Issue 8 News from the Architectural Association AARCHITECTURE There comes a time as an architectural student when you just want to say fuck the conceptual crap, the drawings, the smart talk, New Releases from AA Publications PG 18 I just want to build something. I think we all felt that. Bridge of Styx PG 16 Perhaps this best characterises our generation as one that is nonchalant, resourceful and adapts to the problem at hand. Revolutions of Choice PG 4 On the Terrace PG 14 VERSO AARCHITECTURE ISSUE 8 aarcHITEctURE ContrIBUtors NOTE ABOUT THE DESIGN News from the Architectural Frank Barkow The first six issues of AArchitecture, 2 Stefano Boeri Association
[email protected] established in 2006 looked to establish Issue 8 / Spring 2009 a new title in the A A’s ever-evolving 4 Revolutions of Choice Henderson Downing series of magazines and journals and
[email protected] in doing so revisited the legacy of ©2009 numerous short-lived AA publications. 7 AA Council and Student Representation All rights reserved Helen Evans Since the publication of the seventh Published by the Architectural
[email protected] issue, the magazine has looked to shift 8 Cinema Lalibela: Off-Road Architecture Association, 36 Bedford Square, direction even further, in its structure, London WC1B 3ES Gonçalo M. Furtado now including a student editor, and
[email protected] in its form, as a newsletter with a more 10 The Encounters Around Architecture and Contact: standardised and repeating format.
[email protected] Edouard le Maistre At the same time alternative modes Systems Research: (An Introductory Excerpt) Nicola Quinn +44 (0)20 7887 4033
[email protected] of publication continue to be explored though Bedford Press established at the 12 Jan Kaplicky: Future Systems To send news briefs: Catherine Annie Pease A A in 2008.