1106 HEREFORDSHIRE. [XELLY's (Minius of Spain); but It Is Likely That Some of the Camps Some That Are Peculiar
1106 HEREFORDSHIRE. [XELLY'S (Minius of Spain); but it is likely that some of the camps some that are peculiar. These are-ton, ham, hampton, and barrows commonly thought to be Welsh are Iberian. hope, wood, dingle, croft, field, moor, cob or cop, knoll, About the year 73 Julius Frontinus overcame the Silu knap, grove, coombe, elt and nett, den, don, holm, hyde, rians and took Herefordshire; and by the Romans it was lea, leasow, hay, lye, heath, end, land, brook, well, hall verythickly peopled. The Silurians seem to have lost their and house. nationality under the Romans and to have become Roman Among other "Words are rough, for a common; yard, in ized. The land was covered with Roman ways, towns and Penyard, Bromyard &c.; rise, for a hill, hill side,or knoll; villages. Watling Street pa83ed by Brandon and Wigmore ward, in Broadward; rich, in Goodrich: rey, in Cobrey; to Kenchester, and by way of Madley, Kingstone and Dore wardine, in Lugwardine; meend, nash, batch and bage (not to Abergavenny. bach), as in Mowbage; tree or trey ; pole as in Yarpole. Many Roman sites' have been identified by coins and Scarce words are scar, thorne, horne, worth, some, stow, remains, but others are only known by their names. Among by, stoke, how, stay, lynch, sitch, chart, holt, hurst, marsh, the recognizable Roman roads and ways besides Watling pitch, head, water, dine, acre, eye. Street, are the Ridgway, Greenway, Stanway, Garway, There is The Folly at Orleto and Eardisland, and in some Streekway, Barkway, Crossway, Trollway, Portway, Hear other places ; but the name is not so common as in some ingway, Whiteway, Holloway, Hur8tway, Ridway, Godway, other shires.
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