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THE RELATION of PHYSICIANS to EARLY AMERICAN GEOLOGY by WILLIAM BROWNING, Ph.B., M.D THE RELATION OF PHYSICIANS TO EARLY AMERICAN GEOLOGY By WILLIAM BROWNING, Ph.B., M.D. BROOKLYN, N. Y. HE part taken by physicians but part of the larger one of medical in the genesis of the natural pioneering in the sciences. Medicine sciences has long been re- has been termed “Mother of the marked. Their share in the Sciences,” which fits in very well, as development of such lines inMaclure, this a non-medical Scot, is some- Tcountry is worthy of consideration. A times called the father of American similarity in primogenesis of the geology; though, if medico-socialistic sciences here and at large is the more not to say communistic upheavers natural as they were not simply progress, the juniors may become even transplanted but in varying degrees less proud of the old lady. further developed. Especially in geol- The instances so far found of this ogy the necessary application to indi- double form of professional training genous conditions and the rapid are, as follows, the names arranged advance of the subject at that period chronologically according to date of made its origin here comparable to birth. Of course these men did their that of a new science. geologic work years later. Many of the It is from the historic point of names are so well-known that only view, rather than from any special brief mention is necessary. More de- knowledge of geology, that the subject tails are hence given of those whose is here approached, though every sketches in biographic works are im- intelligent person can find interest in perfect or wanting, or whose relation some phase of the science. to this field is little noted. The study was not foreplanned, but 1. William Baylies, a .m., m.d ., originated from casual items in the 1743-1826, b. Mass. P.,* (called Wm. Osler honor volumes (1919). A fuller A. by Merrill). Under date of outline was given in an address, July 1, 1786, he examined and de- Dec. 29, 1928, in “The History of scribed, in “Memoirs of the American Medicine and Civilization” program Academy of Arts and Sciences,” Bos- of Section N (A. A. A. S.) at the ton, 1793, 11, the formation known as New York, Academy of Medicine, Gay Head, Martha’s Vinyard, though published elsewhere without correc- his inference as to its igneous origin tion. It is hoped now to present the was later disallowed. He made a matter with reasonable completeness, special expedition to the Island for so far as known material goes. this purpose. The era of these practical workers Member of Provincial Congress with a medical background has now (1775), state senator and United States lapsed, barring an occasional instance. Congressman (1805-09). (1, v, vi, ix.)f The chapter is therefore ready for 2. Johan David Schoepf, m.d ., 1752- record. In no other branch can such a * P. means practitioner at some period. movement be worked out with more † Appended numbers, in parentheses, indi- mathematical exactness. It is, as noted, cate references at end of article. 1800, b. Germany. P. His “Beytrage the first general work on that subject in zur mineralogischen Kentniss des oest- America; collector; president of Balti- Iichen Theils von Nordamerika & more College of Dental Surgery; bot- seiner Gebiirge, ” Erlangen, 1787, “is anist. A mineral was named for him. commonly regarded as the first sys- (1, iv. And “The Medical Annals of tematic work on American geology.” Md.” Baltimore, 1903.) Also wrote, “Materia medica Ameri- 6. Samuel Brown, a .b ., m.d ., 1769- cana,” Germany, 1787. Schoepf’s 1830, b. Va,., P. Studied partly in “Reise &c.,” translated by Alfred Edinburgh. Professor of chemistry, J. Morrison. 2 vols. Philadelphia, etc., at Transylvania Univ., Ky. “A 1911. leading geologist of the State, and He came to America in 1777 as published numerous articles in Silli- surgeon to the Hessian troops, and man’s Journal and the American travelled here after the peace of 1783. Philosoph. Transactions,” and one He received the title of Geheimer of a cave on Crooked Creek, Ky., in Hofrath after returning home about Am. Mineralogical J. 1784. (v, xin. Also Hirsch’s Biographis- (1, v, x for 1923, p. 387.) ches Lexicon. And Bull. Geological 7. James Mease, a .m., m.d ., 1771- Soc. of America, 1894.) 1846, b. Phila. P., “first American 3. Thomas Cooper, m.d ., ll .d ., antiquarian,” wrote “A Geological 1759-1840, b. England, lecturer on Account of the United States. ” (Phila- geology, publicist, chemist; Professor delphia, 1807.) of Mineralogy and President of South (1, v. Also “Eminent Philadel- Carolina College. In 1802 an article phians,” 1859.) on volcanoes. (1, iv, vi.) 8. Gerard Troost, M.d ., 1776-1850, 4. Hon. Samuel Latham MitchilL b. Holland. P. “Stratigraphic geolo- m.d ., ll .d ., 1764-1831, b. Long Island, gist.” Professor of Mineralogy at P. As State Commissioner he made a Philadelphia Museum. President, geological survey of eastern New Academy of the Natural Sciences. York. State geologist of Tennessee (1831— Wrote “Observations on the Geol- 47). Professor of chemistry, geology ogy of North America,” 1818. and mineralogy at University of Said to have discovered the first Nashville. fossil horse (r, Osborne). His cabinet of specimens sold for President American Mineralogical $20,000 to Louisville Public Library. Soc., 1799. Professor of Natural His- (iv, xii i.) tory, etc., at P. & S. As editor of the 9. Archibald Bruce, a .b ., m.d ., Medical Repository, 1797-1820, he 1777-1818, P. b. New York City. provided the first channel here for Published the first American Mineral- geologic papers, showing thus the ogical Journal. Professor of materia close relationship of those lines at medica and mineralogy in the College the time. United States Senator. of Physicians and Surgeons. Collector. (iv, vi, Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1: 691-6, (1, v, IX.) 1891.) 10. Benjamin Silliman, Sr., m.d ., 5. Horace Henry Hayden, m.d ., ll .d ., 1779-1864, b. Conn. Professor 1768-1844, b. Connecticut, P. “Geo- of chemistry and geology at Yale. logical Essays, ” 1820, said to have been “He made a geologic survey of part of Connecticut, which is believed Pennsylvania. Inventor of blow-pipe. to have been the first similar explora- Meteorologist. Rumford medallist. tion in the United States.” “Did (1, XIII.) more to advance the science of geology 15. Samuel Prescott Hildreth, a .b ., than any other man of his day” in m.d ., 1783-1863, b. Mass. P. On the America. Silliman professorship of geologic survey of Ohio. Wrote on soft Geology at Yale named for him. coal deposits and geology of the Ohio (iv. Alumni Catalogue.) Valley. “For nearly forty years he 11. John Millington, m.d ., 1779- contributed to Silliman’s Journal on 1868, b. England. Professor of Natural meteorology and paleontology.” His- Philosophy at Guy’s Hospital. Mine torian. manager in Mexico, 1827-35. Pro- (1. v. IX.) fessor of Chemistry, etc., at William 16. Chester Dewey, m.d ., d .d ., ll .d ., and Mary, 1835-48. Professor of Geol- 1784- 1867, b. Mass. “Botanist, geol- ogy and Agriculture, University of ogist, chemist.” Wrote much on the Mississippi, 1848-53. State geologist geology of New York State and of Miss.; 1 report in 1850. Professor Western Massachusetts. at Memphis Med. Coll., 1853. Wrote “Mineralogy and geology of the on gold mines in Va., in Trans. Geo- Vicinity of Williams College” in Am. logical Soc. Pa., 1: 1835. J. Sci., 1: 1818, (v, xv. Biography by Prof. G. F. “Taconic Range &c.” Ibid, 1820. Holmes in Wm. Mary College Mammoth, ibid, 1838. Geology of Quarterly, 23-35, 1923.) Berkshire County, 1829. 12. Parker Cleaveland, Jr., m.d ., Professor of Chemistry and Natural ll .d ., 1780-1858, b. Mass. “Made a Sciences at the University of Roches- geological and mineralogical survey ter, and Berkshire Medical College. of part of New England,” wrote (1. v. XII.) “Mineralogy and Geology” (1816), 17. Samuel Akerly, a .m., m.d ., Professor at Bowdoin and Dean of 1785- 1845 b. N. Y., P. Wrote “A Medical School. Geological Account of Dutchess (1, IX.) County, N. Y. ” in Am. Minerol. 13. Dr. John Steele, 1780-1838, b. J. of 1810. Also wrote “On the Geol- Mass. “Physician and Scientist of ogy of the Hudson River Valley & Saratoga Springs.” Wrote “Snake Vicinity” (1820-29). A charter mem- Hill and Saratoga Lake and its En- ber American Geological Society in virons,” 1825; President of New York 1819. Brother-in-law of Mitchill. (No. State Medical Society. 4 supra.) American editor of Hooper’s (v. Also Stone’s “Reminiscences of Medical Dictionary. Saratoga,” 1875.) (v, xi. And Columbia Alumni.) 14. Robert Hare, m.a ., m.d ., 1781— 18. John Locke, m.d ., 1792-1856, 1858, b. Pa. v. President of American b. Maine. P. on geologic survey, State Geological Society in 1819. Had vari- of Ohio and northwest territory of ous geologists as students. United States. Professor of chemistry Experiments “on anthracite, plum- at medical college of Ohio, botanist; bago, & c.” Am. J. Sci., 1825. Pro- President, American Association of fessor of Chemistry at University of Geologists. (i. Also, “Life & Character,” by 24. Edwin James, a .b ., m.d ., 1797- M. B. Wright, m.d ., 1857, Cincinnati.) 1861, b. Vermont. Geologist and bota- 19. James Ellsworth DeKay, m.d ., nist to Long’s 1819-20 Rocky 1792-1851, b. Portugal, of American Mountain Expedition. Wrote much on parents, P, in New York City, and later geology of Mississippi Valley; also on lived on Long Island. Prepared five zoo- sandstones, limestones and trap rocks. logical volumes for the first New York Surgeon United States Army. State Geological Survey.
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