Debasish Bandyopadhyay: Curriculum Vitae Debasish Bandyopadhyay, MSc, PhD, MRSC E - mail :
[email protected] Assistant Professor Phone: 956-665-3824 Department of Chemistry (ESCNE 3.492) The University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley (E-mail is Preferred) 1201, West University Drive Prepared on September 11, 2019 Edinburg; TX 78539 Objective Contribute to research and teaching in Chemistry and make a visible difference to the quality of human life associated with Food, Nutrition, and Medicine. Specific areas of interest include Food Chemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Organic/Medicinal Chemistry, and Green chemistry. Specific Aims ➢ To develop outstanding students for the advancement of the society. ➢ To identify new and novel nutritious food sources ➢ To develop effective drugs for the benefit of mankind. Highlights Academic qualification: M. Sc. (1st Class), B. Ed. (1st Class), Ph. D. Teaching experience in the United States: 9+ years Publications in internationally peer-reviewed journals: 74 (another 5 are in pipeline). Publications in internationally peer-reviewed journals as corresponding author: 16 (another 5 are in pipeline) Plenary/Keynote/Invited (International) Lectures: 7 International/National presentations: 93 State/Regional/Local presentations: 93 Book Chapters: 6 Book (Edited): 1 Press Releases: 3 [Covered by more than 240 news agencies worldwide] External Grant Awarded: US $417,329.00 [Role: Principal Investigator] Internal Competitive Research Grants Awarded as PI: US $9,100.00 American Chemical Society DOC Travel Award: US $1,200.00 [Fall 2012 & Fall 2017] Editorial Board Member: 7 International Journals. Associate Editor: 1 International Journals Reviewer: 46 International Journals Teaching Evaluation Average teaching evaluation (excellent/good) since Fall 2010 to Summer II, 2019 is as follows: Overall: 97.15% Excellent/Good (Lecture: 95.37%; Lab: 96.60%; Research: 99.50%) Research Foci (1) Identification of new and novel nutritious food sources and chemical analysis of fruits, vegetables, and food waste.