Poems, Thoughts and Essays

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Poems, Thoughts and Essays Poems, Thoughts and Essays H. Paul LeBlanc III Copyright © 1994, H. Paul LeBlanc III. All rights reserved. Poems, Thoughts and Essays Table of Contents Firstword ........................................................ iii Poems: Warm, Orange, Silent ......................................... 1 Frame 37 ..................................................... 2 Innocence .................................................... 3 Before Feather ................................................ 4 My Friend .................................................... 6 Alone ........................................................ 7 A Christmas Wish ............................................. 8 Out the Window ............................................... 9 Snow Trees ................................................. 10 In the Public View ............................................ 11 Thoughts: A Quiet, Busy Place .......................................... 12 To Be An Insect .............................................. 13 A Pacifist Manifesto .......................................... 14 Random Notes ............................................... 16 A Diary of Thoughts .......................................... 17 Autobiography ............................................... 18 Editorials: Abortion .............................................. 27 Where’s the Advertising? ............................... 28 Exercise Caution When Exercising Censorship ............ 29 Deterrence, Contributing Factor of Behavior .............. 31 Experiencing the Power of Music ........................ 32 About the Editorial Choices of the Rattler Staff ............ 33 Wish You Were There .................................. 34 The Brain vs. the Mind .................................. 36 Co-eds Share Similarities in Major Courses ............... 38 Filling the Relationship Void ............................. 40 Things Aren’t Always What They Seem ................... 42 Essays: Nuclear Energy: An Alternative Energy Source? ................. 44 "I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud," The Poetry of William Wordsworth ....................... 49 Father? ..................................................... 55 Invariance Through Transformation ............................ 57 Cultural Relativism? .......................................... 59 The Orchid: The Poetry of Pablo Neruda ....................... 61 Education in Louisiana or Lack ................................ 63 The Bay of Pigs: A Fiasco Resulting from Groupthink? ........... 67 The Copyright Act and Bill 506 ................................ 69 Kierkegaard: The Truth of the Heart ............................ 71 Evolutionary Modern Thought ................................. 77 Pleasure or Pain ............................................. 79 I've Got My Universe ......................................... 81 Time: A Possibility ........................................... 84 Human Freedom ............................................. 86 Authenticity and Inauthenticity ................................. 88 Ability or Actuality ............................................ 90 Theory versus Common Sense ................................ 92 “Once, Just a Dream . .” .................................... 94 Censorship .................................................. 96 Reincarnation ............................................... 100 Immortality ................................................. 105 Poems, Thoughts and Essays iii Firstword The poems, thoughts and essays in this collection were written primarily when I was in college as an undergraduate student between the years of 1984 and 1988. They represent the thoughts of a young man in a very growthful time in his life, in my life. The poetry, as well as the short prose pieces: “A Quiet, Busy Place,” “To Be An Insect,” and “A Pacifist Manifesto” break significantly in terms of mood from the poetry compiled in Troubles of Teenage Years. Many of the themes are similar from the two collections, but the environment was quite different. The change in environment may have affected most greatly the tenor of the works represented in this collection. For example, “Random Notes” demonstrates some thoughts regarding nonviolence and justice which follow nicely from “A Pacifist Manifesto.” The short essay “A Diary of Thoughts” and the “Autobiography” show a concentration on personal development. Although this tendency existed during the high school years, the types of self-reflexive messages differ. In the “Autobiography,” an interpretation of the teenage years appears, as well as a projection of where life events have lead up to the time of the writing of the “Autobiography.” During the undergraduate years, I began writing letters to the editor. The first of these letters, Abortion” was co-authored with Kathy Tarver and was a reaction to a number of letters on the issue. Other letters and several editorials were written for the St. Mary’s University school newspaper, The Rattler. The editorial "Exercise Caution When Exercising Censorship" was originally written as a class paper. As such the complete essay has been included in this collection as well as the editorial. The other editorials were individual essays written specifically for the Rattler audience. Two research papers written during high school are also included: “Nuclear Energy: An Alternative Energy Source?,” and “’I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud,’ The Poetry of William Wordsworth.” These two papers were included because they fit the theme of this collection much more clearly than the previous volume. The collection is completed with twenty essays/research papers written as an undergraduate. These essays demonstrate a progression in thought and communicative ability. Poems, Thoughts and Essays 1 Warm, Orange, Silent Wind blows warm, orange, silent Upon a sea of unknowing And though I see the shadows I know not where they turn Coldness grows upon one's skin Soon, soon to melt away From that warm, orange wind That upon the hilltops burn Yesterday, yesterday Upon the hilltops burning Breathed the fire from within Upon a sea of unknowing Which way did he go The fire demon, guardian of this world Who preys upon the souls Of the children from the sea And he cannot hear the sunshine That beams on his face without eyes But though the rhythm beats slow The soul he cannot be Poems, Thoughts and Essays 2 Frame 37 The magnetic forms across the plates leaving an indelible mark And we are fields mysteries, as you would be infinitely intelligible leaving our indelible mark upon others And so it was determined to leave that mark in a rather undetermined way rather free, as it were An example: high school alienation after school motorcycle races when blowing through hair feel of despair feel of fear feel of imminent death freedom of not caring less freedom real freedom is lonely when you're in high school So what do we do opt for freedom opt for grace opt for alienation save face Leaving an indelible mark does it fade or does it perdure we are the magnet the field, as it were leaving an indelible mark Poems, Thoughts and Essays 3 Innocence A country lane Vultures circling overhead An innocent animal Lost its life on a roadside And thoughtless We crush the life Out of each other Poems, Thoughts and Essays 4 Before Feather Blue Sky Feather floating downward Taken by a gentle breeze, touching softly Each warm heart beaming with streaks of light And I gaze upon it As has millions before me A wonderment This feather floating downward But what is it? This feather floating downward Seen by millions before me A pleasing, soothing, soft thing That burns my eyes A sensation never felt before By millions before me And my mind races back To an earlier time, a distant place One I had forgotten Why hadn't I remembered? That this feather burns me Removed from this writing desk This chair, this room I am standing in a void A great void No other soul passing emptiness, vast emptiness I must move, get away But a fastness holds me Sharp, jagged, pointed rocks Press against my skin Press against my skin My very soul Sharp, jagged, pointed rocks of words words of hatred and despair Poems, Thoughts and Essays 5 Before feather I grabbed a rock of my own A rock of destruction To lash out at those holding me in Turned in toward myself Prepared to end it then But . the feather left me I never had the nerve To bring an end Poems, Thoughts and Essays 6 My Friend My friend, come visit me, for I am lonely My friend, come see me, for my children don't come I am a prisoner, abandoned and unloved I live in a dark room, a small cell My friend, come visit me, for no one comes often My friend, come see me, I long for your presence My house is small, don't be afraid the door is always open, and welcomes anyone who cares Come to me Poems, Thoughts and Essays 7 Alone I see you in a prison cell in a nursing home in a garbage can (an alley way) under a bridge I see you with no fingers or arms in a far away land in my back yard I see you we all do But because we close our eyes We don't hear your cries Poems, Thoughts and Essays 8 A Christmas Wish This is the season we wait in joyful anticipation for the coming of our Lord. As the astrologers were beckoned by the appearance of a star, Let us follow the light that calls us closer to Him. And multitudes of angels praised Him singing and sharing their joy with the shepherds in the fields. So may we rejoice in His coming. With humility, Mary and Joseph welcomed Him into the world. Let us also welcome Him, not only on this feast but always.
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