Riverside Quarterly V4#4
239 RIVERSIDE QUARTERLY March 1971 Vol. 4, No. 4 RQMISCELLANY Editors: Leland Sapiro, Jim Harmon, David Lunde, Bill Blackbeard, Redd Boggs, Jon White. Send poetry to David Lunde, 1179 Central Ave, Dunkirk, NY 14048, A TALE OF TWO CITIES all other correspondence to 40 University Sta., Regina, Canada. Listed here, in chronological order, are just the essentials: Eurcon I, Trieste, 12-16 July, 1971; supporting membership is #4 and atten’lng membership is 57, the latter including admis table of contents sion to the S-F Film Festival. Write to Paulo Cossato, D-4000 RQ Miscellany.................................................... 239 Wittlaer, Wittgatt-85, West Germany. Animism and Magic in Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" Noreascon (29th World S-F Convention), Boston, 3-6 Sept., .................Patrick J. Callahan...240 1971; respective costs are 54 and 56. Send queries to Anthony Room 402 ................................... ..Steven Saffer................... 250 Lewis, 33 Unity Ave, Belmont, MA 02178. Concerning Horses; Concerning Apes....Stephen Scobie..................258 Song for a Child at Winter Solstice...Angus M. Taylor...............263 The Flowers of Spring "CURATOR OF THE COMICS" Frostop Pam and the Lost Lady Mining Company Our new columnist was subject for a one-page interview in the ..................................................Peter W. Warren.............264 10 December San Francisco Examiner, from which I quote: Afternoon.................................................................... Kenneth Decker.................265 Bill Blackbeard...is founder-director of the...Academy The God Figure in Dystopian Fiction...Mary S. Weinkauf............266 of Comic Art Z-2076 Golden Gate, San Francisco 94115./ , . a treasure house filled with examples of that unique Ameri The Gernsback "Magazines" No One Knows can cultural phenomenon known as the comic strip.
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