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DEC -3 1918 I. THE RED CROSS NEEDS YOUR MONEY-GIVE! The Home Guard News Vol. 1. No. 3. MAY, 1918. Price 10 Cents. Connecticut Ready Thousands See Big Parade in Ansonia for Great Red Cross Mr. Howell Cheney's First Battalion, Home Guards, Has Brilliant E xercises at P ark Field-Nine Drive Next Week Compliment to the News Companies Take Part in Demonstr ation. A~soNlA-:-Un i:lunday, April 28, th~! by. the Ansouia Machine Uun, ~l~toOJJ., State All Ready to Do Its Part in Mr. Howell Cheney, state dir ctor of War Savings in 8onncrticut. l ar~J,e~"d uJJIIt.ary dPmon.stration m the wh1ch was heartily applauded. lh1s wa:o Effort to Raise $100,000,000 in Coun under th direction of the National War s,wings Commit tee, 1\11'~'~ us a town'~ lnstot·~ · took place. It was est!- fo llowed by thC' manual of arms given by nice compliment, and we feel so proud of it we are going to rcprodul'C his try Between May 20 and 27. .t.ated tlutt Ol'll' 3,500 people viewed ihe Company C of Ansonia, tlw munner iu ldtcr. It "fills a want which has been manifest {or some time in militar: Fir~t Battalion Home Guard parade and which the men handled their pieces being circles," 1\Ir. Cheney .ays, speaking of th!' rro~m C:t AHD T\r,:ws. Tlw 1<-t Connecticut is all organized und ready Pxen·l~t'' which followed at Park field. \'Pry and cre~Lted applau.,;c. tN m full follows: for the second war drive fund for $100,- Tht- da~· wa. i<leul, and Seymour was the Tlw bayonet exrecise wa." then gi vcn by 000,000 which the American Red Cros.:l TnE.ISURY DEP . IRT~1ENT, \Y.IRni'.;GTu;-; :\Iecca of hundreds of people !from to" Dl! o. 1i' of Derby, which wa,. creditably needs to "carry on", which will take N'ATIOXAL 'VAn SAVDIGS co~DUTTE~;. Co,. :>H;("I'IC"I ' T and c1t It'" throughout the valley, the executed. place throughout the country next week. HOWELL CHENEY, Sl'A'l'E DIRECTOR parking plae<·s and .,;ide streets along tile The clements then partieipated in ;;kir· Those in charge of the work in Connec (CO'o';>;F.C1'1Cl'1' 81'\TE COU!'CIJ, Of' Jli:FEN~m 1;-; co-OP~:HAfl0') liut· of 111areh being thronged with 011L- mish drill and a sham batllc, Companws ticut feel certain .that this state will do R1'A'l'!; C.AI'ITOI,, II AH'I'FOHU oi-town a.Jl(l local autos. D fWd E building the rid!);e on 1.he west its part for this cause. Plans are al 1\Iuy lOth. 1!)1/i. l:)ltol tly 1 o'clock the regimental 8idc of t he field with Ansonia and Sey ready going forward for meetings and Home Guard Publishing Compan.1·. b,wd of W:Lterbury arrived and rendered 1110111' n'Hcnrcs in support. Attack» were rallies and other appeals to the public First Nationul Bank Blclg .. a fim' cmu·crt from the reviewing ~;taml unu!e on the hill by Companies C uml r for help in this Red Cross campaign. New Haven, Conn. un l\bin street. During the concert the with F and B in support, the supports The drive will open on May 20 and end G r nLlc-nu•11 : dlliN<'Ut unit..-; from out of town asscm- Gun platoon in the center. The supports May 27. It if! n pleasure to me to gn·p IllY hP:nty endorsement to the Hol\n: bled in Broad street and the local com- being brought up ar; neded. Following the Secretary of the Navy Joseph Daniels ,uA!lD NEws, the publication which recently made its appearance in the panic~ awaited orders at the armory. sham battle the command was drawn up will fire the opening gun of the American interests of the new military or~anization which i now renderinf!: ~urh l·pon the completion of the enjoyable in column of companie and Colond Red Cross second war fund drive in fn,ithful service in our section of the ~tate. eone<" rt program wh ich was warmly ap- Gedde:; made a brief :;pecch compliment BridgPport on Monday. May 20. ec I consider your publication a most excellent one, and it fi lls a want plaudcd by the hundreds of spectator,, ing the men on the excelencc of their retnry Dan iels will visit Bridgeport on which has been manife t for ·ome timr in militury circles. the baml, followed by the local com- drill, and he statl'd t hat. one year :tg<> that day, and among other engagements I thank you for your offer of co-operation with the War Savings Coni panies, Jua.rched to the assembly point the members were all citizens, but ut will address R ed Cross workers at the miLLer, and I am sure that your pnbli<·at ion wi ll be able to render us valu and joined the balance of the battall on. the present time 10,000 H ome Guard dinner at the Stratfield hotel. Similar able assihtance. After places in line were assigned, the men were enlisted in the state's reserve. dinners are to be held in each district Very truly yoms, companies were brought. to attention and and ~worn to do t heir parts in kecpin& as the opening of the Reel Cross dlrive. Col'!\ E<'1'T<T'r ·wAll SAVINGS CoMMITTI!:~:. upon the <'Oillllland '·forward march" the I10me fires burning. The following statement from the Pc1 IIowrll Chenry, State Director. gi1·cn by Major Brainerd, the battalJon headquarters of the American Red HJOved forward in the followmg order: Cro~s in Wa ·hington has just been re Bat.talion Commander l\1ajor Brain8nl; Women's Home ceived by those in charge of Red Cross Activities of the Fourth Dr. B. 1. Tolles of Ansonm; Dr. F. A. work in Connecticut: l3enediet.; Capt. II. l\l itchell Wallac~, Guard Company "Announcement is made of a gift of Military District, C. H. G. acting u.djutant; Battalion Sgt. Major. in Branford 10,000.000 francs (S1,750,000) to the .J. F. Otto; police; F1rst Regiment Con French Reel Cross, from the war fund nc,ctieut llomc Guarrl Band of Water Clifford B. Wilson Ha s Time to be Colonel of the F ourth Regiment a s Well F ine Dr ill with the F irst Company ;.~, of the American Reel Cross. The action bury; Co. C, Ansonia, under command of as Mayor of City and Lieutenant-Gover nor of the State. Last W eek Surprises Big Crowd involved is one of the re;;ult:; of the Cupt.. Jo hn Deurborn; Co. E, i:leymour, that Sees it Roster of Ladies' Or- visit to France of Henry P. Davi:;on. llltd<'r command of Capt. John Hackett.; ganization. chairman of the War Council, and other The Fourth :\filitary Distnct of the IBattalion~ A, B. C and D, located re Co. D, St'ymour, under command of Fir.,t American Red Cross officials who have Conncd H'llt State Guard cover~ E:.urficld spertin·ly at Crt'< n'>i<'h ~tnrnfr11·<l Nm· T i. nt~>nnnt. Wm. TifTt; Co. I, Shelton, Collnt\ wi•l ilu sin[.!h• 0XC<·pt.iun of the I walk nnrl Dan! "1' been inopectinp: th!' Red Cro·~ ·tcti1·itil' .. n lcr <:OIIIlllflll<l l" \,;'...,1' Hoell- , , cvl_,,. :~u.-1 •·• 111. l'lw l't"!!.ldar •lnll uf tht"· abroad. A cabled rer.ommendation from ~~.,mngh ..• :· Sh .. Iton. lnc·lndPd in thi~ Col. Clifford Jl ;vi]_,, 11. oi Briugeporl, gt.. trd conl'i,ting uf the; national colors IF1r~t <'Olllpall.v, !~ranford Unm~ ' Cuard, Ch:.mman Davison that the money be comma nels tlw r ~i nwnt and the district. carnl'd by ·~ sergeant, escorted by two :1t. the armory, rhur~day <'l'<'nllll!;, took made available immediately wa~ ap Col. Wilson i:; also the Lieutenant-Gov pri1·atcs; Co. H. Ansonia, commanded by 011 acldPd significance and patriotism be proved by the War Council. emor of the State and the Mayor of the First Lieutenant Clifford Kearney; Co. c·aust· of the fact that the F irst company. "In a cablegram to one of his col- l'it,v uf Bridp:eport. Des1 ite his activities F, Derby, under command of Captain Branford Ladies' Home Guard, recently leagues a few days ago, Mr. Davison und responsibilities in other directions, James B. Atwater; Ansonia Reserve com- orp.;anizl·d. ~J;a1•e their fir~t. public dril l expressed the opinion that everything he makes an energet.ic, painstaking anc l po1ny, under command of First Lieu ten- and took the pledge of a ll e~ianre to flag which the American people could do competent di,.;trict commrmder, and his ant ClilTord A. Pond; Ansonia Maclune and <"o untry. should be done at this time to assist, forces arc among the be~t of the state. Gun platoon, under command of First Thr pre~<'nce of the \'l'tcmns of tlw alleviate and give courage in France. The medical department ill looked af Lieutenant Wulter Perry; Seymour Re- Grand Army of the H.Ppublic, 1\Ia~on "The French Red Cross, a Yoluntary ter by Majors Albert E. Austin and scn·e company, under command of Capt. Ro~?:<'rs Post, nnd thPir auxiliary, the organization, has been so pre~scd for Gf'orge S.