Ets Forth the Exclusive Soft Drink Agreement
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06/83/2004 00:03 3094544418 REDBIRD PROPERTY MAN PAGE 01/03 05 .~ll/ 2004 0&: 34 30922635304 PEPS I AMERICAS PAGE 02 May 1st, 2004 City of Bloort ington, This letter ~ets forth the exclusive soft drink agreement (this "'Agreeroe:nt") between Pepsi.America; ("Pepsi") and The City of Bloomington (the "Customer") relating to the purchase by tho Custon 1er from Pepsi of Pepsi-Cola Posbxrlx ~d Bottle & Can Products (the"Products") · for use in pre- paring carbonated fountain soft drink products (the "Soft Drink Products") to be sold in the Cu itomer's facilities. The Tenn of this Agreement $hall begin on May 1st and end ten yeera later on that date and Customer's pi i.rc:hase o 67. Cl89CS of 20 oz. P~ bottles of Soft Drink Products. If Customer has not purcb; ised said amount o cases at end often years, contract will continue tmtil said oases have been pur :based. As used in this Agreement, tho capitalized term "Year" shall mean each 12· month period du.ring the 'Term coJ;;icing on the first day of the Term or an anniversmy thereof. Promptly afte. ·the full execution ofthe Agreement, Pepsi will advance to the Customer a signing bonus (the "si ~ing bonus") in the total amount of$50,000.00 to be used as deemed necess(U)' by the City of B !oomington. Despite the fact that payment is being made in the fir.rt year of the Term, the par :ies agree that the signing bonus shall be deemed tn been earned equally over ·the entire Tenn ofthe Agreement. Thc:refore, shnuld Customc:r fail to purchase the products UDder this Agreement for any reason whatsoever p.t ior to the end of the Term, eny signing bonus will be repaid immediately by the ouetomcr to P :pci on a prorated basis. 06/03/2004 00: 03 3094544418 REDBIRD PROPERTY MAN PAGE 02/03 05/13/2004 06:34 30922635304 PEPSIAMERICAS PAGE 03 PERfORM~CE The Agreex:ne 1t, including all of Pepsi support 1o tb.e Customer as described above, ~s COIJtingent upon 1he Customer complying with all of 1be following performance criteria. with which the Customcc her, :by agrees to comply with as follows: (1) The C11stomer agrees that (except to the ~tent that P~si,-Cola is unable to supply tho with the correspondina products) at least the following Soft Drink Products shall l:e served throughout the Term of this Agreement in each of the Customer's outlets, which includes all city operated golf courses, swimming pools, fire statious, police statiots, muncipal buildings, parl.<jng decks, and public ice rink, (whether the outlet is now e:tisting or is bereafrer opened or acqui.rod at any time during the Term): Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain. Dew, Mug R,oot Beer, Sierra Mist, Lipton Tea, Cold Coffee Drinks, Gaton: de, and Dole 1uices, and any other brands distn'buted by Pepsi Am.eJ:icas, (2) The C astomer shall have brand identification for each Soft PrWc Product served on all menut oa.tds at each of tho Customer's outlets througl;l.out the Term. (3) The Cust.omer shall only use the 20oz. Products fo:t use in preparing the Soft Drink Prodw rts for immediate or im.tniQ.ent consumption and sh.all not resell the Products either to non.affiliated outlets or to consumers in any form other than tho Soft Drink Products. (4) The C"1Stomer shall participate mat least one Pepsi approved ma:c;keting program per calend ir year for each year of1his Agre(!Illent. The progr.mis shall be for the benefit of1he CustoJ Jei:' s syS'tem. and the Cust.omer shall use the funds payable to the Customer UDder this A~ :reement to help offset the and promotion costs ofsuch programs. (5) The C istoroer sh.all provide to Pepsi upon the execution of thls Agreement a list of all outlets Customer's system. The Customer agr=s that it ~l promptly notify Pepsi in wri·ii;\g of each new outlet in the Customers system, which is ope11ed or acquired durin.U the Tenn, as well as of aoy outlet, which is closed, sold or otherwise disposed of during the Term. (6) Pepsi i l;i.all have the exclusive rights for all Products in any expansion during the Term of this A~ reement In this Agi:eement, Beverages shall mean all CarbODat.ed Soft Drinks and all otl:er non-alcoholic drinks including, but not limited to, Wat.ers. Sport Drinks, PunchJ. s, Teas, and whatever other bottle and can or foun,1ajn may be poured. RENEWAL This Agreemei 1t shal1 be renegotiated at the end often years and Customer agrees to give to Pepsi first tight of r ~ for an agreement covering the ten years following the conc~usion of this Agreement. B y right of first retiis:tl, the pai:ti~s intend tbat Pepsi will be afforded an opportunity to meet o:r beat the te:cni; of a bona. fide offer, made in writi~ by a Pepsi competitor. IfP epsi does so, Custo· ner agrees to into a new agreement with on such terms. 06/03/2004 00: 03 3094544418 REDBIRD PROPERTY MAN PAGE 03/03 . 05( 13/2004 06: 34 30922635304 PEPSI AMERICAS PAGE 04 GENERAL TERMS If foi: any res Jon the Customer fails to comply with any of the terms of this Ag;reer~t, the Customer agi.1oes that, in addition to any other remc;;dies to which Pepsi may be entitled by J;eaSon of such breacii, the Customer shall immediately repay to Pepsi all funding previously advanced by Pepsi but not earned by the Customer pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Thls Agreem~ nt, consisting of the terms and :funding commitments provided herein, conWn.s the en.tire underst mding and agreem~ between parties hereto regarding the s.ubjcct matter l)ereof . and supersed{ s all other agreement between the partie~, including prior ti.meting commitments, relating to thi: purchase of the Postmix Products by the Customer. 1bi9 Agreement shall be governed by l llinois law and may be amended or modified only by a written statement signed by each of the pa ; In the event tl tis Agreement is terniinated for any reason and by either party, the Customer shall allow Pepsi i.tnmcdiate access to the Facilities to take possession of each and every piece of its' equip.lllent v.i hout any claim of trespass. However-, prior to any- termination, both parties agree to provide each, rther a 3 0-day writ1en notice to attempt to rectify 8.1'.JY and all complaints or alleged defaults in thi ; Agreement Except as mar otherwise be .required by law or legal process, neither party hereto shall disclose to any third p; aty the terms and conditions of this Agreement. CITY OF BI. OOMINGTON ·PEPSI-COLA GENERAL BOTTI...ER.S, INC. dba PEPSIAMERICAS :f/J:5f~ Title: tJ/ ,SQk.s ~ . ,J\l.Ji Mo.v-ko vi ~t 2.. Signature: ~U«"~ Date; b - 1_-_o_j...__ _____ _ Dare: ~40~ VENDOR# CUSTOMER# CUSTOMER NAME COMM. MAILING ADDRESS 326794 7210206 CHUCKYS CADDY CLUB 1020 S MORRIS 7295066 CHUCKYS GAT BLOOMINGTON 310302 7210207 ONEAL POOL #1 POBOX3157 7210209 ONEAL POOL AQ BLOOMINGTON 7210210 ONEAL POOL CSD 7210211 HOLIDAY POOL AQ 7210212 HOLIDAY POOL #2 7210213 HOLIDAY POOOL#1 7210306 MILLER RIGHT 7210308 MILLER ANIMAL 7210309 MILLER LEFT 313447 7214137 MILLER PARK PAVILLION 1020 S MORRIS BLOOMINGTON 314866 7217994 BLM PUBLIC SVC 401 S EAST ST 7217995 BLM PUBLIC SVC GAT BLOOMINGTON 316441 7217996 BLM POLICE #1 305S EAST ST 7217997 BLM POLICE #2 BLOOMINGTON 7217998 BLM POLICE #3 316438 7217999 BLM CITY HALL 109 E OLIVE BLOOMINGTON 316440 7220023 BLM WATER DEPT 603 W DIVISION BLOOMINGTON 326612 7295052 BLM TENNIS-GAT 109 E OLIVE 7295054 BLM TENNIS-GAT BLOOMINGTON 313446 7214136 LINCOLN LEISURE 1206 SLEE ST BLOOMINGTON 337827 7578536 US CELLULAR #1 NORTH 101 S MADISON 7578537 US CELLULAR #2 EAST ATTN JOHN BUTLER 7578539 US CELLULAR #3 SOUTH BLOOMINGTON 7578560 US CELLULAR #13 DOCK 337827 7578551 US CELLULAR PEPSI ICE 101 S MADISON 7578555 US CELLULAR PEPSI ICE ATTN JOHN BUTLER 7578558 US CELLULAR PEPSI ICE BLOOMINGTON Page 1 of 1 From: "mikenelson" < m [email protected] > To: <[email protected]>, "John Kennedy" <[email protected]> cc: "John Butler" <[email protected]> Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11: lOAM Subject: pepsi Tom I talked with Pepsi and John Kennedy. The 67,000 cases over the course of 10 years is Parks and Recreation, city build ings that includes the Canteen vending machines, and public ice rink plus any additional machines that might be added over that time frame. That does not include any arena business. FYI, Owens Center in Peoria is opened year round and they do almost 5,000 cases annually. We will blow past that figure over the 1O year period in my estimation and Denny said that would be no problem Mike Nelson Bloomington Sports and Entertainment Center 309 454-2372 office [email protected] http://cobdomino l /mail/jkennedy .nsf/b2 l 41044 7 e0e22d9862568e8006db22a/7F6E3A3EE2D24. .. 06/29/2007 2007 Bloomington Parle District Pricing I Effective 1070212006 I Morton, tllinols Location IBozC•ns I 120 oz BOTTLES I IDOLE 15.2 oz. PLASTIC I SOBE $7.21 $ 15.44 9.82/12pk 20ozGLASS * PEPSI PEPSI-COLA PEPSI STRAWBERRY KIWI 12.50/12pk DIET PEPSI DIET PEPSI DIET PEPSI PINEAPPLE PEACH LEAN MANGO MELON PEPSI LIME MOUNTAIN DEW PEPSI LIME ORANGE LIZBLIZZ DIET PEPSI LIME SIERRA MIST DIET PEPSI LIME APPLE LIZ FUEL OT PEPSI lWIST DIET SIERRA MIST PEPSI ONE 100% RUBY RED TSUNAMI CF PEPSI DR PEPPER CF OT PEPSI 100%GRAPE GREENTEA CF DIET PEPSI HAWAIIAN PUNCH WILD CHERRY KIWI STRAWBERRY LEAN GREEN TEA WILD CHERRY OT 'MLD CHERRY ENERGY DIET 'MLD CHERRY ,6.5 oz CAHS I MOUNTAIN DEW ' OCEAN SPftAY 11 OZ.