H-Japan MCAA student paper prize: call for submission Discussion published by Martha Chaiklin on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 [xH-Asia] The Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA) invites paper submission for the annual prizes for undergraduate and graduate research papers. The deadline is June 7, 2021. Please use the submission portal on this website and see the description below: https://asia.isp.msu.edu/mcaa/ Any questions, please email Prof. Hiromi Mizuno, Vice President of MCAA, at
[email protected] MCAA Annual Prizes and Awards The Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs offers three prizes for papers written by students - the Percy Buchanan Graduate Prize for graduate students, and the Sidney DeVere Brown Prize and the Mikiso Hane Prize for undergraduate students. MCAA also offers the Jackson and Caroline Bailey Public Service Award for outstanding work in the advancement of Asian Studies. These prizes are awarded at the MCAA Annual Meeting held each fall. The deadline for submission is June 7, 2021. The prize coordinator for 2021 is MCAA Vice President Hiromi Mizuno. Please contact Professor Mizuno with any questions about the undergraduate or graduate paper prizes; she can be reached at
[email protected]. Submission Requirements for All Papers Graduate and undergraduate students may compete for these prizes if they attend a college or university in the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Decisions of the judges are final. Percy Buchanan Graduate Prize Four Percy Buchanan prizes of $100 each, plus travel expenses of up to $100, will be awarded for the best original graduate student research papers.