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Vol. 2, Issue 2 • February 11, 2010 A member of the Observer media family of community-written newspapers and websites

Save Michael D. Polensek, Ward 11 Councilman

I am sure that you read by now about the as well. This would totally defeat what Ginn proposed relocation of Ginn Academy from was supposed to be about from day one. Time the former Margaret Spellacy School on East is of the essence. We cannot let them destroy 162 Street to for the this vision because “Ted’s dream” is working. next school year. I am in the process of organizing parents, Many of you know that I worked diligently concerned citizens and anyone else who be- with Coach Ted Ginn, Sr. over the last three lieves that the young men in Ginn Academy a Parent/Community meeting with CEO To quote Ted Ginn, Sr., “It takes courage years to find a permanent suitable location have a right to succeed and to become some- Dr. Eugene Sanders to discuss this proposal. to be different; to be a Ginn man.” I told to house “Ted’s dream” of a stand–alone, all body. I urge you to contact CMSD Board We need everybody who cares about the Dr. Sanders that the fight has just begun. I boys, single gender, academy; one that placed members at (216) 574-8585 or email them students and their future to be in attendance. refuse to let CMSD wreck a program and safety, security and academic excellence as its via Kevin Burtzlaff, Board Liaison, at kevin. Furthermore, we have petitions available for a philosophy that is working to save young core values. To hear that Ginn Academy is now [email protected] or mail a letter to them anyone wishing to circulate them in opposi- men in our very community. You have all being proposed to be relocated into a general at the Board of Education, Administration tion to the proposed relocation. Contact heard the old saying, “If it isn’t broke; don’t high school is a tragic turn of events. Building, 1380 East Sixth Street, Room 152, my office at (216) 664-4236 or email us at fix it!” Ginn Academy isn’t broke; it needs to After Metropolitan School Dis- Cleveland, 44114, to express your out- [email protected] to re- be nurtured and protected, and I plan to do trict (CMSD) put $2.5 million into renovating rage and concerns. Members names are online quest a petition. Completed petitions should whatever I have to do in order to safeguard the present building, their consultant from at be returned to my office. You can mail them it. I need your help. Please join with me in Boston recommends, in order to shore-up On Saturday, February 13, 2010 from to me at: Councilman Michael D. Polensek, making sure that CMSD Board of Education Glenville, that the District place Ginn Acad- 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, at Ginn Academy, Cleveland City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, rejects this proposal outright. ■ emy in the building with an all-girls academy, located at 655 East 162 Street, there will be Room 220, Cleveland, Ohio 44114.

teammates into a huddle. He kept the people around him calm; he kept the people around him safe.” Principal Moore hopes her initiative will foster a sense of teamwork and Mr. James’s unselfishness within the student body. As an example, she notes how Mr. James will give a young player another chance to shoot after a miss on the previous possession. She said, “The students need to learn to pass, not to give up, and realize that we’re all in this together.” because everybody can serve.” Following Ms. The campaign seeks to “give students an- Johnson, Principal Moore thanked the com- other opportunity to show leadership skills munity for its dedication and challenged the that would not be seen usually.” In addition volunteers to continue their support beyond to the wine and gold colored wall, Principal the holiday and invited them to visit Col- Moore asked two students, Anthony Sanders linwood throughout the school year to see its and Kyshawn Cook, and their teacher, Ms. collective strides forward. Denise Denega, to paint a mural of Lebron After the introductions, the volunteers split James. Mr. Sanders said, “At first I was hon- "It takes a Village..." staff and students, City Year team, neighborhood volunteers and Cavs staff helped paint on MLK Day. into several different teams and most began ored.” Mr. Cook said, “It was great to know to paint throughout the first two floors of the our school wanted us” to paint the mural. school. Students worked alongside their teach- Then, Mr. Sanders and Mr. Cook both realized, ers; current Case Western Reserve University “we’d never painted in our life.” Ms. Denega, Cavs at Collinwood High School students painted next to local workers. “The however, gave the students a crash course in volunteers worked hard,” said City Year corps painting with acrylics and joined them on their member Brittanny Evans. “There wasn’t any day off to help with the mural. Also helping for MLK Day complaining; lots of kids learning to paint; with the Cavs Corridor were several members and lots of laughing.” The school cheerleading of the Cleveland Cavaliers. J.J. Hickson, Jawad Christopher Eiswerth team shared in the laughter as they took down Williams, Danny Green, and Darnell Jackson On January 18, 2010, fifty students and thir- Chipped, cracked, and peeling, Collinwood’s the trophies in the school’s entranceway and chatted and painted alongside the students teen teachers from Collinwood High School blue and gray hallways, last painted in 2002, cleaned them. in the afternoon. The visit by the Cavs was a chose to honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s were beginning to show their age when City While most of the walls were painted moon- secret to the students and left them excited. An memory by participating in a “day ON, not a Year chose the school as a site for its annual light grey, volunteers colored one hallway on 11th grader, Jalen Gardner McCoy said, “We day off.” Joined by City Year corps members, MLK, Jr. Day of Service. General Electric, the first floor, the “Cavs Corridor,” wine and don’t get to talk to people like that everyday.” community volunteers, and the Cleveland the Urban League of Greater Cleveland, CSX gold as part of Principal Moore’s “Be Like Le- A senior, Marvin Roach said, “It was great to Cavaliers, the students and staff of Collinwood and Home Depot made the project possible by bron” campaign. An avid Cavs fan, Principal talk with them about the season.” After sharing painted over 25,000 square feet of hallways donating over $2,500 worth of paint, supplies, Moore said, “Lebron [James] impressed me his newfound painting skills with the players, and helped Collinwood Principal Deborah D. and refreshments. Starting at 1:00 pm in the with his sportsmanship and his calm. He takes Mr. Cook said, “It was a big excitement to see Moore launch the “Be Like Lebron” campaign, school auditorium, Tasheianna Hammond and all this abuse on the court, but he never blows the Cavs come out and help their community.” a school-wide initiative to foster teamwork O’Dasha Johnson of City Year began the day’s up.” Principal Moore especially noticed these After painting, the Cleveland Cavaliers do- and collective responsibility amongst the activities. Quoting Dr. King, Ms. Johnson told qualities during the Christmas game versus the nated four Fathead posters for the walls, after students. over 125 volunteers, “Everybody can be great, Los Angeles Lakers. She said, “He rallied his they dried. | continued on page 5

Join the discussion • Page 2 The Collinwood Observer February 11, 2010

Dialoue g Message from the Publisher Who is my State John Copic Representative in The Collinwood Observer is a citizen-based news The thing that makes this newspaper project unique is that all the articles are writ- source published by Collinwood Observer, Inc., House District 10? a local business dedicated to the development of ten by members of the community. School kids, moms and dads, grandmas - all have grass roots media and increased connectedness of contributed. For many the idea of writing for a newspaper was very new, yet they have Hello. My name the citizens, civic groups, non profits, done a marvelous job. is Robin Belcher businesses and institutions in and around Cleveland Wards 10 and 11. I am new to the job of publishing a paper. I felt much more comfortable renting cos- and I am the State tumes, selling party supplies, and blowing up balloons at my dad’s store, John’s Fun House. Representative for The Collinwood Observer But thanks to the hard work and patience of editor Cindy Barber and former publisher, House District 10. PO Box 19154 Betsy Voinovich we have been able to produce a paper of which I am very proud. On May 27, 2009, Cl eveland, OH 44119 The reason our paper has been so informative, fun, and readable is that we have been I was appointed to Copyright 2010 Collinwood Observer, Inc. blessed with talented writers. Right from the first issue, exceptional writers have contrib- the vacated seat by All rights reserved. Any reproduction is uted in many ways to the success of our project. a unanimous vote forbidden without written permission. I wish to thank all who have written for the Collinwood Observer by inviting you to of the Ohio House PUBLISHER a party. It will be our first Meet The Writers/Become a Writer Appreciation Party. Want Democrats. I am a native of Cleveland, John Copic to write a story ? – you are invited. You have written a story? – you are invited. Want to born and raised. As a matter of fact, I have [email protected] meet the fantastic neighbors who have written a story? – you are invited! lived in House District 10 for most of my Join us Wednesday, February 17th, in the party room of the Boardwalk Café, 16011 life, outside of the years spent obtaining my EDITOR IN CHIEF Waterloo Road, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Food and refreshments will be provided. education: a B.A. in Political Science from Cindy Barber And in the meantime, write a story-- tell your friends and neighbors what you think [email protected] Bowling Green State University; Master’s they need to know, review a restaurant, tell us what's up at your church, become a sports in Public Administration from The Ohio ADVERTISING reporter. Go to, click on Member Center, sign in, click on State University; and Juris Doctorate from John Copic 531-6790, "Submit story" and write up your story. You're now a writer for the Collinwood Observer. [email protected] University of Missouri-Columbia. I usually Mike Gallagher • 409-7359 To all who have contributed - Thank You. See you at the party! boast of my pride and joy at being a graduate of Collinwood High School. As a student, Editors Ron Barbarino, Susan Brokaw-Guard, I stayed quite active in sports and organiza- Buzzy Kompier, Denise Lorek, Miles Kennedy, S easonal jobs available at beaches tional activities. Carol Poh Seasonal Positions with the Ohio Depart- victim to safety, & performs emergency first I pursued the State Representative seat Photography ment of Natural Resources, Cleveland aid. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: American because I wanted to make a difference for the Bridget Caswell, Cherita Lester, Cheryl La- Lakefront State Park which includes Euclid Red Cross lifeguard training certificate or better in my district. I am thankful for the boda, Romas Zyle Beach, Villa Angela, Wildwood, Edgewa- American Red Cross lifeguard training cer- many experiences that I have had which have The views and opinions expressed in this ter, Gordon and Headlands Beach Parks. tificate, YMCA – National YMCA lifeguard prepared me for this position. As an Assistant publication are those of each writer, and not For more information and to apply, go to certificate, Boy Scouts Of America - BSA life- Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, I worked those of the publisher, editor or any other guard certificate or BSA aquatic instructor diligently to ensure that the victims of crime entity. job.aspx certificate, & watermark lifeguard training. were made whole and also that the law was Natural Resources Specialist: applied fairly to those who were accused. As an Assistant with the Cleveland Job Corps, The Collinwood Observer is powered by: DUTIES: Serve as Lead Worker over other seasonal employees; Perform unskilled I mentored young adults and assisted them conservation work, performs nursery main- with preparing a life plan. I am committed tenance; operates vehicles; variable hours to the well-being of my constituents and and shifts (including holidays & weekends). to ensuring that their needs are heard and SUGGESTED QUALIFICATIONS: Commensu- met. I am a tireless advocate for the people rate with the duties to be performed. of House District 10 and the State of Ohio. Lifeguard: My goal, as State Representative, is to ensure DUTIES: Rescues swimmers in distress, en- that those members of my district who have ters water to swim to potential drowning worked hard are able to provide for their victim, uses rescue equipment to tow/pull families and themselves. While serving in the Ohio House of Representatives, I received an appointment to the Interstate Commission for Adult Of- fender Supervision and I serve as the Vice Chair of the Public Safety and Homeland Security committee. I also serve on other committees including Consumer Affairs and Economic Protection, Criminal Justice, Financial Institutions Real Estate and Securi- ties, and State Government. Now that you have been made aware of who the State Representative is in House District 10, I ask that you do not hesitate to keep me informed of how the State's policies are affecting you positively and/or negatively. I am a public servant here, at your service. You may contact me by letter, phone and/ or email: 77 South High Street, 13th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215; 614-466-7954; [email protected].

Join the discussion • Share your story • The Collinwood Observer Page 3 AROUND COLLINWOOD Don't tax yourself The Ohio Benefit Bank allows you to L ouise Foresman apply for a range of benefits at one time Darece Daniels Bank reduces the amount of time needed to It's February. By now you've received 2009 ate what public benefits you might be eligible apply for benefits. The Benefit Bank is a free tax forms from your employer and any other for. During tax season, those with adjusted To help eligible Ohioans claim tax credits service designed to help you get all of the ben- forms you need to deal with your taxes. If incomes of up to $57,000 are eligible for free and public benefits, Governor Ted Strickland efits and tax credits you may be eligible for, the you're feeling confused about filing (Do I need tax preparation. Benefit Bank sites are usually is supporting an initiative called the Ohio resource that can make a real difference in your to file some schedule? Can I claim the Earned able to file for self-employed individuals also. Benefit Bank, life. The Benefit Bank host site, Institutional Income Tax Credit that can bring a refund of The Cleveland Foodbank on South Waterloo The Ohio Benefit Bank is a FREE, web- Community Development can assist people several thousand dollars? And how can I get my Road is one Benefit Bank site that serves Col- based, counselor-assisted program that with The Benefit Bank services, privately and refund faster?) you might be thinking about linwood. You can also get tax help through connects low and moderate income Ohio- securely, at the Collinwood Memorial Library taking your taxes to one of the tax preparing AARP (American Association of Retired Per- ans with free federal and state income tax located at 856 E.152nd. To schedule an ap- businesses that, like winter's slushy piles of sons) sites, and there are sites if you need tax preparation, and access to potential public pointment, call 216-812-6954. snow, are suddenly all over Collinwood. help in a language other than English. benefits such as SNAP (Supplemental Nu- These businesses file your taxes and give you And, most importantly, when you file elec- trition Assistance Program, formerly food a loan in anticipation of the refund you will get tronically through either the VITA or Benefit stamps), health-care coverage, home energy from the federal and state government. You go Bank sites, and you have a bank account, in assistance, child care subsidies, FAFSA home with your money faster, but are these most cases, the IRS can direct deposit your (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), "refund anticipation loans" with associated refund to your bank account within 7-10 Medicaid, and Senior's Prescription Drug fees that gobble up part of your hard-earned business days of filing. If you don't have a bank Programs. tax refund really the best deal for you and your account, of course the IRS will send you the Billions of dollars in public funds go family? If you qualify for the Earned Income check directly, but many of the VITA sites have untouched each year because applying for Tax Credit (EITC), you could be getting sev- services such as referrals to credit counseling, state and federal benefits such as SNAP eral thousand dollars back, but tax preparation wealth building workshops, and information or Medicaid is confusing, intimidating, businesses charge a flat fee and often a percent- on how to get and keep a bank account. time-consuming or embarrassing. Ad- age of your refund. They could be getting the So, how do you get connected to these ditional billions in tax credits are also left equivalent of a bank loan for you to get the sites? One easy way is to call 2-1-1 or First unclaimed due to lack of knowledge. The money. There are alternatives. Call for Help M-F: 8:30am-5:00pm. 211 is Benefit Bank removes these obstacles, bring- The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) trains the 24-hour number for health and human ing people closer to stability and closer to volunteers to do your taxes for free and will file service referrals in Cuyahoga County. They self-sufficiency. your taxes electronically at many sites through- will return your call if you leave a message. The Benefit Bank is the only program out Collinwood and Cuyahoga County. This 211 staff will help you find the closest site to available that can help you apply for a range program, called VITA for Volunteer Income your zip code, review documents and whether of benefits such as SNAP, Medical Benefits Tax Assistance, is available to people with or not your income makes you eligible for free and file federal and state taxes all at once. adjusted household incomes of no more than tax help, and schedule you for the next available The "one stop shop" concept of the Benefit $49,000. The VITA sites can do taxes for appointment. self-employed folks who's filings aren't too You can also visit 211's web site and find sites complicated, such as home daycares or small where you can make your own appointment home repair businesses. And if you are behind for tax help. The site is Career Training on your taxes, these sites can go back two years Put in your zip code and age and you will find to file for you. sites located in your zip code and beyond. You The VITA sites are not the only places doing will find sites where you can make an appoint- That Works! tax preparation for free and filing taxes elec- ment yourself. The main thing to remember is tronically. Another alternative is Benefit Bank that you don't have to pay for tax preparation (see adjacent story). Benefit Bank sites exist if your qualify for free help. Resources are out year-round and can help your household evalu- there and not far away!

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Join the discussion • Share your story • Page 4 The Collinwood Observer February 11, 2010 AROUND COLLINWOOD

S Negativearit Zamir Space is working for positive change

Where E.156th Street meets Waterloo Road, Two 40 yard containers with a unique Gadi and Sarit Zamir are creating a most ap- destination have already been filled with propriate intersection of their own. Within debris from the project. The demolition and the walls of the old Jepson’s Pharmacy and construction waste materials that have not Abby Theatre buildings on the southeast been salvaged for use in Gadi’s artwork are corner, development is merging with sustain- sent to a local Material Reclamation Facility ability and art to bring a unique new vision which sorts and repurposes materials such as to the heart of the neighborhood. wood, metal, drywall, concrete and glass. At As Negative Space, local artist Gadi and every turn, the costs and benefits of preserva- his wife Sarit are creating one new business tion and the reuse of existing materials are and enabling many, providing what the carefully balanced with the introduction of neighborhood infrastructure really needs: new and innovative materials meeting LEED affordable, attractive, safe and efficient standards. This intense focus on sustainabil- business and working spaces for artists and ity while preserving the essential character neighborhood entrepreneurs. The vision is to of an older neighborhood is the key to the split each property into a suite of affordable Negative Space approach. smaller units that will serve as new busi- The first floor will initially house several Gadi (top center) filling first of two 40-yard containers with debris destined for recycling. ness incubators as well as providing needed businesses: Gadi’s art studio, an upscale tat- neighborhood services. And it’s far more too and body art studio as well as unique but believe that this approach, combined this neighborhood is a love story for us, and than a vision. spaces for individual practitioners. The upper with our roots in art, is a perfect match for one we want to teach to our kids. My studio “We know it’s hard to see from the street,” floors will become a commercial/office space the Waterloo Arts District and this impor- will be here. Our offices will be here.” says Gadi, “but we literally had to start from co-op focusing on shared resources for small tant project.” Of course, the development is more than scratch with this project. New architectural businesses. There are also residential units Art really is at the heart of Negative Space’s a commercial opportunity. It is a perfect fit designs that respect the essential nature of planned for the second floors. vision for the buildings. In fact, it was art for the intersection, facing the new triangular Collinwood had to be created. Efficient “Our mission is ‘Rethink, Reuse, Renew,’” that initially brought them to Collinwood, park now being redeveloped as part of the electrical, plumbing and heating and cooling according to Sarit. “Rethinking development when Gadi’s artwork was exhibited at True Waterloo Streetscape project, into a central systems have to be installed. And because it is by applying green building techniques to ex- Art in 2006. Impressed with the spirit and public space complete with public art and sustainable renovation, the interior demoli- isting structures, reusing existing materials to energy they found in the area, they realized room for everything, from festival events to tion proceeds rather slowly. But we’ve come reduce waste, and renewing this community Collinwood was the place to start. “My art is quiet lunches in the sun. a long way already.” through revitalized business. We can’t help all about telling stories,” observes Gadi, “and

that Psyche fell in love with Cupid, Psyche thought she could manage, My bow and arrow. GETTING TO KNOW... without ever seeing him. but in each case, a god stepped in to What is your greatest extrava- Psyche’s jealous sisters were an- assist her. Finally, Psyche and Cupid gance? Cupid, God of Love gered by her wealth and love, were allowed to be married. They Well, being the god that I am, I S usan Brandt and convinced Psyche that her were very happy together, and had can do whatever I want! While not a real person, Cupid was own spell of odd matches. He fell lover must be a monster to so hide a child, named Pleasure. Who are your heroes in real the God of Love to ancient Ro- in love with Psyche, a mortal. In himself. The sisters persuaded her life? mans, and many Italians believed the Greek language, Psyche means to sneak up on him, armed with What is your idea of perfect What's that? My only hero is my in his powers. Even in the modern "butterfly" and also means "soul." a knife. He awoke and saw her happiness? mother Venus! world, references to Cupid and his In many ways, what Psyche goes there, at which point he promptly Being in Love. What makes you unique? bow and arrows of love are found through is symbolic of the path of left her, and all of the material What is your greatest achieve- I am a god! everywhere on Valentine’s Day. each woman’s soul in life. possessions surrounding her were ment? If you could change one thing Cupid was not initially the Cupid had been sent by his gone as well. Pleasure. what would it be? cherubic, happy little angel that mother, Venus, to punish Psyche Psyche realized how foolish she’d What quality do you most like I would change hatred. We all we think of today. In his original for her beauty. Instead, he was been, and decided the only way to be in a person? need Love. incarnation, he was a very mischie- captivated by her. He arranged to with Cupid again was to ask Venus Perseverance. Favorite word? vous, sometimes dark god of love have her brought to his mountain for her blessing. Venus was delighted What do you value most in your Passion. and desire who enjoyed matching home to live with him, but he hid at having Psyche kneeling down friends? odd couples and seeing how they his identity from her, only visiting before her, and set forth many tasks Their ability to adapt. Happy Valentine's Day! May we worked out. her at night. Their time together for Psyche to perform to prove her What is your most treasured all find someone or something to Cupid eventually fell under his was so tender and full of gentle talk worthiness. Each task was more than possession? be passionate about!

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5700 Broadway Avenue . Cleveland, Ohio 44127 . Join the discussion • Share your story • The Collinwood Observer Page 5 FRMO U

MLK DAY continued from page 1 MikeHealth Gallagher care reform on life support Students, volunteers, and corps members Although it was not a sure bet, I would plan, working with private insurers, with been at their best. In many ways, that agreed that the painting went well. De’shawn have wagered the farm on the Health Care a goal to cover all citizens in the state. is the essence of leadership - convinc- Cohen, a Collinwood ninth grader who Reform bills becoming law. And the majority of the US does have ing people that don't necessarily have learned to paint at home, said that the walls Lucky for me, Dan Gilbert's casino is some type of health care insurance, so a direct stake in an issue the value of “looked boring and dull before, but now that not yet open; at the age of 54, it would with a lot of other competing issues, doing the right thing. it’s brighter, it will make you want to think have been tough to move back home health care may not be on the forefront So, maybe we are at one of those mo- more.” Mr. Cook said, “It felt really good to with mom. of their mind, so we can ask: ments now. Where our leaders, starting help my school out.” Commenting on the Understanding that there are other is- Who speaks for the uninsured and with the president, help convince the student participation, Principal Moore said, sues that affect voters decisions, it's still underinsured ? citizens of all that is right with a better “If the government wants to honor Dr. King very discouraging that the Massachusetts There are many in our country, politi- health care insurance system. If actions by encouraging community service on his Democratic party fell asleep at the wheel, cal leaders and citizens alike, who view like this could win the support of our birthday, then we should do everything to and a candidate whose platform included our health care situation as a national citizens, then maybe the few Senate op- support that.” In the end, volunteers as well as being against health care reform won the epidemic. And there are likely many more ponents that would need to be won over students expressed their sense of accomplish- US senate seat vacated by the passing of citizens who have at least some concern could be convinced by the power of the ment. Ms. Evans took pride in spending the Ted Kennedy. and awareness about the problem, and people's voices. Or, even without their time improving the community rather than This is a bitter pill for supporters of would support some type of reform. votes, it could look downright foolish sitting at home. "I feel more productive,” she reform to swallow, but maybe some good But their support could be tenuous for to filibuster if you aren't speaking for said. Mr. McCoy, an 11th grader, summed could come from it. There was a lot of many reasons, not least of which is that the people--people who see that there it up, “The walls have a different effect now. jostling that needed to be done to win most of them already have some type of is a better way, and it's here now, right They make me feel more energized.”■ the support of senators like Joe Lieber- health care insurance. With so many other within our grasp. ■ man and Ben Nelson to gain the 60 vote problems that people could be facing filibuster proof majority. The filibuster everyday, health care reform may not be proof majority is gone, but the Democrats high on their list. still have a 59-41 majority. This could be There are approximately 45 million a time to make some adjustments that Americans who don't have health insur- make the Senate bill stronger, and closer ance, and while many of those numbers to the House version. Like returning to are by choice, it is still an imposing figure. the bill the public option that Joe Lieber- But there are about 220 million voting man vowed to vote against. They may not age people in the US. need Joe no mo. This is not a unique situation, our his- Perhaps some Massachusetts voters tory is filled with times where less than voted as they did because health care was a majority of our citizens were facing not a primary concern of theirs, Mas- some type of hardship, but it is at many sachusetts does have a state coordinated of these moments where our leaders have Visit for more information on upcoming events, exhibits, and programs.

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AC_ad.indd 1 2/8/10 10:07:40 PM Page 6 The Collinwood Observer February 11, 2010 deomevel p nt

Northeast Shores Board election results The sky is the limit for Azure B rian Friedman On January 19, the membership of North- Stained Glass Studio east Shores Development Corporation John Boksansky attended the 2010 Annual Meeting, which always features the election of new board Ben Parsons and Mary Zodnik, proprietors Northeast Shores with an option to buy trustees. Members checked in and renewed of Azure Stained Glass Studio, will soon agreement, Azure was allowed to partici- their annual dues in order to be able to begin exterior improvements to their 15602 pate in the Storefront Renovation Program receive their ballot and vote. Waterloo location in the Waterloo Arts and through a special agreement. The meeting commenced with each of Entertainment District. Azure specializes Ben Parsons and Mary Zodnik stated that, 12 candidates sharing why the member- in the restoration of leaded glass windows “we became familiar with Waterloo because ship should elect him (or her) to one of the as well as the design and fabrication of new of our trips to the Beachland Ballroom, as eight available slots on the Northeast Shores leaded glass products. The plans for the well as knowing several friends that live in Board of Directors. After hearing from the exterior improvements have been underway the area. We admired the building for some candidates present, two more members for two years with the business receiving time and saw that it was for sale. The build- were nominated from the floor. These two technical assistance from the City of Cleve- ing had the space we needed and provided additional nominees were Jim Valentino land Storefront Renovation Program (SRP) natural light which is a blessing for what we and Miles Kennedy, who shared key details as sponsored by Northeast Shores Develop- do at Azure. The building met our needs and about why they should be elected. Having ment Corporation, The City of Cleveland, we are committed to the City of Cleveland. heard from all interested candidates present, and Councilman Michael D. Polensek. SRP We talked with Northeast Shores to see if the membership proceeded to complete is funded by the City of Cleveland through they could assist.” their ballots. its federal Community Development Block Azure has taken an entrepreneurial ap- While the ballots were tallied, Council- Grant allocation. proach via sweat equity in that they will man Polensek provided a brief update Azure worked closely with SRP Design contribute to the renovation by doing some about projects and happenings in the Specialist Tim Barrett and Northeast Shores of the construction work. Parsons stated that neighborhood. After the councilman spoke, to define the scope of the building improve- “we had to work within an affordable budget. Mary Zodnik and Ben Parsons at work. I shared key details about the organization's ments, which will include: tuck pointing and We struck a balance between the aesthetic and outcomes in 2009: Over $14 million was masonry repairs; painting of window frames structural improvements that the building Waterloo Road District. An end user was invested in the community in 2009, North- and entrance improvements; comprehensive required. We are also fortunate to provide identified in Azure Stained Glass Studio, east Shores programs created 110 housing signage package; new entry door adjacent to signature solutions incorporating a glass who was exploring a move from a studio in opportunities, and 103 current residents the parking lot and glass canopy with associated canopy over the front entry door. We were Tremont. We are happy to be able to lease were assisted by various housing programs. hardware above the front entrance door. also able to learn how to tuck–point masonry with an option for Ben and Mary to pur- In addition, 31 businesses were assisted in Mr. Parsons stated that “eventually we from one of our friends who is skilled in the chase the building. Northeast Shores looks their creation or growth and over $45,000 would have made the repairs to the building masonry trade. We will be utilizing the skill of to expand the family of proprietors owning was raised for various grassroots programs which was a deferred maintenance issue, but Waterloo 7 Gallery artisan and metalworker their places of business. We look forward in the community. it is refreshing to have the SRP rebate as an Jerry Schmidt for signage.” to Azure calling Waterloo home for many After my presentation, the results of the incentive supporting our small business in Brian Friedman, Executive Director of years to come.” election were announced. Returning for Cleveland.” Northeast Shores, stated that “the building an additional term are incumbents Brian After project completion, the business had fallen into disrepair over a number of To learn how the City of Cleveland Storefront Menard (VASJ High School), Fil Scafidi owners will receive a 40% rebate for the years. The Commercial Development Com- Renovation Program can help your building (Euclid Hospital), Pastor Trombley (St. dollars invested. While the triangle-shaped mittee of Northeast Shores identified this and business, call John Boksansky, Storefront John Lutheran Church) and Victor Rucker brick building has been initially owned by building as an important building to the Coordinator at (216) 481-7660. (Resident). Newly elected to the board are Bill Eppich (Advance Industrial Glass), KC Petraitis (Resident), John Meyerhoffer (Res- ident), and Miles Kennedy (Resident). NSDC presents Taste the Neighborhood on February 23 If you are not a member of Northeast Denise Lorek Shores, we encourage you to become a member now, volunteer for a committee, Join Northeast Shores for the annual Taste of folks who go that extra mile. "Amazing Block a cash bar. and perhaps next year consider being a the Neighborhood, a chance to sample foods Watches," neighborhood groups that have TICKETS: Make your reservation today! Call candidate for the 21-member board. from our neighborhood’s many restaurants made great achievements throughout the Denise at 216-481-7660. Tickets $20.00. Buy and eateries, plus help us honor local residents, year. "Best Businesses," celebrate the achieve- your tickets at Northeast Shores office or Brian Friedman is the Executive Director of block watches and businesses for their accom- ments of your favorite local businesses and from any employee of Northeast Shores. Northeast Shores plishments making this a better community to their owners. To order by mail, send a check to Northeast live in. 6:00 PM - food/drink, 7:00 PM - program. FOOD AND DRINK: Taste from many local Shores, 317 E. 156th St., Cleveland, OH 44110 Lithuanian Hall. 877 East 185th St. restaurants and eateries. From ribs and wings by Feb 18th. ($15.00 of the ticket price is tax AWARDS: "Outstanding Residents," regular to sausage to soup and pasta.There will be deductible)

Join the discussion • Share your story • The Collinwood Observer Page 7 Fai th In Collinwood IN MEMORIAL Thoughts from staff and students on the passing of Luis Pla, Prin- cipal of St. Mary Collinwood Compiled by Andrew Kerr Kindergarteners remember “Mr. Pla was a very loving and caring principal. We will always keep him in our Christy Fulton "He used to help my sister."-Adam hearts.”- 4th grader Our kindergartners began praying for Mr. "He is in Heaven."-A'lona" “Mr. Pla was a great man, he always gave me Pla ever since he went into the hospital credit when I told the truth. He made me in late October. Although they are young I pray for Mr. Pla and I miss him. I hope feel better when I talked to him. He really children, they firmly believe in the power he comes back safely. God will protect him cared about the students at St. Mary's. We of prayer. They prayed for improvements and his heart and he won't be sick anymore. had a personal relationship. I really liked Mr. in his health, for the comfort of his family You will come down if God lets you."-Saje Pla and I hope he is in heaven looking down and that he would soon be able to return to on us.”- 4th grader school. Some of the children even prayed Bryant remembers "hugging him and play- for things only a kindergartner would think ing games with him."-Bryant “Mr. Pla was a hard worker for us. He gave of: they prayed that he would not get bitten up his time if we needed help from him. I by a scorpion in the forest and that they "He had been a great teacher and told us know he is watching over us making sure would point arrows for him to get away how to learn."-Keonshae we do the right thing and making sure we from the monsters. do well in school. He wanted to make sure Unfortunately, Mr. Pla never did return "I love Jesus and God. I love you Mr. Pla." we all did good in school so we can go to to school, but that has not stopped our (Confusing Mr. Pla with Jesus) "He died high school and college. So just for him I'm kindergarten from praying. on the cross and he'll come back and feel going to do my best in school.- 4th grader This is how our kindergartners either better."-Jeffrey Mary Zodnik and Ben Parsons at work. "Mr. Pla loved the kids at St Mary Collin- job where you can put things off, you must remember Mr. Pla, or how they continue wood. He'd do anything he could to help always be on top of all the various tasks at to stay in prayer: "I love God and Jesus and God is taking care and protect them"- 5th grader hand. Luis made sure that happened.”- Staff of Mr. Pla."-Kamren Member "I hope you feel better and never be sick. “Mr. Pla could be a bit rough sometimes, but Every time I pray for you I pray for God too. "I pray for Mr. Pla because I miss him. He you always knew he cared. He just wanted the “Luis gave me my first job as a teacher. He I love you, Principal."-Anthony C. was a nice principal." -Yolanda best for all of us.”- 8th grader served as a mentor for me to learn from and provided me with an excellent environment "He was a good principal and I wish he never Despite only knowing Mr. Pla for a short “This school wouldn’t be here with- to start my career.”- Staff Member died. I feel bad for him for dying. I bet God period in their young lives, he touched their out Mr. Pla. He worked hard to get us would be happy to see Mr. Pla."-Jai'la hearts in a special way and this is how he computers and new books and stuff.” “The memory of Luis will always be in these will be remembered. Thank you Mr. Pla for - 8th grader halls. He is a part of this place. There are so "I miss you Mr. Pla and thought you were the sacrifices you made for St. Mary's chil- many things I see in the building and on going to get better."-Dai'Shauna dren, teachers, families and the Collinwood “Luis could be tough to work with some- the grounds that remind me of him and all community. Continued prayer goes out to times. He was highly demanding and would he did. All the educational technology he "I did not want him to get sick, that's why Mr. Pla's parents, brother and sisters, his expect nothing less than perfection. That worked so hard to acquire for the students, I prayed for him."-Anthony R. extended family and friends for their com- being said, you always knew that he had the the beautiful addition he tirelessly saw fort and peace through this difficult time. best interest of the students in mind. That is through to completion; it’s like he left little why he pushed so hard. Education is not a pieces of himself.”- Staff Member

Fish Fry at Slovenian Workmen's Home Pat Nevar The Slovenian Workmen's Home located at 15335 Waterloo During Lent, a lunch menu is offered from noon until 3:00 & cheese. Homemade New England-style clam chowder is Road has a very active Auxiliary. These volunteers (a.k.a. "The PM, consisting of the delicious hand-breaded fish or shrimp also on the menu during Lent. It's hard to pass up the various Kitchen Angels"), under the leadership of June Slapnik, presi- meals, which include coleslaw, roll & butter plus a choice of flavors of freshly-baked strudel that are also offered. dent, hold a popular Fish Fry every Friday during the year, Slovenian home fries or French fries. This is the perfect place to celebrate birthdays. The celebrants except for a few holidays. Several of the volunteers have been From 3:00 PM until 8:00 PM the full menu is available. The receive a slice of cake and the volunteers sing happy birthday. A putting on the fish fry for over 25 years. These ladies not only dinner choices are fish, shrimp, pork chops, goulash or maca- cash bar is always open serving your favorite refreshments. For bread the fish; they also scale, debone and soak the fish in a roni & cheese. Side dish choices are coleslaw, Slovenian home birthday, anniversary and funeral brunch reservations, take-out special sauce before breading. fries, French fries, polenta, cabbage & noodles and macaroni orders or additional information, call 216/481-5378. In This Mirror, a poem by TaNekqua Partrick My mirror reads depression Cause this is just a dream But every now and then My mirror reads pain I open up my eyes I look into my mirror My mirror that I look in And everything is clearer THE END!!! When I look into this mirror Shows a girl gone insane I see a 16 yr old girl But there is something about this mirror Someone who feels misunderstood This mirror hears my cries Cleveland State University "America Reads" Tutors are back And lost in this world Something else I didn’t know When I look into this mirror My mirror has two sides atby Mariathe EstrellaMemorial-Nottingham Branch! I see pain and regret On the other side of this mirror The Cleveland State University America Reads Tutors are back! It's free tutoring and Confusion, broken hearts Lives a girl who’s very smart no sign-ups are required! If you need help with your school work, the days and hours And tears I won’t forget When I peek into this other mirror are listed below. When I look into this mirror The hatred really starts TUTORING DAYS AND HOURS through MAY 2010: I drift slowly away inside I hate that I hide myself Mondays: 4:30—6:30 p.m. And I reach for that woman I hate my attitude Tuesdays: 4:00—6:00 p.m. That for some reason I hide I hate the way I live my life Wednesdays: 4:30—6:00 p.m. When I look into this mirror I hate this is the truth Thursdays: 4:00—6:30 p.m. I see a life that’s gone wrong When I look into this mirror For more information, please contact the Memorial-Nottingham Branch Children's Then I put my ear up to this mirror My mirror talks to me Librarian at (216) 623-7039 Inside I hear sad songs My mirror says, it’s okay Join the discussion • Share your story • Page 8 The Collinwood Observer February 11, 2010 S CHool NEWS A Trip to the Cleveland

Museumby Lynn Haney of Art like to see the entire world and just travel If you ask most Cleveland Municipal while I am still on Earth. Going to differ- School District students if they have ever ent countries and experiencing their culture been to the Cleveland Museum of Art, is the best feeling in the world. You can be chances are the answer would be no. Re- someone else for a day and that is what life grettably, a visit to this jewel in the Uni- should be about. Experiencing and picking versity Circle cultural crown has become up new tasks will prepare you for life and unattainable because field trips are so costly. get you ready for a very diverse world. Field However, guided tours for groups of fifteen trips are important during the academic year. They prepare students such as myself to experience something different and be open-minded to a very diverse world. Senior, Leeshawna Howard: I, myself, Cleveland Job Corps Students in Washington D.C. enjoyed the different colorful portraits. Some were very delicate such as single women with little children. In the Armor Court National Job Corps Day! Collinwood Job Corps there were suits of armor, mail shirts, and Delegation visits the State Capital in Columbus different types of helmets. It reminded me by Susan Clark of the story I have just read in my English IV Belcher, Job Corps student Mandisa Black class about “Beowulf.” We also saw different The U.S Congress passed a resolution and Congresswoman Marsha L. Fudge. Job types of weapons such as swords, guns, and declaring September 23, 2009: "National Corps is the largest and most successful crossbows, which were useful back in me- Job Corps Day" to acknowledge 45 years academic and vocational training program dieval times and which I found fascinating. of Job Corps training which has helped in the U.S. It is administered by the Depart- In another gallery, they had some romantic over three million disadvantaged American ment of Labor. Their brand new residential statues that were very passionate as well. In youth. The Job Corps delegation heading to 25-acre campus is located in the South Col- A miniature "Thinker" inspires deep thoughts: Sharrell Pointer and Jamecia Prescott. the decorative arts areas, we saw beautiful Columbus to celebrate included Governor linwood area. Faberge boxes and eggs. There were a lot of Ted Strickland, State Representative Robin or more are available on a first come, first gold ornaments used by the upper class in serve basis and teachers can apply at the Europe. With all of the information I learned CMA Education Department section at that day, there was more to it than just art Familyby Victoria Janke-Mousty Literacy Night Fortunately, before alone. I had a terrific time at the museum. Chunn served the families and staff mem- Christmas break I was able to take five Col- I feel that every student should have the bers dinner. The families all enjoyed eating linwood High School students on a tour opportunity to try something new and take On Thursday, January 21, 2010, the together and getting to know one another. of the newly renovated galleries of CMA, the advantage of the cultural institutions School Parent Organization of OH Perry Liaison Mrs. Chunn planned the event and which is ranked as one of America’s top five in Cleveland. I personally plan on visiting held a Family Literacy Night. About 100 has many more events coming to OH Perry, art museums. Their enthusiasm was a delight CMA again soon to learn more about it. family members came to OH Perry where including the Father-Daughter/Mother-Son to witness. Here are some of their comments: Junior, Sharrell Pointer: There was all they participated in various literacy activities Dance, Black History Month Program, Car- Senior, Dia Williams-Richmond: One of kinds of furniture in the museum. It had planned by the staff. All attendees received nival Night, and Talent Showcase. We look the different types of exhibits that interested many chairs, and couches. There were also two books each for their family home li- forward to more great things -- things that me was the Armor Court. That was the a couple of antique tables. The cutlery was braries. At the end of the evening, Principal happen everyday at OH Perry. most beautiful area I had ever seen. There also very nice. There were gold ones, silver Victoria Mousty and Family Liaison Beverly were tons of different weapons and armor ones, and some were really small. The vases that the soldiers wore back in the medieval were all really colorful, bright and shiny. times and even earlier. It was very interest- There were also boxes for holding cigars Scienceby Victoria Janke-Mousty fair at OH Perryto assist the students with the completion of ing being surrounded by such history and I and cigarettes. They were all really small and their individual Science Fair Projects. Vari- imagined myself as a soldier back in those could fit in the palm of your hand. They also ous members of the community, including days. Fighting off the bad guys and protect- had very pretty designs on them. The jewelry On Thursday, January 28, 2009, OH Perry Case students and retired teachers, served ing my country. I believe this is why I have a was everywhere. There are many necklaces, held their annual Science Fair. Nearly 300 as judges. Parents were invited to view the passion for going into the armed forces. Back bracelets, and rings. The armor that was there students entered. This year, Science Subject projects on Friday afternoon. Thank you to in those days the people cherished and loved came from a lot of different time periods. Area Specialist and fourth grade teacher, Ms. Shepherd for all her efforts to plan the their country and I admire that and just see- The armor was for every part of the body. Karen Shepherd earned a FUSE Grant from fair and to promote the learning of scientific ing the history of weapons and how people The shields and huge swords accompanied Case Western Reserve University. Through researching skills in our OH Perry students. fought in the past, and how everything has the armor. Other weapons included small the grant, Perry received funds to support Bravo to all the OH Perry students who advanced in technology was so interesting. handguns and large crossbows. After visiting the fair. We also had the support of Case worked very hard to complete a project Going to museums inspires me to want the museum for the first time, I thought that engineering students volunteering their time this year!! to get out and explore the world. I would it was great and I would consider going back.

byCollinwood Nicholas Delciappo High School Annual Science Fair

The Collinwood High School Science Department hosted its 14th Annual Science Fair on January 25th and 26th in the school’s Media Center. All grade levels participated in the event which included over 135 entries in the fol-

lowing categories: Environmental Science, Junior, Akeem Pennicooke explains his project to Health/Medicine, Physics/Math, Chemistry a judge. and Behavioral Sciences. Each entry was graphically designed on poster board with linwood Observer. an hypothesis, an observation, examples, Qualifying projects will be eligible to go conclusion and an abstract (summary). A to the Northeastern Science and Engineering team of outside judges diligently review Fair in March, at Cleveland State University. each project. Collinwood’s track record in the competition At the time of publishing, the Science has been quite impressive with a representa- Department is currently deciding on the tive group of students always qualifying for In the Armor Court: Deasia Bronaugh, Jamecia Prescott, Sharrell Pointer, Leeshawna Howard, winners in each category. We will make sure the CSU event as well as bringing home Dia Williams-Richmond. they are printed in the next issue of the Col- prizes for their scholarly research. Join the discussion • Share your story • The Collinwood Observer Page 9 yot u h and family

The Grandmothers on... Little League Sign-Up Ntnougho e of R obert McGraw

Mom Now is the time to sign up your son or daugh- “Dear Grandmothers, Up until recently I ter for the only nationally recognized Little have been a stay-at-home mom with several League in the city of Cleveland - right here ity bill). Legal guardians must accompany small project-based jobs I could do online for in North Collinwood!! If you are between children signing up. extra money during early morning hours. In the ages of 5-16, you can sign up this coming You may also purchase needed pants on October, I took on a real online part-time weekend at the Slovenian Workmen's Home sign-up day. NECLL would also like to job, because our family needs the money, at 15335 Waterloo Road. Sign up days and involve you and interested supporters in with paycuts (but no cuts in hours) that have dates are as follows: Saturday and Sunday, the NECLL's annual raffle. The first prize in the been made by my husband’s employer. I now 13th and 14th of February - from 1-4 PM. raffle is $1,000. NECLL encourages support- work on my laptop at the kitchen table while This year the Board of the Northeast ers, parents, and neighbors of our ballplayers I cook, while the kids do homework, etc. and Cleveland Little League (NECLL) is offer- to purchase these tickets to both support the my kid time (I have two, 6 and 8) has been tell them that, in fact, their help would be ing a $5 reduced sign-up fee if you sign up needs of our league to run a quality program, severely cut. My kids are unhappy, “hating appreciated with some of the household tasks these opening registration days. Sign-ups and to encourage our youth in their efforts to mommy’s job,” acting out, making it hard to that you used to do all by yourself. Explain are in the NECLL office on the 2nd floor of enjoy a summer playing baseball. concentrate when I HAVE to. I feel bad for how you could be spending more time with the Slovenian Workmen's Home. Sign-ups Should you have any question, you may them, and want things to be better but I have them if you were doing some of these tasks continue the following weekend - Saturday call NECLL at (216) 692-2255. We return to keep this job. Any advice?” – Samantha R., together; while you’re working at the kitchen and Sunday, the 20th and 21st of February. all phone calls and will assist you in your ef- Lakeshore Blvd. laptop, for example, they could be helping Again, the time will be from 1-4PM. There fort to register your child or children in the you get dinner on the table. They could will be a final sign-up day on Thursday, the league. We look forward to another banner Dear Samantha, certainly learn to help with the laundry, and 25th of February from 6-8 PM. When you year and we are grateful to all sponsors and We grandmothers claim to know almost all assist in clean-up after dinner. They might come to sign up, bring your child's birth supporters of our league. there is to know about raising kids, but your whine from time to time about their newly certificate and proof of residency (i.e., a util- question leads us first to a confession: when assigned chores, but you could end up feel- we were young mothers, we didn’t have to ing less pressured, they more competent and deal with your problem. Remember the '50s? needed, and all of you important members Well, probably you don’t, but you’ve seen it of the family team. on TV: very few moms worked, they were at Explain how their helping frees you up home baking cookies and playing with the for family play times, and even if it doesn’t kids. Except the truth of the matter is, we quite work out that way, be sure to schedule didn’t play with the kids all that much; the some, for all of your sakes. Don’t make these kids entertained themselves for the most part. costly outings that you can’t really afford, but And some of us got tired of baking cookies research some inexpensive or even free activi- and wished we had jobs so we’d have our own ties: ice skating at Wade Oval costs nothing bank accounts. The good old days. more than $3 skate rental; the zoo charges no But your children won’t be comforted admission on Mondays; hikes in the woods much by watching re-runs of “Leave it to on a sunny, snowy day are free; a favorite Beaver.” They expect to have as much of your family board or card game is likewise. attention as they ever did, and they quite During one of those hikes you might tell legitimately resent having to share you with your kids about that job of yours and how your job. Being a modern mom you probably sometimes you don’t like it but often you did frequently bake cookies and play with do, just like sometimes they hate school your kids, and now you can’t do that as often. but often they actually have fun there. Tell What many parents feel in this situation is them in words they can understand what Nottingham Youth Center's guilt, so what they say are things like, “I have exactly your work entails, and what you had to work so we can buy [brand name] video to learn to be able to do it - and branch off to Tutoring Program needs games and [brand name] tennis shoes and eat a discussion of the kind of work they might out regularly at the [brand name] hamburger want to do some day. We want them, after your help emporium. And won’t we have fun at Dis- all, to appreciate the world of work, and look Tom Dickinson neyland this summer?” Parents don’t like to forward to it. disappoint their children and they don’t want You don’t have to tell your kids this part, What can I do? program. About 10 elementary kids twice a to hear about their children’s unhappiness. So but you could help yourself feel less guilty by I've asked that at times. What can I do to week and only 3 or 4 adults at a time. Some they try to jolly the kids out of it. realizing that you’re actually teaching your help? There is so much need around and my of the children need one to one attention but In a word, don’t. Instead, acknowledge in children some valuable lifelong lessons here. resources are so low: little money, no extra that can be difficult without a couple more full their anger. Try to find out all the specifics Although life can be hard, we can usually find time, my own family to care for!! How can helpers. Mike and Denise give what they have of their resentment, and don’t try to convince ways to cope, and children need to learn this as I help lift up the neighborhood when I have but they can only stretch themselves so far. them that they’re exaggerating, that it isn’t so they grow up; they will be better prepared for so little? What can I do to help? I can help a kid with bad as all that. You don’t have to agree, just the challenges they meet later on. And you and Denise Wright and Mike Clark may help her homework once a week. It is amazing how listen and nod understanding. Tell them your husband are setting a wonderful example me answer by having so little themselves and much that means to the child and it is good that you miss having things the way they for your children by working hard together to yet helping so much. They recently moved for me too! And it helps the adults that are were, too. Swallow your guilt and listen to do what needs to be done, without blaming to the neighborhood, don't own a car, don't already there to work more effectively. All it their sadness. Just feeling “heard” by you will anyone, without resentment. (Try to voice have steady jobs, but give what they can to costs is two hours once a week. I guess I can make them feel better, the same way you feel your blame and resentment only to each other, help out. So they joined the Nottingham do that. How about you? Call 216-486-7612 better after having confided your problems after the kids are in bed.) Youth Center and now head the tutoring for more info. to a friend who is a good listener. Some day these will be the good old Then start talking about ways you all might days. adjust to this new reality. They don’t need to hear the details of the electric bill being over- "The Grandmothers" are waiting to hear from due and the car needing a new transmission, you before they write their next column. Because but you can talk about being a family and they have helped raise thousands of children as working together differently now. Recognize mothers, grandmothers, teachers, and day care your children for managing to solve a prob- center administrators, they can answer almost any lem or do a task that in the past they might question you have about raising kids. Try to stump have asked you to do, without your help. them! Email your questions to thegrandmothers@ Emphasize how capable they have become;

Join the discussion • Share your story • Page 10 The Collinwood Observer February 11, 2010 ar ts & Entertainment

CaftS r how to support Children's Local enamelist, jewelry artist, Community Theater & local artisans metalsmith Matthew Orgovan Michael Romanik UpStage Artisan Alley, a fresh, new indie volunteer staff in Cleveland. The organization craft show, opens its doors from 9:00 a.m. was founded in 1995 with 30 children and a Just before receiving my Bachelor to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 13, vision to create love and respect for the arts. of Fine Art degree from the Cleve- 2010 at Collinwood's Slovenian Workmen's They have evolved into a strong group that land Institute of Art in 1989 as a Home (15335 Waterloo Rd.; Cleveland, uses theater as a vehicle to teach leadership, drawing major, I was introduced 44110). The event will serve as a fundraiser creativity and responsibility to nearly 150 to enameling. In my 4th year, a for UpStage Players, a local, non-profit chil- children today. friend showed me pieces of cop- dren's theater company, as they gear-up for Although the UpStage family has grown per she had covered with some their spring musical, "Aladdin, Jr." (March tremendously over the years, their no-cut sort of colorful, durable coating. 26-28). In addition to raising funds for this policy remains unchanged. The children of She explained that it was enamel, accomplished organization, UpStage Artisan UpStage Players come from varied back- and briefly told me about the class Alley's mission is to showcase the talents grounds and communities, yet they share the and the process. I’d never heard of of Northeast Ohio artisans in an intimate, same drive to optimize their potential. They this, but was very intrigued and family-friendly atmosphere, while allowing hail from a variety of communities. In addi- so enrolled in the class at the start patrons to shop for themselves and their tion, the diverse cast/crew of UpStage Players of my 5th and final year at CIA, Eastern Bluebird Brooch loved ones. is headed by an unpaid staff and supported by to learn some of the basics of the UpStage Artisan Alley will feature a variety an army of volunteers dedicated to transform- medium. mixed with distilled water and a few drops of talented artisans from around Northeast ing everyday kids into accomplished artists. Enameling is the art of applying fine gran- of binder, making them into a paste-like Ohio. Patrons can choose from handcrafted Upstage Players provides many benefits ules of colored glass to metal and firing it, consistency, and then are applied with fine bath and body products, hand-painted for their artists, including building self-con- at a high temperature, in a kiln. Cloisonné paint brushes. It takes an average of five lay- keepsakes and magnets, rock-n-roll inspired fidence, encouraging self-esteem, providing (klwa zô na'), the technique that I use for my ers of enamel for each piece, firing between art prints, jewelry, candles, crocheted items, social outlets, promoting responsibility and work, incorporates thin flat wire that is bent each layer, until the layers are about the same rock-n-roll posters, fused glass items, photo- leadership and providing a fun, safe haven. In to form "cells" to hold the powdered glass. I height as the wires, approximately 1/16" high. graphic art, ceramic keepsakes, eco-friendly addition to its artistic value, UpStage Players enamel on fine silver sheet and use fine silver The enamel piece is then ground on a lapidary items and more! The event will also feature a brings communities together and gives kids and 24K gold wire. Mostly using enamels belt sander to smooth the surface and refine rehearsal from UpStage Players, face painters, something to do. The organization produces from France and Japan with primarily trans- its shape. Firing one last time restores the high food and refreshments, raffles, prizes and an numerous shows throughout the year, includ- parent colors, I also incorporate black and gloss surface of the glass. A setting is fabricated opportunity to socialize with the cast, crew ing the upcoming spring musical "Aladdin, white opaque enamel and a few opalescent for the finished cloisonné piece from silver, and staff of UpStage Players, as well as the Jr.," an improvisational troupe and the Up- (milky, semi-opaque) enamels. gold, or a combination of both. Many of my local artisans. stage Underground summer show. To begin, I cut out a shape from 18-gauge pieces also incorporate gemstones. The arts scene in the Waterloo/Arts Col- For additional information about Up- fine silver sheet using a jeweler’s saw and I have been making cloisonne jewelry linwood area is really starting to blossom, Stage Players, the upcoming performance then "anneal" the silver, heating it with a for 20 years and exhibit at art and craft and this indie craft show, in conjunction of "Aladdin, Jr." or to download a printable torch, making it "dead" soft. This is done shows throughout the country. Locally, I’ve with UpStage Players, will surely continue ticket order form for "Aladdin, Jr.," visit to alleviate any stress in the metal. An- participated in the Cain Park Arts Festival to foster that growth. To find out more nealing also makes it easier to "dome" the in Cleveland Heights last July, and the Upstage Players is a non-profit profes- about UpStage Artisan Alley, check out www. metal, shaping it by hand to give it a slight Lakewood Arts Festival last August. I also sional children's theatre group run by an all- convex curve, which is a more stable surface wholesale my work to craft galleries through- to withstand the many firings a cloisonne out the country. piece must go through. A coating of liquid I’ve participated in Arts Collinwood’s an- enamel is painted on to the underside of the nual December Holiday Show for the past 4 silver blank and a coating of clear enamel is years. I was introduced to Arts Collinwood sifted on to the top. After drying, the piece is by a friend, Michael Mikula, a Cleveland Movie Time 2-for-1 fired at 1500 degrees F. The firings are short, glass artist who produces beautiful blown John Copic the East Side. approximately one minute long, just until vessels and bowls, as well as striking cast Be sure to ask Melissa and Craig, your the glass granules melt. The enamel layers glass and machined aluminum and steel How would you like to see a movie on a friendly managers, at the newly renovated must be built up slowly on each side of the sculptures. 60 foot movie screen with an all digital com- and updated Lakeshore Theatre about piece to avoid cracking and chipping when I have taught myself many soldering and puterized presentation, complete with Dolby their Senior, Church Group, and Student the piece cools. fabrication techniques over the past 20 surround sound? One of the only places left Fieldtrip Discounts. Need one more reason The cloisonne wires are bent into shape us- years. My work has been included in several in Northeast Ohio to experience this treat is to go to the movies? Bring the Observer ad ing small pliers and fine tweezers and adhered books and magazine articles. Inspiration for at the Lakeshore Theatre, a part of the Atlas below to the Lakeshore Theatre and receive temporarily to the clear-coated side of the my work comes from many sources: Asian Cinema family. In fact the Atlas Theatres 2 tickets for the price of one! This special is piece with a binder. Once dry, it is fired so and Indian textiles, geometric patterns, the on Lakeshore, Great Lakes Stadium 16, and valid Sunday through Thursday, evenings that the wires sink slightly into the softened imagery of the early Egyptian, Mayan and the Diamond Center 16 off Heisley are the only, through the month of March. See you enamel. The colored enamels are washed and Celtic civilizations, and nature. ■ only three all-digital 3D movie theatres on at the movies!

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THE CAFÉ AT ARTS COLLINWOOD tions. So nothing serious. Plus raffled art works from Waterloo 7 Gal- MARK YOUR CALENDARS! If you’re an artist, film maker, video designer LowLife Gallery, 16101 Waterloo. Thursdays: lery, which will extend its hours to 6-11 pm, • A Little R&R with George Roby and or musician, and would like to show at the 6pm-10pm, Fridays: 6pm-11pm, Saturdays: to accommodate evening visitors. Tickets are GR Hamilton February 12 opening, cafe, contact Susan at 216-692-9500, 12-5pm 5pm-11pm. $10 on the Beachland website: www.beach- Arts Collinwood Gallery Monday thru Friday, or stop in and leave a For more information, tape or contact sheet. THIS WEEK AT THE MARKET contact Mike Kinsella at (216) 707-3418, or • Free Clinic Benefit Show February And, the Café is always looking for volun- Blooming Patches will have delectable salad [email protected], or visit www. 12, 8 pm, Beachland Ballroom teers to help with gallery events, classes and greens, baby bok choy leaves, arugula, parsley, • Mystery of Two Winter Residency other neighborhood projects! radishes and more from the greenhouse. They February 13 “Buried Wires”; February And, and it’s also always looking for also have cabbage, potatoes, eggs and organice DESIRABLE APT FOR RENT 20 “Freedom”; February 27 “Founding couches and easy chairs for its living room turkeys at $2.25 a pound. Blooming Patches Corner of Waterloo on E.169: second floor Fathers.” Performances at 7 pm. Arts theatre, along with video screens, projectors gift certificates (available in $5 increments) of duplex, 3 bedrooms, bright and sunny, Collinwood gallery. and other artsy things. Don't throw it out! will let friends choose their own and buy remodeled kitchen and bath, large living • Upstage’s Artisan Alley February Call first! it fresh. Email Barb at BloomingPatches@ and dining rooms, wood floors throughout, 13, 9 am – 2 pm, Slovenian Work- porch, grassy yard and offstreet parking, use men’s Home HY SNELL AT WATERLOO 7 February 12 Francis from Burton Floral will have car- of third floor attic, washer and dryer hookups Hy Snell is a 91-year-old multi-talented rots, sweet potatoes, cheeses (including Lake in basement. An easy walk to the Beachland! • Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School Feb- artist who thinks like a man of 25. After Erie Creamery goat cheeses), eggs (sometimes Owner-occupiers next door and across the ruary 17, Beachland Tavern 40 years of painting, he turned his focus to duck eggs) and other assorted goodies. The street. $600/month. Call 216-577-5511. • Chris Castle's Songwriter Round w/ metal sculptures for almost another 40 years, greenhouse will soon be turning out baby let- Colette Gschwind, Charlie Mosbrook creating beautiful dancers, majestic horses, tuce, and the farm is building a hoop house, A CALL TO ARTISTS and Joey Beltram (a Collinwood resi- and amazing abstracts from scrap metal. His for early and late production. The baby goat The All-City Art Show, sponsored by the dent), February 17, Beachland vibrant abstracts will be on show at Waterloo is still visiting; he’s growing up, though – he’s National Arts Program, will be held at the • Remembering 1910 February 19, 7 Gallery from Saturday, February 12; owner had his horns cauterized. Arts Collinwood gallery March 26 to April Collinwood Nottingham Historical Jerry Schmidt is donating several pieces to the You’ll always find apples in abundance, 9, with an official opening reception on Society, 6:30 pm, Lithuanian Hall raffle at the Free Clinic fundraiser that’s hap- baked goods in even greater abundance, April 1. Submissions are due by March 22. pening at the Beachland that night. jewelry and the Spice Hound. The exhibit is judged by professional artists • Bluegrass Barn Dance February 20, Waterloo 7 Gallery 16006 Waterloo; Waterloo Coit Road Farmers’ Market is located at the corner and art educators in Amateur, Intermediate, Beachland w/Pete McDonald & The Seven and Wunderkind are closed on Mondays; of Coit & Woodworth Road in East Cleveland. Professional and Youth classifications. Entry Waxwings String Band; JP & The Chat- open 2-8-Tue, 2-8-Wed, 2-8-Thu, 2-10-Fri/Sat, www.coitmarket. org. Open year-round Saturday is free. Participants must live in or work for field Boys; Hiram Rapids Stumblers; 1-6-Sun. Phone 239-293-95458. 8 am to 1 pm. the city of Cleveland, or belong to a city em- Heelsplitter; Misery Jackals and more ployee’s family. All entries must be the artist’s • Polka Brunch February 21, 11:30 am BANE AT LOWLIFE FREE CLINIC BENEFIT AT BEACHLAND own original work (no kits!). There’s $1800 of -2:30 pm Beachland, The Chardon Chod has arrived at his first solo show by way February 12 prize money for the nine adult classes; $600 Polka Band of illustrating and designing for the Medina The legendary Carlos Jones is putting on a for the eight under-eighteen classes; and the • Palacinka Breakfast February 21, Gazette (racking up lots of awards in the show at the Beachland to benefit The Free possibility of an Honorable Mention, besides 8:30 am–noon, St Mary’s Church on process) and appearing in group shows. The Clinic, and you’re invited to the party. This a Certificate of Participation for all entrants. Holmes LowLife presentation of “bane” is an observa- evening of live musical entertainment and For information and registration forms call: tion of human nature that looks at modern art begins at 7 pm, and features Carlos Jones 216-664-2562, or visit www.nationalartspro- • Snowshoe Sampler February 21, 1-3 culture, politics, religion and personal reflec- & the P.L.U.S. Band, Austin Walkin Cane. pm, Wildwood

A rts coLLINwood SPONSORING THE portfolio project Cleveland Police layoffs Arts Collinwood is proud to be sponsoring ing to select a finalist for a mural installation benefit at the Boardwalk The Portfolio Project, a collaboration between at the Arts Collinwood center. L iz Copic and Brittainy Heisler teenagers and senior citizens, and is now ac- The students will have an opportunity to cepting student nominations from teachers exhibit in the Arts Collinwood gallery in This past Christmas instead of bonuses 67 door, that includes Blues Deville, playing and others familiar with student work. May – and some of their work will become Police Officers got pink slips. Due to city from 8-12 and free food compliments of This project is a unique intergenerational part of Collinwood’s historical record. budget cuts they lost their jobs, and count- Georgio's, Congin's and Papa Joe's. There experience in which a small group of high This is a pilot project, and is open to less others took demotions or switched will also be a 50/50 badge raffle, Chinese school students work with senior citizens to area high school students in grades 9-12. departments to stay on the force. raffle baskets, and Texas Holdem tourna- create poetry, oral history, video, still pho- There is no charge -- fees for this initial year The SS&W Boardwalk whom is proud ments. For more information, or presale tography and portraiture. The sessions will have been fully funded -- but students are to serve those that serve us, is hosting tickets come visit the Boardwalk on 16011 be led by artists pre-eminent in their fields, required to commit to completing the full a benefit party Feb 20th to support the Waterloo. Come show your support for who will also teach the young artists how to project. Classes begin February 11. Today! Cleveland Police Department, both current those who keep our neighborhood safe, develop a portfolio, curate an exhibit and You still may have time to register. Call Arts officers and those that were laid off. Tickets have some fun, and possibly win a prize! participate in the jurying process -- by help- Collinwood at 216-692-9500 for the event are $10 presale or $15 at the

The neighborhood gathering place Established 1980 16 Beers on tap 100 bottled beers from around the world Specials Monday - Tuesday Pizza Night $6.99 Muldoon's own 2-topping pizza Wednesday (5pm to close) Open Face Strip Steak Sandwich $8.99 Served with fries on garlic bread. Thursday (5pm to 10pm) $2.00 Cheeseburger Texas Style BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich (5pm to 10pm) on Texas Toast Saturday $2.49 (5pm to 10pm) $14.99 Prime Rib Dinner (5pm to 10pm) Monday - Thursday 11 AM - 11 PM * Friday 11 AM - 12 AM Saturday 11 Am - 11 PM * Sunday 1 PM - 8 PM 1020 East 185th Street * 216.531.3130 Join the discussion • Share your story • Page 12 The Collinwood Observer February 11, 2010 Collinwood Sports Collinwood Lady Railroaders!! by Arnita Washington and De’shay Smith improved their game by shooting three pointers. Shalon Noel Our Collinwood Lady Railroaders started improved her game by going to the hole their season off with a 4 and 0 record but that more times. Ms. Shaleah Combs was on fire record was taken from them by the Glenville that night as well. Our seniors weren’t the girls team. Now our girls are 4th in the only ones that played a great game, our J.V. senate. We have won 8 amazing games and got a lot more aggressive and didn’t give up lost only 3. This Varsity team has been lead on their team. They made it through their by captain Shaleah Combs and co-captain wonderful season playing their hearts out Shalon Noel. Our girls’ Junior Varsity is now and representing our school. They may have 6th in the senate: they won 6 hard working, lost to John Marshall, Glenville, and John beautiful games and lost 5 heartfelt games. Adams but they never let it get to them or Our girls’ teams last games were against defeat them. They kept their heads up and John Marshall. The Varsity girls played with continued to strive for the championship. heart. Though not all of the calls were fair, Congratulations Collinwood Lady Railroad- they played a great game. A lot of our play- ers on your good season!!!!! ers improved that night. Candice Hawkins

CHS Varsity Winning Team: Top - Coach Russ, Gary Little, Tyran Goines, Otis Cloud, Deonte Cowette, Devin Wiggins, Darvae Lanier. Bottom - Josh Ratliff, Alandis Hills, Brandon Stovall, Damario Agee, Jeff Jackson photo by Steve Janeczek Winning Season for CHS Boys Hoopers by Rahim Dawson assists per game. Collinwood’s top basketball stars have The Collinwood High School Varsity boys’ done their best to create an exceptional basketball team has always been good, but Senate record of 11 wins and 1 loss with this year, 2009-2010, the boys have had one an overall record of 11-4 at the time of this of their best seasons ever. In this wonderful publication. Two games that demonstrated season, Otis Cloud has been our lead scorer, their skills include February 2nd when the averaging 18 points and 10 rebounds per Railroaders scored 63 points in the second game. In addition, Otis has been named as half to beat the John Marshall Lawyers, 96- Most Valuable Player for the Cleveland Boys’ 84, and hitting the century mark when they Senate. Gary Little was our second highest railroaded South High in a score of 100-64 scorer with 18 points per game. Our third on January 22nd. With the Marshall victory, From top: Coach Williams, Dijanay Williams, Tatiana Buchanan, Katrina Fielder, Brittany Smith, Alex Lavert, highest scorer of this great season is Tiran CHS wrapped up the Senate Athletic League Shaleah Combs, Tatiana Lawson,Middle: Jennifer Giernacky, Candice Hawkins, De'Shay Smith, Shalon Noel, Goines with 10 points, 10 rebounds and 5 regular-season title in boys basketball. Tranita McKensie, Marisha Whitaker, front: Jade Jackson, Imani Blaine, Ashley Green Villa Angela - St. Joseph High School Wrestling Tri Match and Parent's Night

Senior Ryatis Petraitis with his Senior Ray Wort with his mom parents on Senior Parent Night on Senior Parent Night

Ronnel Spates with his parents Senior Chris Latonzio with his on Senior Parent Night parents on Senior Parent Night Mato Vunak of VASJ vs David Evans of N. Ridgeville.

805 E 156th 940 London 931 Royal Road 931 Royal Road 100% renovated Collinwood home Gorgeous home in Collinwood 100% renovated & updated Col- 100% renovated & updated for sale! Opportunity to buy lot next is getting 100% renovated! Buy linwood home for sale! Roomy Collinwood home for sale! Time- door! Roomy w/4 bd,modern bath now and choose colors & finish- modern floor plan with 4 bd, mod- less brick beauty has 3 bd, mod- & kitchen. Call 216-383-9772 for es. Call 216-383-9772 to preview ern baths & kitchen. ern baths,kitchen,& charm. Call details/preview the home. Call 216-383-9772 216-383-9772 for detais/preview. for details/preview.

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