Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1964 The Anchor: 1960-1969 9-25-1964 The Anchor, Volume 77.02: September 25, 1964 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1964 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 77.02: September 25, 1964" (1964). The Anchor: 1964. Paper 17. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1964/17 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 77, Issue 2, September 25, 1964. Copyright © 1964 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1960-1969 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1964 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OPE COUEGE Geneva Retreat Oct. 2-4 On Lake Michigan anc or OLLAND, MICHIGAN 77th Year—^ Hope College, Holland, Mkfcifan September t5, UM Campaigning Oct. 19-23 NSA Sponsors Mock Election To Show Youth Prexy Choice A mock election heads a slate of campus-wide projects being plan- ned by the Hope College National Student Assn. coordinating committee according to NSA college coordinator Bob Donia. The mock voting is scheduled for the week of Oct. 19-23. Both Youth for Johnson and Youth for Goldwater groups are exipected to participate in the election activities. Voting will probably only take place on the national tickets, Donia said. The purpose of the mock elec- schools, Donia said. tion will be to "make the chief Michaelson is currently making issues of the campaign known to long-range plans for an NSA Mich- the students," according to Jim igan Regional conference to be Chesney, chairman of national and held at Hope in the fall of 1965. international affairs. Centered on the problems of South- east Asia, the conference promises Coordinator Bob Donia added to include "big name" speakers, that the college cultural affairs committee, headed by Dr. Henry Micnaelson said. Voogd, is trying to bring nation- GUILTY - Frosh Floyd Brady protests the verdict of the upperclassman jury at the annual Kan*,- ally known speakers to the cam- roo Court in the Pine Grove Monday. pus to express their opinions on 'Opus' To Elect the national campaign and to par- ticipate in a panel discussion. Board of Editors Frosh Found in Contempt Besides Donia and Chesney, the college NSA committee includes Students interested in Hope's Dave Grissen, student government literary magazine, Opus, should By Court; Judge Flees department head; Wes Michaelson, conference planner; and Tom Og- be in Graves Auditorium at f by John Mulder ren, publicity director. a.m. Saturday morning to elect The 1964 Kangaroo Court, Judge William Cathcart presiding is now Donia served as a delegate to a board of editors. in session." ' the 17th NSA National Student Con- With this cry by Bailiff Jim Boeringa, the class of 1968 was put on ference last summer. Freshmen are Invited to at- trial for, among other things, the horrible crime of being freshmen. Grissen's position a1lows him to tend; only sophomores, juniors The defendants at the trial were mores." act as a campus critic, to make and seniors may vote or bo anything but over-awed by the commets on issues where NSA has Judge Cathcart adjourned the elected to the five-to-seves court. At various times they sang court with the singing of the "Alma taken a stand and to give out in- member board. "We Shall Overcome" and "We Mater" and with the injunction formation on NSA projects in other Shall Win the Pull" and later prod- that the class of 1968 had now been ded defendant Ruth Sevensma to granted the full rights and priv- throw her four-1 yer sandwich at ileges of students of Hope College. His Honor Cathcart. Still later, a barrage of water 'Retreat To Refresh balloons and waste paper baskets- filled with water prompted the Student Union frosh to rush His Honor with the Collegiate Christianity' cry, "Get Cathcart!" The student union wll be open His Honor chose the better part tomorow night from 8 to 12 of valor, running qu ckly for the The annual Geneva Retreat, tianity or pseudo-Christianity, as p.m. A rock-and-roll group will protective cover of the upper class- sponsored by the Student Christian the case may be." men. He then calmly explained to play at 10 p.m. and students are Assn., will be held on the shores Discussion groups meeting in- the impetuous frosh the folly of asked to bring their own rec- of Lake Michigan at Camp Geneva formally on the beach and addres: their ways and returned to the ords for dancing and listening, during the week-end of Oct. 2-4. ses by faculty members, along with folk singing and recreation SOMBER MAGISTRATE Bill bench unruffled. according to Skip Anderson, Co - chairman Mike Laughlin will take the majority of the days. Cathcart nimb'y dodges a four- For her act of alliance with the chairman of the student anion plans for Hopeites to arrive at Friday night will close with a layer sandwich barrage tossed class of 1958, Mrs. Rachel Van- committee. the campsite, seven miles from the candle-light service led by Dr. by frosh Ru h Sevensma dur- derWerf was sentenced by Visit- campus, on Frday afternoon at ing Judge, Dr. Calvin VanderWerf Henry Voogd. The sacrament of ing Kangaroo Court proceed- 5:30 p.m. and leave the followng communion will climax the retreat to "Bring years of charm to the Sunday morning before Holland ings Monday. on Saturday night. campus, especially to the sopho- church services. AWS Style Show Cost of the week-end will be $2.50 "For the first time," commented for boarding students and $3.50 for Voters To Receive Information To Be Sept. 30 Laughlin, "the retreat will not in- those not boarding. Tickets are A fashion seminar and style clude outside speakers. Urns we now being sold in Van Raalte lobby show for all college women, or- will be left in a position to con- For further information co- On Registering for Nov. Ballot ganized by the Associated Women centrate upon an examination of chairmen Laughlin or Rich Koster our own college brand of Chris- may be contacted. Hope College students over 21 on this voter registration program. Students, will be held in Phelps will be able to obta n information It is imperative that every citizen Hall at 8 p.m. on Sept. 30. on how to register for the coming reg ster and vote in this election." . Mrs. Jean Harrison of the Pa- national election, Tuesday, Sept. tricia Stevens Modeling agency 29. "At least 40,000 college students will lead the seminar and com- Representatives of the Hope in Michigan will be eligible to vote mentate for the style show. Stek- chapter of the National Student on Nov. 3," added Gretchen Stef- etee's of Holland is providing the Assoc:ation, Young Democrats and fens of the Young Republicans. We fashions. i «M Young Republicans will be sta- feel it is a responsibility of college Admission for the evening is 15c. tioned in Van Raalte lobby from Republicans to help to discover the Big - little sister teams will be noon until 5 p.m. today with in- potential Republican campus vot- admitted for a quarter. Co-chair- formation on absentee voting and ers, as well as to aid in the regis- men for the evening are Karen on how to register in all 50 states. tering of all first-voters." Dryfout and Pat Helder. "This co-operative venture be- tween the three major political groups on campus will not actually register people, but guide them to- wards registration," explained Bob Sorority Rush Opens Tonight Donia, NSA co-ordinator for the college. A new sorority rush program, offering rushees and actives Responsible for the registration the opportunity to express their own interests, opens tonight. effort is Jim Chesney, Hope NSA The new system, with both invitational and closed meetings, chairman of nat:onal and inter- eliminates the clearinghouse, does not compel a sorority to accept national affairs. The Hope senior a given number of rushees, and prevents cross-bidding. cited the project as an NSA service All upper-class women including those who rushed this past to the campus Young Republicans, spring are invited to rush since the objective of the Pan-Hellenic You^g Democrats and the college Board is to get a maximum number of students into the sorority of community. their choice. BEACH DISCUSSION — Students gathered at the beach during Gen- "We are happy," said Young Anyone who is interested in rushing and has not yet registered eva Retreat last year to the problems of college Christians. This Democrats chairman Gary R:et- should contact Trudy Van Dyke in Gilmore 312 by 5 p.m. tonight. year's retreat will take place next weekend at the campsite on Lake velt, "to be working through NSA Michigan. Page 2 Hgye College utektr September 2S, UN Nine-Ton Symbol Hope Monument Readied Efforts of Hope's Alpha Phi Ome- A plaque at the base of the both sure and steafast. —He- ga chapter to bring an anchor to monument wil read, "We desire brews 6:11, 18, 19." campus as a symbol of the col- that every one of you lay hold on lege are expected to be completed the hope set before us, which hope The inscription, submitted by this semester. we have as an anchor of the soul, Diane Hale, was selected in a con- test held by the chapter among The project, initiated last spring, members of the student body last is scheduled to be finished by tlje spring.
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