No. 25 (2,696) Weekly Saturday, June 23, Juche 101 (2012) , DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA ·'s start of work at the WPK Central Committee commemorated

National meeting The participants observed a party. leader of the WPK who ushered in a "In the period of the severest minute's silence in memory of "He ensured that a firm mono- golden age of the Juche-based ordeals in the Korean revolution he A national meeting was held on Chairman ·. lithic ideological and leadership Songun revolution and a prosperous put the building of a thriving June 18 at the April 25 House of Kim Ki Nam, member of the system of the leader was estab- socialist country building. socialist nation forward as the Culture to mark the 48th anniver- Political Bureau and secretary of lished within the Party, the unity "He wisely led the WPK so that strategic line of the Party and sary of ·'s start of work the WPK Central Committee, and cohesion of Party ranks were it developed all social sectors in enhanced its leadership role in at the Central Committee of the delivered a keynote speech. strengthened and all the Party Korean way holding high the ban- every way to bring about a drastic Workers' Party of Korea. The speaker said that officials went among the people ner of independence, Songun and turn in building an economic giant It was attended by Kim Yong ·'s start of work at the to get familiar with their minds socialism, turned Party work into and improving the people's living Nam, Choe Yong Rim, Choe WPK Central Committee on June and feelings and took maternal that among the people and gave full standard. Ryong Hae and Ri Yong Ho, mem- 19 1964 was a historic event of care of them. This was the deci- play to the revolutionary enthusi- "Thanks to the patriotic devotion bers of the Presidium of the special significance in developing sive guarantee which enabled the asm and creative initiative of the and untiring efforts of him who had Political Bureau of the WPK the WPK and accomplishing the WPK to take on full features as masses of the people. the noblest view of the country and Central Committee, other senior revolutionary cause of Juche, and the party of President "He elucidated the immutable people, new flames of great revolu- Party, state and army officials, offi- went on: ‡. truth that the army means the Party, tionary upsurge were kindled one cials from Party, military and gov- "As it was led by ·, "He formulated Songun politics the state and the people and made after another, proud achievements ernment organs, social organiza- the WPK could push ahead with as the mode of leadership of the sure that all Party work was orient- of the industrial revolution in the tions, ministries and national agen- the revolution and construction WPK in line with the requirements ed to the implementation of the new century were made and solid cies, officers and men of the without the slightest vacillation in of the revolutionary practice that Songun revolutionary line. Thanks foundations for building an eco- Korean People's Army and the the face of a multitude of grave tri- faced a do-or-die showdown with to his outstanding leadership, nomically developed country were Korean People's Internal Security als and hardships, pioneering the the imperialists and led the entire Korea which was once deprived of laid. Forces, officials in the fields of sci- untrodden path of socialism over Party to translate it into reality, its sovereignty because of its weak "Under his Songun-based leader- ence, education, literature and the the past several decades. thus strengthening the WPK as a army has come to demonstrate its ship the WPK foiled every act of arts, public health and the media, "He was the outstanding builder militant staff of the Songun revolu- might as the world's military power provocation of the partitionists at labour innovators and other work- of the WPK who developed it into tion. with tremendous national strength ing people. a Juche-oriented revolutionary "· was a distinguished and a nuclear weapons state. (Continued on Page 2) Changjon Street, fruition of the leader’s patriotism (See Page 3)

Korean socialism keeping Who started Anniv of June 15 US arms buildup compels Blood donor day Reckless military up Juche character and the Korean Joint Declaration DPRK to boost defence marked Page 4 buildup Page 7 national identity Page 2 war? Page 5 marked Page 6 capacity Page 8 2 The Pyongyang Times Saturday, June 23, Juche 101 (2012)

ty into a socio-political integrity the resources and talents of the firmly united around the leader, thus nation have been restored to their Korean socialism keeping up Juche building up the driving force of the original states as the precious treas- revolution, the integrated whole of ure of the country and nation and the leader, the Party and the people. handed down to posterity and the character and national identity The might of single-minded whole society is brimming with unity and military capability of the national soul, spirit and aura. The DPRK is advancing along Party and people." To consistently embody the country fundamentally guarantee Folk holidays, folk games and the road of socialism as an inde- The whole historical course of independent revolutionary line and all victories of the Korean people traditional dishes are encouraged pendent, self-supporting and self- the Korean revolution character- fighting method chosen by the both in the struggle against imperi- and structures of lasting value that defensive country with strong Juche ized by miraculous changes is run Korean people and reflecting their alism and the building of socialism. are national in style and socialist in character and national identity. through with the efforts to preserve will is an essential feature of The independent national econo- content are built across the country. It takes it as a basic principle to the Juche character and apply the Korean socialism. my built in the long historical The Korean people are fond of be adhered to throughout the national identity. Songun politics of the WPK is the process of struggle now serves as a singing folk songs, dancing to the course of implementing the social- Today Korean socialism is shin- height of the spirit of national inde- precious asset in building a thriv- tune of national music and wearing ist cause to preserve the Juche ing as a powerful and advantageous pendence and a sure guarantee for ing socialist nation. national costumes. This is the true character and national identity and socialism with strong Juche charac- achieving national prosperity at their Thanks to the huge economic look of Korean socialism where the thoroughly apply them. ter and distinct national identity. own discretion. potentials, the Korean people were national identity flourishes. Chairman · pub- It is a Juche-oriented socialism It has enabled the DPRK to able to set the grandiose goal of They preserve the long-standing lished work On Preserving the which wins one victory after anoth- strictly maintain the principle of building a prosperous socialist coun- good qualities of the nation posi- Juche Character and National er by dint of independent revolu- Juche and independent stand in all try in hard times and are now press- tively and embody their own Character of the Revolution and tionary lines and mode of struggle. domains of politics, military ing ahead with the upgrading of the national style in all fields of state Construction on June 19 1997 to It is a serious lesson of history affairs, the economy, culture and national economy in line with the and social life such as politics, the indicate the way to defend national and reality that if a country fails to external relations and do anything requirements of the new century. economy and culture. sovereignty and achieve national maintain its independent view and at will by smashing all manner of As it had the powerful driving Victorious revolution and rosy prosperity. stand, oppressed by outside forces, foreign interference and pressure. force in all domains of politics, the future are in store for the country In the work he elucidated the it is doomed to ruin. Korean socialism is an invinci- military and the economy Korean where a revolutionary line of its essence of the preservation of the From the outset of building a ble socialism whose victory is socialism is winning victory after style is maintained and the nation- Juche character and national identity new Korea to the present of build- guaranteed by its own powerful victory in spite of all adversities. al spirit runs high. of the revolution and construction, ing a thriving socialist nation the force. Korean socialism is a promising The first century of its importance and significance and Korean people have settled all The main force of the revolution socialism which inherits the excellent ‡'s Korea, which other theoretical and practical issues problems arising in the revolution is the substantial guarantee of the traditions, culture and spirit of the adorned the 20th century with victo- arising in applying the principle. and construction in their own way preservation and embodiment of nation and gives full play to them. ries in the struggle for independ- He wrote in the work: in accordance with their ideology, the Juche character and national It is a common duty of all the ence, sovereignty and socialism and "Stepping up socialist con- faith, decision and will. identity. nationals to treasure and add bril- is ushering in a period of national struction and realizing the reuni- It is an unshakable will of the At present the DPRK is exalting liance to all good things of the prosperity in the 21st century, tells fication of the country and its Workers' Party of Korea, the army its dignity as a political and ideo- nation incorporating the resources that the Juche character and nation- prosperity by preserving and and people to advance the socialist logical power and military giant. and creativity of their people. al identity are the life and soul of all embodying the Juche character cause in their revolutionary way, The WPK has armed all the peo- Today the national spirit and cul- the countries and nations and the and national character is the unaffected by any influence from ple with the Juche idea and Songun ture are in full bloom in the DPRK. banner of victory of socialism. unshakable faith and will of our the outside. idea and developed the whole socie- Cultural legacies permeated with By Jong Sun Bok PT

(Continued from Page 1) WPK holds him in high esteem as It was seen by Kim Yong Nam, its eternal General Secretary and Choe Yong Rim and other senior home and abroad, strictly main- develops into the glorious party of Party, government and army offi- Greetings to Albania tained the line of independent ‡ and ·. cials and officials from govern- reunification, rapidly enhanced the "He defined single-minded ment organs, working people's prestige and influence of the coun- unity and invincible military organizations, Cabinet, ministries Kim Yong Nam, president of the dent of Albania. try on the international arena and power plus the industrial revolu- and national agencies. Presidium of the DPRK Supreme In the message he wished Bujar built up international solidarity tion in the new century as a thriv- It shows the revolutionary activ- People's Assembly, on June 15 sent Nishani success in his work for the with the Korean revolution. ing socialist country and has con- ities of Chairman · a congratulatory message to Bujar country's development and pros- "The sacred revolutionary career tinued the forced march of the who wisely led the revolution and Nishani upon his election as presi- perity. and exploits of him who braved all Songun-based revolution to construction towards victory by sorts of challenges of history and ensure the hot wind of following constantly developing the WPK brought about an epochal change in ·'s patriotism sweeps and enhancing its leadership role in implementing the cause of Party the whole country. every way under the revolutionary WPK delegation building and Songun revolution "Bright is the future of the WPK, banner of the Juche idea and with outstanding ideas and leader- the army and the people that are Songun idea. ship ability, great courage and lofty advancing under the leadership of The Mansudae Art Troupe gave visits Myanmar spirit of patriotism will go down in Kim Jong Un with the blessings of a music and dance performance at the history of the country for all the peerless great men of Mt. the East Pyongyang Grand Theatre. A delegation of the Workers' Saying he was pleased to hear that ages. Paektu." Kim Yong Nam, Choe Yong Party of Korea headed by Kim the cause of President ‡ "·'s Juche-oriented The speaker called for making Rim, Choe Ryong Hae and other Yong Il, alternate member of the and Chairman · is suc- idea and cause of party building are every effort to further strengthen senior Party and state officials, offi- Political Bureau and secretary of cessfully being carried forward by being carried forward by the WPK and win the final victory cials from Party, military and gov- the WPK Central Committee, visit- supreme leader Kim Jong Un, Minn Kim Jong Un, First Secretary of in the building of a powerful ernment organs, working people's ed Myanmar after touring Laos and Swe noted at the talks that the peo- the WPK. socialist country closely rallied organizations, ministries and Vietnam. ples of the two countries are striving "He is a preeminent leader the around the WPK Central national agencies, officers and men Thura U Shwe Mann, house to defend national sovereignty and WPK and the people have Committee headed by First of the Korean People's Army and speaker and acting chairman of the make social and economic progress acclaimed and the banner of all Secretary Kim Jong Un. the Korean People's Internal Solidarity and Development Party in the face of the US sanctions and victories and glory of Songun Security Forces and working peo- of the Union of Myanmar, met and pressure. Korea. Events ple in Pyongyang saw the perform- had a talk with the WPK delegation He expressed his conviction that "He has opened up a new chapter ance. in a friendly atmosphere. the DPRK, a political and military of the cause of immortalizing the Documentary "Great leadership It won high acclaim from the At the talks the acting chairman power, would win a shining victo- leader, making sure that guiding our Party to victories" was audience, for it was brimming over asked the head of the WPK delega- ry in the building of an economic ·'s revolutionary career screened at the People's Palace of with a high sense of loyalty and tion to convey his heartfelt con- giant under the leadership of and feats shine for all ages and the Culture in Pyongyang. noble moral obligation to gratulations to supreme leader Kim Jong Un. · who led the Kim Jong Un on his election as The WPK delegation also met Party and revolution to WPK First Secretary. with U Kyaw Thu, chairman of the victory with outstanding Expressing his profound thanks Myanmar Union Civil Service ideas, theories and politi- to the DPRK supreme leader for Board who paid a courtesy call on it. cal ability and demon- showing great concern for the During its stay, talks were held strated the high prestige development of relations between between the delegations of the of ‡'s Korea the two parties and the two coun- WPK and the Solidarity and to the world. tries, he said he was convinced that Development Party of the Union of Similar performances he will lead the Korean people to Myanmar at the office building of were given in greater victory and prosperity. the Central Committee of the SDP Pyongyang and the He noted that his party will pos- of the Union of Myanmar. provinces. itively strive to boost the friendly At the talks both sides informed Workers, women and and cooperative ties between the each other of the activities of their farmers held a seminar two parties and two countries. parties and exchanged views on and gave a poem recital Minn Swe, chief minister of the boosting the friendly and coopera- and a performance of Yangon regional government, and tive relationship between the two poetry and music respec- U Ye Minn, chief minister of parties and other matters of mutual tively. Students and Mandalay regional government, concern. young people held who are members of the Central The WPK delegation visited dances on June 19 in sev- Executive Committee of the SDP Nay Pyi Tao, capital of Myanmar, Students and other young people dance in the plaza of the Party Founding eral places in Pyongyang of the Union of Myanmar, held Mandalay and cultural relics and a Memorial Tower. and provincial capitals. talks with the WPK delegation museum in Yangon. Song Tae Hyok By Kim Yu Gyong PT respectively. Compiled from KCNA Saturday, June 23, Juche 101 (2012) The Pyongyang Times 3

Changjon Street project completed

An inaugural ceremony of at the historic time when the Changjon Street that has turned centenary of the birth of into a splendid street of Songun President ‡ was Korea in the new century was held marked as a grand national on June 20 on the spot. event and a holiday common to It was attended by senior Party, the progressive humankind is a government and military officials full demonstration of the validi- including Kim Yong Nam, presi- ty of the Party's idea of archi- dent of the Presidium of the tectural aesthetics and the DPRK Supreme People's potential of the independent Assembly, Premier Choe Yong economy and a landmark show- Rim, Choe Ryong Hae, director of ing off once again the might of the General Political Bureau of the single-minded unity of the peo- Korean People's Army, and Kim ple of Songun Korea who turn Ki Nam, secretary of the Central out as one in response to the call Committee of the Workers' Party of the Party. of Korea. Choe Yong Rim delivered an Also present there were service inaugural address. personnel who took part in the He said that Changjon Street construction project, builders of covering an area of some 30 Pyongyang, supporters and those hectares, which is perfect in all who would move into new hous- components of architecture and es. street layout as plastic and artistic At the ceremony Kim Yong effects have been applied to struc- Nam conveyed the joint congratu- tures, is another gift the WPK pres- latory message sent by the WPK ents to the people. continue to fulfil their duty in Central Committee and the DPRK He referred to the fact that building Pyongyang into a magnif- National Defence Commission to Chairman ·, who had icent world city true to the call of the service personnel, Pyongyang devoted his all to providing the the joint congratulatory message of builders, members of construction happiest life to the people, initi- the WPK Central Committee and shock brigade and supporters who ated the project for the street and the DPRK National Defence performed labour feats in the proj- energetically led the construction Commission. ect. process and supreme leader He was followed by other speak- The message warmly congratu- Kim Jong Un provided on-site ers. lated the builders who built up a guidance to the project on sever- After the ceremony the senior new model street of Korean style in al occasions to give instructions a matter of a year. that would serve as guidelines in officials looked round the flats in It noted that the completion of turning the street into a world the street. the street that conforms to the avenue. Article by Cha Myong Chol PT requirement of the new century He called on all the builders to Photos by Song Ryon PT 4 The Pyongyang Times Saturday, June 23, Juche 101 (2012) Radical development Premier inspects in fish farming different units The DPRK abounds in rivers, been applied to suit the specific being at Okryu Restaurant, a public Premier Choe Yong Rim, mem- production. lakes, springs and hot springs, conditions of each farm, making a catering and service base on the ber of the Presidium of the Political The Premier toured various which provide favourable condi- new history of growing sturgeon banks of the Taedong River in Bureau of the Central Committee places of the Taedonggang tions for large-scale fish farming. and rainbow trout on a large scale Pyongyang, and delicacies like of the Workers' Party of Korea, Combined Fruit Farm and Therefore, fish culture is encour- in any sea along the coast. sturgeon, salmon and terrapin dish- made a field survey of the techno- referred to the need to increase aged by the government. Fish A new history of breeding es are served to the people in the logical updating at the Chollima the rate of the fruit cultivation farms have been newly built or salmon has also been made. delicacy house under it. Steel Complex. work done by machines and settle reconstructed throughout the coun- Salmon culture has begun a few In particular, fried terrapin and He learnt about the progress the problems arising in the trans- try—from remote mountain vil- years ago in the DPRK, but salmon soup and other dishes made with made in the project at the construc- port and storage of fruits in a lages to those along the west and fry go out to the sea in large shoals terrapin, known as rare dishes in tion site alive with a high-pitched responsible manner. east coast—and fish farming is in February every year along the the world, add delight to the diners. drive for applying the technology He also inspected the Chilgol being pushed as a nationwide special salmon reserves which Roasted eel is one of the of high temperature air combustion Vegetable Farm in movement. include the lower reaches of rivers favourite dishes among them. through anthracite gasification and District, Pyongyang and the A complete fish farming process and coastal waters and mother fish It has won popularity among the convened a consultative meeting. Ryongchon Cooperative Farm in system has been established and fish swim up the rivers in October, pre- local people and overseas Koreans, The meeting underscored the Hwangju County. farming and processing from grow- senting a spectacular riverscape to and foreigners frequently order it. need for the related units to ensure Looking round the fields ing seed fish to production of feed, the delight of the locals. An 80-year-old compatriot said: a timely production and supply of seething with farming work, he spawning technology and spawn Once Chairman · "I'm very surprised to see peo- items of cooperative production acquainted himself with the earing processing methods have been visited a catfish farm on his inspec- ple, masters of the country, playing needed for the project and dis- of first crops, the tillering of upgraded in the Kujang, Sinchang tion tour. Seeing fully-grown cat- amusement games and sports on cussed the issue of completing the crops, manuring and other condi- and other fish farms. They are now fish as big as a forearm swarming the wonderfully furnished Rungna technological updating in Korean tions of farming before convening teeming with cold and hot water fish the fattening ponds with satisfac- Islet and enjoying rare eel dish. way. a consultative meeting. in dozens of kinds including stur- tion, he said that the ponds are real- The DPRK is the only country in It also took measures for step- The Premier made the rounds of geon weighing 135 kg at maximum, ly teeming with catfish; half of the world that serves the people." ping up the modernization of the the construction site of the rainbow trout and char. them is filled with fish and another A variety of fresh and processed dressing process at the Posan Iron Mammary Centre at the The employees at the Ryongjong half with water. He added that cat- fish are served to the people at the Works and ensuring a satisfactory Pyongyang Maternity Hospital. Offshore Fish Farm succeeded in fish should be supplied well to get Pothongmun and Pothonggang supply of raw materials needed for Compiled from KCNA acclimatizing sturgeon and rain- the catfish restaurant to achieve meat and fish shops, Pothonggang bow trout to the salt water of the fame as the Taedonggang Mullet Department Store and other service West Sea and a method of raising Soup House did in the past. centres. fish in a net cage in the sea has Sturgeon aquarium came into By Jang Jong Ho PT BloodBlood donordonor dayday markedmarked

On June 14, World Blood Donor spoke highly of those who have Day was marked around the world voluntarily donated blood for other with events to raise awareness of people's health and life and thanked the need for safe blood and blood the officials from the WHO country products and to thank all voluntary office and IFRC delegation and unpaid donors for their life-saving guests from other international gift of blood. organizations for their painstaking An event took place at the efforts for the development of National Blood Centre of the blood transfusion in the DPRK. He DPRK Ministry of Public Health hoped that all the workers engaged under the co-sponsorship of the in blood transfusion service and ministry, the World Health blood donors would achieve greater Organization and the International success in their efforts to fully dis- Poman Fish Farm at sunset. Ham Yong Sok Federation of Red Cross and Red play the advantages of the socialist Crescent Societies. health care system. It brought together health work- Yonas Tegegn, WHO represen- ers, voluntary blood donors, stu- tative in the DPRK, made a con- Int’l insurance seminar held dents of Pyongyang Medical gratulatory speech. He said that it College of ‡ was his pleasure to join others for "We have learned a lot in the sem- and industrial activities as well as The seminar drew local insur- University and employees of the observing World Blood Donor Day inar", "We could have a better under- many areas of personal lives insur- ance workers including those in the centre. and that WHO once again reaffirms standing of various forms of casualty ance." He noted that the FAIR KNIC, the secretary general of the Also present there were mem- its commitment to work with the insurance in the world insurance always endeavours to enhance FAIR, delegates and delegations of bers of different international DPRK Ministry of Public Health market" and "We deem it very useful knowledge and provide a platform companies of Russia, Sudan, organizations including those from and other government agencies, to have taken part in the seminar," for the members to exchange Switzerland, the UK, Australia, the WHO country office for the UN organizations, other interna- said participants in the Pyongyang expertise in order to improve their India, China and Tanzania, the del- DPRK and IFRC delegation who tional organizations, non-govern- international insurance seminar that technical insurance skills. egation of the Kumgang Insurance have been providing active coop- mental organizations, the Red ran between June 12 and 13. Papers on the earthquake and the Company of the General eration for the development of Cross movement and the communi- The seminar was held on the relevant insurance in China, the Association of Korean Residents in health work in the country. ty to support blood donation in the theme of “The dynamics of insur- opportunities of emerging reinsur- Japan, diplomatic envoys and staff The theme of this year's World country. ance coverage arrangement and ance market in Russia, the recent members of Pyongyang-based Blood Donor Day was "Every He was followed by Jim Dawe, rates application responding to natural disasters in the DPRK, their embassies and missions of interna- blood donor is a hero", which was acting head of the IFRC delega- recent catastrophes and disasters” at insurance coverage and measures tional organizations. intended to highly appreciate and tion. the Yanggakdo International Hotel ahead from insurance perspective, The participants sent a letter of widely introduce the laudable Then the model blood donors under the co-sponsorship of the the arbitration clauses in internation- thanks to Kim Jong Un, First deeds of voluntary donors of the were introduced and certificates Korea National Insurance al arbitration contracts, the general Secretary of the Workers' Party of most precious source of life for and tokens were given to them. Corporation (KNIC) and the principles related to the conduct of Korea and First Chairman of the human being and recruit more vol- The participants saw an artistic Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers loss surveys and claim adjustments DPRK National Defence untary and regular blood donors to performance given by the youth and Reinsurers (FAIR) amidst the following catastrophic events and Commission, for the great care he satisfy the country's need for blood central art group and looked round growing public interest in the the contingent business interruption had shown for the successful semi- and save the life of more patients. photos on display. increasing role of the insurance were presented at the seminar. nar at the closing ceremony. Gifts Kang Ha Guk, deputy minister of The day was also observed in the industry in securing the life and They greatly impressed the par- were sent to the DPRK supreme Public Health, in his speech provinces. property of people and stabilizing ticipants as they fully explained the leader by the International referred to the achievements made Article and photo by and improving the national economy issues that need urgent solution in Reinsurance Intermediaries Haakon in blood donation in the past. He Pang Un Ju PT and living standard of the people. the relief of damages caused by Ltd of Switzerland, the Hammam Badr, secretary general natural disasters, backed by Cunningham Lindsey International of the Federation of Afro-Asian detailed information. Ltd of the UK, the Fairicc Survey & Insurers and Reinsurers, in his This was the fourth international Loss Adjusting Co., China and the opening remarks said, "Our seminar insurance gathering in Pyongyang Interlink Insurance & Reinsurance today is dedicated to address vari- after the similar events in 1985, Brokers Pvt. Ltd, India. ous aspects relating to the dynamics 1989 and 2010. During their stay, they climbed of insurance coverage and rates Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president Mansu Hill to lay a basket of flow- application responding to the recent of the Presidium of the DPRK ers at the statues of President catastrophes and disasters which Supreme People's Assembly, ‡ and Chairman affected the insurance industry dur- attended the opening ceremony and · and looked round ing the recent years and the subse- Vice-Premier Ro Tu Chol, the several places. quent wide spectrum of economic opening and closing ceremonies. By Kim Rye Yong PT Saturday, June 23, Juche 101 (2012) The Pyongyang Times 5 KCU anniversary celebrations showcase DPRK’s future-oriented policy

The Korean Central News Paektu, Panmunjom Secondary officials and Pyongyang citizens members. loving care of the great leaders who Agency on June 13 released a full School near the Military warmly received them. That night the supreme leader, bestowed all blessings upon the report on the grand celebrations Demarcation Line and the branch The delegates visited the statues together with the delegates, saw the younger generation and the patriot- held to mark the 66th anniversary school on Jamae Islet in the West of President ‡ and concert "Love the future!" given by ic spirit of their parents who of the Korean Children's Union Sea. They were invited to Chairman · on Mansu the Unhasu Orchestra and specially became heroes and labour innova- (KCU) amid the blessings of the Pyongyang. Hill and the plaza of the Kumsusan arranged by him for them. tors. whole country. The following are Children of ordinary workers, Palace of the Sun to express their He had a photo session with all Merry laughter of the young del- excerpts from the report: farmers, service personnel, scien- gratitude to them for having pro- the delegates on June 7 in the plaza egates was heard in the Kaeson The celebrations of the 66th tists and technicians who are exem- vided all the children with an of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun. Youth Park, the Central Zoo, the KCU anniversary took place in plary in study and organizational ample opportunity of learning by From the day of their arrival in Central Botanical Garden, the Pyongyang from June 3 to 8 amid life were chosen as delegates. enforcing universal 11-year com- Pyongyang, the delegates were Pyongyang Grand Theatre, the deep concern of the Workers' Party No sooner had this exciting news pulsory education and brought filled with joy and happiness, tour- Pyongyang Circus Theatre and of Korea, the government and all been made public than an unprece- them all happiness and beautiful ing different places including the other entertainment and service the people. dented festive mood pervaded the hope and dream. Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery facilities. They were held most significant- whole country. They visited Mangyongdae, the on Mt. Taesong, the Victorious Over 260 delegates were provid- ly thanks to the noble outlook on Transportation was arranged birthplace of the President. Fatherland Liberation War ed with birthday spreads during younger generation and future of under the close concern of the A joint national meeting of KCU Memorial Tower, the National Hall their stay in Pyongyang. the Party and government which Party and government to bring the organizations was held to celebrate of Class Education, the e-library Kim Jong Un sent gifts to all the regard the work for the rising gen- KCU delegates to the venue of the its 66th anniversary with splendour and indoor swimming pool of delegates. eration as the most important grand festival. Special trains, on June 6 at ‡ Stadium. ‡ University, the The children left Pyongyang on affair. They proved to be a grand planes and vehicles brought them Supreme leader Kim Jong Un Taedonggang Combined Fruit June 9 amid the warm send-off of assembly of successors to the to Pyongyang. made a historic speech at the meet- Farm and Changjon Street. Pyongyang people. Songun revolution which instilled Parents, teachers, people from all ing. They attended a meeting of The celebrations of the 66th into the people the faith in the rosy walks of life and schoolchildren After a KCU congratulatory schoolchildren to boast about suc- KCU anniversary were a grand fes- future of a thriving socialist Korea. gave a hearty send-off to the dele- group recited a poem for the occa- cess they made in the efforts to be tival that demonstrated the noble More than 20 000 delegates were gates with bouquets and garlands. sion, KCU members made an oath knowledgeable, virtuous and love of the WPK for the future and selected from all the primary, sec- Pyongyang seethed with to fully prepare themselves as chil- healthy. They hardened their single-minded unity of all the peo- ondary and branch schools across arrangements for giving the dele- dren's guard boundlessly faithful to resolve to become exemplary KCU ple and KCU members around the the country, including Jongilbong gates a warm welcome. Kim Jong Un in reflection of the members in the Songun era, cher- leader and mirrored the true looks Secondary School at the foot of Mt. Senior Party and government determination of millions of KCU ishing deep in their mind the noble of the future of a thriving country. Who started the Korean war?

At present tens of thousands of US to dominate the whole Korean troops who pose as protector of the peninsula. "free world" and a huge quantity of US In 1948, the US concluded the military hardware is deployed in con- Transitional Temporary Status of stant combat readiness in south Korea. Forces Agreement on Military While describing them as a force to Affairs and Security with the south deter the DPRK from invading the Korean puppet regime and held south, the US is still propagandizing complete control of the puppet with the help of the Western venal army and police and important media that the Korean war which areas and establishments. broke out on June 25 1950 was the Between 1945 and 1949 the US "southward invasion". offered military aid worth US$ 1 Who, then, started the three-year billion to south Korea to build up Korean war between the two-year- the south Korean puppet army and old DPRK and the US which had use them as a shock brigade for gathered enormous wealth during DPRK-targeted war. World War II and got fat political- Referring to this, Johnson, the John Foster Dulles makes the final inspection of the preparations for war in the area south of the ly, militarily and economically? then director in charge of south 38th parallel. Immediately after Japan's sur- Korea of the US office for econom- render in 1945, the US occupied ic aid, told the Budget Committee and trained by the American advi- MacArthur, former commander for both the United States and south the south of Korea styling itself of the US House of Representatives sory group were fully ready for of the US armed forces in the Far Korea, Christian states. No one will "liberator" and stepped up the that 100 000 south Korean troops action and they could be involved East, told a US Senate hearing in believe we have started a war on preparations for an aggressive war equipped with American weaponry in military operation anytime. May 1951 that on the eve of the Sunday," said Roberts, head of the war all the military materials and US military advisory group in south hardware had already been put in Korea. the areas not far from the 38th par- As he had said, the US setting of allel for the northward campaign. the date as D-Day was part of their The true colours of the US as the meticulous war scenario. starter of the Korean war were dis- His name was among the list of closed by American book titled high-ranking officers who were on "Who Began the Korean War?" It holiday or tour, including the US says that the US had already had a President who left Washington DC north-bound expedition plan, a for the weekend with his wife and Korean war scenario which was State Secretary Acheson. drafted and agreed upon at the joint This proves that the Americans' meeting of the US Department of claim that the DPRK attacked the State and the Council of Joint Chiefs south and the US intervened in the of Staff at the directive of the then Korean war in an effort to defend US President Truman in January "peace" according to a UN resolu- 1950 and ratified on April 2 at the tion is a lie. US National Security Council, and a They are denying the truth of his- strategic plan for special actions to tory and talking loudly about the be taken at the outbreak of the war. "southward invasion", because they Another US book "The History are afraid to lose all reason for the of Modern America" says that US military presence in south never before in their history had Korea. they been so nearly prepared at the However hard the US may try to start of any war as they were at the pose as "champion of liberty and start of the Korean war. peace", it can never conceal its true "We have chosen the 25th of colours as the provocateur of the June and this explains our pru- Korean war and aggressor. South Korean troops invade the north at the instigation of the US imperialists (June 25 1950). dence. It is Sunday. It's the Sabbath By Kim Tong Sik PT 6 The Pyongyang Times Saturday, June 23, Juche 101 (2012)

committees for the implementation of the June 15 Joint Declaration. An appeal to the Koreans at Anniv of June 15 Joint Declaration marked home and abroad was adopted at the meeting. A meeting took place in of the Secretariat of the Committee for Kim Ryong Song, chairman of inter-Korean summit in October It called for firmly defending Pyongyang on June 15 to mark the the Peaceful Reunification of Korea, the North Committee for the 2007 to adopt the October 4 and thoroughly implementing the 12th anniversary of the publication officials from working people's organ- Implementation of the June 15 Joint Declaration, ushering in a new hey- joint declaration by holding it of the June 15 Joint Declaration. izations and religious bodies, mem- Declaration, addressed the meeting. day in the development of north- higher as the banner and pooling It was attended by Yang Hyong bers of the North Committee for the He said that Chairman south relations and the achieve- efforts and wisdom of the nationals Sop, vice-president of the Presidium Implementation of the June 15 Joint · arranged the north- ment of peace and prosperity.” to open the gate of reunification. of the Supreme People's Assembly Declaration, the North Headquarters south summit for the first time in the He referred to the need to thor- It appealed to the fellow coun- who is honorary co-chairman of the of the Pan-national Alliance for years of national division in June 2000 oughly implement the ideas and trymen to work hard to resume the North Committee for the Korea's reunification and the North to adopt the June 15 North-South Joint policies of national reunification of exchange of visit, contact and dia- Implementation of the June 15 Joint Headquarters of the Pan-national Declaration and it was an exploit to be President ‡ and logue and cooperation provided by Declaration, Kim Yang Gon, secretary Alliance of Youth and Students for specially recorded in the history of the Chairman · without the the June 15 Joint Declaration by of the Central Committee of the Korea's Reunification, Pyongyang Korean nation. He continued: slightest deviation by holding them smashing all confrontational argu- Workers' Party of Korea, Kim Yong people, Jo Il Min, representative of the "The adoption of the joint declara- as guidelines. He went on: ments and obstacles to the imple- Dae, chairman of the Central Pyongyang Mission of the Anti-impe- tion provided the nation with a pro- "Supreme leader Kim Jong Un is mentation of the joint declaration. Committee of the Korean Social rialist National Democratic Front, Ro gramme for reunification clearly the sun of the nation and lodestar of It stressed the necessity to res- Democratic Party, Choe Jin Su, chair- Su Hui, vice-chairman of the South indicating the basic principle for set- national reunification who leads all olutely oppose and reject all man- man of the North Headquarters of the Headquarters of the Pan-national tling Korea's reunification issue, the the Koreans with broad magnanimi- ner of domination and interference Pan-national Alliance for Korea's Alliance for Korea's Reunification, goals and the ways to realize them. ty, generosity and noble benevolent by foreign forces infringing on Reunification, Kang Ji Yong, director and visiting overseas compatriots. "· arranged another politics, all-embracing politics." national dignity and sovereignty. He called for remaining faithful The appeal said that a decisive to Kim Jong Un's leadership, bear- breakthrough for independent reuni- ing in mind the firm faith that the fication, peace and prosperity should cause of national reunification is be made this year without fail and sure to be achieved as the Koreans the cause of war be rooted out in the are led by the supreme leader. homeland by driving US troops, the He referred to the need to give free principal of Korea's division and the rein once again to the spirit of national root cause of all misfortune and suf- independence, enthusiasm for national ferings, out of south Korea. unity and reunification and patriotism It called on all the nationals in that prevailed in the June 15 era and the north, south and overseas to turn out as one in the sacred struggle to unite firmly as one to achieve wipe out the Lee Myung Bak clan of national peace and implement the traitors who totally deny the inter- June 15 Joint Declaration and all Korean declarations and are hell-bent the political parties, organizations on the moves to escalate confrontation and personages at home and abroad and ignite a nuclear war. aspiring for peace and reunification Other people made speeches. of the country to firmly rally under The speeches were followed by the banner of the joint declaration the introduction of solidarity and and foil the confrontational moves congratulatory messages from south of the clan of ultra-right conserva- A glimpse of the rally to mark the 12th anniversary of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration. and overseas Korean organizations tives on the strength of the unity. KCNA including the south and overseas By Han Jong Ho PT Reunification cause is Southern and overseas events sure to be achieved demonstrate will of Koreans

The inter-Korean summit held in nimity of Chairman · who idea and line of great national unity of Koreans in south Korea and fight to achieve independence, June twelve years ago, the first of its cherished it as his lifetime mission to Chairman · who said he abroad held events to mark the peace and reunification in the kind since national division, and the carry out the instructions of President would regard people who love the coun- 12th anniversary of the June 15 spirit of the June 15 Joint publication of the June 15 Joint ‡ for the country's reunifi- try and want to contribute to the cause of Joint Declaration. Declaration. Declaration whose core is the By- cation. national reunification with tolerance on The South Committee for the On the same day, the Our-Nation-Itself ideal were a land- Therefore, the noble image of him the principle of taking no issue with Implementation of the June 15 preparatory committee for the mark event that brought about a new who hosted the historic Pyongyang their past and work together with them Joint Declaration and other civic rally to mark the 12th anniver- historic turn in the cause of the coun- summit in June 2000, warmly wel- for the country's reunification. and public organizations and sary of the joint declaration try's reunification. comed members of the southern dele- Through his speech the Korean peo- opposition parties of south Korea sponsored a rally on the theme As soon as it was announced, gation and illuminated the path to be ple and the world public have come to held a ceremony in Seoul on of “Defend peace in the cheers of hurrah burst out throughout taken by the nation greatly excited all understand the lofty intention and will June 15. spirit of the June 15 Joint the country and the world community the Korean people and made a hot of supreme leader Kim Jong Un to The speakers said that the Declaration!” in Seoul. welcomed it expressing their full sup- wind of respect for · hold high the banner of the June 15 port. From then on the Korean nation sweep the whole world. Joint Declaration and the October 4 joint declaration is a milestone Earlier on June 2, members of marched forward along the road indi- The undying exploits of the great Declaration and invariably go along for Korea's reunification, not- the Taejon Headquarters of the cated by the milestone for independ- leader who provided historic north- the road of patriotism for the country's ing that at the time of its publi- South Committee for the ent reunification. south declarations and laid solid reunification, peace and prosperity for cation people shed the tears of Implementation of the June 15 In those years the north-south rela- foundations for achieving independ- the great cause of the nation in spite of joy. Joint Declaration and other civic tionship plagued by distrust and mis- ent reunification, peace and prosperi- all challenges and obstructive moves The declaration represents the and public organizations, citi- understanding turned into that of rec- ty with the concerted efforts of the of anti-reunification forces. desire of the fellow countrymen zens and students in Taejon held onciliation and cooperation and Korean nation itself will go down in The situation is still tense and a and thanks to it, the south and a rally in the city. northerners and southerners the history of the country. great deal of obstacles are standing in north could re-link railways and The speakers said that the exchanged visits, opening a new The country's reunification is the the way of the country's reunification. roads and carry on cooperation divided Korean nation should chapter of independent reunification, earnest request of President However, the cause of national projects despite the walls of divi- become one without fail and peace and prosperity. Solidarity and ‡ and Chairman reunification of the Korean people will sion, they asserted. they cannot hand down the unity between reunification move- ·. surely emerge victorious as it is guid- All these achievements were divided country to posterity, ment organizations in the north, south Today supreme leader ed by the June 15 Joint Declaration invalidated and the south and calling for taking positive and overseas were strengthened Kim Jong Un stands in the van of and October 4 Declaration that illu- north have been barred from actions to achieve the reunifica- remarkably and the country's reunifi- the struggle of the Korean nation for mine the road for independent reunifi- jointly holding June 15 reunifi- tion of the country. cation movement developed into an independent and peaceful reunifica- cation, reliably protected by Songun cation events due to the Lee The participants displayed all-nation patriotic movement. tion of the country. and supported by the inexhaustible Myung Bak government, they their will for reunification, Amidst the growing desire of the He, in his speech delivered at the strength of the nation closely rallied protested. chanting "From Mt. Paektu to Korean nation for national reunion, military parade held to celebrate the under the ideal of By Our Nation They branded the south Mt. Halla!" and "June 15!". another inter-Korean summit took Day of the Sun, solemnly declared at Itself. Korean government's racket for The rally was followed by a place in Pyongyang in 2007 and the home and abroad the principled When the Korean people in the "eliminating the forces following October 4 Declaration was adopted, stand of the Workers' Party of Korea north, south and abroad vigorously marathon race. the north" as a revelation of its providing an action programme for and the government of the DPRK push the June 15 reunification era Prior to the start of the race, intention to bring back the past achieving prosperity and uniform that they will join hands with any- frustrating the challenges of anti- the full text of the June 15 Joint fascist dictatorship. development of the nation. one, who sincerely wishes the coun- reunification forces with fresh confi- Declaration was read. All these achievements were the try's reunification and peace and dence by upholding the banner of Reunification should be Running 6.15 kilometres, the results of the idea of national independ- prosperity of the nation, and make inter-Korean joint declaration, achieved through struggle as no participants hardened their deter- ence and line of great unity, spirit of responsible and persevering efforts Korea will be one, a powerful and one will bring it to the Koreans, mination to achieve national loving the country and nation and ever- to realize the historic cause of the prospering reunified country without they stressed, adding that they reunification by implementing victorious Songun-based leadership, country's reunification. fail. would foil the moves of the con- broad-mindedness and great magna- It is the full embodiment of the noble By Choe Won Chol PT servatives and dynamically (Continued on Page 7) Saturday, June 23, Juche 101 (2012) The Pyongyang Times 7 S. Korean conservatives' wrong Saenuri Party warned against will incur disgrace and ruin enacting treacherous law

The Secretariat of the DPRK not to "meddle" in their A spokesman for the brought up by the Grand National less treachery going against nation- Committee for the Peaceful racket while provoking it. Democratic Lawyers Association Party, the predecessor of the al reconciliation, unity and reunifi- Reunification of Korea issued a The conservative group has no of Korea on June 18 issued a Saenuri Party, but failed to pass cation. press release on June 15. It said: right to talk about the DPRK's statement accusing the conserva- through the 17th- and 18th-term The enactment of the bill will The south Korean puppet regime "interference" as they are hell-bent tive forces of south Korea includ- parliaments by meeting with stir up confrontation between the has turned topsy-turvy in the wake on all sorts of wicked tricks to ing the Saenuri Party of making a opposition of different social compatriots in the north and south of the release of the DPRK's open harass it while finding fault with its desperate bid to enact a "bill on strata and the outs. in social system and ideology, questionnaire disclosing the truth dignity, system and people's living. human rights in the north" at the The Saenuri Party is persisting drive inter-Korean relations into behind the farce staged by the con- Their assertion that their clan did 19th-term National Assembly at with the efforts to enact the bill, uncontrollable collapse and throw servative group for "eliminating nothing problematic on north tour any cost. The following are prompted by the intention to divert greater hurdles in the way of reuni- the forces following the north". is a sheer lie. excerpts from the statement: elsewhere the grievances of the fication. Those who were hit home by the At that time they took our hands The clan of the Saenuri Party is people that are growing due to its It will also incite the conserva- questionnaire are vying with each and said flatteringly that they sup- clamouring that it would lay a bill unpopular policies and human tive forces to intensify the fascist other to make absurd excuses, port the joint declaration and that on north Korean human rights rights abuses, kick up a row about crackdown upon the progressive, claiming that they did nothing prob- everything could be solved if we before the 19th-term National the "forces following the north", democratic and pro-reform forces lematic during their visits to the cooperated with them. But now Assembly to be opened and get it stifle the pro-reunification forces in south Korea. north and they made only friendly they are feigning ignorance and passed, saying that it is regrettable advocating alliance with the north The south Korean people should remarks but never uttered pro-north kicking up a noisy racket for con- that the bill failed to pass through and justify its moves to escalate turn out as one in the fight against words. The conservative media frontation with the fellow country- the parliament due to the objection confrontation with the fellow coun- the desperate moves of the conser- organizations collared by the DPRK men in collusion with the anti- of the opposition in the past. trymen, thus using the law in its vatives to legalize their confronta- are also busy trumpeting up excuses. reunification forces. They have Even the spokesmen for the gone to lengths to make a drumbeat The controversial bill is a dra- operation to win the presidential tional schemes. Ministry of Unification and the for eliminating pro-north forces. conian proposal of confrontation election. If the bill passes through the par- Saenuri Party cried out for a halt to the All this only reveals their shame- with the fellow countrymen The Democratic Lawyers liament, irrevocable consequences "interference" in the argument on less, mean and despicable nature. which is designed to launch anti- Association of Korea vehemently will be brought about in inter- "eliminating the forces following the The south Korean public is now DPRK tricks more viciously on denounces the moves as another Korean relations, and the conserva- north" while talking about "blackmail" demanding the conservative group the pretext of the "human rights" grave politically-motivated act of tive forces will be entirely account- and "sparking of internal conflict". tell the truth in reply to the open issue of the north. The bill was provocation to the DPRK and reck- able for them. This is nothing but a ridiculous questionnaire released by the north. act of those feeling guilty and sheer The conservative groups including sophism of those who are tight-cor- the Saenuri Party should clarify their nered as the proverb goes, "He who outlook on the north and fellow coun- Reckless military buildup digs a pit for others falls into it." trymen and their stand towards inter- The racket over the elimination of Korean relations before arguing pro-north forces is, in essence, a about "forces following the north". Recently the Lee Myung Bak centrate huge maritime forces in on the Korean peninsula. vicious act of provocation and insult We will never pardon those who clan of traitors of south has the Asia-Pacific region. The introduction of military to the DPRK and an extension of the hatch sinister plots, talking about requested the US to sell 367 pre- It is well known that the clan equipment from the US by moves to escalate confrontation "forces following the north", be cision guided missiles, various has reinforced armaments every squandering huge sums of money against reunification as it disregards they who represent the ruling or other missiles and relevant equip- year since the beginning of its amounts to a treacherous act fellow countrymen and totally opposition camps. ment. term, clamouring for the "pressur- foolish enough to fatten the US denies inter-Korean relations. The noisier the conservative Accordingly, the US ization of the north with military munitions monopolies with Therefore, we can never over- groups get in their racket despite Department of Defense informed edge". blood tax collected from the peo- look this issue of principle. our warning, the deeper they will the Congress of the south Korean According to a report of the ple. It is just like a thief crying "Stop find themselves in the pitfall dug by government's request for market- International Peace Institute, south South Koreans of all social stra- the thief!" for them, who are themselves, and the racket will ing weapons and parts worth US$ Korea ranked second in the world ta are denouncing the regime for steeped in confrontation with the bring them nothing but a disgraceful 325 million. in arms import in the past five such pro-American treachery. fellow countrymen, to urge the end. They should bear this in mind. Earlier the traitors asked the US years. The arms import of the traitors to trade military hardware and This year it has increased is designed to curry favour with other weapons costing US$ 1 084 defence budget 5 percent over last the American masters in return Release of reunification million including MH-60R Sea year. for filling their purse to stay in Hawk multipurpose helicopter and The south Korean authorities' power and trigger a north-targeted Harpoon missile. contract for the purchase of mili- war. activists urged They are going to ship in mili- tary equipment for this year is the Such a frantic move is a last tary equipment priced at over ten largest ever in scale. ditch effort of the traitors aban- Shortly ago, the Lee Myung Bak reunification which mercilessly vio- billion dollars from the US. What is dangerous is that the war doned by the people to find a way clan of traitors imposed a one-year lates even the elementary rights of The Lee clan that has brought maniacs are planning to buy means out of the serious ruling crisis with prison term and a-year-and-half sus- human beings as well as the right to inter-Korean relations to a total of preemptive strike mainly. the backing of the US. pension on Chairman Ri Kyu Jae, a the reunification movement of the rupture and gone berserk with Cite the multipurpose helicop- Facts tell that as long as the Lee four-year prison term and two-year fellow countrymen. north-targeted war rehearsals is ter and Harpoon missile as an clan that takes pro-US sycophancy suspension on former secretary gen- The statement stressed that the bent on arms buildup. This is a example. The helicopter is and confrontation with the fellow eral Ri Kyong Won and a two-year- leading officials of the reckless move intended to aggra- equipped with torpedo, missile, countrymen as its mode of exis- and-half prison term and four-year Pomminryon South Headquarters, vate military confrontation with the heavy machine gun and the like tence remains in power peace can suspension on former publicity who were subjected to cruel perse- north and inter-Korean tension and and carries out maritime missions never be expected on the Korean chairperson Choe Un A of the South cution, are pro-reunification fig- bring the danger of war to the aboard aircraft carrier, cruiser or peninsula. Headquarters of the Pan-national ures who have devoted their all to Korean peninsula. destroyer including attack and Their large-scale arms buildup Alliance for Korea's Reunification the country's peaceful reunification Danger lies in that south Korea search of submarines. Harpoon perpetrated on the pretext of (Pomminryon) on groundless while neglecting the happiness of charges of "infiltration and escape" their families and the comfort of is engrossed in military buildup at missile is a ship-to-ground cruise "threat" from the DPRK is a suici- and "possession of enemy-benefit- themselves and fervent patriots the time when it is scheming to missile. dal act of war hawks bereft of rea- ing literature", claiming that the who opened up a road to the June clinch a military agreement with The massive arms shipment is son. Pomminryon South Headquarters 15 reunification era. Japan while the US is trying to con- increasing the risk of nuclear war By Kim Kil Nam PT had frequent discussions on reunifi- It described the puppets' harsh cation with its northern counterpart. suppression of them as a last-ditch (Continued from Page 6) The United Confederation of works of President ‡ The traitors also arrested and bid to completely stamp out the Koreans in Russia sponsored a and Chairman ·, detained the chief editor of The headquarters standing in the van of the joint declaration in defiance of photo and book exhibition in DPRK books and magazines, the Path of the Nation, the organ of the the movement for the democratiza- the government's moves to escalate Saratov from June 10 to 12. text of the June 15 North-South Pomminryon South Headquarters, tion of south Korean society and confrontation against reunification. On display in the venue were Joint Declaration and photos show- on charges of "insulting the court" the reunification of the country and ing inter-Korean cooperation activ- and "praising and encouraging" the thus weaken the forces of the ities and visits in the June 15 reuni- north. He had strongly protested reunification movement and pro- fication era and the reality of the against the court's imposing of long their remaining days. DPRK. severe penalties on the leading The statement urged the Lee clan Visitors to the exhibition said officials of the Pomminryon South to abolish the National Security the joint declaration was the Headquarters, saying it cannot be a Law, a draconian law against most realistic programme for crime to call for national reunifica- human rights and reunification, reunification, expressing their tion. immediately release the pro-reuni- As to this, the North Headquarters fication figures including the determination to devote them- of Pomminryon published a state- unreasonably detained officials of selves to reunifying the country ment on June 14 to brand the action the Pomminryon South independently and peacefully taken by the Lee clan as a hideous Headquarters and guarantee free- true to the By-Our-Nation-Itself act of inciting confrontation between dom of activities for reunification. South Korean people call a halt to north-targeted war games. idea. compatriots and a crime against By Jong Chol PT KCNA By Kim Ryong Jin PT 8 The Pyongyang Times Saturday, June 23, Juche 101 (2012) Every sin incurs punishment US arms buildup compels DPRK The spokesman for the Central relatives in the past, echoing the power who subsists on following to boost defence capacity Committee of the Journalists nonsensical words of the human the clan of traitors and a servant of Union of Korea released a state- scum to impudently mar the digni- the National Information Service, A spokesman for the DPRK Armistice Agreement and open ment on June 18 in relation to ty and system of the DPRK. the den of tricks and plots, it said, Foreign Ministry answered KCNA provocation against the DPRK. the fact that the anti-DPRK As any kinds of lies and fabrica- and pointed out that as their on June 18 as regards the recent US The US is apt to clamour against smear campaign of the puppet tions they forged to slander the vicious anti-DPRK vituperation undisguised arms buildup against "provocation" by the DPRK, but the conservative media has recently DPRK cut no ice with it, the puppet full of distortion and fabrication the DPRK. He said: facts prove that it is the principal that become more vicious and craftier conservative media are playing a increases, distrust and hostility The commander of the US forces in escalates military tension by pursu- than ever before. cunning trick to make their stories disturbing reconciliation and unity south Korea on June 12 called for the ing a policy hostile towards the The statement revealed that a sound “objective” and “real” by are growing in south Korea today additional deployment of a squadron DPRK and committing military few days ago Choson Ilbo of south quoting a "source of information and the aspiration and desire of the of helicopter gunship in south Korea provocation against it ceaselessly. Korea told absurd stories about the from the north" or a "correspon- nationals for reunification are mer- and the buildup of the capacity of mis- The aim sought by the US in inten- uniform of the Korean People's dent", unidentified sources, it noted. cilessly trampled down. sile defence system, talking about tionally aggravating the situation on Army and the expense of the Day It added that a large number of Declaring that as long as there "threat from ". The US the Korean peninsula is to lay hur- of the Sun celebrations quoting a people from media organizations are the conservative media bereft military stated it would make the dles in the way of the general source of information, Yonhap throughout the world visit the of conscience and reason of media implementation of them a priority. advance of the DPRK for stepping up News slandered the DPRK's popu- DPRK to see the Korean people which should represent justice and The US Defense Department economic construction and improv- lar policies for coming generations and their life and widely report truth, neither progress of the south announced on June 13 that the US, ing the people's living standard and and even went to the lengths to about them, exposing more clearly Korean society nor national unity Japan and south Korea would stage a turn south Korea into a servant exe- venomously argue against travel the true nature of the south Korean and peace will be achieved on this joint military exercise for the first cuting its war policy. accounts of foreign journalists to conservative media as a fabricator. land, it stressed that all the jour- time from June 21 in the West and The US attempt at arms buildup in Pyongyang and Maeil Kyungje The ultra-right conservative nalists in the DPRK will settle South Seas of Korea by mobilizing a south Korea threatening peace and Shinmun dared take issue with the media in south Korea have long accounts with them for the evilest US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. security on the peninsula and reunion of separated families and been reduced to a waiting maid of crimes to the last. On June 14 a military confab Northeast Asia is a prelude to a region- between the American masters and al war targeting not only the DPRK but the south Korean servants took place also several countries in the region. in Washington DC to discuss the The DPRK is watching with high Shoddy drama stepping up of US arms buildup in vigilance the US preparations for war south Korea and the making of south of aggression being expanded in a Recently the south Korean suspicion that the police have delib- which succeeded such dictator- Korea an advance base for the imple- phased manner. It will increase its police announced that it arrested erately brought into relief the spy- ships could never abandon such a mentation of the US strategy for the self-defence capabilities in every "spies" including a "woman spy" ing case in line with the 'hunt of the bad habit. domination of Asia. way to protect the sovereignty and who gave away declassified mili- forces following the north' conduct- In actuality, the Lee clan has This is a wanton violation of the dignity of the country and nation. tary information to the north. ed by the government, the ruling fabricated innumerable cases The puppet clan is now busy party and the conservative camp." including those of the Iljin with investigation, claiming that Moreover, the south Korean mil- Association, Mt. Wangjae and a the "woman spy" might be linked itary has totally refuted the argu- woman spy since it started trum- Japan should discard bad habit with the "forces following the ment of the police, saying that the peting up a "spying case" with north" and a spy who was an GPS jamming technology is not a "tracking down the wirepuller" of Japanese Defence Minister That they were put into various unconverted long-termed prisoner secret and, therefore, it cannot be the south Korean people who Morimoto has recently blustered that orbits at different altitudes in outer handed over to the north the tech- seen as a military secret leak. turned out in an anti-government if there is any sign of the DPRK's space shows that it has already pos- nology to interrupt GPS. This clearly reveals that the spy- candlelit demonstration at the out- launch of ballistic missiles in the sessed the long-range ballistic mis- The ultra-right conservative ing case orchestrated by the Lee set of its assumption of power, but future, an Aegis-class warship will be sile technology. media are echoing the outcry. Myung Bak clan is another vicious it earned nothing but protest and deployed in the West Sea of Korea It is a war criminal and a defeated A sight to see is that the truth of act of anti-DPRK provocation and rejection of the people. and an early warning aircraft in the air nation and, therefore, it has no right this "spying case" has been the same old trick as those played Instead of drawing a lesson above it in order to cope with them. to own long-range ballistic missiles. exposed and become the object of by successive dictatorial regimes. from this, the clan is hell-bent on Accordingly, the Defence Ministry Accordingly, it is not entitled to criticism and ridicule at home and It has already been known that the fabrication of another "spying made up a verification report on the satellite launch. abroad. military dictatorial regimes includ- case". This is no more than a last- DPRK's launch of long-range ballis- And many of them are being used South Korean newspaper ing the Yushin government and ditch effort of a drowning rat tic missiles. for military purposes. Hangyore said in an article entitled the civilian government cooked up catching at a straw. The "long-range ballistic missile A typical example is the intelli- "Northern operatives without entity": a "spying case" and other shocking Nobody will be taken in by the launch" much-hyped by the Japanese gence-gathering satellite Radar 3 "Vulnerable points of the investi- plots whenever they found them- shoddy farce of the clan of traitors reactionaries refers to the blast-off of which was sent up in December last gation are being exposed one by selves in a ruling crisis. and only destruction awaits them. an artificial earth satellite which was year by H-2A rocket No.20. It is a spy one by coverage. There is a growing The Lee Myung Bak regime By Chae Hyang Ok PT conducted in April this year in the satellite whose purpose is to make an DPRK in accordance with interna- aerial reconnaissance of the DPRK. tional procedures and in the presence The Japanese reactionaries do not US human rights of foreign journalists. take issue with their and their senior's It is very ridiculous for them to satellite launches even though they insist that the DPRK's satellite are for military purposes, while report backfires launch recognized by the world was incriminating the independent coun- a long-range missile launch. try for launching satellite for peace- The US Department of State on per Guardian, it noted that an Quoting an article of the same What is worse is that Japan plans ful purposes. May 24 issued the 2011 human American soldier in Afghanistan day issue of Indian newspaper to deploy and reinforce its military The fact only reveals the absurd rights report malignantly slander- rushed into private houses to The Hindu, the record stated that forces in the surroundings of the and base way of thinking of Japan ing independent countries that are shoot 16 villagers dead and 5 the US public health institutions Korean peninsula under the pretext that is accustomed to following the disagreeable to it. injured, burning their corpses. had secretly studied the hazard of of an alleged DPRK's "threat". US blindly to seek its own interests. The US that is so arrogant that Such an "American-style mas- syphilis to human body by experi- Such frantic attempts of Japanese Japan's launches of spy and other it pokes its nose into other's affairs sacre" has revealed once again the menting on African-Americans as reactionaries are just like an act of military satellites and hectic defence as if it were the ruler of the world true colours of the "law-governed human guinea pigs from 1932 to the thief crying "Stop the thief!" buildup constitute an overt challenge spoke ill of the human rights situ- country" and "champion of human 1972 when the tests were dis- designed to step up the moves and grave threat to the DPRK and ations of 200 countries and rights", it added. closed by the media. towards overseas military expansion other Asian nations. regions in the report, which has It also cited the August 30 2011 Saying that the US has no moral, on a larger scale with the DPRK's Japan is a war criminal nation that boomeranged against it. issue of British newspaper Daily political and legal qualifications as outer space exploration for peaceful invaded them in the first half of the On May 25, the press office of Telegraph, referring to the fact the "human rights judge of the purposes as an excuse. 20th century. the State Council of China that the US had made living-body world", the record urged it to dis- Deploying an Aegis-class warship Now it is hell-bent on becoming a released a 2011 human rights tests. According to it, between continue the abuse of human rights in the West Sea of Korea and an military power while distorting the record of the US to disclose its 1946 and 1948 the US govern- as a political instrument for mar- early warning plane in the air can be blood-stained past and dreaming a poor human rights performance. ment gave financial support to the ring the image of other countries, claimed to be the first step of their wild dream of overseas reinvasion. The record said that as the US medical experiments on nearly 5 interfering in their internal affairs premeditated plan. Their persistent It is also taking the lead in driving started wars it clamoured for 500 Guatemalans that caused at and seeking its strategic interests, description of the DPRK's satellite the Korean peninsula situation to the "humanitarian intervention" and least 80 deaths. The tests involved the application of double standard launch as a long-range ballistic mis- worst phase. "building of new democratic the deliberate infection of over 1 to the human rights issue and the sile launch is aimed at such military It is not accidental that the DPRK state", but the wars brought about 300 soldiers, prostitutes, prisoners attempt to seize hegemony. dispatch. and the neighbouring countries are huge humanitarian disasters—655 and psychopaths with syphilis and Seeing through the poor human In fact, the criminal is Japan when watching with utmost vigilance the 000 Iraqis were dead in the Iraq other venereal diseases, the injec- rights performance of the US the issue is viewed as it argues. reckless military beef-up of Japan, war and over 31 000 civilians tion of syphilis germ into the back which behaves arrogantly as if it It conducts satellite launch several expressing apprehension about it. have been killed since the start of of the heads of seven epileptic were the world's human rights times a year. Japan should be well aware that it the Afghan war. women and the injection of gonor- judge, the world people sneer at it, In the period of five years between would ruin its future by the vicious Quoting an article of the March rhea germ into the eyes of an urging it to mind its own business. 2004 and 2008 it sent off a total of 16 habit of finding fault with others. 11 2012 issue of British newspa- incurable syphilitic woman. By Kim Nam Gil PT satellites. By Kim Il Bong PT

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