English Empower, Vol.03 No.02 61 DEVELOPING LOCAL STORIES OF PALEMBANG TO BE AN AUTHENTIC ENGLISH READING TEXTS Nurul Fitriyah Almunawaroh English Lecturer of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Study Program, Tamansiswa University of Palembang
[email protected] Kuntum Trilestari* English Lecturer of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Study Program, Tamansiswa University of Palembang
[email protected] Abstract: Many local stories of Palembang are published in the internet and some of them are translated by using google translate which are having lots of errors in grammatical form and the words choice are not suitable. Not only in term of grammar, some of the texts are not valid based on the history part. Unfortunately, when we search some of the history places, culture of even special food of Palembang at the official website of Department of Culture and Tourism Palembang, there only few stories uploaded. The aims of the study are ; 1) to find out the total number of Published local stories of Palembang; 2) to find out the authenticity or originality of local stories of Palembang available on the internet and other media; and 3) to find out the validity of local stories of Palembang available on the Internet or in other media in term of diction, grammar, readability, availability, and accuracy? The findings of the study hopefully can be used as the authentic English reading texts for public and school needs. There are sixteen texts translated in English and the readability also found to give the information of reading level of the texts. Keywords: Local stories of Palembang, English reading authentics text, readability INTRODUCTION of this capital city fits with its tophography Palembang is one of seventeen regencies which is surrounded or even covered by in South Sumatra Province.