SATURDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER COMMENCING AT 10AM MONTO SELLING COMPLEX 17 Droughtmasters x 4 Red Brangus 3 Senepols x 14 Brangus x 15 Black Angus 6 Herefords x 7 Charolais x 12 Charbrays 6 Grey x 9 Red Brahmans 1 SATURDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER COMMENCING AT 10AM MONTO SELLING COMPLEX 93 BULLS 17 Droughtmasters x 4 Red Brangus 3 Senepols x 14 Brangus x 15 Black Angus 6 Herefords x 7 Charolais x 12 Charbrays 6 Grey Brahmans x 9 Red Brahmans AGENT REBATE A 2% rebate is offered to Outside Agents introducing approved buyers in writing 48 hours prior to bull sale, with the condition they accompany buyer to the Monto Bull Sale and settle on their behalf within 7 days 31 Newton Street, Monto Q 4630 Office: 07 4166 1662 • M: 0428 780 414 • Fx: 07 4166 1535 E:
[email protected] 2 MONTO ANNUAL ALL BREEDS SALE 2017 1 DROUGHTMASTER STUD LOTS HEREFORD STUD LOTS J & G Barnard Caldy 1 - 9 NJ & DE Shannon Braelyn 54 - 59 PO Box 173, Monto Q 4630 587 Merritt’s Ck Rd, Merritt’s Creek Q 4352 P: 07 4167 2148 • M: 0409 267 474 / 0409 358 508 P: 07 4697 9148 • M: 0427 789 906 D & J Birch Birch 10 - 14 STUD LOTS Rosevale, MS 711, Eidsvold Q 4627 CHAROLAIS P: 07 4167 5139 • M: 0427 352 774 R & G Sippel Moombra 60 - 62 314 Old Gympie Rd, Theebine Q 4570 PW & MT Francis Cania 15 - 17 M: 0400 299 985 570 Cania Road, Moonford Q 4630 P: 07 4167 8134 • M: 0438 678 134 BA & SJ Mikkelsen Wiluna 63 - 64 2641 Rosedale Rd, Yandaran