^ESCAPEc y with a V 'V* §■ London journalist ^mystery planned it* and brunette set false trails PAR-ES-SALAAM. — Arthur Goldreich and Harold Wolp^ escaped from Johannesburg X 700 MMeya’ Tan« ah-’ W olpe from Becliuanaiand was organized Pais-SaLnm 8 Z Uth o f ' ‘>a,aam, yesterday. With them was a “mysterv” hr of “ The r „ V PT — Oliver Carrutherg nette of about -in , y t. Ly bru- dress and dUA f ’T eanng a blue backing of Kenneth g i . personal SAPA-Reuter * glasses* reports Rhodesia Ica.lcr. "d“’ ‘he Norther“ T«„rX ^'oSr.M l-betl- ‘SSiSsSLSS: of in™lKed";? ^ nCi„d“ ‘' ”»r;y -« b followed a week J| false trails. Tliev harYhe I 16 a,yiI1o ° f elaborate tow,, Jai| fey I f , Z T g t*1"8' " le There they were deke, , ! “ ‘g 'Z by r'™'1 f” Pa'apye. in Katanga ' U|>a,,d <» Llisabell,villa HAPPY m o o d rmnllf ^a/ SC trads included g eD^ er I Urs 'i,at tl»e two men, on thatathe escapers * Was added head, the South Afri MYSTERY to continued Rl 0noOVernn,ent ,,ad P^ced es-Salaam until today. { h °0 , were planning a road WOMAN dddl into Norther., Rhodesia. ELISABETHVILLE, lnc^di°ngS°v[vianfrEzrarefUgeeS' n 6d heiT“ S wa® ^at a m „ Monday. Ka„ * ere flying to an airstrip at A attractive European Kasama ln Northern Rhodesia woman of about 30, who w?s with Goldreich Z d Plane^n.Upri uefu^-es’ in a light stoppeHP hHpf1 by Tlm°th.V Bally, Wolpe, told journalists: “ We Kh aaw ass-A the n o r t h e r ^ rfat Kasani on anything.” Primed not to land.
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