x011 Cal l : news events in the lives of Sooner alumni

died April 29 . She was a resident of Pied- partner in Frazer & Torbet, national ac- 1899-1929 mont, Mo. counting firm, is a director of the Guaranty Earl Q. Gray, '10ba, was named in October Eugene Sutherland, '14pharm, died Sept . National Bank of Tulsa. to the special Oklahoma Bar committee in- 19 in Riverside, Calif. Ralph U. Berry, '37bus, has been ap- vestigating the state supreme court. Mrs . Edward A . Flinn, '21 '21 ba Tulsa, a pointed as assistant regional commissioner of Mrs. Frank Buttram, '06 fa, '12ba, Okla- teacher in the Owasso public schools, died the intelligence division of the homa City, fine arts and civic worker and Oct . 29 in Tulsa. U.S . Internal Revenue Service . a former professor of violin at OU, was in- Miss Hesper Kirkpatrick, '28ed, retired Loyd Dorsett, '37eng, president of Dorsett ducted into the Hall of Fame in November . Tulsa school teacher, died Sept . 3. Industries, Purcell, attended a trade sympos- Dr. E. E. Dale, '11 '11 ba OU research profes- Aldon B. Bell, '29bus, Perryton, Tex . ium at the new U .S . Trade Center, Frank- sor emeritus of history, has written an arti- businessman, died Feb . 2, 1964. He is sur- furt, Germany, in October . cle on the 1901 Oklahoma land rush for vived by his wife and two sons, Don, '58ba, Dr. R. Dale Vliet, '38Law, David Ross Kiowa-Comanche-Apache and Wichita- and Aldon D., '51ba. Boyd professor of law at the University, Caddo reservation lands. It appears in the has been named trust consultant for Security January issue of Prairie Lore, quarterly National Bank and Trust Co . in Norman . magazine of the Oklahoma Historical Socie- 1930-38 Mrs. W. B. Garner, '38h .ec, '49m .ed, first ty. Frank B. Creekmore, '30eng, Oklahoma grade teacher at Lexington and Cleveland Col . Reuben Lewis, '12pharm, has been City, is chief electrical engineer for Coston, County "Teacher of the Year," and Miss accepted as a Hospital Fellow in the Ameri- Frankfurt & Short, architectural and engi- Eunice Lewis, '28ba, '39ma, mathematics can College of Apothecaries . neering firm . His wife, Jane Helene Creek- teacher at University School and "Teacher Harvey P. Everest, '14, Oklahoma City, more, '63m.ed, teaches Latin at Northwest of the Year" for college and university president of Liberty National Bank & Trust Classen High School . schools, were nominated for the state-wide Co., philanthropist and civic leader, was Ruth Ferris, '30ba,'64ma, director of pub- "Teacher of the Year" award. inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame lications in Altus public schools, has been W. W. Hillyer Freeland Freeland, '38fa, manager of the in November . elected regional vice president of the Nation- Oklahoma Memorial Union at OU, has been Page Belcher, '18, was re-elected to the al School Public Relations Assoc. appointed to a three-year term on the pro- U.S. House of Representatives from Okla- Hattie Barrett Orr, '31ed, '55m.ed, special fessional development committee of the homa's First District . instructor in OU's University School, will Association of College Unions-International . Purman Wilson, '20, Purcell, was elected join Oklahoma College for Women's educa- DEATH: Howard G. Newman, '33, died president of the McClain County Bar As- tion faculty in 1965 . Nov. 2 in Tulsa. A native of Vinita, New- soc . in October . Hardin Ballard, '276a, '27- Orin S. Richardson, '31 '31 pharm has retired man was in independent oilfield sales in Law, was elected as representative to the from the Army and is living in Albuquerque, Tulsa. House of Delegates of the Oklahoma Bar. N.M. Paul W. Reed, '21, Oklahoma City, issecretarysecretary- treasureroftheOklahoma Auto- Carl Albert, '316a, was re-elected on Nov . 3 to the U.S. House of Representatives from 1940-49 mobile Assoc. and editor of its news publica- Oklahoma's Third District . Harry F, . Ford, '40journ, '50ma, editor of tion. Tom P. Gordon, '31ba, Oklahoma City, the Dispatcher, published by Cities Service Coleman H. Hayes, '24ba, '26Law, Okla- was elected president and marketing direc- Gas Co . in Oklahoma City, recently was pre- homa City attorney, and Grady D. Harris tor of the Go Gordon- Kietzman - Dennis Inc. sented a merit award going to company em- Jr., '45ba, '49Law, president of the Fidelity advertising firm, formerly known as Tom P. ployee magazines in competition sponsored National Bank and Trust Co., Oklahoma Gordon Co. Donald B . Dennis, '60m.ed, is a by the Southwest Conference of Industrial City, have been elected to the board of trus- vice president in charge of the industrial Editors. tees of Oklahoma City University. division . Ed Edmondson, '40ba, was re-elected on Lushanya Mobley-Vinay, '25, Varennes, Col. George E. Crane, '31ba, is attached to Nov. 3 to the U.S . House of Representatives France, was inducted into the Oklahoma the U.S. 6th Region at Ft. Baker, Sausalito, from Oklahoma's Second District . Edmond- Hall of Fame in November . The former Calif. son is assistant majority whip in the House. Tessie Mobley of Ardmore, Miss Mobley- Clint Braden, '32Law, Norman, is the Jack T. Conn, '40Law, Ada banker and Vinay, renowned opera singer, was the first newly elected president of the OU Dad's As- attorney, has been elected chairman of the American Indian to sing at La Scala, Milan, sociation . board of directors of Fidelity Bank and Italy. The name Lushanya- "sweet singing Van Heflin, '32ba, Brentwood, Calif. was Trust Co ., Oklahoma City . bird"-was given her by the Cherokees early inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame in David Clinton Hudson, '40ba, received a in her career . November . Born in Walters, Heflin has master of arts in education from the Univer- Dr. Harvey A. Andruss, '24ba, has com- achieved recognition as an actor in the sity of Colorado in June. pleted his twenty-fifth year as president of theater, in the movies and in television . Ed Livermore Sr., '40journ, publisher of Bloomsburg State College, Bloomsburg, Pa. Jess Larson, '33, , D.C. attor- the Sapulpa Herald, has been elected direc- Charles Woodard, '29bus, has been elected ney and a major general in the Air Force tor of the National Editorial Association for a member of the governing council of the Reserve, is president of the Air Force Associ- the 8th District . American Institute of Certified Public Ac- ation. Capt . T. K. Treadwell Jr., '41geol, re- countants . Col . Glen J. Collins, '336s, '53med, exe- cently completed a tour in Russia with five Bowman Thomas, '29, president of Mov- cutive officer in the Army surgeon general's other leading American oceanographers on able Off-Shore Drilling Co. spoke recently to office in Washington, D.C . has been recom- an exchange program that will bring a sim- the national convention of Pi Epsilon Tau, mended for promotion to brigadier general . ilar delegation of Russians to the U.S. honorary petroleum engineering fraternity . A. N. Griffith, '33eng, Tehran, Iran, has Lt. Col . Eddie C. Kraker, '41eng, '56m.- DEATHS : Merty Cullum Wadley, '99fa, been named head of the drilling division of bus, was recently awarded the Air Force died recently in Norman . She was a member the National Iranian Oil Co . Commendation Medal. He is chief of the of the school of music's first graduating Harry O. Lambert, '356a, '38Law, with Titan III configuration management office class. the legal department of Pan American Petro- in Los Angeles, Calif. Mac Q. Williamson, '10, former state at- leum Corp. in Oklahoma City recently pre- Mrs . Richard W. Taylor (Mary McLaury, torney general for 27 years, died Oct . 15 at sented a paper at the Petroleum Landmen's '41 bus) is living in Wichita, Kan . where her his Oklahoma City home . Institute at the OCCE at OU. husband, is now director of engineering at Mrs . Lucy Barrow Trask, '12ba, '25ma, John F. Y. Stambaugh, '36bus, Tulsa, a the Boeing Co .'s Wichita Division . 21

Bill Lackey, '41pharm, Tucson, Ariz . has Germany, was recently awarded an oak leaf and was buried in Arlington National been appointed to the executive board of cluster to the Air Force Commendation Cemetery . His widow, Mrs . Marion Dear the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy . Medal. Mrs. Marion Dear Weber, was presented an Air Force Com- William James Brown, '41 '41 fa is an instruc- Donald A. Morrison, '49pharm, and Mrs. mendation Medal in a posthumous cere- tor of music at Oklahoma Baptist Universi- Morrison (Morene Forman, '49pharm) have mony honoring her husband's achievement ty, Shawnee . Other OU graduates on the moved to Norman from Healdton and have as material officer for Eastern Air Force. OBU faculty are Carrie Hill, '43ma, and opened a drugstore there. Lee Hill, '44ma, assistants in English ; Wayne William Radcliff Radcliff, '49pharm, has moved Merritt, '59bus, assistant in business ; Joe to Lawrence, Kan. from Tulsa and is associ- 1950-53 Spurlock, '60m.fa, and Jeane Mathewson ated with the Crown Drug Co . there. Charles R. Charles R. Hale, '50bs, has joined South- Williams, '61ma, '63 m.lib.sci. R. E. (Gene) Bennett, '49eng, is division western Drug Corp . in Dallas as vice presi- Francis Stilley, '42 journ, feature writer manager in charge of oil and gas activities dent for marketing . with the Associated Press in New York for J. Ray McDermott & Co ., Houston, Tex . Bill L. Wise, '506us, Oklahoma City, is at- City, was featured speaker at the New Mex- Thomas Rouse, '49pharm, and his wife, tending the management training school of ico Press Association Convention. Sue Hendon Rouse, '40pharm, are living in Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith in Dr. James R. Scales, '42 ma, '49 ph.d, presi- Houston, Tex. where he is with a hospital New York City for later advancement as dent of Oklahoma Baptist and she is on the faculty at the University manager of one of the brokerage firm's University,Shawneenee, wasoneof 12Americansinvited toob- of Houston . offices. serve the recent British election . Herbert F. Floyd, '496s, N.Y ., N.Y . as- Preston J. Moore, ''50Law, Oklahoma City W. C. Woodward, '42bs, Ft. Worth, Tex. sistant controller of the Union Pacific Rail- attorney and a former national commander CPA, has been elected a member of the gov- road, a CPA with a law degree from George- of the American Legion, was a leader of a erning council of the American Institute of town University, is a member of the New five-man American Legion committee which Certified Public Accountants . York chapter of the National Association recently completed a year-long investiga- Robert L . Lawrence Jr., '42, attorney for of Accountants . tion of the state department . Public Service Co . in Tulsa, has been named Mrs. Jo Ann Huene McInnis, '496a, for- Dr . R. N. Maddox, '50eng, professor and assistant secretary of the firm . mer law clerk for chief U.S. District Judge head of the school of chemical engineering Stanley B. Johnson B. Johnson, '42eng, St. Louis, Mo. Stephen Chandler, Oklahoma City, has been at OSU, attended the American Chemical director of engineering for the Monsanto elected an Oklahoma County district judge. Society's national meeting in Chicago in Co.'s agricultural division, has been named BIRTH: Earnest Hoberecht, '41 '41 journ September, participating as a program the company's international engineering di- and Mrs . Hoberecht have given the name committee chairman. rector. Nathalie Madeline to their daughter born Jack B. Harwood, '50fa, has been ap- Wayne Goodall, '43, is the new manager Sept . 26 in Yokohoma Bluff Hospital, Tok- pointed vice president of Paul Locke Ad- of the Purcell Chamber of Commerce . yo, Japan. Hoberecht is United Press Inter- vertising Inc . in Tulsa. George W. McLachlan, '43bus, Oklahoma national vice president and general manager A. B. Slaybaugh, '50eng, has been pro- City, associated with the Internal Revenue for Asia . The Hoberechts have a son and moted to director of industrial relations of Service, received an incentive award from another daughter. Continental Oil Co . in Houston, Tex. the service in September. DEATHS : Joi Dell Jesses Parks (Mrs . J. John W. "Bill" Grissom, '50bus, is presi- Dr. Lee Harrisberger, '456s, professor of Robert Parks), '40fa, died Oct. 2 in Tulsa. dent of Ardmore's new Lincoln Bank & mechanical engineering at OSU, presented Julian B. Stephenson, '47m.ed, principal Trust Co . a paper on space mechanisms research at of Tulsa's Longfellow Elementary School Gregory Nicholas DeMare, '51bus, N.Y., the eighth Mechanisms Conference at Lafay- died Sept . 10 in Tulsa. N .Y. assistant treasurer of Development & ette, Ind . in October . Thomas M. Miller Jr., '47eng, Oklahoma Resources Corp ., is a member of the New City consulting Mrs . Daisy Daily Sanders, '45m.ed, has petroleum engineer, died re- York chapter of the National Association been named supervising principal of cently as a result of an auto accident . of Accountants . Jeffer- Col. H. son and Longfellow schools in Tulsa. Loy Weber, '46eng, died in April Anthony J. Setari, '51geol, has been ap- W. Rankin Smith, '64eng, has been pro- moted to staff engineer in a project engi- neering section of Humble Oil & Refining Co.'s Baytown, Tex. refinery . Dr. James B. Silman, '47med, was hon- ored in October by the City-County Health Department of Norman . Dr. Silman has served as acting medical director of the de- partment. Maj . Ralph C. Hutchison, Jr., '47ba, is on duty with the Air Defense Command unit at Duluth (Minn.) International Air- port . Robert Stover, '47eng, is now the district production superintendent for the West Texas-New Mexico area of the Union SUPERB Texas Petroleum Corp. He and his wife (Ann Keeslar, '47bus) have three children . Robert D. White, '48bus, Tulsa, has been appointed to the new post of manager of FLAVOR marketing administration for Cities Service Oil Co. Royce A . Royce A. Coffin, '48bus, has been pro- moted to vice president and treasurer of Helmrich & Payne, Inc ., Tulsa-based oil company . George M. Jenks, '49ba, '51ma, '59m.lib .- sci, is assistant librarian at the University of Tasmania, Australia . Maj. Kerwin O. Butler, '49bus, chief of the combat data division at Ramstein AB, Germany AB,

28 pointed Oklahoma City district project Thomas R. Jr . for their son born Nov. 17 John W. Williamson, '55eng, is teaching geologist for Skelly Oil Co. and will be in in Richmond, Va . They also have a daugh- in the Department of Mechanical Engineer- charge of all exploitation activities. ter, Gini, 2 . Long is an assistant professor ing at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Marvin W. O'Neal, '51 '51 pharm has moved of dramatic art at Richmond Professional Tenn . to American Lake, Wash. where he is associ- Institute . Charles B. Charles B.Tetrick, '55 bus has been named ated with a VA hospital. Dr. James Billingsley, '52bs, '55med, and staff analyst with the newly formed corpor- Capt. Albert L. Douthitt, '51journ, has Mrs . Billingsley (Nancy Matlock, '52ed) ate planning department of Sunray DX Oil assumed the position of information officer are parents of a daughter, Rebecca Ann, Co . in Tulsa. for headquarters of the Pacific Air Forces born Oct. 12 in Ft. Lewis, Wash . where he Capt . Leonard C. Sisk, '55pharm, Wash- at Hickam AFB, Hawaii. is assistant chief of medicine at Madigan ington, D.C . has been awarded the Jim Miller, '52journ, Army is retail advertising Hospital . Commendation Medal for his service as manager of Newspaper Printing Corp. which DEATHS : Max Green, '50bus, died Nov. chief of pharmacy service at Walter Reed prints the Tulsa Daily World and the Tri- 2 in an airplane crash near La Junta, Colo. Hospital . . bune Green was an executive with the Dr . Pepper Arlen D. Southern, Ray Ray William Wallis Jr. Wallis Jr., '52ba, received '56journ, has been Co. in Dallas, Tex. named assistant director of corporate pub- an MA from the University of Colorado in A . M. Tompkins Sr., '52m.ed, died Sept . lic relations and June. advertising for Thompson 26 at the age of 72 . He was for many years Ramo Woolridge Inc ., a manufacturer of Maj . Joe Al Cunningham, '52ed, OU in- principal of Dunjee High School in Okla- aerospace, structor of ROTC, has been automotive and electronic com- reassigned to homa City . ponents and systems in Cleveland, Ohio. John F. Kennedy Center for Special War- fare at Ft. Bragg, N Roy Cartwright, '56, is vice president of .C . the Fred R. Harris, '52ba, '54Law, was elected 1954-59 Guaranty National Bank of Tulsa. Fred M. Mock, ',56bus, Tulsa, has been to the U.S . Senate from Oklahoma in the Richard Harkins, '54journ, '58ma ; Jack Nov. 3 election . Ging, appointed staff attorney for National Trailer '54bus ; Eddie Crowder, '55geol, and Convoy Inc . Ray King, '526us, has been named an as- Tommy Evans, '59bus, have been named sistant vice president of the Farmers and Howard J. Snavely, '56bus, received an "Outstanding Young Men of " in MBA from Denver University in Merchants State Bank, Tulsa. the U .S. Junior Chamber of Commerce an- August Baird B. Mason, '52eng, has been named and is working on a doctorate in business nual biographical publication . administration from the as the new acting regional geologist in Tulsa John M. University of John M . Imel U.S . attor- Colorado . Snavely and his wife have three for central regions operations of Humble ney for Oklahoma's northern district, has Oil & Refining Co . children, Julie, 6, Kathy, 4, and Jeffrey, 2. been made president of the Tulsa chapter of Robert Thomas R . Brett, '53bus, '57Law, has the Federal Bar Association . W. Davis Robert W. Davis Jr., '56 arch Kansas City, been elected president of the Tulsa County Mo. has been named a partner in the firm of Cassidy Wright, '54bus, '56Law, Norman, Jackson, Bar Association . was elected Smith & Davis, hospital architects. president of the Cleveland He and his wife (Dorothy Scanlan, '54ba) Arch Alexander, '53m.ed, Sayre superin- County Bar Association . Harold tendent of schools, has been have five children . named com- Harold Heiple, '56busbus, '61Law, wasnamedvice president, William mander of the First Squadron, 145th Caval- A . "Pete" Dowling, '56bus, Oklaho- Tom Lucas, '64Law, was elected secre- ma City, has been named a ry of the 45th Infantry Division . Alexander tary-treasurer, and Dr . Maurice commercial is a major. lending officer in Liberty National Bank and Dr.Maurice Merrill, '19-baba,'22Law, was re-electedtothe Houseof Trust Co .'s metropolitan division . BIRTHS : Abe Ross Jr., '50bus, and Delegates of the Oklahoma Bar. County Marjorie Binner Ross, '48ba, '49 lib.sci, are Herbert D. Schroeder, '56bus, has been Judge David Rambo, '58geol, '62Law, was elected assistant parents of a daughter, Kim Kathleen, born elected trustee of the county vice president by the board law library . of directors of the Liberty National Bank April 15 in Nashville, Tenn . They have an- Richard Thomas, '54arch, is organizer of other daughter, Kelly Jean. and Trust Co ., Oklahoma City . He is as- the Design Group Studio, an industrial de- signed to the Thomas Raymond Long, '50 fa, '51m.fa, sign firm of Oklahoma City . Data Processing Center of and his wife, Jean, have chosen the name the bank . Dr. Charles Carmack, '55med, has been Blair appointed chief of Perkins, '56bus, and R. L. Haddi- the Oklahoma City can, '58eng, have been installed as members Veterans Administration Hospital's anes- thesiology section . of the 1964-65 Board of Managers of the He replaces Dr . Alice F. Central Oklahoma Chapter of the Illumi- Gambill, '47bs, '49med. Capt. nating Engineering Society . Donald F. Tandy, '55eng, has been Lester M. Reed, '56m.ed, awarded the Army Commendation Medal superintendent of Norman public schools, received a Dis- for service while on duty in South Viet- tinguished nam. Capt. Tandy is presently stationed Former Student Award from at Central State College, Edmond, in October . Ft. Belvoir, Va . Thomas . Lt. Col. Robert L. Smith, '55ma, E Murphy, '576s, '61ma, is di- has re- rector of men's housing at University of ceived a doctorate from George Washington University Washington, D Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette . Murphy .C. He is director and his wife (Joyce Pumphrey, '59ba) have of logistics in the Air Force's Office of Aerospace Research there. two children, Patrick, 4, and Kelly Eliza- C. Henry Gold, '55bus, beth, 2 . '56m.ed, former Barbara Tunley Crenshaw, '57nurs, re- registrar and staff administrator at Okla- homa City ceived a master of science in nursing from University, has joined the Har- the University of Colorado in June. low Publishing Co . of Norman, Oklahoma City and Robert A . Gregory, '57bus, Oklahoma Chattanooga, Tenn . as an execu- City, has been assigned as a lending officer tive in the firm's school services division . in Liberty National Bank and Trust Co.'s Go-ahead metropolitan division . Roger Michael McCoy, '57bs, received a TYLER & SIMPSON CO . MA from the University of Colorado in banking Wholesale Grocers J one. Norman Dr. David E. Haskins, '57eng, has joined The National National Bank the technical staff of the Esso Research Lab- and Trust Company of Oklahoma City Ardmore, Oklahoma oratories, Baton Rouge, La .

Member Federal Deposit In-- Insurance Corportation Mickey Edwards, '58journ, is now assist- Gainesville, Texas ant public relations director of Beals Ad- vertising Agency, Inc . Oklahoma City .

29 W. Bruce Anthony, '58journ, '59ma, for- Fighter Squadron at England AFB, La. Vernon Turner, '62pharm, is now operat- mer Sooner Magazine advertising manager, Walter Kraft Lambert, '60ba, and Mrs . ing Turner's Clinic Pharmacy in Purcell. is sales supervisor for the San Francisco, Lambert (Linda Baker, '59bs) are living in Mrs . John W. Burrows (Muriel E. Brown, Calif. district of Maxwell House Coffee . Culver, Ind . where Lambert is teaching his- '62lib.sci .) is living in Tulsa where her hus- Jed Johnson, '59ba, became the youngest tory at Culver Military Academy . band works for Marshall Tool and Supply man ever to be elected to the U.S. House of Janet Jones Eden, Wed, is teaching high Co . Representatives when he won the race for school English in Sentinel . Jeanette Pearson Burns, '62bs, and Rob- Oklahoma's Sixth District seat on Nov. 3. Capt. William L. Anderson, '60ma, has ert D. Burns, assistant professor of zoology Johnson was 25 in December . been assigned to Bitburg AB, Germany . at OU from 1958-63, are living in Gambier, William E. Lambert, '59 bus '60m.bus, Marquis A. Murdock, '60math, is teaching Ohio where Burns is associate professor of has been appointed as officer in charge of mathematics at Garfield High School in biology at Kenyon College . the data processing department of Fidelity Seattle, Wash . Mrs . Edwin Lee Mrs.EdwinLee Jeffries (MaryJoan Perkins, '62ma) (Mary Joan National Bank & Trust Co. of Oklahoma Michael C . Stewart, '61geol, '64Law, is Perkins, '62ma) is an instructor and assist- City . an assistant attorney in Oklahoma City . ant director of the Oklahoma State Universi- Capt. Bobby R . Russell, '59ed, has been Dr. Jerry L. Kasparek, '61ba, has joined ty Speech and Hearing Clinic . awarded the Air Force Distinguished Flying the faculty of Ball State Teachers College, BIRTHS : Phillip Page Thurston, Wed, Cross at Forbes AFB, Kan. Muncie, Ind . as an assistant professor in '62m.ed, and Mrs . Thurston (Peggy Jean Lewis Robinson Lewis Robinson Woolery, '59 bus has been foreign languages . He is teaching Latin. Taylor, Wed, '62m.ed) are the parents of appointed flight instructor on the OU avia- Jon Hunter Trudgeon, '61 bus '64Law, a son, Phillip Page Jr ., born May 6. Thur- tion staff. Miami, is a first lieutenant in the Air Force ston is a mathematics teacher and assistant John Wesley Raley Jr., '59Law, assistant judge advocate general program . to the principal at the Chickasha Junior U.S. District Attorney, Oklahoma City, was Robert G. Urban, '61eng, and Mrs . Urban High School . chairman of his class reunion at Oklahoma (Lois Helen Gehring, '62ba) are living in Brian W. Brian W. Copple, '62 bus and Mrs . Copple Baptist University's 1964 Homecoming Indianapolis, Ind. where he is an electrical (Patricia Ann O'Neal, '62ed), Austin, Tex. Nov . 6 and 7 . engineer and she is a member of the faculty are the parents of a son, Brian Craig, born BIRTHS : Bill Johnson and Mrs . John- at Indiana Central College . Sept . 23 in Austin . son (Wanda Lee May, '56ed) Gage, are the William Van Osdol, '61m.ed, '64ph.d, is Charles W. Fields, '62arch, and Mrs. parents of a son, Michael Bill, born April assistant professor of special education Fields (Ruth Anne Hunter, '61 bus), Altus, an Todd, born Oct. 29 . The Johnsons have a daughter, Marla at Central State College, Edmond. are parents of a son, Kevin Jo, 2 . Clyde Depart Jr ., '61 '61 ed has been named 30 . James M. Galbraith, '58geol, '63m.bus, president of Traex Aviation Larry Pugh, '62ms, '65ph.d, and Mrs. executive vice have given and Mrs . Galbraith (Dorothy Daniels) are Co. in Oklahoma City . Pugh (Harriet Rifkin, '63mus.ed) the parents of a son, James Addison, born passed the 1964 CPA the name Beth Eloise to their daughter born Six OU graduates professor at Nov. 10. Galbraith is with IBM in Houston, examination held in May . They are William July 22 . Pugh is an assistant Tex. ., '61bus, Ted Lance Fort Hays Kansas State College . Howard Atkins Jr '60bs, MARRIAGES : Royce G . Meacham, Fisher, '63bus, and David D. Walden, '64bus, MARRIAGES : David J. Kaup, '58busbus,andDeloresMartin weremarriedOct. Brooks, '63bus, and Shirley Wilson were married Sept . 4 in '64ma, Norman ; John Carl Park, 24 in Cushing . They are living in Oklahoma Oklahoma City ; John A . Craig, '63bus, and Oklahoma City . They live in College City where both are employed with Ford Bruce Arnold Torbett, '61bus, Tulsa. Md. where he is working on a Ph.D . in University of Maryland . Motor Co. Mike McGill, '61 '61 ba '63m.ed, Oklahoma physics at the Heidi Samulevich and Theodore K. the staff of the division of Rita Goodpasture and Lt . Hal Kennedy City, has joined married Oct. 10 in James, '59eng, were married Aug . 30 in rehabilitation at Central Slate Hospital in Muldrow, '61bus, were Eugene, Ore. They live in Norman where Brownfield, Tex . They live in Tacoma, Norman . with the Army. both are enrolled in the University. Bruce N. Robinson, '62ba, and Thomas J. Wash . where he is stationed DEATH : J. P. , '55bus, '56m.bus, ., former Woodrow Wil- Barbara Irene Hencke, '61ba, and Ralph Patterson, '64nat .sci were mar- died Oct. 21 in Norman . Adams was em- son Fellows, have been selected under an G. Thompson, '56bus, '61Law, ployed at Tinker AFB . for one year at ried Sept. 5 in Oklahoma City, where they internship plan to teach attorney predominantly Negro colleges in Southern are now living . Thompson is an with Cantrell Douglass Thompson & Wilson states. teacher Jerry Ballentine, '62pharm, Enid, is a and Mrs . Thompson is a French 1960-62 with the Broadcasting Center of Oklahoma Henry Knight, '60eng, has joined the staff professional representative with Eli Lilly & City Public Schools . of Tenneco Oil in Oklahoma City as a pro- Co. Richard '62pharm, is pharmacist Barbara Coleman, '62h .ec, and duction engineer . Robert Neeley, married Oct. 3 in Lido Isle, Hat Belknap, '60bs, and Mrs. Belk- with a Wynnewood drug store. Ellis, '54, were Capt. Calif. They live in Oklahoma City . nap (Ann Boyle, '59h .ec) are living in Lt. C. E. Daugherty III, '62m.eng, and Munich, Germany, where Belknap is as- his wife, Nancy Mielke Daugherty, Wed, signed as a member of the Army Medical '63m.ed, are living in New Providence, Tenn . Corps. Belknap recently completed a three- while he is stationed with the Army at Ft . Many of Oklahoma's year residency in internal medicine at Fitz- Campbell, Ky . Best Periodicals Are simmons General Hospital, Denver, Colo . Lawrence A . Pugh, '62m.psy, completing Produced in Our Modern Plant Dr. Douglas Stuart Hoy, '60, is attending a doctorate in psychology here, is an as- Medicine after receiving professor of education and psychol- Complete Service-Design, the OU School of sistant and Mailing a Doctor of Dental Surgery from the Uni- ogy at Fort Hays Kansas State College . Color Work and Mrs. Hoy, the William R . Corr, '62bus, has completed versity of Nebraska. He May We Serve You? former Laurelyn Sue Buller, live in Nor- an active duty tour with the Army and is man. enrolled in graduate school at OU . "Since 1889" Robert E. Lee Richardson, '60Law, is Mrs . Helen Cromer Ervin, '62ba, is en- serving on the OU law faculty during the rolled in the graduate program at Florida TRANSCRIPT PRESS current academic year . As assistant dean of State University's School of Social Welfare, Publication Printers the College of Law and as assistant profes- Tallahassee. sor of law, Richardson serves in the absence Andy Dodson, '62bus, is office supervisor PHONES : of Daniel G. Gibbens, '59Law, who is on of the procurement department at the Bap- Norman-JE 4-1800 Nashville, Tenn . leave to do graduate study at tist Sunday School Board, Oklahoma City-SW 4-4488 University. Robert J. Fey, '62bs, recently received Capt. Harold M. Stewart, '60eng, is a an MS degree at State University of New 222 East Eufaula St ., Norman, Okla . tactical fighter in the 416th Tactical York at Albany .


Ann Marie Buck, '62ba, and Joseph Adler (Cynthia Cynthia Crandall, '63 fa,) are parents Marilyn Jane Stinson, '63h.ec, and Wil- Woodard Joseph Woodard Griffin, '57 arch were married Sept. of a daughter, Crystal Marie, born June 10 . liam Tenley Oosterhuis were married Sept . 5 in Bartlesville . They live in Houston, Tex. Adler is manager trainee for the J . C. Pen- 5 in Norman . The couple is living in Pitts- Cynthis Ann Newell and Daniel Paul ney Co. in Bartlesville . burgh, Pa. Edwards, '62ba, were married Aug . 9 in George E. Walker, '63ms, Arlington, Va . Marcia Kay Hanf and Lt. Gordon Enid. Lee They live in Boston, Mass. and his wife, La Velle, have chosen the name Clouser, '63eng, were married August 9 in Renee for their daughter, born July 17 . Lafayette, Ind. They are living in Lubbock, 1963 Walker is a geologist with the Federal Power Tex . Commission in Washington, D.C . Ruth Ann Harms and William Bennett Judith Judith Brauch '63bs, is on the physical Clyde Mans, '63bus, and Mrs. Mans Thompson, '63bus, were married therapy staff at Hillcrest Aug. 8 in Medical Center, (Frances Remme, '63ba,) are the parents Oklahoma City . They are living in Norman . Tulsa. of a daughter, Michelle Lynn, born June Anne Berryhill and Charles C. Nance Jr., Harold (Larry) Feldman, '63bus, SMU 10. Mans is an accountant with Peat, Mitch- law student, has been chosen for '63pharm, were married March 14 in Ard- Southwest- ell & Co. in Garland, Tex. more . Nance is ern Law journal as a finalist in freshman Chris a pharmacist at Steele Drug Clapp, '63bus, and Mrs. Clapp Co . in Ardmore . moot court competition . (Martha Godfrey, '63ba) chose the name Paul W. Nicholson, '63bus, Midwest City, Marian Ruth Bulla, '63, and Lt. Philip Julia Carol for their daughter, born Jan. 3 . Franklin Horning, is a CPA with Billups, Arnn & Mascho, Clapp is head of the meter department at '63ba, were married Oklahoma City . Sept . 1 in Oklahoma City . The couple lives Canadian Valley Electric Co-op in Semi- in Seattle, Jearl Gibson, '63bus, Denison, Tex. is nole. Wash . working for Southwestern Investment Bob Corbin, '61ed, '63m.ed, Searcy, Ark . Judy Joan Drummond became the bride Company . and his wife Ruth are parents of a second of Charles Allen Ellis, '63eng, Sept . 19 in Ann Pruitt, '63ba, is teaching at daughter, born August 20. Their other Hominy . The couple lives in Pampa, Tex. the Anglican Grammar School for the Peace daughter is Connie, 2 . Susie Doolittle, '63ba, and 2nd Lt . Scott Corps in Nigeria . MARRIAGES : Nancy Rae Parker, '63fa, Henley, '63pharm, were married Feb. 22. Jamie Sue Williams (Jamie Yingling, '63- and Larry Gene Porter were married August Henley is stationed at Ft. Hood, Tex. with nurs), Lawton, is a junior public health 15 in Oklahoma City . They live in Norman . the Army. nurse for the city-county health department Barbara Ann Merrill, '63ba, and Ray D . Carroll Lee Alexander, '63ed, and Lt. there. Maddy were married September 4 in Dallas, Alvan Montgomery Muldrow Jr., '62bus, Martha Jane Hieronymus, '63ed, '64m.ed, where they are now living . were married August 8 in Landstuhl, West is teaching in a Tulsa elementary school . Marceilla R. Meyer, '62bus, and Harry L. Germany, where he is with the Army . Virginia Thornton, '63h.ec, Norman, will (Mickey) James II were married August 15 be in Europe for the next two years as soc- in Norman . They are living in Oklahoma ial and recreational director for the U.S. City, where James is in law school . military personnel . 1964 Betty Marie Pond, '63pharm, and Robert Olson Woodward, '64m.eng, BIRTHS: R. Ken Adler, '63ba, and Mrs. William Dense '61eng, has accepted Jr., were married Au- a position with Texas Instruments and is gust 15 in Enid. They live in Oklahoma City . now living in Dallas, Tex . Dorothy Diane Howard, '63ba, and Phil- Lawrence J. Povse, '64eng, has lip Appelbaum were married August 21 in joined the Delicious Monsanto Co . as a chemical engineer at its New York City . They live in Princeton, N.J . plant in Monsanto, 111 . Gracious where Appelbaum has a Woodrow Wilson Mrs. Mary scholarship in the College of International Bingaman Gattoni, '64ed, is teaching social studies at Hoover Junior Dignified Government Administration . High in Cammie Nancy Giddens, '63nurs, and Oklahoma City . Patricia M. McIver, These three words aptly describe what John Ken Davis, '63eng, were married Au- '64ed, is teaching junior high science classes in Tulsa. is awaiting you when you visit this gust 1 in Oklahoma City . They are now living in Tulsa. Mark Hodder, '64ed, has been named to most distinctive, catering dining room. Rosetta Faye McClary, '63ba, Bue- the new position of community relations and director Delicious steaks as entrees for excel- ford Lynn May were married in Norman at WKY radio and television sta- tions, Oklahoma City . lent 4-course dinners. Gracious and August 1. They are living in Temple . Marcia A . McGee and Charles Philip Manju D. Ghalla, '64m.eng, is an em- efficient service. A dignified and un- Bieber, '63ba, were married August 12 in ployee of the OU Research Institute and also usual atmosphere. Oklahoma City, where they are now living . works in Avco's biophysics research labora- Jean Susan Hogg and Don Robert Mac- tory in OU's Research Park. auley, '63ba, were married August 22 in Thomas M. Ballentine, '64m.reg.plan, re- Kansas City, where they are now living . ceived an American Institute of Planners Macauley is a student at the University of Student Award for outstanding academic Missouri School of Dentistry . performance and professional potential . Nancy Jane Brooks, '63ed, and Carl Mrs. Don Abrams (Norma Gail Watson, Stanton Jones, '61eng, were married Aug . '64ba) is teaching Spanish and German at the 28 in Oklahoma City . The couple resides in new Carl Albert High School in Midwest Dickinson, N.D . City. Linda Sue Lahr, '63ed, became the bride Charles Lorenz, '64ed, has been assigned of Paul E. Kirkpatrick Sept . 5 in Oklahoma to teach in a Tulsa elementary school . City . The Kirkpatricks reside in Oklahoma BIRTH: Nick Semeniuk, '64eng, and his City . wife, Joyce, have named their second child Pennie Marie, born August 8. They have a son, Steven Ty, 3. MARRIAGES : Linda Susan Sieh, '64ed, 11 and Donald Carl Harrison were married Au- Hal Muldrow Agency gust 22 in Kansas City, Mo. They are living MI NG ROOM 'z8 in Oklahoma City. Bette Jo Wantland, '64ba, and Frank Insurance of All Kinds Davis Hill, '63bus, were married August 15 kiP] Bonds in Tulsa. They live in Austin, where Hill is 117 E . Comanche Norman a junior at the University of Texas law OKLAHOMA MEMORIAL UNION school .

31 Nancy Edith Witt, '64ba, and James Earl Whitman were married August 14 in Musko- gee. They live in Tulsa. Pamela Karen Maleville, '64ed, and Sven Nordbjerg Holm were married August 22 in Burlingame, Calif. They live in Norman . Marilyn Jean McMasters, '64ed, and Pat- rick Oliver Hurley were married August 15 in Tulsa. They live in Chicago where Hurley THESE TRUTHS WE MUST HOLD is attending McCormick (Presbyterian) Theological Seminary. Nancy Rawson Bucher, '64ba, Casper, and Clark Hayes Boyles Jr., '646us, were married Aug . 26 in Oklahoma City . The couple lives in Oklahoma City . Janie Ross, '64ba, and David Donaldson, '636a, were married Aug. 21. The Donald- sons live in Melrose Park, 111. where he is attending the University of Illinois Medical School . Linda Sprague and Lynn R. Kimrey '64- ba, were married August 1 at Pensacola, Fla . They are living at Avalon Beach, Mil- ton, Fla. Nanelle Wall, '64journ, and Henry Roland Croom were married August 22 in Ardmore. They are living in Kansas City, Mo. where Croom is a student at the University of Missouri Dental School . Carol Lee Pazoureck, '64nurs, and Regi- nald Worth Perry were married August 22 in Oklahoma City . They are living in Ama- rillo, Tex. Patricia Ann Patricia Ann McGuire, '64 ed and Sherman Bruce Lawton were married August 22 in Duncan . The couple is living in Oklahoma City, where Lawton is in medical school . Andrea Lou Andrea Lou Huffman, '64ed and Gary Lee McKnight, '64eng, were married August 14 in Elk City . They are living in Norman, IS THE STATE GREATER THAN GOD? McKnight is in law school . where Americans believe : Men are children of God. Communists believe: The idea of God and Suzanne Jean Miller, '64bs, became the bride of Howard Dailey Moore Sept . 5 in Their rights come from and their first alle . Heaven is but an opiate for exploited masses. have established a home in Chickasha . They giance is to Him . Government should be Only the state deserves Oklahoma City . glory and men exist Elizabeth Ann Nichols, '64bs, and James administered in full recognition of God's only for its welfare. The individual is mean- Walker Jr., '62bs, were married Donald love and His commandments. Governments ingless Aug. 28 in Oklahoma City . The couple re- . It is the function of government sides in Norman . that deny people the right to carry out commissars and bureaucrats to repress individualism Leslie Leslie Sternberger, '64ba, and Frank Wor- ley were married July 25 in Memphis, Tenn . their religious intentions are abominations. vidualism and to channel all human effort They are living in Norman . Through the ages people have sacrificed end- toward their self-appointed goals. Karen Lanie Stonis, '64ed, and Robert Otto Holleron III were married August 7 in lessly to free themselves from this bondage. Oklahoma City . They are living in Norman . Linda Kay Linda Kay Biffle and James M. Baker, married August 9 in Oklahoma '646us, were ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY City . They are living in Dallas, Tex. Gloria Jeanette Tracy, '64ed, and Stanley To renew and awaken interest in our precious heritage of Thomas Harrison, '64ba, were married Au- Freedom, and its superiority over the Communist philosophy, these messages are being published by the Oklahoma Gas and gust 1 in Oklahoma City, where they are Electric Company, an investor-owned, tax-paying electrk now living. utility. Prudence Burke Johnson, '64h.ec, and Gary Ray Mercer were married July 24 in Oklahoma City, where they are now living. Janis Carole Skidmore and Jack Wesley Martin, '64pharm, were married July 18 in Oklahoma City, where they are now living. AN®L~LECTf IIC~ Shirley June Dorman and Thomas Paul COMPANY Haddock, '646us, were married August 8 in Oklahoma City . They are living in Enid. Linda Ann Lillard, '64ed, and Frederick Lawrence Patrick, '64ba, were married Augustiru,i8atFortSill.TheyarelivinginNorman,)M,