>t/iieuicanAuseum PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK 24, N.Y. NUMBER 1723 APRIL 29, 1955 Studies of Peruvian Birds. No. 66 The Swallows (Hirundinidae) BY JOHN T. ZIMMER I am again indebted to Dr. William H. Phelps of Caracas, Mr. James Bond and Mr. Rodolphe de Schauensee of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Mr. James Greenway of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, and to Dr. Allan R. Phillips of Tucson, Arizona, for the loan of critical material used in the following studies. Names of colors are capitalized when direct comparison has been made with Ridgway's "Color standards and color nomenclature." Progne chalybea chalybea (Gmelin) [Hirundo] chalybea GMELIN, 1789, Systema naturae, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 1026- based on Hirundo cayanensis Brisson, Ornithologie, vol. 2, p. 495, pl. 46, fig. 1, and Daubenton, Planches enlumin6es, pl. 545, fig. 2; Cayenne. Progne leucogaster BAIRD, 1865 (May), Smithsonian Misc. Coll., no. 181, p. 280-various localities in Mexico, Guatemala, [El] Salvador, Costa Rica, Pa- namA, and Colombia; type in U. S. Natl. Mus. from Cajab6n, Guatemala. Puerto Indiana, 3 c, 2 9 ; Morropon, 4 c, 2 9. Compared with 118 additional skins from central Brazil north to the three Guianas and Trinidad, to the eastward, and Mexico and Texas, to the westward, with all intermediate countries except British Hon- duras represented in the series. A random sample of 15 males and 11 females from throughout the range shows the males to have the wing 124-138 mm. (average, 131.7); tail, 58-66 (62.5); females, wing, 121- 132 (130); tail, 54-65 (61).
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