Domestic Violence Intervention Services in Sri Lanka

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Domestic Violence Intervention Services in Sri Lanka Domestic Violence Intervention Services in Sri Lanka (KEY: B-Befriending, C-Counselling, L-Legal Aid & Advice, LA-Legal Advice Only, S-Shelter, R-Referrals) # NameofOrganisation Address Services PresenceinDistrict ContactNumber ContactPerson EmailAddress Colombo Ampara Anuradhapura 19,“Samanthi”,03rdLane, Kandy AcademyofCommunityHealth 0714167287/ 1 RawathawatteRd, C/R Kegalle Dr.KamalJayasekara [email protected] Promotion(Gte)Ltd. 2655027 Moratuwa. Matale Hambantota Kalutara Moneragala 0672278237/ 2 AffectedWomensForum(AWF) RKMRoad,Akkaraipattu B/C/R Ampara Sumanthi/Vanie [email protected] 0637429005 2/3,CommonStreet, 673690776/ 3 AkkaraipattuWomen'sForum(AWF) LA/R Ampara S.M.F.Fahira [email protected] Akkaraipattu 775020257 Thusitha'Ranaviru AmbalanthotaRuhunuCommunity 771183774/ 4 Mawatha,Lunama, R Hambantota SandyaKumari [email protected] DevelopmentFoundation 0776251590 Ambalanthota 392,Wevatenna, 5 ApeShakthiKanthaSangamaya B/C/R Polonnaruwa 779681341 Yasawathie Polonnaruwa ArunodayaRuralDevelopment ArunodayaMaha 272248486/027Ͳ 6 R Polonnaruwa BisoMenike Federation Sangamaya,Medirigiriya 2248687 ThoranaJunction, 557910643/ WellawayaRoad,14 NiroshPriyankaAttanayake 7 BefriendOrganisation B/C/LA/R Monaragala 724640646/ Milestone,Kumbukkana, PriyankaKumaraRatnayake 777465481 Monaragala Batticaloa Killinochchi Vavuniya Polonnaruwa 652226128/ Mr.Thangavel–Project 8 CAREBatticaloa 221,BarRoad,Batticaloa LA/R Moneragala0773444128 Director Jaffna Hambantota NuwaraEliya 281,DeansRoad,Colombo Colombo 0112695425/ Mr.TudorNonis,Kanthi 9 CentreforSocietyandReligion B/C/L/R [email protected] 10 Puttalam 2688690 Shirani,Aravinda ChildrenCareandWomen's DimbulkumburaRoad, AnulaDissanayake/Shriyani 10 Foundation/Hanguranketha B/C/L/R/S NuwaraEliya 812365288 Rikillagaskada Ranasinghe Women'sForum 15/4AponsoAvenue, 0112721812/ 11 CommunityConcernSociety C/L/R/S Colombo Mrs.RoshanWijemanne [email protected] Dehiwela 2721820 Ratnapura CommunityDevelopment 8A/B3,WarkathotaRoad, Kegalle 12 R 773526006 Ravi [email protected] Foundation(CDF) Ratnapura Badulla Galle ColomboRoad, CommunityEncouragement 325678931/ IndraniKusumalathaNeetha 13 Nagawilluwa,Paalaviya, L/R Puttalam Foundation(PrajaDiriyaPadanama) 723368179 WanigasuriyaChamariImali Puttalam BehethGabadaRoad, CommunityResourceProtection 14 KachcheriJunction, B/C/LA/R/S Monaragala 552277217 Shanthi Centre Monaragala CommunityStrengthDevelopment 194/6,PathumUyana, [email protected]/ 15 Organisation(PrajaShakthi B/C/LA/R Matara 412224800 Wathsala Pamburana,Matara [email protected] SanvardanaAyathanaya) 16 DevasaranaDevelopmentCentre Yakalla,Ibbagamuwa R Kurunegala 372259852 Ms.PremaAdhikari Lakmali,D.A.R.M. DevelopmentCommunication 124/8,NewHassen 0713264592/ 17 B Kegalle Dissanayake,K.I.D.Y.P. Foundation(DCF) Building,Warakapola 0352268123 Siriwardene 204,HavelockRoad, Colombo 18 DiriPiyasa C/L/R 112581280 ShanikaWeeratunga [email protected] Colombo6 Galle DiriyataSaviyakWomen’s 33,WewelwelaRoad, 912243593/ 19 B/C/R Galle Ms.AnulaDeegalage Organisation Bataganvila,Galle 771565899 ESCO EasternSelfRelianceCommunity Batticaloa 0652224728RuthdraDevi 20 NoͲ235BarRoad, B/C/L/R/S [email protected] AwakeningOrganisation(ESCO) Trincomalee 0773676170 SpiritheyonͲDirector Batticaloa. EasternUnitedWomen’s 166/2,TrincomaleeStreet, 728250040/ 21 B/C/LA/R Trincomalee PodiMenike/Hemalatha Organisation(EUWO) BoTreeJunction,Kantale 262234559 63 Domestic Violence Intervention Services in Sri Lanka (KEY: B-Befriending, C-Counselling, L-Legal Aid & Advice, LA-Legal Advice Only, S-Shelter, R-Referrals) KalaimagalRoad, 0771848425/ EravurSocialDevelopment 22 Arumugaththankudiyirupp B/L/R Batticaloa 0779696165/065 BenazirBanu/Pragash Foundation(ESDF) u,Eravur. 3653268 Colombo Ampara Dr.SumithraTissera,Dr. 37/27,BullersLane, 0112555455/ 23 FamilyPlanningAssociation C/R Batticoloa AchiniJayatilleke,Ms. [email protected] Colombo–07. 2588488 Galle ThusharaAgus(ED) Vavuniya Colombo Jaffna0115339511/ 98/4,HavelockRoad, 24 FORUT B/C/LA/R Matale 2581226/ Samitha [email protected] Colombo5 Moneragala 2587252 Hambantota FoundationofRuralEmpowerment KarangawawawaAsala, 653635726/ 25 R Ampara Niluka/Shanthini Digamadulla(FRED) Karangawa,Ampara 0712866519 Kegalle Gampaha GemiSaranaCentre(GemiSarana 0355679713/ 26 Kahagalla,Thuntota B/C/L/R/S Kurunegala A.P.Athukorala Kendraya) 0724090002 Matale NuwaraEliya SriGnanawimala HambantotaRuhunuDevelopment Ashokaramaya,Pahe 0475Ͳ678659/ 27 B/R Hambantota AshokaNandini/Sandaranga Foundation(HRDF) Kanuwa,Keliyapura, 0713377428 Gonnoruwa 0779690467/081Ͳ HangurankethaRuralSupport AdhikaramRoad, 28 B/L/R/S NuwaraEliya 2369928/081Ͳ Sheela Programme(HRSP) Hanguranketha 2369857 327,PeradeniyaRoad, 0774110723/081Ͳ 29 HillCountryWomen'sForum R/LA Kandy SiriyawathiePeiris Kandy 2494305 Colombo Ampara Batticoloa Ms.SherineXavier [email protected] 14,PentrieveGardens, 0112577962/ 30 HomeforHumanRights C/L/R Jaffna VirgeneeandRanitha Colombo3 0773994540 Mannar NuwaraEliya Vavuniya HumanRightsCommunityEducation 3/18,WadichchaleRoad, 0777Ͳ913378/ 31 B/LA/R Polonnaruwa Mr.Rupatissa [email protected] Center(HRCEC) Polonnaruwa 027Ͳ3276756 InternationalMovementagainstall 074617711/ [email protected] 139A,AnandaRajakaruna 32 FormsofDiscriminationandRacism LA/R Colombo 0773874878 Ms.NimalkaFernando [email protected] Mawatha,Colombo8 (IMADR) Colombo Ms.RuwaniRenuka Ratnapura 33 KanthaShakthi 23,SwarnaPlace,Nawala B/R 112805144 ProjectCoordinator Matara Hambantota KoralaipattuNorthDevelopment 34 TrincoRoad,Vaharai LA/R/S Batticaloa 653646780 Sutharsan Union(KPNDU) LankaHumanitarian&Development FirstFloor,PiyumiBuilding, Puttalam 0322254301/ ArunaShanthi,PreethiDe 35 B/R Foundation/SaviJanaPadanama Maravila Colombo 0723793626 Almeida Colombo Kalutara Gampaha Ratnapura Kegalle NuwaraEliya 0112887667 LankaYouthOrganisationsNetwork 755/2PannipitiyaRoad, 36 R Matale0718068587 ArunaPradeepKumara [email protected] (LYON) Battaramulla Galle Matara Hambantota Anuradhapura Polonnaruwa Kurunegala MagampuraJanathaHanda NelumvilaAsala,New 0779781431/ W.A.I.Prasad/W.A.Radhika 37 L/R Hambantota [email protected] Padanama(MJH) Town,Weerawila 0779934236 Wilasani EluthoorJunction, MannarWomenDevelopment 38 TharavankottaiRoad, B/C/L/R Mannar 0233233746 K.Mahaluxmy Foundation(MWDF) Mannar MihikathaEnvironmental 60,Maligawatta, 032Ͳ22Ͳ53928/ Ms.J.Gallage,Mr.Rohana 39 B/C/LA Puttalam Organisation Mahaveva 0776485114 Maddumarala 0114405902 MuslimWomen'sResearchand 73/19E,Kirulapone AnberiyaHaniffa,Shafana [email protected] 40 B/C/L/R Colombo 0777579984/ ActionForum(MWRAF) Avenue,Colombo5 Begum 0773063516 0714449486 175A,Nawala Dr.NeelaGunesekera/Mr. 41 NationalCommitteeonWomen B/LA/R Colombo 2827949/ [email protected] Road,Nugegoda Ariyaratne 2827002 64 Domestic Violence Intervention Services in Sri Lanka (KEY: B-Befriending, C-Counselling, L-Legal Aid & Advice, LA-Legal Advice Only, S-Shelter, R-Referrals) Colombo Ampara 19/5,HortonPlace, 0112679210/ 42 NorwegianRefugeeCouncil L/R Batticoloa NazliyaCader [email protected] Colombo7 0773733537 Puttalam Trincomalee NusrathMuslimWomen's 0724655657/ 43 74/1,Panguwatta,Passara B/C/L/R Badulla Mrs.S.RahumathKhan DevelopmentFoundation 0772854005 14,UpperDumburugiriya 512223068/ SriDeviorNirmalaAnnathai [email protected] 44 PenneVimochanaGnanodayam B/LA/R NuwaraEliya Road,Hatton,22000 814470392 Abeysekera [email protected] BharathyLane,MainStreet, 45 People'sWelfareAssociation R Batticaloa 653651153 Vathana Kiran,Batticaloa. RajarataGemiShakthiNirmana 06,Thammannawa, Anuradhapura0253777906/ 46 LA/R Damayanthi/D.M.Herath Kavya(RGNK) Hurigaswewa Kurunegala 0779941116 RajarataParticipatoryDevelopment MannarRoad, 025Ͳ2245755/ 47 Foundation(RajarataSahabagithwa C/R Anuradhapura D.Wimalthunga Medawachchiya 0718586493 SamajaSanvardanaPadanama) SheelaRatnayake,Sujeetha 0252264577 48 RajarataWomensFoundation 410,Olukaranda,Kekirawa C/R/S Anuradhapura Fernando,Kusumalatha 0252264982 Rajapakse,NilminiWijitha Kumari 106,4thCrossStreet, 49 RefugeeRehabilitationOrganisation L/R Jaffna 021Ͳ222Ͳ2416 Prof.P.Sivanathan Jaffna 5,WalasmullaRoad, 475677661/ RuhunuRuralWomen’s 50 Budhdhiyagama, B/R Hambantota 779035825/ DayaDadallage Organisation Weeraketiya 0472246347(F) Puttalam Mannar Mullaitivu Vavuniya ColomboRoad,Palavi, Killinochchi 322269024(22/23 51 RuralDevelopmentFoundation(RDF) B/LA Mr.A.R.A.Khan [email protected] Puttalam Ampara )0776737021 Batticoloa Trincomalee Anuradhapura Polonnaruwa SumanagiriMawatha, Matara RuralUnitedFoundationDeniyaya/ 0779839395/ 52 Gangoda,Pallegama, R Galle Mr.Keethi DeniyayaGemiEksathPadanama 0714605888 Kolwenigama Ratnapura Galle Gampaha 912223734/ ShriyaniPathirageMallika RuralWomen'sFront(GemiKantha 28C,Banawatta,China Badulla 53 B/C/LA/R 913789633/ JayasingheP.H.Nanda Peramuna) Garden,Galle Kurunegala 0718283976 Malini Nuwareliya Kegalle Colombo Ampara Anuradhapura Badulla Batticoloa Galle Gampaha Hambantota Kandy Kalutara 0112647159or 66,RawathawatteRoad, Kegalle Namali/Sakunthala [email protected]/ 54 Sarvodaya B/C/L/R 2655255/ Moratuwa Kurunagala Rajamanthri [email protected] 2656490 Mannar Matale Matara Moneragala Nuwareliya Muttalam Polonnaruwa Ratnapura Trincomalee Vavuniya 271,GreenHouse,Mannar 024Ͳ2221443/ 55 SHADE B/C/LA/R Vavuniya Nirmala [email protected] Road,Vavuniya 0773037036 No.3,A10,Unit19, 0772321515/ 56 ShakthiOrganisation B/C/LA Trincomalee ChathuraniMallawarachchi [email protected] Agbopura,Kantale 0773206416 65 Domestic Violence Intervention Services in Sri Lanka (KEY: B-Befriending, C-Counselling,
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