Flamingo E Weekly 666 November 13, 2015 – Kislev 1, 5776 Yom HaBahir Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Erev Shabbat Parshat Toldot Shabbat Candles should be lit by 4:36 pm Shabbat ends 5:38 pm The Family Shul Wishes You a Shabbat Shalom!

Weekly Schedule Friday, November 13 Shabbat Kodesh, (Saturday) November 14 Sunday, November 15 6:30 am Maamer Moment 8:30 am Chassidic Reader Class – Torah Ohr 8:00 am Early Minyan 6:35 am Early Minyan 9:15 am Main Shacharit Services 8:30 am Teachings! 7:00 am Regular Minyan 9:30 am Parents n’ Kids Youth Minyan 8:50 am Minyan 8:50 am Yeshiva Minyan 10:30 am All Youth Programs 9:15 am Regular Minyan 10:30 am Girls’ Cocoa Club (ages 12+)

4:45 pm Mincha, 4:30 pm Mincha and Sefer Sefer HaMitzvot Express 4:00 pm Mincha followed by Tehillim 119 for Eretz Yisrael HaMitzvot Express with Hakhel Insights, 4:15 pm Seudah Shlisheet: Refreshments for Body, Mind, & Soul 4:55 pm Ma’ariv then Kabbalat Shabbat 4:15 pm Moshe’s Mincha Mishna for Kids 5:30 pm Ma’ariv - Living Torah with the Rebbe video follows Kiddush Honours: Seudah Shlisheet: Rogozinsky Family Available Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Mikvah: by appt. only 8:00 - 10:00 pm 8:00 - 10:00 pm Monday, November 16 Tuesday, November 17 Wednesday, November 18 Thursday, November 19 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:35 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:35 am Early Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 8:50 am Yeshiva Minyan 8:50 am Yeshiva Minyan 8:50 am Yeshiva Minyan 8:50 am Yeshiva Minyan 10:30 am Redemption Songs! 10:30 am Hebrew Reading Class 4:30 pm Mincha and Sefer

HaMitzvot Express 4:30 pm Mincha and Sefer 4:30 pm Mincha and Sefer 4:30 pm Mincha and Sefer 4:55 pm Ma’ariv HaMitzvot Express HaMitzvot Express HaMitzvot Express 8:00 pm Parsha Curiosities: 4:55 pm Ma’ariv 4:55 pm Ma’ariv 4:55 pm Ma’ariv “Getting Stoned and 7:30 pm Men’s Chavruta 8:00 pm RCS: Art & Soul! Oiled Up Atop 5:00 pm Mini-Chefs Series: Part 3 8:30 pm Talmud Class Mount Mariah!” 7:30 pm “The Secret of ” 9:30 pm Siyum HaRambam Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah Women’s Mikvah 8:00 - 10:00 pm 8:00 - 10:00 pm 8:00 - 10:00 pm 8:00 - 10:00 pm This is the Year of Hakhel You, your family and your guests are cordially invited to join us this Wednesday for one or both of these very special events to help foster true “commUnity” and inspire greater Yiddishkeit!

Six Big Ideas To Transform Your Life – We’re delighted to host the Canadian launch of the newly released best-seller: The Secret of Chabad - Inside the World’s Most Successful Jewish Movement. The author, Rabbi David Eliezrie, a veteran Chabad Shliach based in Orange County, Southern California, will be joining us to reveal how and why he wrote this unique exposé about what drives the world’s most dynamic Jewish movement. It’s already getting rave reviews from a broad spectrum across the Jewish community. Syndicated talk radio host, Dennis Prager, wrote, “after reading The Secret of Chabad, you will never see your local Chabad rabbi in quite the same way.” Join us and learn the secrets to Chabad’s success, and discover how you too can become inspired by the Rebbe’s 6 Big Ideas – making you a more fulfilled and effective member of Am Yisrael! Join us November 18, at 7:30 pm to meet this electrifying writer and speaker who will discuss his remarkable new book that also explores the Rebbe’s distinctive approach to synthesizing modernity and time-honoured tradition through his unique Torah-view on the modern state of Israel. Honouring ! – The 34th Annual Cycle of Daily Rambam Study concludes this Wednesday, November 18, the 6th of Kislev. Following the author’s presentation that evening at 9:30 pm, we’ll be hosting our annual Siyum HaRambam Celebration. Join us to honour The Rebbe’s practical plan of scheduled commitment to the Daily of Mishna Torah and Sefer HaMitzvot, and in doing so, we honour one of history’s greatest Torah leaders: Rabbainu Moshe ben Maimon HaSephardi (The Rambam = Maimonides). We’re pleased to welcome Rabbi Joe Kanofsky, spiritual leader of Kehillat Shaarei Torah of Toronto. Rabbi Joe earned a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at Boston University under the direction of Professor Elie Wiesel. He also directed the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation in Poland, and traveled around that country teaching and inspiring Jews of all ages and backgrounds. He was ordained at the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, New Jersey, where he was also a Wexner Graduate Fellow. The Siyum is presented in a lecture format and is open to the entire Jewish community. We look forward to seeing you there!

Shabbat Kodesh ~ Parshat Toldot: The ideal time to unite & ignite our Yiddishkeit – especially in this year of Hakhel!

Stand Strong. Stand Tall. Stand Together – This week, the Rebbetzins’ are away at the annual North American Chabad Women's Retreat (including an impressive delegation of Flamingo ladies); however, the Rabbis stay home, sweet home at Flamingo! With the ongoing urgency regarding the security situation in Eretz Yisrael, everyone who is not away is strongly urged to make an extra effort to show sacred solidarity in Shul! Now more than ever it’s time for us to bolster our common love for the land and people of Israel. Hoping to see you all in Shul this Shabbat! Trophies + Doughnuts = Fun! – Our parents and children will again join together to continue fostering their shared love for Yiddishkeit at our weekly increasingly popular Youth Minyan. Hey Kids! Please be sure to arrive on time to get your chance to win this week's Kos Shel Bracha Trophy! As an added incentive, doughnuts will be served at the Youth Minyan Kid’s Kiddush! We extend a big Yasher Koach to Jacob Stark for being chosen Diamond Davener winner this past Shabbat. Don’t forget to Daven with great concentration to earn your chance to win the trophy! A Not-So-Nice Bait & Switch – This week’s Torah portion describes the strange story of how our father Yaakov ended up marrying two sisters; Rochel and Leah. It’s a deeply profound tale of selflessness, devotion and love. Yaakov worked for seven long years taking care of Lavan's sheep to earn the right to marry Rochel, his beloved fiancé. But Lavan tricked Yaakov the night of the wedding, giving him Leah, his oldest daughter instead. Knowing that Lavan was devious, Yaakov had planned secret signs - in advance - with Rochel to ensure that he would end up marry her. But Rochel knew of her father’s plans and in order to not embarrass her sister, gave her the secret signs, and risked loosing her chance to marry Yaakov. In our lives, we sometimes see others being hurt or embarrassed and are challenged to take a stand and help them. Through age-appropriate creative study, songs, and games, the children will learn about how important it is for every one of us to do our very best to avoid shaming or embarrassing another person. Congratulations to last week's Diamond Davener, Emanuel Tobias! In the spirit of Hakhel – a full week of dynamic, educational opportunities all ages

SUNDAY – You’re Perfect for this Class – The Sunday morning Tanya Teachings have resumed and we’re ON this week. In this fall semester, we’re delving into the duality of the Beinoni - the level of spiritual perfection even average souls can strive to achieve. The Tanya teaches that although the two souls we each possess (one totally selfish and animalistic; the other wholly selfless and G-dlike) will continue to clash, our good side can always be victorious if we choose to live a life of Torah devotion in thought, speech and deed. Join us Sunday, November 15, 8:30 am to find out why this perfection of form and spirit isn’t all that perfect, and why this person still can’t be considered a true Tzadik. This class will provide you with extraordinary new insights and understandings of your own inner psyche and organic essence. Gain a new level of inner calm, peace and happiness!

MONDAY'S Meaning of Art – On Monday, November 16 at 8 pm, the women of our community will have the chance to discover the extraordinary spiritual poetry employed by King David when Rabbi Kaplan continues to teach Psalm 119 in his Redemption Songs Series. Then, in the evening Rebbetzin Faygie will launch this year’s monthly RCS Woman's Torah Study group: Art and Soul - Live Creatively with The Inner Eye of the Artist! RCS’ers will begin a journey of discovery into how art can infuse their lives with beauty, meaning, and purpose for creative self-expression. It’s an inspiring seven-part series that will present profound Torah insights through the arts which can transform lives. Note: you can still register to enjoy the full course; however, your handbook will only arrive in the second session! For more info or to register, please contact Rebbetzin Faygie! TUESDAY’S Torah Take-Away – Our Rabbi’s increasingly popular Parsha Curiosities Class will again be filled with fresh and fascinating Torah teachings on the upcoming Torah portion Vayeitzei which begins with our father Yaakov’s fateful night upon a little mountain we today call Mount Mariah. Before falling into a deep sleep, he gathers stones and places them in a protective formation to shield his body and head. In a vivid dream, he experiences a stunning prophecy with a sweeping vision of the Jewish future. Upon awakening, he sets the stones up as a monument and then pours oil all over it. The exquisitely interwoven tapestry of colourful Torah teachings will amaze you as you discover how the many layers of Jewish history are all strung along the same continuum! Last week's amazing lecture that connected mysterious Torah secrets and modern-day medical science, Rivka’s Puzzling Pregnancy, is now on our website. Click, watch and be inspired today!

WEDNESDAY’S World of Sushi – This week’s Youth Zone’s fantastic Mini Chef Series will be visiting Japan to learn how-to craft our own special sushi! The children will also learn about the mitzvah of Shabbat uniquely connected this oriental delicacy; because on Shabbat, it's considered a mitzvah to eat fish, and it doesn't have to be gefilte, as many Jewish families today enjoy rolls of sushi instead of the old fashion gefilte fish roll! Even children who haven't been attending can join us this week at on Wednesday, November 18th at 5 pm. The cover charge is only $10 and includes dinner. For more information about this program or to RSVP, please email Chana or Shterni at [email protected].

THURSDAY’S Talmud Teachings – On Thursday, November 19, we’ll be talking Practical Chanukah. Did you know that on this festival, there's no actual Mitzvah to eat, drink and be merry? Instead, we celebrate the mitzvah of kindling our Menorah and proudly displaying it in a prominent public location. Which of these is the required mitzvah: the kindling or the displaying? We’ll explore this question as we analyze the timeless words of our sages who debated this in great detail. The conclusion of their discussion is the basis of the current principles of the lighting our menorahs. The Gemara’s incisive process of intellectual inquiry enables us to appreciate the importance of observing this holiday as well as the depth and profundity of our Holy Torah in an unparalleled fashion. Join this thought-provoking analysis in person, or visit our website to view past classes!

Don’t miss these upcoming inspirational and educational Hakhel Flamingo events!

Faith Under Fire – On Monday November 23, 7:30 pm, hear rare stories of amazing heroism, dedication and sacrifice from those survivors who clung to their faith in Hashem and remained committed to Yiddishkeit under the most agonizing and painful of circumstances. Rabbi Sholom Friedmann, director of the Kleinman Holocaust Education Center (KHEC) in NYC, will be traveling to Toronto specifically to deliver his fascinating presentation: “Triumph of Spirit: A Faith-Based Approach to Holocaust Education.” The Rabbi will focus on intensively documented, real-life experiences in the concentration camps where Jewish inmates were faced with awful dilemmas. He will explore incredible incidents where these individuals were able to transcend their circumstances by the power of their faith through their response to extraordinary ethical dilemmas.

The Hidden Child – On Monday, November 30, 7:30 pm, come to be inspired by Tuky (Gestetner) Treitel, a well-respected member of the Montreal Jewish community who narrowly survived the Holocaust as a hidden child. She went on to raise a beautiful family (including dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren), despite the trauma she experienced as a child. Tuky has just written a children’s book about that dark time, with the story of a six-year-old girl, her little brother, and their cousin, leaving their comfortable life and happy Jewish home to hide from the Nazis. Don’t miss this amazing story of courage and survival!

Celebrate Our “Second” Birthday – On Tuesday, December 1, our community will celebrate Yud-Tes Kislev (the 19th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev) affectionately referred to by Chabad-Lubavitch Chassidim as “The Chassidic New Year.” In fact, in a pastoral letter from 1901, Rabbi Shalom Dovber Schneerson, the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, wrote about this modern-day Chassidic Festival “... This day is Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus bequeathed us by our sacred forebears, identical with the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov… On this day the energy of the inner part of our Torah is brought forth in a general way for the entire year!” Just as each of us are spiritually empowered to reach greater heights on our individual birthdates, Tuesday is the “global spiritual-birthdate” of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement and a great time to rededicate ourselves to Torat ve Darkhie HaChassidut. Traditionally, it’s observed by spending time studying and participating in a Farbrengen that inspires the participants to spiritually improve themselves. We invite everybody to join us for an exceptionally inspiring Grand Farbrengen that will be led by a very special guest speaker, Rabbi Shlomie Chein, Director of Chabad at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He was the acclaimed keynote speaker at the recent Kinus HaShluchim; so, we’re honoured to host this outstanding scholar and dynamic Shliach for our auspicious Chassidic calendar birthday!

Flamingo Family Shul News Roundup

A Reminder from Our Children – Recently, our Chabad Flamingo Youth gathered together for a dynamic youth programming kickoff. In light of the deteriorating security situation in Israel, they dedicated this event to our brothers and sisters living there. Every single boy and girl took on a Mitzvah to add more light in the world. The children drew pictures of their special mitzvot which now form an attractive display near the Shul’s entrance. We hope that the children's display will serve to remind every member of Am Yisrael who enters through our doors that while Israelis are being brutally attacked, it’s up to us to look a little deeper and see where we can add in spirituality. During difficult times, we need to encourage our friends and families to increase in their Judaism and strengthen their bond with G-d. As a community, we have the power to reach out to each other and the world at large. When we stand together in unity, and do our part, G-d will surely do His. Help bring everlasting peace and goodness into the world.

The Family Shul Members Bulletin – on behalf of our entire community, we extend warmest wishes of Mazal Tov to: • Michael & Lynn Rogozinsky upon the recent Marriage of their son, Adam. • Judy Fox upon the birth of her first granddaughter! And on behalf of our entire community, sincerest Heartfelt Condolences are extended to Jeff Bloom upon the loss of his dear mother. Our Shabbat Sponsors – The congregational Kiddush has been sponsored by Michael & Lynn Rogozinsky in honour of Adam & Natalie’s recent marriage - Mazal Tov! The Seuda Shlisheet has not been sponsored; to gain this honour, please contact Rabbi Yossi.

Chabad Flamingo – chabadflamingo.com 8001 Bathurst Street | Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8L5 | Phone: (905) 763-4040| Fax: (905) 763-3470 Copyright © 2015 Chabad Flamingo, All rights reserved.