University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Entomology Papers from Other Sources Entomology Collections, Miscellaneous 1994 KLINCKOWSTROEMIA MULTISETILLOSA ROSARIO & HUNTER (ACARINA: TRIGYNASPIDA: KLiNCKOWSTROEMIlDAE) ASSOCIATED WITH THREE SPECIES OF PROCULUS KUWERT(COLEOPTERA: PASSALIDAE) Elcidia Emely Padilla Universidad de Valle de Guatemala Jack C. Schuster Universidad del Valle de Guatemala,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Padilla, Elcidia Emely and Schuster, Jack C., "KLINCKOWSTROEMIA MULTISETILLOSA ROSARIO & HUNTER (ACARINA: TRIGYNASPIDA: KLiNCKOWSTROEMIlDAE) ASSOCIATED WITH THREE SPECIES OF PROCULUS KUWERT(COLEOPTERA: PASSALIDAE)" (1994). Entomology Papers from Other Sources. 153. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Entomology Collections, Miscellaneous at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Entomology Papers from Other Sources by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. ACli1 ZO(l/. Ml!x. /n ..~.) 61: 1·5 (799-11 KLINCKOWSTROEMIA MUL TISETILLOSA ROSARIO & HUNTER (ACARINA: TRIGYNASPIDA: KLiNCKOWSTROEMIlDAE) ASSOCIATED WITH THREE SPECIES OF PROCULUS KUWERT (COLEOPTERA: PASSALIDAE) Elcidia Emely Padilla and Jack Schuster Systematic Entomology Laboratory Research Institute 1-310 Universidad del Valle de Guatemala Apartado Postal /I 82 Guatemala 01901. GUATEMALA. C. A. ABSTRACT KJinckowstroemia rnti/ltSelll/osa Rosario Be Hunter was known to be asociated with Proeu/IJs mfl/s.-cclll Kaup In Guatemala. We have found K. fTI[lltiseril/osa associated wilh illiopatric populations of P. burmOlsteriKuwert and P. opacipennis (Thompsonl. K. mlJ/rlsertl/f)sa is now known from 4 regions of Guatemala alld 1 of Honduras. At prosent. Ihere appears 10 be no gene flow between thesn 5 ilreas.