their choosing. What sort of influence does this vote given to a candidate have? (categorised) [S15L] ...... 114 How many members are there in the Parliament? [S16] ...... 115 How many members are there in the Parliament? (categorised) [S16L] ...... 115 Who currently acts as the Speaker of the Parliament? (open-ended) [S17_1] ...... 115 Who currently acts as the Speaker of the Parliament? (categorised open-ended) [S17_1L] . 116 Which party does the Speaker of the Parliament represent? (open-ended) [S17_2] ...... 116 Which party does the Speaker of the Parliament represent? (categorised open-ended) [S17_2L] 116 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Largest [S18_1] ...... 117 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Largest (categorised) [S18_1L] ...... 117 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Second largest [S18_2] ...... 118 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Second largest (categorised) [S18_2L] ...... 118 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Third largest [S18_3] ...... 119 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Third largest (categorised) [S18_3L] ...... 119 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Fourth largest [S18_4] ...... 120 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Fourth largest (categorised) [S18_4L] ...... 120 The cooperation of which two parties has been termed ’red earth/clay’? [S19] ...... 121 The cooperation of which two parties has been termed ’red earth/clay’? (categorised) [S19L] 121 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Directing the activities of the Government [S20A] ...... 121 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister:

167 3. Indexes

Directing the activities of the Government (categorised, correct answer 1/2) [S20AL] . . . . 122 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Appointment of the highest officials [S20B] ...... 122 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Carrying out the duties of the President, when the President is prevented from doing so [S20C] 123 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minis- ter: Carrying out the duties of the President, when the President is prevented from doing so (categorised, correct answer 2/2) [S20CL] ...... 123 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Appointment and dismissal of the Ministers [S20D] ...... 123 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Can’t say [S20E] ...... 124 Which political party did you vote for in the last parliamentary elections? [S21] ...... 124 What is the main principle in the division of duties between the state and municipalities? [S22] 125 What is the main principle in the division of duties between the state and municipalities? (cate- gorised) [S22L] ...... 125 Please name a party leader of one party in the Parliament (open-ended) [S23] ...... 126 Please name a party leader of one party in the Parliament (categorised open-ended) [S23L] 126 Finland follows the so-called principle of parliamentarism. Which of the following best de- scribes this principle? [S24] ...... 126 Finland follows the so-called principle of parliamentarism. Which of the following best de- scribes this principle? (categorised) [S24L] ...... 127 Since the 1960s, so-called tripartite negotiations have taken place in Finland. Who are the main parties in these negotiations? [S25] ...... 127 Since the 1960s, so-called tripartite negotiations have taken place in Finland. Who are the main parties in these negotiations? (categorised) [S25L] ...... 128 What is meant by the abbreviation TUPO? [S26] ...... 128 What is meant by the abbreviation TUPO? (categorised) [S26L] ...... 129 The Constitution of Finland regulates the conduct of Finnish foreign policy. Which of the fol- lowing alternatives completes the definition given in the Constitution: ’The foreign policy of Finland is directed by...’ [S27] ...... 129 The Constitution of Finland regulates the conduct of Finnish foreign policy. Which of the fol- lowing alternatives completes the definition given in the Constitution: ’The foreign policy of Finland is directed by...’ (categorised) [S27L] ...... 130 How long is the term of the President of the Republic? [S28] ...... 130 How long is the term of the President of the Republic? (categorised) [S28L] ...... 130 Since what year has Finland been a member of the European Union? [EU1] ...... 131

168 3.1. Variables in the order of occurrence

Since what year has Finland been a member of the European Union? (categorised) [EU1L] 131 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Poland [EU2_1_1] ...... 131 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Poland (categorised, correct answer 1/8) [EU2_1_1L] ...... 132 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Sweden [EU2_1_2] ...... 132 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Sweden (categorised, correct answer 2/8) [EU2_1_2L] ...... 133 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Germany [EU2_1_3] ...... 133 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Germany (categorised, correct answer 3/8) [EU2_1_3L] ...... 133 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Norway [EU2_1_4] ...... 134 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Denmark [EU2_1_5] ...... 134 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Denmark (categorised, correct answer 4/8) [EU2_1_5L] ...... 134 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Switzerland [EU2_1_6] ...... 135 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Italy [EU2_1_7] ...... 135 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Italy (categorised, correct answer 5/8) [EU2_1_7L] ...... 136 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Latvia [EU2_1_8] ...... 136 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Latvia (categorised, correct answer 6/8) [EU2_1_8L] ...... 136 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: The United Kingdom [EU2_1_9] ...... 137 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: The United Kingdom (categorised, correct answer 7/8) [EU2_1_9L] ...... 137 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Estonia [EU2_1_10] ...... 137 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Estonia (categorised, correct answer 8/8) [EU2_1__1] ...... 138 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: None [EU2_1_11] ...... 138 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU:

169 3. Indexes

Can’t say [EU2_1_12] ...... 139 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Poland [EU2_2_1] ...... 139 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Sweden [EU2_2_2] ...... 139 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Germany [EU2_2_3] ...... 140 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Germany (categorised, correct answer 1/2) [EU2_2_3L] . 140 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Norway [EU2_2_4] ...... 141 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Denmark [EU2_2_5] ...... 141 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Switzerland [EU2_2_6] ...... 141 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Italy [EU2_2_7] ...... 142 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Italy (categorised, correct answer 2/2) [EU2_2_7L] ...... 142 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Latvia [EU2_2_8] ...... 142 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: The United Kingdom [EU2_2_9] ...... 143 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Estonia [EU2_2_10] ...... 143 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: None [EU2_2_11] ...... 144 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Can’t say [EU2_2_12] ...... 144 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Agricultural and fishing policy [EU3A] ...... 144 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Agriculture and fishing policy (categorised, correct answer 1/2) [EU3AL] ...... 145 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Educational and social policy [EU3B] ...... 145 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Foreign and security policy [EU3C] ...... 145 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Economic policy [EU3D] 146 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Economic policy (categorised,

170 3.1. Variables in the order of occurrence correct answer 2/2) [EU3DL] ...... 146 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Can’t say [EU3E] . . . . . 146 The selection of the representatives of which EU institution can you directly influence in the elections? [EU4] ...... 147 The selection of the representatives of which EU institution can you directly influence in the elections? (categorised) [EU4L] ...... 147 The most important decisions of the EU are regulations and directives. Which of the following corresponds to the definition of an EU regulation? [EU5] ...... 148 The most important decisions of the EU are regulations and directives. Which of the following corresponds to the definition of an EU regulation? (categorised) [EU5L] ...... 148 The total number of the votes of all member states in the Council of the European Union is 345. How many votes does Finland have? [EU6] ...... 149 The total number of the votes of all member states in the Council of the European Union is 345. How many votes does Finland have? (categorised) [EU6L] ...... 149 How many representatives - ’MEPs’ - does Finland currently have in the European Parliament? [EU7] ...... 149 How many representatives - ’MEPs’ - does Finland currently have in the European Parliament? (categorised) [EU7L] ...... 150 How long is the term of the European Parliament? [EU8] ...... 150 How long is the term of the European Parliament? (categorised) [EU8L] ...... 150 What is currently the municipal tax rate of your municipality of residence? [TA1] ...... 151 What is currently the municipal tax rate of your municipality of residence? (categorised open- ended) [TA1L] ...... 151 How much is Finland’s annual government spending? [TA2] ...... 151 How much is Finland’s annual government spending? (categorised) [TA2L] ...... 152 Annual inflation is 3% and Virtanen’s income increases by 2%. How does this affect Virtanen’s purchasing power? [TA3] ...... 152 Annual inflation is 3% and Virtanen’s income increases by 2%. How does this affect Virtanen’s purchasing power? (categorised) [TA3L] ...... 153 In Finland, employees’ earned income is subject to income tax. Let’s assume that Virtanen earns 2,000 euros and Herranen 5,000 euros per month. Which of the following statements about Finnish income taxation do you think is closest to the truth? [TA4] ...... 153 In Finland, employees’ earned income is subject to income tax. Let’s assume that V. earns 2,000 euros and H. 5,000 euros per month. Which of the following statements about Finnish income taxation do you think is closest to the truth? (categorised) [TA4L] ...... 154

171 3. Indexes

3.2 Variables in alphabetical order

According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Appointment and dismissal of the Ministers ...... 123 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Appointment of the highest officials ...... 122 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Can’tsay ...... 124 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Carrying out the duties of the President, when the President is prevented from doing so . . . 123 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minis- ter: Carrying out the duties of the President, when the President is prevented from doing so (categorised, correct answer 2/2) ...... 123 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Directing the activities of the Government ...... 121 According to the Constitution, which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Prime Minister: Directing the activities of the Government (categorised, correct answer 1/2) ...... 122 Annual inflation is 3% and Virtanen’s income increases by 2%. How does this affect Virtanen’s purchasing power? ...... 152 Annual inflation is 3% and Virtanen’s income increases by 2%. How does this affect Virtanen’s purchasing power? (categorised) ...... 153 Are there children in your household? ...... 10 At the moment, which party is the largest party by seats in the municipal/city council of your current municipality of residence? (categorised open-ended) ...... 101 At the moment, which party is the largest party by seats in the municipal/city council of your current municipality of residence? (open-ended) ...... 100 Finland follows the so-called principle of parliamentarism. Which of the following best de- scribes this principle? ...... 126 Finland follows the so-called principle of parliamentarism. Which of the following best de- scribes this principle? (categorised) ...... 127 FSDcaseid ...... 8 FSD edition number ...... 7 FSD study number ...... 7 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A culture association ...... 35 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A parents’ association (school, day care etc.) ...... 39 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A pensioners’ association ...... 37 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or-

172 3.2. Variables in alphabetical order ganisations and associations: A political organisation or party ...... 38 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A producer or business organisation ...... 33 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A sports or fitness club/organisation ...... 35 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A tenants’/residents’ association ...... 34 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A trade union or professional organisation ...... 33 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A village or neighbourhood association ...... 34 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A volunteer organisation (e.g. Red Cross, Mannerheim League for Child Welfare) ...... 38 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: A youth or student organisation ...... 36 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: An association/organisation related to national defence ...... 36 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: An environmental organisation ...... 37 How actively do you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic or- ganisations and associations: Other organisation/association ...... 39 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Amnesty International ...... 22 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: ATTAC ...... 23 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Committee of 100 in Finland ...... 24 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Finnish Association for Nature Conservation ...... 25 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Friends of the Earth ...... 23 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Greenpeace ...... 22 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Oikeutta eläimille (’Justice for Animals’) ...... 25 How close to or distant from the following non-governmental/civic organisations do you feel yourself to be: Transparency International ...... 24 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Centre Party of Finland (KESK) ...... 19

173 3. Indexes

How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Christian Democrats (KD) ...... 20 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Green League (VIHR) ...... 21 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Left Alliance (VAS) ...... 21 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: National Coalition Party(KOK) ...... 18 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP) ...... 19 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) ...... 20 How close to or distant from the following parties do you feel yourself to be: True Finns (PS) 19 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Contacting a decision-maker (a politician, public servant etc.) 50 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Conversations with friends, family, acquaintances and/or col- leagues etc...... 51 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Events organised by authorities, organisations, educational in- stitutions etc...... 49 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Information portals/forums (e.g. Europe Information, municipal information services) ...... 50 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Internet ...... 48 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Magazines ...... 47 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: National or local newspapers ...... 46 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Participation in the activities of an organisation or a political party ...... 49 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Professional magazines and literature ...... 48 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Radio ...... 47 How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Tabloid newspapers ...... 46

174 3.2. Variables in alphabetical order

How important are the following channels for you personally for receiving information on cur- rent social and political issues: Television ...... 45 How interested are you in politics? ...... 14 How long is the term of the European Parliament? ...... 150 How long is the term of the European Parliament? (categorised) ...... 150 How long is the term of the President of the Republic? ...... 130 How long is the term of the President of the Republic? (categorised) ...... 130 How many children live in your household? ...... 11 How many members are there in the Parliament? ...... 115 How many members are there in the Parliament? (categorised) ...... 115 How many of the children are under 18 years old? ...... 11 How many representatives - ’MEPs’ - does Finland currently have in the European Parliament? 149 How many representatives - ’MEPs’ - does Finland currently have in the European Parliament? (categorised) ...... 150 How much is Finland’s annual government spending? ...... 151 How much is Finland’s annual government spending? (categorised) ...... 152 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: Among friends and/or acquaintances ...... 17 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: At home ...... 17 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: From self-study ...... 18 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In general upper secondary school (high school) ...... 15 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In primary and lower secondary school ...... 15 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In university ...... 16 How much knowledge would you say you have gained about social and political matters: In vocational upper secondary school / university of applied sciences (polytechnic) ...... 16 How much time per day do you usually spend: Listening to the radio (hours) ...... 56 How much time per day do you usually spend: Listening to the radio (minutes) ...... 57 How much time per day do you usually spend: Reading newspapers (hours) ...... 58 How much time per day do you usually spend: Reading newspapers (minutes) ...... 58 How much time per day do you usually spend: Using the Internet (hours) ...... 59 How much time per day do you usually spend: Using the Internet (minutes) ...... 60

175 3. Indexes

How much time per day do you usually spend: Watching television (minutes) ...... 56 How much would you say you know about politics and public affairs? ...... 64 How often are municipal elections held in Finland? ...... 101 How often are municipal elections held in Finland? (categorised) ...... 102 How often, at minimum, must parliamentary elections be held in Finland? ...... 111 How often, at minimum, must parliamentary elections be held in Finland? (categorised) . . 112 How often do you usually follow politics on television? ...... 51 How often do you usually follow politics on the radio? ...... 51 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Business news ...... 53 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Editorials and columns . . . .54 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Expert columns (guest columns etc.) ...... 54 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Letters to the editor ...... 55 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: Local news ...... 52 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: National news ...... 52 How often do you usually read the following on the newspaper: World news ...... 53 If you assess democracy in Finland based on the criteria you associate with democracy, what grade would you give the state of democracy in Finland at the moment? (4 being the lowest, 10 the highest) ...... 75 If you have a higher education degree, which of the following did you study as your major subject? ...... 10 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A parents’ association (school, day care etc.) ...... 44 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A pensioners’ association 43 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A political organisation or party ...... 44 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A producer or business organisation ...... 40 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A tenants’/residents’ asso- ciation ...... 41 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A trade union or professional organisation ...... 40

176 3.2. Variables in alphabetical order

If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A village or neighbourhood association ...... 41 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: A youth or student organisation 42 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: An association/organisation related to national defence ...... 42 If you participate in the activities of the following non-governmental/civic organisations, what is the most important reason for you to participate in the activities: An environmental organisation 43 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Can’t say . . . . . 94 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Multi-party system 91 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Multi-party system (categorised, correct answer 1/2) ...... 92 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: One candidate is chosen from each constituency ...... 91 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Several candidates are chosen from each constituency ...... 93 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Several candidates are chosen from each constituency (cat. correct answer 2/2) ...... 93 In Finland, an electoral system based on proportional representation is in use. Which of the following do you associate with the concept of proportional representation: Two-party system 92 In Finland, employees’ earned income is subject to income tax. Let’s assume that V. earns 2,000 euros and H. 5,000 euros per month. Which of the following statements about Finnish income taxation do you think is closest to the truth? (categorised) ...... 154 In Finland, employees’ earned income is subject to income tax. Let’s assume that Virtanen earns 2,000 euros and Herranen 5,000 euros per month. Which of the following statements about Finnish income taxation do you think is closest to the truth? ...... 153 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: Can’t say ...... 77 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: With the left ...... 77

177 3. Indexes

In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Aim for social justice: With the right ...... 77 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: Can’t say ...... 76 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: With the left ...... 75 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Bourgeois: With the right ...... 76 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: Can’t say ...... 84 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: With the left ...... 84 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Conservatism: With the right ...... 84 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: Can’t say ...... 86 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: With the left ...... 85 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Entrepreneurs and proprietors: With the right ...... 85 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: Can’t say ...... 80 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: With the left ...... 79 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Market economy: With the right ...... 79 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: Can’t say ...... 87 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: With the left ...... 86 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Owning class: With the right ...... 86 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: Can’t say ...... 82 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: With the left ...... 81 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Pro-globalisation: With the right ...... 82 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: Can’t say ...... 89

178 3.2. Variables in alphabetical order

In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: With the left ...... 88 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Progress and social reform: With the right ...... 89 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: Can’t say ...... 88 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: With the left ...... 87 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Reduction of income inequality: With the right ...... 88 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: Can’t say ...... 83 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: With the left ...... 82 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strengthening the role of private ownership: With the right ...... 83 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: Can’t say ...... 81 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: With the left ...... 80 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Strong public sector: With the right ...... 80 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Working class: Can’t say ...... 78 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Working class: With the left ...... 78 In politics people often talk of left and right. Which of the following do you associate with these concepts? Working class: With the right ...... 78 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Agricultural and fishing policy ...... 144 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Agriculture and fishing policy (categorised, correct answer 1/2) ...... 145 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Can’t say ...... 146 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Economic policy ...... 146 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Economic policy (categorised, correct answer 2/2) ...... 146 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Educational and social policy 145 In which field(s) have member states delegated powers to the EU: Foreign and security policy 145

179 3. Indexes

In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: European Parliament elections ...... 27 In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: I don’t consider voting important ...... 27 In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: Municipal elections ...... 26 In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: Parlia- mentary elections ...... 26 In which of the following elections do you consider it very important for you to vote: Presiden- tial elections ...... 27 Mother tongue ...... 14 On average, how much time per day do you spend: Watching television (hours) ...... 55 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Can’t say 111 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Centre Party of Finland (KESK) ...... 108 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Centre Party of Finland (KESK) (categorised, correct answer 2/4) ...... 108 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Christian Democrats (KD) ...... 110 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Green League (VIHR) ...... 110 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Green League (VIHR) (categorised, correct answer 4/4) ...... 110 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Left Alliance (VAS) ...... 111 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: National Coalition Party (KOK) ...... 107 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: National Coalition Party (KOK) (categorised, correct answer 1/4) ...... 107 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Social Demo- cratic Party of Finland (SDP) ...... 107 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) ...... 109 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: Swedish People’s Party in Finland (RKP) (categorised, correct answer 3/4) ...... 109 Out of the following, please select the parties that currently form the Government: True Finns (PS) ...... 109 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Can’t say ...... 64

180 3.2. Variables in alphabetical order

Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Contact with friends or acquaintances through email ...... 61 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Discus- sions on discussion boards, forums etc. (chat, IRC etc.) ...... 62 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Down- loading music, videos etc. on your computer ...... 63 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Follow- ing current affairs ...... 63 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: I don’t use the Internet ...... 64 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Infor- mation retrieval related to hobbies or leisure time ...... 61 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Infor- mation seeking related to work, studies etc...... 60 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Playing online games ...... 63 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Taking care of everyday tasks (paying bills, reserving trips, making purchases etc.) ...... 62 Out of the following, please select three principal reasons at most for your Internet use: Work- related contacts (e.g. clients, colleagues) ...... 61 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Improving the citizens’ level of education and culture ...... 98 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Maintenance of public discourse ...... 95 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Nomination of candidates for elections ...... 97 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Recruitment of political leaders ...... 95 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Responsibility for the balanced development of the whole society . 98 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Responsibility for the well-being of citizens ...... 97 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Reviewing and reconciling differing interests in society ...... 96 Parties are significant political actors in Finland. How important do you regard the activities of parties in the following: Supporting multiculturalism ...... 96 Please name a party leader of one party in the Parliament (categorised open-ended) ...... 126 Please name a party leader of one party in the Parliament (open-ended) ...... 126 Political decisions are also made in municipalities in Finland. Which political decision-maker is elected by the residents of a municipality in municipal elections? ...... 99

181 3. Indexes

Political decisions are also made in municipalities in Finland. Which political decision-maker is elected by the residents of a municipality in municipal elections? (categorised) ...... 99 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Influencing the content of politics requires participation ...... 67 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics does not affect the lives of ordinary people ...... 68 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is a public activity ...... 65 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is about working for the common good and making collective decisions ...... 66 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is competition for power ...... 66 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is conflict resolution ...... 67 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics is only about seeking personal gain ...... 65 Politics can be understood in different ways. How well do the following statements correspond to your view of politics: Politics sets the rules of the community/society ...... 68 Since the 1960s, so-called tripartite negotiations have taken place in Finland. Who are the main parties in these negotiations? ...... 127 Since the 1960s, so-called tripartite negotiations have taken place in Finland. Who are the main parties in these negotiations? (categorised) ...... 128 Since what year has Finland been a member of the European Union? ...... 131 Since what year has Finland been a member of the European Union? (categorised) ...... 131 The basis of our country’s political system is the constitution. Where are the Powers of the State vested in Finland according to the Constitution? ...... 90 The basis of our country’s political system is the constitution. Where are the Powers of the State vested in Finland according to the Constitution? (categorised) ...... 91 The Constitution of Finland regulates the conduct of Finnish foreign policy. Which of the fol- lowing alternatives completes the definition given in the Constitution: ’The foreign policy of Finland is directed by...’ ...... 129 The Constitution of Finland regulates the conduct of Finnish foreign policy. Which of the fol- lowing alternatives completes the definition given in the Constitution: ’The foreign policy of Finland is directed by...’ (categorised) ...... 130 The cooperation of which two parties has been termed ’red earth/clay’? ...... 121 The cooperation of which two parties has been termed ’red earth/clay’? (categorised) . . . . .121 The electoral system converts votes given in the elections into seats. In Finland, voters give their vote to the candidate of their choosing. What sort of influence does this vote given to a candidate have? ...... 114

182 3.2. Variables in alphabetical order

The electoral system converts votes given in the elections into seats. In Finland, voters give their vote to the candidate of their choosing. What sort of influence does this vote given to a candidate have? (categorised) ...... 114 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Can’tsay ...... 139 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Denmark ...... 134 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Denmark (categorised, correct answer 4/8) ...... 134 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Estonia ...... 137 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Estonia (categorised, correct answer 8/8) ...... 138 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Germany ...... 133 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Germany (categorised, correct answer 3/8) ...... 133 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Italy ...... 135 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Italy (categorised, correct answer 5/8) ...... 136 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Latvia ...... 136 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Latvia (categorised, correct answer 6/8) ...... 136 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: None ...... 138 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Norway ...... 134 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Poland ...... 131 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Poland (categorised, correct answer 1/8) ...... 132 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Sweden ...... 132 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Sweden (categorised, correct answer 2/8) ...... 133 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: Switzerland ...... 135 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU:

183 3. Indexes

The United Kingdom ...... 137 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them belong to the EU: The United Kingdom (categorised, correct answer 7/8) ...... 137 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Can’t say ...... 144 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Denmark ...... 141 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Estonia ...... 143 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Germany ...... 140 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Germany (categorised, correct answer 1/2) ...... 140 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Italy ...... 142 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Italy (categorised, correct answer 2/2) ...... 142 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Latvia ...... 142 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: None ...... 144 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Norway ...... 141 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Poland ...... 139 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Sweden ...... 139 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: Switzerland ...... 141 The following list contains a number of European countries. Which of them have the common currency euro as their currency: The United Kingdom ...... 143 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Fourth largest ...... 120 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Fourth largest (categorised) ...... 120 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Largest ...... 117 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Largest (categorised) ...... 117 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties

184 3.2. Variables in alphabetical order that are the largest by the number of seats: Second largest ...... 118 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Second largest (categorised) ...... 118 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Third largest ...... 119 The following list contains all the parties in the current Parliament. Please mark the four parties that are the largest by the number of seats: Third largest (categorised) ...... 119 The most important decisions of the EU are regulations and directives. Which of the following corresponds to the definition of an EU regulation? ...... 148 The most important decisions of the EU are regulations and directives. Which of the following corresponds to the definition of an EU regulation? (categorised) ...... 148 The respondent’s economic activity and occupational status ...... 12 The respondent’s education or the education level the respondent’s full-time study aims at . . 9 The respondent’s employer type ...... 13 The respondent’s gender ...... 8 The respondent’s marital status ...... 10 The respondent’s municipality of residence ...... 9 The respondent’s year of birth ...... 8 The selection of the representatives of which EU institution can you directly influence in the elections? ...... 147 The selection of the representatives of which EU institution can you directly influence in the elections? (categorised) ...... 147 The total gross annual income of the household ...... 13 The total number of the votes of all member states in the Council of the European Union is 345. How many votes does Finland have? ...... 149 The total number of the votes of all member states in the Council of the European Union is 345. How many votes does Finland have? (categorised) ...... 149 Type of neighbourhood where the respondent lives ...... 12 What is currently the municipal tax rate of your municipality of residence? ...... 151 What is currently the municipal tax rate of your municipality of residence? (categorised open- ended) ...... 151 What is meant by the abbreviation TUPO? ...... 128 What is meant by the abbreviation TUPO? (categorised) ...... 129 What is meant by the term electoral division (constituencies)? ...... 94 What is meant by the term electoral division (constituencies)? (categorised) ...... 94 What is the main principle in the division of duties between the state and municipalities? . 125 What is the main principle in the division of duties between the state and municipalities? (cate-

185 3. Indexes gorised) ...... 125 What is the number of associations you are a member of? ...... 45 What is your attitude towards the concept of democracy? ...... 69 When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (month) ...... 113 When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (month) (categorised) ...... 113 When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (year) ...... 112 When will the parliamentary elections be held next? (year) (categorised) ...... 113 Where would you place yourself on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is far political left and 10 far political right? ...... 90 Which of the following best describes the way you decide on the party and/or candidate you votefor? ...... 28 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Citi- zens’ right to participate and influence the development of the society and their environment 69 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Equality between men and women ...... 71 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Even income distribution ...... 74 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free competition for power between political parties ...... 71 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free education and health care ...... 71 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free, equal and secret elections ...... 73 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Free- dom of opinion ...... 74 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: High taxrate ...... 70 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Major- ityrule ...... 72 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: None oftheabove ...... 74 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Political opposition’s freedom to act ...... 73 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: Re- specting the rule of law ...... 70 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: The ability of citizens to replace their political leaders ...... 72 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: The

186 3.2. Variables in alphabetical order duty of those in power to assess different views equally ...... 70 Which of the following characteristics do you associate with the concept of democracy: The goal of full employment ...... 73 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Citizen activism (e.g. boycotts, squatting) ...... 31 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Contacting a decision-maker (e.g. a politician, public servant) ...... 31 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in a demonstration ...... 29 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in an election campaign ...... 32 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participating in the activities of a political party or a political organisation ...... 30 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participation in the activities of a non-political organisation or association ...... 30 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Participation on the Internet (e.g. online petitions, polls, discussions) ...... 32 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Protest voting ...... 31 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Voting in elections ...... 29 Which of the following do you regard as meaningful means for your personal civic participation: Writing a letter to the editor ...... 28 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Can’t say ...... 106 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Decision- making on state finances ...... 106 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Decision- making on state finances (categorised, correct answer 2/2) ...... 106 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Di- recting foreign policy ...... 104 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: En- actment of laws ...... 104 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: En- actment of laws (categorised, correct answer 1/2) ...... 105 Which of the following is/are the task(s) of the Parliament according to the Constitution: Na- tional preparation of the decisions to be made in the European Union (EU) ...... 105 Which party does the current Prime Minister of Finland represent? (categorised open-ended) 104 Which party does the current Prime Minister of Finland represent? (open-ended) ...... 103

187 3. Indexes

Which party does the Speaker of the Parliament represent? (categorised open-ended) . . . . . 116 Which party does the Speaker of the Parliament represent? (open-ended) ...... 116 Which political decision-maker is directly elected by the citizens in parliamentary elections in Finland? ...... 102 Which political decision-maker is directly elected by the citizens in parliamentary elections in Finland? (categorised) ...... 102 Which political party did you vote for in the last parliamentary elections? ...... 124 Who currently acts as the Speaker of the Parliament? (categorised open-ended) ...... 116 Who currently acts as the Speaker of the Parliament? (open-ended) ...... 115 Who is, at the moment, the municipal/town manager of your current municipality of residence? (categorised open-ended) ...... 100 Who is, at the moment, the municipal/town manager of your current municipality of residence? (open-ended) ...... 99 Who is currently the Prime Minister of Finland? (categorised open-ended) ...... 103 Who is currently the Prime Minister of Finland? (open-ended) ...... 103

188 Appendix A

Questionnaire in Finnish

189 KYSELYLOMAKE Tämä kyselylomake on osa Yhteiskuntatieteelliseen tietoarkistoon arkistoitua tutkimusaineistoa

FSD2499 Yhteiskuntatutkimus 2008

Kyselylomaketta hyödyntävien tulee viitata siihen asianmukaisesti lähdeviitteellä. Lisätiedot: http://www.fsd.uta.fi/

QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is part of the following dataset, archived at the Finnish Social Science Data Archive:

FSD2499 Knowledge of Politics and Society 2008

If this questionnaire is used or referred to in any publication, the source must be acknowledged by means of an appropriate bibliographic citation. More information: http://www.fsd.uta.fi/ 131

TT1. Oletteko... (a) mies (b) nainen

TT2. Min ä vuonna olette syntynyt?


TT3. Mik ä on nykyinen asuinkuntanne?

TT4. Mik ä on koulutustasonne? (Valitkaa vain yksi vaihtoehto. Jos olette p ää toiminen opiskelija, valitkaa se vaihtoehto, johon nykyinen opiskelunne t äht ää .) (a) Peruskoulun ala-aste tai kansakoulu (b) Peruskoulun yl äaste tai keskikoulu (c) Ammatillinen perustutkinto (ammattikoulu) (d) Ylioppilastutkinto (ei ammattikoulutusta) (e) Opistoasteen ammatillinen tutkinto (f) Ylempi opistoasteen tutkinto tai ammattikorkeakoulututkinto (g) Yliopiston tai korkeakoulun alempi akateeminen tutkinto (kandidaatti) (h) Yliopiston tai korkeakoulun ylempi akateeminen tutkinto (maisteri) (i) Lisensiaatin tai tohtorin tutkinto (j) Muu koulutus (k) En osaa sanoa

TT5. Jos Teill ä on korkeakoulututkinto , mit ä seuraavista aloista olette opiskelleet pää aineenanne ? (Jos Teill ä ei ole korkeakoulututkintoa, siirtyk ää kysymykseen TT6) (a) Humanistinen ala (b) Oikeustiede (c) Taloustiede (d) Yhteiskuntatieteet (e) Lää ketiede (f) Luonnontieteet (g) Tekniset tieteet (h) Kasvatustiede (ml. opettajankoulutus) (i) En mit ää n edell ä mainituista 132

TT6. Mik ä on nykyinen siviilis ää tynne? (a) Naimaton (b) Avioliitossa tai muussa rekister öidyss ä parisuhteessa (c) Avoliitossa (d) Eronnut tai asumuserossa (e) Leski (f) Muu

TT7. Kuuluuko talouteenne lapsia? (a) Ei (b) Kyll ä, yhteens ä _____ lasta, joista _____ alle 18-vuotiaita

TT8. Mik ä on nykyinen asuinpaikkanne? (a) Kaupungin keskusta (b) Esikaupunkialue tai kaupunkil ähi ö (c) Kuntakeskus tai muu taajama (d) Maaseudun haja-asutusalue

TT9. Mik ä on ammattiasemanne t äll ä hetkell ä? (Valitkaa vain yksi vaihtoehto) (a) Johtava asema (b) Ylempi toimihenkil ö (c) Alempi toimihenkil ö (d) Ty öntekij ä (e) Maatalousyritt äjä (f) Yritt äjä (g) Opiskelija (h) Hoidan lapsia/kotia/omaisia (i) Ty ötön/lomautettu (j) El äkel äinen (k) Muu

TT10. Nykyinen ty önantajanne? (Valitkaa vain yksi vaihtoehto) (a) Kunta/kuntayhtym ä (b) Kunnan yhti ö/liikelaitos (c) Valtio/muu julkinen (d) Ns. kolmas sektori (esim. voittoa tavoittelematon j ärjest ö/yhdistys tms.) (e) Oma yritys/itse ty öllistynyt (f) Yritys (g) En ole mukana ty öel ämäss ä (h) Muu 133

TT11. Mitk ä ovat taloutenne yhteenlasketut vuositulot veroja vähent ämätt ä? (a) alle 10 000  (b) 10 001-20 000  (c) 20 001-30 000  (d) 30 001-40 000  (e) 40 001-55 000  (f) 55 001-65 000  (g) 65 001-75 000  (h) 75 001-85 000  (i) 85 001-95 000  (j) 95 001-110 000  (k) yli 110 000  (l) En osaa/halua sanoa

TT12. Mik ä on äidinkielenne? (a) suomi (b) ruotsi (c) Jokin muu

TT13. Kuinka kiinnostunut olette politiikasta? (a) Eritt äin kiinnostunut (b) Jonkin verran kiinnostunut (c) Vain v ähän kiinnostunut (d) En lainkaan kiinnostunut (e) En osaa sanoa

TT14. Kuinka paljon tiet ämyst ä yhteiskunnallisten asioiden ymm ärt ämiseksi katsotte saaneenne...? (Arvioikaa vain niit ä, joista Teill ä on kokemusta)


TT15. Miten l äheiseksi tai et äiseksi koette seuraavat puolueet itsellenne?

En et äiseksi Eritt äin enk ä Hyvin läheiseksi Läheiseksi läheiseksi Et äiseksi et äiseksi Kansallinen Kokoomus      Suomen Sosialidemo-      kraattinen Puolue Suomen Keskusta      Perussuomalaiset      Ruotsalainen      Kansanpuolue Kristillisdemokraatit      Vihre ä Liitto      Vasemmistoliitto     

TT16. Miten l äheiseksi tai et äiseksi koette seuraavat kansalaisj ärjest öt itsellenne?

En et äiseksi En tunne Eritt äin enk ä Hyvin järjest ön läheiseksi Läheiseksi läheiseksi Et äiseksi et äiseksi toimintaa Amnesty International       Greenpeace       ATTAC       Maan yst ävät       Transparency       International Sadankomitea       Oikeutta el äimille       Suomen       luonnosuojeluliitto

TT17. Mik ä tai mitk ä seuraavista ovat vaalit, joissa ää nest ämist ä pid ätte itsellenne eritt äin t ärke änä? (a) Kunnallisvaalit (b) Eduskuntavaalit (c) Presidentinvaalit (d) Europarlamenttivaalit (e) En koe ää nest ämist ä t ärke änä ( siirtyk ää kysymykseen TT19) 135

TT18. Mik ä seuraavista kuvaa parhaiten tapaa, jolla p ää tätte, mit ä puoluetta ja/tai ehdokasta ää nest ätte? (a) Ää nest än aina saman puolueen ehdokasta (b) Ää nest än sit ä puoluetta/ehdokasta, joka kulloinkin vaikuttaa mielest äni parhaalta (c) Otan selv ää puolueiden/ehdokkaiden mielipiteist ä niiss ä asioissa, jotka ovat minulle t ärkeit ä ja ää nest än sopivinta ehdokasta (d) Haen itselleni sopivan ehdokkaan vaalikoneen kautta

TT19. Mit ä seuraavista pid ätte itsellenne mielekk ää nä tapana osallistua yhteiskunnallisesti?

Jonkin Eritt äin verran En lainkaan mielekk ää nä Mielekk ää nä mielekk ää nä mielekk ää nä Mielipidekirjoituksen kirjoittaminen     Mielenosoitukseen osallistuminen     Ää nest äminen vaaleissa     Puolueen tai muun poliittisen     järjest ön toimintaan osallistuminen Muuhun kuin poliittiseen j ärjest ö- tai     yhdistystoimintaan osallistuminen Protesti ää nest äminen     Yhteydenotto p ää töksentekij ää n     (esim. poliitikko, virkamies) Kansalaisaktivismi     (esim. ostoboikotit, kadun-/talonvaltaus) Vaalikampanjaan osallistuminen     Internetin kautta tapahtuva     osallistuminen (esim. nettiadressit, -kyselyt, -keskustelut) 136

TT20. Miten aktiivisesti toimitte seuraavissa yhteiskunnallisissa j ärjest öiss ä ja yhteis öiss ä?

Eritt äin aktiivisesti / En ole luottamus- mukana teht äväss ä Aktiivisesti Satunnaisesti toiminnassa Tuottaja- tai yritt äjäjärjest ö     Ammattiyhdistys tai -j ärjest ö     Kyl ä- tai kaupunginosayhdistys     Asukasyhdistys     Liikunta- tai urheiluseura/-j ärjest ö     Kulttuurij ärjest ö     Nuoriso- tai opiskelijaj ärjest ö     Maanpuolustusj ärjest ö     El äkel äisj ärjest ö     Ymp ärist öjärjest ö     Vapaaehtoisj ärjest ö     (esim. Punainen Risti, Mannerheimin lastensuojeluliitto) Poliittinen j ärjest ö tai puolue     Vanhempainyhdistys     (Koulu, p äiv äkoti tms.) Muu yhdistys    

TT21. Mik äli olette mukana seuraavien yhteiskunnallisten j ärjest öjen tai yhteis öjen toiminnassa, mik ä on itsellenne tärkein syy olla mukana toiminnassa? Yhteiskunnallinen Henkil ökohtainen Vapaa- vaikuttaminen / hy öty (verkostot, ajan vietto aatteelliset syyt urakehitys tms.) Muu syy Tuottaja- tai yritt äjäjärjest ö     Ammattiyhdistys tai -j ärjest ö     Kyl ä- tai kaupunginosayhdistys     Asukasyhdistys     Nuoriso- tai opiskelijaj ärjest ö     Maanpuolustusj ärjest ö     El äkel äisj ärjest ö     Ymp ärist öjärjest ö     Poliittinen j ärjest ö tai puolue     Vanhempainyhdistys     (Koulu, p äiv äkoti tms.) 137

TT22. Kuinka monessa yhdistyksess ä olette t äll ä hetkell ä j äsenen ä?

Yhteens ä yhdistyksess ä

TT23. Miten t ärkein ä pid ätte itsellenne seuraavia kanavia seurata ja hankkia tietoa yhteiskunnallisista asioista?

Eritt äin Melko En lainkaan tärke änä Tärke änä tärke änä tärke änä

Televisio     Valtakunnalliset tai paikalliset     sanomalehdet Iltap äiv älehdet (esim. Ilta-Sanomat,     Iltalehti) Radio     Aikakauslehdet     Ammattilehdet ja -kirjallisuus     Internet     Järjest ö- tai puoluetoimintaan     osallistuminen Viranomaisten, j ärjest öjen, oppilaitosten     tms. j ärjest ämät tilaisuudet Tiedotusfoorumit     (esim. Eurooppa-tiedotus, kunnalliset tietopalvelut) Yhteydenotto p ää töksentekij ää n     (poliitikko, virkamies tms.) Keskustelut yst ävä-, perhe- ja     tuttavapiiriss ä ja/tai kollegoiden tms. kanssa

TT24. Kuinka usein tavallisesti seuraatte politiikkaa tai yhteiskunnallisia asioita televisiosta ja radiosta ?

Televisio Radio Päivitt äin   2-6 kertaa viikossa   Kerran viikossa tai muutaman kerran   kuukaudessa Kerran kuukaudessa tai harvemmin   En koskaan   138

TT25. Kuinka usein tavallisesti luette sanomalehdistä...?

Kerran viikossa tai Kerran muutaman kuukaudessa 2-6 kertaa kerran tai Päivitt äin viikossa kuukaudessa harvemmin En koskaan Paikallisuutiset      Kotimaan uutiset      Ulkomaan uutiset      Talousuutiset      Pää kirjoitukset ja kolumnit      Asiantuntija-artikkelit      (Aliot, vieraskyn ät tms.) Mielipidekirjoitukset     

TT26. Kuinka paljon tavallisesti (puolen tunnin tarkkuudella) k äyt ätte aikaa päiv äss ä...?

Television katseluun: tuntia

Radion kuunteluun: tuntia (Kuunteluksi ei lasketa esim. radion pit ämist ä p ää ll ä taustamusiikkia tms. varten)

Sanomalehtien lukemiseen: tuntia

Internetin k äytt öö n: tuntia

TT27. Valitkaa seuraavista enint ää n kolme (3) p ää asiallista tapaanne k äytt ää interneti ä? (a) Ty öhön, opiskeluun tms. liittyv ä tiedonhaku (b) Harrastuksiin tai vapaa-aikaan liittyv ä tiedonhaku (c) Ty öhön liittyv ä yhteydenpito (esim. asiakkaisiin, kollegoihin) (d) Yhteydenpito kavereihin tai tuttaviin s ähk öpostitse (e) Juoksevien asioiden hoitaminen (laskunmaksu, matkojen varaus, ostosten tekeminen tms.) (f) Keskustelupalstoilla tms. foorumeilla keskusteleminen (chat, irc tms.) (g) Ajankohtaisten tapahtumien seuraaminen (h) Musiikin, videoiden tms. lataaminen omalle tietokoneelle (i) Verkkopelien pelaaminen (j) En k äyt ä interneti ä 139

Y1. Miten hyvin itse arvioitte tuntevanne politiikkaa ja yhteiskunnallisia asioita? (a) Eritt äin hyvin (b) Hyvin (c) Melko hyvin (d) En kovinkaan hyvin (e) Heikosti (f) En osaa arvioida

Y2. Politiikka voidaan ymm ärt ää monin eri tavoin. Miten hyvin alla luetellut väitt ämät sopivat omaan k äsitykseenne politiikasta?

Sopii Sopii Sopii eritt äin melko Sopii melko eritt äin En osaa hyvin hyvin huonosti huonosti sanoa Politiikassa on kyse ainoastaan      henkil ökohtaisen hy ödyn tavoittelusta Politiikka on julkista toimintaa      Politiikka on yhteisten asioiden      hoitamista Politiikka on kilpailua vallasta      Politiikan sis ält öö n      vaikuttaminen edellytt ää osallistumista Politiikka on ristiriitojen      ratkaisemista Politiikka ei vaikuta tavallisen      ihmisen el ämää n Politiikka luo yhteis ön      pelis ää nn öt

Y3. Miten suhtaudutte k äsitteeseen demokratia? (a) Eritt äin my önteisesti (b) My önteisesti (c) En my önteisesti enk ä kielteisesti (d) Kielteisesti (e) Eritt äin kielteisesti 140

Y4. Mink ä tai mitk ä seuraavista ominaisuuksista liit ätte k äsitteeseen demokratia? (a) Kansalaisten oikeus osallistua ja vaikuttaa yhteiskunnan sek ä elinymp ärist öns ä kehitt ämiseen (b) Vallank äytt äjien velvollisuus arvioida eri n äkemyksi ä tasapuolisesti (c) Korkea verotusaste (d) Oikeusvaltioperiaatteen kunnioittaminen (e) Maksuton koulutus ja terveydenhoito (f) Miesten ja naisten v älinen tasa-arvo (g) Puolueiden v älinen vapaa kilpailu vallasta (h) Kansalaisten mahdollisuus vaihtaa poliittiset vallanpitäjät (i) Enemmist ön tahdon toteutuminen (j) Poliittisen opposition toimintavapaus (k) Täysty öllisyyden tavoittelu (l) Vapaat, yhten äiset ja salaiset vaalit (m) Tasainen tulonjako (n) Mielipiteenvapaus (o) En mit ää n edell ä mainituista

Y5. Jos arvioitte suomalaista demokratiaa edell ä demokratiaan liitt ämienne kriteerien valossa, mink ä kouluarvosanan antaisitte demokratian toimivuudelle täll ä hetkell ä Suomessa (asteikko 4-10)?


Y6. Politiikassa puhutaan usein vasemmistosta ja oikeistosta. Mit ä seuraavista asioista liit ätte n äihin k äsitteisiin? (Voitte my ös liitt ää saman asian sek ä oikeistoon ett ä vasemmistoon tai olla liitt ämätt ä sit ä kumpaankaan)

Vasemmistoon Oikeistoon

Porvarillisuus   Sosiaalisen oikeudenmukaisuuden tavoittelu   Ty öväenluokka   Markkinatalous   Julkisen sektorin vahva rooli   Globalisaatiomy önteisyys   Yksityisomistuksen vahvistaminen   Konservatiivisuus   Yksityisyritt äjät ja elinkeinonharjoittajat   Omistava luokka   Tuloerojen kaventaminen   Edistys ja yhteiskunnan uudistaminen  

Y7. Mihin Te asettaisitte itsenne asteikolla, jossa nolla tarkoittaa laitimmaista vasemmistoa ja kymmenen laitimmaista oikeistoa?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 vasemmisto oikeisto

S1. poliittisen j ärjestelm än perustana on perustuslaki. Mille seuraavista valtiollinen valta Suomessa t ämän perustuslain mukaan kuuluu? (a) Oikeuslaitokselle (b) Kansalle (c) Presidentille (d) Hallitukselle

S2. Suomessa on k äyt öss ä suhteellinen vaalitapa. Mink ä tai mitk ä seuraavista tekij öist ä liit ätte k äsitteeseen suhteellinen vaalitapa? (a) Kustakin vaalipiirist ä valitaan yksi ehdokas (b) Monipuoluej ärjestelm ä (c) Kaksipuoluej ärjestelm ä (d) Kustakin vaalipiirist ä valitaan useita ehdokkaita 142

S3. Mit ä tarkoitetaan k äsitteell ä vaalipiirijako? (a) Vaaleissa annettujen ää nten alueellista jakautumista (b) Vaaleissa ehdolla olevien ehdokkaiden alueellista jakautumista (c) Tietty ä ehdokasta ää nest äneiden henkil öiden alueellista jakautumista (d) Vaaleilla t äytett ävien edustajapaikkojen alueellista jakoa

S4. Suomessa puolueet ovat olennaisia politiikan toimijoita. Miten t ärke änä pid ätte puolueiden toimintaa seuraavilla osa-alueilla?

Eritt äin Melko En lainkaan En osaa tärke änä Tärke änä tärke änä tärke änä sanoa Kansalaiskeskustelun      yll äpit ämien Poliittisten johtajien rekrytointi      Monikulttuurisuuden      tukeminen Yhteiskunnallisten intressien      yhteenkokoaminen ja yhteen- sovittaminen Ehdokasasettelu vaaleissa      Vastuu kansalaisten      hyvinvoinnista Kansan sivistystason      edist äminen Vastuu koko yhteiskunnan      tasapainoisesta kehityksest ä

S5. Suomessa my ös kunnissa ja kaupungeissa tehd ää n poliittisia p ää töksi ä. Mink ä poliittisen p ää töksentekij än kuntalaiset valitsevat suoraan kunnallisvaaleissa? (a) Kunnanhallituksen (b) Kunnanjohtajan (c) Kunnanvaltuuston (d) Lää ninhallituksen

S6. Kuka on t äll ä hetkell ä nykyisen asuinkuntanne kunnan- tai kaupunginjohtaja?

S7. Mik ä puolue on t äll ä hetkell ä paikkam ää rält ää n nykyisen asuinkuntanne kunnan- tai kaupunginvaltuuston suurin puolue?


S8. Kuinka usein kunnallisvaalit j ärjestet ää n Suomessa? (a) Joka toinen vuosi (b) Joka kolmas vuosi (c) Joka nelj äs vuosi (d) Joka viides vuosi

S9. Mink ä poliittisen p ää töksentekij än kansa valitsee Suomessa suoraan parlamenttivaaleissa? (a) Hallituksen (b) Pää ministerin (c) Presidentin (d) Eduskunnan

S10. Kuka toimii t äll ä hetkell ä Suomen p ää ministerin ä ja mit ä puoluetta h än edustaa? (Merkitk ää puolueeksi SIT, mik äli henkil ö ei mielest änne edusta mit ää n puoluetta)



S11. Mik ä tai mitk ä seuraavista kuuluvat perustuslain mukaan eduskunnan teht äviin? (a) Ulkopolitiikan johtaminen (b) Lakien s ää täminen (c) Euroopan unionin (EU) asioiden kansallinen valmistelu (d) Valtiontaloudesta p ää tt äminen

S12. Valitkaa seuraavista ne puolueet, jotka ovat t äll ä hetkell ä edustettuina maamme hallituksessa? (a) Kansallinen Kokoomus (b) Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (c) Suomen Keskusta (d) Perussuomalaiset (e) Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue (f) Kristillisdemokraatit (g) Vihre ä Liitto (h) Vasemmistoliitto 144

S13. Kuinka usein eduskuntavaalit tulee v ähint ää n j ärjest ää Suomessa? (a) Kolmen vuoden v älein (b) Nelj än vuoden v älein (c) Viiden vuoden v älein (d) Kuuden vuoden v älein

S14. Milloin eduskuntavaalit j ärjestet ää n seuraavan kerran? (Ilmoittakaa vaaliajankohdan vuosi ja kuukausi)

Vuosi: Kuukausi:

S15. Vaalij ärjestelm ä muuttaa vaaleissa annetut ää net edustajapaikoiksi. Suomessa ää nest äjät antavat ää nens ä valitsemalleen ehdokkaalle. Mill ä tavoin t ämä ehdokkaalle annettu ää ni vaikuttaa? (a) Kunkin ehdokkaan henkil ökohtaiset ää net lasketaan yhteen ja vaalipiirist ä valitaan eniten henkil ökohtaisia ää ni ä saanut ehdokas (b) Kunkin ehdokkaan henkil ökohtaiset ää net lasketaan yhteen ja vaalipiirin paikat t äytet ää n henkil ökohtaisten ää nien mukaisessa j ärjestyksess ä (c) Kullekin ehdokkaalle lasketaan ehdokkaan puolueen kokonais ää nim ää rän perusteella nk. vertailuluku. Vaalipiirin paikat t äytet ää n n äin saatujen vertailulukujen mukaisessa j ärjestyksess ä. (d) Kukin puolue saa vaalipiirin paikoista omaa ää niosuuttaan vastaavan osuuden. Puolueet saamat paikat t äytet ää n puolueen asettamalta ehdokaslistalta ehdokasj ärjestyksess ä.

S16. Kuinka monta kansanedustajaa kuuluu eduskuntaan?

S17. Kuka toimii t äll ä hetkell ä eduskunnan ensimm äisen ä puhemiehen ä ja mit ä puoluetta h än edustaa? (Merkitk ää puolueeksi SIT, mik äli henkil ö ei mielest änne edusta mit ää n puoluetta)


Puolue: 145

S18. Seuraavassa on lueteltu kaikki nykyisess ä eduskunnassa edustettuina olevat puolueet. Merkitk ää nelj ä (4) paikkam ää rält ää n suurinta puoluetta (1=suurin, 2=toiseksi suurin jne.): ______Kansallinen Kokoomus ______Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue ______Suomen Keskusta ______Perussuomalaiset ______Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue ______Kristillisdemokraatit ______Vihre ä Liitto ______Vasemmistoliitto

S19. Mink ä kahden puolueen yhteisty öst ä on k äytetty k äsitett ä punamulta? (a) Suomen Sosialidemokraattisen Puolueen ja Kansallisen Kokoomuksen (b) Suomen Sosialidemokraattisen Puolueen ja Suomen Keskustan (c) Vasemmistoliiton ja Suomen Keskustan (d) Vasemmistoliiton ja Kansallisen Kokoomuksen

S20. Mik ä tai mitk ä seuraavista kuuluvat perustuslain mukaan p ää ministerin teht äviin? (a) Valtioneuvoston toiminnan johtaminen (b) Ylimpien virkamiesten nimitt äminen (c) Presidentin teht ävien hoitaminen t ämän ollessa estynyt (d) Hallituksen ministerien nimitt äminen ja erottaminen

S21. Mit ä puoluetta ää nestitte viime eduskuntavaaleissa? (a) Kansallinen Kokoomus (b) Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue (c) Suomen Keskusta (d) Perussuomalaiset (e) Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue (f) Kristillisdemokraatit (g) Vihre ä Liitto (h) Vasemmistoliitto (i) Muu (j) En ollut ää nestysik äinen (k) En ää nest änyt (l) En halua vastata 146

S22. Mik ä on Suomessa noudatettava valtion ja kuntien v älisen teht ävänjaon pää periaate? (a) Kunnat p ää tt ävät itse kaikista asioistaan (b) Alue- ja kuntaministeri johtaa kuntien toimintaa (c) Valtio p ää tt ää kuntien perusteht ävät, jotka kunnat toteuttavat (d) Lää ninhallitus p ää tt ää alueensa kuntien teht ävät

S23. Nimetk ää yhden eduskunnassa edustettuna olevan puolueen puheenjohtaja:



S24. Suomessa noudatetaan nk. parlamentarismin periaatetta. Mik ä seuraavista kuvaa parhaiten t ätä periaatetta? (a) Kansa valitsee eduskunnan (b) Kansanedustajan tulee p ää töksiss ää n noudattaa ää nest äjien tahtoa (c) Hallituksen tulee nauttia eduskunnan enemmist ön luottamusta (d) Hallituksen tulee nauttia presidentin luottamusta

S25. Suomessa on 1960-luvulta l ähtien k äyty nk. kolmikantaneuvotteluja. Ketk ä ovat olleet n äiden neuvottelujen p ää osapuolet? (a) Presidentti, p ää ministeri ja valtiovarainministeri (b) Valtio, ty önantaja- ja ty öntekij äjärjest öt (c) Kunta-, kaupunki- ja maakuntajohtajat (d) Suomi, Ruotsi ja Norja

S26. Mit ä tarkoitetaan lyhenteell ä TUPO? (a) Tuloveron poistamiseen t äht ää vi ä suunnitelmia (b) Tuulivoimapainotteinen energiapolitiikkaohjelma (c) Tulopoliittista kokonaisratkaisua (d) Tuloveroprosentin oikaisumenettely ä

S27. Suomen perustuslaki s ää telee maamme ulkopolitiikan toimivaltasuhteet. Mik ä seuraavista vaihtoehdoista t äydent ää perustuslain m ää ritelm än: ”Suomen ulkopolitiikkaa johtaa”... (a) tasavallan presidentti yhteistoiminnassa ulkoministerin kanssa. (b) tasavallan presidentti yhteistoiminnassa valtioneuvoston kanssa. (c) eduskunta yhteistoiminnassa ulkoministerin kanssa. (d) ulkoministeri. 147

S28. Kuinka pitk ä on tasavallan presidentin virkakausi? (a) Nelj ä vuotta (b) Viisi vuotta (c) Kuusi vuotta (d) Kahdeksan vuotta

EU1. Mist ä vuodesta l ähtien Suomi on ollut Euroopan unionin (EU) j äsen? (a) 2000 (b) 1995 (c) 1986 (d) Suomi ei ole EU:n j äsen

EU2. Seuraavassa on lueteltu joukko eurooppalaisia valtioita. Mitk ä niist ä kuuluvat EU:iin? Miss ä niiss ä on k äyt öss ä yhteisvaluutta euro?

Kuuluu EU:iin Käyt öss ä euro Puola   Ruotsi   Saksa   Norja   Tanska   Sveitsi   Italia   Latvia   Iso-Britannia   Viro  

EU3. Mik ä tai mitk ä seuraavista ovat aloja, joissa j äsenmaat ovat luovuttaneet toimivallan EU:lle? (a) Maatalous- ja kalastusasiat (b) Koulutus- ja sosiaalipolitiikka (c) Ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka (d) Kauppapolitiikka 148

EU4. Mink ä EU-toimielimen edustajien valintaan Te voitte vaaleissa suoraan osallistua? (a) Komission (b) Parlamentin (c) Eurooppa-neuvoston (d) EU:n neuvoston (ministerineuvoston)

EU5. EU:n t ärkeimm ät p ää tökset ovat asetuksia ja direktiivej ä. Mik ä seuraavista vastaa EU-asetuksen m ää ritelm ää ? (a) Asetus on ei-sitova suositus j äsenmaille (b) Asetus on sellaisenaan j äsenmaissa noudatettavaa oikeutta (c) Asetus velvoittaa j äsenmaita, mutta j ätt ää kansallisen viranomaisen valittavaksi muodot ja keinot (d) Asetus m ää rittelee EU:n toimielinten valtasuhteet

EU6. EU:n neuvostossa (ministerineuvostossa) j äsenmaiden yhteenlaskettu ää nim ää rä on 345. Kuinka monta ää nt ä on Suomella? (a) 7 (b) 3 (c) 10 (d) 5

EU7. Kuinka monta edustajaa – ”meppi ä” – Suomella on t äll ä hetkell ä Euroopan parlamentissa? (a) 10 (b) 14 (c) 25 (d) 27

EU8. Kuinka pitk ä on Euroopan parlamentin toimikausi? (a) Kolme vuotta (b) Nelj ä vuotta (c) Viisi vuotta (d) Kuusi vuotta

TA1. Mik ä on t äll ä hetkell ä kotikuntanne kunnallisveroprosentti (vero äyri)?


TA2. Kuinka suuret ovat Suomen valtion vuotuiset menot? (a) 10-20 miljardia euroa (b) 40-50 miljardia euroa (c) 100-110 miljardia euroa (d) 250-260 miljardia euroa

TA3. Vuoden aikana inflaatio on 3 % ja Virtasen palkkatulot kasvavat 2 %. Miten t ämä kehitys vaikuttaa Virtasen ostovoimaan? (a) Virtasen ostovoima kasvaa 2 % (b) Virtasen ostovoima v ähenee 3 % (c) Virtasen ostovoima kasvaa 5 % (d) Virtasen ostovoima v ähenee 1 %

TA4. Palkansaajien palkkatulo on veronalaista Suomessa. Oletetaan, ett ä Virtanen ansaitsee 2 000 euroa kuussa ja Herranen 5 000 euroa kuussa. Mik ä seuraavista valtion tuloverotusta koskevista v äitt ämist ä teid än mielest änne on l ähinn ä totuutta? (a) Virtasen ja Herrasen veroprosentit ovat yht ä korkeat. (b) Virtasen veroprosentti on korkeampi kuin Herrasen. (c) Herrasen veroprosentti on korkeampi kuin Virtasen. (d) Virtanen ei maksa lainkaan valtion tuloveroa, vain Herranen maksaa sit ä (e) En osaa sanoa