Catalog of the New Sharon Public Library, 1897

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Catalog of the New Sharon Public Library, 1897 CATALOGUE OF TH E New Sharon Public Library. 1 8 9 7 Cash’s Mighty Power. Mighty is the power of cash. It’s charm is complete. It works every time. We employ it in favor of our patrons. On the point of ready cash, we insist on the best terms and on the best qualities in the wholesale markets. Come and see our novelties. Ladies’ and Misses’ Capes, Jackets, Waists and Shirt=Waists. Any of these garments bought here are a guarantee of perfect style, perfect tailoring and trustworthy material. Our stock is so large, our prices so low and varied, that any lady can afford to be well dressed. In novelties of Dress Goods, Silks, Etc., we have no end of choice All-Wool, French Serge, Melanges, Cheviots, Silk and Wool Plaids, Cashmeres, etc. W e send samples of these on request Free to every address. Write RICE & PAINE, 26 Broadway, . Farmington. CATALOGUE OF T H E NEW SHARON TOWN LIBRARY. Com piled by DR. WM. COLLINS HATCH, Author oj a History of the Town of Industry. Library open every Saturday from i to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. FARMINGTON, MAINE: KNOWLTON, McLEARY & CO., PRINTERS. 1897. TRUSTEES DANIEL L. SWAN. ZACHEUS A. DYER. HORACE B. PRESCOTT. JABEZ S. MOOERS. CH ARLES A. MORRILL. JAM ES H. HOWES. Organization for 1897. Pr esid en t, HORACE B. PRESCOTT. C l e r k , DANIEL L. SWAN. T r easu rer, JABEZ S. MOOERS. RULES AND REGULATIONS R u le i . Patrons of the library are not to have access to the books in the cases. R u le 2. Should a patron wish to examine any book, name the letter and numbers opposite its name in the catalogue, to the Librarian, and, if not out, the volume will be handed you. Patrons will greatly facilitate the work of the Librarian by making a list of books wanted, with their letters, and numbers, on a slip of paper before leaving home. R u le 3. Each patron is earnestly requested to exercise care in tak­ ing out books, to see that the number is properly recorded by the Librarian, and also that it is carefully cancelled when the book is returned. R u le 4. Should the back number on any volume become detached it must be replaced with a good quality of mucilage, or preserved and delivered to the Librarian when the book is returned. R u le 5. Damages, more than ordinary wear, must be made good by the person in whose name the book is taken out, and the rule respecting fines, on the inside label of each volume, will be strictly observed. N o t e . The cases or alcoves are numbered by letter from A to I inclusive. The shelves in each case from one upward,— the top shelf in each case being No. 1. The books in each case are also numbered on the back, every case beginning with No. 1. Thus “ Boston Girl’s Ambition, A ,” I, 3, 62 signifies that the book can be found in case I, on shelf 3, and No. 62. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS IN T H E f4cw Sbaron Gown Library. About Paris. Davis. B 4 16 Abridgement of Message and Documents, 2 vols. H 7 201-2 Across America and Asia. Pumpelly. E 6 112 Across Asia on a Bicycle. Allen and Sachtleben. B 3 77 Acts and Resolves of the State of Maine from 1820 to 1891. Incomplete set. I 6 et seq. Adam Johnstone’s Son. Crawford. C 4 J33 Addie’s Husband. A 5 129 Addison, Joseph, the works of, 3 vols. C 7 188-9-90 Adrift in the Ice Fields. Hall. F 2 66 Adventures in Apache Country. Browne. H 3 85 in Canada. Geikie. D 4 77 in the Land of the Behemoth. H 2 48 of Philip. Thackeray. E 3 59 of Tad Converse. C 3 103 of a Young Naturalist. Biart. H 3 93 of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain. F 5 i 74 of Capt. Mago. Cahun. G 3 81 Aftermath. Longfellow. F 3 98 African Wanderer, The. Lee. D 4 87 Against Human Nature. Pool. B 1 23 Against the Stream. G 3 84 Agricultural Chemistry. Johnston. G 3 90 Agriculture of Mass., 3 vols. H 5 16 0 -1-2 Agriculture of Mass., H 8 218 6 Agriculture of Maine, 2 vols. H 5 I 5 0- 1 Agriculture, Scientific. Norton. F 4 141 Ah-Chin-Le On the Civilization of the Western Barbarians. F 2 41 Alaska and the Sitkan Archipelago. E. R. Scidmore. A 1 26 Algonquin Legends of New England. Le- land. D 2 43 Alhambra, The. Irving. G 3 82 Alice Lorraine. Blackmore. B 1 7 All Around the House. Beecher. E 2 38 Allan Quatermain. Haggard. C 1 43 All Sorts and Conditions of Man. Besant and Rice. A 3 84 Alpine Fay. Werner. C 4 128 America Illustrated, 2 vols. Brownell. C 7 205-6 American Biography, vol. 1. Belknap. H 1 20 Biography, vol. 2. Belknap. F 3 126 Biography, vol. 3, Belknap. G 1 28 Colleges. Thwing. F 5 203 Boy Afloat. Optic. A 3 71 Bravery. Butler. G 2 57 Conflict, The, 2 vols. Greeley. E 7 122-23 Farm Book. Allen. E 2 3° Home Book. A 3 61 Patriotism. Peabody. B 5 149 Pedigrees, Index to. Durrie. I 3 0 Politics. Cooper. H 8 212 Revolution, vol. 3. Warren. B 6 166 Shepherd. Morrill. F 4 136 Amiel’s Journal. Ward. A 1 1 Among My Books. Lowell. F 5 194 An American Girl Abroad. Trafton. B 4 110 An American Girl in Iceland. Kneeland. A 4 107 Ancient America. Baldwin. D 5 IOI and Modern Egypt. Russell. H I 22 7 Ancient Egypt. Kenrick. C 2 5 1 Literature. Quackenbos. E 4 72 Andersen’s Fairy Tales. A 4 io 5 Andes and Amazons, The. Orton. B 6 169 Anecdotes of Birds, Reptiles and Fishes. Lee. C 2 76 Anecdotes of Public Men. Forney. D 1 10 An Earnest Trifler. C 1 34 Animal Life in the Sea and on the Land. Cooper. D 2 38 Anna, the Professor’s Daughter. Daal. I 0 0 Annual of Scientific Discovery. Trowbridge. E 1 1 Annual of Scientific Discovery. “ H 3 82 An Old Fashioned Girl. Alcott. I 2 52 An Original Belle. Roe. I 2 45 Antietam and Fredericksburg. Palfrey. F 1 16 Anti-slavery, History of State and Nation. Willey. F 5 187 Antonio. Collins. D 5 9 i Apache Country. Browne. E 1 xo Apocalypse Explained, 5 vols. Swedenborg. A 6 167-70 Apocalypse Revealed, 2 vols. Swedenborg. A 6 165-6 Appleton’s Home Book. Church. E 1 6 Arabian Nights. A '4 102 Arcana Coelestia, 10 vols. Swedenborg. A 6 x55—i6 4 Army of the Cumberland. Cist. F 1 *4 Army under Pope, The. Ropes. F 1 *5 Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam. Brassey. F 6 222 do. I 3 0 Arctic Experiences. Blake. C 7 194 Ashango-Land, A Journey to. Du Chaillu. C 7 185 Asiatic Breezes. Optic. B 2 33 Astoria. Irving. F 1 3 Atalanta In Calydon. Swinburne. F 2 55 Atlantic Islands, The. Benjamin. E 5 104 At the Back of the North Wind. McDonald. D 5 107 8 Auld Licht Idylls. Barrie. B 1 13 Aulnay Tower. Howard. D 5 94 Aunt Diana. Carey. C 3 84 Hannah, Martha and John. Pansy. A 3 77 Jo ’s Scrap-Bag, 3 vols. Alcott. F 2 68-70 Jo ’s Scrap-Bag. Alcott. C 1 35 Jo ’s Scrap-Bag. Alcott. F 2 7i Autobiography of Lyman Beecher. H 3 88 Autobiography and Correspondence of Lyman Beecher, 2 vols. E 3 64-5 Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Holmes. I 3 57 Aves Island Papers, 1861. H 4 107 Baddeck. Warner. F 2 83 Ballads for Children. H 2 60 Barclay’s Apology. H 3 99 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens. I 2 24 Battlefields of ’61. Abbott. C 7 184 Bayard Taylor’s Travels. G 3 88 Beaten Paths. Thompson. F 3 99 Beatrix Randolph. Hawthorne. D 3 57 Bee-Keeping, Quimby’s. Root. E 1 20 Behind the Blue Ridge. Baylor. D 5 112 Being a Boy. Warner. F 3 i °5 Benedict’s Wanderings in Ireland, Scotland, etc. Dawson. H 3 77 Ben Hur. Wallace. B 5 *54 Benton’s Thirty Years’ View, 2 vols. D 6 122-3 Bertha’s Engagement. Stephens. C 3 78 Beside the Bonnie Brier-Bush. Maclaren. C 4 107 Between the Gates. Benj. F. Taylor. A I 25 Beyond the Gates. Phelps. B 5 123 Bible Hand-Book, The. Angus. B 6 179 Bible Regained, The. Lee. E 4 82 Biglow Papers. Lowell. C 6 *65 Birds of Prey. I 4 0 Black Rifle’s Mission. Kellogg. B 1 5 9 Bleak House. Dickens. C 5 T4 I Bondman. Caine. C 4 108 Bonneville’s Adventures. Irving. G 3 92 Bonnyborough. Whitney. C 3 88 Boots and Saddles. Custer. E 2 40 Boston Girl’s Ambition. Townsend. I 3 62 Boston Town. Scudder. D 3 65 Bouraaloue and Louis XIV. Bungener. B 5 142 Boy Settlers, The. Noah Brooks. B 3 78 Boys at Chequasset. Whitney. B 5 *5° Boys of Thirty-five. Elwell. C 4 112 Boy’s Town, A. Howells. B 2 40 Boy’s Workshop, A. B 5 M 7 Boy Trapper. Castlemon. B 2 51 Bracebridge Hall. Irving. C 6 x 76 Brant and Red Jacket. Eggleston. D 3 53 Brazil, A Journey in.
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