Call (906) 932-4449 DAYS ‘TIL CHRISTMAS Red Devils win Ironwood, MI 14 HOE HACK Ironwood beats GIFTS CERTIFICATESS AVAILABLE Washburn MON.-F.-FRI.. 99AM-5:30-5:30PM;; SSAT.. 99AM-4-4PM;; SSUN.. NNOON-4-4PM 408 W. MAIN ST. • ASHLAND, WI 54806 (715) 682-5443 SPORTS • 9 DAILY GLOBE Tuesday, December 11, 2018 Mostly cloudy | High: 27 | Low: 19 | Details, page 2 City commission opts out on marijuana sales for six months By RALPH ANSAMI Corcoran voted no, with Semo The pot proponents who
[email protected] saying he’d introduce a second spoke Monday said marijuana IRONWOOD – The Ironwood ordinance option with a six- could be a big boost to Iron- City Commission on Monday month sunset clause. That drew wood’s struggling economy, espe- approved an ordinance to prohib- applause from the pro-marijuana cially given its border location. it marijuana establishments in audience. Downtown Ironwood busi- the city for six months, when the The second vote with the six- nessman Steve Lahti was among issue will be revisited. month ordinance expiration date those encouraging the city com- “We’ll do this again in six passed unanimously. mission to allow marijuana sales months,” city commissioner Rick Commissioners took the in the city. Semo said. action after a two-hour public ‘“We’re losing businesses. We Recreational marijuana use hearing attended by about 100 need help. We need more tax rev- was approved in Michigan in the people. Of 27 people who spoke, enue,” he said. November mid-term election by a including at least four who don’t But Paul Porter said while sup- 56-44 percent margin, but cities live in Ironwood, 22 supported port for marijuana was “close to can opt out of allowing marijua- allowing marijuana establish- 100 percent tonight,” using the Ralph Ansami/Daily Globe na establishments and many ments in the city and five were drug is “not moving in the direc- SAVANNAH CAMPBELL, a registered nurse, speaks against an have chosen to do so.