Congressional Record-Senate. February 23
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1682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 23, County, Mississippi, asking reference of war claim of Jordan Chavis to By Mr. PAYNE: Petition of E. T. Pinner and others, for increased the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. pay to soldiers of the late war-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. DUNN: Petition of Elizabeth A. Collier, for relief-to the By Mr. RICHARDSON: Petition of W. K. Ransom, of Bedford same committee. County, Tennessee, for relief-to the same committee. Also, papers relating to the claim of Hattie Lanier, administratrix of Also, petition of George W. Davidson, of Tullahoma, Tenn., for re~ Samuel B. Lanier, of Mississippi County, Arkansas-to the same com lief and readjustment of salary as postmaster-to the Com.mjttee on the mittee. Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. FELTON: Petition signed by over 3, 000 citizens of the Anti By Mr. RIGGS: Petition of D. C.l\!civer and 130 others, ex-soldiers Coolie Chinese League of the fifth Congressional district of California, and citizens of Roodhouse and vicinity, Greene County, Illinois, asking in favor of the tennination of the Burlingame treaty-to the Commit a pension for all who served in the Union Army-to the Committee on tee on Foreign Affairs. Invalid Pensions. By Mr. FORAN: Memorial of the Cleveland Board of Trade, praying Also, resolutions passed by a meeting of citizens of Milton, IlL, rela for speedy completion of the Government improvements on Saint Mary's tive to silver coinage-to the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Meas River and canal-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. ures. Also, petition of local assembly, Knights of Labor, Cleveland, Ohio, By Mr. ROMEIS: Petition of James Normanton and 50 others, mem praying for a Territorial government for the Indian Territory-to the bers of the Knights of Labor Assembly No. 2591, Toledo, asking for an Committee on the Territories. increase of wages of the printers in theGovernmentPrinting Office, anu Also, resolutions of Local Assembly No. 2013, Knights of Labor, the passage of the Foran bill-to the Committee on Labor. Cleveland, Ohio, protesting against the passage of the Dingley pilotage Also, petition of Labor Assembly No. 2277, of Toledo, Ohio, praying bill, so called-to the Committee on Commerce. for the passage of the Foran bill to increase the wages of employes in By Mr. FORD: Petition of Warring Wilkinson, of Colorado, and C. the Public Printing Office-to the same committee. E. Moor, of Oregon, for the incorporation of the American College for By 1\Ir. SMALLS: Petition of J. Harleston Redd, of Georgetown the Blind-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. County, South Carolina, praying that the war claim of Esther Jane By 1\Ir. GROUT: Petition ofT. J. Kenary, asking increase of pen Redd, deceased, be referred to the Court of Claims-to the Committee sion for loss of arm at shoulder-joint-to the Committee on Invalid on War Claims. Pensions. By 1\Ir. E. B. TAYI.10R: Petition of citizens of Olin, Ohio, praying By 1\Ir. HARRIS: Petition of John H. Parks, ofl\Iuscogee County, for an appropriation for Ashtabula Harbor-to the Committee on Rivers Georgia, praying that war claim of Mary E. Hardaway, deceased, be and Harbors. referred to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. By M:r. WADE: Petition of John C. Bailey, for relief on pension cer Also, petition of citizens of Talbot County, Georgia., asking for aid tificate No. 254008, for the difference between $4 per month from Au for common schools-to the Committee on Education. • gust 20, 1865, to April 3, 1883, and to per month-to the Committee By Mr. HAYNES: Petition from Manchester, N.H., concerning the on Invalid Pensions. abolition of the Presidency-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Byl\Ir. WAKEFIELD: Resolutionofthe Saint Paul Jobbers' Union By 1\Ir. D. B. HENDERSON: Petition of the board of trustees of of Minnesota favoring bill of Hon. D. R. J AJ~IES to remove all restric the National Homeopathic Hospital, asking aid from Congress to com tions upon commerce between States, &c.-to the Committee on Com plete their hospital building, and for other purposes-to the Committee merce. on Appropriations. By 1\Ir. WILSON: Petition of B. W. Herbert, of Jefferson County; By :Mr. IRION: Petition of Jesse W. Pollitt, administrator to the of Benona Eckels, of William J. Grantham, of Richard Timberlake, succession of Whitty M. and Amanda Sasser, of Rapides Parish, Louis of Samuel Ruckle, of Jefferson County; of Harrison J. Seibert, of James ana, for stores and supplies stated at $100,498. 78-to the Committee on W. Vanmeter, of John G. Couchman, of Robert Leman, and of John War Claims. D. Cushwa, of Berkeley County, and of Samuel B. l\IcN emar, for Joseph By 1\Ir. JACKSON: Petition of 210 soldiers and citizens of the l\IcNemar, deceased, of Grant County, West Virginia, asking reference twenty-fourth Congressional district of Pennsylvania, asking the pas of tbeir several claims to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on sage of a pension bill as recommended by the pension committee of the War Claims. Grand Army of the Republic-to the Committee an Invalid Pensions. By 1\Ir. WISE: Petition of Alfred R. Buffin, of Hemico County, Vir By 1\Ir. F. A. JOHNSON: Petition of citizens of Franklin County, ginia, praying reference of his war claim to the Court; of Claims-to the New York, for protection against fraud in the matter of royalty on same committee. patented machinery in general use-to the Committee on Patents. By 1\fr. J. H. JONES: Petition of E. J. Fry and 76 others, citizens of The following petitions, praying Congress to place the coinage of silver Harrison County, Texas, asking a continuance of appropriation for upon an equality with gold; that there be issued coin certificates of one, deepening the channel at Sabine Pass, Texas.-to the Committee on two, and five dollars, the same being made a legal tender; that one and Rivers and Harbors. two dollar legal-tender notes be issued, and that the public debt be paid Also, petition of W. T. S. Keller, judge of court of H::m;ison County, as rapidly as po ible by applying for this purpose the idle surplus now Texas, and 19 others, in opposition to the concentration of all Govern in the Treasury, were presented and severally referred to tha Committee ment aid for rivers and harbors of Texas on the harbor of Galveston, on Coinage, Weight'3, and :Measures: Tex.-to the same committee. By Mr. LA.t.~HAl\I: Of citizens of El Paso, Tex. Also, petition of J. T. Hamm and 61 others, citizens of VanZandt By !lr. WADE: Of R. A. Ste,ens and others, of 1\fissouri. County, Texas, asking for adequate appropriation to secure deep water at Galveston, Tex.-to the same committee. By Mr. KLEINER: Paper relating to the claim of E. B. Bear-to the Committee on Indian Affairs. By Mr. LANHAM: Petition of citizens of Weatherford, Tex., re SENATE. ferring to deep water at Galveston, Tex.-to the Committee on Rivers TuESDAY, Febnw1·y 23, 18SG. and Harbors. By Mr. LORE: Petition of B. L. Lewis and 37 others, citizens of Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. E. D. HUNTI,EY, D. D. Delaware, for the completion of Government pier at Lewes, Del.-to The Journal of the proceeding3 of Friday last was read and approved. the same committee. HOUSE BILL REFERRED. By M:r. LOWRY: Petition of citizens of Steuben County, Indiana, asking additional pension legislation-to the Committee on Invalid The joint resolution (H. Res. 125) in recognition of the services of Pensions. Joseph Francis was read twice by its ti tie, and referred to the Commit By 1\fr. MATSON: Petition of Oliver S. Mulford and 73 others, cit tee on Commerce. izens of Dellsborough; of A. Owens and 463 others, citizens of Johnson PETITIONS AI-.T]) :r.IEMORIALS. County; of A. McNaught and 23 others, citizens of Owen County, and The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a petition of Post No. 456, of Albert Patrick and 138 others, citizens of Owen County, Indiana, Department of Ohio, Grand Army of the Republic, praying for certain asking for certain pension legislation-to the same committee. amendments to the pension laws; which was referred to the Committee By 1\Ir. l!mLLER: Petition of George Stamp, Patrick Moore, and on Pensions. others, for payment of claims for difference of pay under the eight He also presented a petition of 63 citizens of Pawnee County, Kan hour law, on behalf of the Eight-Hour League-to the Committee on sas, praying for the passage of a bill granting pension!:! to soldiers and Claims. sailors of the war of the rebellion und to their widows and orphans; By Mr. 1\IURPHY: Papers relating to the claim of R. H. Shrop which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. shire-to the Committee on War Claims. He also presented a memorial of the Kickapoo tribe of Indians, re By 1\fr. CHARLES O'NEILL: Resolution of the Homeopathic 1\Ied siding on their reservation in Brown County, Kansas, remonstrating ical Society of Philadelphia County, urging an appropriation for the against the passage of the bill to sell the Kick.apoo reservation and to National Board of Health-to the Committee on Appropriations. remove the members of the tribe into the Indian Territory south of By 1\fr. OWEN: Petition of George H.