ERRANDOM A brief tour of Bologna’s urban geology ERRANDOM A brief tour of Bologna’s urban geology ... bella giornata è questa qua ... What a beautiful day this is l’aria più fresca ti esalta già the cooler air excites you already il momento migliore per cominciare it's the best time to begin un’altra vita un altro stile another life, another style profondo o leggero profound or light quando c’è gusto è bello it’s great to take pleasure in things usa le gambe use your legs utilizza il cervello use your brain con l’entusiasmo with enthusiasm o con l’istinto or instinctively fai un passo take a step fuori del tuo recinto ... outside your enclosure... Lucio Battisti – E già, 1982 | Scrivi il tuo nome Project Manager Gabriele Bartolini Text by Pier Francesco Sciuto Editing Maria Carla Centineo, Simonetta Scappini Design and layout Simonetta Scappini English version by Pier Francesco Sciuto, Karen Inglis Pictures and photos Geological, Seismic and Soil Survey - Digital Library Release: June 2015 - Centro Stampa Regione Emilia-Romagna viale della Fiera, 8 - 40127 Bologna phone +39 051 5274792 fax +39 051 5274208
[email protected] Sommario Presentation 6 Prologue 8 The language of stone 9 When you visit a city 10 The meaning of stones 11 The meaning of paths 12 Signs of passing 14 True and false 15 Stone as a guide to the city 16 Stone and past environments 18 The colours of Bologna 21 Selenite 22 The brick 24 Sandstone 26 Ammonitic red marble 28 Istrian Limestone 30 Fragments and minor stones 32 Conclusions 34 Presentation The Geological, Seismic and Soil Survey (SGSS) began to take a close interest in the city of Bologna and its geology many years ago, with stu- dies examining the complex relationships between the city centre, the subsoil and the original morphology of the territory.