Highways Department

Route 8 Between and – Phase 1 Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct: Monthly Environmental Monitoring & Audit Report (29th April – 28th May 2004)

Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... ES1 1 INTRODUCTION...... 1 1.1 Purpose of the Report ...... 1 1.2 Structure of the Report...... 1 2 PROJECT INFORMATION...... 2 2.1 Background...... 2 2.2 Site Description...... 2 2.3 Project Organisation ...... 2 2.4 Project Work Programme ...... 2 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REQUIREMENTS...... 3 3.1 Air Quality ...... 3 3.2 Noise Quality ...... 5 4 IMPLEMENTATION STATUS ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS...... 7 5 ENVIRONMENTAL LICENCE AND PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS ...... 7 6 MONITORING RESULTS...... 7 6.1 Air Quality ...... 7 6.2 Noise ...... 8 7 AUDIT RESULTS...... 9 7.1 Air Quality ...... 9 7.2 Noise ...... 10 7.3 Water Quality...... 10 7.4 Waste Management...... 11 7.5 Site Audit / Inspection ...... 11 8 ENVIRONMENTAL NON-COMPLIANCE, COMPLAINTS, NOTIFICATIONS OF SUMMONS AND PROSECUTIONS...... 13 8.1 Summary of Environmental Non-Compliance ...... 13 8.2 Summary of Complaints ...... 13 8.3 Summary of Notification of Summon and Prosecution...... 14 9 FUTURE KEY ISSUES...... 14 9.1 Key Issues for the Coming Month...... 14 9.2 Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Three Months...... 15 10 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS...... 15 10.1 Conclusions...... 15 10.2 Recommendations...... 16


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004


Table 2.1 Site Activities undertaken from during the reporting period Table 3.1 TSP Monitoring Parameter and Frequency Table 3.2 TSP Monitoring Locations Table 3.3 Air Quality Monitoring Equipment Table 3.4 Noise Monitoring Frequency and Parameters Table 3.5 Location of the Noise Monitoring Stations Table 3.6 Noise Monitoring Equipment Table 6.1 Summary of 1-hour TSP Impact Monitoring Results Table 6.2 Summary of 24-hour TSP Impact Monitoring Results Table 6.3 Summary of Corrected Impact Noise Levels for Normal Hour Monitoring Table 6.4 Summary of Corrected Impact Noise Levels for Restricted Hour Monitoring at NSR1 Table 6.5 Summary of Corrected Impact Noise Levels for Restricted Hour Monitoring at NSR2 Table 7.1 Summary of Waste Disposal during the Reporting Period Table 8.1 Summary of Non-Compliance for the reporting period Table 8.2 Summary of Total Complaint Received


Appendix A Site Location Plan Appendix B Project Organization Chart and Contact Details Appendix C Three Months Rolling Programme Appendix D1 Action/Limit Levels for Air Quality Appendix D2 Action/Limit Levels for Noise Appendix E Environmental Monitoring Schedule for the Reported Period Appendix F Locations of Monitoring Stations Appendix G1 Calibration Certificates for HVS Appendix G2 Calibration Certificate for the Weather Station Appendix G3 Calibration Certificates for High Volume Orifice Calibrator Appendix G4 Calibration Certificates for Sound Level Meter and Calibrator Appendix H1 Event/Action Plan for Air Quality Appendix H2 Event/Action Plan for Noise Appendix I Implementation Status of Environmental Protection Requirements Appendix J 1-hour and 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results Appendix K Graphical Presentation of 1-hour and 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results Appendix L Weather Condition during Impact Monitoring Appendix M1 Noise Monitoring Results for Normal Hour Appendix M2 Noise Monitoring Results for Restricted Hour Appendix N1 Graphical Presentation of Noise Monitoring Results for Normal Hour Appendix N2 Graphical Presentation of Noise Monitoring Results for Restricted Hour Appendix O1 Environmental Complaint Log Book Appendix O2 Cumulative Statistics for Environmental Complaint Appendix P Tentative Environmental Monitoring Schedule for the Next Three Months Appendix Q Photographic Records of Implemented Measures Appendix R Summary of Environmental Licensing, Notification and Permit Status


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004


ES 1 This is the 22nd monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) report for the Project HY/2000/21 - Route 8 Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct. This report presents the results of the EM&A works conducted during the period between 29th April and 28th May 2004 in accordance with the EM&A Manual which forms part of the EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-018/1999). ES 2 During the monitoring period, the following construction activities have taken place: i. excavations; ii. traffic and utilities diversions; iii. bored piling; iv. sheet piling; v. pile cap construction; vi. column construction; vii. pier/portal construction; and viii. segment erection.

ES 3 Monitoring of Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) and Noise were carried out in accordance with the Project’s EM&A Manual. Weekly site audits were conducted by the ET on 30th April, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th May 2004 and the IEC monthly audit was conducted on 14th May 2004. Air Quality ES 4 For 1-hour TSP monitoring, a total of 36 sets of measurement were carried out during the reporting period and no exceedance of the Action/Limit (AL) Levels was recorded. For 24- hour TSP monitoring, a total of 12 sets of measurement were carried out during the reporting period and no exceedance of the AL Levels was recorded. Noise Daytime Monitoring

ES 5 A total of 8 sets of Leq(30min) measurement during daytime (i.e. 0700 to 1900 hours on normal weekdays) were carried out during the reporting period and all measured levels were below the Limit Level. Evening-time Monitoring

ES 6 A total of 4 sets of 6 x Leq(5min) measurement during evening-time (i.e. 1900 to 2300 hours on normal weekdays) were carried out during the reporting period at NSR1. All measured levels were below the Limit Level. Night-time Monitoring ES 7 No noise monitoring was carried out during night-time (i.e. 2300 to 0700 next day) during the reporting period. Public-holiday Monitoring

ES 8 A total of 4 sets of 6 x Leq(5min) measurement during public holiday (i.e. 0700 to 1900 hours during public holiday) were carried out at NSR1. All measured levels were below the Limit Level.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

Water Quality ES 9 A total of 3 Effluent Discharge Licenses had been granted by EPD. In accordance with the conditions of the licenses, water sampling at designated discharge points shall be carried out on a monthly basis for area P1-SA1 (Grid 1 to 9) and on a quarterly basis for areas P1-SA1 (Grid 10 to 27), P1-SA6, P1-SA8, P1-SA10, P1-SA11, P1-SA13 and P1-SA15. ES 10 A total 7 water samples had been taken on 28th May 2004. The results for these samples will be reported in the next EM&A Report. In addition, pH and COD were also analysed to ensure the quality of the water discharged fully complied with the stipulated limits in the approved licenses. Suspended Solids level of 3 water samples taken at P1-SA1 (Grid 1 to 9) on the 28th April 2004 were below the Limit Level. The next sampling is scheduled to be taken in June 2004 for P1-SA1 (Grid 1 to 9) and in August 2004 for other areas. ES 11 Sandbag barriers had been placed along the site boundary of area P1-SA1 (Grid 9, roundabout CP3END) to avoid surface runoff overflowing outside the site. The temporary drainage system will be implemented before the commencement of earthworks in this area. ES 12 Most of the temporary drainage system at P1-SA1 (Grid 11 to 26, Container Port Road E/B) had been completed apart from a small section of ditch channels along the site boundary next to CT8 where the bentonite pipes are located. Sandbag barriers had been provided along this section of the site boundary as an interim measure. The construction work of ditch channel is now in progress and tentatively to be completed by early June 2004. ES 13 For the remaining area of P1-SA1 (Grid 10 to Grid 27, Container Port Road W/B), most of ground had been paved with bituminous material. CHEC reported that once the construction is completed it would serve as a temporary public road and the run-off control for this area during re-alignment works is currently under review by CHEC and will be submitted in due course. In the meantime, exposed earth had been covered by impervious sheet and sandbag barriers had been deployed to avoid run-off being discharged into existing storm water drains or overflowed to adjacent land / public road. ES 14 For P1-SA6 Bus Depot, the sedimentation tank no. 1 had been relocated at the lowest point at Pier SB39. However, the inlet level of sedimentation tank seems higher than adjacent ground level and remedial actions will be taken by CHEC to rectify this issue. The revised Comprehensive Drainage Proposal for P1-SA6 is currently under review by CHEC and will be submitted in due course. Waste Management ES 15 1055 no. of trucks, approximately 6330m3 of inert C&D material were delivered to Kai Tak Public Fill Barging Point (KTBP) during the reporting period. In addition, approximate 135 tonnes of C&D waste were produced on-site had been delivered to the SENT Landfill. No chemical waste was disposed off site during the reporting period. Site Audit ES 16 Weekly site audits were carried out by the ET and the major findings are presented below:


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

Item Findings CHEC’s Corrective and Effectiveness of measures Preventive measures 1 Better surface run-off control All site areas/boundary had Current measures provided on should be provided to divert been either protected by site are effective. However, it run-off into adequate designed sandbag barriers, cement is recommended that the sand / silt removal facilities sealed concrete barriers or temporary drainage system on prior to discharge at P1-SA1. intercepting channels to avoid site should be completed as overflowing of surface run-off soon as possible according to on to adjacent sites. the temporary drainage Sedimentation facilities for proposal. (Please refer to areas Grid 1 to 8 and Grid 10 Appendix Q, Photo 01 to 05) to 26 (Container Port Rd E/B) had been fully implemented. More details of the drainage can be found in Section ES11- 13. 2 Silty run-off was seeping from Discharge of silty water was The inlet level of the bottom of the sealed immediately stopped and the sedimentation tank seemed concrete barrier on to the sedimentation tank no. 1 has higher than adjacent ground adjacent Lai Po Road at P1- subsequently been relocated at level and remedial actions SA6 Bus Depot near Pier the lowest point at Pier SB39 must be taken by CHEC to SB39. The capacity of for treating surface run-off rectify this issue as a matter of sedimentation tank no.1 also prior to discharge and urgency. seemed inadequate and silty accumulated soil and silt have (Please refer to Appendix Q, water was seen being been cleaned. Photo 06 and 07) discharged into nearby storm water drain. 3 The capacity of de-silting Soakaway pits had been The use of soakaway pits for facilities was inadequate to excavated to handle the handling groundwater was handle the groundwater groundwater pumped out from effective. generated from the pile cap the pile cap construction. (Please refer to Appendix Q, construction area at P1-SA1 Photo 08) (Pier E1-23 and E1-24). 4 Stagnant water and silt was The surface channels and de- Completed and closed. found in surface channels and silting facilities had been (Please refer to Appendix Q, de-silting facilities at P1-SA1 cleaned. Photo 09 and 10) and P1-SA6.

ES 17 The monthly IEC audit was carried on 14th May 2004 and 3 observations were recorded and are presented in the table below. Item Findings CHEC’s Corrective and Effectiveness of measures Preventive measures 1 Deposited silt / sand / rocks The collection pits had been Completed and closed. were observed accumulating cleaned. (Please refer to Appendix Q, in the collection pits next to Photo 11) the wheel washing bay at P1- SA1 (Grid 1 to 9) 2 Several stagnant water ponds Water ponds had been filled. Completed and closed. were found at P1-SA6 (Bus (Please refer to Appendix Q, Depot). Photo 12) 3 Silty water discharge from Please refer to ES16 Item 2. Please refer to ES16 Item 2. sedimentation tank and


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

Item Findings CHEC’s Corrective and Effectiveness of measures Preventive measures seepage from bottom of the sealed concrete barrier on to Lai Po Road adjacent P1-SA6 (Bus Depot) was observed.

ES 18 Site inspection was carried by EPD on 17th May 2004 and the following salient points were raised and summarized as below. Item Findings CHEC’s Corrective and Effectiveness of measures Preventive measures 1 Ditch / u-channel or other Sandbag barriers had been Current measures provided on similar means shall be deployed to avoid run-off site are effective. However, provided along the boundary being discharged into existing CHEC was urged to submit adjacent to P1-SA1 storm water drains or the arrangement proposal of (Container Port Road W/B) to overflowed to adjacent land / run-off control during re- avoid construction run-off public road. alignment works and maintain flowing into the public road. sandbag barriers properly at In addition, channels, earth all time. bunds or sandbag barriers (Please refer to Appendix Q, shall be provided to direct Photo 03) surface run-off into adequately designed sand / silt removal facilities prior discharge. 2 2 layers of sandbags shall be Concrete bunds or sandbag Completed and closed. provided along all boundaries barriers had been deployed on (Please refer to Appendix Q, where there is no physical mentioned boundaries. Photo 13 to 15) barrier such as concrete wall or perimeter channel at P1- SA1 to avoid construction run-off (if any) flowing into adjacent area. 3 The ditch channel along the Sandbag barriers have been The interim measure is site boundary at P1-SA1 provided along the effective and that CHEC (Container Port Road E/B) incompleted part of ditch should complete the ditch next to CT8 shall be channel as an interim channel as soon as possible. implemented as soon as measure. The construction (Please refer to Appendix Q, possible. work of ditch channel is now Photo 02) in progress and will tentatively be completed in early June 2004.

ES 19 Environmental permit / registration / licenses granted to the Project for the entire Contract period includes Environmental Permit (EP-085/2000C) and Chemical Waste Producer Registration. Other valid permits and licenses include 3 Waste Water Discharge Licenses and 10 Construction Noise Permits (CNP). ES 20 The Comprehensive Noise Assessment Report assess the noise impact arising from construction works during restricted hours and review the arrangements for remedial measures had been submitted to EPD on 21st May 2004 for CNP application for works near Lai Wan Interchange including those over the West Highway.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

Complaint Log ES 21 No environmental complaint was received during the reporting period. A total of 7 complaints had been received for the Route 8 Phase 1 Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct contract since the commencement of the construction. Notification of Summons and Prosecutions ES 22 No notification of summons and prosecutions regarding non-compliance of environmental performance of the construction site was received during the reporting period. Future Key Issues ES 23 The tentative program of major site activities as well as the impact prediction and control measures for the coming three months (June to August 2004) are summarized below: Construction Major Impact Control Measures Works Prediction Bore piling, Air impact (dust i. Frequent watering of haul road and unpaved/exposed areas; pre-drilling, and machine ii. Frequent watering or covering stockpiles with tarpaulin or pile cap emission) similar means; and construction, iii. Regular maintenance of onsite machinery and vehicles. column Water quality i. Collecting and recycling of wastewater produced on-site if construction, impact (muddy possible; pier/portal run-off) ii. Perimeter protection such as sangbag barriers and sealing of construction concrete barrier bottoms to avoid run-off from entering the and segment existing storm water drainage system via public road; and erection. iii. Diverting the collected effluent to de-silting facilities for treatment before discharge to public drains. Noise Impact i. Scheduling of noisy construction activities if necessary to avoid persistent noisy operation; ii. Controlling the number of plants use on site; iii. Regular maintenance of machines; and iv. Use of acoustic barriers if necessary.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004


Under the requirements of Section 4 of Environmental Permit EP085/2000/C, EM&A programme is required to be implemented as set out in the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual which forms part of the EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-018/1999) for “Route 8 between Tsing Yi and Cheung Sha Wan Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct” (hereinafter called the “Project”). 1.1 Purpose of the Report This is the 22nd monthly EM&A report which presents the results and findings of all EM&A works for the Project between 29th April and 28th May 2004. 1.2 Structure of the Report The structure of the report is as follows: Section 1: INTRODUCTION – details the scope and structure of the report. Section 2: PROJECT INFORMATION – summarizes the background and scope of the project, project organization, construction programme and the construction works undertaken during the reporting period. Section 3: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REQUIREMENTS – summarizes the monitoring programmes, Action and Limit Levels, Event Action Plans, environmental mitigation measures as recommended in the EIA Report and relevant environmental requirements. Section 4: IMPLEMENTATION STATUS ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS – summarizes the implementation of environmental protection measures during the reporting period. Section 5: ENVIRONMENTAL LICENCE AND PERMITTING REQUIREMENTS – summarizes the environmental licences and permits obtained or being applied during the reporting period. Section 6: MONITORING RESULTS – reports the monitoring results obtained in the reporting period. Section 7: AUDIT RESULTS – summarizes the audit findings in the reporting period. Section 8: COMPLAINTS, NOTIFICATIONS OF SUMMONS AND PROSECUTIONS DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD – summarizes the complaints, notifications of summons and prosecutions recorded during the reporting period. Section 9: FUTURE KEY ISSUES – summarizes the future key issues as reviewed from the works programme and work method statements. Section 10: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004


2.1 Background 2.1.1 The Design and Construction Consultancy Assignment “Agreement No. CE72/98 Route 8 between Tsing Yi and Cheung Sha Wan” was awarded to Ove Arup and Partners Ltd (Arup). 2.1.2 The construction of the Project comprises of the Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct and its link with CT8 and Highway, has been awarded to China Harbour Engineering Company (Group) (CHEC) on 10th April 2002. The construction works was commenced on 29th July 2002 and is scheduled to be completed by December 2006. 2.2 Site Description 2.2.1 Phase 1 works area is located in urban area. The sensitive receivers are mainly residential buildings and schools at and the dwellings at Stonecutters Military Base. The site location plan and the monitoring locations are presented in Appendix A and F respectively. 2.3 Project Organisation 2.3.1 The project organization chart and contact details are shown in Appendix B. 2.4 Project Work Programme 2.4.1 The Project’s Three Months Rolling Programme is presented in Appendix C. The major site activities undertaken during the reporting period are summaries in Table 2.1 Table 2.1 Site Activities undertaken from during the reporting period Area Details of Site Activities P1-SA1 Segment storage yard, site clearance, excavations, pre-drilling, bored piling and pile cap construction. P1-SA6 Excavations, utility diversion, column construction, pier/portal construction and segment erection. P1-SA8 Column construction, pier/portal construction P1-SA9 Segment storage yard, work shop and site office. P1-SA10 Storage/mobilization of equipment/material and site office. P1-SA15 Storage area and site office.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004


3.1 Air Quality Monitoring Requirements 3.1.1 In accordance with the Project’s EM&A Manual 1-hour and 24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) are required to be conducted to monitor the construction dust impact. The established Action/Limit Levels for the environmental monitoring works are presented in Appendix D1. Monitoring Frequency and Schedule 3.1.2 The monitoring parameters and frequency are summarized in Table 3.1. The monitoring schedule for the reporting period is presented in Appendix E. Table 3.1 TSP Monitoring Parameter and Frequency Parameters Duration / hour Frequency 24-hour TSP 24 Once Every Six Days 1-hour TSP 1 Three Times Every Six Days

Monitoring Locations 3.1.3 In accordance with the EM&A Manual, two air quality monitoring locations were selected. The two monitoring locations are listed in Table 3.2 and are presented in Appendix F. Table 3.2 TSP Monitoring Locations Location I.D. Description ASR1 Park at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (at the roof of the toilet block) ASR2 DSD Pumping Station (in the proximity of Stonecutters Military Base)

3.1.4 Wind data monitoring was carried out at the Area P1-SA9 for logging wind speed and wind direction. Monitoring Equipment 3.1.5 Continuous 24-hour and 1-hour TSP air quality monitoring was performed using a TE-5170 Tisch Environmental Inc. High Volume Sampler (HVS), which was installed at the monitoring stations. The sampler composed of a motor, filter holder, flow controller and a sampling inlet. Its performance specification complies with that required by USEPA Standard Title 40, Code of Federation Regulations Chapter 1 (Part 50). 3.1.6 Details of the monitoring equipment are given in Table 3.3. A copy of the calibration certificate for the HVS and wind data monitor are attached in Appendix G1 and Appendix G2 respectively. Table 3.3 Air Quality Monitoring Equipment Equipment Model Qty. HVS Sampler TE-5170 Tisch Environmental Inc. 2 Calibrator TE-5028A Tisch Environmental Inc. 1

Monitoring Procedures and Calibration Details 3.1.7 Calibration Procedures - Calibration procedures of HVS are as follows (calibration certificates are presented in Appendix G3) :


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

i. A certified orifice transfer standard with a calibration curve was used for the calibration. ii. The transfer standard was connected to the inlet of the sampler. The orifice manometer was then connected to the orifice pressure port. The manometer’s connecting tubing was inspected to make sure that there are no leaks between the orifice unit and the sampler. iii. The motor was then disconnected from the flow controller and plugged directly to an AC power source. iv. A weather station has been setup at the Site Office to measure and record the ambient temperature, Ta (K) and the barometer pressure Pa (mmHg) during calculation. v. The sampler was allowed to run for at least 2 minutes to re-establish the run temperature conditions. The pressure drop across the orifice and the well-type manometer reading was recorded during calibration. The variable resistance was adjusted to repeat recording for four different flow rates. vi. The best fit straight line was determined by linear regression and the slope (m1), intercept (b1) and correlation coefficient (r) are then determined.

3.1.8 Operating/Analytical Procedure i. The flow rate of the high volume sampler was set to about 1.1 m3/min - 1.7 m3/min prior to commencement of the dust sampling in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction to within the range recommended in USEPA Standard Title 40, CFR Part 50. ii. The samplers was located such that: a. the filter was about 1.3 meters above ground. b. it was greater than 20 meters away from trees. c. it was separated from any obstacle by at least twice the height of the obstacle protruding above the sampler. d. it has unrestricted airflow 270° around the sampler. iii. Fiberglass filters were used for TSP sampling (G810) [Note: these filters have a collection efficiency of > 99% for particles of 0.3 mm diameter. iv. All filters were equilibrated in the conditioning environment for 24 hours before weighing. The conditioning environment has a temperature setting between 25°C and 30°C and should not vary by more than ±3°C; the relative humidity was < 50% and should not vary by more than ±5%. v. A new filter was placed with stamped number upward on a supporting screen. vi. The filter was properly aligned on the screen so that the gasket formed an air-tight seal on the outer edges of the filter. vii. Shelter lid closed and catch secured with the aluminum strip. viii. The sampler was then allowed to run for at least 5 minutes to establish run-temperature conditions. ix. The flow indicator reading was recorded and the sampler flow rate was determined. x. The programmable timer was set and the starting sampling time, weather condition and the filter number was recorded. xi. At the end of sampling, the filter was transferred from the filter holder of the HVS to a sealable plastic bag and sent to the laboratory for weighing. The elapsed time was also recorded. xii. Before weighing, all filters were equilibrated in a desiccator for 24 hours with temperature of 25°C±3°C and the relative humidity (RH) 50%±5%, preferably 40%.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

3.1.9 Maintenance i. The high volume sampler and their accessories were maintained in good working condition, include replacing motor brushes routinely and checking electrical wiring to ensure continuous power supply.

Event/Action Plan 3.1.10 The Event/Action Plan for Air Quality is presented in Appendix H1. 3.2 Noise Quality Monitoring Requirements 3.2.1 Noise monitoring was conducted at four monitoring stations to monitor the construction noise impact. Appendix D2 presents the established Action/Limit Levels for the environmental monitoring works. Monitoring Frequency and Schedule 3.2.2 The monitoring schedule is presented in Appendix E and the frequency and parameters of noise measurement are summarized in Table 3.4. Table 3.4 Noise Monitoring Frequency and Parameters Time Period Duration / min. Parameters Frequency Daytime 30 Leq, L90 & L10 Once per week (0700 to 1900) (6 consecutive Leq(5min) in average) *Evening 5 Leq, L & L Six times per week (1900 to 2300) 90 10 *Night (2300 to 0700 5 Leq, L90 & L10 Four times per week next day) *Holiday (0700-1900 on 5 Leq, L90 & L10 Six times per week holidays) * Restricted hour noise monitoring: to be conducted only when there is construction work under valid CNP.

Monitoring Locations 3.2.3 In accordance with the EM&A Manual, two noise monitoring locations (as detailed in Table 3.5 and presented in Appendix F) were selected for noise measurement. Table 3.5 Location of the Noise Monitoring Stations Location I.D. Description Type of measurement Lai Chi Kok Park at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (at the NSR1 Free Field roof of the toilet block) DSD Pumping Station (in the proximity of NSR2 Free Field Stonecutters Military Base)

Monitoring Equipment 3.2.4 Integrating Sound Level Meters were used for noise monitoring which were Type 1 sound level meters capable of giving a continuous readout of the noise level readings including equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq) and percentile sound pressure level (Lx).


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

They comply with International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651:1979 (Type 1) and 804:1985 (Type 1). Also, a portable electronic wind speed indicator capable of measuring wind speed in m/s was used to monitor the wind speed. Table 3.6 summarizes the noise monitoring equipment required. Table 3.6 Noise Monitoring Equipment Equipment Model Integrating Sound Level Meter SC-30, CESVA Calibrator CB-5, CESVA Portable Wind Speed Indicator PWM2, Dwyer

Monitoring Procedures and Calibration Details 3.2.5 Field Monitoring i. The microphone of the Sound Level Meter (with weatherproof kit) was mounted on a tripod at a height of 2m above ground level. ii. For free field measurement, the meter was positioned away from any nearby reflective surfaces. iii. AC power supply was checked to ensure good functioning of the meter. iv. Parameters such as frequency weighting, the time weighting and the measurement time were set as follows: a. frequency weighting : A b. time weighting : Fast c. time measurement : 30 minutes / 5 minutes

v. Prior to and after each noise measurement, the meter was calibrated using the Calibrator for 94 dB at 1000 Hz. If the difference in the calibration level before and after measurement was more than 1 dB, the measurement would be considered invalid and repeat of noise measurement would be required after re-calibration or repair of the equipment. vi. The wind speed was frequently checked with the portable wind meter. vii. At the end of the monitoring period, the Leq, L90 and L10 were recorded. In addition, site conditions and noise sources were recorded on a standard record sheet. viii. Noise measurement was paused during periods of high intrusive noise if possible and observation was recorded when intrusive noise was not avoided. ix. Noise monitoring was cancelled in the presence of fog, rain, and wind with steady speed exceeding 5 m/s, or wind with gusts exceeding 10m/s.

3.2.6 Maintenance and Calibration i. The microphone head of the sound level meter and calibrator were cleaned with a soft cloth at quarterly intervals. ii. The meter was sent to the supplier to check and calibrate yearly. iii. Calibration certificates are presented in Appendix G4.

Event/Action Plan 3.2.7 The Event/Action Plan for Noise impact is presented in Appendix H2.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004


The Contractor is in the process of implementing environmental mitigation measures to fulfill requirements as stated in the EIA Report, the Environmental Permit and EM&A Manual. The implementation status during the reporting period is summarized in Appendix I.


5.1.1 The status of the permits, licenses and EPD notifications for all relevant environmental issues for this project for the reporting period is presented in Appendix R. 5.1.2 The Comprehensive Noise Assessment Report assess the noise impact arising from construction works during restricted hours and review the arrangements for remedial measures had been submitted to EPD on 21st May 2004 for CNP application for works near Lai Wan Interchange including those over the West Kowloon Highway.


6.1 Air Quality 6.1.1 1-hour TSP monitoring was carried out at 2 monitoring stations during the reporting period. All monitoring data are presented in Appendix J. A summary of the measured 1-hour TSP levels is given in Table 6.1. Graphical presentations of the 1-hour TSP monitoring results for the reporting period and the trend of 1-hour TSP results since the commencement of the Project are shown in Appendix K. Table 6.1 Summary of 1-hour TSP Impact Monitoring Results Location 1-hour TSP (µg/m3) Action Level Limit Level (µg/m3) I.D. Mean Range (µg/m3) ASR1 107.0 30.4 – 191.5 318 500 ASR2 157.7 54.7 – 316.4 324 500

6.1.2 24-hour TSP monitoring was carried out at 2 monitoring stations during the reporting period. All monitoring data are presented in Appendix J. A summary of the measured results is given in Table 6.2. Graphical presentation of the results and the trend since the commencement of the Project are shown in Appendix K. No exceedance of the Action/Limit Levels of 24-hour TSP was recorded during the reporting period. The wind data monitoring results recorded during the reporting period are summarized in Appendix L. Table 6.2 Summary of 24-hour TSP Impact Monitoring Results Location 24-hour TSP (µg/m3) Action Level (µg/m3) Limit Level (µg/m3) I.D. Mean Range ASR1 65.4 17.9 – 107.1 163 260 ASR2 88.8 59.1 – 111.5 178 260

Observations 6.1.3 Several significant dust sources were identified during the reporting period and they were mainly contributed by the following activities:


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

i. excavation; ii. grouting; iii. demolition/ site clearance; iv. other construction activities nearby; and v. on/off site traffic.

6.2 Noise 6.2.1 In accordance with the Project’s EM&A Manual no noise monitoring were carried out in the presence of fog, rain and wind with a steady speed exceeding 5m/s, or wind gust exceeding 10m/s. Furthermore, an additional 3dB(A) façade correction for free field measurements were made for all monitoring locations. Normal Hour Monitoring 6.2.2 Daytime noise monitoring was carried out at all the noise monitoring stations during the reporting period. All corrected noise levels are presented in Appendix M1. A summary of the results is given in Table 6.3. Graphical presentation of the monitoring results for the reporting period is shown in Appendix N1. No exceedance of the Action/Limit Levels of noise for normal hour monitoring was recorded during the reporting period. Table 6.3 Summary of Corrected Impact Noise Levels for Normal Hour Monitoring Daytime Corrected Noise Level, dB(A) * Limit Level dB(A) 0700-1900 hrs on Mean (Range)

normal weekdays Leq(30min) L10(30min) L90(30min) Leq(30min) 66.5 68.1 64.0 NSR1 75 (65.0-67.6) (66.7-69.8) (63.1-64.7) 74.2 76.9 69.7 NSR2 75 (73.7-74.7) (75.4-76.3) (68.0-71.4) * Additional 3dB (A) façade correction was made to the Free-field measurements.

Observations 6.2.3 The major noise sources during the normal hour in this reporting period were dominated by the following activities: i. bored piling; ii. sheet piling; iii. excavation; iv. demolition; v. on site traffic noise; vi. nearby traffic noise and vii. other construction works nearby.

Restricted Hour Monitoring 6.2.4 Construction works were carried out at site areas P1-SA1, P1-SA6 and P1-SA9 during restricted hours (evening-time). Noise monitoring was carried out at NSR1 during evening- time (i.e. 1900 to 2300 hours on normal weekdays) when construction works were carried out. All measured levels were below the Limit Level. No monitoring was carried out at NSR2 during restricted hour since CHEC did not inform the ET in advance that construction works were intended. CHEC will be reminded to inform the ET prior to any restricted hours works.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

6.2.5 Construction works were carried out at site areas P1-SA6 and P1-SA9 during public holidays. Noise monitoring was carried out at NSR1 during public holiday (i.e. 0700 to 1900 hours on holidays) when construction works were carried out. All measured levels were below the Limit Level. 6.2.6 All façade corrected noise levels are presented in Appendix M2. A summary of the results is given in Table 6.4 and Table 6.5. Graphical presentation of the monitoring results for the reporting period is shown in Appendix N2. Table 6.4 Summary of Corrected Impact Noise Levels for Restricted Hour Monitoring at NSR 1 Corrected Noise Level, dB(A), Limit Level recorded at NSR1* dB(A) Time Period Mean (Range)

Leq(5min) L10(5min) L90(5min) Leq(5min) Evening-time 61.3 63.3 58.9 70 (1900h-2300h) (59.4-62.8) (60.8-65.3) (57.4-60.1) Night-time N/A N/A N/A 55 (2300h-0700h of next day) Holiday 64.7 66.5 62.7 70 (0700h-1900h on holiday) (63.4-67.0) (64.8-69.6) (61.8-64.3) * Additional 3dB (A) façade correction was made to the Free-field measurements.

Table 6.5 Summary of Corrected Impact Noise Levels for Restricted Hour Monitoring at NSR 2 Corrected Noise Level, dB(A), Limit Level recorded at NSR2* dB(A) Time Period Mean (Range)

Leq(5min) L10(5min) L90(5min) Leq(5min) Evening-time N/A N/A N/A 70 (1900h-2300h) Night-time N/A N/A N/A 55 (2300h-0700h of next day) Holiday N/A N/A N/A 70 (0700h-1900h on holiday) * Additional 3dB (A) façade correction was made to the Free-field measurements.

Observations 6.2.7 The major noise sources during the restricted hour monitoring were dominated by the traffic noise. The type of construction works and number of power plants in operation during the monitoring period had been inspected and was fully in compliance with the CNP requirements.


7.1 Air Quality 7.1.1 For 1-hour TSP monitoring, a total of 36 sets of measurement were carried out during the reporting period and all were below the AL Levels. 7.1.2 For 24-hour TSP monitoring, a total of 12 sets of measurement were carried out during the reporting period and all were below the AL Levels.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

7.2 Noise

7.2.1 A total of 8 sets of Leq(30min) measurement during daytime (i.e. 0700 to1900 hours on normal weekdays) were carried out during the reporting period and all measured levels were below the Limit Level.

7.2.2 A total of 4 sets of 6 x Leq(5min) measurement during evening-time (i.e. 1900 to 2300 hours on normal weekdays) were carried out during the reporting period at NSR1. All measured levels were below the Limit Level.

7.2.3 A total of 4 sets of 6 x Leq(5min) measurement during public holiday (i.e. 0700 to 1900 hours during public holiday) were carried out at NSR1. All measured levels were below the Limit Level. 7.3 Water Quality 7.3.1 A total of 3 Effluent Discharge Licenses had been granted by EPD. In accordance with the conditions of the licenses, water sampling at designated discharge points shall be carried out on a monthly basis for area P1-SA1 (Grid 1 to 9) and on a quarterly basis for area P1-SA1 (Grid 10 to 27), P1-SA6, P1-SA8, P1-SA10, P1-SA11, P1-SA13 and P1-SA15. 7.3.2 A total 7 water samples had been taken on 28th May 2004. The results for these samples will be reported in the next EM&A Report. In addition, pH and COD were also analysed to ensure the quality of the water discharged fully complied with the stipulated limits in the approved licenses. Suspended Solids level of 3 water samples taken at P1-SA1 (Grid 1 to 9) on the 28th April 2004 were below the Limit Level. The next sampling is scheduled to be taken in June 2004 for P1-SA1 (Grid 1 to 9) and in August 2004 for other areas. 7.3.3 Sandbags were placed along the site boundary of area P1-SA1 (Grid 9, roundabout CP3END) to avoid surface runoff overflowing outside the site. The temporary drainage system will be implemented before the commencement of earthworks in this area. 7.3.4 Most of the temporary drainage system at P1-SA1 (Grid 11 to Grid 26, Container Port Road E/B) had been completed apart from a small section of ditch channels along the site boundary next to CT8 where the bentonite pipes are located. Sandbag barriers had been provided along this section of the site boundary as an interim measure. The construction work of ditch channel is now in progress and tentatively completed on early June 2004. 7.3.5 For the remaining area of P1-SA1 (Grid 10 to Grid 27, Container Port Road W/B), most of ground had been paved with bituminous material. CHEC reported that once the construction is completed it would serve as a temporary public road and the run-off control for this area during re-alignment works is currently under review by CHEC and will be submitted in due course. In the meantime, exposed earth had been covered by impervious sheet and sandbag barriers had been deployed to avoid run-off being discharged into existing storm water drains or overflowed to adjacent land / public road. 7.3.6 For P1-SA6 Bus Depot, the sedimentation tank no. 1 had been relocated at the lowest point at Pier SB39. However, the inlet level of sedimentation tank seems higher than adjacent ground level and remedial actions will be taken by CHEC to rectify this issue. The revised Comprehensive Drainage Proposal for P1-SA6 is currently under review by CHEC and will be submitted in due course.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

7.4 Waste Management 7.4.1 Waste generated from this Project included construction and demolition (C&D) materials and chemical waste. CHEC’s handling and disposal of waste has followed the recommended procedures stipulated in the Waste Management Plan (WMP) which was approved by EPD (EPD ref. (45) in EP2/N3/A/28 VII dated 10 September 2002). 7.4.2 Since 27th January 2004, all inert C&D material including mixture of soil and bentonite from the Contract shall be disposed of at Kai Tak Public Fill Barging Point (KTBP). The Contractor was reminded that all inert C&D materials delivered to the KTBP shall contain no free water and the water/liquid content shall not exceed 70% by weight. 7.4.3 Based on the information provided by CHEC with respect to relevant handling records and trip tickets of this project, the quantities of materials reused, recycled and disposed of are summarized in Table 7.1. Table 7.1 Summary of Waste Disposal during the Reporting Period Material Type Quantity Handling Method Handling Temporary Produced Quantities in Storage in the the reporting Locations On- reporting month site period (if applicable) C&D (Public 1055 no. of Deliver to Public Fill Area N/A N/A materials Fill) Dump ( Area 38) Trucks Deliver to Public Fill 1055 no. of N/A (Barging Point Kai Tak) Dump Trucks Deliver to Public Fill Area N/A N/A (Tseung Kwan O Area 137) (C&D 320kg To be recycled (paper) 320kg P1-SA9 Waste) N/A To be recycled (aluminum N/A P1-SA9 can) N/A To be recycled (plastic N/A P1-SA9 bottle) N/A To be reused N/A P1-SA15 N/A To be returned to supplier N/A P1-SA15 135 tonnes Collected by licensed 135 tonnes N/A collector for disposal to SENT and WENT Chemical waste N/A Collected by licensed N/A P1-SA10 & P1- chemical waste collector SA15

7.5 Site Audit / Inspection 7.5.1 Scheduled site audits were carried out by the ET and IEC on a regular basis in accordance with the EM&A Manual. In addition, an inspection was also carried out by EPD during reporting period. Sections below provide a detail summary of the findings identified during these audits / inspections and their corresponding implemented corrective and preventive measures. Photographs of implemented measure are presented in Appendix Q. Environmental Team Site Audit 7.5.2 Weekly site audits were conducted by the ET during the reporting period and the major findings are summarized as follows.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

i. Better surface run-off control should be provided to divert run-off into adequate designed sand / silt removal facilities prior to discharge at P1-SA1. Corrective and Preventive Actions – All site areas/boundary have been either protected by sandbag barriers, cement sealed concrete barriers or intercepting channels to avoid overflowing of surface run-off on to adjacent sites. Sedimentation facilities for areas Grid 1 to 8 and Grid 10 to 26 (Container Port Rd E/B) had been fully implemented. More details of the drainage can be found in Section 7.3.3 to 7.3.5. (Please refer to Appendix Q, Photo 01 to 05) ii. Silty run-off had been seeping from bottom of the sealed concrete barrier on to the adjacent Lai Po Road at P1-SA6 Bus Depot near Pier SB39. The capacity of sedimentation tank no.1 also seemed inadequate and silty water was seen being discharged into nearby storm water drain. Corrective and Preventive Actions – The discharge was immediately stopped and the sedimentation tank no. 1 has subsequently been relocated at the lowest point at Pier SB39 for treating surface run-off prior to discharge and the accumulated soil and silt had been cleaned. However, the inlet level of sedimentation tank seemed higher than adjacent ground level and remedial actions must be taken by CHEC to rectify this issue as a matter of urgency. (Please refer to Appendix Q, Photo 06 and 07) iii. The capacity of de-silting facilities was inadequate to handle groundwater generated from the pile cap construction area at P1-SA1 (Pier E1-23 and E1-24). Corrective and Preventive Actions – Soakaway pits had been excavated to handle the groundwater pumped out from the pile cap construction. (Please refer to Appendix Q, Photo 08) iv. Stagnant water and silt was found in surface channels and de-silting facilities at P1-SA1 and P1-SA6. Corrective and Preventive Actions – The surface channels and de-silting facilities have been cleaned. (Please refer to Appendix Q, Photo 09 and 10) Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) Site Audit 7.5.3 The monthly IEC audit was conducted on 14th May 2004 and 3 observations were recorded which are presented below. i. Deposited silt / sand / rocks were observed accumulating in the collection pits next to the wheel washing bay at P1-SA1 (Grid 1 to 9). Corrective and Preventive Actions – The collection pits had been cleaned. (Please refer to Appendix Q, Photo 11) ii. Several stagnant water ponds were found at P1-SA6 (Bus Depot). Corrective and Preventive Actions – Water ponds had been filled. (Please refer to Appendix Q, Photo 12) iii. Silty water discharge from sedimentation tank and seepage from bottom of the sealed concrete barrier on to Lai Po Road adjacent P1-SA6 (Bus Depot) was observed. Corrective and Preventive Actions – Please refer to Section 7.5.2 Item 2.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

Environmental Protection Department (EPD) Site Inspection 7.5.4 Site inspection was carried by EPD on 17th May 2004 and the following salient points were raised and summarized as below. i. Ditch / u-channel or other similar means shall be provided along the boundary adjacent to P1-SA1 (Container Port Road W/B) to avoid construction run-off flowing into the public road. In addition, channels, earth bunds or sandbag barriers shall be provided to direct surface run-off into adequately designed sand / silt removal facilities prior discharge. Corrective and Preventive Actions – Sandbag barriers had been deployed to avoid run- off being discharged into existing storm water drains or overflowed to adjacent land / public road. However, CHEC was urged to submit the arrangement proposal of run-off control during re-alignment works and maintain sandbag barriers properly at all time. (Please refer to Appendix Q, Photo 03) ii. 2 layers of sandbags shall be provided along all boundaries where there is no physical barrier such as concrete wall or perimeter channel at P1-SA1 to avoid construction run- off (if any) flowing into adjacent area. Corrective and Preventive Actions – Concrete bunds or sandbag barriers have been deployed at the boundaries. . (Please refer to Appendix Q, Photo 13 to 15) iii. The ditch channel along the site boundary at P1-SA1 (Container Port Road E/B) next to CT8 shall be implemented as soon as possible. Corrective and Preventive Actions – Sandbag barriers have been provided along the incompleted part of ditch channel as an interim measure. The construction work of ditch channel is now in progress and will tentatively be completed in early June 2004. (Please refer to Appendix Q, Photo 02)


8.1 Summary of Environmental Non-Compliance 8.1.1 No environmental non-compliance was recorded in this reporting period and they are summarized in Table 8.1. Table 8.1 Summary of Non-Compliance for the reporting period Media/ No. of Exceedance Action Taken Results of Action Remarks Nature Action Limit Taken Level Level Air Quality 0 0 - - - Noise 0 0 - - -

8.2 Summary of Complaints 8.2.1 No environmental related complaint was received during the reporting period. The summary for all the complaints received since the commencement of the Contract is presented in Table 8.2. The details of previous complaints and statistics are attached in Appendices O1 and O2 respectively.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

Table 8.2 Summary of Total Complaint Received Total No. of No. of complaint received No. of Active No. of Inactive/Closed Complaint Received within reporting period Complaint Complaint 7 0 0 7

8.3 Summary of Notification of Summon and Prosecution 8.3.1 No notification of summons or prosecutions was received regarding the non-compliance of the environmental performance of the construction site since the commencement of works.


9.1 Key Issues for the Coming Month 9.1.1 Works to be taken for the coming monitoring period is describe as follows: i. excavations; ii. traffic and utilities diversions; iii. bored piling; iv. sheet piling; v. pile cap construction; vi. column construction; vii. pier/portal construction; and viii. segment erection

9.1.2 Potential environmental impacts arising from the above construction activities are mainly associated with dust, noise, site runoff and waste. However, with the implementation of the following mitigation measures, potential impacts to the surrounding sensitive receivers could be minimized: 9.1.3 Construction Dust i. frequently watering of haul road and unpaved areas; ii. prohibition of any open burning on site; iii. investigation of other dust sources near air sensitive receivers; iv. regularly watering or covering of open areas and stockpiles with tarpaulin; v. hydroseeding or covering the inactive sandfill area with impervious sheeting if necessary; vi. switching off vehicles and equipments while not in use; and vii. regular maintenance of onsite machinery and vehicles.

9.1.4 Construction Noise i. identification of noise sources arising within and outside worksite; and ii. follow-up of any exceedance caused by the construction works.

9.1.5 Construction Runoff i. identification of sources of run-off from site; ii. provision of sandbags/bunds/channels to direct run-off to silt/sand removal facilities; iii. avoidance of direct discharge of wastewater into storm water drainage; and iv. provision of treatment of wastewater and run-off prior to discharge.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

9.1.6 Construction Waste Management i. avoidance of accumulation of construction waste materials and/or general refuse on site; ii. segregation of waste; iii. collection of chemical waste or oil and disposal of as chemical waste in accordance with the relevant regulations; and iv. regularly removing of waste materials on site.

9.2 Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Three Months 9.2.1 The tentative schedules for dust and noise monitoring for the next three months are attached in Appendix P.


10.1 Conclusions 10.1.1 This Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) report presents the EM&A works undertaken during the month from 29th April to 28th May 2004 in accordance with EM&A Manual which forms part of the EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-018/1999). 10.1.2 A total of 36 sets of measurement for 1-hour TSP and 12 sets for 24-hour. TSP monitoring was carried out during the reporting period and all were below the AL Levels.

10.1.3 A total of 8 sets of Leq(30min) measurement during daytime (i.e. 0700 to 1900 hours on normal weekdays) were carried out during the reporting period and all measured levels were below the Limit Level.

10.1.4 A total of 4 sets of 6 x Leq(5min) measurement during evening-time (i.e. 1900 to 2300 hours on normal weekdays) were carried out during the reporting period at NSR1. All measured levels were below the Limit Level.

10.1.5 A total of 4 sets of 6 x Leq(5min) measurement during public holiday (i.e. 0700 to 1900 hours during public holiday) were carried out at NSR1. All measured levels were below the Limit Level. 10.1.6 No environmental complaint was received in this reporting period. There were a total of 7 complaints received for the Project since the commencement of the construction. All complaint cases were handled in accordance with the complaint investigation procedures. 10.1.7 No prosecution or summons was received for this Contract since the commencement of construction works. 10.1.8 The environmental monitoring results indicated that the site activities undertaken by CHEC during the reporting period complied with the relevant environmental requirements. Site deficiencies were identified by the ET, the IEC and the EPD and observations were recorded. Major issues identified on site were related to implementation of adequate site drainage system and sufficient treatment facilities for pile cap construction. Appropriate immediate corrective measures have been implemented by CHEC in accordance with the Deficiency and Action Reporting Procedures and they were found to be acceptable.


Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Highways Department Monthly EM&A Report –May 2004

10.2 Recommendations 10.2.1 According to the environmental audits undertaken during the reporting period, the following recommendations have been made: 10.2.2 Construction Dust i. site access road and exposed areas should be watering regularly to ensure the soil surface is wet and keep in damping conditions; and ii. stockpiles should be covered properly by tarpaulin.

10.2.3 Construction Noise i. numbers / types of plant operating in the restricted hour should follow the condition of Construction Noise Permits; ii. regular maintenance of machinery; and iii. noisy equipment should be located away from nearby NSRs.

10.2.4 Water Quality i. all surface run-off / wastewater should be diverted to appropriate water treatment facilities prior to discharged; ii. sedimentation tanks / basins should have adequate capacity for settling surface run-off; iii. wheel washing facilities should be installed at all vehicular exits and used by all vehicles before leaving the construction site; iv. surface run-off from the vehicular and plant servicing area should diverted to the perimeter channels with petrol interceptor prior discharge to storm drainage system; v. site hoarding / concrete barriers should be tightly sealed at the bottom to prevent seepage of surface run-off from the site; and vi. accumulation of water in drip trays and at chemical/fuel storage area should be avoided.

10.2.5 Waste Management i. oil / petrol contaminated soil should be collected and disposed of as chemical waste; ii. all types of waste should be collected by licensed waste collectors; and iii. good housekeeping should be implemented throughout the construction period.


Appendix A

Site Location Plan

Appendix B

Project Organization Chart and Contact Details

Appendix B: Project's Environmental Organisational Chart and Contact Details

Highways Department Environmental Protection Major Works Office Department Clement Fok 2762 4912

CRE / Engineer's Representative Environmental Team Leader Independent Environmental Arup* - Andrew Keung Allen C P Chan Checker 2407 8102 / 6277 6628 2436 7423 / 9300 3070 CH2M.IDC - David Yeung 2872 2934

Contractor - CHEC*

Contract Project Manager Francis Suen 2307 1122 / 9400 7681 Lines of reporting Lines of communication Environmental Manager * Arup - Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited Priscilla Choy CHEC - China Harbour Engineering Company 2151 2089

Environmental Engineer Lighting Chan 2307 6070

Appendix C

Three Months Rolling Programme

Appendix D1

Action/Limit Levels for Air Quality Appendix D1: Action /Limit Levels for Air Quality

ACTION AND LIMIT LEVELS FOR 24-HOUR TSP Location Action Level (µg/m3) Limit Level (µg/m3) ASR1 163 260 ASR2 178 260

ACTION AND LIMIT LEVELS FOR 1-HOUR TSP Location Action Level (µg/m3) Limit Level (µg/m3) ASR1 318 500 ASR2 324 500

Appendix D2

Action/Limit Levels for Noise Appendix D2: Action/Limit Levels for Noise

Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise Time Period Action Limit

0700-1900 hrs on normal When one 75dB(A)* weekdays documented complaint is received 0700-2300 hrs on holidays; and When one 70 dB(A) 1900-2300 hrs on all other days documented complaint is received 2300-0700 hrs of next day When one 55 dB(A) documented complaint is received * Reduce to 70 dB(A) for schools and 65 dB(A) during school examination periods.

Appendix E

Environmental Monitoring Schedule from 29th April to 28th May 2004 Environmental Monitoring Schedule between 29-April and 28-May 2004 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 29-Apr 30-Apr 1-May 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP

2-May 3-May 4-May 5-May 6-May 7-May 8-May

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


9-May 10-May 11-May 12-May 13-May 14-May 15-May

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


16-May 17-May 18-May 19-May 20-May 21-May 22-May

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP 24hrs-TSP Noise


23-May 24-May 25-May 26-May 27-May 28-May

NoisePH 1hr-TSP 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


1hr-TSP 3 x 1 hour TSP monitoring at ASR1 and ASR2 during 09:00~18:00. 24hrs-TSP 24 hours TSP monitoring at ASR1 and ASR2

Noise Leq30 measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 07:00~19:00.

NoiseEvening 6 x Leq5 measurement at NSR1 during 19:00~23:00.

NoisePH 6 x Leq5 measurement at NSR1 during 07:00~19:00.

Appendix F

Locations of Monitoring Locations

Appendix G1

Calibration Certificates for HVS TSP - Total Suspended Particulates High Volume Sampler ARUP In-situ Calibration Report

Calibration Date 15-Apr-04 Next Calibration Date 15-Jun-04 Station ASR1 Equipment no. E.HVS.01

Ambient Condition Temperature, Ta (K) 295.3 Pressure, Pa (mmHg) 757.3

Orifice Transfer Standard Information Equipment no. E.CAL.01 Slope, mo 1.55897 Intercept, co -0.01535 Last Calibration Date 5-May-03 Next Calibration Date 5-May-04 1/2 mo x Qstd + co = [∆O x (Pa/760) x (298/Ta)] 1/2 Qstd = {[∆O x (Pa/760) x (298/Ta)] - co} / mo

1/2 Orifice Manometer Orifice Qstd (CMM) HVS Manometer [∆H x (Pa/760) x (298/Ta)] Calibration Point Reading, ∆O (inch) x-axis Reading, ∆H (inch) y-axis 1 6.8 1.69 7.0 2.65 2 5.8 1.56 6.0 2.46 3 4.7 1.40 4.9 2.22 4 3.8 1.26 4.0 2.01 5 2.7 1.07 2.9 1.71

By Liner Regression of y on x Slope, mh = 1.5241 Intercept, ch = 0.0805 *Correction Coefficient, R = 1.0000 Calibration Result: ACCEPT * If the Correlation Coefficient, R is < 0.9900. Checking and Recalibration are require.

Remark: ______

Calibrated By: ______Date: ______Checked By: ______Date: ______

Rev 0 C:\Wing\Route9\Equipment\Calibration Certificate\ASR1040415.xls Page 1 of 2 14th May 2002 Calibration Curve 4.00


1/2 y = 1.5241x + 0.0805 R2 = 1

2.00 H(Pa/760) x x (298/Ta)] ∆ [



0.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Orifice Q std (CMM)

Rev 0 C:\Wing\Route9\Equipment\Calibration Certificate\ASR1040415.xls Page 2 of 2 14th May 2002 TSP - Total Suspended Particulates High Volume Sampler ARUP In-situ Calibration Report

Calibration Date 15-Apr-04 Next Calibration Date 15-Jun-04 Station ASR2 Equipment no. E.HVS.02

Ambient Condition Temperature, Ta (K) 295.5 Pressure, Pa (mmHg) 757.6

Orifice Transfer Standard Information Equipment no. E.CAL.01 Slope, mo 1.55897 Intercept, co -0.01535 Last Calibration Date 5-May-03 Next Calibration Date 5-May-04 1/2 mo x Qstd + co = [∆O x (Pa/760) x (298/Ta)] 1/2 Qstd = {[∆O x (Pa/760) x (298/Ta)] - co} / mo

1/2 Orifice Manometer Orifice Qstd (CMM) HVS Manometer [∆H x (Pa/760) x (298/Ta)] Calibration Point Reading, ∆O (inch) x-axis Reading, ∆H (inch) y-axis 1 6.9 1.70 6.9 2.63 2 6.1 1.60 6.1 2.48 3 5.0 1.45 5.1 2.26 4 3.9 1.28 4.0 2.01 5 3.1 1.14 3.1 1.77

By Liner Regression of y on x Slope, mh = 1.5418 Intercept, ch = 0.0188 *Correction Coefficient, R = 0.9994 Calibration Result: ACCEPT * If the Correlation Coefficient, R is < 0.9900. Checking and Recalibration are require.

Remark: ______

Calibrated By: ______Date: ______Checked By: ______Date: ______

Rev 0 C:\Wing\Route9\Equipment\Calibration Certificate\ASR2040415.xls Page 1 of 2 14th May 2002 Calibration Curve 4.00

3.00 1/2 y = 1.5418x + 0.0188 R2 = 0.9987

2.00 H(Pa/760) x x (298/Ta)] ∆ [



0.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Orifice Q std (CMM)

Rev 0 C:\Wing\Route9\Equipment\Calibration Certificate\ASR2040415.xls Page 2 of 2 14th May 2002

Appendix G2

Calibration Certificates for Weather Station

Appendix G3

Calibration Certificates for High Volume Orifice Calibrator

Appendix G4

Calibration Certificates for Sound Level Meter and Calibrator

Appendix H1

Event/Action Plan for Air Quality Appendix H1: Event/Action Plan for Air Quality Event Action Level ET ER CONTRACTOR Action Level Exceedance • Identify source • Notify Contractor • Rectify any unacceptable for one • Inform ER • Check mortaring data and practice sample • Repeat Measurement to Contractor’s working • Amend working methods if confirm finding methods appropriate • Increase monitoring frequency to daily Exceedance 1. Identify source 1. Confirm receipt of notification 1. Submit proposals for remedial for two or 2. Inform ER of failure in writing actions to ER within 3 working more 3. Repeat measurements to 2. Notify Contractor days of notification consecutive confirm findings 3. Check monitoring data and 2. Implement the agreed proposals samples 4. Increase monitoring Contractor’s working 3. Amend proposal if appropriate frequency to daily methods 5. Discuss with ER for remedial 4. Discuss with Environmental actions required Team and Contractor on 6. If exceedance continues potential remedial actions arrange meeting with ER 5. Ensure remedial actions 7. If exceedance stops, cease properly implemented additional monitoring

Event Action Level ET ER CONTRACTOR Limit Level Exceedance 1. Identify source 1. Confirm receipt of notification 1. Take immediate action to avoid for one 2. Inform ER and EPD of failure in writing further exceedance sample 3. Repeat measurement to 2. Notify Contractor 2. Submit proposals for remedial confirm finding 3. Check monitoring data and actions to ER within 3 working 4. Increase monitoring Contractor’s working days of notification frequency to daily methods 3. Implements the agreed 5. Assess effectiveness of 4. Discuss with Environmental proposals Contractor’s remedial actions Team Leader and Contractor 4. Amend proposal if appropriate and keep EPD and ER potential remedial actions informed of the results 5. Ensure remedial actions properly implemented Exceedance 1. Identify source 1. Confirm receipt of notification 1. Take immediate action avoid for two or 2. Inform ER and EPD the of failure in writing further exceedance more causes & actions taken for 2. Notify Contractor 2. Submit proposals for remedial consecutive the exceedances 3. Carry out analysis of actions to ER within 3 working samples 3. Repeat measurement to Contractor’s working days of notification confirm findings procedures to determine 3. Implements the agreed proposals 4. Increase monitoring possible mitigation to be 4. Resubmit proposals if problem frequency to daily implemented still not under control 5. Investigate the causes of 4. Discuss amongst 5. Stop the relevant portion of works exceedance Environmental Team Leader as determined by the ER until the 6. Arrange meeting with EPD and the Contractor potential exceedance is abated and ER to discuss the remedial actions remedial actions to be taken 5. Review Contractor’s remedial 7. Assess effectiveness of actions whenever necessary Contractor’s remedial actions to assure their effectiveness and keep EPD and ER 6. If exceedance continues informed of the results & if consider what portion of the exceedance stops, cease work is responsible and additional monitoring instruct the Contractor to stop that portion of work until the exceedance is abated

Appendix H2

Event/Action Plan for Noise Appendix H2: Event/Action Plan for Construction Noise

Event Action ET Leader ER Contractor Action 1. Notify ER 1. Notify Contractor 1. Submit noise mitigation Level 2. Analyse 2. Require Contractor to proposals to Environmental investigation propose measures* for Team 3. Increase monitoring the analysed noise 2. Implement noise mitigation frequency to check problem proposals* mitigation effectiveness Limit 1. Notify ER 1. Notify Contractor 1. Implement mitigation measures Level 2. Notify EPD 2. Require contractor to 2. Prove to Environmental Team implement mitigation Leader ER effectiveness of measures* Increase measures applied monitoring frequency to check mitigation effectiveness * Mitigation Measures may include: • Relocation of noise emitting plant • Use of silenced or super-silenced equipment • Use of acoustic sheds or screens • Limit quantity of plant operating • Change working technique

Appendix I

Implementation Status of Environmental Protection Requirements Appendix I: Implementation Status of Environmental Protection Requirement

Environmental Protection Measures Timing Implementation Stages* Activities 29/01/04 to 29/02/04 to 29/03/04 to 29/04/04 to 28/02/04 28/03/04 28/04/04 28/05/04 Landscape Erection, painting and maintenance of site hoardings around Throughout the 3 3 3 3 and visual works and storage areas. construction period Restrictions on the height of material/spoil stockpiles. 3 3 3 3 Prompt hydro-seeding of disturbed areas and cut/fill slopes 3 3 3 3 prior to the permanent landscaping works. Avoidance of chunam or shotcreting slope treatments. 3 3 3 3 Conservation of topsoil where practical. 3 3 3 3 Site litter patrols and regular site waste collection. 3 3 3 3 Maintenance of planting. 3 3 3 3 Ecological Minimise damage outside works areas 3 3 3 3 Impact Construction:

Material Covers for dusty stockpiles Throughout the 3 3 3 3 Storage construction (Not all) (Not all) (Not all) period Vehicle Haul road watering, vehicle wheel wash prior to exit. Where 3 3 3 3 movement practical, access roads should be protected with crushed (Not all) (Not all) (Not all) (Not all) gravel. Plant All plant shall be maintained to prevent any undue air 3 3 3 3 maintenance emissions. All plant Reference should be made the EM&A Manual Action Plan for 3 3 3 3 activity measures for consideration when Noise Limit Levels are not met. Plant All plant shall be maintained to prevent any undue noise 3 3 3 3 maintenance nuisance.

* N/A = Not Applicable 3 = Implemented ▲ = Rectified

Environmental Protection Measures Timing Implementation Stages* Activities 29/01/04 to 29/02/04 to 29/03/04 to 29/04/04 to 28/02/04 28/03/04 28/04/04 28/05/04 Wheel wash All wheel wash water shall be diverted to a sediment pit. Throughout the 3 3 3 3 construction (Not all) (Not all) Concrete All concrete trucks shall wash out into a lined pit. period ▲ 3 3 3 Truck Washout Surface All clean surface water shall be diverted around the site. 3 3 3 3 water diversion Sediment Sediment removal facilities shall be provided and be 3 3 3 3 control maintained and excavated as necessary to prevent (Not all, in (Not all, in (Not all, in (Not all, in sedimentation of the channel. Perimeter channels shall be progress) progress) progress) progress) provided. Works shall be programmed for the dry season where feasible. Fuel can All fuel cans shall be placed within a bundled area. Any fuel 3 3 3 3 storage spills shall be mopped up as necessary. Slope covers Finished slopes and other slopes near drainage areas shall be 3 3 3 3 covered prior to rains to reduce sedimentation of runoff. Slopes should be hydroseeded or shotcreted as early as possible to prevent erosion. Excavation Excavation works shall avoid sensitive areas. Throughout the 3 3 3 3 works excavation work period Material, plant Any fuel or oil spills shall be excavated and disposed off. Throughout the 3 3 3 3 movement & construction fuel can period refilling. Generators All generators shall be placed within a bundled area. Any fuel 3 3 3 3 spills shall be mopped up as necessary.

* N/A = Not Applicable 3 = Implemented ▲ = Rectified

Environmental Protection Measures Timing Implementation Stages* Activities 29/01/04 to 29/02/04 to 29/03/04 to 29/04/04 to 28/02/04 28/03/04 28/04/04 28/05/04 Material All empty bags and containers shall be collected for disposal. Throughout the 3 3 3 3 containers construction period 3 3 3 3 Worker Litter receptacles shall be placed around the site. Litter shall generated be taken regularly to the refuse collection points. Chemical litter and toilets (or suitable equivalent) should be provided for workers. Waste Any canteens should have grease-traps. Neighborhoo All complaints regarding construction works shall be relayed to 3 3 3 3 d nuisance the Environmental Team. Legal Different types of waste should be segregated, stored, 3 3 3 3 requirements transported and disposed of in accordance with the relevant (in progress) (in progress) (in progress) (in progress) legislative requirements and guidelines On-site On-site separation of municipal solid waste and 3 3 3 3 separation construction/demolition wastes should be conducted as far as (in progress) (in progress) (in progress) (in progress) possible in order to minimize the amount of solid waste to be disposed to landfill. Temporary Separated wastes should be stored in different containers, 3 3 3 3 storage area skips, or stockpiles to enhance reuse or recycling of materials and encourage their proper disposal. Record of Records of quantities of wastes generated, recycled and 3 3 3 3 wastes disposed (with locations) should be properly kept. (in progress) (in progress) (in progress) (in progress) Trip-ticket To monitor the disposal of waste at landfills and control fly- 3 3 3 3 system tipping, a “trip-ticket” system for all solid waste (in progress) (in progress) (in progress) (in progress) transfer/disposal operations should be implemented. The system should be included as a contractual requirement, and monitored by the Environmental Team and audited by the Independent Environmental Checker.

* N/A = Not Applicable 3 = Implemented ▲ = Rectified

Appendix J

1-hour and 24-hour TSP Monitoring Result The Summary of 1-hr TSP Concentration (µg/m3) at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (ASR 1) Initial Standard Flow Final Standard Flow Averaged Standard Total Standard Date Sampling Time Elapsed Time Rate Rate Flow Rate Volume Initial Filter Weight Final Filter Weight TSP Concentration (min) (m3/min) (m3/min) (m3/min) (m3) (g) (g) µg/m3 30-Apr-04 14:06 61.20 1.33 1.34 1.33 81.64 2.6943 2.7049 129.8 30-Apr-04 15:09 57.00 1.34 1.34 1.34 76.51 2.6822 2.6901 103.3 30-Apr-04 16:07 90.60 1.36 1.35 1.35 122.71 2.6839 2.7074 191.5 6-May-04 9:46 57.60 1.37 1.37 1.37 78.87 2.6901 2.7002 128.1 6-May-04 10:46 58.80 1.37 1.35 1.36 80.01 2.6762 2.6870 135.0 6-May-04 11:45 85.20 1.35 1.35 1.35 115.07 2.6856 2.6982 109.5 12-May-04 9:20 58.20 1.32 1.32 1.32 77.08 2.6890 2.6935 58.4 12-May-04 10:19 51.60 1.34 1.34 1.34 69.09 2.6860 2.6881 30.4 12-May-04 11:12 78.00 1.32 1.32 1.32 103.17 2.6958 2.7050 89.2 18-May-04 9:44 48.60 1.36 1.36 1.36 66.33 2.6861 2.6946 128.1 18-May-04 10:34 62.40 1.36 1.36 1.36 85.08 2.6875 2.7027 178.7 18-May-04 11:38 101.40 1.36 1.36 1.36 137.87 2.6893 2.7026 96.5 25-May-04 9:31 55.20 1.36 1.36 1.36 75.31 2.6934 2.6996 82.3 25-May-04 10:28 51.60 1.36 1.36 1.36 70.34 2.7035 2.7108 103.8 25-May-04 11:21 84.00 1.36 1.36 1.36 114.25 2.6986 2.7079 81.4 28-May-04 9:37 56.40 1.31 1.32 1.32 74.28 2.6850 2.6911 82.1 28-May-04 10:35 57.00 1.35 1.36 1.36 77.24 2.7005 2.7084 102.3 28-May-04 11:34 85.80 1.33 1.32 1.32 113.61 2.7229 2.7338 95.9

The Summary of 24-hrs TSP Concentration (µg/m3) at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (ASR1) Initial Standard Flow Final Standard Flow Averaged Standard Total Standard Date Sampling Time Elapsed Time Rate Rate Flow Rate Volume Initial Filter Weight Final Filter Weight TSP Concentration (min) (m3/min) (m3/min) (m3/min) (m3) (g) (g) µg/m3 29-Apr-04 0:00 1431.00 1.34 1.33 1.34 1911.33 2.6843 2.8890 107.1 5-May-04 0:00 1433.40 1.35 1.35 1.35 1937.66 2.6890 2.8521 84.2 11-May-04 0:00 1432.20 1.35 1.36 1.36 1944.72 2.6851 2.8146 66.6 17-May-04 0:00 1433.40 1.36 1.36 1.36 1951.01 2.6888 2.7843 48.9 23-May-04 0:00 1433.40 1.36 1.36 1.36 1944.54 2.6980 2.8409 73.5 27-May-04 0:00 1435.20 1.35 1.35 1.35 1936.99 2.6882 2.7112 11.9 The Summary of 1-hr TSP Concentration (µg/m3) at Stonecutters Base (ASR2) Initial Standard Flow Final Standard Flow Averaged Standard Total Standard Date Sampling Time Elapsed Time Rate Rate Flow Rate Volume Initial Filter Weight Final Filter Weight TSP Concentration (min) (m3/min) (m3/min) (m3/min) (m3) (g) (g) µg/m3 30-Apr-04 13:54 60.00 1.30 1.29 1.30 77.70 2.6800 2.6956 200.8 30-Apr-04 14:55 50.40 1.33 1.33 1.33 66.93 2.6831 2.6918 130.0 30-Apr-04 15:48 96.60 1.36 1.37 1.36 131.81 2.6816 2.7233 316.4 6-May-04 9:26 54.60 1.38 1.38 1.38 75.27 2.6728 2.6956 302.9 6-May-04 10:22 63.60 1.36 1.36 1.36 86.58 2.6860 2.6994 154.8 6-May-04 11:28 56.40 1.36 1.36 1.36 76.74 2.6882 2.6981 129.0 12-May-04 8:56 57.60 1.35 1.35 1.35 77.73 2.6938 2.7040 131.2 12-May-04 9:58 56.40 1.33 1.33 1.33 75.21 2.6944 2.7011 89.1 12-May-04 10:56 76.80 1.33 1.33 1.33 102.36 2.6919 2.6975 54.7 18-May-04 9:26 52.80 1.36 1.36 1.36 71.76 2.6907 2.6981 103.1 18-May-04 10:20 62.40 1.36 1.36 1.36 84.75 2.6903 2.6988 100.3 18-May-04 11:24 77.40 1.36 1.35 1.35 104.84 2.7027 2.7119 87.8 25-May-04 9:13 61.80 1.36 1.36 1.36 83.98 2.6873 2.7036 194.1 25-May-04 10:16 49.20 1.36 1.36 1.36 66.79 2.6807 2.6876 103.3 25-May-04 11:05 72.60 1.36 1.35 1.35 98.34 2.6929 2.7025 97.6 28-May-04 9:17 64.20 1.35 1.35 1.35 86.65 2.7076 2.7213 158.1 28-May-04 10:22 55.80 1.35 1.35 1.35 75.25 2.6851 2.7064 283.1 28-May-04 11:22 80.40 1.35 1.35 1.35 108.40 2.6913 2.7132 202.0

The Summary of 24-hrs TSP Concentration (µg/m3) at Stonecutters Base (ASR2) Initial Standard Flow Final Standard Flow Averaged Standard Total Standard Date Sampling Time Elapsed Time Rate Rate Flow Rate Volume Initial Filter Weight Final Filter Weight TSP Concentration (min) (m3/min) (m3/min) (m3/min) (m3) (g) (g) µg/m3 29-Apr-04 0:00 1444.80 1.29 1.27 1.28 1854.38 2.6774 2.8524 94.4 5-May-04 0:00 1445.40 1.38 1.38 1.38 1990.83 2.6876 2.9096 111.5 11-May-04 0:00 1441.20 1.36 1.35 1.36 1954.00 2.6895 2.8050 59.1 17-May-04 0:00 1440.60 1.35 1.36 1.35 1948.90 2.6855 2.8679 93.6 23-May-04 0:00 1438.20 1.35 1.36 1.36 1950.11 2.6909 2.8397 76.3 27-May-04 0:00 1443.60 1.35 1.35 1.35 1947.45 2.6941 2.8849 98.0

Appendix K

Graphical Presentation of 1-hour and 24-hour TSP Monitoring Result 1 hr TSP Concentration (µg/m3) at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (ASR1)

TSP Concentration Mean of TSP concentration at same monitoring day Action Level Limit Level


500.0 ) 3 400.0


200.0 TSP Concentration (µg/m



4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 -0 0 0 0 0 -04 -04 04 -0 -0 -0 04 0 0 0 n- b b- b- r- r- r- y- e e e a a ar ar a ay- ay- ay- Ja F F M Apr Apr Apr -F -M -M M -Ap -M M M M 9- 6 4- 2- 1 9 7- 5- 2 0- 8- 6- 4 2- 0- 8- 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Date 24 hrs TSP Concentration (µg/m3) at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (ASR1)

TSP Concentration Action Level Limit Level


250.0 ) 3 200.0


100.0 TSP Concentration (µg/m



4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 -0 0 0 0 0 -04 -04 04 -0 -0 -0 04 0 0 0 n- b b- b- r- r- r- y- e e e a a ar ar a ay- ay- ay- Ja F F M Apr Apr Apr -F -M -M M -Ap -M M M M 9- 6 4- 2- 1 9 7- 5- 2 0- 8- 6- 4 2- 0- 8- 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Date 1 hr TSP Concentration (µg/m3) at Stonecutters Base (ASR2)

TSP Concentration Mean of TSP concentration at same monitoring day Action Level Limit Level


500.0 ) 3 400.0


200.0 TSP Concentration (µg/m



4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 -0 0 0 0 0 -04 -04 04 -0 -0 -0 04 0 0 0 n- b b- b- r- r- r- y- e e e a a ar ar a ay- ay- ay- Ja F F M Apr Apr Apr -F -M -M M -Ap -M M M M 9- 6 4- 2- 1 9 7- 5- 2 0- 8- 6- 4 2- 0- 8- 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Date 24 hrs TSP Concentration (µg/m3) at Stonecutters Base (ASR2)

TSP Concentration Action Level Limit Level


250.0 ) 3 200.0


100.0 TSP Concentration (µg/m



4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 -0 0 0 0 0 -04 -04 04 -0 -0 -0 04 0 0 0 n- b b- b- r- r- r- y- e e e a a ar ar a ay- ay- ay- Ja F F M Apr Apr Apr -F -M -M M -Ap -M M M M 9- 6 4- 2- 1 9 7- 5- 2 0- 8- 6- 4 2- 0- 8- 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Date

Appendix L

Weather Condition during Impact Monitoring Appendix L: Weather Condition during Impact Monitoring

Weather Ambient Relative Condition Pressure Average Ambient TemperatureHumidity Wind Speed m/s Date Time P (mmHg) oC K % Mean Max 29-Apr-04 00:00~24:00 Cloudy 758.4 23.3 296.3 85~94 1.8 4.0 30-Apr-04 14:00~17:00 Cloudy 754.9 28.1 301.1 75~93 0.3 1.6 5-May-04 00:00~24:00 Rainy 759.4 22.4 295.4 68~93 0.6 2.0 6-May-04 9:30~13:00 Cloudy 760.7 26.3 299.3 73~90 0.7 1.4 11-May-04 00:00~24:00 Cloudy 755.6 28.2 301.2 80~90 1.0 3.3 12-May-04 09:00~12:30 Cloudy 753.7 29.1 302.1 68~91 0.9 2.2 17-May-04 00:00~24:00 Cloudy 757.5 26.8 299.8 65~83 0.8 3.5 18-May-04 9:30~13:00 Cloudy 756.8 26.6 299.6 76~86 1.0 2.1 22-May-04 00:00~24:00 Cloudy 752.4 24.5 297.5 75~93 0.6 2.5 25-May-04 09:00~12:30 Cloudy 756.8 26.4 299.4 78~89 1.0 2.3 27-May-04 00:00~24:00 Cloudy 757.1 28.8 301.8 68~90 0.4 2.4 28-May-04 09:00~12:30 Rainy 756.6 30.0 303.0 70~95 0.6 1.6 Appendix L: Weather Condition during Impact Monitoring

Wind Direction during Impact Monitoring - Frequency of Wind Direction at 5 minute Interval

Date Wind Direction (Degree) 0 22.5 45.0 67.5 90.0 112.5 135.0 157.5 180.0 202.5 225.0 247.5 270.0 292.5 315.0 337.5 29-Apr-04 00002192145000000000 30-Apr-04 00000307932809452000 5-May-04 71206242010101128426 6-May-04 00004141016830000001 11-May-04 0000741837640000000 12-May-04 0000071511341013531000 17-May-04 19 20032149182001012742 18-May-04 00001267028110120020 22-May-04 5210033761920000002 25-May-04 00014381504300000000 27-May-04 000000007675414000 28-May-04 30000013189578114

Appendix M1

Noise Monitoring Results for Normal Hour The Summary of Day-time Leq30 Level at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (NSR 1) Date Monitoring Time Duration Leq L10 L90 Limit Level min dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) 6-May-04 9:03 30 66.0 67.1 64.7 75.0 12-May-04 9:33 30 66.8 68.3 64.7 75.0 18-May-04 9:00 30 65.0 66.7 63.1 75.0 25-May-04 13:00 30 67.6 69.8 63.2 75.0

The Summary of Day-time Leq30 Level at Stonecutters Base (NSR 2) Date Monitoring Time Duration Leq L10 L90 Limit Level min dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) 6-May-04 8:01 30 74.6 76.4 69.4 75.0 12-May-04 9:02 30 74.7 76.9 69.4 75.0 18-May-04 8:04 30 73.7 75.4 71.4 75.0 25-May-04 14:00 30 73.7 76.2 68.0 75.0

Appendix M2

Noise Monitoring Results for Restricted Hour The Summary of Evening-time Leq5 Level at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (NSR 1) Date Monitoring Time Duration Leq L10 L90 Limit Level Area PME Opreated min dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) Description No. 6-May-04 20:00 5 61.1 62.5 59.5 70.0 6-May-04 20:05 5 60.7 62.4 59.0 70.0 6-May-04 20:10 5 61.6 63.2 59.9 70.0 SA6 Concrete Mixer 1 6-May-04 20:15 5 61.6 63.5 59.8 70.0 Generator 1 6-May-04 20:20 5 61.7 63.3 59.9 70.0 Vibratory Poker 1 6-May-04 20:25 5 62.5 65.1 59.6 70.0 12-May-04 19:33 5 60.0 61.3 58.1 70.0 12-May-04 19:38 5 60.7 62.9 58.3 70.0 12-May-04 19:43 5 61.8 64.2 58.5 70.0 SA9 Gantry 1 12-May-04 19:48 5 60.5 62.2 57.9 70.0 Lorry 1 12-May-04 19:53 5 60.8 63.2 58.1 70.0 12-May-04 19:58 5 60.8 62.5 58.9 70.0 18-May-04 20:04 5 62.0 63.8 60.0 70.0 18-May-04 20:09 5 62.0 64.0 60.1 70.0 18-May-04 20:14 5 61.5 63.6 59.4 70.0 SA6 Concrete Mixer 1 18-May-04 20:19 5 62.7 65.0 59.1 70.0 Generator 1 18-May-04 20:24 5 62.2 64.6 59.4 70.0 Vibratory Poker 1 18-May-04 20:29 5 61.9 64.3 59.2 70.0 25-May-04 20:30 5 59.4 60.8 57.4 70.0 25-May-04 20:35 5 62.8 65.3 59.2 70.0 25-May-04 20:40 5 59.9 61.3 58.0 70.0 SA9 Gantry 1 25-May-04 20:45 5 60.2 62.7 57.7 70.0 Lorry 1 25-May-04 20:50 5 60.4 62.0 58.0 70.0 25-May-04 20:55 5 59.6 61.4 57.7 70.0 The Summary of Public Holiday Leq5 Level at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (NSR 1) Date Monitoring Time Duration Leq L10 L90 Limit Level Area PME Opreated min dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) Description No. 2-May-04 12:01 5 64.3 65.6 62.8 70.0 2-May-04 12:06 5 63.8 65.2 62.2 70.0 2-May-04 12:11 5 63.4 64.8 61.8 70.0 SA6 Generator 1 2-May-04 12:16 5 64.5 65.8 62.8 70.0 Launching Girder 1 2-May-04 12:21 5 66.2 69.3 62.4 70.0 2-May-04 12:26 5 65.6 67.6 62.9 70.0 9-May-04 10:33 5 64.1 65.4 62.6 70.0 9-May-04 10:38 5 64.5 65.7 63.1 70.0 9-May-04 10:43 5 65.4 67.5 63.3 70.0 SA6 Concrete Mixer 1 9-May-04 10:48 5 64.6 65.9 62.8 70.0 Generator 1 9-May-04 10:53 5 64.1 65.2 63.0 70.0 Vibratory Poker 1 9-May-04 10:58 5 67.0 69.6 64.3 70.0 16-May-04 10:00 5 64.5 66.0 62.8 70.0 16-May-04 10:05 5 63.9 65.3 62.2 70.0 16-May-04 10:10 5 63.7 65.0 61.8 70.0 SA6 Concrete Mixer 1 16-May-04 10:15 5 64.6 65.7 62.8 70.0 Generator 1 16-May-04 10:20 5 64.2 65.2 63.1 70.0 Vibratory Poker 1 16-May-04 10:25 5 64.6 65.8 63.0 70.0 23-May-04 9:34 5 64.3 66.1 62.1 70.0 23-May-04 9:39 5 64.0 65.4 62.5 70.0 23-May-04 9:44 5 65.8 68.4 62.1 70.0 SA6 Generator 1 23-May-04 9:49 5 65.5 68.0 62.4 70.0 Launching Girder 1 23-May-04 9:54 5 65.0 67.0 62.7 70.0 23-May-04 9:59 5 64.0 65.3 62.2 70.0

Appendix N1

Graphical Presentation of Noise Monitoring Results for Normal Hour Day-time Leq30 Level at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (NSR1)

Leq Limit Level




70 Leq dB(A)




4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 -0 0 0 0 0 -04 -04 04 -0 -0 -0 04 0 0 0 n- b b- b- r- r- r- y- e e e a a ar ar a ay- ay- ay- Ja F F Apr Apr Apr -F -M -M M M -Ap -M M M M 9- 6 4- 2- 1 9 7- 5- 2 0- 8- 6- 4 2- 0- 8- 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Date Day-time Leq30 Level at Stonecutters Base (NSR2)

Leq Limit Level




70 Leq dB(A)




4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 -0 0 0 0 0 -04 -04 04 -0 -0 -0 04 0 0 0 n- b b- b- r- r- r- y- e e e a a ar ar a ay- ay- ay- Ja F F Apr Apr Apr -F -M -M M M -Ap -M M M M 9- 6 4- 2- 1 9 7- 5- 2 0- 8- 6- 4 2- 0- 8- 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Date

Appendix N2

Graphical Presentation of Noise Monitoring Results for Restricted Hour Evening-time Leq5 Level at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (NSR1)

Leq Limit Level




70 Leq dB(A)




4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 -0 0 0 0 0 -04 -04 04 -0 -0 -0 04 0 0 0 n- b b- b- r- r- r- y- e e e a a ar ar a ay- ay- ay- Ja F F Apr Apr Apr -F -M -M M M -Ap -M M M M 9- 6 4- 2- 1 9 7- 5- 2 0- 8- 6- 4 2- 0- 8- 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Date Public Holiday Leq5 Level at Mei Foo Sun Chuen (NSR1)

Leq Limit Level




70 Leq dB(A)




4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 -0 0 0 0 0 -04 -04 04 -0 -0 -0 04 0 0 0 n- b b- b- r- r- r- y- e e e a a ar ar a ay- ay- ay- Ja F F Apr Apr Apr -F -M -M M M -Ap -M M M M 9- 6 4- 2- 1 9 7- 5- 2 0- 8- 6- 4 2- 0- 8- 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Date

Appendix O1

Environmental Complaint Log Book Appendix O1-Summary of Previous Complaints Details

Case No Date of Date of Complainant's Detail's of complaint Recommended Mitigation Follow-up Action Status/Remarks Received Complaint information Measures

E2002-01 19-Aug-02 19-Aug-02 Complaint from Illegal Dumping (Soil Clear up the illegal dumping CHEC and RSS report that the illegal Closed. Follow-up phone call to ICC and and mud/C&D waste) on site. dumping were found within the site complainant on 20-Aug-02. The subsequently on Lai Po Road; near boundary in a.m. on 19-Aug-02. CHEC complainant was satisfied to our referred by HyD the site entrance of cleared up the soil and waste in p.m. prompt action. on 19-Aug-02 KMB Depot on 19-Aug- on 19-Aug-02. 02. Suspect not due to Investigations were undertaken by ET the Project's work. on 20 and 21 Aug 02. The waste was cleared up and no further illegal dumping was found at the same location. EC2002-02 20-Sep-02 9-Sep-02 The Complaint Noise and vibration at Several vibration measures Site investigation by ET Leader on 24 Closed. was referred by the complainant's office were implemented since 27 and 25 September 2002. Site meeting with EPD on 25 EPD on 23-Sept- generated from the August 2002. The Contractor September 2002 and they had no 02. piling works at the site used a smaller power vibro further comment for the carried between Hing Wah hammer for casing installation, out mitigation measures. Street West and Lai Po limit the casing installation ET Leader send a Road. operation to 7:00am-9:00am, comprehensive report to EPD on 12:00-13:00pm and 17:00 - 30 September 2002. 19:00pm, and carry out No noise exceedance was recorded at vibration monitoring to ensure the two designated location since the the magnitude of vibration commencement of construction work. during casing installation is within the specified limit. EC2002-03 15-Oct-02 15-Oct-02 Complaint from Stacking of grass Investigations were carried out Follow-up phone call to complainant on Closed. ICC and stockpiled within the by RSS on 15, 16 and 18 21-Oct-02. The complainant was A comprehensive letter has been subsequently fenced area between October 2002. After confirming satisfied with our prompt action. send to the complainant on 22 referred by HyD the Lai Po Road with HyD, LCSD and DLO. October 2002. on 15-Oct-02. northbound and MTRC DLO comfirmed that the grass boundary fence. The was cut by his contractor and fenced area was a replied that the stack of grass vacant Government would be removed from the Land maintained by area within a week. District Land Officer (DLO), Kwai Tsing. The stack of grass was generated from grass A follow-up site meeting was cutting which was held between DLO and RSS conducted by the sub- on 21-Oct-02. The stacks of contractor of DLO on 12- grass had been removed from Oct-02. site.

1 of 3 Case No Date of Date of Complainant's Detail's of complaint Recommended Mitigation Follow-up Action Status/Remarks Received Complaint information Measures

EC2002-04 13-Dec-02 10-Dec-02 Complaint from Refuse and overgrown All refuse and overgrown Investigation was carried out by RSS Reply letter to HyD was sent on DLO and referred weeds were found grass should be cleared as on 16-Dec-02. GLA-TNK 1215 was 19-Dec-02. by HyD on 13-Dec-within the site GLA-TNK soon as possible. only part of complaint area. The area 02. 1215 (P1-SA15). was found free of refuse and the overgrown weeds were being cleared.

It was observed that most of the overgrown grass has been cleared on 18-Dec-02. Overgrown grass within the complaint area allocated to HyD has been completely cleared on 20-Dec-02.

EC2003-01 9-Feb-039-Feb-03 Complaint was Soil / debris was Clear up the soil/debris The road was cleared by CHEC on 9- A follow-up phone call was made forwarded by deposited on the public deposited on the concerned Feb-03. Since there is no water supply to the complainant on 12 CHEC on 9-Feb- road between the site area and wheel washing at P1-SA15, no wheel washing February 2003. The complainant 03 entrance area P1-SA15 facilities should be provided activities could be conducted by was satisfied to our prompt and the roundabout. and used by all vehicles before vehicles before leaving the site. CHEC action and emphasized that he leaving the site. verbally agreed that cleaning of public did not expect any written reply road by water sprinkler/bowser at the relating to this issue. mentioned location would be carried out every 2 hours from 0700-1900. Moreover, wheel washing facilities including water jet will be provided in mid March 2003. EC2003-02 20-Feb-03 19-Feb-03 Complaint from A significant amount of Clear up the soil/debris The 2 complaint site exits together with A follow-up phone call was made ICC and debris / soil was deposited on the concerned Lai Po Road were completely cleared to the complainant on 21 subsequently deposited by vehicles area and wheel washing up by CHEC in the afternoon on 20- February 2003. The complainant referred by HyD leaving the site exits at facilities should be provided Feb-03. Furthermore, CHEC has was satisfied to our prompt on 20-Feb-03 P1-SA6 (next to Pier and used by all vehicles before allocated adequate site staff to monitor action and emphasized that he SB36) and P1-SA8 leaving the site. and to ensure all vehicles shall be did not expect any written reply (next to Pier NB41) and washed before leaving the site. relating to this issue. causing a nuisance along Lai Po Road.

2 of 3 Case No Date of Date of Complainant's Detail's of complaint Recommended Mitigation Follow-up Action Status/Remarks Received Complaint information Measures

EC2003-03 27-May-03 26-May-03 Complaint from Stacking of grass A site meeting between RSS All overgrown grass within my site Closed. the complainant stockpiled within the and DLO was held on 28 May boundary was completely cleared by A comprehensive letter has been and subsequently fenced area between 2003 to investigate this case. the Contractor on 1 June 2003. A send to the complainant on 3 referred by DLO the Lai Po Road It was cleared that overgrown follow-up site meeting was arranged June 2003. on 27-May-03. northbound and MTRC grass was found within the amongst RSS, DLO(KT) Officers and boundary fence. The fenced area between Lai Po the complainant on 2 June 2003. The fenced area was a Road northbound and MTRC complainant was satisfied with the vacant Government boundary fence. After appropriate action has taken. Land maintained by investigation and confirmation District Land Officer with DLO, it is confirmed by (DLO), Kwai Tsing. The DLO officer that only part of stack of grass was the complaint area is within the generated from grass Project site boundary and the cutting which was remaining area is currently in conducted by the sub- KCRC’s possession under a contractor of DLO on 12- tenancy agreement between Oct-02. DLO (RDS) and KCRC.

3 of 3

Appendix O2

Cumulative Statistics for Environmental Complaint Appendix O2 - Cumulative Statistics of Complaints

Route 8 Phase 1 – Ngong Shuen Chau Viaduct Appendix O2 - Cumulative Statictis On Complaints For The Past Reporting Periods

Cumulative Statistics on Complaints for All Reporting Periods

3 8 No. of Complaints Cumulative Complaints 7


2 5


3 No. of Complaints 1 Cumulative Complaints 2


0 0 29/7/02- 29/9/02- 29/11/02- 29/1/03- 29/3/03- 29/5/03- 29/7/03- 29/9/03- 29/11/03- 29/01/04- 29/03/04- 28/8/02 28/10/02 28/12/02 28/2/03 28/4/03 28/6/03 28/8/03 28/10/03 28/12/03 28/02/04 28/04/04 Monitoring Period

Appendix P

Tentative Environmental Monitoring Schedule from 29th May 2003 to 28th August 2004 Environmental Monitoring Schedule between 29-May and 28-June 2004 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 29-May

30-May 31-May 1-Jun 2-Jun 3-Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 6-Jun 7-Jun 8-Jun 9-Jun 10-Jun 11-Jun 12-Jun

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 13-Jun 14-Jun 15-Jun 16-Jun 17-Jun 18-Jun 19-Jun

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP 24hrs-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 20-Jun 21-Jun 22-Jun 23-Jun 24-Jun 25-Jun 26-Jun

NoisePH 1hr-TSP 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 1hr-TSP 3 x 1 hour TSP monitoring at ASR1 and ASR2 during 09:00~18:00. 24hrs-TSP 24 hours TSP monitoring at ASR1 and ASR2

Noise Leq30 measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 07:00~19:00.

NoiseEvening 6 x Leq5 will be measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 19:00~23:00 (if construction activities are undertaken).

NoiseNight 4 x Leq5 will be measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 23:00~07:00 of next day (if construction activities are undertaken).

NoisePH 6 x Leq5 will be measured at NSR1 and NSR2 during 07:00~19:00 (if construction activities are undertaken). Tentative Environmental Monitoring Schedule between 29-June and 28-July 2004 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 29-Jun 30-Jun 1-Jul 2-Jul 3-Jul 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 4-Jul 5-Jul 6-Jul 7-Jul 8-Jul 9-Jul 10-Jul

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 11-Jul 12-Jul 13-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP 24hrs-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 18-Jul 19-Jul 20-Jul 21-Jul 22-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul

NoisePH 1hr-TSP 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 25-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul


1hr-TSP 3 x 1 hour TSP monitoring at ASR1 and ASR2 during 09:00~18:00. 24hrs-TSP 24 hours TSP monitoring at ASR1 and ASR2

Noise Leq30 measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 07:00~19:00.

NoiseEvening 6 x Leq5 will be measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 19:00~23:00 (if construction activities are undertaken).

NoiseNight 4 x Leq5 will be measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 23:00~07:00 of next day (if construction activities are undertaken).

NoisePH 6 x Leq5 will be measured at NSR1 and NSR2 during 07:00~19:00 (if construction activities are undertaken). Tentative Environmental Monitoring Schedule between 29-July and 28-August 2004 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 29-Jul 30-Jul 31-Jul 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 1-Aug 2-Aug 3-Aug 4-Aug 5-Aug 6-Aug 7-Aug

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 8-Aug 9-Aug 10-Aug 11-Aug 12-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 15-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 19-Aug 20-Aug 21-Aug

NoisePH 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP 24hrs-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 22-Aug 23-Aug 24-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 27-Aug 28-Aug

NoisePH 1hr-TSP 24hrs-TSP 1hr-TSP Noise


NoiseNight 1hr-TSP 3 x 1 hour TSP monitoring at ASR1 and ASR2 during 09:00~18:00. 24hrs-TSP 24 hours TSP monitoring at ASR1 and ASR2

Noise Leq30 measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 07:00~19:00.

NoiseEvening 6 x Leq5 will be measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 19:00~23:00 (if construction activities are undertaken).

NoiseNight 4 x Leq5 will be measurement at NSR1 and NSR2 during 23:00~07:00 of next day (if construction activities are undertaken).

NoisePH 6 x Leq5 will be measured at NSR1 and NSR2 during 07:00~19:00 (if construction activities are undertaken).

Appendix Q

Photographic Records of Implemented Measures Appendix Q Photographical Records of Implemented Measures

Photo 01 (P1-SA1) Photo 02 (P1-SA1)

Photo 03 (P1- SA1) Photo 04 (P1- SA1)

Photo 05 (P1- SA1) Photo 06 (P1-SA6)

Photo 07 (P1-SA6) Photo 08 (P1-SA1)

Photo 09 (P1-SA1) Photo 10 (P1-SA6)

Photo 11 (P1-SA6) Photo 12 (P1-SA8)

Photo 13 (P1-SA1) Photo 14 (P1-SA1)

Photo 15 (P1-SA1)

Appendix R

Summary of Environmental Licensing, Notification and Permit Status Appendix R Summary of Environmental Licensing, Notification and Permit Status

Valid Period Status / Description Permit No. Section From To Remarks Environmental EP- 15/04/02 - Whole work site Valid Permit 085/2000C Chemical Waste WPN – 15/04/02 - Whole Valid Producer 5213-269- construction site Registration C3215-01 Waste Water EP482/269/0 15/04/02 30/06/07 P1-SA6, P1-SA8- Valid Discharge 038/I (revised 11, P1-SA13, P1- License on SA14 and P1- 02/08/02) SA15. Waste Water EP482/269/0 24/12/03 31/12/08 P1-SA1 (Grid 1 to Valid Discharge 039/I 9) License Waste Water EP482/269/0 12/02/04 28/02/09 P1-SA1 (Grid 10 Valid Discharge 040/I to Grid 27, License Container Port Road E/B) Construction GW- 01/11/03 30/04/04 Adjacent to Expired Noise Permit UE0372-03 Container Terminal no. 8 Construction GW- 15/11/03 09/05/04 Lai Wan Expired Noise Permit UE0380-03 Interchange and Lin Cheung Road Construction GW- 20/11/03 30/04/04 Container Port Expired Noise Permit UE0381-03 Road and adjacent to Container Terminal no. 8 Construction GW- 19/11/03 09/05/04 Lin Cheung Road Expired Noise Permit UE0389-03 near Kowloon Motor Bus Depot Construction GW- 26/01/04 25/07/04 Container Port Valid Noise Permit UE0014-04 Road and adjacent to Container Terminal no. 8 Construction GW- 25/02/04 22/08/04 Ngong Sheun Valid Noise Permit UE0049-04 Chau Viaduct along Hing Wah Streets West, Kowloon

Construction GW- 09/03/04 08/09/04 Lin Cheung Road Valid Noise Permit UE0053-04 and Tonkin Street

Valid Period Status / Description Permit No. Section From To Remarks Construction GW- 10/03/04 09/09/04 Hing Wah Street Valid Noise Permit UE0054-04 West near Hop Hing Shipyard Construction GW- 03/03/04 02/09/04 Lai Wan Valid Noise Permit UE0056-04 Interchange to Container Pot Road South Roundabout no. 7 Construction GW- 19/03/04 02/09/04 Lai Po Road near Valid Noise Permit UE0071-04 Kowloon Motor Bus Depot Construction GW- 19/03/04 02/09/04 Lin Cheung Road Valid Noise Permit UE0072-04 near KMB Bus Depot Construction GW- 26/03/04 22/09/04 Container Port Valid Noise Permit UE0084-04 Road South and adjacent to Container Terminal No.8 Construction GW- 01/05/04 30/11/04 Container Port Valid Noise Permit UE0095-04 Road South and adjacent to Container Terminal No.8 Construction GW- 01/05/04 23/10/04 Lai Po Road near Valid Noise Permit UE0121-04 Kowloon Motor Bus Depot