Doc Talks: Natural Approaches to Anxiety & Depression Prosper Natural Health Dr. Molly Force & Dr. Alicia McCubbins

This presentation is meant for educational use only, not as a form of diagnosis, management or treatment of any medical concerns. Anxiety l What is it? l Physical symptoms l Mental symptoms l Common causes Depression l What is it? l Physical symptoms l Mental symptoms l Common causes Plasticity- ability to change l Adaptive plasticity - improves function l Ex. Stroke rehabilitiation l Maladaptive plasticity- dysfunction l Ex. PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) l Long term potentiation l Enhanced communication (post synaptic neuron receptor more efficient) The Brain & Neurons l Neurons l Cells of the nervous system l Become electrically charged to transmit information (Sodium-potassium pumps) l Neurons need: l Energy- ATP for sodium potassium pumps 1. Oxygen 2. Glucose 3. Mitochondria- Methyl donor (folic acid / 5MTHF, B12) l l Stimulation The Synapse Neurotransmitters l Chemical signals

Excitatory Inhibitory Epinephrine GABA Norepinephrine Acetylcholine testing l Urinary l Problems: l Blood brain barrier l Peripheral marker only Natural Approach: Balance & Support Function l Stress levels l Oxygen l Blood sugar l Energy production (methyl donors) l Neurotransmitters Overall Brain Health l Sleep l Safe environmental input l Oxygen l Blood circulation (hypertension/ hypotension) l Iron (anemia) l Glucose (hypoglycemia/ hyperglycemia/ diabetes) l Brain food l Fish oils l Vitamin E l Sesame oil l B12 l Stress reducing activities l Adaptogenic herbs l Exercise Stress Reduction: Manage Cortisol l Exercise l Meditation l Consistent Daily Schedule (Adrenal support) l Adaptogenic herbs l Support a healthy adrenal feedback loop, managing the impact of stress on the body l Panax ginseng l Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus) l Ashwagandha (Withania) l Rhodiola l Holy basil Oxygen l Deep breathing l Exercise, aerobic activity l Yoga l Meditation l Prayer Blood Sugar l Brain uses 20% of body’s glucose l Problems (dysglycemia) l Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) l Low glucose fluctuations between meals l Must eat breakfast with protein & low-glycemic snacks between meals l Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) l High glucose levels, insulin resistance l Must cut down carbohydrate intake l Chromium Methyl Donors & EFAs

Methyl Donors l Folic Acid l 5MTHF (5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate) l B12 l B6 l (trimethylglycine) Essential Fatty Acids l EPA (inflammation) l DHA (brain) Neurotransmitters l Problems l Too much l Medications l Some Foods (ex. Glutamate from MSG) l Not enough l Lack of building blocks Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5HT) l Mood regulation (anger regulation) l Motivation l Drive l Emotional stability l Adrenal axis regulation l Gastointestinal motility- vomiting & appetite l Pain modulation l Body temperature l Sleep, production of Serotonin imbalance

Low Levels High Levels l Depression l Nervous l Insomnia l Shy l Highly susceptible to pain l Vulnerable to criticism l Poor digestion (IBS) l Migraines l Inferiority complex l Anger & aggressiveness l Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) l Anxiety disorders Tryptophan


5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)

B6 (P5P) B3, B12 Magnesium Folic acid

Serotonin Tryptophan Rich Foods l Chicken l Halibut l Lamb l Liver l Mushroom l Spinach l Salmon l Shrimp l Soy Serotonin Support l Iron must be balanced! (NO LOW IRON ANEMIA) l 5-HTP l St. John’s wort (like natural SSRI) l SAMe (s-adenosylmethionine) l Serotonin cofactors l B3- niacinamide l B6 - Pyridoxal 5 phosphate l l B12 l Magnesium Dopamine l Pleasure (released with love & chocolate) l Desire to accomplish goals (motivation/reward) l Cognition l Modulates prolactin l Motor coordination l Mood/attention/learning Dopamine imbalance

Low Levels High Levels l Depression l Psychosis l Quick to anger/ l Increased libido agression l Hypersocial activity l Easily distracted l Schizophrenia l Resting tremors - Parkinson’s Disease l Social anxiety l Low libido l Learning disorders l Chemical addictions Tyrosine

Oxygen Iron THB (folic acid)



Dopamine Phenylalanine & Tyrosine Rich Foods l Beef l Chocolate l Dairy l Eggs l Fish l Oats l Pork l Turkey Dopamine Support l Mucuna prurines l Beta-phenylethylamine (PEA) l Blueberry Extract/ Anthocyanins l D,L phenylalanine (DLPA) l N-acetyl-tryosine l Cofactors l B6 - Pyridoxal 5 phosphate l Iron l THB (tetrahydrobiopterin) aka BH4, needs folate GABA l Main inhibitory neurotransmitter of nervous system l Helps with focus and mental balance l Low levels cause l Anxiety l Nervousness l Insomnia l Mental restlessness l Feelings of dread GABA Imbalance l Low Levels l Anxiety l Insomnia l Depression l Common causes l High caffeine consumption l Stress Glucose


Acetyl COA


GABA transaminase Alpha-keto glutarate


GABA Glutamic acid transaminase Glutamate rich foods l Almonds lOats lPeanuts l Barley lRice l Beans lSpinach l Cheese lWalnuts l Hazel Nuts lWheat l Halibut l Liver GABA Support l Valerian Root l Lithium orotate l Passion Flower l L-theanine l Taurine l Kava l Glutamine Dietary Support l Individualized diet, whole foods l Eliminate food sensitivities/triggers l BALANCE BLOOD SUGAR l Book to support: the Brain Chemistry Diet, by: Michael Lesser, MD Upcoming Classes