- - ' . j i I I i ! ! Far tan Francleca: i - , L" I A V CZ7 I X- . Wllhelmlna; March 21 ( I ' jM I M I t 'J t From Vancouver: 1 nJ-- . ?. j A z V 1 LJ VJ vv CV t C J vv Z l Vl For Vancouver: ... YV ' y.. ..v : - ... : " " I :. v 'y--- Nlarara.Mar. 30. .. !. ';' .:c ; V' :. ;l "Y JJ ... f 'V'. J v:.v: Y'VY.: :'Y- - NvY' ni i PAntHT-liiAv- .. n..n:ii. vn rj: m ni.' rw?f'Tr 15 ; PBICEFIVB CENTS n -- i9 WATl7mvnw Paofx. ' - - ' - v. itt h TPRmmnv ii hut - - 0iawalian Star. Vol. XXIV. No 7778 ; 'V . .. - , v . Afinpnrs : - . : I oo oo ... oo joo ': oo oo oo , ;. oo oo oo oo oo. Two Firemiclhi HGIIT-IIOU- n LA17 IS DPIELD i VJ-i- nun:.: xii u ADEiSOIl Jr i n ..ji allies :oisi) Gsaroro CO;iSTITUIIO;ffll III CUi kit 2 CflUilT, In War Crisis BniiffpenWsr Wear reoccupv nm siiio;WW Highest Tribunal in Land Declares Valid Legislation Backed riMociu rrMi r 7 : cwi Bv President and uesianed to Benefit tmnioYK Four CHICAGO, I1U March 19. The mus-terin- jf No Change in Plans for Extra Session But President Author- Fi-bf-A " Disagree, Make Dissenting Opinion out of the national guardsmen Almost Fifth of Western Line Justices of the central department was sus- izes Spendini $11 5,000,000 to Speed Navy Conctruction pended today subject to further notice Switzerland to Sea Caved in By En by MaJ. Gen. Thomas H. Barry, com- (AiMWriAted TtM by CoBHHrril .Pcic Cable) - WASHINGTON, O. C, Mar. 19 The supreme court today hjnded down manding. LONDON,Enga.nd, Mar. 19 Capt. Bo rum and eight others of those Battering-Ra- m eight-hou- - tente's the llna awaited deciaion on thc'Adamaon r railroad lajw. The de- aboard the City o Memphis are missing. Four of the eight are Americans. daion declares that the law is conatitttlonal. thus providirg trfc standard ' was ngi nsw I of hours and also the railroad wage atandard. ii Hnvwnjii mil imnj nsis iiiih. WAftROriateit rrs r Catl) : . was seriously divided on the decision, law beiig held con- France, March 19. The German invader in the, .The court the WASHniOTON, I). O., March 19. Uncle Sam is making PARIS, stitutional only by a vote of five to four. The distenting jus ices were British Pay west is on the full retreat over 100 miles of front, held for , Day, Vendevanter, Pitney and McReynolda. They upheld the Hook test plans to protec 'Americans sea with a great fleet of "sub at : ;,' ruling in a dissenting opinion Juttlce Cay declared the Adamson more than two weary years of trench warfare. and th.t marine, small speed-boat- s which will patrol the law amounts to "deprivation of the property witnoul due pro- -' chasers of the Oise and ''-.- Two entire French departments those of cess r""" i waters merchant vessels. , . , ; ; of law." Big War Cost and screen v Aisne, have been liberated from the German rule. Ac- Announcing the majority opinion. Chief Justice White revi wed the Constructiii by. the New York navy yard of 60 of these the leading to the enactment of the Adamson law, tel ing of the cording to reports from the front within the past few days, submarine-chasfrs,- - was today. Deliveries of the com- President's efforts to avert the striks last September. He s id the law TAatodAUd rrssi by CaU ordered have been caved in by the tremendous blows hour-da- y g LONDON, Eng., March 19. Chan- the German lines coyer both the act and th t wage-fixin- statute. pleted begin in from 60 to 80 days. an- craft ardio ' estimated at 620 The eight-hou- r provision, he declared, Is the paramount isature, and cellor of the Exchequer Bonar Law of the British and French and territory In of commons this fdded that transportation Is both a p uwlic and private interest t nounced the house enemy. ' ex- merchant-vesse- square miles has been taken from the dividing-lin- e afternoon dally .average ONDON, Eng.; March destroyer and a l :j4 . tThe la so anarked," he commented, "that th government that the 19.A ground is against the retreating Ger- fm not destroy the private right. T he power to regulate retts upon both penditure of the British, government damaged a naval The nature of the 1916, 1917, were sunk and a destroyer in German the private and the public Interest Involved." ! from April, to March, has mans. Thrown from the trenches along the Somme and today, admiralty announced. 1 been approximately 6,000,000 pounds. on Ramsgate the British 'dig-in-and-hold- An Immediate temporary wage In creese cf fctty t fifty millions rested raid '1 v elsewhere, which were admirably adapted to the upon the-- decision. - , take' up another pre-pare- d 'A feature of the day's dcvelopme nts in railroad" circles was the appear, AVASIliNGTpN, 1). C, March 19. Tlie United States to- wafare,1 they" are now unable to v ance of Judge Lovett, chairman of th t Union Pacific, who, testifying before question of war with Germany, defensive position for a considerable extent.' , a congressional Investigating commltt ee. i day faces the prciising ovci urged the Immediate nationalize ; the, French - Speaking o CMneseTalie unarmed So rapidly is the retreat being conducted that tion cf railroad control. f phaces of the rajlroad problems he the immediate issue of the ruthless destruction of regiment of , said that such: final disposition of control centralizing it in the federal ' ' have been able to put into the field American merchant vessels. - and British. government-rwoul- d prove a great fa ctor In obUining new capital to con-- .:i irv TtrhirVi hnnflr on the rear of the Germans and harried tinue railroad development.. ' K i ; - Many senators, and representatives who are remaining . Concessions The enemy could find no opportunity :to turn and re- - opinion that the latest acts of .the a them. a & j . expressed the ... - here today ii. t HISTORY OF ADAMSON ; Genhan submarined titutc a clear cause for CITY TO rjELECX . OVER PEKING, China, March de-- - . LAW AND FIGHT i r la.The inir a sten beyond the arming of nicrcliant vessels, and the troops. ; , . ., t, Chinese, without opposition, today oc- me i.VXC.ox tt - ITS CONSTITUTIONALITY cupied the German concession in Ti- is the nrst time since oauie entsin and Hankow. U-boa- '. ;Cn.fi:D,;ffi.JUOD ts. - ; WASHINGTON, D. C March 19.-Nal-lonal However, members of' Congress were enforcement and operatlofl of " there will be no the Adauson(law, enacted by congress HcnolaJu wl!l officially welfome yo:e White House official'that: o;i -- i. e nossu laRt Se ptemoer wfien a. nation-wid- home Cr. and Mra. James R. Judd to- ilirt fiKinri Vnllptl fnr Annl railroad strike threatened paralysis of morrow. ,They have teen In Europe Ruf while limt is cominsr, the administration is msiiiuK ine umisn ana xuwu , transportation, .waa, suspended await-Ir.- g for. more than a year. In activeThos-pital'servlc- e. , t,ne the supremo court's decision upon - Or. Judd has dona dis- fi;:ir;i!D LFTED iresident . today :antliOn.zei pi a its constitutionality. National effect, tinguished service- - as a surgeon with uu'navyxoustnittkinjj andfor.alfej . - - . - .... - - X . 3 .... Ida t "tti t.o U the Missouri, Ff4.fc.l frw.Pd'T,1re,-- J" iUiUIt XONDON, Cng..v March Ti m poncy t ...... 1 it.. & by - of homa'rule for Finland has been de :iv4( 4 OLicJ.crja Gulf railroad, chosen him In nursing.'- They returned to thf thn rrV- - : :'a tnd denartnent of Justice States last fair. 1 cided upon bythe new Russian Todiv Mivor Lint ordered the crnment, aays, a Router's despatch. - , ; get officers, the grad- along the national road to St. quentin. ; the Usaes. ' vaiian band to be at the dock when 1 Finnisn diet wiir, tt convener time in the navy yards, and in order to ing 1 ; U Vital DUOllC . OOn. : Involved ere and th itumcr Minaa come In. Th and second classes in . the U. 8. Navalj , -- ; V present News from Petrograd says that a uation of the first - rnv ' private Interest, and future, mayor will head a committee of citi ordered,: the first inMarch and the second v 7 including those railroads zens to greet the Honolulans who have council tf workingmen'a delegates has Academy was mn AJmiU l.n Ot TGmtbrV a gcre gating 250.000 znlles and property been held at Petrograd and has pre- " thus won distinction. This afternoon September. - , : , ? . of o.COO.OOO.OOO, together scribed immediate resumption of work V Interests the mayor asked civic and commercial ' with, those of 400,000 railroad em-1'loye- e, organizations to name a committee to in all factories at full wagea. One 1"" txtendiDg rrom Arras to one-fift- h ' work was by revo- of the total. Also in meet Or. and Mrs. Judd with him. day's prevented the U-Bo- ; ats volved was future limit of public regu President Farrington of the Ad Club lution. v. , v';. Three Steamers Sunk By com-j- j, i .terri- latlon and prltate operation of app0intlng a membtr of behalf of Premier Lloyd George announced In BERLIN, Germany, March 19. The evacuation of mon carriers, with boundaries of regu organization. i the house of commons today that on ' that of the French front, from latory legislation by congress. Attorney and Mr. Albert F. Judd, Thursday he will move a motion of In Violation of German Pledges tory over a wider section eendinj y today.
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