Welcome to the Spring edition of the Bramhope & Carlton Parish Council Newsletter. The Tour de cycle race will pass through Bramhope for the first time on Friday 3rd May, with the Women's Race in the morning and the Men's Race in the afternoon. Village businesses and organisations have thrown themselves wholeheartedly into making this a day of celebration and fun. We hope that our efforts to decorate the village will be shown worldwide as the race is beamed to 190 countries. The Tour de Yorkshire leaflet delivered with this newsletter tells you what is going on and how you can take part. The new Vicar at St. Giles, Tom Lusty, is an old hand at celebrating Le Tour as his article on celebrations at the Côte de St Giles shows. On Sunday 5th May we get another chance to watch the race on Old Road en route to the finish. The pages of this edition of the newsletter show yet again what an active community we have in Bramhope. No fewer than 5 sports (in addition to cycling) appear in these pages. The Summer Festival brings together under one collective brand a wide range of activities from churches, schools and societies with something for everyone. Pictures and text recognise the significant contribution that Bramhope in Bloom have made to the appearance of the village and to the new development at the Cemetery. The Bramhope Book Exchange has found a new use for the red phone box on The Parade. Through your generosity (and the efforts of our Charity Co-ordinator Hilary Harris), significant sums were donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, the official council charity for 2018/19 and St Martin's Hospice has been chosen for the coming year. Tariq Qadeer continues his exceptional record of fundraising into a 10th year. Bramhope School is seeking Bramhope stories. The Parish Council deals with a wide range of issues on your behalf: Road Safety, liaising with City Council on planning and highways issues, management of the many village assets such as the Playground and the Recreation Ground. If you wish to know more about the work of the Parish Council, please take time to attend the Annual Village Meeting at the Village Hall on Wednesday 15th May. Simon Cooper Chairman, Bramhope & Carlton Parish Council BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

PLANNING MATTERS Site Allocations Plan – proposed modifications Two sites in Bramhope are affected by the modifications: Green Acres, Moor Road and the land to the rear of 45 Creskeld Lane. Both sites are partly in the Green Belt and were to be allocated for housing. On the recommendations of the planning inspectors, following the review of the SAP, are now proposing that both sites remain in the Green Belt until at least 2023, after which both will remain in the Green Belt unless Leeds can justify their removal. If the housing requirement for Leeds is reduced to a new proposed figure of below 52,00 homes, via a Core Strategy Selective Review, then these sites would not be considered for housing until after 2033. Breary Lane East Site Before any construction can start on the site Miller Homes need to lay a surface water outfall sewer to connect to a watercourse on The Sycamores adjacent to the rugby pitches. The sewer will ‘cross’ the A660 at the King’s Road roundabout before going down The Sycamores. Miller Homes intend to start this work in early April. LCC have advised them that affected residents and businesses should be contacted before this work takes place. It is unclear whether this has taken place. The A660 is on the route of the Tour de Yorkshire as it passes through the village on 3rd May and LCC Highways have assured us that the sewer works will be completed before then. Nevertheless, the Parish Council has significant concerns and is pressing for immediate discussions with Highways and Miller Homes. The associated highways work on the A660, including the new roundabout, is expected to commence soon after the laying of the sewer. The work will be managed by LCC Highways Engineers. Residents and businesses likely to be most affected by the work should be informed of the start date for the highways works in advance. Rosemont Site, Breary Lane Planning permission for one block of eight apartments, with parking for 16 cars at the front of the site, was submitted to Leeds City Council in February. The proposed building will be of brick, faced with stone and have a slate roof. The accommodation will be for those aged 55 years and over. PLANNING PERMISSION FOR BOUNDARIES In certain circumstances planning permission is required from Leeds City Council for the erection of walls, fences and gates. If a wall, fence of gate is to be over 1 metre in height, and is next to a highway used by vehicles, or has a footpath running alongside, then planning permission is normally required. In any other case permission is needed if the fence or wall is to be over 2 metres in height. This usually means that a front boundary up to 1 metre is allowed without planning permission and side and back boundaries up to 2 metres without permission. If you are planning an extension to your house and also want to erect new boundaries above these heights, apply for planning permission for the boundary walls, fences and gates at the same time. Otherwise you will need to submit a separate planning application for the new boundaries. Hedges do not require planning permission although they can often become the cause of neighbour disputes due to excessive height. Leeds City Council’s Householder Design Guide (which can be viewed online) gives guidance on boundaries including those in conservation areas. “Proposals which seek to erect large fences, walls and solid gates to the front of properties and adjacent to public areas will not normally be acceptable. Changes to front boundaries will normally be considered acceptable where the height, material and style of boundary treatment reflect the local character, and the height and position of the boundary is not harmful to highway safety.” The Householder Design Guide also states that increases to the height of boundary walls, fences and gates can sometimes improve security but may also provide a screen for intruders to work behind. Additionally, “the desire for greater security cannot outweigh concerns regarding the impact of high fences and walls upon the character of a street.” The preservation of local character is especially important in conservation areas. As I explained in the Winter 2018 issue, an extensive conservation area covers much of pre-war Bramhope. The Bramhope Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Plan (also available online) states that a key way to retain character is via “the Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 2 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019 retention of historic boundary treatments including walls and mature hedgerows, with new walls built in the same manner as those present.” For further guidance on boundaries contact Leeds City Council Development Enquiry Centre (0113 222 4409) or email [email protected] . Councillor Diane Fox ROAD SAFETY As both a Parish Councillor and a Ward Councillor on Leeds City Council one of my main responsibilities is to raise road safety issues brought to my attention by the Parish Council and residents with LCC Highways. So I am well placed to give an overview of recent activity to address Road Safety. The Parish Council continues to maintain our long-term campaign to improve road safety in the village. We now have two speed indication devices in Bramhope, funded by the Parish Council, on Kings Road and Moor Road, and are actively considering options for more devices in vulnerable areas. By the time you read this, police and LCC Highways officers will have carried out a speed survey on Moor Road in the 20mph zone following complaints about speeding made both to the Parish Council and directly to me. Dangerous Junctions A key request to Highways was the resurfacing of the two most dangerous junctions in the village, at Church Hill/A660 and Old Lane/Occupation Lane, where numerous road traffic accidents had occurred. The road surface was replaced with an anti-skid material and I am delighted to report that no further accidents have occurred since the work took place. 20mph zones The 20mph zones and road hump programme is well advanced. Like them or loathe them, they do the job and have succeeded in reducing speed and accidents. However, the police do not have the resources to enforce the 20mph limit but will always attend on request to carry out speed checks for us. The zones should be self-enforcing because of the road humps and chicanes, though, as you will have seen, this is not always the case. We continue to monitor the situation and raise as appropriate. Parking The Parish Council is well aware of the inconsiderate parking around the village with the area near Bramhope Primary School, Breary Lane/Eastgate and Breary Lane East attracting most complaints. Unfortunately, so long as the vehicles are taxed, insured and not causing an obstruction (the latter is a police judgement) there is little that can be done. However, we work closely with the school, police and council to reduce the nuisance to residents as much as possible. I would ask that residents try to be considerate when parking and if you have a driveway or a garage, use them. In the long term inconsiderate parking will only result in more yellow lines which we would like to avoid. A660 speed limit A number of approaches have been made to myself and the Parish Council about reducing the 40 mph limit on the A660. Police and Highways officers do not consider it appropriate to reduce the limit at present, but the massive house building programme in Otley, Pool, Bramhope and Adel will undoubtedly bring hundreds more vehicles onto the road. The looming housing developments in Bramhope and Adel will entail changes to the design of the road in the relatively near future and to the Dyneley Arms junction, so council officers have promised to consider the speed limit again in due course. Councillor Billy Flynn PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS Every four years prospective Parish Councillors must submit nomination papers and if there are more candidates than vacancies an election is held on the same day as the City Council elections. 2019 is an election year. The appropriate notices have been posted on the noticeboards. Nomination papers for the 12 Bramhope Ward seats and 1 Carlton Ward seat must be delivered to the Returning Officer between 25th March and 3rd April. THE PURITAN CHAPEL - OPENING TIMES 2019 The opening days this year are: Sunday 7th July, Sunday 4th August, Sunday 15th and 22nd September, the latter two being part of the Heritage Open Days scheme. The Chapel will be open 2 pm to 4 pm. Volunteer guides will show visitors this historic Grade 1 listed building, one of only two churches built during the Commonwealth period. The chapel is unique and gives a fascinating insight into the history of our village. Admission is free. Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 3 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

Looking forward to ‘Le Tour’ at Côte de St Giles

With Tour de Yorkshire fever gripping Bramhope, your two local Churches are joining forces to provide a refreshments hub at Côte de St Giles (i.e. outside the Church). This will be in the build up to the Women’s Race coming past on the Friday morning, and again for the Men’s Race in the afternoon. There will be teas and coffees and a mocktail bar running all day - along with a Beer Tent in the afternoon for the men’s race. There will be a static bike challenge with both the Methodist Minister and the Vicar keen to take on all challengers on the turbo trainers. A cyclathon will run throughout the day – so if people can offer a 5 minute stint to keep the pedals of the exercise bike spinning in all weather conditions, that will add a certain something to the outdoor celebrations. All proceeds to this year’s village charity, Martin House. We are running no less than three competitions. Recycling - encouraging budding young artists from the local schools to create the most imaginative use of recycling for aesthetic purposes. Art may be in ‘statue’ or ‘less three-dimensional’ form. Bling Your Bike to establish once and for all how much bling it is possible to fit onto a single bike. Quiz - a Tour de Yorkshire themed cycling quiz, available in local shops and businesses at around the time the Spring newsletter goes to press. Please note that the deadline for entries for all three competitions is before the women’s race. The competition winners will be announced immediately after the men’s race has gone past. Entries for all three competitions may be submitted to either Church at any of our Sunday services. There are some great prizes - a big thank you to local businesses for your generous support. After yet more Tour de Yorkshire themed events have passed through our village we will celebrate things having gone well with an ecumenical act of worship in a bunting festooned St Giles’s Church on the evening of Sunday 5th May. The service starts at 6.30pm. All most welcome. Revd Tom Lusty, Vicar at St Giles BRAMHOPE ART CLUB With Spring in the air, we are using our artistic eye, or should I say eyes, to look outside rather than inside. Most winter scenes and subjects are best studied within the warmth of our meeting room (yes we are softies) but with blossom on the trees and a little warmth in the air we shall be venturing out and about. Flowers are first for our consideration, Bramhope in Bloom offer us lots to draw and paint around the village plus examples we shall bring in, to be followed by expeditions to capture views of Bramhope itself and then, in May, Riverboats at Apperley Bridge. If you see us out and about drawing and painting, do say hello, and if you fancy knowing more about the Club please drop in any Monday night at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall or call Ian Milne on 0113 230 0094 for more information. Jacquie Howard Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 4 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

BRAMHOPE SUMMER FESTIVAL 2019 The Festival kicks off on the 1st June at Bramhope Village Hall with the ever-popular Cabaret Evening. This year the Derrick Harris Quartet will be accompanied by the fabulous Kate Peters (pictured left). An evening not to be missed! Simeon Wood brings his award-winning show to Bramhope Methodist Church on 22nd June. Anecdotes and humour weave their way through this diverse mix of great music, ranging from John Denver to The Proclaimers and from Henry Mancini to J S Bach. There's something for everyone on what promises to be a fantastic evening. The Methodists also host the Film Club showing of the Oscar winning Bohemian Rhapsody (cert 12A) on 18th June. Definitely one to leave you with the feel-good factor. We are delighted to include a new venue and a new event as part of the Festival. The new owners of The Fox & Hounds are holding a Beer Festival from 12 noon to 7.00 pm on 6th July. Food will be available and a range of stalls, so this should be a fun family event. Events aimed at the youngsters? The Mini Breeze at West Park Leeds Rugby Club on 8th June and the Bramhope Primary School Scarecrow Hunt and Fayre on 29th June. Bramhope Village Hall present Wimbledon in Bramhope! on Sunday 30th June from 1.30 pm. There will be family tennis with coaching available, a cream tea, and snacks and refreshments on sale throughout the afternoon. Of course, it wouldn't be a Village Hall event without a bar selling Pimms, wine and beer! Diane Fox's History Walks are more talk than walk this year. She talks at the Chapel about The and the Puritan Chapel, followed by a short walk, on the evening of Wednesday 12th June and the afternoon of Sunday 21st July. The Puritan Chapel will also have an Open Day on Sunday 7th July, from 2-4 pm. The much-loved Harrogate Brass Band will perform at West Park Leeds Rugby Club on 27th July. The final event on Tuesday 30th July will be the Table Tennis Challenge at Bramhope Village Hall. For details see the article on the Parish Council's adopted charity for 2019/20. A leaflet with details about all the events will be delivered to every household in May but, in the meantime, further information may be obtained by email to [email protected] or by telephone to 07742 927253. Hilary Harris, Festival Chair BRAMHOPE VILLAGE SHOW - SPONSORS NEEDED! The annual Bramhope Village Show is on Sunday 8th September from 1 pm at the Village Hall. The Bramhope show urgently needs new sponsors, we thank all of our existing sponsors for their continued support, but with increasing costs we do need to increase our sponsorship base. We are asking for a minimum of £20 sponsorship which gains free entry, afternoon tea for 2 people and a listing in our programme (optional). If you have a business and would like to advertise or sponsor a class or event, please contact our Chairperson for details. A sponsorship form is enclosed in this Newsletter. Keep an eye out for the Bramhope Show Magazine which should be dropping through your letter boxes towards the end of July with details of the competitions and how to enter. As usual there will be live entertainment from Recycled and children's entertainer Partymania. Afternoon Teas, BBQ & Bar available throughout the afternoon. Stroll amongst the stalls to purchase produce and gifts, enter fun competitions for all the family, including the popular tombola stall. We look forward to seeing you all at this annual village event and please enter as many classes as you can! Kimberley Hill Chair of Bramhope Village Show Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 5 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

NEW FACILITY FOR MEMORIALS OFFERED AT BRAMHOPE CEMETERY Some time ago the Parish Council was approached by a resident wishing to place a memorial plaque for his late wife in Bramhope Cemetery. Though plots were available for burials and the interment of ashes, no facility existed for memorial plaques. The Cemetery Working Group has (with the invaluable help of the Clerk) identified a solution that also enhances the appearance of the Cemetery. The central circular area is now surrounded by kerb stones, each of which can accommodate a memorial plaque. The area has just been planted by Bramhope in Bloom in an imaginative and attractive design. We are grateful their help in designing the planting of the central area and carrying out all the hard work. In addition, the grassed area at the top of the cemetery will be designated a memorial garden where ashes may be scattered.

These new facilities will be available to any resident of Bramhope & Carlton, regardless of how long they have lived in the village, and will also be made available to people with a close connection to the village. Each application made based on a close connection will be considered on its individual merits. All enquiries regarding the purchase of plaques or the scattering of ashes should be made to the Clerk to the Parish Council whose contact details are given at the foot of the page. Hilary Harris Chair, Cemetery Working Group

A great deal of work continues to get the bowling green and surrounds ready for Saturday 23rd March when the new season starts. The Club is hoping for another successful league season following promotions in each of the last two years. Our league teams play on Monday and Wednesday evenings and on Saturday afternoons. There is also a comprehensive programme of friendly matches, usually played on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, against other clubs from the surrounding areas. Club afternoons, where members enjoy social bowling amongst themselves, are held every Monday and Friday and on Friday mornings there are sessions for new members to learn more about the game and improve their skills. The numerous social activities include a summer barbeque, charity event, annual quiz night and a day trip to Pateley Bridge. New members, either experienced bowlers or complete novices, are always most welcome and equipment is available for those new to the game. For more information please contact either Stewart Sunman, Chairman, on 0113 203 7447 or Anne Mackman, Social Secretary, on 07743 653760. Anyone for tennis? Open day 14th April We are hosting our 2019 open day on Sunday 14th April from 10 am to 3 pm. So, if you would like to drop by, say hi to our coaches and have a chat, we would be delighted to see you! We can lend you a racket, or bring your own to try a free taster session with our resident pro`s, or why not bring the family to take on our amazing ball machine? (The children love it!) We are right in the middle of the village, offer family membership for around £2.50 a week and provide a friendly environment to try or fall in love again with this great sport. So why not put the date in your diary? We look forward to meeting you. For general membership queries, contact Heather Scurr on 07807 746568 or Roger Fayle on 07887 546303. Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 6 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

BRAMHOPE IN BLOOM Our group have been very busy, with the help of four Duke of Edinburgh candidates, who are doing their Community Service element of their award. Here are photographs of some of the things we have managed to do.

Clearing mountains of leaves to Clearing the verge down Breary add to the new compost heap Chopping up fallen branches at the Puritan Chapel Lane early one Sunday morning

We even had time to enjoy ourselves at our post-Christmas get A Duke of Edinburgh volunteer enjoying the work! together at The Loft

What’s next? The Cemetery Planting, a joint project with the Parish Council, was due to take place on 15th March was postponed until 22nd March because of the extremely wet weather. The planting went ahead successfully, and you can see photographs of the process in the article on the Cemetery. Our annual COFFEE MORNING, at which we are celebrating 10 years of Bramhope in Bloom, will be held in the village hall on SATURDAY 6TH APRIL, 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM. Look out for our posters giving full details, which include a craft stall for children. TOUR DE YORKSHIRE on Friday 3rd May on Leeds Road. We are liaising with Bramhope Rolling Scones W.I. to decorate the village. Displays are planned for the Kings Road roundabout and the Puritan Chapel. We hope that the planting will feature in the TV coverage. The school poster competition, which we hold annually, is also based upon the tour and entrants will be displayed at our coffee morning. Janet Hobson Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 7 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

Easter at St Giles Bramhope 2019

Palm Sunday 14th April 9.30 am Parish Communion and procession with Palm crosses Maundy Thursday 18th April 7.30 pm Informal communion as part of a shared meal N.B. in the parish centre Good Friday 19th April 11 am-12 noon Messy Good Friday Messy Church-style craft activities (in the Parish Centre) 2-3 pm Reflections, music and silence for the Last Hour

Easter Sunday 21st April 8.15 am Easter Communion 9.30 All Age Easter Communion with baptism of Rosa Jean Kershaw 6.30 pm Festal Evensong

Headingley Flower Club at Bramhope We’re now in our third year of meeting at the Village Hall and feeling very much at home. Our AGM in February was followed by an illustrated talk by Ben Preston, Head Gardener at York Gate Gardens, Adel. Ben showed us some superb photos of the garden through seasons, explained its history and told us about the plans for its future. In March, Judy Watker’s musically themed demonstration, All that Jazz was an absolute delight. Future dates for your diary are: • 5 April – “Two’s Company” a demonstration by Ann Simpson • 3 May – Workshop. Have a go at making your own spring arrangement. Beginners welcome – our experienced members will be on hand to help and guide you. • 7 June – “Not Just Any Old Iron” a demonstration by Susan Hall • 5 July - “Just For You” a demonstration by Jan Faulkner Why not come along to one of our meetings - 7.30 pm first Friday of the month in the Village Hall. You will be made most welcome. Barbara Newby (Chairman) [email protected] Facebook @HeadingleyFlowerClubatBramhope Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 8 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

OUR CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT: “Together as a Church family we are aspiring to love God, the Community and each other through worship, prayer, learning, service and outreach.”

Please join us for our Easter Services as follows: Maundy Thursday 18th April: from 7.30 pm a quiet time in church followed by Holy Communion at 8.00 pm Good Friday 19th April: Service at 10:00 am led by Mrs Joan Bosomworth Easter Sunday 21st April: at 7.00am - early morning service at the foot of the Chevin Cross and at 10.00 am our Easter Day Service with Holy Communion will be led by Rev Roger Smith “Now the green blade rises from the buried grain Wheat that in the dark earth many days has lain Love lives again, that with the dead has been Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green” Some Upcoming Event News Easter Monday at Norwood Retreat Centre – Monday 22nd April For many years we have served refreshments on Bank Holidays at Norwood Chapel in the beautiful Washburn Valley. After a short break during which the chapel has seen some repairs and restoration we are back again and on Easter Monday we will be serving teas, coffees and light lunches. So, if you’re out and about that day, why not plan a walk in the area and pop in for some homemade cakes and refreshments and enjoy the amazing views at the same time! Our Annual Spring Plant Sale in the church hall will be held on Friday 10th May 9.30-6.30 pm and Saturday 11th May 9.00 until 2.00 p.m. Our usual wide selection of superb professionally grown plants, hanging baskets and filled containers will be available. Charity Coffee Morning on Thursday 16th May 10.00-12.00 noon in aid of Wheatfields Hospice and in memory of Anne Wilkes. Homemade cakes on sale and a Bring and Buy stall. As part of the Bramhope Summer Festival on Saturday 22nd June at 7.30 pm Simeon Wood, the acclaimed flautist, returns to Bramhope by popular demand. Further details to be advertised. We meet for Sunday morning worship at 10.00 am and celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month when all are welcome to join us. Holy Communion is also celebrated at Church in the Low Room on the second Tuesday in the month at 10.00 am. Minister: Rev Roger Smith email [email protected] Deacon: Jenny Parnell email [email protected]

FILM CLUB Another successful Film Club season is coming to an end. Our last film In April will be The Guernsey Literacy and Peel Pie Society. The Social Evening will be on April 16th: after a cooked supper the film will be Stan and Ollie. Tickets are £10 and will be available at the March and April film nights. .A note for your diary: we shall be showing Bohemian Rhapsody as part of the Village Festival on June 18th. More details available nearer the time. Thank you to all those who have supported us this year. We hope you have enjoyed the films and we look forward to seeing you again on October 1st at 7.15pm in the Methodist Church. Gillian Acomb Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 9 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

2nd Bramhope

2nd Bramhope Brownies continue to have an action-packed term of activities. At the start of the year we contributed to the RSPB Bird Watching weekend, counting and recording different types of birds in the Bramhope gardens, it was amazing to see the number of Red Kites we have in the area. Our Scrap Fashion Challenge inspired the designers in the pack, with cardboard shoes to yogurt pot hats. A fun activity for all which finished in the ultimate cat walk parade. We are still looking for assistant leaders from September 2019 to keep the pack open, if you are interested please contact the current leadership team at: [email protected] Sue Rugg and Clare Endeacott

PARISH COUNCIL CHARITY OF THE YEAR The Parish Council's support of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust draws to a close at the end of March and I was invited to meet Katie Kirby, Community Fundraiser for the Trust, to present a cheque for the extraordinary £1934.44 raised so far this the year. A fantastic achievement and I am so grateful to all of you who made this possible through your generosity. I have met so many people whose lives have been touched by this life limiting condition. I am particularly grateful to Katie Kirby for supporting my fundraising efforts by publicising them on the Cystic Fibrosis Facebook page, and for the encouragement that she has given me. It is pleasing to know that, as well as raising funds, more people have been made aware of this condition and I hope that you will continue to offer your support to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust whenever possible. Parish Council Charity 2019/20 to be Martin House Children's Hospice The Parish Council has adopted Martin House Hospice as the official Charity of the Year for 2019/20. I visited Martin House and met Bhranti Naik, Community Fundraiser, who is delighted that we have chosen to support them. It costs £8 million a year to provide the services of Martin House. Less than £1 million received is statutory income, so fundraising for this very worthy cause is essential. The first fundraising event for Martin House will take place at the Bramhope in Bloom Coffee Morning on Saturday 6 April from 10.30 am at Bramhope Village Hall. There will be the usual collections at Summer Festival events, as well as raffles and a repeat of the Table Tennis Challenge. Last year I played non-stop for 5 hours, but this year I hope to complete 6 hours (age and health permitting!) Of course, this will not be possible without the support of those who come along to keep the playing going. Last year turned out to be a fun event with people of all ages and abilities taking part. Even if you can't play, you can still sponsor me! I hope that, once again, I can rely on your generosity. Please contact me if you require any additional information either by email to [email protected] or telephone 07742 927253. Many thanks. Hilary Harris Charity Liaison Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 10 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

We have had a very busy start to 2019 liaising with other groups in the village to make blue and yellow bunting, flowers and pompoms to decorate the village for the Tour de Yorkshire in May With nearly 120 members we are a lively, friendly and vibrant group aiming to inspire the women of Bramhope and the surrounding area. We offer a very varied programme at our monthly meetings. So far this year we have had a demonstration of vintage hair and make-up, with the committee dressing for the era (as pictured below) and given Homage to Fromage with cheese and cider tasting. Later this year the schedule includes successful author Tony Kent coming to talk about his book Killer Intent, a chocolate making demonstration with the international Artisan Chocolatier Fiona Sciolti, and we will be having a go at salsa dancing. Outside our monthly meetings we have two walking groups, a book group, a gardening group that arranges trips to gardens and talks, and an art and craft group. We organise meals out, theatre trips and outings. Our big trip this year is to Liverpool to see the Bootleg Beatles and the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra celebrate 50 Years of Abbey Road. There really is something for everyone at the Bramhope Rolling Scones WI. Come along as a visitor to one of our meetings to find out more about us, you will be made very welcome. We meet on the first Thursday of the month at St Giles Church Hall, Bramhope from 7.15pm to 9.30pm. Look at our website to find out more about our programme and activities To get in touch, email – [email protected], telephone or text 07821 330953

OPAL MEETING POINT IS HAVING A RE LAUNCH! OPAL Meeting Point is relaunching with a new name Bramhope Friends. (OPAL is a local charity that supports over-60s in living happy, healthy, informed lives in their own homes.) We hope that new members will be encouraged to join our friendly Thursday afternoon group. We would like to open the group up to a wider audience including younger people who might like to volunteer in some capacity. Everyone is welcome! We have a programme of activities including: quizzes and cake; crafts; games/cards sessions and talks on a range of subjects from visiting speakers. We also arrange trips out for lunch either to a local pub or to the Welcome In Café at OPAL in . Meetings take place in Bramhope Methodist Church Hall every Thursday, 2 pm - 4 pm, cost £2, including tea and biscuits and sometimes cakes! The relaunch will take place on Thursday 25th April 2-4 pm. There will be an afternoon tea of sandwiches, cake and tea and hopefully entertainment! All for £3, so please come along and join us. Some of the events planned following the relaunch are: • 16th May: Speaker Rita Savage: Wanderings • 13th June: a Talk by the Marie Curie Charity We are always looking for speakers so if you feel you have an interesting story to tell please get in touch with [email protected] or you can phone Anne at OPAL 0113 261 9103. Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 11 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

BRAMHOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL Calling all ex-Bramhope pupils! In school we are examining inspirational and motivational people including Louis Braille, Stephen Hawking, Marie Curie, JK Rowling, Emmeline Pankhust, Rosa Parks, Tim Peake and Steve Redgrave. We are looking at how these ‘game changers’ have influenced our own lives and thinking about how some of them overcame adversity or disability to achieve so much. Whilst some of our work will revolve around famous people, we’d love to get to know about some of the people a bit closer to home, including some of those who came to our school. We’re hoping to plot some of their stories on our timeline and map of inspirational people. Can you help us? Did you or your children go to Bramhope Primary School or do you know someone who did? Where are they now? Do you have a story or a story you could tell of a relative who came to our school? We’d love to share your stories and experiences with our children. Whether you’re an ambulance driver in Leeds, a banker in or a gold miner in Australia, we’d love to hear about how Bramhope shaped your life. Please e-mail us at [email protected] or pop into school and tell us more. Hopefully we can inspire our children to aspire to great things! Be Bramhope is one of our values and we pride ourselves on setting firm foundations for a great future. Children leave our school and become good citizens as well as inspirational and motivational people. This is your chance to give something back and inspire the pupils of today so do get in touch with your life stories and stories so far! Rachel Colbourn Head of Bramhope Primary School BRAMHOPE SCHOOL PTA UPDATE We're delighted to announce that a new team of parents were voted in at our AGM recently to carry on the good work of the PTA at Bramhope Primary School. We have set ourselves the ambitious target of raising money to develop our outdoor spaces in our Great Outdoors project. If you’d like to help our group of committed parents and teachers do get in touch with school. So far this year we’ve raised over £6,000 at events and a further £3,000 from other activities. Coming up we’ve got our ever-popular Mother’s Day secrets room, an Easter Egg decorating competition and sunflower seed growing competition to raise money. The new PTA team will also be confirming the plan of events for next year. A Date for the Diary: Summer Festival and Scarecrow Hunt, Saturday 29th June 2019

We all had a very exciting Christmas at preschool. Our Christmas concert was a huge success, where the children thoroughly enjoyed singing and dancing to their favourite Christmas songs. We also had a fabulous morning at our Christmas party, the highlight being a visit from Santa! The children enjoyed a party snack and had lots of fun playing party games with their friends. This half term, we have been learning about our senses. Each week a different sense was covered, and the children enjoyed taking part in various activities such as painting with scented paint, making instruments, creating obstacle courses in our playground and tasting and guessing various foods whilst blind folded! In messy play, the children felt and described different textures on the tuff tray and created lots of weird and wonderful new textures. A favourite was mixing beans and shaving foam together! We also had fun celebrating Chinese New Year where the children tasted various Chinese food and enjoyed a Chinese lunch. The children produced some lovely art work for our new display such as Chinese writing and pictures of the Chinese Zodiac animals. Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 12 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019


The bright sunshine produced a good turn out, of all ages, and the challenge of 4 laps of the Recreation Ground was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thank you to everyone who came and took part in the event and helped me raise £425 (to date, before Gift Aid) for a worthwhile charity. The next charity event is the Leeds Half Marathon 12th May. With 9 people in the team, and possibly 10, this is the biggest team ever from Bramhope. Raising money again for the two amazing cancer charities, Candlighters and the Imran Khan Cancer appeal. Donations at The third event of the year is the Yorkshire Three Peaks Walk on either 24th or 31st August. Again there is a lot of interest this year for this challenge with already more than 10 people confirming their attendance for this walk. If you would like to take part, please contact me as soon as possible. Please donate generously as I am hoping desperately to raise more money in 2019 than in any of the previous 10 years. My target for this year is £10,000 and that would take our total to £65,000. So please help and achieve this target and raise money for these wonderful causes: The Candlighters Trust, Children in Need appeal, Comic Relief, Imran Khan Cancer Appeal, Heart Research UK, Bloodwise.. To get involved or sponsor someone, contact me on [email protected]; 0113 203 7859, 07747 020782 or call into the shop. Tariq Qadeer, The Village Newsagents, Bramhope ACamp Rugby Roadshow at West Park Leeds RUFC Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th April 10 am - 3 pm Suitable for children aged from 6 – 16 Delivered by specialist rugby coaches £17.50 per day, 3 day package £47.50. To book your place on our camps or to find out further information please visit our website:

The new cricket season at Old Lane kicks off on 27th April, with visitors Walton Park taking on the 1st XI, while our 2nd XI make the trip in the opposite direction to take on Walton Park A at their scenic ground just outside . The club has been working hard at indoor nets at Indoor Cricket School since early January, so everyone should be in decent form when the games start. The club is looking to build on the successes of last season which saw the 2nd XI promoted as champions to Division 3, and with the 1st XI missing out on promotion to Division 1 by one place, they too should be fighting hard for promotion again. There will be games at Old Lane every Saturday of the season, with the exception of the Bank Holidays late in May and August when there are no fixtures. It was great to meet people from the Village last season who came and said hello when we had games on or were up at Old Lane netting. Hopefully we’ll meet lots more people from the Village this season. If you are interested in playing, supporting or sponsoring the club, contact Mark Stelfox at [email protected] or 07802 896489. Website Instagram headingleybramhopecc twitter @bramhopecricket Mark Stelfox Press Officer / 1st X1 Captain Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 13 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

THE BRAMHOPE BOOK EXCHANGE The Bramhope Book Exchange was officially opened on Saturday 19th January by Councillor Martin Fogel, who was instrumental in buying the phone box from BT. Members of Bramhope based book club A Novel Idea were there to help clean up the box and stock the shelves. Donations of books have been received from many Bramhope residents, so a big thank you to all who have contributed. A special thank you to Sue Hogg who donated the shelving, and to the Parish Council for funding the refurbishment. We hope that the Book Exchange will effectively run itself; it is a free community resource open to all. Please feel free to come along and browse, take a book away, and leave one you no longer want in its place. There is a wide selection to choose from - fiction, non-fiction, some classics, and a large box of children's books. There are just a couple of Young Adult books, so this is a category that would benefit from more donations if anyone has any to spare. Tracy Cratchley BRAMHOPE VILLAGE HALL The Phoenix Project If you have been into the Village Hall recently, you will have seen our fundraising thermometer on the wall. Our target for Phase 2 of the Phoenix Project is £30,000. We have already raised over £12,000, thanks to a grant from the Parish Council, donations from the Bramhope Trust and donations from regular users of the Hall. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. We are currently busy applying for grants. Fingers crossed we will be successful and able to start the next phase of renovations, including a new more flexible central heating system and insulation of the building. Both projects will reduce our carbon footprint (and hopefully our heating bills!). Part three of this phase is the installation of new lavatories, including facilities for young children. Events We are working hard to organise fun social events which will appeal to you and contribute to the Phoenix fundraising. The first event in the calendar is the annual Adel Player’s Murder Mystery evening on Friday 17th May. In Act One the murder takes place, there is then a quiz and a pie & pea supper while teams try to work out whodunnit! There follows a shorter second act where the murderer is revealed. It’s great fun but tickets do tend to sell quickly. Tickets are £15, including the pie & pea supper (or vegetarian alternative) from Adel Players. Email boxoffice@adel- or phone 0113 275 5585. The second event, a joint activity with Bramhope Tennis Club, is the Wimbledon Warm-Up on the afternoon of Saturday 30th June. It’s for the whole family, so if you are not a tennis player, come along and have a cream tea or a glass of wine. All proceeds towards the Phoenix Project. Further details in the Summer Festival leaflet. There will be other events later in the year, all organised and run by the Social Group. If you want to join us and have some fun (and maybe make some new friends) contact me. The Village Hall is available for regular bookings and one-off events. Contact Peter, the Hall Manager.

Anne Barrowman, Chair of the Trustees Board 07860 935144 [email protected] Peter Wright, Hall Manager 0113 284 3361 [email protected] Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 14 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

CONSULTATIONS ON THE AIRPORT ACCESS ROAD AND TRAIN STATION Leeds City Council, working in conjunction with the Combined Authority, has released details of the alternative link routes to the airport and a proposed parkway station at the southern end of the Bramhope Tunnel. A Public Consultation is now open and runs until 12th April. Find out more and submit your views at the website above. In 2015-16 there was a public consultation on the three options for road routes intended to address current congestion issues and support the future growth of the airport. Detailed plans have now been produced reflecting the feedback. The park and ride station, advocated for many years by those campaigning for the electrification of the Harrogate line, is an additional proposal and is now supported by Leeds City Council, the airport and WYCA as the most feasible way of providing rail access to the airport. Road route A provides the road link to the station. The Parish Council will be submitting a formal response.

PARISH FINANCES It is important that residents understand how the Parish Council manages the finances on your behalf, and the start of a new budget year is a good opportunity for me to explain the major themes on our radar. Balancing the books is always a challenge and it is something we have managed very successfully to date. 75% of our income is through the precept, which appears on your council tax bill. The Parish Council receives in the region of £55,000 p.a. It seems a large sum of money, but when you consider all the public spaces and buildings we own and manage you can begin to have a greater understanding of how well we meet those challenges. The Puritan Chapel is a Grade 1 listed building and can be costly to maintain. Many of the items in the play area on the Knoll (now out of warranty) have needed expensive repairs and the scramble net will need replacing in the near future. The slide and steps, sadly no longer meeting modern Health & Safety standards, need replacement at a very considerable cost (approximately £30K). The pavilion at the Recreation Ground needs updating so that it continues to be fit for purpose, as we have both a football and a cricket team playing there almost every week of the year. The pavilion car park needs resurfacing in the next couple of years. Refurbishments at the Cemetery have recently taken place and we are mindful that in the future more land needs to be purchased. New guidelines have been issued by LCC regarding the frequency of carrying out tree reports and their ongoing maintenance resulting in significantly increased costs. With our many open green spaces such as Jubilee Copse we have many trees to manage. Although our reserves are currently healthy, primarily through the sale of two parcels of land last year, future expenditure will see them diminish significantly (as demonstrated in our three-year forecast). The Parish Council has always managed our finances prudently and is proud of the fact that the last increase in the precept was 1.2% in 2013 and the last major increase in 2009. We will continue to monitor the position very closely as to whether we will need to increase it in 2020/2021. Martin Fogel Chair Finance Group Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 15 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected] BRAMHOPE & CARLTON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER – SPRING 2019

CARLTON VILLAGE – A NEW COUNCILLOR I joined the Parish Council in January of this year. Although I live in Bramhope, I have specific responsibility for Carlton, taking over the role from Anna Hollings who resigned at the end of 2018. I have been talking to Anna and leaning on her great understanding of local issues, so that I can continue to represent interests of the residents of Carlton. As to myself, my wife and I have lived in Bramhope for over 20 years. Our children have grown up in the village, attending the primary school and then Prince Henry's. Our daughter now has a young family of her own and the eldest now attends Bramhope Primary. I have watched the village grow over the years and I am very aware of the efforts of volunteers to maintain the villages and the range of financial and environmental pressures on Bramhope and Carlton. Now that I have retired (I was an IT project manager with Yorkshire Electricity and Morrisons) I have the time to contribute to the community. My personal interests are sports like football, cricket and cycling. I am attempting to join the 92 Club (I have to see all the teams in the 4 leagues play a first team game at home). I’ve been to over a hundred grounds so far; teams will insist on moving or getting relegated! If you live in Carlton and there is anything you would like to discuss, please get in touch on 07425 607294 or [email protected]. Councillor Ian Robinson COME AND SUPPORT BRAMHOPE AFC IN THE FINAL Bramhope AFC have reached the final of the Harrogate and District Senior Cup! The Final is against Bardsey on Saturday 13th April, at the ground of Ripon City at Mallorie Park Drive, Ripon, HG4 2QD. Kick off time is 15.00. Entry is free. We would love the village to come and support us on this important day for the club. Hope to see you there. (We play in the Harrogate and District Football League Premier Division. New players welcome. Follow us on Twitter Bramhope AFC @BramhopeAFC) Eddie Neal, Club Secretary ANNUAL VILLAGE MEETING Wednesday 15th May Bramhope Village Hall Doors open 7.00 pm Meeting begins at 7.30 pm Drinks and nibbles All residents of Bramhope and Carlton are very welcome Your opportunity to learn about the current and future status of the village and voice your opinions. A brief formal session will cover: • Parish Council finances • the main activities of the Parish Council in the 12 months since the last Annual Meeting • Plans for the next 12 months • A report on planning and development There will be maps and displays on a range of topics relating to Bramhope and Carlton, and Parish Councillors on hand to provide more information. Representatives of local organisations and the Neighbourhood Policing Team will be present to provide information and answer questions.

Bramhope & Carlton Village Newsletter is published three times a year by Bramhope & Carlton Parish Council to inform residents of Parish Council policy and actions and to provide a means for village institutions to ensure their activities reach a wide public. The current editor is Councillor John Howard. No responsibility is taken by the Parish Council for the views expressed by individual contributors. Photographs and articles are published on the basis that appropriate permissions have been obtained by the submitter. Printed by Thistleprint Ltd. Telephone 0113 204 0600 Follow us @BramhopeCarlton 16 Clerk to the Council – Nicola Woodward – 07530 900934 or email [email protected]