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I DAVtE RiECOPb IS THt OI DfST PAPER IN DAVIE CCUNlV AND C1RCI LA1ES IN 30 C F IH E 48 STATES) THE (kAPfiR THAT THE PEOPLE READ: t t a v b * “HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." O L U M N X L I . MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST *, 1 9 3 9 N U M B E R 2 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Little Stingers From The Why The WPA Strike MICKIE SAYS— AU Counties Eligiblo For Ordered To Church. The ’‘prevailing wage" clause in Tenant PurchaseLoans We doubt if the plan of a certain What Was Happening In Davie Yellow Jacket. the new relief bill was the basic NES1SlR, I KNOW VWE1RE courts in the land to sentence boys Before The New Deal Used Up Shifting from the old plea of e. cause of the WPA strike. IM TH’ DOGHOUSE MOW, Every county in North Carolina and young men to attend church for conotpy, FDR now insists that the For example, in New York City BECUX VER. AO REAR will receive.Ioaus to helo farm ten a given period of tim e will ever w ork The Alphabet, Drowned The out for the permanent benefit of proper way to recovery is. through the “prevailing wage” scale for "STRAWBERRIESj It PER- ants become owners under tbe those young people. It has been Hogs and Plowed Up The huge spending. Well, ’by cracky, bricklayers is $ 8 7 for 4 5 hours of BOXw-J U S T A UTTWE Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act' tried in may parts of the country— we are getting the spending, but MISTAKE-BUT NOWV' according to information received Cotton and Corn. w ork, or $ 1 .9 5 per hour. and for a time the courts received where is the recovery? KMOW TOLKS READ here by FSA County Supervisor, WPA bricklayers have been paid the plaudits of the press and pulpit CDavie Record, July 3 1 , 1 9 1 8 ) VOUR, AD! J. rf. Stewart, from tbe State Di Considering bow New Dealers on that same basis. for their good intentions—but when John Woodward has enlisted in shift and straddle and sec saw from Under the terras of the revised rector of the Farm Security Ad it comes to a permanent saving of the Navy, and left Friday for Ral one extreme to another, it need not law, they will continue to recieve ministration, Vance E. Swift. those young folks the courts will not eigh. surprise the people to hear Henry the $8 7 , but they will be required Blankt-ting the entire state, fifty have a hand in it. Mrs. G. A. Sbeek is spending Wallace come right out and con to w ork 1 3 0 hours for it. Their new counties were designated by Our attention ha been called to month with her mother in Ashe* fess that be was a humbug from hourly pay will, therefore, be Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. a story coming out cf Nutter Fort, ville. W. Va., to the effect that the chief the starr. 6 7 cent?, instead of $[* 9 3 . Wallace upon the advice of the of police there has announced that Mrs. S. D. Swaiml of Lexing Would it not be interesting to The labor unions were behind State Advisory Committee. ton, is the guest of relatives, and the youngster who gets into trouble ascertain just how many real A- the strike. “The FSA has helped 3 8 9 ten in that place will henceforth go to friends in town. mericans would snbscribe to the ants in North Carolina to become N aturally, th ey saw in the revised church instead of to jail. The big Miss Rachel Murr1 of Cooleemee, landowners during the past two un-American, idiotic theory that term a death blow to the strangle gest trouble with that situation is spent a few days last week in town ■^ears,” Mr. Stewart said. “Con Argentine beef or any other for hold they have exercized upon that the chief of policc there is also the guest of Miss Hdna Horn. eign product is superior to the A- both skilled and unskilled labor in gress,, in its battle to keep tfee A- pastor of the Baptist Church of the Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Kelly, of merican product. the more strongly unionized cut merican farmer on bis farm, appro village. Duke, came up Saturday to spend A lot of people wonder why we ters. priated $4 0 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 recently to be The young minister policeman sa:d a few days with Mr. Kelly’s par have to have an expensive Presi They were fighting to compel the used under the provisions of the "Before I accepted this position I en ts. dent and Congress—why cannot governm ent to abide by th e st.piil;-- Bankhead Jones Farm Teuant Act gave it a great deal of thought I Miss Hattie Fowler, of States John L. Lewis and his CIO run tions of their unions in the prevate fo help stop the alarming trend could see why it would not work, fGr ville, spent the week end in town you can work Christianity into any the government better and more feeld. Kinston Lawyer Sees from ownership totendancy.” with her sister, Mrs. G. G. Daniel. phase of living.” His philosophy economically—they have .to tell President Roosevelt was strongly These loans are made for a. 4 0 - my be all right, but will it wcrk Miss Sallie Whitley, of Winston- FDR what to do anyway. Dog WormingTobacco year period at three per cent inter against any change in the system of when it is put into actual practice, Salem, is spending some time with That new comet that came with Rpyao’d T. Allen, well known est. However, the act provides relief pay by which WPA workers is the question. friends snd relatives near town. lawyer of Kinston declares he saw that after five years payment in full in fifty million miles of the earth is were remunerated on the union-pay The. young m inister w ent on to Fay Mrs. W. C. Marlin returned to said to be receding at a rapid rate. basis. “ Pup,” a small bulldog, "working C in be made at any time. Under a that juvenile delinquency is one of day from a short visit to her sister, Doubtless when it observed we had But when it came to dealing with in a tobacco field” with a. crew of variable payment p’an farmers may the great problems of the day. "We Mrs. J. T. Baity, at Winston-Sa !iegro harvesters. Pug functioned as niake large payments in good years a New r.Deal here on earth it decid- the strickers, Mr. Roosevelt was never have much crime in this little lem . ed to get as far from this universe stern and unyielding, for which he “ w orm er.” with smaller payments due in years town, so I am gning to start apply Miss Belle Hampton, of Chapel as possibie. is to be commended.—Charlotte “The dog tried to loaf on the of pattial crop failure ot low’ ing Christian principles in dealing Hill, who has been spending sever The Yellow Jacket continues Io Observer. job,” Alien said. “His owner, an prices.” | with the young people who get into al days with Miss Frances Morris, shout “America for Americans.” elderly nes;ro, commanded him to Mr. Stewart said repayment of trouble and bring them into the church.” he went on In say. returned home Monday. We sympathiza for the oppressed go worm those plant-=. P ug trotted these loans 3 II over the United Forsyth County Fair That’s a fine way of thinking about Kimbrough Meroney, a knight of the earth, but we are eternally down a row gra’ihins;- off worms. I States is remarkable with borrowers Winston-Salem, N. C., July 1 7 — it, but everyone knows that only the of the grip, with headquarters at opposed to making this country saw hi.n seize a dozen or more. repaying 1 3 5 per cent of maturities. saving grace of Jesus ChriBt will Chattanooga, spent a few days last The premium list for the 4 0 th an Finishing up the row, he. started the enternational asylum for the Further information about how to brinir-abiiut th,.chanwjinmen's Iivts week in town with his parents. nual Winston-Salem and Forsyth up- another. - - - -■*' oppressed x>f the whole world. apply forthfexe'ISans will Be' given and in boys as well. Dr. Ralph Her County fair, to be held October 3 - Misses Flossie and Velina Mar Measurec in terms of the price “ The darky said Pu-* was as in- by the Couutv hupervisor who will ring never said a truer thing in chal 4 -5 . 6 7 , is off the presses and is tin leave today for a week’s visit of wheat, a forty billion dollar nat- •teligent as some persons. He used be at the Couit Honse, Regisrer of lenge during his sermon at the First being disturbed throughout this with relatives in Winston-Salem. i>nal debt, tax revolts, the ten mil the dog to chase hogs and cattle, Deeds offi -e in Mocksville, about Baotist Church Sunday morning, section of the State. It is expected M r3 . C. H. Sprinkle and child lion unemployed, vacant factories car y bndles aud fetch his shoes noon on Friday of each wetk. that men must take J<>sus into thtir more interest than ever will be ren, of Mt.