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UNIVLR^ OF ILLINOIS RY flUBBANA 1PJUQN BIC ,ol yvu ^or rxo.'SS' i^sieA* bock d»\)er n oolosrv The Birds of Southeastern Mada: ar A hulenberg No von Public PUBi I c perinit' e or fra< gments" (if any) and "Literature (periods are not used after abbrci recent issues ot Fietdiana. Chicago Manual of Stvic ( 13th ed.), pu \bbreviations, R< in the following fot Journal of Ecol n visions, pp. 6 Vol. 2, Ti lion. Wash ulJ. whei Illiisirat F1ELDIANA Zoology NEW SERIES, NO. 87 The Birds of Southeastern Madagascar Steven M. Goodman 1 2 Mark Pidgeon2 A. F. A. Hawkins3 Thomas S. Schulenberg 1 4 department of Zoology Field Museum of Natural History Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496 USA 2 World Wide Fund for Nature Aires Protegees, BP 738 Antananarivo (101), Madagascar ^BP 8511 Antananarivo (101), Madagascar Conservation International 2501 M Street, NW, Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20037 USA Accepted August 20, 1996 Published November 26, 1997 Publication 1487 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY © 1997 Field Museum of Natural History ISSN 0015-0754 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Table of Contents 3. View from summit of Pic Trafonaomby (1956 m), with bank of clouds rolling in 7 Abstract 1 4. Littoral forest near Resume 1 Petriky, looking Introduction 2 west 8 The Setting and Study Sites 3 5. Strand forest at the border between the sea and littoral forest at 9 The Setting of Southeastern Madagascar ... 3 Manafiafy 6. Lowland forest in the RNI Geology 3 Climate 5 d'Andohahela (parcel 1) at 400 m 10 Brief Review of Human Colonization and 7. Lowland gallery forest in the RNI Occupation of the Region 6 d'Andohahela (parcel 1) at 400 m 11 8. Natural landslide in the RNI Habitat Types of Southeastern Madagascar ... 7 Study Sites 16 d'Andohahela (parcel 1) at 800 m 12 Methods and Terminology 19 9. Sclerophyllous forest on exposed ridge Mist-netting 19 in the RNI d'Andohahela (parcel 1) at Census Surveys 20 1700 m 13 Habitat Classification 20 10. Mossy forest in the RNI d'Andohahela Species Classification 20 (parcel 1) at 1850 m 14 Collections and Sight Observations 20 1 1. Spiny forest in the RNI d'Andohahela Condition of Reproductive Organs and (parcel 2) 15 Skull Ossification 21 12. View across Mandrare River toward Systematic Order and Nomenclature 22 gallery forest on the east bank 16 Malagasy Bird Names 22 13. Secondary marsh habitat near Manafia- Malagasy Locality Names 22 fy 17 Soft Part Colors 22 14. Pastureland converted from humid for- Species Accounts 22 est at the northern boundary of parcel Analysis and Discussion 90 1 of the RNI d'Andohahela 18 General Overview of the Avi- Regional 15. Young sisal plantation near Amboasary- fauna 90 Sud 103 Relative Densities of Birds Based on 16. Total number of individuals per species 95 Mist-netting recorded in sisal plantation along sur- Elevational Distribution of Birds 100 vey transects 104 Utilization of Sisal Plantations Forest by 17. Cluster analysis of faunal similarity of Birds 102 resident forest birds found at various Faunistics and Biogeography 105 sites on Madagascar 1 10 Conservation Problems in Southeastern 1 8. Remaining portion of the Analalava Ill Madagascar Forest 113 Acknowledgments 116 19. Charcoal pit in the Mandena Forest .... 115 Literature Cited 117 Appendix 1 . Gazetteer of Localities Mentioned in the Text 1 22 Appendix 2. Names of Plant Genera, Spe- cies, and Families Mentioned in the List of Tables Text 125 Index to Malagasy Vernacular Bird Names 127 1 . Observations of Milvus on morn- Index to Scientific Names 128 migrans ing transects in the Malaza Forest 29 2. Observations of Coracopsis vasa and C. nigra on morning transects in the List of Illustrations Malaza Forest 44 3. Observations of Agapornis cana on 1 . Map of southeastern Madagascar 4 morning and evening transects con- 2. Cross section across southeastern Mad- ducted in the Reserve Privee de Beren- agascar 4 ty 45 in External measurements (in mm) of 12. Mist-netting summary in the lowland Coua cristata maxima and Coua cris- humid forests 101 tata pyropyga 48 13. Mist-netting summary of birds cap- Number of Phyllastrephus spp. netted tured along an elevational gradient in at humid forest sites 64 the RNI d'Andohahela (parcel 1) 102 Bird species recorded at each of the 14. Sisal use by birds adjacent to the Mal- study sites 92 aza and Bealoka forests 104 Avifaunal composition of study sites in 15. Distribution of resident forest birds at the RNI d'Andohahela 95 several well-known sites in humid for- Distribution of birds along an eleva- est and spiny forest 106 tional transect in the RNI 16. Faunal similarity indices using a bio- d'Andohahela (parcel 1) 96 logical species concept of resident for- Summary of mist-netting results at est-dwelling birds 109 study sites 98 17. Faunal similarity indices using a phylo- 10. Mist-netting summary in the littoral genetic species concept of resident for- forests and spiny forest 99 est-dwelling birds 109 II Comparison of bird contact frequencies 1 8. Comparison of bird-netting capture rate in the littoral forests of Manafiafy and at relatively intact forested sites in the Itapera based on dawn censuses 100 forests of Analalava and Marovony .... 114 IV The Birds of Southeastern Madagascar Steven M. Goodman Mark Pidgeon A. F. A. Hawkins Thomas S. Schulenberg Abstract Southeastern Madagascar, defined here as the region from Tolagnaro north to Manantenina and west to the Mandrare River and its upper tributaries, contains a remarkable variety of habitats, including humid forests, dry spiny bush, littoral forests, coastal zones, high mountains, and areas of inland freshwater habitat. Within this region and its variety of habitats 189 bird species have been recorded. This represents 68% of the birds known to occur on Madagascar, 2 within a region representing approximately 10,000 km , or about 1.7% of the total land area of the island. Information is presented on the distribution, general aspects of natural history, diet, breeding, weight, soft part colors, and local names of the region's avifauna. This information is based on our own field work, published and unpublished observations, and museum specimens. The abrupt ecotone between wet and dry over a distance of a few kilometers is largely due to the north-south aligned Anosyenne Mountains, which act as a rain barrier or pluviometric fault. This shift in habitats over a short distance has few parallels elsewhere in the Old World tropics or subtropics and is reflected in extensive bird species turnover. Virtually all natural habitats within the region are currently threatened as a result of human activities. Little remains of the once extensive lowland forests on lateritic soils as a result of clearing for swidden agriculture, and the spiny forest has been extensively exploited for char- coal production and cleared for sisal plantations. The major reserve within the area is the Reserve Naturelle Integrate d'Andohahela, which is composed of three parts: parcel 1 is humid forest (63,100 ha), parcel 2 is spiny forest (12,420 ha), and parcel 3 is transitional forest (500 ha). The future is bleak for natural habitats that remain outside the current protected areas system. Resume Le sud-est de Madagascar, defini ici comme la region comprise entre Tolagnaro au sud et Manantenina au nord et limited a 1'ouest par le fleuve Mandrare et ses affluents, abrite une remarquable vari&e" d'habitats naturels, depuis la foret pluviale sempervirente au bush £pineux sub-aride, en passant par la foret littorale, la zone cotiere, les hautes montagnes at les eaux douces continentales. Au sein de cette diversity de milieux naturels que pr£sente cette region, 189 especes d'oiseaux ont 6t6 repertories. Cela reprdsente 68% du total des especes d'oiseaux inventorizes a 2 soit la surface Madagascar. La region couvre approximativement 10,000 km , environ 1,7% de totale de Madagascar. Des informations relatives a la distribution, a 1'histoire naturelle, au regime alimentaire, a la reproduction, au poids, a la couleur des parties molles et aux noms vernaculaires malgaches de 1'avifaune de cette region sont apportdes. Les informations presen- tees sont issues de la synthese de travaux de terrain originaux, de donn£es scientifiques pubises, de donnetes scientifiques non-publtees et de donnetes mus£ologiques. La netted de I'ecotone constate sur seulement quelques kilometres entre les habitats humides FIELDIANA: ZOOLOGY, N.S., NO. 87, NOVEMBER 26, 1997, PP. 1-132 at les habitats sub-arides est principalement le resultat de la presence de la chaine Anosyenne qui, de par son orientation nord-sud, fait office de barriere de pluie. Ce brutal changement d'habitat sur une courte distance occasionne un renouvellement important des especes d'oiseaux, phenomene constate au sein d'autres sites tropicaux et sub-tropicaux de l'Ancien Monde. Pratiquement tous les habitats naturels presents dans la region sont menaces de disparition de par les activites humaines. II ne subsiste que de petites surfaces de foret pluviale semper- virente de basse altitude sur sols lateritiques suite a la pratique de la culture itinerente sur brulis et le bush epineux sub-aride a vu sa superficie reduite par la production de charbon de bois et la culture du sisal. La principale aire protegee rencontree au sein de cette region est la Reserve Naturelle Integrate d'Andohahela composee de trois parcelles: la parcelle 1 est foret pluviale sempervirente (63,100 ha), la parcelle 2 est bush epineux sub-aride (12,420 ha), et la parcelle 3 est foret de transition (500 ha). L'avenir des habitats naturels localises en dehors du systeme d' aires protegees est fortement hypotheque.