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Munificence Taliban Rule PARIS MODEL UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIONS • NOVEMBER 2013 • ISSUE Privacy vs. Security: A Generation’s Debate Feminism Under Munificence Taliban Rule PARIS MODEL UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIONS • NOVEMBER 2013 • ISSUE. 1 Planet Earth in 50 Years BY FRANCIS ELLWOOD “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” - Charles H. Duell, an official at the US patent office, 1899. the sun hits it with every day. If we spread solar ther positive is that there is a plentiful aking predictions of 2060’s M panels over the Sahara desert we could generate amount of unemployed people in Africa who planet earth should not be done with overcon- would appreciate having jobs at CSA farms. fossil fuels to extinction. You will be pleased to profession is proof enough that forecasting From what we know so far, Africa know that this concept is already being funded the future is an invitation to mockery from appears to show prospects of becoming the by such prominent companies as Siemens, the next generation. In the 1950s the early world’s hub of energy and food: a beacon of sustainability. They could only go one step is called Desertec and it plans to build a chain cars, cures for every disease, and no bald peo- further and that is to clean up humanities of solar panels in the Sahara desert that would ple. Much to our disappointment, you are not satisfy up to 15% of Europe’s demand for ener- likely to step out of your front door and into turns out, this solution is not too far out of gy by 2050. Dr Gerhard Knies, German particle reach. South Africa has come up with an physicist and coordinator of Desertec, believes making predictions of what is yet to come ingenious solution: Waste-to-Energy. The that “within 6 hours, deserts receive more is still important. Society must establish the name is self-explanatory as Waste-to-energy energy from the sun than humankind consumes future that they want for themselves so that (WtE) is the process of generating electrical within a year”. This project, if successful, energy from the incineration of waste. We would both shrink humanity’s carbon footprint, - and satisfy the energy demands of North Africa problem- and it is a problem, as islands with and the Middle East. progress. We remodel ourselves to ensure a precious resources are already being treated Also in society’s interest is a way to better life for our children. Now our job is to as dumping grounds for trash- and generate create sustainable food. African leaders are protect the next generation by aiming to com- electricity. There are, however, additional now in support of Climate-Smart Agriculture bat the use of fossil fuels, deforestation and environmental concerns that will have to be (CSA). This idea is likely to help Africa miti- taken into consideration as burning waste gate climate change as it is already operating that the planet has a knight in shining armour. can lead to releases of Carbon Dioxide. A around the world. In Africa CSA incorporates A place that has the potential to help us tackle plant that employs this method of energy Evergreen Agriculture into farming. Evergreen each of our ecological worries: Africa. production is already being built as of early Agriculture integrates trees into crop systems 2013 in Ethiopia. which helps farmers protect against drought, “Within 6 hours deserts receive The salient reason why Africa’s conserve water, and improve soil fertility. Not more energy from the sun than hu- future is looking so bright is because it has only this, but CSA promises to capture carbon mankind consumes within a year” been ignored for too long. There is a great deal of potential in such a large continent Africa’s most promising prospects Climate-Smart Agriculture is a “triple win” for come from the shear amount of heat that agriculture, the climate and food security. A fur- Continued on pg. 2.... PARIS MODEL UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIONS • NOVEMBER 2013 • ISSUE. 1 with such an eager workforce. As long as the Africa’s countries are on their way to In the 1980s, few could have predicted the UN establishes human right acts that will be becoming superpowers, consider the fact strictly regulated, there is little to go wrong. that China’s total GDP in 1980 was just over has a promising future, and it is already The continent has an increasingly stable in- one trillion US dollars. Now consider China catching the attention of corporations from vestment climate, a need for cheap sustainable today; she has the third highest GDP in the energy and food, and a thirst to be international- world at three and a half trillion US dollars make sure that Africa’s potential is used ly recognized. If you are still in disbelief that and stands as a leading nation economically. for the greater good • Introducing the Speaker BY BAPTISTE CUMIN On the 29th of November in a packed conference room of hushed voices and breathless an- The theme of this year’s conference is: “Achieving global equality: addressing the oppression of polit- ical, social, cultural and ethnic minorities”. Hélène Giacobino will be speaking to delegates at the opening ceremony to introduce this issue. poor economics. She strives to alleviate poverty in Europe with the Poverty Action Lab. From her youth, a wealthy upbringing did not blind her from seeing that some are not as fortunate. She started her career with a different type of justice. Despite not being an has given her the necessary skills to work in poverty economics. The Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) is a network - ment policies to ensure decisions are made based on sound evidence. They aim to use this research to push for changes in Government’s economic programs which would aid the poor. As the exec- utive director of this organization, Ms. Giacobino actively promotes J-PAL by going from conference to conference, participating in workshops and discussing the organization’s research with policy governments, NGOs and international institutions who wish to have a program evaluated. Her third role in the organization is to make the results of J-PAL’s studies accessible to broader audiences by rewriting This line of work has given her opportunities to work with extraordinary people often driven by has travelled to a wide variety of countries, although her job revolves mostly around Europe. Despite the dire economic situation some are facing in Europe right now, she insists hope is on the horizon. As Ms. Giacobino prepares to address delegates at PAMUN 2013, she plans to share a meaningful lesson we can all learn from on hard work, success and her quest for equality • PARIS MODEL UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIONS • NOVEMBER 2013 • ISSUE. 1 Why Come to PAMUN? BY ALEX HUXLEY From a different perspective, the whole concept of Model United Na- tions in general could appear extremely comical: hundreds of students coming together to take part in a simulation, the image of young children playing dress up springs to mind. However, as shown by the growing popularity of not only PAMUN but also MUN conferences around the world, there is much more to it. What is it about MUN majority of MUN conferences is the knowledge that they give us of global issues, international relations and the world around us as a whole. Delegates achieve an immense sense of pride simply from being able to understand the issues that stream throughout society. What we must rec- ognize as delegates is that though the conference is a simulation, the issues are real. And, contrary to popular belief, ignorance is not bliss, at least not for those who participate in MUN. Model and civic simulation education is older than the United Nations itself. Records from the 1920s indicate that students in the United States of America were already participating in collegiate simulations of the League of Nations, the predecessor to the The social aspect of MUN, PAMUN in United Nations. MUN allows us to feel part of particular, is something that cannot be overlooked. what is going on in the world around us. As the fu- There is a stigma surrounding conferences that they ture generation it is important for us to expand our should be serious and about the work you’re doing. knowledge of the world and there is a huge sense But this is only a part of MUN. Attending PAMUN of satisfaction in knowing that you are doing just is an amazing experience, not just due to the that. When you attend PAMUN you are, in fact, knowledge and skills you acquire, but also due to part of something bigger. the people you meet and the fun you have. Paris is The practical skills you acquire from an amazing city, and the conference is a gateway to attending MUN are unparalleled. Conferences are experiencing it. Although it is commitment and hard unique environments, and as delegates we need work is required, the great thing about PAMUN is to be constantly analyzing, thinking critically and that delegates have opportunities to ‘let their hair applying ourselves. The ability to communicate down’ so to speak. one’s ideas clearly is becoming more and more There is an amazing atmosphere at this important in our society due to the growing media conference: everyone is open and accepting. This is through the Internet. MUN also develops leader- in part thanks to the international attendance which ship skills, and though the conferences encourage allows for participants to meet students from all teamwork, there is a healthy amount of competi- over the world. Meeting like-minded people and tion among the delegates.
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