Community Voice - September 3, 2020 1 Your WEST CommunityVoice CARLETON September 3, 2020
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[email protected] Vol. 3 No. 17 INSIDE THIS EDITION Walkable Carp survey launches, page 6. West Carleton welcomes rookie firefighters, page 11. Erin McCracken photo Plaza Progress Winston Ang, CEO of Blueprint Properties, centre, stands with his team of workers who are reconstructing the Dunrobin Plaza. Ang says the target West Carleton Legion completion date is October depending on weather. For the story, please turn to page 8. branch to reopen, page 14. 2 September 3, 2020 - Community Voice News Erin McCracken photo Papa Walks 4 Kids Russell Mackay and his supporters passed through Kinburn, Marathon and Carp last weekend in his quest to raise funds for CHEO. From Aug. 24 to Sept. 3 he walked 129 kilometres from his home in Beachburg, Ont. to the children’s hospital in Alta Vista, generating more than $50,000 along the way. Mackay, who is known as Papa, is 82, legally blind and diabetic. All ladies $ clothingbuy 3 ladies clothing get 1 free!!! All ladies $ buy 3 ladies swimsuits, swimsuits get 201 free!!! AALLLLargearLgeL QQuantities uMMEN’SanEtitNies’ oofSf SSmall SSHIRTSmaHll IaandnRd T55XLX25SL + ssmall 66XLXmL +a 77XLlXLl ttoo 7 XXLL $ ALL STORE RACKING & HANGERS FOR SALE! 5 OPEN DAILY 10 – 4 PM (Covid precautions in place) OTT-AD-4352 Your Community Voice-5.15x10.71-August-Small Things.indd 1 2020-08-17 11:40 AM News Community Voice - September 3, 2020 3 Public to weigh in on ward boundary options BY ERIN McCRACKEN “The only big push we possibly a fourth in 2034, ac- heard time and time again is cording to the city.