Increase in Business Causes Bank to Move to Montowese Street Thomas
^ t * I 1 l.(-*r«'*V**^* ST^e-s-'s ^-t-s^-f*^ i 'i I £ ^^3 >a.i0^ Uwu-t FAOEEIOm THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BEANFORD, CONN., JUNE 8, 1044 acting general' manager Of the Wlllman, Louise C. to Maurice Hospital Plan Connecticut Plan for Hospital Care Greenberg, Hotel Edgewater, rear NORTH BRANFORD Other directors of the Connec EAST HAVEN Co,sey Beach Ave. Makes Changes ticut Hospital Service'are: Roger QUIT CLAIM DEEDS . Services in the local churches on In Chapel Hall, followed by lunch S. Sperry, of Waterbury, vice pres The Serviceman's Committee of'.now compete for the gold, Gambardclla, Gactano lo Doris Sunday will be: eon at Brewster Hall, After the ident; Hon. Solomon Eisner, Hart the Old- stone church will hold a This class, will be heard in Ne- landrlno, Victor St,; Landlno, Dor The 400,000 members of. the new , Masses at 7 and fl;15 at St. Au conferring of degrees at the'Con card party, Tuesday, June 20, in ;grosplrituals. Theguest artist who is to Gaetano Gambardella et al, non-prollt Connecticut Hospital ford, vice president; Edwin A. Har gustine's Catliollc Church and at 8 vocation at 3:15 P.M., Mrs. Smith the Parish House, the proceeds to j will be heard In .special solo work Victor St. Service represent nearly all of ris, Norwalk, vice president; Rev. AND EAST HAVEN NEWS ' o'clock in the Northtord Congre assisted as one of "Tea" hostesses go toward the Christmas boxes for j will be Miss Dorothy Junlver of Connecticut's IflB towns.
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