OSAS11B to 'DMBIS IS at TCI.1 F2!S Slik Easier VATER PROJECT; Abateutpit Tav Miliiia Home Seslilessc
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MAILS From San Francisco: 1 CL Northern. Mar. 12 Per San Francisco: 4 tttt: Thomas, March ! : From Vancouver: - r . I 1 I 1 I l I . II I ' K . Makura. March 21. 7 'II For Vancouver: o Niagara," M nr. 2i. f;.. ' ' : ;; r Eventne CuIUtln. KU ISS2. No. 67:7 16 PAGESHONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAH; AVKHXHSDAyirAKCH 7, 1917. 1G PAGES :r' I V 5 ; PRICE Fiv Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXIV, No, 77 8 F0 II VI II VA ' U " ; ' I v . 4 . ; . ... ... s;;;?s DELAYS no: STRIKE OPPflSiTlfl? lWa:lurrv OSAS11B TO 'DMBIS IS AT TCI.1 F2!S Slik Easier VATER PROJECT; ABATEutPIT tAV Miliiia Home SESlilESSC . rrvtjt ay. fed f Mir , W 1 SENATE (Anit4 rl !) i NEW YORK STOCK 1 mm. ' Pom-mer- mm ;'.::' n m:pflSSAPrffifi;js: Harbor Board Permits MARKET TODAY f SAN ANTONIO, Texas. March 4-- 7. Order were from mmmmmm a X and Setos to Stay received !.'.."'" " ar iSt prleas of i Commission Vice Control Will 'Uvlii eWstaf rUcki Loan Fund Hears Measure for the war department today to Where They Are if $500,000 oa U ktw Trk avkt Met ky u speed up the return movement, of Japan Welcomes German-America- n Break ?s Harbinger of h AucUu4 aver tb I'4rtl WrWi Hillebrand Glen Ditch , Need Support of People at Bond Be Given By Agents to 7rt TrUr- - all homeward-boun- d national Allied Success British in Brilliant March- - Up Tigris Men - ; Moves Too Slowly Hearing Pos- Today. Friday guardsmen and muster them out Protect Territory From Alaska Oald ............ .. 7 by April 1. About 30.000 are to ace Bagdad German Submarines Report Much Damage - 101 . AmtrUaa aultar ....... 99 e f Work on-th- Hillebrand Clen water! Thona;h some senators today ex-- sible Pamage Asiaricaa farar Xfg. ... , . lioy, 111 be sent horae; according to the Wrought Ajaarieaa TaL TaU . , . ,. 1J7 126V. project Is being delayed by a strike ! pressed the belief that the abatement latest figures. 4 ' aaeo&aa Oapvar ........ .. 64 of workmen who want raise? of from (by injunction law introduced by Sen-2- 5 The German refugee merchaat .. 1S2 102 ' Atcaiaoa .r0 developed George Cooke, of EL Texas, March 7. U.scKiatotl lrosH lv Fcnlornl Wireless) jrteamera pommern, moored at the Baldwin Laca . 63 V4 54 H to cents a day, it at ator P. chairman the PASO. 1 ' eija aide of Tier 7. and Setos at the Bkltimora k Ohio ... 75 Vi 75 a long meeting this morning of the health committee, for the chamber of Unless new orders come from the ; VASHlXGTOX; O. Man-- T.r-T- he proscts of an t Batalaliaai Staal (aakatf)t. .. 131 114 ' :' upper - (, , weather Fide of Tier 1C, will not be Oahu Ioan Fund Commission. commerce, will clear the house war department, array headquar- Calif, . 23 y, 24 4 . Congress soom so legisla- ratralaaa H a dissenting vote, not 4-- says will require oxtni session of ttxlay xtfon that iiloved outalde the harbor. CaaaAUa Tieitie .. ,. 154V4 Several workmen struck February without this is ters here that it 162i opinion 4-- Ata pecla I meeting held this morn- - m. ru r. (St. Tuxi ; ... ; 1V 27 for more pay and threatened away considered possible; in the of until April 15 at least before the tors now liero talk of it as n virtual certaintv wnietinie in tin Cola, aal . 48 4-- 4-- : 1 l Iraa those who wanted . to remain on , certain senators Interviewed by the last guardsmen can be sent away. ;:: lng la the office of Chairman Charles es y4 the next few months. :- Cradbta SUal .......... Star-Bulleti- n today.f ; R. Forbes, the board of harbor com ria Coamion . 26 26 job, according toa report made by . W, Robinson today AVell-i- n formed mctnhers look for it to be meet 0 4 mlSAioners psjged a resolution which Ocnaral Elactrle . 164 165 Inspector George McEldowney. The Senator T. said 4y4 4 ealltnl'to Haw 114 ' bill. will rermlt the two merchantmen .to Oeaaral K6tora, .113 report says , that last week only a that he Is opposed to the and that not later than June. This is the result of hints thrown out Ortat XorUara Ffd. ..... 113 V 113, part be will vote against He believes remain 'where they are now berthed, Iaur. Ilarr X. J. ....... .115 116 fmall of the force had returned It close to is believed presi- Pi-can- 1y officials and it the co 'clone upon thejiresidentt indemnity 500, Kaoaacatt Coppar - 47 47 y, to work but that the contractors. that there will be a vote it providing an bond of ...... opinion," says CUD.":! LEADER OF it O0O two Laltiira K. K. ........... sv, & Ccmes. hope to have more "I am of the the Maul dent has virtually made np his mind to such session. for the vessels is furnished Xc w Tark Cautrai - 6 by agency. & men on the job In a few days. ' senator, "that the present territorial the local IL llackfeld . X and Is not The need is imperative to pass the hig supply meaure Comnanr. Ltd. Kar Coasol. soy, soy, Engineer Fred ,G. Kirch hoff reported laws are sufficient that it - the . S4 that , the work itf not going along as for us to enact more stringent ones If REVOLT IS TilliEH whieh failed of passajre at the last session, largely due to . The relution passed at the 92 ready ' int fast as it should, although the wea- lack of enforcement is the filibuster. I ?,CX . ioiy, ioih fault r.. v, fore noon, is as follows: I on . .. 228V 229 ther has been exceptionally favorable. government will 134 134 Senator, Robinson believes In a (Asociatd PrM by "WrelaV Nearly all departments of the federal ."Moved that tue attorney-general'- s ' The board directed him to write . uo; segregated district for vice,5 he says, HAVANA, Cuba, k4l 7, An- sufTer Con'jarress supplies needs by pas'sinsr the department be . requested to prepare asjuui "1.1 . 116io. 115 the contractors instructing them to March unless their H rather than in an attempt to stamp it re- socn as possible a form of Indemnity wwura Uaioa . Va put On more men. nouncement .is made in a message bills. ' ' out entirely. He la afraid such action appropriation in the sum ci ;oo,ooo to be . 4y 4V The Puunui sewer work came up ceived here that Jcse Miguel Gomez, OboKd KtT Vaeit .... l.t7, 1.90', again but no action was taken. Chair- will mean a worse condition than leader cf. the Cuban revolutioniats, te H. IIackffeld & Co, apents where one district U properly inspect- - . tZx-aUrfdaa- i, 1 v man R. Forbes came Into the and hit whole have been captur- for S.- 8.ft Setos and Pommern, fully Eld. tUaaotad. Cnarles by medi- ttaff ed and supervised competent fcy ; meeting a few minutes after noon and : " ed the government troops. ; Along rroteeiihs the territory and all whose ' " r British in Rapid Advance took a vigorous stand in favor of cal experts. ''!.. interest may be concerned In all mat- R. Makekau holding asking the city and county road de- 'Senator H. is ters connected with the berthinjr or back final judgement on the matter STATE LEGISLATURES FLAY S.-Se- tos partment whether any anchoring: of the S.. or Pom- - mm It has set time ' dis- Tigris Are 18 Llil es From Bagdad has heard matter for reconstructing repaving LIU-h-a until he the FILIBUSTERING SENATORS M mern at territorial wtarrea or In the :n snd cussed at Friday's Dpen Bearing He Q street, the condition of which has " " - wsters cf the fcnrbor cf Honolulu." - says at present he '' Wiralaaa.' F caused mort of the' rumpus;- Forbes ' is'stillnsttled (Aaioetatad Praaa b Fara. Wlralaai) (Aataiata Pma fifrrc It radaral The bend cf dollars JiiiiD -- : . half'a niliion on :r ?: h v ' l.u fkld a new pavement would be better it? v.' ' .WASHINGTON, D. March 7, rai-e- 7. hun- covers both stea.ir.ers. Ji 1 ' - C LONDON, Knp, Covering more than a Senator- Baldwitf and President - Star-Cul-letl- n than trying to fix the old one, which The feeling against, the filibuster , . Chairmaa Tcrbes called a Chillingworth look for practically;' a dred miles in a straight line and half again that much alonc hi3 be Provision for a. federal survey of the he said waa as bad outside the ditch up- which defeated the "armed neutrality" repcrtcr into office. just unanimous affirmative vote of the Kut-el-Amar- a, schools of Hawaii is made in a joint line as inside it' r 1 measure at the last session of Con- the Tigtis Hver sinee the successful attack on r.:cet!n rejourned made ; v fore the and per house. Senator Hind expects a gress Is apparently growing stronger. r'-hli- In to .Tay- the resolution c, stating that the resolution introduced the house Consulting Engineer James T. close fight on It, though says his British forces are how within nine miles of Otesiphon, on thu by lor, - A number of state legislatures, now ' v zr 1 t etos will be permitted day, .Representative , Clarence H. addressed the board urging that it will go of. the, ' : J'cr:::.frn vote In favor act.'; , '. .. Cooke. .' . - 510,000. in session, have, adopted resolutions Tigris .' W;.; . to it:r.i!n ut thc!r present wharves on set aside from the balance re At the mass, meeting Sunday night The resolution, if adopted by both training of the original appropriation bitterly attacking the action of the 1? This city is only nine niles from Bagdad, which is now flilr.z cf the tend.