Venkata Rao Barige et. al. / International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJMSET) ISSN 2349-3755; Available at Volume 4, Issue 3, 2017, pp.38-42

A Study on Devices to Conceptualize User Needs

2 Venkata Rao Barige1 Dr. Prasad B.D.C.N Research Scholar, Professor, Rayalaseema University, K.L. University, Kurnool, India, Guntur, India. [email protected] [email protected]


Ubiquitous computing technology is beginning to rise commercial interest as industry explores better ways to get into profit, by leveraging devices that provide appropriate information and services. Participants are introduced to the perception of ubiquitous computing using basic everyday objects permeated with some computational power to convey various types of information. Besides determining whether they understand the information, participants also compare these ubiquitous interfaces with other devices that display the same information allowing us to accumulate some insight as to how the two types of devices might differ. Through a survey, participants provide comment relating to the objects they used, rating the performance of each one on a number of metrics and making comparisons between the ubiquitous computing devices. We encourage them to think of new ways to use the ubiquitous computing devices to support current needs that they may have or come up with new and different uses for them. Additionally, we ask for other everyday objects that they think could be successfully implanted with computational power to help convey information in the real world. Based on the user requirements, there is a scope to the designers to develop the ubiquitous devices accordingly. In the future, computation will be human centered. It will be freely available everywhere. We won't have to type, click, or learn new computer jargon. Instead, we'll communicate naturally, using speech and gestures that describe our intent.

Keywords: Ubiquitous Computing, Participants, Ubiquitous Interfaces, Everyday Objects, Metrics, Information.

1. INTRODUCTION: Ubiquitous computing(Ubi Comp) is a concept in software engineering and computer science where computing is made to appear anytime and everywhere. In contrast to desktop computing, ubiquitous computing can occur using any device, in any location, and in any format. The most current trend, the ubiquitous computing (also known as pervasive, deeply embedded, sentient computing or ), expands on the concept of mobile computing, and means that there are tens/hundreds of computing devices in every room/person, becoming “invisible” and part of the environment. They can use WANs, LANs, PANs, anything really to ensure reliable networking in small spaces. It makes a computer so imbedded, so fitting, so natural, that we use it without even thinking about it. Most of the of Things (IOT) devices are based on Ubiquitous Computing. Some of the examples are Apple Watch, Amazon Echo Speaker, Amazon EchoDot, Fitbit, Electronic Toll Systems, Smart Traffic Lights ,Self Driving Cars, Home Automation, Smart Locks, NEST. Mobile and ubiquitous devices are everywhere around us, and I do mean everywhere. Anyone trying to avoid the contact with them these days would need to go to great lengths to actually succeed. Portable devices and computers are present everywhere, sometimes hidden so well (ubiquitous computing) that we don’t even realise they’re there. Finally the study helped us to give proposals on the utilization of the advantages of ubiquitous computing technology in the real world.

2. KEY FEATURES OF UBICOMP: The main focus of ubiquitous computing is the invention of smart devices that are connected, making communication and the exchange of data easier and less prominent. Key features of ubiquitous computing include: © IJMSET-Advanced Scientific Research Forum (ASRF), All Rights Reserved “ASRF promotes research nature, Research nature enriches the world’s future”


Venkata Rao Barige et. al. / International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJMSET) ISSN 2349-3755; Available at Volume 4, Issue 3, 2017, pp.38-42  Consideration of the human factor and placing of the model in a human, rather than computing, environment  Use of inexpensive processors, thereby sinking memory and storage requirements  Capturing of real-time attributes  Totally connected and constantly available computing devices  Focus on many-to-many relationships, instead of one-to-one, many-to-one or one-to-many in the environment, along with the proposal of technology, which is constantly present  Includes local/global, social/personal, public/private and invisible/visible features and considers knowledge creation, as well as information propagation.  Relies on uniting Internet, wireless technology and advanced electronics  Increased surveillance and possible control and hindrance in user privacies, as the digital devices are wearable and constantly connected  As technology progresses, the consistency factor of the different equipment used may be impacted.

3. UBICOMP ENABLED DEVICES: Just think about some of ubiquitous computing applications you may be in get in touch with with every day, e.g. air conditioner automatically adapting room temperature; embedded systems for cars or airplanes, automatic doors. Yes, they always don’t have a screen or I/O devices, yet they can still have processors, memory, network connectivity. In fact, there are over 9 billion embedded processors working around the world today. That’s more than one per each human being.

Just ask yourself – how many computers can possibly be fixed into a modern car? In fact, modern cars, for example BMW 745i, can run Windows CE and has 53x 8-bit processors, 11x 32-bit processors and 7x 16-bit processors. It’s also fully outfitted with networking capabilities.

One of the earliest ubiquitous systems was artist Natalie Jeremijenko's "Live Wire", also known as "Dangling String", installed at Xerox PARC during 's time there. This was a piece of string attached to a stepper motor and controlled by a LAN connection; network activity caused the string to jerk, yielding a peripherally noticeable indication of traffic. Weiser called this an example of calm technology.

A present demonstration of this trend is the widespread diffusion of mobile phones. Many of mobile phones supporting high speed data transmission, video services, and mobile devices with powerful computational capability. Although these mobile devices are not necessarily manifestations of ubiquitous computing, there are examples, such as Japan's Yaoyorozu ("Eight Million Gods") Project in which mobile devices, tied with radio frequency identification tags reveal that ubiquitous computing is already present in some form.

Ambient Devices has produced an "orb", a "dashboard", and a "weather beacon": these decorative devices obtain data from a wireless network and report current events, such as stock prices and the weather, like the Nabaztag produced by Violet Snowden.

The Australian futurist Mark Pesce has created a highly configurable 52-LED LAMP enabled lamp which uses Wi-Fi named MooresCloud after Moore's Law.

The Unified Computer Intelligence Corporation has launched a device called Ubi – The Ubiquitous Computer that is intended to let voice interaction with the home and provide constant access to information.

Ubiquitous computing research has focused on construction an environment in which computers allow humans to focus concentration on select aspects of the environment and operate in © IJMSET-Advanced Scientific Research Forum (ASRF), All Rights Reserved “ASRF promotes research nature, Research nature enriches the world’s future”


Venkata Rao Barige et. al. / International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJMSET) ISSN 2349-3755; Available at Volume 4, Issue 3, 2017, pp.38-42 supervisory and policy-making roles. Ubiquitous computing highlights the creation of a human computer interface that can interpret and support a user's intentions. For example, MIT's Project Oxygen seeks to create a system in which computation is as pervasive as air:

In the future, computation will be human centered. It will be freely available everywhere, like batteries and power sockets, or oxygen in the air we breathe...We will not need to carry our own devices around with us. Instead, configurable generic devices, either handheld or embedded in the environment, will bring computation to us, whenever we need it and wherever we might be. As we interact with these "anonymous" devices, they will adopt our information personalities. They will respect our desires for privacy and security. We won't have to type, click, or learn new computer jargon. Instead, we'll communicate naturally, using speech and gestures that describe our intent.

The following are the few everyday objects shown in Fig 1, are also used by most researchers to experiment to convey information as Ubicomp devices. The infoLAMP, which uses the brightness of the lamp to convey information.The dataFAN, which uses wind speed from the fan.The hapticCHAIR, which uses vibration from a cushion.

Figure 1: the infoLAMP, dataFAN and hapticCHAIR

This is a fundamental conversion that does not seek to escape the physical world and "enter some metallic, gigabyte-infested cyberspace" but rather carry computers and communications to us, making them "synonymous with the useful tasks they perform".

Network robots connect ubiquitous networks with robots, contributing to the formation of new lifestyles and solutions to deal with a variety of social problems including the aging of population and nursing care.

3.1 Enabling Technologies: Mobile and ubiquitous computing didn’t happen in general. There is a number of technological advances that our civilizations had to come up with in order to even practically consider developing commercially viable products. Firstly, there is Wireless (data) communication technology providing higher bandwidth, lower power consumption and product (readily available and secure). Secondly, there are small form factor devices based on ever shrinking electronics, better displays and new input methods. Then there is the personalization factor coming from the advances in IA and machine learning science. Other important factors include: automatic identification (RFID, numbering schemes, network information services), sensing and actuation (mechanical, chemical, electric, bio sensing), (physical, informational and social), and finally ambient displays and tangible interfaces. All those factors enabled the human kind to come up with some of the best inventions, not only gadgets but also medical breakthroughs and some very useful applications. There are now fully well-designed computers of the size of coin which can broadcast data in and out. There are special

© IJMSET-Advanced Scientific Research Forum (ASRF), All Rights Reserved “ASRF promotes research nature, Research nature enriches the world’s future”


Venkata Rao Barige et. al. / International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJMSET) ISSN 2349-3755; Available at Volume 4, Issue 3, 2017, pp.38-42 plasters for diabetics which automatically judge and release insulin to the body. There are RFID tags smaller than a pinhead and bio tags which can be easily injected under the skin.

3.2 Security, Privacy & Trust in Ubiquitous Computing: Technologically, people are now competent of building a global identification system which can be set in in every CCTV camera in the world and which will include all information about everyone, e.g. purchase trends and histories, health forecasts, habits, etc. Practically however, technological advances are being halted by many privacy issues. Yes, if anyone thinks their privacy is not shared anywhere is totally mistaken, but where are the boundaries, how far can we push personal trust for people we’ve never even met? These are most likely the biggest issues ubiquitous technologies and computing face these days. For once, the problem is not the lack of knowledge, but how we relate it to every single, yet different, person?

4. CONCLUSIONS: In the future of computing world, people should be up to date, employing latest devices and technologies in order to convey information according to user lifestyle. Most of the Computing world have changed radically, influenced by the wide spread of mobile devices. The concept of dynamic capabilities can help us to understand how the world resources (human, technological, economic, organizational) could evolve through time, offering competitive advantage .Based on the requirements of the users the ubiquitous computing devices should be designed and developed. By studying about the various devices and features that they are providing, there is a lot of scope, the designers of the ubicomp must concentrate in developing user friendly ubicomp gadgets accordingly.

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Mr.Venkata Rao Barige: He is an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Applications, V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada. And He is also a Research Scholar of Computer Science & Engineering in Rayalaseema University, Kurnool. He has attended various National and International Conferences within the State. And also published his research papers in Reputed National and International Indexed Journals. He received the best mentor award by Unisys Info systems, Bangaluru for making students projects national wide success. He implemented various online automated systems in his Institution.

. Dr.B.D.C.N.Prasad: currently he is a Professor in Department of Mathematics in K.L.University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. He received Ph.D in Applied Mechanic from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P, India in 1984. His research interest includes Data Mining, Rough Sets in Computer Science and Boundary Value Problems and Fluid Dynamics in Mathemtics. He has several publications in Mathematics and Computer Science in reputed national and International journals. He is a member of ISTAM and ISTE. He is a national executive member of Indian Society for Rough Sets.

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