THE ANOMALIST:1 Summer 1994 Contributors: Martin Cannon Loren Coleman William Corliss Ted Holden Patrick Huyghe Martin Kottmeyer Mario Pazzaglini Paul Rydeen Dennis Stacy Ingo Swann THE ANOMALIST Edited and published by Patrick Huyghe and Dennis Stacy The Anomalist is published twice a year and is available directly from us or through select booksellers. Unless otherwise noted, each issue is $10.00 (plus $2.50 postage and handling if ordering direct). Manuscripts, letters, books for review and advertising inquiries may be sent to either editor. For information about forthcoming issues, send an SASE to: Patrick Huyghe or Dennis Stacy P.O.Box 577 P.O.Box 12434 Jefferson Valley,NY 10535 San Antonio,TX 78212
[email protected] 72450.
[email protected] fax:(914) 526-4204 fax:(210) 828-4507 Authors guidelines: We suggest that authors contact the editors prior to manuscript submission to determine whether the proposed article is appropriate for The Anomalist. All unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope, or will not be returned. All submitted material must be typed and preferably sub- mitted on a Mac or IBM disk or sent via e-mail. All articles appearing in The Anomalist represent the views and work of the individual authors. Their publication does not necessarily con- stitute an endorsement by the editors and publishers of The Anomalist. ISSN 1076-4028 Copyright (C) 1994 by Patrick Huyghe and Dennis Stacy 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Quadratic Equations by Patrick Huyghe and Dennis Stacy 4 Dinosaurs and