- - ' . j i I I i ! ! Far tan Francleca: i - , L" I A V CZ7 I X- . Wllhelmlna; March 21 ( I ' jM I M I t 'J t From Vancouver: 1 nJ-- . ?. j A z V 1 LJ VJ vv CV t C J vv Z l Vl For Vancouver: ... YV ' y.. ..v : - ... : " " I :. v 'y--- Nlarara.Mar. 30. .. !. ';' .:c ; V' :. ;l "Y JJ ... f 'V'. J v:.v: Y'VY.: :'Y- - NvY'

ni i PAntHT-liiAv- .. n..n:ii. vn rj: m ni.' rw?f'Tr 15 ; PBICEFIVB CENTS n -- i9 WATl7mvnw Paofx. ' - - ' - v. itt h TPRmmnv ii hut - - 0iawalian Star. Vol. XXIV. No 7778 ; 'V . .. . - , v . . Afinpnrs

: - . . : I oo oo ... oo joo ': oo oo oo , ;. oo oo oo oo oo. Two Firemiclhi HGIIT-IIOU- n LA17 IS DPIELD i VJ-i- nun:.: xii u ADEiSOIl Jr i n ..ji allies :oisi) Gsaroro CO;iSTITUIIO;ffll III CUi kit 2 CflUilT, In War Crisis BniiffpenWsr Wear reoccupv nm siiio;WW Highest Tribunal in Land Declares Valid Legislation Backed riMociu rrMi r 7 : cwi Bv President and uesianed to Benefit tmnioYK Four CHICAGO, I1U March 19. The mus-terin- jf No Change in Plans for Extra Session But President Author- Fi-bf-A " Disagree, Make Dissenting Opinion out of the national guardsmen Almost Fifth of Western Line Justices of the central department was sus- izes Spendini $11 5,000,000 to Speed Navy Conctruction pended today subject to further notice Switzerland to Sea Caved in By En by MaJ. Gen. Thomas H. Barry, com- (AiMWriAted TtM by CoBHHrril .Pcic Cable) - WASHINGTON, O. C, Mar. 19 The supreme court today hjnded down manding. LONDON,Enga.nd, Mar. 19 Capt. Bo rum and eight others of those Battering-Ra- m eight-hou- - tente's the llna awaited deciaion on thc'Adamaon r railroad lajw. The de- aboard the City o Memphis are missing. Four of the eight are Americans. daion declares that the law is conatitttlonal. thus providirg trfc standard ' was ngi nsw I of hours and also the railroad wage atandard. ii Hnvwnjii mil imnj nsis iiiih. WAftROriateit rrs r Catl) : . was seriously divided on the decision, law beiig held con- France, March 19. The German invader in the, .The court the WASHniOTON, I). O., March 19. Uncle is making , stitutional only by a vote of five to four. The distenting jus ices were British Pay west is on the full retreat over 100 miles of front, held for , Day, Vendevanter, Pitney and McReynolda. They upheld the Hook test plans to protec 'Americans sea with a great fleet of "sub at : ;,' ruling in a dissenting opinion Juttlce Cay declared the Adamson more than two weary years of trench warfare. and th.t marine, small speed-boat- s which will patrol the law amounts to "deprivation of the property witnoul due pro- -' chasers of the Oise and ''-.- Two entire French departments those of cess r""" i waters merchant vessels. , . , ; ; of law." Big War Cost and screen v Aisne, have been liberated from the German rule. Ac- Announcing the majority opinion. Chief Justice White revi wed the Constructiii by. the New York navy yard of 60 of these the leading to the enactment of the Adamson law, tel ing of the cording to reports from the front within the past few days, submarine-chasfrs,- - was today. Deliveries of the com- President's efforts to avert the striks last September. He s id the law TAatodAUd rrssi by CaU ordered have been caved in by the tremendous blows hour-da- y g LONDON, Eng., March 19. Chan- the German lines coyer both the act and th t wage-fixin- statute. pleted begin in from 60 to 80 days. an- craft ardio ' estimated at 620 The eight-hou- r provision, he declared, Is the paramount isature, and cellor of the Exchequer Bonar Law of the British and French and territory In of commons this fdded that transportation Is both a p uwlic and private interest t nounced the house enemy. ' ex- merchant-vesse- square miles has been taken from the dividing-lin- e afternoon dally .average ONDON, Eng.; March destroyer and a l :j4 . tThe la so anarked," he commented, "that th government that the 19.A ground is against the retreating Ger- fm not destroy the private right. T he power to regulate retts upon both penditure of the British, government damaged a naval The nature of the 1916, 1917, were sunk and a destroyer in German the private and the public Interest Involved." ! from April, to March, has mans. Thrown from the trenches along the Somme and today, admiralty announced. 1 been approximately 6,000,000 pounds. on Ramsgate the British 'dig-in-and-hold- An Immediate temporary wage In creese cf fctty t fifty millions rested raid '1 v elsewhere, which were admirably adapted to the upon the-- decision. - , take' up another pre-pare- d 'A feature of the day's dcvelopme nts in railroad" circles was the appear, AVASIliNGTpN, 1). C, March 19. Tlie United States to- wafare,1 they" are now unable to v ance of Judge Lovett, chairman of th t Union Pacific, who, testifying before question of war with Germany, defensive position for a considerable extent.' , a congressional Investigating commltt ee. i day faces the prciising ovci urged the Immediate nationalize ; the, French - Speaking o CMneseTalie unarmed So rapidly is the retreat being conducted that tion cf railroad control. f phaces of the rajlroad problems he the immediate issue of the ruthless destruction of regiment of , said that such: final disposition of control centralizing it in the federal ' ' have been able to put into the field American merchant vessels. . - and British. government-rwoul- d prove a great fa ctor In obUining new capital to con-- .:i irv TtrhirVi hnnflr on the rear of the Germans and harried tinue railroad development.. ' K i ; - Many senators, and representatives who are remaining . Concessions The enemy could find no opportunity :to turn and re- - opinion that the latest acts of .the a them. . a & j . expressed the ... . . - here today ii. t HISTORY OF ADAMSON ; Genhan submarined titutc a clear cause for CITY TO rjELECX . OVER PEKING, China, March de-- - . LAW AND FIGHT i r la.The inir a sten beyond the arming of nicrcliant vessels, and the troops. ; , . ., t, Chinese, without opposition, today oc- me i.VXC.ox tt - ITS CONSTITUTIONALITY cupied the German concession in Ti- is the nrst time since oauie

entsin and Hankow. U-boa- '. ;Cn.fi:D,;ffi.JUOD ts. - ; WASHINGTON, D. C March 19.-Nal-lonal However, members of' Congress were enforcement and operatlofl of " there will be no the Adauson(law, enacted by congress HcnolaJu wl!l officially welfome yo:e White House official'that: o;i -- i. e nossu laRt Se ptemoer wfien a. nation-wid- home Cr. and Mra. James R. Judd to- ilirt fiKinri Vnllptl fnr Annl railroad strike threatened paralysis of morrow. ,They have teen In Europe Ruf while limt is cominsr, the administration is msiiiuK ine umisn ana xuwu , transportation, .waa, suspended await-Ir.- g for. more than a year. In activeThos-pital'servlc- e. , t,ne the supremo court's decision upon - Or. Judd has dona dis- fi;:ir;i!D LFTED iresident . today :antliOn.zei pi a its constitutionality. National effect, tinguished service- - as a surgeon with uu'navyxoustnittkinjj andfor.alfej . - - . - .... . - - X . . 3 .... . Ida t "tti t.o U the Missouri, Ff4.fc.l frw.Pd'T,1re,-- J" iUiUIt XONDON, Cng..v March Ti m poncy t ...... 1 it.. . & by - of homa'rule for Finland has been de :iv4( 4 OLicJ.crja Gulf railroad, chosen him In nursing.'- They returned to thf thn rrV- - : :'a tnd denartnent of Justice States last fair. 1 cided upon bythe new Russian Todiv Mivor Lint ordered the crnment, aays, a Router's despatch. - , ; get officers, the grad- along the national road to St. quentin. ; the Usaes. ' vaiian band to be at the dock when 1 Finnisn diet wiir, tt convener time in the navy yards, and in order to ing 1 ; U Vital DUOllC . OOn. : Involved ere and th itumcr Minaa come In. Th and second classes in . the U. 8. Navalj , -- ; V present News from Petrograd says that a uation of the first - rnv ' private Interest, and future, mayor will head a committee of citi ordered,: the first inMarch and the second v 7 including those railroads zens to greet the Honolulans who have council tf workingmen'a delegates has Academy was mn AJmiU l.n Ot TGmtbrV a gcre gating 250.000 znlles and property been held at Petrograd and has pre- " thus won distinction. This afternoon September. - , : , ? . of o.COO.OOO.OOO, together scribed immediate resumption of work V Interests the mayor asked civic and commercial ' with, those of 400,000 railroad em-1'loye- e, organizations to name a committee to in all factories at full wagea. One 1"" txtendiDg rrom Arras to one-fift- h ' work was by revo- of the total. Also in meet Or. and Mrs. Judd with him. day's prevented the U-Bo- ; ats volved was future limit of public regu President Farrington of the Ad Club lution. v. , v';. Three Steamers Sunk By com-j- j, i .terri- latlon and prltate operation of app0intlng a membtr of behalf of Premier Lloyd George announced In BERLIN, Germany, March 19. The evacuation of mon carriers, with boundaries of regu organization. i the house of commons today that on ' that of the French front, from latory legislation by congress. Attorney and Mr. Albert F. Judd, Thursday he will move a motion of In Violation of German Pledges tory over a wider section eendinj y today. , A decision upholding as constitution-a-l who have .been on an extended main congratulation to the Russian Duma to the Aisne, was announced by the war office of Adamson act upon the establishment of liberal gov- Arras &l all features the land trip, are returning on the same Commerciavl Pwiic Cable) nn.- - was also made Of SUCCSCZCS - " v (Associated Preis by . , I . tails: ernment In Russia . . - XlltS Ulir;,lllsUiA. ofttiTifmnt . v r. '' boat with their .brother and hie wife. WASHINGTON. D. March 19. A state orwar. wunpwwraw- 1U CHS n a i; trPTiches. 500 meters 1. Permanent establishment of United States and uermany prec,pi- , y eraun. f Vrrh measure PETROGRAD, Mar. 19. tion. now virtually exists between the ' EDO UliscnsrS V serk day. of eight hours as a Russia, prwi-ei- y u flr1 " yesterday by the ; destruction oi American iu i OUU m "i'A . - hwc . or standard of calcuUting wages and With the last vestiges of the imperial laiea section and anuwi,.1 oivW r high seas by German submarines. service cf train operatlvea. family fast - disappearing from the AmKririn dUiens oh the c:::.m American steamer City of M emphis, dlstincUvely marked as Amer- taken. 2. Temporary but Immediate In. outward life of the Russian people, the The by a number Hying Stars and Stripes . was sunk shellfire, a 23 per In wages, - ican and the crease cf tout cent for country Is settling down- under the - of her crew described as "a few" being killed or Kdrow?ed- during not l?ss than seven or more new regime, awaiting the gathering of Vigilancla was sunk by a fired with- than 11 fcejinning January 1, . an assembly 600, wnich Is to be The American stimer French, Striking On mc.thi limit of warining. Shi went down with 14 of her crew, including the fourth British and last, or accut trainmen, mosuy elected by a popular vote of the peo- out anr trapped and ? eithef ; by the explosion of the torpedo or cf the "Elg Four" brotherhoods of en--' Iks ple purpose draft- engineer. killed for the express' of Bank. c .; of Clneers, firemen, conductors and ing a constitution. Czardom is dying drowned when the shij West, Take Many Miles trcil Illinois . principally In i : : I I p All Lives Saved on the brakemen and these . fast, even the ictures of the former Illinois was torpedoed, without loss of lire, the The American stetmer ' Mor-sa- m - If it is 7:30 : : freight service. Comparatively few still storming at emperor having been taken from .the safety. - " " . . ' i ones, including Crouy, CarlsponL glvenlm-mediat-e members of . her crew elng all landed la passenger trainmen were o'clock this evening there' will be public . posi- walls of the buildings and from despatches Queenst own from the American consul, Wes- Eng.. 19. Aban- and Nouvron, all of them benefit by the law. no public hearing on the city mil- Official from - LONDON, Marth by of . held the their places in the homes the unofficial despatches. . which have been of G. ley Frost, confirmed in all essential details the doning for the time being their thrusts tions 3. Cost to the railroads such charter, Representative P. lions of Russians who had been bred vicinity of Germans for more than two years, or termporary of from,$40,000,000 Wilder, chairman of the partu President Wilson imnfediately took the German lines in the increfie to regard him as. tlie temporal mani- ancla was made near the scene of the at yesterday, link- since the battle of the Marne and to iU.C.!::i. as ettlmated bv the rail-- delegation of the houie, nnounc- - of the supreme power of into consideration the dfmands made City of Memphis. The Bapaume the British from Parla and festation special or. sinking of the the French, struck on Aisne flung them back ed late this afternoon If no God ; uoon him to call a session of 2934 tons. ing hands with Kluck. V oo earth.. delay, or Vigilancla was a craft breaking the German broke the power of von mated by the bretherhooda. Future meeting is held tonight future The new yesterday took its congress without a day"f in by Capt Middle-to- n, a new sector, successful y cabinet She was commanded more The announcement of the additional cest of a permanent eignt-hour-da- 4- - date will be announced from the der that a formal declaration of war crew front and driving them back 4 post and assumed the duties of its ob- who had with him In his or attack, shows for the first time that to-4- -r last 10 in places over a front sc?le was estimated by the floor cf the house probiibly office, and Pre Mil ukoff, the form- might be passed, bu lnthe some 40 men. Of these 14 are believed than miles for some time been S1C3,CC3,C03 annually, with nier statement frotr the White 43 miles. South and to the the British have railroads at morrow. j er Socialist deputy of the duma, is- tainable to have been killed or drowned. Capt. more than extending the length of Hne .whlcn .:.-..,- ,--. - the French thrust prospective additional wage demanda . House last night it was said that was given east of that attack, the they sued a call to the ministers of the reports that he 3 1 been holding, and now from 1,100,000 ether employes not ' president had not as yet definitely de- simultaneously over ; a front of they have f f & f Entente and neutral powers. When ! no warning whatever of the Intended charge of the whole front from by . was are in benefited the Adamson law, f diplomats assembled he notified cided to issue the call. attack.-- miles, and their success eyen Noyon,,wkh tonight's public bearW on the ' of t&e the English Channel to 4. Vast extension cf congressional That the de- Is believed that the next move to was by the more spectacular than that It Vigilancla owned es of them that RuBsia is united in its The ar-mil- the exception of that small sector . authority In federal regulation of com charter bill will enable the Cahu dele- be made by. the president wJl be to Mail Company British, for in places the German by power gation house to report out termination to fight the war through New; York and .Cuban shattered Belgium which 1s being defended mon carriers, with to authorize of'the ci to successful close, r.o matter what issue orders to the navy department was en route to a French port were hurled backward, personal wage fixing by com-- the measure probably tomorr iw, is the a and 12 miles. the heroic troops under the the interstate to despatch Americas warships Into ; and broken, for more than opinion bylmembera sacrifices it may ntail. from Lisbon. command of King Albert. Y meree commission. expressed today war zone, to lanes for was steamer of Scores of Villages Taken The revolution is steadily gaining the clr:the The Illinois a tank Yesterday's advance . followed the . 5. Future negotiations between rail- of the delegation. to out and 5 Srnrp r.f : villages, including sun strength, and yesterday the entire American traffic and seek 32-- bound from Port Arthur, over AWes on Saturday la roads and trainmen of new wage Practically everything leady for Chaunes, Nesle and he long j victory the ' is Russian Baltic fleet, officers and men, destroy the hostile sMmarine. Texas, for London. As in the .case of places as pressing their based upon the eight-hour-da- y taking Bapaume and scales the hearing and it is expected . that opinion, Vigilancla, warning waa given battiea-ro- r cuy vi i huuub ' - threw their fortunes in' with the liber- Officials here ad vaice the the no ham- victory to a depth of four miles, of standard. . v the hall cf representatives! will be did Ylborg informe4 the president, commander, Capt. Iversen, of tho by the British, while the French, Dismissal of about 500 railroad als, as the garrisons of and and have so ber Teu- ground regained, the greatest advance t. crowded with members of, tie cham- Sveaborg. ' that he is empowered under the con- - attack to be made. mering steadily at the retreating armies set- injunction suits, in virtually every fed-- dosens of email up to that time since the . . r . . . ( i J.. ber in large numbers. Attoaieys W. of war tons, also captured at . . at ' i.-- 8titutlon to issue a declaration important tled into the western deadlock. P. W. U Whitney and W. T. ; towns and a number of " Ftear, NOTED U. S. GENERAL, JJ0W himself, pending the assembling of enforcemenL Rawlins, was reported tolay, will is '. coming'.from Los - Insti-tutlo-n it congress, but. there no indication the Great Northern The temporary wage increase, appear ana speak ago, eight-hou-r for the chamber RETIRED, CALLED BY DEATH that the president will follow such a Angeles to Honolulu some time of the permanent ' in . favor of the short baUotj system .. ' ";. only;$1000, half of vtBiiHarYt-nr.i- l all HMMHrm. hv forma! course. .'. IN CASE but was awarded and the chamber's proposed, amend- - I.OS'0 BEAtll, Cal, March The unwarned attack upon the City APPEAL was for threei attorneys, the agreement between the railroads and nhlch H ments to the charter meastre : gen- Brigadier-Genera- l r'Beni K. Roberts, of Memphis was made at a point 35 appointed by the court. tiepartment JuBtice, been held ' ' proctors of have erally. ' Light, In ".la abeyance pending the court's de-- retired, died today of cerebral hem- miles south of the Fastnet ofj The girl is supposed to have left It is understood a delega-tlcf- t Ireland, same very straitened cision. However, .the railroads have also that orrhage," He will be buried in Arling the south coast of in the OF DAVR MOORE the Matsonia under ln-reas- of Hawaiian stevedores! will be N. Y. general locality in which the Lusitanla At least, her ticket , ieen keeping special account of ton Cemetery, circumstances. I sne due since the law became ef present, as well as other Hawaiian was torpedoed and sunk. This steam- wm ourchased'fOT that ship and oppose ny legislation which by Ocean Steamship Because of the increasing, cost of 1 since January 1, with view to voters, to er, owned, the ; j tas not been aeen on the atreet a. greater; expenses or .. - would give the board, of sapervisors Company, was' bound from Savannah, Lfoodstuffs and ; v-- although- there was considerable doubt prompt payment upon a ruling s . - - Expect Rebound w-a- operating; steamers, the Matson fAttorneys for tne ure w ing statute. the power ,to arpoint heads ,'of city Ga.. for London. She a. small its .hnut.her leaving at the the 3081 tons. She was skip- Navigation Company, beginning May 1, Pacific Steamship Ca nave iuea ui rr derailments. Members of the Pahu freighter of time. ' ' May Work More than Eight Hours minimum cabin States district court here j , eight-hou- delegation, however, by Capt. Burg. will increase its first th United m . . Upholding r assert tiat this pered A decision the In Sugar Price 48 to San Francisco standard, was admitted, would not feature of. the chamber's amendments Aboard the City of Memphis was rate from Honolulu i VON hindenburg goes it be- coast here, from 165, the 25sr SLsviSlL trainmen from working more than has been thrown out , Americans and a number of others and from the nrs: Iar & morning each member present fare, to $70. Steerage tickets San Francisco, from the decision TO BERLIN TO EXPLAIN " c'gbt hours a day, but merely entitle The delegation Jb&s not jret reached Alexander Baldwin this lieved to be Americans at Judge Vaughan week-en- d produced certi- win also ga up $5, from $35, the pres- recently made by overtime-pa- y. an agreement on the quekra of giv- received a market letter of the crew having a DEFEATS TO THE KAISER them to pro rata .Also, $40. Accommodations ewarding damages of $1000 to Dawn en- - ing the mayor the power to appoint a from Us New York house which dealt ficate of American birth or American ent price, to a ruling entailed making or ? euch in part which before the sailing ot the now selling at $70 will be $75 and so Moore Fisher, generally known a -- wage agreements chief of police with jurisicUon ovn with the strike situation naturalization 13. FJeM tlrely new for all many on up to finest state rooms on Dawn Moore. The notice will be con BERLIN, GeiTiany. Mar. affected, by private negotia- all tfie districts of the coin ty of Ho was Important last Saturday when the ship. . It Is not known how of the commander-in-chie-f trainmen al- court tomorrow. Marshal von Hindenburg; wages nolulu. A memoer said todav that message was senu ;ine .remaining the Memphis crew have been lost, the boats. sidered in in tion, as to the "amount' of Cable containing news of North of all the Germao armies eight-hou-r tonight's undoubtedly wUl portion of the cable was as follows: though there are some boats missing, advices Dawn Moore sued the Great which shall constitute an hearing - the field, has hurried from his great put delegation in a position "NEW YORK, N, Y, March 17. for which British patrol shops are now the advance were received today and ern Pacific Comnany for $5000. dam- day standard. the to public by Man- - expenses headquarters to see the kaiser and act, reach a speedy conclusion on this Sales during the week were 2o0.000 searching. This was the tenth trip made this afternoon age9 anj 1750 additional for re-- The federal hours of service Memphis me explain to him the meaning of the prohibiting continuous employment of point. bags of raws. Canadian refiners sold of the into the war tone. iser n..urew ui oLuyuu ur j baving been suojeciea IO ai:egeu la wcowu, 01 uasue c me ioca.i i.T a vchU nn cent, reireais on me wyw more hours dally, re- - .The meeting promises to bring out 20,000 tons "to the royal commission - Th despatch from London states panmeni ioose, Uiuulcj. "u uwitm0n - trainmen than le Matson agency. The Star-Bulleti- in J ouQine the presentsltnatlon there. de-- ftm oThAiiBfiva hnth for' market, the marketing of same to wait that this ship was sunk by gunfire. 9 . main undisturbed regardless or the arsiim.nt 1 j . m " developments of thethreatened strike. The official despatch from Consul an interview, secured in San Francisco that an Increase of $5 in passenger ; - cision upon the Adamson law. and against the charter bill as it now by news reporter could expected some time in Prince Ching, formerly premier and -- Is called will prob Secretary Lansing says that last June its marine rates be Entitled '."An- act to establish au standa. The delegation stands : H If this not there Frost to foreign died, ably be next week. Cuban too, was torpedoed. from Capt. William Matson, secured 1917. Today's cablegram confirms the once minister of affairs, i a rebound she.' ; (Continued on page three) ( Continued on page two) 'nearbys today were 537." The torpedo attack upon the Vigil- - from the line's president the statement prediction. ' . at Tientaing. . ' M' HOXOLULTJSXAEBULLETDT? M0SXUY, 1917.: OUTnGOING PASSENGERS !

nmn: i SEHtS SG2.000 F0 FBWENI FAVOUILDIG WS5EPARAH - nn IPKOVBWS F0H!I!0K0LIU OLD PRISON SITE HIGA1H UVJ Wc give all baggage orders our perjontf attention, ana assist you in ice cneutins i your ; "" V-- : . : ; 302 It would be poor business to sell Senator A: L. Castle will introduce trunks. ; ; j Bill Introduced Today Would House Bill present Providing foi the appointment ; by the old Oahu prison site at tomorrow afternoon in the upper Permit the Use of Money the uprintenent of public works in order to complete; the new struc- bouse a resolution providing for an In- 1.I1S17, a territorial inr ture, according to the decision of the vestigation of tae construction of Piers CITY TRANSFER GO. is Tied Up tK'fore July ways ' That at a salary and means committee' submitted . and JO ; Office near JAS. H. LOVE Phone 1281 sector: of sten boilers Kins Fort f- Andrew a. in a report this afternoon to the sen Tuo senator anrcunced tod jjt tiat ProrUlong needed hoped for of tWiO. ' for and Hodse Bill 303 ate. ." hi is treparlag such & resolution, pro-T- i public Improrementa for Honolulu leper The report "recommends that the ter- ling for a senate investigation rath- of Providing tht inmates of the were placed before the members may draw each week from ritory keep control of the old prison er than a joint investigation by both house of representatives this settlement the goods amounting to $1.25 site until such time is the change over houses. i PASTEURIZE MILK morning bill by Rep- the store la ft Introduced b-r- new building accom and that the d of health shall fur- to the has been Castle stated in today's meeting .effort resentative C. If. Cooke, permitting plished. that be is oppoied to house concurrent Mjotlier's best nish all goods al cost PaschoaL i even produce such delicious andwholesome bread as county $82,000 investl-gatic- n. idn't the city and to use Hosse Bill 304 Value of Tea! estate in the vicinity resolution 5. proposing a joint from the cash basis fund for needed Providing thit boards of supervis- of the prison Is increasing so rapidly His motion t defer ws BUT 00 KILL Improvements that would otherwise ors appoint a district magistrate for that the committee feels it would be a passed. IT LOVE'S CREAM BREAD have to wait mistake to sell the site at present. The Senator H. Ai Raldnin of Maui in- one, each judicial djBtrict Brown. whicfywill be delivered at your deor wrapped and fresh if you'll The measure, which Is ft brief House Bill 305 probable gain by waiting Is likely to troduced this afternoon the so-call- provides that the money be expended up more Relating of clerks. make for than the interest clvij conventiotj road bill, providing -1 r'-- to the duties DISEASED COWS 1 PHONE for the following permanent improve- Lyman. on money to complete the new build for the construction of highways by ments: ; Huse Bill 306 , lng. the territory. Permanent ImproTements on Jiereta-vnl- a Relating to the carrying of baggage It was also recommended that the This was th lau decided upon at street from Alapai to Punahou and freight bi auto trucks used for bill introduced by Senator Shingle tne civic convention in Hilo last Sep . streets, $52,000. - recently, turning over $50,000 a bal Dairyman Objects to Slaying I 1 V 1 I I 1 VTN " the transportation of passengers.- of tember. ANNOUNCEMENT Widening Hotel street, $18,000. , W.vman. - ; ance in the loan fund to the .comple Senator Baldwin was excused early of Tubercular Cattle, Says , Permanent improvements, Pall road, prison building, Jri ' House Bill 307 tion of the be iassed the meeting oday as he is suffer It Drives Out Business nd construction of Pall road vail, Authorizing the department of pub- It is rumored that several firms, in lng from a severe attack of grippe. Louis banigan '. $12.00p. : lic a night school culding two lumber yards, are consid Announce that he has terminated his instruction to create In an argument against compulsory Work Fast and Furiously at Hilo. Lyman. cring the purchase of the old land. association with .Messrs. Smith. War : was testing dairy tuberculosis, This probably one of the bujiet Hpuit Bilt.308 of cattle for ren and Sltton, and has opened an of days in the house since the opening Providing establishment of PUBLIC BARTER substituting instead pastuerization fice for tie practise of law in 17 Black Dtzrte- -2 Ccpyhfl ffr the systems, C. H. appeared the session, yet lawmakers, a, Bcllina before i02 Building, of the high acnooi Kai-lu- Btansenwald now got a vocational trade at commiCtee-c- public lands For tvery purpose used to working quickly, Hawaii iLyman. the senate Honolulu, Hawaii. pre- ' and improvements morning. 6727-T- l through' the calendar In time to House BUI 309 this Phone i8S.' ftoot vent an expected afternoon session. - ' Hellina, who is a dairyman, declared Fixing salirles of Kauai district amieShere present system of weeding WMTUt ' Fifteen bills were introduced, to aay magistrates a follows: Lihue, $1500; that if the 223 CARS IN CANAL ZONE " HAM nothing - dairy show they of a veritable rain of petitions Koloa, $960; j Walmea.- $100; Kawal-hau- , I out cattle where tests . have of tuberculosis is kept up cod resolutions. $900; Hinalel,-$900- Lota. , traces Motor licensed for operation by ' compelled caf3 The Initial resolution: came from 310 - (Continued from page one) the dairymen will soon be owkers House Bill go oul private In the Canal Zone at Representative Kuplbea and provides Authorizing supervisors to expend prominent to of business. for an appropriation $100,000 A San. Francisco archi pared to hear 'both sides and will Pasteurization is proper sys- the end of 1916 reached 223. In addi- of from $82,000 from cash basis fund for per tect, William A. Newman, who recent the : as complete a hearing as is pos the loan bill for the construction of a manent improvements, Honolulu court tem, he said, where the milk is tion 106 residents of Panama and ly submitted plans for the new $30,000 sib!e. ... 143 de- concrete road from . Fort Shatter to - - brought to a temperature of reciprocal which Cooke. : Christian Science church to . be hullt Colon have licenses, WatertoVn, Oahu. a distance 10 j At the Chamber of Commerce it grees .and kept there for 25 or 30 min- x of House Bill 311 corner Of to in Canal Zone. miles. Representative fo- at the Kewalo street and was said today that the chamber's utes.: He cited figures to show that allow them drive the Kawewehi Providing Increased punishment for Wilder avenue, arrived in the Ventura llowed this ;wltn ft resolution for the "declaration ?of views" would be out death rates of children in New York I TMtVtLVtT ersons convicted of receiving stolen this morning with , Mrs. Newman for a delegation appropriation xf $20,000 from the Joan ' - lined in detail if the Oahu had been decreased to a great extent goods. Joseph. . two weeks visit. ' . bill,for the construction of a three-mil- e wishes further discussion on individ by pasteurizing milk. ( For Suggestions on ; House BUI 312 For several years Newman was con asphalt Ha- ual amendments. What the chamber v road in South Kona, Providing that, except In cases with govern Bellina also expressed the opinion waii. A resolution by Representative nected the United States wishes to emphasize is the necessity where the ground is the commission of ment in the supervising architect's of that tuberculosis is not transferable Correct Lighting Lyman provides for the "appropriation statutory persons of unifying powers and the desirabili from the cow to the human being. a offense, not fice at San Francisco and helped in ty of shortening the .ballot by making see of $960 for the salary of a keeper of marry In less than one year after the planning and building big The discussion arose at a meeting the agricultural experiment dem- several more municipal officials appointive Electric Co., Ltd and date of the filing of the final de- structures there' including the postoft of the lands committee, over . Senate Hawaiian onstration plot at North Hilo, under and fewer elective. Mayor Lane said Bill .56, which provides that the board - creeJoseph. fice and the customs building. de the supervision of the Glenwood ex- ! this morning that he has certain . House Bill 313 : The visitors have never been to Ho- of agriculture shall not be held liable periment station. cided views on the subject and that to owners of cattle where Providing an aitproprifttlon for the nolulu before and will go to Hilo this meeting tonight reimburse Koo-laupok- o, he will the Another resolution, this one from benefit E. P. Aikue, Judge " attend such animals are ordered killed. The Representative of jit week to see the Volcano. Newman in his capacity as .executive head of ; PHONE 2295 REACHES iiossman, called for Oaht. Wilder. says the Science people plan committee finally decided to recom the appropriation $10,000 Christian the Oity government, and may speak, if of for the House Sill 314 a beautiful structure, one pro- mend that the bill he to the of the called upon. -- In brief, mayor fa - HuG4ace-Pec- k construction of courthouse, jail and Relating to banking corporations. posed the health committee. Senator- Shingle Co., Ltd- - buildings fixtures to be a $10,000 organ. vors shortening the ballot by electing .other at Hauula, Oahu. Marquez. ' : suggested that a public hearing on the KINDS OF ROCK AND SAND FOR CONCRETE WORK. Representative Paschoal five instead of seven supervisors, and ALL introdused WILL-ENTERTA- question would be worth while. Dr. FIREWOOD AND COAL OUTDOOR CIRCLE IN fixing responsibility of ndministra ft resolution providing that the follow- p6L!CEMAN'STTR0(JBIJES I Victor Norgaard was present at this 93 QUEEN STREET v P.O. BOX 212 ing amounts be appropriated for the JAPANESE tion by giving the mayor more sum morning's meeting and argued for ' mary power remove or , Molokai settlement: . EVEN IN FAIR HONOLULU t inefficient testing of milk. - GIRLS ON SATURDAY corrupt employes. ' Artificial limbs, $r000; new cot- ' TREMENDOUS tages, $10,000; electrical equipment, SOMETiUES Repor?LonshprernerVto Attend in "Mrs. A. j. Campbell' will be host to , $20,000; motor truck, ,$.000; fire pro-tectlo- n, Force. Most ' Complete Xine of Chinese Goods The policeman's lot is not always al the Japanese girlBof the city ''i h , ;,VITAL STATISTICS J20.O0C, . terl ..That eilojizshoreineB.'will ' a total of $Cf)00" carr? ;..'.: - ;? '.' happjr one.. membdra of the HUsenshipommitted' - AalsT 4 :. 'At"4 Axe Falfs Heavify . ' trut tholrv.Dlao.. ta jnareh from tl i M. Kekua was at of the Y. W. A. on Saturday after- . much-discusse- d Officer sent a oark - thev. uublic hearing" on the 1 ; C O The and argued Bere-tani- a to' SEABURY In Honolulu. March FONG I NN 3:30 Saturday afternoon to Investigate noon at 2:30 at her home on e held evening -- tne 191?.: to Mr. and Mrs. John V. Sea . house bill 234, providing that mem- charter,.to thia. at . . A Chinese ' bury . Leading Curio Store bers of the legislature be prohibited a charge against a "Mr. Chang," as he street palace was reported today. of Kunawal lane, off Llliha Honolulu's on street, near Ka- - All Japanese girls of the city over treet. a ion; from holding offices, was giv-- alls him. Kukui Arrangements have been made for -- elective 15 years of age are requested to com- NELSON At the Queen's Hospital. Ho 1152 Nuuanu St., near Pauahi 'en the axe this morning after various hlliaulani Hotel. a band to lead them and a big demon nolulu, March Is. to Mr. and Mrs.' He found that Chang was charged municate with the Y: iW. C. A. before expected. The will Henry Nelson of 479A Beretania amendments had been suggested and ; stration is band on floor -- Wednesday in order to make arrange-- street, a daughter. was Representative Kele-koli- with pouring water the of his probably be composed of members of It tabled. & com- second story apartment, thereby caus- ments to attend the meeting of band, who have asked SIAItRIKD. rOne those who argued res- the Hawaiian ,f through mittee of the Outdoor Circle at the -- against it, declared it was unconstitu- ing it to run his floor and the Mayor Lane for permission to march SPALDING-COOK- E In Luakaha. Oahu. idence of Mrs. Campbell. - Spald-ln- jr tional. House mil 172, providing that lower tenant's ceiling, doing consider The mayor give his permission but March 18. 1917. rhlllp K. able damage and annoyance to the Guides from the central institute, appear and Miss Alice Cooke. Kev. Hans employers aJlow 'employes time to Japanese high Y. W.. C. A. they cannot in uniform. Isenberpr of Kauai, officiating: wit- downstair! dweller. acnooi and contingent- - vote, was recommitted to the Judiciary will accompany young A from Kakaako will nesses Mrs. C. M. Cooke and Mrs. Unfortunately, dang was out and the ladies tathe present and several men have Hans IsenbertY GdDffiis committee to include numerous am- also be JUKY-IKLKOPU-- could not be on his al- meeting. The girls will be .taken in !n Honolulu. March endments that have been offered. admonished announced that they .will speak 17. 1917. Jury Miss Alice leged malicious practises. Kekua was Automobiles to the streets which have William and House Bill 54. providing for the con- - been decorated by the Outdoor Circje. against' the Chamber of Commerce Leleapu of Waiakamilo. Rev. Robert Kau- incensed, but what could he do? He amendments and plead the cause of huna. officiating. Witnesses Solo- ttructlon of homestead roads on The Outdoor Circle committee will mon Yi Mrs. Mallna ai, passed third reading. Representa- started home. His troubles were just the convention charter. Among these Kaohoklule and Ki mono Mandarin Coats, Etc. - - then explain the work that they are Kaulakukl. tive Cooke's bill providing an addi- starting. .beautifying city. are Charles Koloa and (George Kane, K K A WEI00- - K AI EWE In Honolulu, On lone ft dog which doiqg in the ' ' ? 17. 1917. David H. Keawenoo tional $5000 for compiling and print- Kahiliaulanl it was said today. March : he describes being a' big bird, dog, and Miss LI I la Mdke Kaiewe of Tefer-so- n ing a Hawaiian dictionary passed as ' President Geo. W. Smith of the Rev. officiatinje. chared him as in play, but OPPOSES SPECIAL lane. Ahuna. CHEiRRY . third reading. . The Waikiki reclama--! arcund if Chamber of Commerce is expected to Witnesses S. K. Tedro and Mrs. m THE tion bill, providing $5000 for plans for decidedly too familiar for Kekua's FOR FILLING be among tonight's speakers. Mary Keawepoo. 1 137 St. liking finally became really bellig- Fort opp. Pauahi j and ; the work, passed third reading. V VACAWCY ON BOARD DIED. Representative 'Kawaha Introduced erent, whereupon Kekua drew his'.38 K(tT:hU caliber and shot at the dog, CHIWESE!ATJTYJAIL u In Honolulu. March 17. 1917. a resolution oirecting the land com- retolvcr " - Harry. Infant son, pf Mr. and Mrs. but the dok ran avay and may, be still Samuel Kauhane,- chairman of the AIR RINGING NOW Gulick avenue. missioner, to withdraw from sale cer- SETS Solomon ' Kuehu of.1 running. All of which Kekua reports. Hawaii board of supervisors, does not KalUil. tain lands in North Kohala which are favor a special election to fill a va- WITH HIS FIERCE CRIES HKALY At Department Hospital. Fort designated in bo He doesn't jjknow Wiio owns the dcg. a house bill to set cancy on a supervising board a plan 1 Shatter. Honolulu. March le. aside county "buildings. A com- James Elliott Healy of U. K. S. Na- for suggested by the senate judiciary com-mitte- e LauSun, an apparently demented unmarried, munication was from Hilo women Want a car vajo, fireman, native of read the in a recent report. Chinese, is knaklng life in the emer Illinois. 25 years old. Oriental Silk Goods Board of Trade Indorsing the house PACHECO Aiea. Oahu. March 13. is easily handled Kauhane, who appeared before the gency hoepijal.'the sherlfTs orflce. the In ' that - 191Y, Joaquin J. Pacheco. marriert. a bill appropriating $100,000 for the con. Judiciary- . camraiuee members this jail thj jwlice station generally -- ; -- and native of PortusraU inralld member : ; struction of a road from the boun- motol-ca- 4 The r manufacturer' is al- morning, 'ftrgue that the cost of such unbearable today with , his hideous of the Lusltana Society. 74 years old. daries of Hilo to and Cuirlos the Kllauca national an would too great to mako on - ways confronted with the important election be cries. A Cllnese friend who listened McGRATH At her home Hackfeld ' . j Mc-Gra- park. y ;, r feasftle He. thought the appoint-i- r man street. March 1917, Mrs. P. th. problem of jlst.how much considera- Jt' to him a moment told that the 1. Fu- Contlnstnt Fund Up Tuesday woman ents could :be made by the super- downstairsTas singing of jour- mother of A. G. Prescott-- - tion should ie given to the first S today.. Portland, Oregon, Discussion or ; ' neral at Speaker Holstein'a buyer in the design and equipment of visors themselves: i." ' neys he expicted to make all over the papers please cony. directing com- resolution the finance iwe-sent- s lAccording to plan previ- 1917, SAYEGUSA his product, f A Premier reader the outlined world as a millionaire changing into THATKR In Honolulu. March 1. mittee cf ".the house to delete from ously in committee, report, elec- someone was Tonard Edwards Thayer of 103a seme net and Interesting facts the frightened streams that 71 1522 the appropriation bill the sum ot$15o,. tions would tie held If vacancies occur Thirteenth avenue, Kalmuki, aged Nuutnu, above Hotel Phone on this proposition.: . "A going to kill;pihi. years. 000 asked by governor con- year the as his "If absolutelyaccurate figures could within one after the board comes Police Surgen IL G'. Ayer hopes to r.EDRO In Honolulu. March 18, 1 91 . tingent fund,, has been postponed un- upon auto- Into control, otherwise by appoint- have him committed to the insane asy- infant child of Mr. and ' Mrs. I'eter morning. be obtained the sales of Pedrb of 1713 street, aged til tomorrow A petition was ment from the supervisors. " .Fernandez remaining He" .already '.; " mobiles during the last year," he said,' lum this aftbrsoon. has 4 years.: received from . 74 citizens cf Hawaii ' spent night the Jail, which was urging I believe that automobile dealera and .one in that "there be no change lu manufacturers alike would be astound- DR. 0LE WILL TALK ON one too many, fpr the other inmates. C the county act pertaining to the coun-,t- y 3 . ed at the numbtr of times that the WARW NOTES of Hawaii." . "WOMEN AND AT. POLICE COURT feminine portion 'of the family made BAROMETER LOWEST IN . A bill seeking to amend sections of Y. W. C. A. THURSDAY 1 - r the final decision.; Comparatively few HEAVY Daisy MahJko and Peter Keola. who the xevlscd laws, 1815, relating to cars are actually purchased by women YEAR; RAINFALL banking corporations, was ' have been arrested on a siatatory' introduced but their Influence Is far-reachin-g. "Women and War will be the topic by 5 charge, will be heard March 24. Representative Marquez. in out- one it is safe to pre- selected by Dr. Charles F. Dole, the With the barometer considerably lining the jowers of such corpora "In jnorejear, pacifist, Ws below la real Kona storm is dict, practically every car in America noted for lecture before normal ' ' posses- Procrastination tions, the bUl provides that it shall be Wr. C. A, on sweeping Hawaiian Islands For having opium in their selling for over $1000 that can make the onembers of the Y. over the police lawful for the corporation Thursday evening 8 o'clock. Dr. today and with small prospects of re- sion Yuck Lun was fined 100 in the change will have an electric gear at $13, security by hspothecation : court. Ah Sam $10 and Chin Yen to take of shift, magnetic gear shift Is Dole has t)een 'one of the leaders in lief for another 24 hours. s of time and time, in these days more than bills of lading for the payment of any for the peace today .52 inch of rain the thief mechanically sound, practical and the movement and has delivered At 1 o'clock ': bill or bills of exchange, drawn against a number of lectures on this subject had tallen since 8 o'clock last night, Andrew Zurapaev and his wife, Na- jver, is money. Are you permitting Procrastination ; . . - : foolproof. ,r & an any shipment, or ftny description of on the .mainland. - ; J&Z ot. which thas faUen since this talie, were both discharged from produce, bullion or merchandise ship- mornmg; --3Thb makes a total for the accusation of assault . cn Starch 1, jO rob you? Are you still hesitating to start a savings AVEi V preferred by Alex. ped for exportation to foreign ports MEN'S 'LEAGUE TO -- onth of 2.58linches or .13 inches be Jadobin. STRONG PROTEST, AGAINST iccount? ''.' ;. or from foreign ports to any port in MEETING NEXT MONDAY low normal. this territory, or to any port in the BOTANICAL GARDEN BILL L Sunday 4he;barometer was the low-- Policeman Theodore Ferdinant and V August Correlra Sunday morning ar- "United States of American or from . To who draw- The Men's League of Central Uhlon " the person has money on time deposit, port . Among' slowly going up. rested on South street, near Queen, suiy in the United States of Amer- .church will have meeting MOiday the complaints agajnst Today, however, it is one port to a House Bill 08. nrooosing to set aside m : four Filipino gamblers, who were ing interest, every day brings amount ot ica or from another in this evening, March 25. beginning at S:30 '"iS a certain territory. land In Hilo for botanical gardens, is ROYALTY ASHES fined $5 each in police court this 0 o'clock to finish program for SEES ' the the nnA that vn atar rwMvtxl ar-- i i morning for "shooting craps." money.. His accumulated savings are working for Representative Kelekolio introduced , hvn evening by 8 o'clock and leave the a" DUCHESS BURIED bill appropriating 5000 for the re- in separate copy of bis own from OF him. Open an account today. balance of the evening free for other V; A. Carvalbb Papalkou, - John Laauja, a Hawaiian, was found j lief of the estate of the late Honorable engagements. Supper will be served of Hawaii. Cummins who. during the rev- C&rvalho has also sent photographs guilty this morning in Judge Ashford's John A. by a committee from the Womea'a LONDON, , March The $3(K0. which was re- ct buildings owned by residents of the Eng, court of a statutory offense involving olution, lost not Society 6 m Xv parish ' s o'clock w-a- at ; ashes of the of Oonnaught hy himxa his lifetime, by district r . '. Duchess a little Chinese girl, and he sen covered house. F. A. McCarl, who Jiaa been The writer points out that many of were buried today in the presence of tenced to serve not less than two and ' We pay 4 per cent interest on tipie deposits ' since. The bill provides ,M. ' the estate' in charge of the Y. A ,wprk lf : - the places have 4een held by the resi- royalty,;: h'WA one-ha- yes rs in Oahu prison. His ''..'.- :' "i .'''' .'"' ';:' "' money be uS5d either to pur- among --U western' di- that the the troops of dents of Piihonua for a long time, one pie that hsjiad been drinking new home for the widow or head-o- n chase ft vision, will speak on the theme. "With case of 26 years being cited. A anto collision took place and unintentionally, govern- - frightened the on, turned Into territorial American Troops Along Mex- 'Saturday afternoon- on King street, - ' or - the the i s. Af otM v. child V ment bonds for their support. ican Border. 5 r; near the- - canetieids. wnen B. in. were concludes, I appeal to you for a care The following bill introduced ful consideration' of the rights of Ibeee Thacker of the 4th Company, Eort MWMWHMIIIIllllDlliailUUIHIIC in the house today: i Cases set lor the supreme court to people who have resided on this land crashed with his car into Two Cim for m Ltfatlm Bishop & Company Bill S00 "W. C. Ban-- S Marine It for Tited Bye. Beds House morrow are: R. Holt versus J. for over a tiuarter of a century. Their one driven by Hamamoto of the r Itfeu Ufnalatad $5000 for the of ' question - rv!5 Appropriating relief Wheeler et al. on reserved have made Piihonua ? Auto Stand. Motorcycle Police- A. what the s Burm. Manna is a FavoriM Tretaeat Savings Department Cummins. ym the estate of the late J. from the circuit court, first circuit, place is. todsy." man Branco reports that the accident tot tbt t el dry ajad tun. UiTeyoar s - Sjm m mauk of loor ans ma ; " and Fred Harrison versus Honolulu was caused by one taking the rrong k'n ioju s Kelekolio. ; . Xeta mmI tltttMnna nolmiicr. - House ohi Monument Works. Ltd- - en appeal Itailroads regard the gardens around side if the street to pass a'.street car. itMSfaitiut- - tncunnuTisvnR! the justification of sure--? from the district mntiMrsto of Uooo-- -- wan oniiil(rnhlo ilapsf:p - niinf'tn There AU ! Cn tar 1 Uim . tlhcH. f 3 7" lulu. ) lure.,; i no terif-u- s I in ties on bond Andrews. injuries. . JWHIIIimM imMHMHMIHMltMIIIHIHHJIUIIIUIH)ir. t" STAli-BCLLCtl- XfONTJAT, HONOLULU S, StAT.CH 19, 191".

m vw i GEU VESSELS eight-hou-r mi UPHELD HEtlSI if r ILKJS uilin 'mm Lei Aloha Chapter. Eastern Star, 5 meets tonight in IfJSUPSCOUIlI, CflfflllUTIOiML TOliERSOF llarmony Ixidge, I. O. O. F, has still important meeting this evening. r r m STATES USI LOSE LtdL. filed no- (Continued from page one) enforce tensities for e The Plnectar Co. has : . , , , . , I . BOARD 'All G tice in the federal court of voluntary . eight-hou- r bankruptcy. r day for employes of car- count of wag Increases due from Federal Training Bill . Shows Save your money with a f riers engaged in Interstate and foreign January 1. commerce, purposes." The grand junr Friday afternoon in- Hawaii and Porto Rico in and Or other The railroad brotherhood were not Three of America's foremost engi- KODAK BANK: Shipping Firm Consults Attor the law was made effective January 1 neers were tbe guests of Commer- dicated three Japanese for conspiracy, parties to the stipulation nor to the the one burglary one Favorable Position to Qt a camara and comprised fotr sections. Briefly, attorneys cial Club at lunch today. Following Hawaiian for and neys and May Let tommis the first section, roviding the perma- suit, and had u participat- Portuguese for assault with attempt to HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO. ing supreme court arguments. the intreduction each told of the beau- fed- Use Tugboat eight-hou-r age standard, de- in tbe commit a statutory offense. Hawaii's militia is assured of 1053 Fort sioners Its nent congress wages was ties of Hawaii, and inasmuch as they St "begintlng January. 1 eight Power of to fix eral support jwhether or not the pend- clares that the basic principle contested. Tbe had returned from a tour of the Ori- Star-Bulleti- n learned on good shall, in coctnet for labor and The case of John K. Notley et aL The hours department of justice maintained ent, declared that they were more than ing compulsory military training bill nthnHtv late tbli afternoon that service, be deemed a days work for versus Charles K.- - Notley et aL, an " that for public p teres t In unobstructed pleased to tieet with brothers under passes congress, according to a dis- correspondence en the Ger the purpose of reckoning compensa- - appeal front the circuit judge, first further transportation. In the American flag , PALM BEACH man refugee ship Question between the tion of all employes now or efficient, safe train circuit, was argued and submitted in covery made a few days ago by local op- . S. S. Paxon called the meeting to ' commission hereafter em ploytd by any operation by conserving energy of supreme court this morning. militia heads who were looking over and Cool Cloth Suits o agents and tha harbor having paid trdtr, introducing Carl Andrews. today or to by railroal . actually eratives' and them fair legislation. uould probably issse late carrier resident the Hawaiian Engineer-l- g army news. any capacity In opera wages. Congreis has authority to fix of Sundaj) a resi-dea- t morrow morning. . ,'. engaged in the E in speak- morning John Ke, The federal training bill would with- $8.50 of . Associatoc. Ancrews. board of harbor of . hours labor and ware standards. of Kauai, was treated the No meeting of the tlon trains." ing of the no ed guests, said that each at draw feedralj support from all militia The Hub, Hotel, Ewa of Fort - 100 Power of Congress Cited emergency hospital his comralssloners was held today, the Railroads not riore than miles one Ume of for a cut on organizations years, : but meeting in more long fndepeqdently owned, and had at been president head which were after five first day without and To the charge that the temporary Society in several stitches Is a provision excepting Hawaii i electric street and jnterurban railroads the Americal of Engineers. taken. He said had been struck there than a week. Increase takes railroad property with Takes Measoce From Wilson he and Porto R)co. If .the bill does not ' At noon new angles on the German were excepted. 1 out "due process." the federal author with a bottle. pass, the present provisions sup- Eastor Greeting Cards, Easttr Is Dr. John i. Brashear was the first for ref ueee merchant steamer situation Commission Proflded ities contended Congress has such speaker, d opened port will cortinue. Place Cards, Easter Novelties, Section 2 provldis for the preelden his remarks with A special of were these: . power in preventing stoppage of com a was meeting of members ' Baskets, Chickens. . board received a com tlal commission olj three, now headed statement that he more than the Outrigger Canoe Club The situation, it is neld. justifies the The harbor merce, by a strike or otherwise. Dis- pleased to with body men interested guard In from Lieut. Col R. R. Ray by MaJ. Gen. Coefials, to investigate rpeet a of In swimming diving will be held national here asking that the municatlon turbance of existing wage contracts who owed wlegiance to the American and territory cooperate with the federal mond, United States army engineer of and report to the president and con and negotiation of new ones, it was at S o'clock tonight in the Library of PATTEN'S In gress the "operatpns and effects o Flag He sjid that of all the degrees government la a definite scheme for Successor to ArtelaH, Hotel St fleer for the Hawaiian district. re insisted should not render the law n upon Hawaii building. Everyone Interested requesting permission institution of h eight-hou-r stand that had be conferred him the building up tlie organization. ply to its letter the void. Congress authority being su is. asked to attend. f : one which ;e appreciated most was The bill profoses to form strlctl-- m work day and facts ' a to drive dolphins (mooring piles) ard the preme. . conditions afl acting the relation given by th people of Pittsburg, and federal army making it compulsory for Rotten Row to moor the and and Miss Lizzie Moa of Mollali and ALLIS-CHA1IBEE- That the law Is workable and con was ' J.' every man to Undergo military train- S Setos. The letter is said to state that between such co imon carriers and that J" which stood for William Watson ceded by the railroads .so to be was "Uncle John " and that was his name of Kaneohe were one ing beginning when he. is 19 years old. ! the district engineer, while not having employes during tit to nine couple married Saturday night by MILL MACHINERY 30 asserts 1. By substituting an while he renalned In Honolulu. An article in tbe Army and Navy authority to grant the request,, will not months." A rep rt within days Rev. S. K; An-geli- ne day present general Kamaiopill and Miss is a resume of bill, writ- oppose the board's contemplated ac after that periodj discretionary with staaiard for the Dr. Brasl ear told of carry lng a K. Journal the freight of bun Lee and John Rawlins of ten by Geo. S; Kuhn. brigadier gen- HONOLULU IRON W'KS. CO. tion, f the commission, wis ordered, the tern service standard "one message fro: i President Wilson to the ; dred miles or less, ten hours or less Wafalae was another. . eral of the general staff, chief of the Phone 1203 - Castle & Cooke, the local Matson porary increased rages remaining In Orient and spoke of the reception agency, expects 30 days. as a day's work, the federal attorneys given by war college division, to the chief of Navigation Company effect still anothef the pty President Li Yuan A number of letters are at the Pro: part to receive an opinion late this after Section 3, especially assailed by the said the law could be made operative, Hurig of Chba. He said that at the staff. The re'ating to the state by speeding up to cover motion Committee rooms addressed to militia is as follows: o noon from its attorneys. Smith, War railroads as voidJ providing, the tem either trains reception giien him by the president persons 11 100 by various in care of Thomas plan contemplates a strictly ren & Whitney, stating whether the porary Increase, tes: :..'.; the miles in 8 hours or paying of the rep pile he had' purloined 'The 2 Cook ft Son as follows: R. Law, of commis overtime. Formulas f.o put this 121-- federal army f national defense but agency can allow the harbormaster to "Pending the ri the a flower whg:u he was retaining as a Mrs, Wyndham .Tyniale; Miss Esther tug intrepid to tow sion and 30 ays thereafter the miles per hour "speed basts" into cr keepsake. 4e spoke peace.- - some provision imust be made for the use the Matson the for on and V. Hessel. Mrs- - H. Handbury, Mr. states, rendering it compensation of ; lway employes sub feet were submitted to the court for hoped come until they will have organized Tommern to sea without that tie time would when Jacob Heinrlchs and Charles E. Howie. some self liable for 4 damages despite the lect to this act fr a standard eight possible adoption it construing and war should )e no more. forces of constabulary or other sent out Friday after- work day skall not- - be reduced giving effect to the law. power to prevent domestic order. For warning letter hour Dr. Brashdtr said that when he left Tho annual meeting of the Associat- proposed noon by Hackfeld A Company to Mat- - below the present Standard day's wage . Discrimination in faYor of train op be- this reason it is to continue for the Orient he had talked ed' Charities will be 4 o'clock son agency other shipping and for all necessary time in excess eratives only and the best paid of held at to the states for a period of five years and: all fore 700 school teachers, and three or this afternoon in the hyngalow on the support provided by firms in the city, causing the latter of eight hours sach employes shal these was said not to be arbitrary and four had kissed him when he The the financial the left Capitol grounds. so-call- be paid a less than the pro the penalties not unreasonable. Officers are to be Dick Bill as amended prior Saturday morning to refuse the harbor at rate tot noted astronomer, who is 77 years of ; eight-hou- elected and reports .will be read by to passage of the board the use of tugs or other vessels rata for such standard r wore Wage regulation, the railroads con age, said that he expected that he the national defense ' President J. R. Gait, Manager E. E. act of June 3, 1916, v to tow the Pommern outside. day"- - tended, was beyoad Congress' author would have to kias the whole crowd Brooks, Treasurer Rudolf Buchly and is proposed to continue such sup- Close out of The Kona gale blowing last night . Section 4, prescribing penaltlee, de Ity and not analogous to its rate regu when he returned, and would endeavor "It Sale any pro- g power. , Mrs. Cjlu Roi of the rehabiliution port indefinitely to the Hawaiian mili- and today has lashed the sea to fury clares: "Any person violating latin Actual increase in to do In concluding ' his best he said: commfttee. . ; and to of Porto Rico. and at noon local waterfront men were vision of this act shall be guilty of a rates must result from wage increases, "God bless everyone of you." tia that Dinner Sets upon of of the opinion that had the Pommern misdemeanor and conviction the railroads ieciared. Extension TetJs of Canal Work been anchored outside Saturday as the shall be fined not less than $100 and congressional authority to wages, they For a few days. only we are harbor board had ordered,. but found not more than $1000. or Imprisoned charged, would !mpair rights of prl John RT Freeman of Providence, R. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen 1 ofTering Dinner Sets in five Impossible, the giant freighter would not to exceed one jear, or both." - vate operation and also interfere with was next introduced and told of the slides in the Panama canal. He was surely have been driven on the reef History or Suit .. ' freedom of contract Eyesight SO per cent In One different patterns at less ' and wrecked. ? Earlv last November injunction , In the litigation Uie federal govern- one of the commission sent by Presi would dent Wilson to report on the than they co.t at the Collector of the Port Malcolm A. suits were filed ., by .varjous railroads ment !was reprwented by Solicitor slides. Time In Many Ins l V You Franklin said shortly before noon that In virtually all federal district courts Genei-ra- John W, Davis. Assistants At and returned with the report that he present market prices. believed that slides in the canal are lcr ci he had received no further instruc- to enjoin the law's enforcement. The torney General G, Carroll Todd and must see them to appreciate from Washington the Ger- present brought by Alexan E Marvin Underwood, Ha a thing of the past. He concluded by tions about test case, and Frank many descriptions may be wonder- Note fol- man steamers here. ' ? New Henry C. Ferris, recelv german of City. Mo., a special telling of the beauties of Hawaii. A Free Prescription You Can Have their value. the der and Kansas fully benefited by following the sim- . fe Gulf ' represents Ambrose Swasey of Cleveland, who lowing prices. , .. . Next Meeting Is Uncertain era for the Missouri, Oklahoma assistant The railroads' Filled and Use at Home. ple rules. Here is the prescription: Chairmen Charles R. Forbes of the railroad, ' was agreed upon, to deter tires were Walker D. Hines, chairman has been a visitor to Hawaii on three 48-pie- Go to any active drug store and get a ce shortly noon nation-wid- e occasions, said that he was pleased to set. Gold and White harbor board said before mine constitutionality and of their general committee of counsel; bottle Optona tablets. Drop one - with such a representative body. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Do you wear of that he did not know when he would operation of the law. . To expedite John G. Johnson of Philadelphia, and meet Optona per set ...... $8.50 thought attorney and hoped that he might have the op- glasses? Are yon a victim of eye- tablet in a fourth of a glass call another meeting. It Is such determination, the case was sub Arthur Miller of Kansas City, 50-pie- ' of water and allow to dissolve. With ce Bonier, one may be held late today or tomor- mitted without argument to Feuera for the Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf re portunity to return to Hawaii In the strain or other eye weaknesses? If set, Blue ; this liquid bathe the eyes two very .. ... so, you will he glad to know ac- to four . row to act on the letter from) the dis- William C. Hook at Kansas ceivers.' v,-- near future, , that per set . . .-- ...... $3.50 Judee cording to Dr. Lewis times dally. You should notice your engineer. . : : A. there is real 53-pie- trict City. Mo. ; John Brashear, John B. Freeman eyes up ce Green Border, meeting week when the hope for you. Many whose eyes were clear perceptibly right from set, At the last On November 22. two days after the and . Ambrose Swasey, the eminent the start and Inflammation will quick- question mooring Pommern and Ha- falling say ther have' had their eyes per set : .V. . . 1: . . ; . .$3X0 of the suit was filed. J udce look ..held,, the American: scti tlx ta now visiting ly disappear. If your eyes are bother- 'ES through principle of 46-pie- J the'Tlound-the-Islan- d restored the this Rotten. Row was considered -- ce Setos In law "unconsuiuiionai, nuu. ana voia ' WEII'S waii, made trip, ing you, even a little,, take steps to set, Pink Spray de- the harbor commissioners made It on Sunday as guests of the Hawaiian wonderful free prescription. . One man and gave a decree permanently en says, trying "I was almost save them now before it Is too late. sign, set .$7.50 clear that the two freighters will be lolnlng Attorney Wilson Engineering Associatl6n., This is Mr. after it: Xer ...... United States Many hopelessly blind . might have 50-pie- and blind; could not see to read at all. ce moored parallel witi the channel from enforcing Judge Hook dis Freeman's third visit to Honolulu. He, been saved if they had cared for their set,, Pink Spray not at right angles to It as are the it. RBIAIW SECRET nevertheless, joined heartily with his Now I can read anything without any missed the bill as to brotherhood of glasses and my eyes do not water eyes In time. , "Heal China," set.. $12.50 Kllauea and other vessels of the Inter ficers named defendants and ordered companions In declaring that the Pall Island reserve fleet. This plan rlll panorama and the "'and mar Uie any more. At night they would pain Note: Another prominent Physician the railroad to cooperate In expediting land sub- leave plenty of room for all steamers views on Oahu excel beauty in- dreadfully; now they feel tine all the to whom the above article was the appeal of the department of us U. S. Louis? in and re- to pass up and down the channel to Where is the S. St terest anything they were shown in time. It was like a miracle to me. mitted, said: , "Optona is a very W. W. Dimond & dee to the supreme court He also She was not at Pearl Harbor on A lady who used it says: "The atmos markable remedy. Its constituent in- and from piers In the Ewa basin. railroad to keep account the Orient or have seen elsewhere in No Reply ordered the Sunday and is not at this port today. phere seemed hazy with or . without gredients are well known to eminent Governor Has jf wage increases due under the law, years of world" Journeyings. Co., Ltd. Down to 1 o'clock; this afternoon no Inquiry at the local United States The visitors were delighted with the glasses, but after using this prescrip eye specialists and widely prescribed to Insure prompt payment following on-- Allen did not by guar- The House of Q reply had been received by Gov. Lucius naval station street mucn in- tion for fifteen days everything seems them. Th manufacturers .Housewares a dsculon upholding its validity, any light tvaneone uorai uaniens ana 50 per E. riakham from Secretary of State result In throwing further terested in the pineapple, sugar -- and clear. I can even read the fine print antee It to strengthen eyesight King St. near Bethel. Robert Lansing to lengthy cable 3oes to Supreme Court on the cruiser's movements. without glasses." It is believed that cent in one week's time in many in- the .The fed era: appeal .was filed In the rice industries. Luncheon was served money. can gram! sent to th secretary at Wash The Naval Militia of Hawaii did not at Hailula. A short stop was made at thousands who wear glasses can now stances or refund the It ington Friday night by the territory's mpreme court November 27 and 'the cruise on the Sunday. They discard them in a reasonable time and be obtained from any good druggist court assented to expedition of .the oyer Haleiwa, The old Catholic church at very prepara- went to Pearl Harbor on a cruise door-carving-s, multitudes more will be able to and is one of the few chief executive In reply to an earlier ' Waikane, with, its curious learing, days arguments fol ' - cable from the secretary of state. three of with their steam cutter. was visited. strengthen their eyes bo as to be tions I feel should be kept on hand for owing January 8 to 10. , Pending the . every family. Developments la the efforts of the Capt George R. Clark, commandant The trip was under the direction of pared the trouble and expense of regular use in almost move moved ieclsion, the department of justice and of naval station, ever getting classes. Eye troubles of Adv. harbor board to or have formally the Pearl Harbor said Wm. G. Hall of the Honolulu Iron the steamers Pommern and Setos from attorneys stipulated over the telephone at 1 o'clock this Include! (n party Best in 500 odd injunction suits Works and the were: Saturday afternoon to. this morning :hat the afternoon that he la not allowed at Ernest Kopke, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. How- - sending of two Iden ihould not be pressed, that the feder-i- l present to give out any. information consisted in the attempt to land, the Freeman sons, Mr. and Mrs. Hawaii tlcal letters dated Saturday by the authorities would ret concerning the movements of United Carl B. Andrews, Bd Towse Sidney T. Eventually Chirop ractic i . fcccrl to C.9 two houses of the lesls-lature- States men-of-wa- r. Carr, Wm. A. Ramsay of Cattott Neill ter. So the question Is, .what can . . , TRY IT NOW TT.tse said; It is generally believed here that the ' letters we ft Co Mr. and "Mrs. John M. Young . , Everybody in Hono- respect- doT La-- j.) "Gentlemen: Herewith we Representative IL Cooke made a St Louis is ndw at anchor off and Miss Meredlt Consultation free. fully submit a copy of action made. - halna, accompanying the third sub- suggestion. ! c F. C. MIGHTON, D. C W. C WEI RICK, D. C. lulu knows the high seconded and readily carried at a spe marine division, which left for the : St- "I think the military committee 204--5 Boston Bldg. (Over, May's) 424 Beretanla - cial meeting of the board of harboi Maul port a Week 6r more ago to en . 7 - : 210S could report a; resolution that the Til. 4062 - w v-- ' Tel. quality of v , commissioned neld this morning. sending cablegram gage in regular practise work. governor requested to house join in a to therein the is try and get some action from. Wash forward a despatch to Secretary of the - :: - Ington." - . , BIDS FOR JAPANESE ,1 Interior Lane at Washington, solicit- i and Nov- This ended the argument . The Oriental Curos ing necessary assistance . whereby we ; thV ' communication HOSPITAL ARE OPENED Honfjlulu's Lead-in-g Pas may obtain the removal of the German speaker referred FOR ALE elties. c to the military committee. - now lying terri- - refugee vessels at the - - i $62,570.09. Z. Sugi- Oriental Store. Tabled In Senate f J . . With an offer of Cadillac 191$ modd in excellent con-- . We would most earn ' torial wharves. : Ct'ocy.1; bara was the lowest bidder for the IT. estly and respectfully request that you Upon motion v 5eiatr' sve ditioh, for immediate sale. Address ZL .3. ? erection; of a new Japanese hospital 8Ur-Bulleti- n. ndil by Senator J ., the nNine!1! offers to Box, 57$, -- use your Influence to obtain the de i to be composed of 10 buildings, bids ; sired result. Awaiting your kindly co f. tbe harbor iniari aid in the " H matter of moving tin German refugee for which were opened Saturday noon a JaTbame operation in this matter. at the office of Ripley & Davis, archit- CARD OFtTHANKS ' ships from Honolulu Was laid on the ' House Receives Letter ects.':;; .';:''r r - Able this afternoon The communication from the harbor There were eight firms which en To memljersof Camoes, asking in Thla action, which jeans that the the Court .board assistance Its efforts tered bids. G. Shutoku was second A. O. F No.' silO: and the LuslUna to secure the removal of the German enate takes no cfflci recognition of Fort St. request, by lanlmous vote low with $64,174 and K. . Hara was Society and frieads) who were so kind refugee steamers from Honolulu har the wis $70,437. five f the senate. Mal;elu, who- - had third with The other during our receat oereaTement, we de- Opp. Catholic Church which we .sell.; Also bor, which was received by the house were the Hawaiian Ballasting Com- bur1, - moved to the to the sire to express thanks. of representatives . shortly before 10 first refer letter pany, H. Fukuya Company, w ft Judiciary forj perusal, wl.h-Ire- iionsen, THE FAMILY JF IIANUEL ABREU. o'clock this morning, has been referred committee Company V I Sanko and Ohta Planing Premium com-roitte- e the1 motion before the vote. Swift's by Speaker II. L. Holsteln to the Mill - . on military and police, 3uslness Purely Exeoutve J health, The buildings composing the . new Milk Fed Chickens, at which Representative Evan da Silva President Chlllingwarth reminded ' up hospital are the administration, foun Is chairman. the senate when the mutter came general wards, contagious ward, tuber- 'I'": Meats' of all kinds, "I move that this communication be that there are, three branches of gov- culosis ward, morgue and chapel, . to . the military committee, ernment executive, ltilslatlve and referred ' and laundry. . . - Fresh . : kitchen '- -r rjjs, ' J I.) I paid Representative Kelekolio, whose iudici?.L ;.,s ' h i rr resolutions were responsible for the "This, he said, Jpecullarly an ...9mm. :r. "is Charles Brlgga, aged 66, a wealthy. Fresh Vegetables and entire German ship Investigation. executive matter In my ..opinion I retired business man of New Zealand, Tdcn't see anything that the mili- fedl that the board, wis-goin- out-iid- e died .very suddenly at the Beretanla mm. him Fruits, ; , Rep- met j tary committee can do." asserted ita jurisdiction aixl should not sanitarium Sunday afternoon. . The it resentative Miles. 'This communica- have come to us with this requqest body, is at Williams' undertaking par- Cheeses, tion only reports the action of the They are appointees of ihe governor." lors 'and will be forwarded to surviv- : harbor board. ; Chitlingworth' Would Nd Act f v . - cool appearance of Lehua Butter. t '' ing children in the south on the Ma- light tone of gray, having ill the Causes Disputes Chllllngwbiih not Delicate, Reference President does aura, lie was a .widower.4 The de- the white, but not quite so easily soiled. " Cut Speaker Holsteln had different favor any action by Uie Senate on tho ceased had apartments at the Colonial by -- views. . German ship matter.a requested Hotel while here. '" " ,' -- military might be In The committee the of harbor commissioners decided 3-4-4- board Thefie hitton the Mainland. -5 - d made able to get a tug for the-boar- to tow a to uper house for same shoes have a Pione letter banded the $12.50. iut these ships, he ventured. reading this afternoon.; ( , Close fitting ankle, and withal a very dressy model. Kelekolio took the floor again. "I do not consider this Is a time In "According to this letter, he said, which we should act In this matter," JIow often we hear it saii ci t:aa "the harbor board is helpless. Let the said the president this morning. "The cr woman that they were rundown in r.I:irc:ol::aD military committee of the house at state department Is la touch witn the health which accounts fortheirpx tsent tend to the towing of thfse boats out whole affair, and though I feel that euzness. For reason impor-tgntfh- tt IVilCUl JUUIJ1 'Oil of the harbor. , the harbor board hai done all in Its that it is CiLJl Miles arose to defend the militarj power to handle thtf situation I do when you find you tire e,asijy committee. . not consider it our part to enter the clieu your nerves are troublesome or 1051 Fort military de- i "The committee," he discussion." . J" every Street1 clared, "has exerted means in Senator R. H. Makfekau also is op aedUtehr Shoe Sta'e its power, and the harbor board has posed taking up the to the senate'! ue-bui-li : ' , likewise. Now : . done the harbor board matter. , r. 6' finds its hands tied, as does the mili- lag food in Scott's Exnulsioa which tary committee. It stands to reason The average dally expenditure of contains pure Norwegian cod livex that we can't come out and dictate Great Britain is now 5,790,000 pounds CQ and free from alcohoL - - ; b to the federal government in this mat- sterling. .. ',. for - jmu m -- 1 luONOLULU STAli BULLETIN. : MONDAY. MARCH yi917 ,i - ' .. mm o FOUR - " M M ,. H .

i 1FYP1 AifAnnii nF iRlFl'FniirATlilill ll . ll . . - , - v a-'-n- t?-i j i j.z u i . . niufjK-- u il a iii. 111 jfii in 1 1111 1 ui mcjI luuu uiuii i .r. I ptmww I ARREST FOUND INI itAIUIita I cm : ., -.- J --.- -. . .- - www w " III RILEY H. ALLEN Wnilf ... Vision Action Expressed - and Is in .,-"- '" i . fPiil iW'tl'Pn I M I II n III'' I a of JtOXlUY...... MAIiCII .III . - - I i .. . .1 - I 4 . I . I Ill f I I Paid Publicity, Tle sinking of three'Anierbitn sfcaitMrs yesterday As an aXtcrmath of the arrest aad j! tsiAuusnrnent ox an eremos scucoi New Ruler I Russia's is (iermany's aiiMWiT to every note President Wilson release of the Russian! ho reached at Hllo as a branch of the. ililo high

n has det.patchetl to Ih-rli- since toe Lusitaiiia was . tbe!.chooi Alexaiidrrvittli. who w'a f h h le. to at Kailua. North Kona. Hawaii. Represents Size in Grand lnie Michael torjedoed. romnlaint made to the police here and , i orovtded for in bills introduced in fl It II y af-- N. nominal ruler of IUia now, with Czar Nichola It is also the answer to those who have been lojje-fulj- further as showing that the whole j the house today by Represeotatiye the contents of the head probably blown over news J K; Lyman. Xiclmla and CJer-ma- y fair has overt in the younger brother of fVw weeks. e of the Business Man hrown, nieating for the past I!ot published in the San Francisco C'aron-- j Tb deartraeut of public instruc-icl- with - ha long out of favor the emieror. hasn't sunk tin.American ship yet." and received here pday Is of in- j tion is authoriied to establish and and the Buver. : o i In" )tMh hael various timet in his eventful The article sayi: I mamtajn me n,zni scnooi ai mho, iw i. fart, at lejeated!y the unquestionable' fact has . been jterest. ile-thou- Jn fuzzy rur overceat ana a une oiu maxing; i.ic the Mian been banished into ex gh usually it a inoiijj pruniuii fJRathlr than life Kiinted out that Germany's submarine warfait Michael Borzakovsky of rejtardins i frenzv. Count -- it: measnrenient o f h wan railed a jolitcr name- - and only a feu yean matle it only a question of time until American the iinperiat Russian government. De-- Settl.ni i. Rules ?nd reguiatiens walked of public : waistbana. ngo w;iK living in supported from the royal Frem-h- . Span- partment of the Treury. The department Instruction Frarn. fhi)S were sunk as Itritish, Hussian. Ma- - In Ie-trogr- Korea rules aud rega!ations gay life of ad dow n the gangplank of the shall make revenuoR hut unable to return to the ish! I )utrh. Norwegian and Swedish ships 'were ru yesterday and filleJ the air with J the manner trovided by law as it V Sncces, ful Buyers arc - : where he wa the favorite in certain circle. sulk. It was only a question of time until CJermant Piniosive conversation ks he grasped ? may deem necessary as to the re- those, w io follow tlie of Consul-Genera- l Artemi quirements of entrance to and gradu- The court intrigueBln which NbholaN and Michael law and own pledges the hand clo v. : wcild violate international her Vyvodtzew. San Francisto representa- ation from said evening school, as to costs el were nil figure furnMi a good example of the -- V as to trnt soruthlessly that there would lie no question of an tive of tbe Czar. - grades and courses of study and fl If The Buyers waited till they could call at each decadence of the ItomanoffK, and a pood clue to ome "overt act." Evidently Vyvodtzet knew the all other matters pertaining to the was coming, Ithere was a conduct and management thereof. In- place of usiness and see what is offering; they could of the reasons for the uceewfnl revolution. .The stern logic of events has driven Germany to Count for grand limousine awaitinj to whisk his cluding the appointment of teachers not covei the wide field of present, day business. - it-- with a U-boa- Michael made morganatic marriage, tbis situation since first her ts were turnedl excellency to the Kussiin Consulate and their salaries, with the view to effi woman known; as, the Hheremetewfka. About t hit loose at sea to break the bulldog grip of the British thence to the St, Ftands Hotel, and maintaining the proper standard IT BjTle&ing Paid Publicity the buyers know where there, for the first timi the passen- ciency thereof. ;v - h an been written, both of romance ob-fn'an- ce marriage much lockade. Her course could not lie pursued in ger learned the real facjs In w hat be- Said to go in brder to save time and money. tr. 3. Open to whom. .and of iK)litic. HiH wie wan of lowly birth, said of American demands. Probably her snb- - gan as grand tragedy and 'wound up evening school shall be free and open lie considerably his senior, but iieautiful.' accom-plixhe- d larine commanders had been instructed to makej as comedy, outstripping', the drea;n of alike to all persons desiring to avail the playwright.. i advantages and who ambitious. The romance-writer- s told themselves of :ts kiitl Publicity Hroadens tJio FieltL aid is mucn oi an excepnon as tossiiie in tne ease oi may be able to conform to the re- y The Mysterious Packafle how the grand duke had virtually renounced iowi-bilit- Vmerican ships, but as the blockade grew tighter, The Count had a redpe8ied bundle quirements for enteiing the same, and of nucceksion, to the throne to remain with Hoi. th that was locked in the hotel safe as any person may, subject to the rules O . and regulations established1 for said his commoner-wife- The commentators on llomanofl euton scheme of fnghtfulness at sea. con-- The bet paid circulation of, the how cassensers say 'it securities school. . take one or more of the gOI C i intrigues pointed out that the woman was an influ- Desperation grows on Berlin as the war wears icftprf to a New Ynrld bank, to be courses provided for therein and fur-- Star-- Bulletin Februarv 16 wa:-Vtt- , 05 cir- ential member of the rand Duchess Vladimir's long and the great Teuton fighting-machin- e is n- -

grand is aunt by marriage of im-- -- cle. The duchess an lule to nrpak the "iron rinc Such deRneraiion .,Ocni0nr.0 fhr n'ihinrtnn 1 rhj h.i hn be orn T aon, (J Cyril, was a possi in- - Europe be-jo- n school days from the the czar. Her rand Puke reeds the mad idea of a naval warfare which possible to transmit vfi any and all , ' I'.. r TIRE ESTIMATE FOR ac in tne-ou- p. m. ana up to v p. m has flooded the agricultural districts bjllty to succeed the czar in case Grand Duke Uitahlv th-...- ntnol cause of submarine mties of 6:30 1917 NEW MARK t 9mr. olnwf nMr, v ,w.v t1flntt. ftiis. it carries The bill relating to the proposes of the United States and Canada with 8ET8 M ichael were out of t he way. prin-- pro- money makes the sutlook tor the sale It Is estimated that jnore than $350' lation.' The United States is dealing now not with guaros. who consttute the i school at iCalTua I 4 two vocational trade ' medium-price- d 000,000 spent In purchase - of cars even better for will be the IIetweenthe tlrand I)uchfs Vladimir and the government which is conducting its affairs in:the;cipal dramatic personaeof the PW- vides as follovs: . daring ' - t tbl year. The Hudson Motor tar of tires for pleasure cars alone i .1 x . ,. x "These guards, M. soroiune ana m. 2. Rules and regulations "Section 1 czar's niojher there ha leen for year a rivalry w oanHPiMl aepaj-imenr- CocDany already received enough 1917. The estimate la based on' the. uiai oruinaruy guiue national Kodnitsky, were arrested at Honolulu of puMic instruction has The department super-shte-s of cars in use. average keen that' It embraced not only the court, but the mt with a military force run amuck, with a nation as soon as the steamer touched the regulations orders for to be delivered number 'the shall make such rules and to farmers, to indicate a great year's mileage, the guarantee ordinarily army, the." whole Jit structure and even the reli- n a frenzy of rage, by ad-- officers having. been summoned tha manner provided ty law as it ial hurt the terrific blowsjts was the in rale in the grain, cotton and truck made with tires and on other figure 7 .j by wireless. The arrest may deem ; netessaty as to the re- gious structure of the empire. One of them schemed .'ersary has sent to the very bottom of .its physica anger, and for It producing portions of the two coun of ttre consumption by car owners In rce 0f the Counts quirements of eni.rance to and gradua- ' " ' : oth- tries. v the past. .: Jo turn the line of succession toward Cyril, the nakeup. and blinded by its impotence and its suf the Russian Secret Service Depart- tion from said A octtional trade high '': ' ' : .'. to Russian er toward Michael. v fering for food and war supplies. 'S' ment must answer the school, as to grades fnd courses of Treasury Department ; - study and as to all other matters per It wiis in the Hiidst.of the dowager czarina's in- Hist! Spies Aboard!! it. taining to the conduct and manage- appears Rhssiari secret trigues' in behalf tf Michael that she and the court 4N APRRECIATIVK FRIEND, "It that thi ment thereof, , including the appoint- was advised that there wre wero khotked to Jearn that he had contracteil the service ment of a principal nd assistants and two German spies ontthe Korea laru, their salaries, with the view to main- o morganatic inariiage, and since he refused to leave Hawaii is "advertised by its lovin gfriends" far who migrht steal the Dont'a myste proper of effi " taining the, standard package. ' ? ; ; - Sheimetewska, heiiut himself virtually beyond hope nore than we in the islands are able to discover. rlous y 1 1 $i. y';;' ciency thereof. Want to live at the ; f of , fur-therL- "By one of those strange! kinks "Section .3. Open to whom, said of Kuceeding the czar. To complicate matters '' Perhaps no more effective publicity work is done Russian governmental affairs two se- Kona vocational trade high school Beach this summer? was a member of the ( rand Duchess ban that voluntary contribution of sincere appre- cret service men were detailed to the shall be free and open alike to all per Count, Vladimir's political group,' so that Michael -- was ciation which visitors here vouchsafe , in ''letters ship and advised to wtch the sona desiring to avail themselves of now, told he had There's plenty of worn right at - ; but they were not that ts advantages und who may be able to practically aiding advancement of Dnke home." V ;A i the Grand also a personal bodyguard. '. to wit: conform to the loquirements for enter t.'yril. fJrand Duchess Vladimir, one of the most - Here, for instance, comes to hand a clipping froin Soroklne and Kodnitsky.. "So, sleuth ing the same, and any person may, fascinating women of Enrope, is supposed never to ing around the shlp. 'ftlt the from subject to the rules and regulations 'OWN-;.- . established for said school, take one l'.ave irtiote by yr. : lost her influence over her nephews Ju. H. Thomas, the CaJifornian giSSft&W T or more of. the courses provided fdr How ever, the revolution Jias smashed iuanv an )feasanfly remembered from his visit of last fall. 'ways that' were dartvaJ trtckshat therein.'" - ;';- - ''CotUgeVare ndw'opeii 'to Hontjlnlu people who Y . '4 intrigue-founde- d riie article is one strnctnre in Russia, and with it of several contributed to the same. wtf?JaIn - wish to get the benefits of Waikiki's summer 'a. nitsky were peculiar.1- Tney tK goes the abandonment oaper. In the present ; - bnn- - of Cyril's hopes for the throne instance, he writes of the -- water. TrenTown '. them tch the Count's1 I, ; VITAL STATISTICS breezes, sunshine , and salt -- - they watched,' the of the czar. . Strangely .enough, it is Michael who arge amount of lenevolent, philanthropic and edu- die, and the more offers comfortable rooms and all the beach; n I .7 I TT j - I wiser the grew, and then they emerges I nun n.olr1 IV. 111 ; ' as the ruler, even though he rules by the XIUUUIUUI..!! - privileges at very moderate cost. ; ' " ni"l the radio to tionoiuiu. McCORMACK In Honolulu. March 16, favor of the coinraonefs; . T It is rather unusual to see in a traveler's letters "Nobody on the ship knew enough -- iti7. to Mr. and Mrs. W. 11, McCor-mac- lt large amount of space bestowed on Russian to tell wJifttthe Count said of 2433 Alewa street, a son. Consult with Mrs. Qanzell on the premises. Those who have not closely followed "recent Rus- i the territorial soon when he heard a commotion as, 7242." I - onson system and on efficient high sheriff, AVDRADE-CABRA- Phone ' sian history may 1e at a loss to know why Michael, that as they docked at' Honolulu andf he L In Honolulu. r one the true Romanoff William P. Jarrett. Not that the subject is unde saw his bodyguard put in Irons.' The Aiarcn id. iii7, itomtn Anarade ana of dynasty, was set on the Ul-ri- ch secret Miss Carrie Cabral. Rev. Father P tlironeV The reasotT lies serving, but that comparatively few tourists lookl two members of the. Russian Taube of the Catholic Cathedral, in his personality. He if service understood him,, however, and officiating; witnesses P. " Guzman into the matter of prisons. Judge Thomas did so and Bernada . M. Phone naturally democratic of character, It was Guzman. ; in fact, ever they confessed afterwards that . -- .'v.,-- ' . :; i-- St pungent - picturesque 1 Fort Kince he was a little boy he has been ind his praise of Sheriff Jarrett's.work is eolden. the most and . niEn. 3477 nicknamed 'the i i ; ( plebeian. The Girl's Industrial School, Kapiolani morsel of Russian language it had BALCENA In Honolulu. March 16. His determination not to desert his mor- Girls' ever been their pleasure to hear.. 1 hey 1117. Jose, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Home, - Nemellclo Baleen a of Queen street. ganatic wife Punaliou Academy, Bishop Museum and Ka- ship at Honolulu to catch the ' - proved; a powerful factor in his favor left the K Iriiltn. . .. 4 A with the commoners, even .nchameha schools are other institutions mentioned next shin back, htt the passengers on BINDOV In Honolulu. March 16. 1917. EICHABD H. TRENT. PBIS. ; 'y, :. :'; while it angered his moth- - mrs. Kapa-hul- u Manx they are uicenta uinaoy or 3316 1 the Korea iay. nnite - O. XIEtSEB, HU TEEA5. er czar bitterly. was n his article with lively appreciation, and he does road,- native of I'hilippine lsl- - H. BEADLE, C'T r CHAS. andjthe lie a friend of the great certain that the two gentlemen will and.l. 22 olit to some TMr fount) Witte and induced the czarto give social lot forget speak of the pleasures offered tourists never go back If they can find KAULIA In Honolulu March 15. 1917. n these other clime in which to make a living taran. mrant daughter, of Mr. and recogrution to Witte's wife, though there was a islands. Judge Thomas is a discriminating Mrs. Samuel V. Kaulia. Jr., of 6S6 ovUide cf the profession of detecting' Queen street. cloud vcrr earlier life. Michael is how 38 years booster", whose praise is the, more w orth while be-- - It was understood .here that all 0 of aga 'anse it is based on exploration the Russians proceeded on to- San He is a great lover of outdoor sports, tjs 'iittle jonneysof ( PERSONALITIES "a on Mani. "y I .V in the highways byways' 'of - ;; Francisco the otea f rv.u.t iu iur uimj auu generally regaraea as nr and the city; 7.V' : ) mg some decision of JOE LUIZ. the automobile man. has a1 character. 4 announced himself as a candidate for in Xotj impossibly . STICK TO THE " LITTLE IttTERVIEWS; I supervisor on the Republican ticket. Michael's accession to the thro ISSUER - - i may tie a stop-ga- p M. S. CANARIO or Hllo, who has been Hawaiian Souvenirs but for the period of the wa; - SHERIFF y ISI5; Couldn't 7 the visiting- 'here with rela.tb.-e- s and mementoes of ine wai nero or the. Russians is Grand Duk Tonight thert w ill be a public hearing on the new fivhtinc nhalanr (move the German friends, has decided to remain here two We are heaJqnarters for these beautiful a ships?: ; -- weeks more. . Xicholas Nicholaieitch, 7:30 o'clock, hall of representatives. refugee . trip o Souvenir iBrooches, u. buttons, fccan the giant military leader city charter, ' Ifawaii. ' consul-g-nera- O FIRE CHIEI THURSTON:: The R. MOROI. Japanese l. Spbons, Kings, etc. ( Ileorts are probably correct he is to be the Iet's alt stick exactly to the issues at hand, wast Russian woman Kalmuki was ' a left with Secretary Hondo Saturday for Pins, Forks, Naptin that ' in commander-in-chie- f brave little pertot Saturday when she an inspection trip to the Kahuku and of ing no time anything else. V ; y - L all the armies. He is so bad in : raved her home Knd her children by Late plantations. Tbe consul went to VIEtBA JEWELRY CO., 113 Hotel St., near Fort y ; ' ly needed in the field that he can hardlv accent the The "convention charter' is one issue. .. The modi figrhting the flafies with a blanket. investigate the new Independent Japa- . Outride of burns bn her arm. the loss nese language school at Kahuku. -- respoilsibilities of the ezardom. But when the war fications of the convention charter as proposed in of the blanket. Vaa about the only - a damage done. (Tha-heroin- , was Mra is over if Russia emerges victoriously and the grand the Oahu delegation make up another issue. The Peter Chrlatesetoff of Noeau street. j FARMERS NOW BUYING doke has had as large a share in victory as he ha Chamber of Commerce's amendments are another W. R. FARRiyJOTON: First' "they HIGH PRICED AUTOMOBILES say that the businpunen hare no votes hitherto, he will be more popular than ever. Then he issue. - and are politically Incompetent When V. Reports from dealers gathered from may become the czar. ; 'Certain well-deiine- d proposals are np for discus the businessmen began to bestir them selves ana assume proper responsiDii all over the country show that during That Russia is'ready for a truly republican form sion. If anv progress is to be .made, the aiscussion ities of cltiienshJo. i"they" say that the past year a large percentage of Henry Vaterhowe Trust Co., Ltd: the .businessman Us trying to coerce, buyers of cars ranging between $1500 of government is doubtful. Her millions of ignorant must' be squarely :to the point. The outstandinr fact 0f this civic situa tion at the present i time 'Is that: the and 13000. were farmers. Hudson jeople for many generations have looked upon the crumbling- - and downfall of municipal super-elxe-s proved a big favorite with czar as the head not only of their government but as The czar of all the Russias is an example for all incompetence, as reotesented In lncom the prosperous farmer. Until last business methods. Is just aa cer low-price- Detent year d cars a leader of their religions faith. country of happens to public official at head tain as the fall ofi monarchies., even manufacturers of In a where time what a the Russia. The onhr luestlon U when had considered that the farmer was religious faith plays such a tremendous part in life, of a rottenly incompetent government. After awhile the DeoDle who understand business their exclusive customer, and did not methods' will wake .tip and act. and wliere millions of easants are accustomed to the men of brains rise in their might and wipe the ass think' any amount ., of exploitation Real Estate venerating the head government existence, Celebrations weflB held throughout could introduce a car costing more of a dynasty, it will be difficult Incompetent ouof v Chile of the centenary of the battle of than $1000 In any numbers. uproot - : ', to the very foundations of their faith. Free- S Chacabuce. t V The unexcelled prosperity which doom to them does not mean the right to name their Will some bn: congressman "npwstart an inves-lon- t c own ruler, but freedom of. speech and of the press, tigalion to find why the railroad. brotherhoods

freedom from the galling rule of 'spies and secret jk-lic- e, called off the strike yesterday, and the supreme freedom-from-iron-hand- i ed provincial exploita: court upheld the! Adamson law immediately after-- 30,000 iquare feet land. Improvements, three houses, : ward? : Gross Income, per year - ;....$1S00.00 .Whether the Slav character will stand the new Waikuki Expenses, including taxes, water rates, street . . . . . 4r,i.l2 test remains to be seen. Their revolution was ac The man who tries to defend the present public - assessment, insurance and upkeep ...... A" two-stor-v bungalow - on Lewers Road.- Completely complished with amazing celerity and steadiness o roads of this city and county ought to be examined - , . ' " w ' and comfortably furnished. A garage and servants' ; t1 ''( -- conduct. Will the onnishing flood of new ideals and bv an expert alienist. : ; V-.- v' ...... ? ? ;? . , Net jncome;. 6yxl3ih-iarg- er tnau-most- ... ' new, dim aspirations sweep them from their feet and quarters..;liot . . r : i 10V2co on the askirig price of $12,750.00 in a century so they some of men, those ' result or of clash until shall i Judging bv the. attitude of the Buy, it now at a reduced, figure. A' have fought their way to the light and established railway brotherhoods do not make - up 'a happy V; ' institutions V ; : ; v K republican out of the welter of iamily, . J y understood forest? Or will they progress steadily and without serious internal strife along the road Germany., has conducted another " brilliantly vic- y " of true representative government? : ' torious retirement on the Somme. f Guardian Trust Co., Ltd. ' - yaierhome Trust Co., Ud. I Real Estate Department : A ? Henry despatch ; We expectja at any minute saying that . When Rome, do as the Romanoffs did not do. H. in Tel 3688 Stangenwald building Cor. Fori and Merchant Sts. ; Honolulu, Brother Bryin is hurrying to Washington to pro- - - Kut-el-Amar- a test against settling.the railroad strike, i The answer to was Ilagdad. ; HONOLULU STATi TUTLLnTIN, MONDAY, MAKCII 19.1117. FIVE


Damage to roads and damage to (SpriI RUr Bn11tiB Coryoiim') property as result cf the heavy rains WAILl'KU. Maul.: March 16. De-cau- se which swept the windward side of the every bill appropriating money island were investigated yesterday by for use on Maui has carried a proviso the road committee and other mem- that the work Is to be done under the bers of the board, the city aid county Well Known Local Business- direction of the superintendent of pub- engineer and the attorney'B off ice. man Passes Away; Civil lic works, and also because of the The party that went around (he island general feeling that Maul is not in consisted of Soperrisora Anold. Lar- ; War Veteran close enough touch with what is being son. Ahia, Logan and Horner. Engineer done In the legislature a special meet- Collins and Deputy Attorney Carden. Leonard E.. Thayer, Civil War vete- ing of the chamber of commerce was They found stretches of read badly ran and well-know- n businessman of held Thursday alternopn and the situ- ' washed and all of the real on the Honolulu, with friends and acquain ation discussed. As a'result a resolu- windward side very wet from the tances all over the Islands, died early tion was adopted asking that the Maui S legislature, morning rains. I this, morning after an illness which delegation in the through DimeReal; The first stop made by the party bad extended over many years. its . aecretary, keep tie chamber in- was at the Henry Cobb Adorns place Tho death, due to pulmonary com- formed more closely oa what is going irfffl ' where If was claimed $20 damage plaint, occurred at 2:40 o'clock this on at the capitol, and ihy. 1 ) had been done. Here the stream that morning. For the past 10 years Mr. The meeting was fell attended, . Ijti Thayer had been a and In some 20 members anst ering the call. Asplirlin runs through Haikapu valey had sufferer "Service and Efficiency overjthe ISO? his physician told him he had President Wadsworth stated that 'j backed up and flowed road ' It had flooded only a few months to live,' but his while practically all o( the appropria- will be my motto as tc a depth of three feet. fjgj eburiterfeits' and substitutes .... - ' the house and washed away ground ccuiage and vitality extended the tion bills affecting &UuI are payable V from a proposed territorial loan fund, Jy'mi 4 ' ' longer. ' Honolulu. and damaged taro and rl e crops. lease of life a decade may be ineffective, and even K I I Mayor of take-plac- iff There was a large washout a the aide The funeral will e tomor- which Maul is bound jto pay back, in llLl of road which will requ --e a con row at 3 p. m., from the family resi- every instance that had come to his the - replace It. The cul-ver- ta dence, 1035 12th avenue. Kaiciukl, attention the county had been ignored X siderable fill to tect yourself by demanding Z . . ; You can get here had been too fnall and with the Rev. F. pastor of in the expenditure and the superin- g SHOE COMFORT the plan now la to put in a 14-fo- ot Epiphany Mission, officiating. - s tendent of public wo(ks made solely culvert to prevent a fuftber re- Ieonard E. Thayer was born in Ac-wort- h, responsible, if the present loan fund and styla at th Wads-wort- currence. This Is the second time in N. H,; November 24, 1842; en- has been unsatisfactory, Mr. h REGAL SHOE STORE the term of the present bfard that listed in the 96th New York Volun: stated, it should be replaced stream has caused teers In 1 861 ; and served through the but he did not believeiin having coun- and Hotel Streets this danjage. ty Fort Journjy, of- war, being discharged as first lieuten- work paid for by thecounty handled Proceeding on their the by officialsi ficial party found anoth stream ant; attended Eastman Business Col- territorial where repair and culvert! work is lege, Poughkeepsie, N. V., after the Public Work Whole fie war;- - An of toe printed bills ; any meal needed on the road. J went. to, the then West, settling examination For In Michigan. The next 35 years were on hand showed that tie? had all been On the homestead road bick of the Every tablet and every package Of genuine Aspirin bears . , in the same and con- Meat, Fish Delicatessen Hauula Hotel were) two bad devoted in the piano business with drafted nlanner there the Packard Piano Company of Port siderable speculation vas Indulged in washouts that seem to requite bridges. by Metropolitan Meat Market tarage Wayne, Ind, and the Starr Piano Com- the members as tf how thia had ' Directly back of the hotel the happened .why " The Bayer Your Guarantee 6 by 8 pany of Richmond, Ind. Resigned and the chamber had Phone 3445 wash was about feet dee feet concerning mean- B u road from the latter com nan v in 1 90S and cot been advised its wide. The wash further the ing. Even bill $30,000 com- Cross of Purity" M '; was not visited but reported came to Honolulu; founded Thayer the for for H Piano Company here, where he has pleting the Olinda reservoir, which is ' of wider and not so deep. Th road can Pocket Dozes of 12, Bottles of 24 land Bottles of 100 ' c - . Motor doHvery any tlmt , being built dire&ion of Ihe'loan at not now be traversed. been in business ever since. Was a under fund board, is turned aver to the pub- 7 The tr4-mar- k "Atpiiia" (R(. U. S. Pat. OfficeMa a cuarantr that the monoactlcartdMtr Ej-- J member of the Commercial Club of - No definite, valuation of e damage ot elicrltcacid in Uteae tablet i of tba- rcUabie baycr niaoulactare. c . Anthony Wayne lic worka superintendent by the bill. Adams place Kas honolulu, Club pf done to the deter Fort Wayne. Ind ; the B P. O. Elks, The same thing wis found to be 4 ICE mined during the trip. true In connection with the ' county v From pure distilled water. Richmond Chapter. Stretches of new road were found to a building for which $50,000 has been ililllllllllMMIIBlliM OAHU ICE CO, Phone 1128 He leaves widow,. Mra. Fannie M. have stood the rains well Thayer, and two sons. Arthur F. Thay- asked; the proposed lao Valley road, er, treasurer of the Thayer Piano Com- calling for $15,000; a $35,000 item for pany, and .Wade Warren Thayer, re a proposed Lahina court' house, and t?nng secretary of Hawaii; a brother, also an appropriation for a seawall at CAS, HEARTDURN, D. J. Thayer, Bay City; Mich.; a, bror Lahalna. DEATH SUMMONS YAWIJAN & ERBE ther, Lyman J. Thayer, Bridgeport, Conn.; a sister, Mrs. Henry Cram. Bridgeport, Conn., and a sister, Mrs. TELLS OF YORK I1IGES1M Samuel Gerould, Goffstown, N. H. MRS. P. M'GRATH SENATE ffly ASK ON BREAKWATER Mrs. P. McGratb. mother of A. G. , AfflSIOHACH Prescott, district sales manager of the' ex Standard Oil Company here, passed j fSnerial Star-BtiHet- Corr7ondeni-e- ) InuMv on ' TRAINING L. thf mnrfln?. at rfmUUnre "Pape's Diapepsin" Ends AH SHIP itii n r a ' hr Hackfe,d Ktreet-- questions as to how the Hilo break-- i J. Stomach Distress Five ; Wiles in water project is goln, ahead, E.. N. The funeral is being held at 3 this Just 2 Days remaining of this big - Minutes - President "Chilllngrorth will intro- Deyo Informed the mfimbers of ..the aftenicon from H. H. Williams under-boar-d and 'filing. - systems the duce tomorrow In the senate a resolu- of trade on ..Tuesday last, that , takink pirlors.' She had many friends bargain event. Sale ends Wednesday Time tt! Pape's DIapepsin will di- tion asking Secretary of the . Navy Q had learne4. .from, the : contractor and was even more widely known In ; bad and guide of modern ' ' ' i gest anything you eat and overcome a Daniels to act on. the request already that abou 5000 ton& of rtck per month, . ertland Oregon. huzlr, efficiency. out-of5?rd- o placed January trs our., or. jUyna,ch mada-X- hint for a training ship to be had been in IJecjbejf; 4 ; ly gtj u'r-- l - &000 fo -- February.- yds; wHbtn Ave tninutea. used ly the Naval - MlUUa of Hawaii. and It Isxpeoted that S Muslin - corafbrtably, . tons placed -- month and Con: ; lete recording sys- If younjneals dont fit Thif Is the decision reached by the wili.be thia, WITH OUR VISITORS ! or you like o In ..April- - 10,000 tons wIH, be "Pride of the West' white Muslin de Luxe, 5 vnrds what eat lies a.luroo president following an Informal in- that ( s lead your; stomach, or if you have dumped , on : the strtrcture. If jthe in spection yesterday afternoon of the Mr. and Mrs. George Gilmer, who for $1.00. yKt'K-iy- heartburn, that la- - a aigo-o- f Indltfea--' headquarters bunga- weather turns out good for . some ' militia at the old been, visiting Moana f " : " ; ; -- ex- have here at the IIAV'AHAri NEWS CO., Hon. . :' y y , low in the Capitol grounds.' months after that the contractor pects present hotel for some time, left in the Colom ' Get from yonr pl rmacist a flftys He also Intends to an am- to .finish the section 6 yds. Indian Head for $1.00 Introduce ' i .LHHTED. about November. v-- .-; bia last night for Japan. . Mrs. Gilmer cent case of Pape'a Diapepsin and take endment to Section 2 of Act 161, rai , There still remains 750 feet o( break- Is better known Undef the Tamous 33 -- inch Indian Head, soft finish, G vards for $1.00. 1 ' a dose just as soon as you can. There ing the allowed strength organi- , V - ' of the ,!'" ' ' ' - Ycingr con: pen name "Dorothy Dix. She ,: .TV . Hotel Building water to construct on present of .. '. will be no sour risings, no belching of sation from two divisions to whatever - wnen done mere wm gathered considerable data and a . .Bishop undigested food mixed with. acid, no strength the population and condi- tract and that is St ' be, in all, 5510 feet of breakwater fin-- number of characteristic pictures for stomach, gas or heartburn fullness tions may warrant. . ; Shantungs, $1.00 yd. , Ished. By time $1,000,000 will at least one article for an Eastern special, per or heavy feeling In the stomach, nai-sea- - Justice L. Coke, that James who Intro- r masaz:ne cn Carnival-week- . debilitating milflia- - have been' expended ; on the break- headaches, dlzzlnesr duced the naval bill ia the money Shantung in a varietyof splendid sport effects. Special water. There is not sufficient ' ' or Intestinal gri pins. This will all go, senate two years ago, accompanied 1- to finish the Job. added Deyo. V per yard, $1.00. Uy. ;Vy r ; , (r-- and, besides, there 'will be no aour President ChUIIngworth yesterday on food Itft over in the stomach to poison his visit. Tbey met by President Vicars of, the board of were' officers know how many nunsE iim ; jdur breath with nauseous odora . . of the or- trade wanted to militia who explained the scows the contractor would have 6 yds. Gingham $1.00 Pape'a PiapepBln Is a certain cure ganization tc them.. ,f ; for out-of-ord- er working if to place 10,000 ton9 for atomacha, because it "At- - present he is the time,'' said Presi- reply was du Gingham, in plaids, stripes and plain takes hold of your food and digests it dent ChUIIngworth today, of rock In April The that POOR HEALTH "Toile Nord" "the Na?al workiag pres- - ' Just the same as If your atomacb Militia only there are two scows at colors. G for $1.00. has a steam cutter and ent and the new quarry at Waipio iPURE wasn't there. ; ' : tw.0 towing that cutters for actual cruising had an immense amount of rock ready Relief in five minutes from all stom- between such trips as the men go on ach misery waiting yon any for shipment ' is. ; for at the St. Louis. .We have 113 men - ,' f 8 yds. $1.00 v . F. : . Suffered Much Pain, Yet Had A. C. Gingham, for dm? atore. ..- and eight or nlaeTbfricers in the or These large fifty --cent caaes contain ganization, who hatte built up by them- to Work. Finally Cured by . .f. enough "Pape'a Diapepsin k to keef present-- selves the Igh standing. Veg-etab- TTnasual Values in the entire family free from' stomach I feel It is time of os Lydia . Pinkham's le indigestion many that for all disorders and for to wake tip to the presaace of the or- Compound. months. It belongs in yonr home. ganization we have here sad do our best to boost it along." DAINTY good r as usual and same The interstate commerce commis- UTILITIES BOARD ; Toledo, Ohio. "I am a widow and go : sion' reports that during tie three nnt nn-rtiinc- r snd suffered from A LACES t . price, at months of April, May and June, 1916, REPORTS TO HOUSE , A class in beginning Spinish will lemaie iroaDie Embroideries there were 100 persona killed Ind 1420 ' that caused a great j and . ON EXPENDITURES be started at the Y. M. C.U. temor-ro- w injured In train accidents in . the deal of soreness night, Tuesday. Mr. leter Ber-na- l United States. ' across my back, and : The' house today received from the is the instructor. CUss meets through my abdo- - ' Many new designs and. patterns, white Shadow Lace public state- Tuesday utilities commission a and Friday nights. A special men. bomeomesit Floimcings, Readings, Edgings, Insertions, etc. r: ment of Its expenditures from No em- rate is being given for this 'beginning would be very pain- 1915, April 30, 1916. educational pr.the-new.factory- . ber l; to The class. Enroll with the ful after a " hard 2 amount 'expended was $3416.33. v secretary. Adv. - f day's work.: I read ' yds. for $1.00 Salaries of the var- commissioners about Lydia E. ; ied considerably during; period, M j the EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL Pinkham's V e g e - 2G-in- ch Kmhroidery Flouncing Phone 4225 i the report shows. For Instance, in Compound 1 - MARCH 28TK! table Starch, 1916,- Chairman C. R. Forbes and tried it and it ! received $170. A, J. Gignoux $120 and has helped me won ; An wW Special, $1.00 per yd. I J. N. S. Williams $50. Jn November, educational council be held derfully, so the soreness is all gone now j ' ' 1915, Forbea- - Gig--' in the parish house of Central Union Vege- received $60 and 1 believe Lydia E, Pinkham's - 'Myy : Kegular Price, '$1.50. .v" noux $S0. - In February, 191$, Forbes church on Wednesday elenlig, March table Compound is just the remedy for j salary was $80, and that of Gignoux 28,' at 6 o'clock, under Uhej auspices female troubles." Mrs. Elizabeth ; ' - J $100. - .- of the religious education, committee. John, R. F. D. No. 4. Toledo, Ohio. V . , e ' Homes also be t Supper will. be served at 35c per plate. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- that will financial and social irivestmen The theme of the council js "Religious pound, made from native roots and I I : are to be built m the ' ; ' PASSENGERS ARRIVED Tralnine in the Home." and a rrnzram herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful of unusual Interest ? is assured. -- 'Ali i drugs,- - and today is regarded as the SAG -- - Oceanic successful ills. Per liner Ventura today from persons . Interested In religious edu--! m0" remedy for female HP Ran S. j Francisco For Honolulu: P. to-b- There are thousands of voluntary vesti-- Bartlejr. Mr G. Bent E. C. W. Bliss. cation are cordially invites' e pres i menials on file in the Pinkham labora- Hotel near Fort "ifinn Hon. R. W. ttreckona.. H. .Chilton. Mm. ent. Notify the church office cf pros E. D..rownnfc.'T. IX Fttzpatriek and pective attendance, not Vlatier than tory at Lynn, Mass., to prove this W. Gibb. J. Haniffen and wife. fact. ' wlf. . March 26. Adv. WE II. Hirmoiii F. Hill. Mrs. B; Honrg-son- mm J. Kelii. C. K. Tjine. Miss M. Leahy. Misa B. Misa C.' 1 lutre. McCarthy. J. H. NUUAKU VALLEY Maroon. Mrn, M. Marah. W. A. New- man and wife. Misa J. Norton. Miss M. O'Keefe. Misa O'Keefe. B. Parlier and ' wife. R. Ross and wife Mrs. J. Run-qui- at ,Qne of Honolulu 's most aristocratic residence districti. Mrs. r. H. Wilson. Miss Mra, C Harper. Mrs. A. Troup. J. Don't forget seal J It' Ijearslie of refinement and culture. - . i McLeod. : Per China Mail llnr China today ; from San Francisco For Honolulu: B. v R. Banning. Miss E. Chrtstopherson. K. - - . Phoned 3646 A. Heyum. W. Spielberg-- Mrs. L. Rus-ael- L :S$ . - - ". v ' AVw'll be glad to call for you and take you out to view! rear-en- d ' A coUision of freight trains these ' 0 on the Boston' and Albany main line between , Mass., and North- BEAUTIFUL HOUE SITES . - ampton tied up westbound traffic ' several hours. Harry Toombs of Wor- A cester, a conductor, was slightly hurt. Z3 Brig. J s Gen. John A. Mather of the u Mshnp (Stmt ffliw National Guard of New Jersey died at his home at Camden, N. J. He en- 1 a 1 J Jk A . T " .At 1882.. every meal ; listed In the guard asa private in after sjaies jtiem , ' , opposue isemei oi., rostomce Machinery for the making of furni- ture la needed in Norway.- . - nONOTiUT U STAR BUTXETIN. MOXDAY. MARCH 19, 1917;

TTTrm r- - MARKET SESSION Cue, Exclusive, Distinctive MODES a Life, Fire, Hariris, In I:illinc7 at the shop of IS WITHOUT SALE ' AutomobileTcL-ml- s MISS POWER, Boston BIdg- - h Caagaci cr Acc;d:nt STORMSTOLLOW iTiiiufi mini?? mmmnu v m f i Insurances - t - i. - y ;';"v. U 1 I UilLLi i Today's sesi.:jn c til stock ex- i.' iUilUilllilU UU!i IriUlLllti change was a repetition of Saturday - POULTRY PRODUCE tod a gfcocd "Xo Sales" session re . CALL UPON I suited, Pet ween boards, however, the . DELAYING MEATS OCEANIC LINER 019 LINER CHINA, MANOA transactions were on a considerably i larger scale than Saturday, amount-- Marketing DivU I Territorial jin; to 420 aba res and there was more, CASTLE & Maunakea near1 Queen Phone 1840 1 Carrying. Hongkong burial the Delayed by the easterly gale blowing Business done in unlisted shares also. C0tt!i, Brinxi.itr hark from i he mainland li td for V. lirn koiti. J. H. Ma toon and several .body of Tang Ming, vice-preside- nt of J toda. the Watson steamer Manoa wire - Prices cf Sugar were Inclined to sag. " s ' Mali , fteamship company, In to Castle & Cuuk a .snipping rea-isur'n-- r other romki.it lionolulan. the tn Chins immc rjeanitp the - strike Oceanic ilner Ventura Cap . J H. raw-- iner China. Capt. T. II. department th morning that she wilt tiieS -- port war news waa deemed to tend G era! ; pon. n. 7:3e thi TOornlcK not arriv f tomorro until 2n rornmanlei docked at arrived at e Ancnts PROTECTIVE AGENCY Of I'ler Sat voyag-- - insurance !!' 1:45 th mornln from San FnniMi from San Kranclao after a a. ntrad ot 6:3 a. m. i lewer figures tor that Class of seCUrt- ' described Heam near r buffeting the Maaoa. V 'HAWAII . 1 fnch Uh wcrt runninr ouf.ide which hr comma ndei a; Pimeee .lr nin UU i';.4 because of th eauterlv knna ! hlav. "rotten.' E! Fort and Merchant - Streets 4 an ana a uu i W. E.: Miles, Mgr. V , Hiif. In today thi t the liner was boarded prsctically tho entl than hour nair late, although iuc,jiics iv inside the hsrbor lust off the light - ' Tans? Ulnar died recently In Sanf the present direcUon of the wind is; Mineral Proauc:a refunded to the Rooms S and C.J Elite Bid. Hote hooM and riven Francio. Hia family Is accompanying favorini, ratbr than retarding her. ' hotter news in mana- - wis nratiaue nt the v 4S pas-- contained the St. opp. Bishop Pbone 1411. dock...... hl bod to China. Thi raornlns a( The Manoa nonnginir cahin .m St Captain Dawson reported ' delegation of prominent Honotuln. Chi- -. aenaers. 5 bkg of maiL 1 packages er weeH end reiwrt and rose from the same s. i Kind or weatier the China experienced neae siocanoiaera in tne cnina jaii.i" ranci. w hhihuumh nu ju cems w ii-ui- cjinris wwpi?r ! ve- - F headed by Chlng Shal. 75S tone. o. targofoi Honolulu. For - ttronr rale from the northwest and boarded the . wa9 678. Oil $3.15 and Mcntana- j then from the aoutheat, o that pas- - an placed .my- handsome.-- floral i Kahutui he fr 1J82 tons of cargo. . senrers who were not rood aaiinr. u.i wreath on th casket The steamer will dock at IMer 15 and is wmsaam 4 cenis. nof rat any ii much mat of the time ; Caotain Dobson said that after leav- - due to ateam! Thursday, for the Slant HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., Ltd. VIOTROLAS ; Delegate Kunlo was booke dat San In Francisco the China ran Into port L ' ! j Capt. L. NEW SECRETARY FOR ! - r" Franciaco tot the Ventura, but on beavy northwest aales. which after a Arthiff oule is making his viit j learr.ing of (he extra sen.ion of Con-- ! few days switched around to the south--: first trip as ctrtnmander of the Manoa. Stocks and Bonda I , He Lur-- KiLAUEA SUGAR CO. BERGSTROM MUSIC CO. rresn cancelled his : booking: and re- - eas. heavy beam seaa buffeting: her, has been promoted from the ! ; r tamed to Washington. Captain Daw- - until last, night when the storm diedjllne in consilience of the step-u- p of NAMED BY DIRECTORS Real Estate , Insurance 1020:Fort St.' Phone 2321 son said. -- j I tiovn. it started up asrain eariy tnis I aiaon iieei rapiains consequent on - Purser Hoert 8. Acheson reported 3 1 morning and the sea was so rough J completion or Jtne new riagship Maul. Safe Deposit Vaults 8 i nawauan passengers. 472 bags of ill. tons "utsid that difficulty was experiencea wnicn wiu.entrr ine service meting of the stock- of general cargo and 27 tons of ex boarding her: The China was in com - inesi monm. jxie is scneauieu to leave At the annual by law to act as Trustees, Execn-- - press matte for Honolulu. The through munication ny wireless wnn tne aiai- - San Francisco! April 4 on her maiden holders of the Kilauea Sugar Co. held Men's Suite that Held their Shape cargo Is practically capacity. 255 tons. son liner Mjinoa. which reported a voyag t to Honpiuiu February 27, in San Francisco direc- tors, Administrators and Guardians.; but the passengers Sydney . gale and heavy beam seas, . end Style '.;'. list of for southeast were as fellows : John ! is not much larger than the number so that.lt she will be late tors reelected j getting off, here. arriving tomorrow, D. Spreckels, A. B. Spreckels. John D. The Ventura Is leaving at 4 o'clock oae C'aae Of Muasps Spreckels, Jr., W. D. K. Gibson and W.W.AHANACO. BUSSIAFlEi 1 I this afternoon for Pago Pago and Syd A ease of mumps prevented the China - ' Chas. A. Gibson. f - TailorsKing near Bethel ney. She vaa in touch with the Ko- - gettlne tiratlque tintll after she had 1 noma, all tie time, the latter Oceanic! been made fast at Iter 7 for about 24 The directors elected C F. Jacobson boat ; wirelessing that she Is making minutes. ? She will Fteam for Yoko as secretary, vice the late . H. W, good nrogrs with one propeller. Cap-tsl- n hama at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Thomas. identified : For Honolulu. Purser C. P. James re- OF Jacobson has been & co. Dawsin said the Sierra, when brought' JAPAN, SAYS with the office for many years, thor- c Soort Coats she lost one of her propellers a few ported, the China fire first too years ago. averaged 19.2 knots roing no cabin passengers and three second. oughly understanding the details (LIMITED) Mandarin Coats I to 8nn Frahclseo. If e said toe thinks Chlaese Official Afceard thereof and will make a most com Thrif- Stockings, Etc tne N)nom is doing as well. Among the notables on board are C. t- mm H, Chen, the new comptroller of the LOCA petent secretary. His selection, is an COLOMBIA treasury for the Chinese gbvernment. JAPANESE apt reward for merit and faithfulness SUGAR FACTORS The Saving Habit finds TAKING FULL Prof. C. T, Wang. Ph. D.. from an east- Chas. A. Gibson was elected as as . S. OZAUI ern liniversltv. is aboard bound for COM MISSION MERCHANTS Toot in optimisiu. CAftuO TO by Ttev-- sistant treasurer, and the other offi 109-11- 5 No. THE ORIENT Shanghai. He was met here SHIPPING AND Kino Street. Loofbourow. pastor of the First cers were reelected. J. R. Myers, INSURANCE " - - li ii w r sin in in ii .... t t hiii ?!rC M. K. of . "Japanese1 4 not look for any yfeld AGENTS Optimism looks ahead tt At C Sunday church Honolulu. manager, reported a total of afternoon the China s former freight clerk. K. - Pacific Mall liner Colombia, which en- The change in thef relations between Riis- 5200 tons of sugar in 1916, as com a bright future. Thrift DANCE tered port in the morning on her first fcOTniKp Japai sine, the declaration pared with a preliminary estimate of call at Honolulu, resumed her. voyage gc of independence In Ruasla." FORT ST, HONOLULU, T. H. provides in the presenVor t- - it. Hackfeid Comoanv. Ltd.. the local said K. 6000 ton9. The decrease in the Oar tuition does not merely teach th Orient. agency or - The Colombia's officers Include Capt. tne i:tua Man. Kawamura of the Niupu JUL promised yield was attributed to the a happy future. steps. It develop dancing ability and Mede !' Uarh Delay , "Japanese-pres- Hyland Angus public . Individuality. For rates phone 3464. Drentian. Chief Steward The China brought, only two bags of and were natu- low saccharine content and light List of Officars and Directors: Mcpherson. Freight Clerk Paul Schac ht. mail to lfonolnlu. Her through cargo rally surprised' at fhe. announcement, weight of the cane, milled, compared The Saving Habit pm-vide- s Purser M. II. Hunt, or the old Paci-fl- q B 1 8 H ail Is heavy. 1400 tons. The liner is sis but inasmuch as people 1915 crop. - E. F. 6 P...... President IN. Cm IV1UANJU Mall transpacific service, and Chief days late, having made up a week of the Russian with the spirit In optimism Lnglneer F. B. Llttlefield, who came have beeu friendly toward Japan, G. H. ROBERTSON;.....,.. J(4otsU. ! two delay she' had when Moana ' the weeks' Vtce-Proside- body. from the Matson employ. arrlyed here from the Orient Chi- there is hardly any doubt about the and Mahagsr and thrift in . The Colombia brought layover she MINERAL there nese New Year' celebrations In CRlna continuance of this friendship. PRODUCTS R. pasMehgers to Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. simply t paralysed commerce In China IVERS ...... Roth aw most desirable, Key-sto- Vice-Preside- H. lianbury of Shanghai and F. n "Russia Japan a foothold COMPLETE, v nt Pyrene Fire Extinguishers R ports, making It Impossible for the has lven TRAMWAY ; and Secretary of 8an Francisco. Through pas- cargo any in Manchuria. (let the habit and brim? steamer to get her. aboard Thb late czar trans- Vlco-Prosldf- nt sengers were 4 S cabin. MANAGER REPORTS J A. GARTLEY. . . capacity-cargo- , sooner. The China ran down and sank ferred part of tte transslberian rail- ,.v The liner is carrying a a tug n the Inland Sea of Japan last E. A.' R. ROSS...... your. savings to our. 1 Ori- .: .Treasurer mostly steel, to -- .' " road to Japan. In return Japanese structural the trip. . the GasO'Tonic ent.- 'Her officers said she refused as sent ammunition to Russia and are Mineral Products Company tram I GEO. R. CARTER .. ... Director again carry. wire-lea- s much as she can continuing to do so. Japan h an a way is completed, according to a SavingsDept. From this port the Colombia took been moroing'received from C H. COOKE...... Director Acetylene Light A Agency Co Ltd. I S passengers. Including Mrs. George big help to in past year, letter this ' i Russia the wire- J. R. GALT.. Director U Oilmer Iorothy Dlx) and Mr. Gil SCHOONER and' re- Manager Robert Anderson. This ...i...... Inasmuch as Russia v cannot I week-en- d V mer. The Colombia's officers said less was his official report , R. A. COOKE...... Director Bank of Hawaii, u General Manager H. Rosslter should ceive goodsfrom England and France, J. Japanese to directors here. He further said D. MAY. . arrire on the Venexuela this week. B it has. remained for the to factory expected to be a ...... Auditor Fort and Merchant. that a test is keep the army supplied. by STRAW Four firemen were injured through LEAVES VESSEL "Russia and Japan formed a treaty made the end of this week. collapse of a while fighting a . Still another matter ot importance the floor to safeguard ; the interests these Hats' for Simmer Weather destroyed" of to stockholders is the announcement fire which completely the two nations, in the Far East, and Rus- Scott-Bathgat- e on wholesale, block at w a that he has recei red a quotation THE CLARION, Fort and Hotel sia has already turned , over control Winnipeg.-Man- , (Sjciai Star Bulletin CorreRpondaac dioxide. As to this Anderson says at a loss of $200,000. Har-bhylt- o T of tiie transsiberian railroad from -- HILO. ''March 1.- - There Is troubl Braun, Knecht and Hegman quote B Mukden. . . Japanese of course NOTICE- - the captain of the schooner Eastern prices of dioxide 90 to 92 per Bank wlth-interesr.t- - of Is looking a Ti Minor and he for atch announce- cent at 16 cents, 80 to 85 per cent at Alojiandor a crew, his men having left the ship mada .regarding any change In Iutending deck passengers per the declared their intention of not ret 10 cents." Mineral Products dioxide .- ; concluded. steamchip "Manna. Kea" sailing from ing to hen - reign,9ycyVhe runs 97 per cent directors say. ' P The schooner lias . discharged Is official quotation of Honolulu. March 24th are hereby no cargo This the first all space lumber and Is ready for t dioxide prices the directors of the Honolulu, tified that main deck has She has been anchored in the bay f rTnnini AnieTn Balfiuiri been so?d. some days now. waiting for a crew t i i u i u company have received. ii I .'-- INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV. CO.. turn ud from somewhere or another, l l riI I iI in sss ' mi ,i ii : The sailors, who were formerly on the in LTD. vessel are dispersed around town and -- Honolulu Stock Exchange Honolulu, T. H March 19. 1917. they Lave no intention of joinnlg their Fort Street, near Queen ' 6737-6- t i ship again. Meaday, March 18. Sugar windjammer, A. F. Transacts general Banking Factors Another the " Coatea, Is reported to be on her way JIKRCANTII.K Business. ." down from Ektund ports with a cargo Commission Jftchants Bid. Asked Invites your account guar- of lumber. She is expected to make i i ' Alexaader A Baldwla, Ltd. and . ' passage down and may be n antees and Insurance Agftits her usual 1 C. Brewer A Co. ' safe and efficient sorv.lce. In port with' ii a week from now. w. Hutton, tw new liquor Ii SUGAR- - . cense ill;ector, mace his first arrest Bvra Piaatatloa Co. ...,.. 31V, . S3 Exchange, Letters of Credit and under the new role Saturday night Halka Sugar Ce ..... Travelers' Checks Issued 01 Agents for A request of $23,000 for an investi- Hawaiian Agrlcnltoral Co. principal w Whether he will secure a conviction points. gation of the case of Charles F. Stei-io- Haws. Com. A Snssr Ce... 4V SO Hawaiian Commercial ft Sugar serving a life Sentence for the remains :to be seen. S. Kawaguchl Hawallaa Sagar Co...... SHVt and K. Yorita were arraigned in po Hoaokaa Sugar Co...... 10 Gable Transfers Company. murder of Charles D. Phelps and his Hoaomn Sagar Co...... 39 ..... housekeeper wsas sent to the. financial lice court this morning and will be Ilntchlosoa Sagar Plant. Co .... 30 Haiku Sugar Company. on 23 21, respec committee of the Legislature by Gov-eyn- or heard March and Kiknkn Plaatatloa Ca. ... Pala Plantation Company. tively. , : Kekaha Sugar Co...... Whitman. : ANNOUNCE EXCURSION Accompanied by Koloa Sagar Co...... Maul Agricultural Company. WE ANOTHER At THE his assistant John SfVRryde Soger Co 10 10V4 FOR RENT ;'' Ltd... ' Roberts, Hutton arrested . Kawaguchl 8 agar Co, 2H ' - Oaha Electriciiy, gas. screen in all houses. Hawaiian Sugar Company. INCLUSIVE RATE OF in a restaudant he runs on Beretanla Olaa Sugar Co, Ltd...... 14?, 14 y, ."VO Small furnished cottage for 2, $15. street Aala Onomea "Sugar Co...... Kahuku Plantation Company. ner street and Horita Sugar Co 27 Yt 3- - bedroom house; garage; $30. f Paaakau the proprietor of a Japanese hotel on Pacific Sugar Mill ... 4-- MeBryde Sugar Company. 223 bedroom house; garage; $30. Aala strett In each case liquor had Pala Plaatatloa Co, ...... IS Stores Iwith Maunakea Kahulul Railroad Company. with marked money and Prpeekeo Mugar Co...... basenect beenboutht Ploueer Mill Co. .. t 'hkV '3 street' near waterfront; $27.50. Kauai Railway Company. a quantity .of Intoxicants were con Mltllag 1 ...... ' Sti Carlos Co..... v y, Co, HELP WANTED. fiscated. .. '; Walalua Agrteultural C. . 29 so J.H. SCHNACK Kauai Trult ft Land Ltd. Leave Honolulu WEDNESDAY, 1 When tsked this morning if he had M'allaku Sugar Ce...... 30 ...... Honolua Ranch. - 0 a. m. Sewing woman wanted, steady em- MISCKl.LAJIEOl S 842 Kaalumanu Telephone 3633 any statonent to mak of the policy Red aa llevelopsaeut Co Ltd St j ' ployment. Apply Roselawn, 1366 S. 4(0 I'd" (RETURN SATURDAY A. LL he wouu pursue relative to regula ( lat laeue Aaaeaa. pc. Kim 8L ' ' ' ' 6737-fi- t of spoons stamping blind .2nd Aasena. hO pc. I'd. fi r tion and out Haiku !.Fruit A Pack. Co. Pd ' - pigs. except STOP-OVE-R PRIVILEGES GRANTED FOR RENT Hutton said he had not Haiku Fruit A Tack, Cora. . a Money Grows when you t X ;:: jwotild closely Con. 7 Vi B.inouranceFi DILLINGHAM mosquito-proo- that he follow as as Hawaii Mr. PC A...... CO, LTD. " ! On . the beach, two f r " ' Fen- - HawaN Co a. IIy. pe, H. . 4 ."house-Xeepin- g possible an the late Inspector . RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS bedrooms; with cr, without Hawaii Cos. By. Com ...... 2Yt I PHONE 4915 privilege; desirable for nell's traces. - Hawaiian Klectrle Co. ... SAVE I kn I Pineapple Co. "40 .'41 i Fire, life, Accident, Compensation business girls. Phone 7669. 737r2t "If do as well as he did Hawu...... and deposit it'with'ui. Inter-Islan- shall glad." he said. Hon. Brew. A Malt. Co. Ltd ..... 17Vi : I SURETY d Steam Cd., Ltd. he Honolulu iaa Co, Ltd..... 120 126 BONDS We pay 4 per cent Intarest rJaviation rw w v FOR SALE. n uu n. i a in v 'v...... 1 ,;,t ' later-UlaB- d as Xav. BISHOP & CO. rt ; ' tea Co. i P. H. BURNETTE 4941 A-- Phone :4;:' I' ' Queen Street l Saxcn roadster, price Mutual Telephoue Co. . Oahu Railway 4t Co. . IMA 79 Merchant St Phone 1848 $300. v Cah be seen at Royal Ha-- J IS SET Iad i2y, Pahaag Rubber Co...... 21 21 ! NOTARY PUBLIC -- REP. Selama-Oludla- ga Plan. Pd. 12 13 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE Melauta-Ulndla- ga . . . Commissioner of Deeds Pin, 63 nc. BANK, LIMITED. . laajoag Olak Rubber Co.. 49 "ii" talifornia and New York - '". ; ' , yen "';''.. k, ''' ft''- ."'' BOJIDS Draws; Capital subscribed.. 43,000,000 Beack Walk Imp. Diet..... 102 Wills, Deeds, Mortgages and Capital paid up..... yen 30,000,000 Hamakua Ditch Co. Ca ...... an Legal Documents. Hawaii (n. Ry. 5 pe...... or. Reserve fund ...... yea 20'400,00d Hawallau Irr. Co. 0 ...... 73 s 8. AWOKI, Local Manager r Ifaw. Ter. 4 pe Refuud. IftOS Recordj was pe. 1 for arrest of drunks Haw. Ter, 4 Pub. luipa. .... The National City Company Haw. Ter. P. I. 4 pe. 1S12-1- .1 . . . reached $at irday night by the Hono- ay, NewYerk San Francisco ' police.' i night 13 were Haw. Term, ...... ) lulu That Houokaa Sugar Co, S pe. . S3 LIONEL E. A. HABT ULJ. brought in. From 4 o'clock Saturday Honolulu. Gaa Co Lid, 3. 103 INVESTMEftT BONDS afternoon until 9:30 this morning out Hoa. K. T. A I Co. pe. . ' Campbell Block Phone No. 3353 , ,"27 Kauai Ry. Co...... 100 H. A. BRUCE of the 36 .total" arrests were for Maaoa I as p. Dlar. pe..'.' MINING AND OIL SECURITIES safe-keepin- g. 3t drunkenness, detention or MeBryde Sugar Co Sa...... 200 Sank of Hawaii Bldg. Tel 1319 OFFERS INVESTORS 20 TO . . . . - 51 alT practically the same thing. . Mutual Tel. 5 ...... 10S 50 PER ANNUM- 'did crew Oahu Ry. A Laud Co. S pe.. 10 So fast the intoxicated Oahu Sugar Co. pe...... 11 f come in from all quarters that one Olaa Suaar Co. pe...... 9H PACFIC ENGINEERING A Co Sa 10O N' full page of' the police blotter contains Pacific (.uaao Pert. ; COMPANY, LIMITED M M J'-''iV- t nothing bui records of such arrests Paelle Nugae Mill Co, .. HM I V Smu Carlo Milling; Co, pe 1 Ccnsultlng, Designing and Con- E. C. PETERS with the exception of S. Kawaguchl structing Engineers and K. Yorita, who were really in Between Boarda: Saleat 13, SO, R Briiges, Buildings, Concrete Struc- 210 McCandless Bldg. they were arrest- Ploueer. Ml XI. 20 Olaa. 14.5t 100 Kwa. Honolulu, H. the sanie class as 31JjO 100 llawa. Plaea, 40.73. tures, Steel Structures, Sanitary Sys- T. tmeSllion-budble- " ed for selling liquor without a-- license. tems, Reports and Estimates on Exp j Stocks, Bonds, Securities, Loans s0mX:y Wita the exception of Soito, a Japa- ects.; Pfcoae 1045. Negotiated, Trust Estates ' RIBBER PRICES. ' y nese,, who has beeu- - arrested before Singapore ' Managed. At the Rubber Auctions 1 and who was fined $3 in police court held ".this week commencing Wednes- t CHOP 8UI . this morning, every defendant not day, plantation pale crepe realized 70.lt North King Street to pro- cents per pound. turned over as soldiers ithe The New York pric for the corres- (Between Maunakea and Smith) J. F. MORGAN C0.,;LTD. " vost guard was lectured and dis- pond int.-- da to was Si cents. Call (and see our brand row CHOP charged Sundav morning in the usual Latest safsr qnoution: 98 deg. test, S.27 SUl HOUSE Everything Neat STOCK BROKERS manner followed by Sheriff Rcse. cents, or 1 105.40 pet too. .vv: ''': and Clean Information Furoished'and Loans . Mathew Swift, a detective m Capt Tables may be reserved by phone. Made McDuffleY department, in explanation No. 1713 .. Merchant Street Star Building of the large number of drunks Sat- Sugar 5.27cts Phone 1572 urday night says it was on account of the rain, the men drinking harder " Henry because they were cold - s Waterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. MiineyMloat j Mtmber. Honolulu Stock and Bond .',-''-'- '. ' nt"y '.. om"n. ''''. . ;' . , .. :. uhklj reiiered by Murine Bro fccsoedy. N Exchange HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OP AArting. joRt Eye uotatort. jou.iuSmtgw . ' ai Fort and Merchant Streets HAWAII, LIMITED. or by mail. 50 per Battle. Tor Book of tae For Sale at all Groccsrs ksw Xroai aak Marira tya KMoeof urw, vwav Ttlephon 1203 til Fat 8trect : Ttlephon 332? HONOLULU STAE-BULCEITI- lOXBAY. MARCH 10.1017 SEVKN

l!!Iii!lj!!I!i!l!l!iy!liH TRAFFIC GAIN IS 'DISCIPLE'; TELLS 1 1 E R: SHOP IN REPORT IE PIONEER DAYS HAWA T H AT E At 7:40 o deck At 7:40 o deck TONIGHT ..7:40 P.M. f Hans for a general improvement of Dramas of tbo early ' days in the its service throughout the' city havts West hae ever had a fascination for Triangle Film Co. Present? been completed by the Honolulu Rapid the follower v llinis theatrical. At Triangle carly-'.verl- EightReels of Film Transit and Land Company details of the Hawaii theater the t of- which'are included in the annual re- fering, 'The Disciple," 'deaU 'with-. the IJ WILLIAM S. HART port of C. G. Ballentyhe, manager of days when civilization was gradually I : i i .the company. It . is aiso announced absorbing: that Rreat stretch of ccun-tr- y Main- that the 528,K0 wcrth of bonds of iyiru; wctt.of the Rockies; when The Screen'Idol of the Dbdgl as Fail the company, due May 1, are to lw the missionary travel J with a pair of taken up by a HW.OttO stock increase sjx-- s hooters within handy calling dis-tan- cc land In and a loan of $12S,l0. " and knew how to i:e them. BIGGEST DRAWING CARD IN THE FILM WORLD The extension and repair work WilliSM S. Ilia's w k as the pio- which is contemplated for this and neer miseionarvus exceptionally good. "THE DISCIPLE" Popular Screen Artist With punch and personality, pro- next year fs the double tracking .of also is that pf Dorothy Palton in performer efore the King street, an extension along School ti.o roie of ha i'ile. TTip mlssir.narv claimed by critics the brainiest street into Kalihl valley, new rails on is all that cotilabe expected of such A strong drama of the West. camera, in Triangle Feature Film, Berctania frcm Alapai to Alexander, a chiracter, whfe hi yAta is a shall- Hart portrays' a ' Shooting '..-.''.-:'- ' Hotel from Alakea to River, and on ow,, feather-br- a hed Individual who Fort from Queen to Alien and from Icavca her child! and worthy husband Iron Parson." ; This photo- Hotel to Beretania and a renewal of raiccnkeeer-gambler- . - for a play gives him plenty .of op. the ties on Alakea and Deretania and Naturally, comes to the wo- a fe.v r hort sections in other parts of tbc emo- man an AwaJveunff inVwltich she real- ' portunities to, display, the city. dif- sXf iSPa-'s"- Ballentyne, report, izes her error land can see the in his also points ference betweej the two men. It is tional and dramatic effect. out the sreat Increase in cost of ma- the strength of missionary is terial. 1 rails ordered for the new then the he shewn. In a climax that is a long con- If you sec Hart once you construction cost 151.85 while .11 tjrUls one which THIS DYNAMIC COMEDY-DRAM- A CARRIED NEW months ago the rails purchased cost tinuation of and will never miss any of his 131.75. comes swift anl unexpected. It is a YORK OFF ITS FEET. FIVE REELS. strong drama.: ! 4 : pictures. - President Peck, la his report, says: Fred Mace, ft "A Janitors Wife's : FREED "The outstanding feature of the Temptation,' J. a riot. This Key- - MACE year's operations Mac Sennett's Keystone Gloom Chasers in Tjo Sizzling Is the growth of traf- stone Kennedy i a clever relief to the of Keystone Fame, in "A JANITOR'S WIFE'S TEMPTATION, ' a fic, the passenger revenue for 1916 tense drama wtich is the feature of I showing an 63,-00- 0 - , Reels of Fun, increase cf more than f fering.- The Paihe color films are al- - Screaminp; Keystone Koxnedy in Two Parts over that of 1915, and of nearly ways good and the present one is no r 545,000 over that of any year of oper- Don't forget to bring your handkerchiefs, blcause you will laugh till Hero." exception. ' "Her Pamta Perhaps . . ation. no other factor so you cry So be prepared. . clearly demonstrates the city's growth. EDUCATIONAL X& 10, 20 AND 30 CENTS. In 1907 ; there were carried 7,358,278 PATHE COLOR FILM REDUCED PRICES pay passengers, as compared with INTRIGUE SHOWS RICES-r-1- 0, la' the year just closed. , 2Q. ,30 CTS. . . JII!i!II(il!lllllll!llllllllM "Although the present franchise has but about 13 years more to run, your board of directors believe that the in- THRILLS V, auguration policy Of . cf a of Immediate 3C extension of lines and service will be 1 met' more than half way by a com- munity sentiment' of approval . so In times of war it is natural that strong and permanent as to bring the thoughts of Inventors turn to war fbout, in due time, an extension of implements, new ir c 'hods of instruc- our franchise on terms that will be tion or means for alleviating the suf- fair alike to us and to the Honolulu fering of the wounded and dying. This y ;'...;--- TO urn public V cur- idea' is used as the basis of the PALLAS PICTURES PRESENTS rent Pallas ' feature. The Intrigue," Aim OVER 150 MERRY MAKERS new showing fit the Liberty theatter. It is not so natural for the inventor, ENJOYED ANMUAL BANQUET who has perfected an X-ra- y gun: tnat PHOENIX will deal death and destruction at a SATURDAY NIGHT distance of many miles, to be called upon UL : to destroy the child of his brain. Over lvO niemhers , of Modern men the He is in "The Intrigue," pleaded with Order of Phoenix were present at the hy the woman he loves to take, this STAR OF "THE BIRD OF PARADISE," IN annual banquet' in the clubrooms Sat- action rather than spread miseTy, and urday night. The hall was decorated despair broadcast'. Does he answer and many friends, were guests of mem- the call of" love? Tlie photo-pla- y is ' : S ;' ." ' Use Federal Wireless ervice bers. worth seeing to decide question. E E " this Juluis W. Asch, ' - The woman In case is none oth- HE- . tlie leader of the the NT R G J I Jodge, wa toastmaster and Lorrin An- er than Ienore TlrichTamous as the x drews, In a toast to Wilson, star In the mairimpth production. The GRIPPING DRAMAIEOF LOVE, WAR AND ROMANCE to Mainland President gave the evening's address. He urged Bird of Paradise'' appears as -- patriotism in ; present the Ccuntes8"Sonra, as a nurse f the impending tint .on a'j : crisis.;. ; ."" ;v-.- ' :' m a Red 4ttCJ4tec :as Deferred Messages Reduced Rates .'.. ff11csla1 Liberty-Param- o confliSing ) at apromailc representative own A the Power; : , j.Tn con-slate- d of her entertainment committee country, assigned .of Neil Slattery, A" Werner, A. th"ecity jof counter- of Scientific Warfare and the Sacrifice ofka Wonderful E- ing the, pjhnl df.feneliemy country to : - Carter and James E. Boyle. :.-:;'- -';.' r.X-- The theX-raj- Love. -" - Phone 4035 828 secure J :'gun. j ' Fort Street caterer was Harry Whitcomb, a mem- as ; - js t . ber of the lodge. SecreUry Harry Sufficeuit '.to.sfcy the' plaBs of; the i a Murray,' with many willing volunteers, man are ail shot to pieces and; the furnished the entertainments. counters, while; still in the guise of an 13th Chapter of ,4Up-to-the:Minute- M emigrant, iwins, the love of the. hand- l!!;it!;!i:!l!U!i:!!i:ill!:i!!Iill!!iI!llll!lII!l!lII!IIII!III!llll!ilIlillilllinill!!l!ll TERRITORIAL PRISONER some oung Ajmican Inventor.

- , j WOULD REMAIN IN JAIL "Who's Guilty" Paihe Weelily 'DOUBLE TROUBLE' REMAINDER OF HIS LIFE ' Co. Ltd. . ". t UiinPIific Transfer jaigu JBheriff WilUam Jarrett has a X'y c . i . prisoner at the territorial jail who BEST PICTURES, BEST MUSIC,;- - BEST PEOPLE ! - .:. " ' (.. v ,. v ' would 'petition the governor not to SCREAMING PLAY V ": : , :, , v, . X' j; - X - set iiimot of jail but to keep him ALWAYS AT THE LIBERTY i - . 174 King Street, next to Young Bldg. there the- rest of .his life, vidently ' 10, 30 50 . theVFiHpino, who happens to be the Prices 20, Cents.. Box Seats Cents. i r J prisoner question, The troubles of Douglas. Fairbanks 'in cannot bear to -- think jof leafing when his time ex-pire- s. In the Triangle feature film, "Double FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 5060 " STORING, PACKING A1TD SHIPPING OF FURNITURE, ' , 'X. X ; Trouble," shown fori the first time '"Fjirthermoro,- - he occasionally goes last night at the Bijou theater, fcre the ETC., FREIGHT HAULERS AND GENERAL EXPRESS on a fast that bothers us," says the delight of the lccky spectators who high sberif, "and after he has re- see this exciting film . " 1 BUSHfESS U. S. MAIL CARRIERS. fused to eat ''or two 'or three days The story deals wit i dual personalf-t- y BAND CONCERT TONIGHT ; we have to force him to drink milk." and aphasia, and Is worked out The' Filipino will be sent to Police along screamingly hur lorous but scien- AT EMMA SQUARE - Surgeon R. G. Ayer of the emergency tific lines. It concerig the career of PhcnoGi vkll-behave- d fig- : .1871376 hospital for examination and treat- Florian Amidon, a , Beginning at 7 30 tonight, the Ha- says doc- ure In' a small community who is su- waiian Band, under the .leadership of ment r Sheriff Jarrett the tor has his permission to give the pris- perintendent of a sunaay school. But Prof. Peter Kalani; will give a public aji pro- oner a . UtX'iO .legal advice about his Florian meeta with accident that concert in Emma Square. The request for life imprisonment. brings from nis subc mscious nature gram for the evening will be as fol '. ' - "'-- .'-' another personality wiich is just the lows: - .'.;" ' ' ') opposite of the gentle Florian. "America" As Eugeqe Brassfie this new per- March, "The Board of Supervisors' sonality takes its nlice in the af- .4 i . ICftlnl fairs of, Florian and creates a scanda- Overture, "Ormlon" (by request)..- - Jnlavaiiiaiii lous furore In the -- ofierwise placid ...... i.'.i Petee B'orcsi corimurritjk. . . . .1. ' ' life of the Ultimately, Patrol, "". ... Tschakoff i - : however, the best traits of the two Selection, "The Honeymoon Trail" 'XX: ;' personalities are merged into one, and ., Ar. by T. Clark The toothsome n a v c dainties -;. ti Brassville-Aoido- n becomes a iK).wcr-fu- l ; PART II : ' '' which would delight your ''main- Citizen.. . . i X Hawaiian Songs," by Hawaiian Band cflcomedy - ... Who Wks. Three ether reels by the Glee Club land visitors so much ... are fully Keystone forces taaM up the long Waltz, "OneTliousand and One Yiir well-know- n program. - But th 'principal feature Nights"...... J. Strauss given in . reliable recipes by ' Or- ? i; Tl is the lightning forkj of Fairbanks OneStep March "The Modern x'v--' 9 v: x Honolulu women and pre- ',x: Pi who has been hailed brainiest per-form- der of Phcenlx"...... N. Slattery cow beforeftaej camera. "Aloha Oe" "Hawaii Ponoi" sented in excellent form in the "The Star Spangled ' Banner" HONOLULU ASTONISHED : While thousands of bushels of grain x- - -- x . i :c,'. xrx ;BY MERCHANT'S STORY were beine loaded on steamships for Honolulu Cook Book Eurona menibej-s'o- f the Boston cham-.- i Isift it the well-dresse- d man! A merchant relates the following: ber of commerce telagraphed to United I "For years I could toot sleep without States Senator Lodge at Washington Price SO6 -- ' Isn't it the jaunty,' fashionably, clotheil figure are-frec in its easy conscious- turning every hour. 'Whatever I ate that 'stock of all kinds is starving ':'. caused gas and sourness. - Also had throughout Massachusetts." & x : (lxxi. - ., Tightness? !'-.'.- '' ness of stomach catarrh. ONE SPOONFUL :: At the office cf the buckthorn bark.' glycerine, etc:, as mix- You admire the good taste lies behind the choice of such garments the Adler-i-k- a STAR-BULLETI- that ed in relieved me INSTANT- HONOLULU N ' ' Adler-i-k- a fine sense harmony fitness. ; ' LY." Because flushes the of and V . t ; Art Exhibition ' ENTIRE alimentary tract it relieves . .125 Merchant Street, v ; becoming-'cilectiu- g ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach 1061 Alaltea St. Island. Soenes by Yet you can have a' 'suit .equally the same high qualities r or gas and prevents appendicitis. It E. W. CKRIS7MAS, R. B. A." i " of stvle and manufacture. " has QUICKEST action of anything we ':" - Daily, 16 to "5 ."7'.' ' ever sold. Hollistcr Drtig Co. ' The - Visitor?, Invited . :.- Visit our Fort Street Store todaj. We are students of Adv.- fashion, and will clothe you -- with the care of an artist. ' You'll find us able to suit you exactly. ' I DAILY REMINDERS C-- - Around the island, $1.73. Phone il T I EI VT C f- 1350 Adv. -.- '.-- ':... :'.'-".'- . - Prcg.-a-m 1:30 p, m. ! is the marine garden at Halciwa. i Clearly, and comfort- -- - Make some of today's want ads tccinring at until t- ! rr. vr tr rv p. - ', ':. , n r serve.. .YOU by answering a few of . ,4 m. ..r aulv-e- u troin tlietwin-enme- glass bottom boat ania t rri ' :''-- ' them. ' v.-.- , X " Evening (two showa) 6:33 ard 8:J0' Hotel. Kyeryone enthusiastic I XI j .' SPECIAL PROGRAM POR TODAY j CatalinaZat Halciwa N Wanted Two more passengers to " li ! - I make- - up motor arty around island, ANC EVENING who sees it.. Also bathing,- boating golf and tennis. Fort and Merchant Streets i.00. each. Lewis Gai?ge, phone 2141. "Coryoral Billy's Comeback", (two-- J Adv.: ''.: '''-- . part draina) Bi;,tl - OAHU'S AV0?.ITE RTSORT For Distilled Root '"Some Duel" tcmt&j) e.is Watcr'ilire's' -- yk. v Ro&t - i Eeer and all other . Ponnlsr Drinks To Sav. the ', w3tern IOTEE tiT ltrt 'Mi W'Kirr 'irt k iKjf ...... '..A- - ...... 1. ' (cc-aiaJy- Adv. A. "spraxs Cleaains ) ...... ViJiJ , A FM5U1 MOMUV. MAKCH 10, 1017 KfdllT HONOLULU ST J.KTIN.:

DANCING CLASSES -- 'and Piano I. arn thV liilwt York dance SBasigasieinnieinig Furniture R3 woirog) from. MADAME LESTER. Honolulu's leiutiinc teacher. Tuesday evrniEK. ARMY &NAW HONOLULU CONTRUCTI ON & DRAYING CO., LTD. 'lub; Friday evtninK. Punahou i'lans; 8-- 1 , BELSER, Manager. Patur'day- morning. Children's Cla'. PHONE 4 9 J. J. V anoy r.nd Mae dancing, private 1 DINNER SATURDAY NIGHT SERVICE FIRST STOR AGE 65 TO 71 SOUTH QUEEN ST. . mm by appointment. I'll one. 11C- -. I. O; WEST POINT ii. V. Hall Ke. '.; Ttoft llotnaR'ry. KENNETH ALEXANDER IS GREAT SUCCESS; 34 CLASSES THERE Wants Others to Know

of taking in the "beast.'." ;! Ttae Wei-- i Point dinner to commemo ' Remedy That Helped Him rate the 113th adversary of the Capt. K K. l. Hoyle acted as cl.eor I "long corps yells." starting 1'nlted State 'military academy, was leader and How Was one Gen. Davis, were kept up Cant Understand He Large sfock of Japanese Hahntai silk, iongee cro!H Portraits Leld at the :oana Hotel on Saturday with for Suf- was Cured So Quickly After ns-s- evening and was a. grand success, ait during the evening. ('apt. Mettler stripe silk stripo crepe in large t Sittings by Appointment- - 4662 fering Nineteen Years. , stnje pongtv, nnl the "old guards" ot the s land attend in charge of all. arrangements ami 424 Eeretanla 8L ac votes of thanks were ten- '", :';"''... inc the' reunion ami renewing old tinaniirous - itueiit. .1 man-- : Fur nineteen years. Mr. Chas Froe- quaintance. About 1 t'i officers, ran? dered to him and to Mr. Moroni, general to nser of the Moana Motel, who pro- h b. R. F. D. No 2. Gorham. Kansas, j ins in dank from brigadier ".'kidney Sm.irtneM and Novelty in first lieutenant, attended the celebra-- 1 vided an excellent menu and service. suffered from stomach and I trouble. Me tried all the. doctors for t Zi classes being represented. dark-far- e comedians from th ion. Three around but got no relief, iind Gen Kdward UHvi. a resident of; Infantry furnished "stunts v. inch miles ODO SHOES - "w ' e given up. hen Froe- j for. men or women Honolulu, represented the oldest cla. j were very i rougn-hous- had about Mrs. acceptable. neir City Post MANUFACTURERS SHOE ' of 1SS7; while Lieuts dancing was of an exceptionally lih read in the Kansas irenent, that it STORE, 1051 Fort St. Iiritton. Sharrar aid (Juver represent high 'order and their conversation in- about Fruitola and Traxo and what ed the youngest, tlie class of 1916. Thu cluded jokes that referred to West had done for a man with stomach id class or 1912 was represented by the 1'oint and to the officers present. Capt. trouble. Me says. "She sent for Fruit-- ; S HO TEN largest number of officers. 12 being iu L. F. Rice impersonated a Swede con- ola and Traxo and from the first attendance. gressman from Wisconin and he "in- better. 1 only took two bottles; Hotel near Xuuanu HONOLULU During the evening a special orches- formed the graduates of the academy and. am ..we'll now and can eat and tra, organized and directed by Francis w hat he thought of the army and what-the- .work like a young man Fruitola and j DAIRYMEN'S Ielgh. band leader of the "2nd Infan- might expect congress to do for Traxo did it and 1 11 do all I can to j try furnished the .music .for both the them. During the evening "cable- get others to try it." f concert aud soigs. An improvised grams" were received from all over Fruitola and Traxo are compounded ' ASSOCIATION platform in one end of the banquft the world .from persons of note, in- from the original Edsall formulas at : 1 all w as occupied by the orchestra and cluding Kaiser Wilhelm. "Pancho" MR. CHAS, FROELICH the Pinus laboratories in Monticello, was utilized for the stunts. Villa. Czar Nicholas and the Emperor 111., and can be pirchased in Honolulu of Benson. Smith & Co., wholesale ; Two deliveries daily, fresh being among Gen. Strong ably officiated as toast-maste- r of Japan; these the hits distributors, and 'leading drug stores; a doctor's prescription is not We Sell pasteurized island milk and the first toast proposed by or the evening. necessary. Fruitola is a pure fruit oil that acts as an intestinal lubricant ; Gen. Treat to the president of the Among the pleasant surprises of the and disintegrates ihe hardened particles that cause so much suffering, dis-- ; and cream. United States as drunk standing. evening was the announcement that charging the accumulated waste to the sufferer's intense relief. One dose : Col. Guignard spoke on the subject Pror. Dr. John A. Brashear. an adopt- is usually sufficieif to indicate its efficacy. Traxo is a tonic-alterativ- e that ; 1911, was "When West Point Goes to War," and ed member of the Class of is most effective to rebuild and restore the weakened, rundown system. MaJ. Longan's Uast to "Alma Mater" present and would give a talk. Prof. A booklet of special interest to those who suffer from stomach trouble can ; who is re- i was of a humorous nature and brought Drashear, a noted engineer be obtained bv writing to the Pinus laboratories, Monticello, Illinois. down the house.; Lieut. McGregor told membered by all recent graduates as in department of philo- the "old grads" that "West Point Ain't a lecturer the BILL WOULD LIMIT j West Point, is a great favor- What It . Was" nd had his humorous sophy at j description concerning the reception ite with the cadets. , Me is stopping URGES HOUSE TO CARRYING BAGGAGE of new cadets jwhen they enter the between boats at Honolulu on his way ON RUNNING BOARDS, academy as plebes been strictly cor- to the mainland from Japan, and his presence and talk, were greatly rect, it was evident that a radical A bill to the carrying of change had come over the old method ECONOMICAL reflate t BE or freight on motor cars and MEN 0F25TH INFANTRY tni"Ks. used for the transportation of( Fresh Eggs cssenger-- i was i l reduced in the; ENJOY ADDRESS GIVEN $11-- To date the house has spent '.' bills j iiouie today, b lng one of several LEONARD 35 federal, and from forfSklferRofes BY BISHOP from the $!27:i J ; 1 auto?; motor vehicles the territorial Speaker re urns to and PHONES 1542-467- 6 is (Special Star-Bulleti- Correspondence) H. I.- Holstein reported today. inis In part, the text of the measure (Special. Star-Bulleti- Correspondence) March a balance of $13,S7o.f,:. in the as follows: 19.- - A SCMOFIKLD BARKACKS. leaves 11. 30c FORT SHAFTER, Mar. most t mm 41. territorial-- V Hams,' per ... ana men ui ui ".! . federal and f2rt.372.72 in the 1, It shail be unlawful for Annotir Star delightful infora-a- l dance was given ine omcers "Section i. rnday aft- fund. Speaker Holstein ursed any person driving, operating or in at headquartets building Fort Shaft- - Infantry had the pleasure Arinour's Colonial Hams, pr ll...... 28c -- of to cut down used er nn Tririov for th imn-fi- f. erncon of hearing a philosopher and chairmen committees charge of any motor car or truck ovintr much as iossible. Picnic Hams, per .1. . .19c of the kindergarten school The ar. ! orator in the person of Bishop expenses as fnr the. translocation of iassengers. Armour's lk upon pat- Up last Saturday 2!:t dims nau carried any. rangemcnts were in charge of Mrs. nard, who addressed them to to carry ro permit to be Armour V Shield I'acon, per lh. . : 32c in house, l.. on;-suc- - The bishop placed much em- horn introd.iced the baggage or freight, motor car Cohen, Mrs. rnd Mrs. Breit- riotism. , Roson being at the same time two years manner I;u-on- lh. .30c field. and theoe laoies fully demon- - phasis upon moral courage as more than nr tmrk in such that the Armour's Colonial per ' samp projects be-- i u the first requisite necessary in the ago. .v.'..,-- or anv nart thereof , strated their abjhty by the enjoyment tlies:-ed- w motor j Koasting (Miickens, per lh...... 34c of those att sndin?. Refreshments making of a good soldier. Me also yond the extreme idth of said in a most dra- WHY RHEUMATISM COMES j 11 . were furnished by the 'committee and i outlined the Civil War car or truck. ( al it'orn i a I ota t oes, er HHl s. . . . $5.50 Mil i respon- il r -- - earrv matic manner and showed the 'eKi(nn m Vnv l'tisrsfn- shall i served on the west lanai. The music WITH COLD WEAlnhn any motor. was furnished by the 2nd Infantry, sibility that rested upon President on f.he running board of Also famous Wribest brands of Lincoln at a time when despondency car or truck used for th transporta- Armour's whi.h is 'noted for its spirited dance (By Valentine Mott Pierce, M..D.) any baggage, Vegetables, Fruits, Meats, Etc. music, and did not disappoint the has hanging over the country like a tion or passengers canned goods 'demand 4 inse connection exists between great clcud and that such times . freight or packaces. which project in dancers on this occasion, being under two-co- rheuma-tisra- these ld weather and any way beyond such running board, the able directorship of Band Leader a man of the keenest intellect Haig of London has and diplomatic conceptions. Prof. Alei or which will cause the doors of such A. Jacibsen. most followers in the medical pro blocked so 3BT The bishop compared President Wil- the motor car or truck to be Ltd. fession in the belief that the presence riot California Feed Go., The many... friends., of Sgt McAniff, son with President Lincoln, showing that the passengers therein have good in the system of aric acid, or its salts same. that Wilson has shown similar m free access to the wjho was stationed at Fort Shafter in excess,' is the real cause of rheuma-tic- person violating P. Box 452 Phone 4121 with Company E, Signal Corps, will courage and judgment in this most "Section 3. Any 0. Rvcrv cne has recognized the any provisions of this act shall regret to hear of the painful accident critical epoch which the United States appearance of their of the Alakea and Queen Sts. is now facing. difference in the be punished by a fine of not less than he met with when thrown from his gets com; mere i The officers and men of the regi- water as soon as it five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one horse. Mis collar bone was broken often a copious sediment of $150.00)." and Ovher minir injuries received. It ment feel that they have been given hundred and fifty dollars one big of year in hear- MILLARS is hoped he will soon . recover and be the treat the up to an ac ing bishop's and his Several causes may lead back to duty. the address that in system. - great to cumulation of uric. acid the . visit to Hawaii is a asset the X- 38T cause ui par- lovers of oratory. which, in turn, rneumausiu It is earnestly hojed that the gout, or creaky joins, swollen ringers, For every minute you ents will send their children as usual Bishop Leonard, Mrs. Leonard, Rev. reason W. H. Fry. superintendent of Methodist or painful joints. For one the to the Sunday fcchool, which is held off the uric, acid. OriPTital and spend in picking out a suit every Sunday ?.iorning 9:30 in missions, and Mrs. Fry were the skin does not throw l?ns at by profuse sweating, as m the not i building . guests of the regiment and later the of clothes. nt this sale, you headquarters second floor wMthpr: and 'the kidneys are unable- If o guests of Lieut.-Cc- l. Albright and Mrs. , Aniiqiie There seemed be some Jaea that! double burden. An-- Furniture closed! Albright at tea. to take care of the can save a dollar or more the Sunday school would be is that people do not the chaplnin left, but the ladies! other reason minute. Go over this after drink as much water in cold weather, o hand a are carrying on the good work, so PHYSICAL,'., EXAMINATION ! hand in as in summer, which helps to flush next Sunday !ei all the children be more- - list and see the big sav- ' ':; FOR ADMISSION TO WEST the kidneys. Again, they cat present some peo-- , ' in cold weather, and . 3RT '.',:-.'- TO TOMORROW meat ings you i .., 3K POINT BE can make their ..'. pie are so suiceptible Uiat they soon value is mosfly One of the most enjoyable children's I Their develop rheumatism after eating meat. ACT. The. stock can't last parties was that given on Wednesday t physicsl examination of persons should, afternoon, oelebratlng the 6ixth birth- - for admission to the United At all such times their long at THESK PKICKS: . drink copiously of hot water, say, a sentimental and ) day of littlf Leaore Eiy, the attrac-- States military academy at West ana j Mrs. Ernest held at Shafter, pint morning; fand nignt, wk live daughter of Sgt and Point is to be Fort (doubb'strength) or four j were 9 a board Anuric three unreasonable Ely. The perorations carried March 20, at o'clock before I rnmp I price $15.00 2 $22.50 .s . j.., Anuria,v-- in Suits.. for out in pink fcnd white color scheme, composed of Maj. E. 1L Hartnett. limes a uaj.j .'in'o , cun be had at almost You Save $7.50 the table hefax very lovely, and ha v-- Medical Coits; Capt. W. E. Hunt, 2nd Ublet form aid drug . It dissolves the uric ing a beautiful inrtnaay cane as n- infantry; Capt. Kdwm-.s- rtansnorn, any stofe. every acid in the system and carries it oui--j Furniture $17.50 Suits. . 2 for $27.50 centeruice. It child s place 2nd Infantry; Capt. Leopold Mitchell, everyone to take ly i egg. Many ' ward. I woutl advise was n atCracya Easter Medical Corps, and 1st Lieut. C. A continue for, You Save $7.50 'interesting games were j1 ayed. chief Hardigg, Infantry. Anuric occasionally, and 2nd weeks, and in that way! will 'among them Ve?rg "Pinning Bunny's thm nr fmif he praedDyyour 1 gout many of merri-- i to be avoid rbeumUlsm. and $20.00 Suits.. 2 for $30.00 tail on," whidh, cauaed much Railway traffic in Spain is acid "pinner" w as the painful dsordera due to uric v You Save $10.00 meat. The tounate placed under the control cf committees as w pre-- director-genera-l in tho systetv. grandcniiaren j was by of the Miss Virginia Rossan, ho ' headed ihe healthy and strong sented w ith a dainty little book" as a public works Jfake yourself $22.50 Suits. .2 for $32.50 prize. games guests all by open-ai- r exercise and diet. Then ' After the the occasionally rare antiques You Save $12.50 bade their little, hostess a reluctant having just sucn a good time next cleanse the lirer by action with a pleasant i goodby, will be locking forward to yeaa. its. and May-appl- e, $25.00 2 $35.00 laxative composed of the Suits;, for dried juice cf aloe, and root of jalap, You Save $15.00 and lone sold by all drug gists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. j .'. - " $27.50 Suits. . 2 for $37.50 Adv. . ITELIK You Save $17.50 Delicious 1 A WATER POLLUTION wealth of Honest Material $30.00 Suits. , 2 for $40.00-Yo-u BILL AS WRITTEN Contain a Save $20.00 Breakfast Dish OPPOSED BY HAWAII and hut very little Sentiment . That is $35.00 Suits. .2 for$45.00 Copies of resolutions passed by the Hawaii county supervisors and relat-- 1 so long and , roatly-iooki- they last cost $25.00 Grape-Nuts- Fotxl, lias why You Save the Breakfast line. to legislation now before the law- a unicaie flavor of. its own, and once tried remains a makers. reached the houe today. : .'';;:-;:;;:':- The big island supervisors ask that so litde Remember! Not. just a ' '' pollution of favorite. ; . 'the bill to, prohioit the V be not passed un Body Brussels, few unsaleable "stickers wafers and streams Come in and see the new Spring lines of Anglo Persians and The "delicious and taste is not its chief less amended not to become effective arrived. stock is on in-citi- having yet constructed standard sizes, which lave just but our entire of not in all merit- - however. During the process manufacture adequate sewer systems. on r, sale at the above prices Lyman's bill for a these beautiful creations to you. They are the starchy parts of the cereals (wheat and barley) Representative We are glad to show short time only. ?4oO,0O0 road from Hilo to the Kilauea display in our Carpet Department, 2nd Floor. for a from which the food is made, are turned into the national park is approved. sugary known as IVxtrose. slightly sweet, substance RESOLUTION SEEKS I - want pay as you can." for easy, quick digestion.- INVESTIGATION OF "Buy what you The BOYS' REFORM SCHOOL Practical experience shows that even weak Momaehs j

can digest it, and the powerful, nourishing qualities ( An investigation of alleged harsh and cruel punishment of inmates of MODEL make themselves felt after a few days. school Waialef? the boys' industrial at is provided for in a resolution intro- duced today by Representative Kele-Voli- Cldthiers The resolution sas it has been reported to a member that boys have 1138 Fort Street 1141 been whipped in an unusually severe manner and asks for a special com- mittee of three to be named to in Open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. food is fully cooked at the factories and ready to serve vestigate. Kinsr Street near Alakea 9 night. - Saturdays, till a$ v.ith cream of milk (hot or cold). I STAR-BULLETI- GIVES YOU V'OAY f. NfWf, TODAY