Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, October 25, 2018 OUR 128th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 43-2018 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J.
[email protected] ONE DOLLAR Council Introduces Ordinances to ‘Monetize’ Downtown Businesses By CHRISTINA M. HINKE consumed on the premises, but out- cessories. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader side the confines of a building; all The third amends certain provi- WESTFIELD — Three ordinances within the CBD. Mayor Shelley sions of the land-use ordinance of the were introduced that would amend Brindle said this is to allow for a town for parking requirements within ordinances pertaining to the central business to utilize more of the prop- the CBD. The thought is to loosen the business district (CBD) at Tuesday’s erty to “monetize” their business. requirements, and give the planner town council meeting. The second ordinance amends cer- and the zoning officer authority to The first amends certain provisions tain provisions of the land-use ordi- grant parking waivers to lessen the of the land-use ordinance of the town nance of the town to establish regula- strain of parking variance requests to establish commercial use of roof- tions for accessory structures within that go before the planning and zon- tops as a conditional use; to allow for nonresidential zones and located on ing boards of adjustment, Town Ad- use of ground-level patios as places ground-level patios used as places ministrator Jim Gildea said. for eating and drinking; and to re- for eating and drinking, thereby set- Another ordinance was introduced move the prohibition on the sale of ting certain rules pertaining to safety, that addresses the requirements of the food for beverages to be served or noise, tables, umbrellas and other ac- fair housing act regarding compli- ance with the town’s affordable-hous- ing obligations, specifically pertain- ing to two parcels where special-needs housing in association with the Arc of Union County will be located.