WAP Forum Delivers Version 1.0 Specification to Enable Internet/Intranet Access Combined with Advanced Telephony Services on Wireless Devices REDWOOD SHORES, Calif. (7 May 1998) * The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Forum announced today that the WAP version 1.0 specification is now publicly available from the WAP Forum Web site at http://www.wapforum.org. The founding members * Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, and Unwired Planet(tm) * developed the first draft of the specification, which was published in February. The completed Wireless Application Protocol version 1.0 specification is based on input from many of the 37 new WAP Forum members. Open meetings were held in London and Miami to discuss the draft specifica-tion. Input that was received from meetings and via the WAP Forum Web site, was considered in the editing process by WAP Forum working groups. The WAP version 1.0 specifications are a set of 19 documents, which define the overall WAP architecture: A Wireless Application Environment which defines the Wireless Mark-up Language, Script Language, and Wireless Telephony Application Interface; A transport layer that includes support for Datagram Protocol, Transaction Protocol, Control Message Proto-col, and Transport Layer Security; and a Wireless Session Protocol specification enabling both connection-mode and connectionless services. All of the documents can be found at the WAP Forum Web site at http://www.wapforum.org/docs/technical.htm. WAP brings Internet content and advanced services to digital cellular phones and other wireless terminals. WAP is a global wireless protocol specification that works across the following wire-less network technology types: GSM (900, 1800 & 1900MHz), PDC, CDMA (IS-95 and/or IS-707), US-TDMA (IS-136), iDEN (ESMR), DataTAC, , CDPD, * more * Page 2 of 3-Wireless Application Protocol Specification Version 1.0 Published on WWW DECT, PHS, FLEX,(tm) and ReFLEX.(tm) Applications using WAP are scaleable across a variety of transport options and device types. A common standard offers potential economies of scale, encouraging

Page 1 cellular phone and other device manufacturers to invest in developing compatible products. With WAP, cellular and other wireless network carriers and content providers are able to develop new differentiated service offerings as a way to attract new subscribers, while consumers benefit from more and varied choices in mobile communica-tions applications, advanced services and . About The WAP Forum WAP specifies Internet content and advanced telephony services access on digital cellular phones and other wireless terminals. The WAP Forum has published a global wireless protocol specification for all wireless networks that will be contributed to appropriate standards bodies. WAP enables manufacturers, network operators, content providers and application developers to offer compatible products and secure services on all digital devices and networks resulting in greater economies of scale and universal access to information. WAP Forum membership is open to all industry participants. WAP version 1.0 specification and membership details are available at http://www.wapforum.org. # # # All trademarks, logos, product and company names are property of their respective owners. For further information, please contact: Joakim Nelson, Senior Manager Agneta Hårte-Jacobsson, Press Officer System Planning Ericsson Business Area Mobile Systems Ericsson Mobile Communications Tel. +46 8 404 5983 Tel. +46 46 193 015 Sanjay Jhawar, European Business Manager Barbara Jankowski, PR Manager Smart Phone and Data Products Motorola Cellular Subscriber Sector Motorola Cellular Subscriber Sector Tel. +44 1256 790173 Tel. +44 1256 790122 Mikko Terho, Vice President, Wireless Data Eija-Riitta Huovinen, Press Officer Nokia Mobile Phones Nokia Mobile Phones Tel. +358 10 505 6868 Tel. +358 10 505 6920 Benjamin Linder, Vice President, Marketing Malcolm Bird, Managing Director Unwired Planet, Inc. Unwired Planet (Europe) Limited

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