October 7, 2016 – Tishrei 5, 5777 Erev Shabbat Parshat Vayeilech ~ Shabbat Shuvah Flamingo E Weekly 713 Candle Lighting Time: 6:29 pm Shabbat ends: 7:28 pm The Family Shul Wishes You a Shabbat Shalom and a G’mar Chatima Tova! Your Shabbat Shuvah Weekend Schedule Erev Shabbat ~ Friday, October 7 Shabbat Kodesh ~ (Saturday) October 8 6:30 am Maamer Moment – Shuva Yisrael ‘42! 8:30 am The Chassidic Reader – Class in Lekutei Torah 6:40 am Early Minyan 9:15 am Shacharit Services in Main Sanctuary 7:00 am Regular Minyan 9:30 am Parents ‘n Kids Youth Minyan 9:00 am Don’t forget to order Your Lulov and Etrog! 10:30 am All Youth Programming begins! 1:30 pm Shabbat Shuva ~ Vov Tishrei

6:40 pm Mincha, Sefer HaMitzvot Express 4:30 pm The Rabbi's annual Shabbat Shuva Lecture Hakhel Highlights followed by 5:45 pm Mincha followed by Seudah Shlisheet, Kabbalat Shabbat 7:20 pm Ma’ariv, screening of Living Torah with The Rebbe Kiddush Honours: Farbrengen: Kaplan’s, Seudah Shlisheet: Available Solomon’s & Anon. Available Women’s Mikvah: by appt. only Women’s Mikvah: 8:15 pm – 10:15 pm Sunday, October 9 Monday, October 10 ~ Stat Holiday 8:00 am The Early Express Minyan 8:00 am The Early Express Minyan 8:30 am Teachings – Soul Rehab Returns! 8:30 am Parsha Perspectives – Ha’azinu 9:15 am The Moderately - Paced Minyan 9:15 am The Moderately - Paced Minyan

6:00 pm Mincha and Sefer HaMitzvot Express 6:00 pm Mincha and Sefer HaMitzvot Express 6:25 pm Ma’ariv evening services 6:25 pm Ma’ariv evening services Women’s Mikvah 8:00 - 10:00 pm Women’s Mikvah 8:00 - 10:00 pm

Going Green and a Real Deal Breaker

Sukkot: The Original Planet Organic – To fulfill Sukkot’s awesomely beautiful mitzvah of the Lulav and Etrog (the Four Species Combo), you really need to own these sacred organic items by buying your own set (although temporary gifting can work too). Please contact us TODAY (Friday, October 14) no later than 12pm noon so that we can ensure you get your own set! A basic set costs $75, while higher quality more beautiful sets run from $100, $160 and $218. We cannot guarantee delivery for any orders placed after the deadline, so don’t delay and place your sacred Sukkot 100% organic order today! Make a Deal Before Judgment is Sealed – In preparation for Yom HaKippurim, when destinies for the New Year are signed and sealed, consider adding this Zechut to your good deed cart by helping build community fellowship on this first Shabbat of the New Year 5777. Current Sponsorship Opportunities now include the Congregational Kiddush and the Seuda Shlisheet. The special Farbrengen has been co-sponsored by Rabbi Mendel and Faygie Kaplan to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of Faygie’s grandfather along with a most generous Shul member wishing to remain anonymous. Together they’re honouring Vov Tishrei the Yahrzeit-Hilula of Rebbetzin Chana, our beloved Rebbe’s saintly mother, as well Sheldon and Sherry Solomon to honour their good friends Gary and Linda Benjamin for their promulgation of the Rebbe’s Mitzvah Campaigns. To contribute towards available sponsorships, contact Rabbi Yossi.

Propitious Shabbat Shuva: Time to Rectify, Rejuvenate, Reinterpret, Reboot and Rediscover!

These Pivotal Seven Days – This Shabbat, which occurs between Rosh Hashanah and Yom HaKippurim in the week of Aseret Yemai Teshuvah, is called Shabbat Shuva or Teshuvah. The Arizal taught that each of these seven days link to all the corresponding days of the week of the entire past year. This enables us to do Teshuvah to rectify any shortcomings for that day of the week. By doing Teshuvah and more meticulously observing this Shabbat (has the same Hebrew letters: TaSHuV), we can make up for many of the shortcomings in proper observance experienced during any of the Shabbatot of 5776. Accordingly, there are many special events scheduled: see the following sections for details. Please make an extra effort to better observe and celebrate this Shabbat! This special Shabbat occurs on Vov (the 6th of) Tishrei; this marks the Yartzeit-Hilulah of Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson (see above). A very special Farbrengen honouring the memory and legacy of this extraordinary Tzidkanit has been arranged - we hope you’ll choose to participate! Time to Lighten Up – In light of the auspicious nature of this Shabbat, we strongly recommend your attending our pre-Davening class in Lekutei Torah as these illuminating Torah teachings can enable your Davening to radiate with a special light. We warmly invite you to celebrate the Vov Tishrei Farbrengen! Teshuvah Transformation – Following the time-honoured Torah tradition for the spiritual leader of the community to deliver a special homily on the Mitzvah of Teshuvah in preparation for Yom Kippur, Rabbi Kaplan presents a thought-provoking and scholarly lecture on Shabbat afternoon at 4:30 pm; it will focus on whether the performing Teshuvah is considered a mandatory Mitzvah. Mincha services follow at 5:45 pm. The entire community is invited! Double Up Winning – Kids (and parents too!) should make a real effort to start this new year off right by attending the Shabbat morning Youth Minyan at 9:30 am! As an added incentive all on time arrivals will receive double the points to get them even closer to big prizes at the next redemption! Parents: please encourage your children and stay to participate with them fully this Shabbat. The child who Davens most intently will become the very first Diamond Davener of 5777 and will be publicly recognized and awarded the Gold Medallion! Mazal Tov to last year’s final Shabbat winner, Natan Rotman! Torah: Lest We Forget – All our community’s youth are invited to our weekly Children`s Shabbat Program; the activities begin at 10:30 am. Start the new year off with fun and educational programming that’ll focus on the narratives of the weekly Parsha which tell us that the words of the Torah “shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their descendants.” We recount the last day of Moshe’s terrestrial life; his leadership is transferred to Yehoshua, the world’s first Torah scrolls are completed, and the periodic nationally unifying idea of Hakhel is ordained: all the Jewish people must gather every 7 years (following the Shemita) on the holiday of Sukkot to ensure Jewish continuity. We are so excited to be having a super fun Hakhel this week with every group! We wish a big Mazal Tov to last year’s final Diamond Davener who was awarded the Gold Medallion Leah Engel! Will you be the first to win it in this New Year?!

Countdown to Yom Kippur…Is Your Soul Ready for Blast-Off?

Sunday morning at 8:30 am - Tanya Crush – Our Tanya Teachings continues riding on a the new track! In the spirit of the high holy days, we’re studying Iggeret HaTeshuvah which clarifies Teshuva in a transformational way. We continue learning how to attain soulful healing. If you can’t make it in person, watch it live on Facebook! This week, we’ll continue the second effective strategy to stimulate sincere Teshuvah, and clear the path towards successful soul rehabilitation. You’ll need to capture, crush and subdue the dark forces of Kelipah and Sitra Achra. Only when the proud ego is humbled can it defeat our inner beastly inclination, Yetzer Hara. See how the subduing our arrogant selfish side can set the selfless Neshama supremely free.

Monday Morning at 8:30 am - This Thanksgiving, Let’s Talk Turkey: Parsha-Perspectives on Ha’azinu – On Monday, you can relax: it’s our Canadian Thanksgiving! It’s a great time to thank The Eternal One for the many blessings and freedoms we enjoy in Canada. This occurs just two days before Yom Kippur, so there’s no better time to elevate your consciousness and learn to appreciate the gift of life than by studying Torah. Join us for a fascinating pre- Davening class at 8:30 am, then enjoy unhurried Shacharit services beginning at 9:15 am. Note: The Redemption Songs Ladies Class remains suspended. Tuesday Morning at 6:30 am - Yom Kippur’s Teshuva Links – Join us early morning on Erev Yom Kippur for a fascinating analysis of the unique nature of Teshuva that must be performed during the 25 holiest hours of the year, in a very different way than this mitzvah is fulfilled during the other days of the year. Find out how and why the need for Teshuva can be caused by a period of time rather than an activity of sin or even an inspirational longing for spiritual closeness and communion with Hashem. This session and all other offerings will be streamed and recorded live on Facebook! You can watch these or any of the other nearly 100 lectures already embedded on Rabbi Kaplan’s Facebook page. Just ‘friend him’ to participate!

Yom Kippur Schedule

Tuesday, October 11 Wednesday, October 12 Thursday, October 13 Erev Yom Kippur Yom Kippur – the Holiest Day of the Year! B’Shem Hashem – G-t’s Tog! 6:30 am Teshuva Perspectives! 8:15 am Morning Services 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:40 am Early Minyan 10:00 am Youth Minyan begins 6:35 am Early Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 10:00 am All Youth Programs begin 7:00 am Regular Minyan 10:00 am Teen Minyan begins ~ Men’s Mikvah ~ 10:30 am Torah Reading Open from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. 6:00 pm Mincha and Sefer 12:00 pm Yizkor Service No charge for Family Shul (or Mikvah) HaMitzvot Express members / Mandatory $20 donation for 6:25 pm Ma’ariv all non-members. No exceptions! During the afternoon break, Rabbi Kaplan will deliver classes on the ~ Daily Shiurim: Reviyie (the 4th It’s the perfect day to get out and start and 2:15 pm Mincha Sefer reading) of Parshat Haazinu, the Daily portion of Tanya, building your Sukkah. Seize the moment and HaMitzvot Express and the daily shiur in the Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvot. ensure you aren't left spiritually homeless for the joyous holiday-week of Sukkot! 6:22 pm Light Candles 4:45 pm Mincha Services 6:25 pm The Kol Nidrei Service 5:45 pm Ne’illa Service 7:21 pm Shofar Sounding

Women’s Mikvah: Closed Women’s Mikvah: 9:00-11:00 pm Women’s Mikvah: 8:00 -10:00 pm

Yom Kippur: After Tomorrow and Before Yesterday – The day before Yom Kippur is also very special. Start it off right by immersing in the Mikvah at 6 am; then attend a fascinating class about the tight relationship between Teshuva and Yom Kippur (see above). Following each of the Shachrit services, Rabbi Yossi and Rabbi Kaplan will observe the cherished custom initiated by the Baal Shem Tov to respond to those who “ask for Lekach” (= honey cake) by providing them with a piece of edible sweetness’. You then need to keep eating all day long, because it’s a mitzvah to eat large amounts (ideally twice as much as you normally eat) on the day before Yom Kippur. In fact, we’re supposed to have two Yom Tov style meals: one before noon, and a second one following Mincha before the fast. It’s also customary for all males to immerse in the Mikvah at least once (some immerse as many as 3 times during the day!). This applies to everyone – even those who aren’t regular “Mikvah-ers” during the rest of the year. Our Men’s Mikvah will be open for all from 6 am until 6 pm to accommodate everyone. Note: There’s no charge for Shul or Mikvah members; however, all others must make a $20 donation per person to the Shul – no exceptions! This special day’s Mincha services will be held in the Main Sanctuary at 2:15 pm, and they include the full Al Chet confessional prayer) and takes place (following Malkot and Mikvah). On Erev Yom Kippur, we focus on regret for our failings of the past; on Yom Kippur itself, we focus on our resolute steadfast commitment to live more righteously in the future. Better Hide the Hides – Although many Jews follow the tradition of dressing in white on the holiest day of the year, any colour or style of modest and respectful clothing is entirely acceptable. But on Yom Kippur, the wearing of leather footwear is absolutely prohibited according to the Halacha (= Jewish ritual law). To properly honour this holiest of days, no Jew should be wearing leather shoes. If anyone forgets and does mistakenly arrive in leather shoes, we respectfully ask you to remove them when in Shul - on this special day stocking feet are just fine! Thank you in advance for your consideration. Yom Kippur Multi-plex: There’s an Apt Service for That – On Kol Nidrei Eve, we offer two adult services; in the Main Sanctuary and our auxiliary service in the Eastern Ballroom. There are also four fantastic concurrent children’s programs organized by age group. The fully-loaded children’s program begins only on Wednesday morning (see below). The Youth Minyan will be held in the weekday chapel - Beit Midrash. The Teen Minyan and the Teen Scene groups will combine to daven Kol Nidrei together upstairs in the Teen Minyan area (in the Shteeble behind the Beit Midrash). On the morning of Yom Kippur, the full programs (for all the groups) include exciting games, entertainers, snacks and food arts, like those on Rosh Hashanah; they run from 10 am to 2pm, with the Youth Minyan beginning and Teen Minyan beginning at 10 am. Note: We don’t run an official children's program during Neilah service, but we do provide a secure room with professional babysitters for the younger children so that their parents can participate in the Davening. Important! As stated previously, your child must be registered in the children’s program in order to attend. To ensure security, absolutely no child without prior registration will be admitted into the program. On Yom Kippur, Our Great Community! – The sold-out reserved seats for all souls at the Yom Kippur services in the Main Sanctuary, auxiliary service and teen minyan are in effect throughout the entire holiday. While we maintain our open-door policy, with all welcome at our Shul, we ask that all drop-ins and guests respect the reserved seats policy. No one may take another’s seat without their express permission; visitors are welcome to stand along the back and side of the Shul. Note: Because of anticipated overflow crowds in Shul on Kol Nidrei Eve, all entrances (including the north, south and Bathurst Street entrances) will be open but monitored by our friendly York Regional Police officers and security personnel to ensure everyone’s safety and security. We look forward to spending this holiest day of year together with all of the members of our wonderful community, and hope that our tefillot will ensure a G'mar Chatima Tova and Shana Tova u’Metukah to all! The Fast, The Breakfast, and the Generous – As always, we are serving a light break-fast when the fast ends. The refreshments are kindly sponsored by our dear Shul members Professor Dov & Patricia Dumbroff to commemorate Dov’s father’s Yahrtzeit; by Felix & Rita Zilnik to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of Felix’s mother; and by Franklin & Sheila Moskoff to commemorate the Yahrtzeit of Sheila’s father. Note that even with these very generous sponsors, the full cost of the enormous amount of refreshments is still only partially covered; we’ll be delighted to accept additional sponsorship contributions to help feed our glorious but hungry and rambunctious masses: please contact Rabbi Yossi to participate in the Zechut of this exceptional sponsorship opportunity.

The Aftermath: The Perfect Time to Channel Holy Energy! Thursday Morning at 6:30 am - Parsha Perspectives on Ha’azinu continued – On Yom Kippur, we all feel uplifted and inspired. The challenge is to harness that holy energy and translate the inspiration into the practical daily mechanics of Yiddishkeit observance. Please join us for a phenomenal class on the next morning on the extraordinary Torah portion of Ha’azinu, whose melodic verses contain the essence of life’s journeys. You’ll love this incredible teaching with its amazing story of a publicity -seeking sinner who is transformed into a reclusive saint when he’s shown a hidden code in the Parsha addressed to him specifically! Both morning and daily afternoon services will be held as usual, however both the Talmud and Chavruta studies have been suspended until after the holidays. Horses, Fish, Scotch and Other Wild Beasts! The Sukkah Hop Gets Some Horse Sense and Rides in Style – This year’s Sukkah Hops for the children are going to be even better than ever and take place Wednesday, October 19. A big thank you to our amazing hosts: for our younger group: the Krybus family and Rotman family, and for the older group: the Dodo family. The Horse and Buggy Hop for the younger kids is completely full! Our Limo Sukkah Hop still needs a few kind and generous hosts; there are only 8 more spots left in the limo for the older kids. To support part this program or sign up, please email our youth leaders Chana and Shterni at [email protected]. Wednesday, October 19th: From Konnichiwa to Kilts: Welcome to Sukkot – All Shul members are cordially invited to attend our annual Meet ‘N Greet Evening of Appreciation where we thank our loyal members, both new and old! This grand Sushi & Scotch in the Sukkah event features all-you-can-eat fresh, delectable sushi rolled right before your eyes, along with a sample of elegant scotches and whiskeys – all at no charge! Singing and dancing commemorate the musical celebrations once held in our ancient Beit HaMikdash each night of Sukkot, so we’re also featuring live music and entertainment! If you’re a member of our Family Shul in good standing, don’t miss the chance to enjoy delicious sushi, hearty music and even heartier L’chaims! But please drink responsibly; walk, cab, Uber or make sure you have a designated driver before you begin to imbibe. Meet ‘N Greet Social PLUS Siyum HaRambam Farbrengen – The final day of the 35th Annual Cycle of Daily Rambam Study is Thursday October 19, the first intermediate day of Sukkot. We’re combining our annual members Meet ‘N Greet event (see above) with our annual Siyum HaRambam Celebration following immediately after. This event honours the ideal of commitment to the daily Torah study of Mishna Torah and Sefer HaMitzvot, and the life and times of one of the greatest Jewish leaders: . After the Meet ‘N Greet Dancing and Celebration, we’ll enjoy a Farbrengen Style Siyum featuring dynamic guest speakers, profound Torah insights and delicious hot refreshments. Details will be forthcoming, so please save the date and don’t miss this double celebration! Our Pride and Joy – We’re looking for generous partners to help us sponsor one or more of the several Festive Kiddushim scheduled for the additional days of this joyous Chag, which peak with the unbridled, ultimate celebration of Simchat Torah! Sponsorships options include: • The First and Second Day of Yom Tov in the Sukkah • Shabbat Chol HaMoed in the Sukkah • The Pre-mini-Hakafot evening Kiddush Shmeini Atzeret, and/or the Grand Finale Yizkor and Kiddush following services all still in the Sukkah • Simchat Torah in our stunning Ballroom: the Grand pre-Hakafot evening Kiddush, or the pre-Hakafot morning Kiddush Flamingo|www.chabadflamingo.com 8001 Bathurst Street | Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8L5 | Phone: (905) 763-4040| Fax: (905) 763-3470 Copyright © 2016 Chabad Flamingo, All Rights Reserved.