立法會 Legislative Council

LC Paper No. CB(4)728/20-21 (These minutes have been cleared with the Chairman)

Ref: CB4/SS/6/20

Subcommittee on Public Revenue Protection (Revenue) Order 2021

Minutes of the first meeting held on Friday, 12 March 2021, at 2:00 pm in Conference Room 2A of the Legislative Council Complex

Members present : Hon CHAN Kin-por, GBS, JP (Chairman) Hon Steven HO Chun-yin, BBS Hon Frankie YICK Chi-ming, SBS, JP Hon YIU Si-wing, BBS Hon CHAN Han-pan, BBS, JP Hon SHIU Ka-fai, JP Hon CHAN Chun-ying, JP Hon Ip-keung, BBS, MH, JP

Members absent : Hon WONG Ting-kwong, GBS, JP Hon LUK Chung-hung, JP Dr Hon CHENG Chung-tai Hon Vincent CHENG Wing-shun, MH, JP

Clerk in attendance : Ms Sophie LAU Chief Council Secretary (4)2

Staff in attendance : Ms Wendy KAN Assistant Legal Adviser 6

Ms Angela CHU Senior Council Secretary (4)2 - 2 -

Ms Jacqueline LAW Council Secretary (4)2

Miss Mandy LAM Legislative Assistant (4)2

Mr Chris CHAN Clerical Assistant (4)2

I. Election of Chairman

Mr CHAN Kin-por, being the member with the highest precedence among those present at the meeting, presided over the election of the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Public Revenue Protection (Revenue) Order 2021 ("the Subcommittee").

2. Mr CHAN Kin-por was nominated by Mr SHIU Ka-fai and the nomination was seconded by Mr Frankie YICK. Mr CHAN accepted the nomination.

3. Mr Frankie YICK then presided over the election of the Chairman of the Subcommittee and invited nominations for the chairmanship of the Subcommittee. There being no other nominations, Mr YICK declared that Mr CHAN Kin-por was elected as the Chairman of the Subcommittee. Mr CHAN then took the chair.

4. Members agreed that it was not necessary to elect a Deputy Chairman.

II. Application for late membership (LC Paper No. CB(4)616/20-21(01))

5. The Subcommittee deliberated (index of proceedings is at Annex).

6. Members accepted the application for late membership from Mr WONG Ting-kwong pursuant to Rule 23(c) of the House Rules.

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Action III. Any other business

Legislative timetable and extension of the scrutiny period

7. Noting the legislative timetable, members agreed that the Chairman would move a motion at the Council meeting of 24 March 2021 to extend the scrutiny period of the Public Revenue Protection (Revenue) Order 2021 ("the Order") to the Council meeting of 5 May 2021.

Invitation for public views

8. Members agreed to invite written submissions from members of the public on their views on the Order.

(Post-meeting note: The invitation notice was posted on the Legislative Council website on 15 March 2021. Members were invited via LC Paper No. CB(4)642/20-21 on 15 March 2021 to suggest other organizations to be invited for written submissions. No submission was received by the deadline on 24 March 2021.)

Date of next meeting

9. The Chairman informed members that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 at 2:30 pm.

10. There being no other business, the meeting ended at 2:07 pm.

(Post-meeting note: At the House Committee meeting on 19 March 2021, Members agreed that a Bills Committee should be formed to study the Revenue (First Registration Tax and Licence Fees for Motor Vehicles) Bill 2021 ("the Bill"). As the contents of the Bill were basically the same as those of the Order, Members also agreed that members of the Subcommittee should become members of the Bills Committee in order to facilitate the immediate commencement of work by the Bills Committee, and that it was not necessary for the Subcommittee to continue its work. Subsequently, the Chairman withdrew his notice given earlier on the motion to extend the scrutiny period of the Order. The Bills Committee held its first meeting on 31 March 2021, at which Mr CHAN Kin-por was elected the Chairman of the Bills Committee.)

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Action Council Business Division 4 Legislative Council Secretariat 7 April 2021

Annex Subcommittee on Public Revenue Protection (Revenue) Order 2021

Proceedings of the first meeting held on Friday, 12 March 2021, at 2:00 pm in Conference Room 2A of the Legislative Council Complex

Time Speaker Subject(s) Action required marker Agenda item I – Election of Chairman 000533 – Mr CHAN Kin-por Election of Chairman 000650 Mr SHIU Ka-fai Mr Frankie YICK

Agenda item II – Application for late membership 000651 – Chairman Mr WONG Ting-kwong's application for late 000739 membership was accepted.

Agenda item III – Any other business 000740 – Chairman Legislative timetable and extension of the scrutiny 001010 Mr Frankie YICK period

Invitation for public views

Date of next meeting

001011 – Chairman Closing remarks 001017

Council Business Division 4 Legislative Council Secretariat 7 April 2021