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Abelard, Pierre xix, xvi, xxiii, xxxiii, Augustine, Augustinianism xxii, xxxvi, 39,67-83,112 37,50,69,85,88,89,102,122, absurd xxxii, 21-23 125, 142, 144, 145-147, 152, Academie Francaise 289,291 153,168,177,184,187,194, Adalbertus Samaritanus 71-72 209,211-212,224,229, Adelwip (see Hadewych of Antwerp) 242-247,249-250,268,312, Adimari, Fra Angelo 224 315 Aelian268 authenticity of works 70-72, 99,103, Aeschines Socraticus 69 107,265 aesthetics (see also artwork and Averroesxxxvii,268 illumination, iconography) 145, Avicenna (see ibn Sina) 161 Avila, Teresa of (see Teresa of Avila) Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus) 117, 120, 179 Bacon xix xx, 178 de Balzac, Guez 289 Alfonso of Jaen 172 Barbarossa, Emperor Frederick 30, 50, allegory (see symbolism) 85 d' Alviano, Tommasso 226 Basil, St. 301 Ambrose, St. 69,268 Beatrice of Nazareth ix, xv, xxxiii, Ambrose Autpert 175 99-114,120,141,315 Anastasius IV, Pope 50 de Beauvoir, Simone 1 Anchoran Rule (Ancrene Wisse) 192, beguinages, beguines xxiv, 99, 116, 193 132, 140-141 anchoress, role of 191, 192, 193 Beregaudus 175 d' Andrea, Novella xxiii, 309 29,89, 102, 107, Anjou, Duke of 226 112, 120, 196,241 Anselm xxxiii, 89, 177, 178, 181 Bernard Silvestris 71 anthropology 276-277 von Bingen, Hildegard (see Hildegard) Antisthenes 300 biology 276 anxiety xxxii 13, 20-21 Birgitta of Sweden xix, xxviii, xxxiii- Aquinas, Thomas (see Thomas xxxiv, 167-190 Aquinas) Black Death 192 Argenteuil (see religious foundations Blanche of Namur, Queen 169 for women) Bloemendaal (see religious foundations , Aristotle xxii, xxxiii, for women) xxxvii, 69, 73, 93, 144, 188, 194, Boethius 89, 268 261,268,270,296,297 de Boisrobert, Francois 288-289 artwork and illumination xxxi, xxxiii, Bonafatius IX, Pope 168 34, 86ff, 123, (see also Boniface xx iconography) de Brach, Pierre 293 xxiii, 103ff, 127, 168-169, Bruno, Giordano xix 231 Bubonic plague 192 Aspasia 300 Bucca, Dorotea xxiii, 309 astronomy 276 Buddhism xxi, 2, 4-6, 12-24 342 Index

Buoconti, Gherardo 225 Council of Ephesus 176, 178 Council of Nicea 176 Caedmonxx Crates 268 Caffarini, Tomasso 223 creation da Capua, Raimondo 223-225, 227, in Catherine of Siena 253 239,253 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 88 Carleton 275 in Hildegard of Bingen 34-36 cartesianism (see Descartes) in Julian of Norwich 200 Catharism, catharists 31, 36 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 122-124 Catherine of Siena (Caterina Benin- casa) xix, xxviii, xxxv-xxxvi, David of Augsburg 120 169,187,223-260 Dante Alligheri 35, 44, 95 Catherine (of Sweden), St. 168,172 deity certainty 203-208 in Beatrice of Nazareth 101-103 xx-xxi, 178 in Birgitta of Sweden 184-185 Charles the Bald xxi in Catherine of Siena 228-233, 244ff Charles (Karl) IV, Emperor of in de Gournay 301 Germany, xxxv, 170 in Hadewych of Antwerp 145-146, Charles V, King of France xxxvi, 226, 156-159 312,313 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 91 children of women philosophers 8, in Hildegard of Bingen 51-53 167-169,171,172,173 in Julian of Norwich 196-199 chilo 264-275 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 118, 119, choice (see also free will) xxxii, I, 12, 122-126 17-19,125,229,243,245-247, in Murasaki Shikibu 4-6 253-254 Democritus 268 Chretien de Troyes 142 Denys (of France), St. (see ps. Christine de Pisan (see Pisan) Dionysius) Cicero, M. Tullius xxxiii, 73-79, 268, Descartes, Rene 264, 272 291 desire, role of (see also passion) Ciompi revolt 226 in Murasaki Shikibu 5, 22-24 Clemens VI, Pope 170 in Beatrice of Nazareth 104 Clemens VIT, Avignon pope xxxv, 227 Despencer, Bishop 192 Clement of Alexandria xxxiii, 195 destiny 12, 16, 17 Cloud of Unknowing 199-217 determinism 2, 3,10,11,17-19,21-24 Colletet, Guillaume 289 Dhoudaxx Colonna, Vittoria xxiii, 309 dialectic xxii, 38, 93-94 compassion 109, 277, 298 dialogue 86 Confucianism 6, 7, 10, 44 Dioc1etian 268 conscience 104, 106 Dionysius the Aeropagite (see ps. convents (see religious foundations for Dionysius) women) Diotima300 Copernicus, Nicolai xix, 44 discouragement 214-215 cosmology disease 261,271 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 86, 90-91 Disibodenberg (see religious founda- in Hildegard of Bingen xxxii, 34-36, tions for women) 42,44-47 disputation xxii, 211 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 118, Dostoyevski, Fyodor 1 122-124 Dominici, Bartolomeo 223, 253 in Sabuco de Nantes 266-271, 276 Duns Scotus, John 35,179,181, in Shinto 2-5 197-199,201,209-210,214, Coton, Father 287 219 Council of B asell72, 179 Durandus of Mende 177 Council of Chalcedon 178 duty xxxvi Index 343

Eadmer 177,178,181 230-231 Ebner, Christina and Margareta 121 free will (see also choice, freedom) 3, Eckhart, Meister 121, 139, 184,242 24,228-231,241,243 education 168, 171 of children, 28-32, 294-295 , St. 285 of women, xx-xxxi, 8-10, 67-69, Fujiwara Nobutaka 8 87-95, 115, 142-143, 171-172, Fujiwara No Teika 9 193-194,224,280-282,290, Fujiwara Tametoki 7 299,302,312 furor aestus 101, 103, 105, 106, 153, Edward m, King of England 188 155 Eibingen (see religious foundations for women) Galen xxxvi, 261-262, 268 Elias of Toulouse 224 Gandersheim (see religious foundation Elisabeth, Queen of Hungary xxxv, 225 for women) Elisabeth of Schonau 309 Gauthier de Chatillon 86 emotions (see passions) Gebeno of Eberbach 39 Enlightenment 218 gender epistemology xxix in Hildegard of Bingen 53-59 in Beatrice of Nazareth 103ff in de Gournay 300-302 in Catherine of Siena 240-251 Genshin Sozu 10, 17-19,22-24 in Hadewych of Antwerp 146ff Geoffrey de St. Thierry 86 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 93-95 Gerhoh of Reichersberg 31 in Julian of Norwich xxxv, 191-213 Gerson, Jean 299 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 127-136 Gertrude of Helfta () in Sabuco de Nantes 267-273 xxiv, 67, 115, 116,309 in Teresa of Avila 314-316 Gertrude of Hackeborn xxiv, 67, equality (see feminism, marriage, 115-116,309 women) Giovanna, Queen of Naples xxxv, 225 Erasmus, Desiderus xix, 314 Giovanni delle CelIe 225 Eriugena Johannes Scotus xxi Gisela xxi eros, erotic love 128 Glison275 eschatology 39, 43 God, knowledge of ethics (see moral philosophy) in Beatrice of Nazareth 100, de l'Etoile, Claude 289 103-107 Eugene m, Pope 29, 50 in Birgitta of Sweden 171ff Eugenius IV, Pope 315 in Catherine of Siena 229,231-237, exegesis (see also literature and 239-255 philosophy) xxi, 211-212 in Hadewych of Antwerp 149-154 exemplarism 173 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 94-95 existence xxxii, I, 12, 15-19 in Julian of Norwich 195ff, 219 existentialism, I, 12, 13-24 in Mechtild of Magdeburg, 126-131 experiential knowledge (see also in Teresa of Avila 315-316 epistemology) 101-103, Gomez-Peyrera (see Peyrera) 203-208 de Gournay, Marie Ie Jars xix, xxvii, xxix, xxxvii, 285-307 faith 151, 201-202, 204-206, 215, 295 Gregory XI, Pope 179, 226-228, 239 fate 11 Gregory the Great 120 feminism (see also Mary, woman) Gregory of N azianzus xxxiii, 178 in Heloise 79-82 Gregory of Nyssa 141,142,159 in Hildegard, 38, 54-57 Guillaume de Thierry (see William of in de Gournay, 299-303 St. Thierry) Ficino, Marsilio 268 Gunnell, William 314 French Academy 289-292 freedom xxxii, 1, 11, 12, 15-19,42, Hadewych of Antwerp xix, xxv, xxiv, 344 Index

xxvi, 102, 109, 120, 141-165, 273-278 315 humility topoi xix Hadrian IV, Pope 50 in Heloise 81-82 104, 224 in Hildegard of Bingen 33, 54-59 Harvey xxxvii, 262 in Julian of Norwich 192 health (see medicine) in Mechtild of Magdeburg 118 Helfta (see religious fOlUldations for in Roswitha of Gandersheim women) 309-310 Heloise xix, xxiii-xxiv, xxxii-xxxiii, HlUldred Years War 192 67-83 Henri III, King of France xxxvii, 284 ibn Sina xxxvii, 268 Henri IV, King of France xxxvii, 285, Ichijo, Emperor of Japan 8 286,296 icons, iconography 87, 88, 93 Henric of Brabant 143 Ida of Nijvel (Nivelles) 100 Henry of Halle 117, 120 ideal state 311 Henry of Nordlingen 117,120 illumination (see epistemology; God, heredity 267 knowledge of; visions; see also Hermansson, Nicolaus (Nils Hermani) artwork and illumination) 171 imagination 269, 272-273 Heroet, Antoine 299 immanence (see epistemology; God, Herrad of Hohenbourg xix, xxxi, xxxiii, knowledge of; visions) xxxvi, 85-98,312 Incarnation convent (see religious Hilda of Whitby xx foundations for women) Hildebert 71 Innocentius IV 178 Hildegard of Bingen xix, xxiii, xxviii, individuality 13-15 xxx, xxxi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, Inquisition xxviii, 261, 263, 265, 280, 27-65,86,118,120,141,143 281 Hippocrates xxxvi, 261, 262-263, 268 intention history 33-99, 310 in Murasaki Shikibu 1, 12, 14-15 history of women philosophers xixff in Heloise 77,80,82 Hohenbourg (see religious fOlUldations in de Gournay 298 for women) Isidor of Seville 47 Homer 268 Honorius III, Pope 143 James I, King of England 288 Honorius AugustodlUlesis (Honorius of Jerome, St xxxiii, 79, 301 Autun) 89 Joachim of Fiore 31, 120 Horace 268 292, 301, 313 Hroswith, , Hrotswith see Jodo 18-22 Roswitha xxxiii Hrosvith xx John of the Cross (Juan de la Cruz) Huarte de San Juan, Juan xxxvi, 106,315 262-263,268 John of Damascius xxii Hugh of St. Victor xix, 31,48,55, 141, John of Salisbury 71 142 Joto-Mon'in Shoshi, Empress of Japan human nature (see also soul) 8,9 in Beatrice of Nazareth 108 Judaism 37 in Birgitta of Sweden 176, 185-187 Julian of Norwich xix, xxv, xxvii, in de Gournay 300-301 xxxv-xxxvi 191-222,309 in Hadewych of Antwerp 146-147 , Lady xxxvi, 312 in Hildegard of Bingen 49-50, 53-59 Jutta of Spanheim 28-29 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 122, 124-126 kmni4,16 in Murasaki Shikibu 3-8, 10, 13, 15 karma 11, 17, 21, 24 in Sabuco de Nantes 262, 264-271, Kazan, Emperor of Japan 7 Index 345

Kempe, Margery 217-218, 309 in de Gournay 290 Kierkegaard, Soren 1 in Heloise xxxii-xxxiii, 67-68, knowledge (see epistemology) 73--S2 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 87 La Mothe Ie Vayer 285, 289 in Hildegard of Bingen 55-56 Lana of Cologne, Lady 143 in Murasaki Shikibu 6-8 language 292-293 Marsilius 186 van Leeuwen, Jan 142 Mary as female ethical ideal xxxi-xxxii, van Leeuwenhoek, Antony xxxvii, 260, 51,90,123,153,169,173-184, 262 189,200 Leibniz, Gottfried xv Masatada 7 liberal arts (trivium, quadivium) xxi, Mathilda ofItaly 309 29,92,93 Matilda of St. Peter's 216 de Lille, Alain 95 Matthias, Master 171 Liobaxx Maximus Confessor 141 Lipsius, Justus 285, 287, 289 Mechtild of Hackebom xxxiv, 67, literature and philosophy (see also 115-116,309 ) 144, 160,289-293,310, Mechtild of Magdeburg xix, xxiv, 311 xxxiv, xxxvi, 67, 115-140,312, Locke, John xv 315 de Loges, Mme 289 medicine, philosophy of logic 89, 92, 93, 210-213 in Hildegard of Bingen xxxii, 30, Longueville, Duchess de 289 44-50 de Lorris, Guillaume 299, 313 in Sabuco de Nantes 261-263, Louis xm, King of France xxxvii, 285 265-278 Louis XN, King of France xxxvii, 285 de Medici, Marie 296 love 55,72-77,99-107,111,126, man, concept of 53, 58-59 145-165,196,228-230, Menage, Gilles 292 240-241,295 laMesnardiere 291 love mysticism xxxiii ff metaphor (see symbolism) in Beatrice of Nazareth 99-107 metaphysics (see also cosmology) in Mechtild of Magdeburg 118, 123ff xxxii, 122-127, 132, 148, 156, in Hadewych of Antwerp 141-161 160,191,201,266,276 in Teresa of Avila 315-316 de Meun, Jean (Jean de Meung) 299, 313 Machiavelli xix military ethics 313 macrocosm/microcosm Milano, Duke of 226 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 90-91 Minne (see also love mysticism) xxxiv in Hildegard of Bingen 34ff, 44ff in Hadewych of Antwerp 143, in Mechtild of Magdeburg 122 145-159 in Sabuco de Nantes 266-269 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 123ff Magnus, King of Sweden 169,171 mind 268-278 Mahayana Buddhism 6,10,12,20-21, Mithras, Cult of 35 23 de Montaigne, Mme. 287, 294, 296 Malatesta, Baptista xxiii, 309 de Montaigne, Michel xix, xxxvii, Malherbe 292 285-287, 290ff man, concept of (see human nature) monasteries for women (see religious Margareta of the Golden Ring 121 foundations for women) Marguerite of Valois, Queen 287 monasticism xx-xxvi mariology (see Mary as female ethical moral philosophy ideal) in Birgitta of Sweden 171, 179-184 de MaroUes, Abbe 285, 289 in de Gournay 290, 296-303 marriage in Hadewych of Antwerp 145ff in Birgitta of Sweden 176 in Heloise 72-82 346 Index

in Herrad of Hohenbourg 92-94 women) in Hildegard of Bingen 40-43 Patristics 54 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 131-132 Paul, St 79 in Murasaki Shikibu 10ff Paul VI, Pope 228 in Pisan 312-313 Peasants Revolt 192 in Sabuco de Nantes 268-278 Pereyra, Gomez xxxvi, 262, 263, 267, moral psychology 73, 132, 268, 270, 268 273-274,290 du Perron, Cardinal 289 More, Thomas 314 personhood (see also soul, human Murasaki Shikibu xxi, xxvii, xxxii, nature) 269ff 1-26,312 Peter of Blois 71 Muses 91-92, 94 Peter Comes tor 86 Music Peter the Lombard xxxiii, 86, 88, 89 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 86 Peter the Venerable 71 in Hildegard of Bingen 51 Petrus of Alvastra 172 in Sabuco de Nantes 275 Philip of Macedonia 296 mystical experience, mysticism (see Philippe de Valois, King 188 also love-mysticism, Minne) Philo of Alexandria 139 xxxiii-xxxvi philosophy (see cosmology, epistemol• in Beatrice of Nazareth 100-112 ogy, logic, metaphysics, moral in Birgitta of Sweden 172-173, philosophy, rhetoric, human 179-188 nature) in Catherine of Siena 23lff defmition of 91-95, 278 in Hadewych of Antwerp 141-165 of history 3lff in Hildegard of Bingen 32, 52 of medicine 30, 44-50, 261-263, in Julian of Norwich 191, 193-217 265-278 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 116, teaching of 32, 93 118-132 sources and uses of 91-93 in Teresa of Avila 315-316 physics 93 Pisan, Christine xxvii, xxviii, xxxvi, nature 3ff, 30, 46-49, 261 95,299,312-313 de Navarre, Marguerite xxxvii, 309 Plato, platonism, neoplatonism xxxiii, neoplatonism (see Plato) 89,142,146,147,247,255,261, de Nevers, Ie Duc 287 268,270,300 Newton, Isaac 262 plays (see literature) Nicholaus of Autrecourt 216 Pliny 268 Nicolas of Cusa xix Plotinus 141 nirvana 5,23 Plutarch 268, 290, 300 Novella d' Andrea xxiii, 309 Po Chu-i 9 nuns (see religious orders) poetry 9, 16,51,86,91-92, 118, 129-130, 143, 153, 159, 191, objectification 12, 14-15,21 290,292,312 Occam, William of 188, 194, 197-199, politics 219 of Catherine of Siena 224-227 'Other worldly' Buddhism 17-18, 23 of Birgitta of Sweden 167-171,173, Ouo I 310 176,187-188 Ouo, Bishop of Bamburg 28 Porete, Marguerite 309 Otto of Freising 31 poverty 237-238 291 predestination 229,243,245-246 Prudentius 40 Pascal, Blaise 19 ps. Dionysius (Dionysius the passion(s) 74ff, 270-276, 278 Areopagite, St. Denys, Paola, Monna 225, 230 dionysian) 118, 122, 123, 141, Parac1ete (see religious foundations for 142, 149, 150, 194, 195, 196 Index 347 ps. Jerome 178 Franciscan xxiii, xxv, 35, 169, 171, psychology (see moral psychology) 194,199,219,225,237,242 psychomachia 40,94,131 Jesuit 287-288 Pure Land Buddhism 10,17-19 Shinto nuns, monks xxi, 16, 19 Puritanism 218 rhetoric 69-72, 93, 104,210 Pythagoras 94 Richard of St. Victor 141 Richardis of Stade 29 quadrivium (see liberal arts) Richelieu, Cardinal 283, 286-287, 292, 296 Rabelais, Francois 299 rights 11 de Racan, Honorat de Bueil, Marquis Rilinda 85-86 288,289,292 Rolle, Richard 196 Radbertus, Paschasius 178 Roman de la Rose 299-313 Rather of Verona 310 de Ronsard, Pierre 292 Ravaillac, Francois 287 Rooklooster (see religious foundations reason xxxvi, 73-75, 109, 146, 147, for women) 151-152, 154-156, 158, Roper, Margaret More xxvii, 314 197-202,209,219,232-233, Roswitha of Gandersheim xx, xxxi, 238,246-251,253-254, 310-312 274-275,297,315 Rupert of Deutz 31, 35 Reformation 218 Rupertsberg Codex 34 religion (see deity, faith, God van Ruusbroec, Jan (Jan van knowledge of, salvation, trinity, Ruysbroeck) 142 religious foundations for women, religious orders, soul) Sabuco de Nantes Barrera (Luisa) religious foundations for women Oliva xix, xxviii, xxxvi-xxxvii, development of xx-xxv 261-284 Argenteuil xxiii, 6, 67, 70, 76, 79 Sallust 291 Bloemendaal 99 salons 289 Buddhist xxi salvation 18-24, 34-39, 57, 86, 88-95, Disibodenburg xxiii, 28-30 230-233 Eibengen30 Sanchez, Francisco xxxvii Gandersheim xx, xxiv Sardes, Regent of 225 Helfta xxiv, xxxiv, 67, 115-116, 141 Sartre, Jean-Paull Hohenbourg xxiv, xxxiii, 85, 87 scepticism xxxvii Incarnation 315 Schism 192 Maagendendaal 100 scholasticism xxiiff 41,53-54,59,89, Marbach 85, 86 118, 121, 122, 123, 144, 181, Nazareth xxxiii, 99, 101 196 Paraclete 79-80, 82 van Schurman, Anna Maria 302 Rameia 100 Sei Shonagon 9 Rooklooster 144 self-determination 1 Iff, 21 Rupertsberg 29-30 self-knowledge 171,228-252 Wadstena 168 self-love Whitby xx, xxiv in Beatrice of Nazareth 101-103 Zoutleeuw 99 in Catherine of Siena 228-230, religious orders 234-235 Benedictine xxiii, xxv, 27ff, 51,67, Seneca 268, 300 71,116,143,194,310 senses 94, 127-130,314 Carmelite 194,314-316 Sextus Empiricus xxxvii Cistercian xxiii, 99, 107, 116, 143, sexuality 49-50 167 Shinto xxxii, 3-6, 12-24 Dominican xxiii, xxv, 120, 121, 194, Shigon 6,17 219,223,224,226,237,255 sin 76, 124-125,215,230,233-237, 348 Index

243-246,251-252,278 120,171-189,193,194,196, Socrates xxxiii, 300 201,202,206-209,216,301 Soissons, Comtesse de 289 Thomas Aquinas, Thomism xix, 120, soul (see also human nature) 176,178-179,181,185,188, in Beatrice of Nazareth 104-107, 194-196,199,201,205,209, 110 210,212,213,216,228,229, in Birgitta of Sweden 186-187 241,251,252,268 in Catherine of Siena 228-237 Tiraqueau, Andre 301 in de Gournay 300 Tomasso della Fonte 223 in Hadewych of Antwerp 146, Tomasso de Alviano 226 154-155 de Torquemada, Tomas 170 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 89, 94-95 trinity (see also deity) in Hildegard of Bingen 40-54 in Beatrice of Nazareth 101-103 in Julian of Norwich 197, 211 in Birgitta of Sweden 176, 185-186 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 120, 122 in Catherine of Siena 231,232,248, in Sabuco de Nantes 262-270, 250 274-276 in Hadewych of Antwerp 145, 154, Stahl, Georg 264 156, 158, 160 Stapleton, Thomas 314 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 94 Stoics 297 in Hildegard of Bingen 35-38 S trabo, Walafried 177 in Julian of Norwich 200--201 Stillingfleet, Bishop Edward 218 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 124-126 SUbjection 55-56 trivium (see liberal arts) Sugawara Takasue no Musume 15 truth suicide 16, 21 in Catherine of Siena 248-251 Suso, Henry 120, 242 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 91 syllogism, role of 130, 210 in Julian of Norwich 201, 208-209, symbolism, use of 219 in Beatrice of Nazareth 102, 109, in Sabuco de Nantes 272 110 in Catherine of Siena 235-236, union (see God, knowledge of) 243-248 universe (see cosmology) in Hadewych of Antwerp 148-152 Urban V, Pope xxxv, 172 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 90--95 Urban VI, Pope xxxv, 172, 227 In Hildegard of Bingen 31, 35-46, Universities, development of xxii-xxiii, 49-51,54 xxv-xxvii in Julian of Norwich 205, 208 in Mechtild of Magdeburg 118, 126 Vesey 314 in Christine Pisan 312-313 vices/virtues in Murasaki Shikibu 7,12 in Beatrice of Nazareth 109-11 0 in Sabuco de Nantes 269ff in Birgitta of Sweden 182-184 in Teresa of Avila 315-316 in Catherine of Siena 231-238, Synod of Trier 29 254-255 in de Gournay 297-299 Tacitus 291 in Hadewych of Antwerp 147, 148, Taoism 6,44 152, 159 Tauler, John 121 in Herrad of Hohenbourg 94 Teishi (Sadako), Empress of Japan 9 in Hildegard of Bingen 40-43, 49 Tendai Buddhism 6,10,12, 17,21-22 in Julian of Norwich 212 Teresa of Avila (Teresa de Jesus) xxvii, in Mechtild of Magdeburg 119, 128, 314-316 131-132 Themistius 268 in Pisan 312-313 theologians, theology xxii, xxx-xxxii, in Sabuco de Nantes 273-274, 3-6,27, 32ff, 43,57,68,69,89, 277-278 Index 349

in Shinto 3, 5, 22 in Teresa of Avila 315-316 Victorines 120, 145 Virgil 291 Visconti, Bemabo 226 visions of Beatrice of Nazareth 100-103 of Birgitta of Sweden 172-176, 185-188 of Catherine of Siena 224, 225 of Hadewych of Antwerp 147-154 of Hildegard of Bingen 27, 28, 32-33,35-43,51ff of Julian of Norwich 200, 203-208 of Mechtild of Magdeburg 117-120 Vives, Juan 312 void 12, 15, 20-21 Volmar of Disobodenberg 28, 34

Warton 275 de Wevel, Godefridus 142 Wibert of Gemblous 51 William of St. Thierry (Guillaume de Thierry) 120, 142, 159 Willis 275 woman/women concept of 2, 6-7, lOff, 32, 33, 39, 54-59,81-82,119,299-302 of 6, 12-24,39 virtues of 38-39, 55-58, 300-301, 311-312 influence of 121 wisdom (see also epistemology, knowledge, ) 57-58, 109, 119,125,312 Wren 262

YingIY ang school 6 zoology 276-277